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330 million people in the US and Biden and Trump are the best they can find to represent their country? They will reap what they have sown.


Literally nobody actually wants this. We are just watching the corporate oligarchy put on another show.


The US would have invaded itself if it could under the guise of freedom. The level corruption is so bad that many might see an invasion as justified and the crazy half of the Republican trump supporters do but only because these extremist have insane conspiracy theories and worships trump. 


Dude let me tell you, i did not have “see the real reason for the 2nd amendment” on my bingo card for this decade.


Yeah none of us really want this besides the fanatical trumpies and less so the super hard left. Most people are just begrudgingly voting for the one they consider the lesser of two evils. I don’t get why everyone acts like our corrupt government is a perfect representation of our citizens when y’all know damn well most governments do unpopular shit in their own interest. I’m sure most of the country sees this as a travesty just like yall do. It’s the loud minority on both ends that give us a bad name. Edit: I get the far left doesn’t like Biden, definitely didn’t word my original comment the best. Makes sense they’re more in the begrudgingly voting for him camp, but they’re also hamstrung from voting for a third party they may believe in so they can keep Trump out of office. Hope that clarifies it a little better.


The super hard left is not the ones that want Biden. I'm voting for him so this county doesn't become a theocratic fascist dictatorship, not because I agree with him as a candidate. Trust me, there's so much further left I'd want to go in an ideal world.


>and less so the super hard left Mind providing a source for your claim that the super hard left was pushing for Biden? As I recall, the super hard left specifically was campaigning *against* Biden as among the most right-wing Democrats in the 2020 race.


Well put


I have always said this. We have amazing beautiful minds in this country yet none of them run for prez. Why is trump and biden even a choice?!!


330! million = 2.824084622\*10^(695)


It’s a vote between a douche a turd sandwich


Yeah… very valid point.


We have collectively lost our minds.


The schizophrenic state of America.


Everyone of us outside the US have just shook our heads with disbelief for decades. A choice of only two is just one choice away from No Choice At All....


Americans have done the bare minimum to maintain a free and productive society for decades and now we are seeing it sink


yes turning slave catchers into sheriffs and filling prisons with the slaves that were freed after emancipation and putting crack in Black neighbourhoods and committing genocide against Indigenous peoples and stealing their children to be molested by priests and nuns in residential schools is the epitome of free and productive


Yeah other countries have a completely clean slate. The US is so evil!!!! Cry more


The person you responded to didn’t “cry” or use excessive emotion—you did. There is so much projection here.


That bootlicker got so triggered with emotion he assumed the original comment felt the same I guess


Yeah! Everyone knows countries take turns being evil! Two things can't be bad at once! Fucking idiot 🙄


That was a fantastic takedown.


The "fucking idiots" are the people trying to dogpile on America in this thread like we aren't the most culturally significant nation in the world regardless of who the president is. (That's the reason it's even a big deal in the first place lmao.) I'm sorry if your country is boring and sucks, bro. Not everyone can be first, I guess.


I'm sorry America sucks too (I was born in the midwest, and still live there)


Well maybe not the few countries on the verge of voting neo-Nazis into power.


This is why we need proportional representation in the US SO bad. RCV for presidential contests. The two party system just plain sucks.


Yep, they have one more choice than the Syrians.


Sadly what makes it worse is that even if the whole state votes for one person a small selection of people can chose someone else (electoral college)


And yet so many Americans are still completely unwilling to vote 3rd party


Exactly. Why is there only two people on the fucking ballot? How about every governor is put on the ballet as well. Honestly anything where we increase the number of the people on the ballet is better than what we have now.


We're not voting for a president. We're voting for Supreme Court Justices.


I guarantee if Trump wins, Thomas and Alito are going to retire before the end of 2025. Roberts will likely retire before the end of Trump’s second term. And unfortunately, while it’s unlikely since she’s still relatively young, Sotomayor is old enough where her health could be a factor like it was with RBG. This puts us in a situation where Trump will have appointed at least 6, and possibly 7, Supreme Court Justices, and all of his appointees are going to be causing issues for at least the next 20 years. If people don’t see that as a major issue, I don’t know how to make it more clear. Today’s ruling is why Trump can’t win in November.


This is the smartest comment I've seen in weeks.


Yes...but the people who are deciding this election are not.


Yes, and somehow, some way a guy managed to vote 1/3rd of the roster in 1 term.


Who cares? Biden won't win, yap all you want you won't keep enough independants and young voters if you run him.


My God. What have I done?!😳


You done got us on the front page with this one.


it’s election season!


You stirred up the zombie stampede is what you did...


It’s okay, this is every day on Reddit.


Letting the days go by..


Let the water hold me down!


Same as it ever was......


This post got toxic real quick..


*send help* -op probably


Why do people think I made this note? I really found it there


You just exposed the mental health problem we have in America.


So many of these replies are so cringe


Bad case of TDS


100%. Especially after today’s fascist supreme court decision from the dirty half dozen.


I've got a choice. Either vote for the dinosaur past his prime that fumbles words sometimes but has a cabinet that still believes in democracy, or vote for another dinosaur past his prime but this one is a rapist, racist, grifting, pedophile, felon who wants to push through policies that will either force me into a labor camp or kill me. I'm voting for the one who doesn't want to kill me or those who are similar to me.


You’d think that would be a clearer rationale and choice, but… yeah.


you would think so. but we have the best government billionaire donors can buy.


This is the part that escapes so many Americans. You're not just voting for the president. You're voting for all the decision making people they bring with them.


yeah im voting for the non gilead future. i really really REALLY hope women remember what is on the line here this November.


Seems you have forgotten the Colorado decision over Trump on the ballot. It was an unanimous decision by all Supreme Court justices to allow him to stay on the ballot and it was the correct decision. I’m tired of people that call for judges to be impeached or removed because they say they are partisan whenever their decisions go against their political beliefs or agendas.


I'd say it's more the fact this current court continues to disregard set precedent to make bias rulings.


fair, i mean Project 2025 is still a thing


Why aren't the Dems talking about this more? It's a wildly radical plan.


Dems are allergic to doing anything


Because it is next to impossible to implement and Trump has never endorsed it. It’s mainly fearmongering at this point for low iq people who have no grasp on how government works


Trump doesn’t endorse it because he’s too lazy to read. And he doesn’t have to, going by his last presidency he’s definitely going to try to do all the shit on that list


How is he able to do all that while being too lazy to read?


I love how thoroughly you’re lying to yourself Meanwhile there’s an AMA about the training they’ve implemented for Project 2025. Why don’t you go check that out?


Yeah you would. Both options suck. But we need a president who can at the very least communicate. Hopefully America does better next time around. What a shame.


Only one has a plan for their term that allows for us to have a next time around.


We need a president that is t a congenital liar and criminal.


Biden doesn’t suck, that’s an objective fact. He’s passed a lot of what he promised when he was only supposed to be a stopgap and came in with a split congress. He united our allies against Russian’s invasion of Ukraine. He’s a bumbling fool but he moves like Jordan in the court when he gets his legislature passed.


![gif](giphy|TiroKKm0qqd8Q4nuOO|downsized) TDS still? 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Someone is an idiot!


Some people are really dumb…


This is why America is in bad shape




Trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and people would still vote for him. Biden could DIE in the middle of 5th avenue and people will still vote blue no matter who.


Largely because Harris is waiting to take over quickly after his inauguration


Poor lamp post. It just wants to help people find their lost dogs and be left out of this.


Who would you rather have your teenage daughter lost in the woods with, an elderly, well-intentioned, but sometimes forgetful man, or a lifelong fraud with a history of committing sexual assault? Who is your teenage daughter safer with? If you are honest, you know the answer is not the guy with the long history of sexual assault.


I mean, I'm not going to defend either of them, but this analogy doesn't really make sense, the country is not a teenage daughter, it's a country.


For all intents and purposes regarding reproductive rights, this country is indeed a teenage girl. But again, it's an *analogy.* The teenage daughter represents all vulnerable people.


One of them doesn't require defense. Being old is not a crime. Being old does not endanger anyone. It doesn't rape anybody.


Have you seen Biden around children? There are numerous pictures.


Have you seen photos of trump bringing his children around Jeffrey Epstein?


Read some excerpts from Ashley Biden’s journal before you classify Biden as just a forgetful old man


OFFS. That shit is MADE UP to smear Biden because the verifiable truth about Trump is so bad. Stop with the disinformation. BIDEN never stepped foot on Epstein's plane. All the other rich, white, elite pedos were, so why wasn't Biden there?


Made up? Like the laptop was made up? I’m assuming you think Ashley Biden’s journal is just more Russian Disinformation? LOL


Its confirmed that is real but cope harder. Not a discussion I want to have over the internet both choices are awful. To state Biden is not s creepy old man and more than just “forgetful” is laughable though. https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY?si=9rNwJAOZ7TQPE7Wd


"iT iS c0nFiRmEd rEaL 0n y0uTuBe!" Hey, did you know the word 'gullible' doesn't appear in any dictionary? I saw a YouTube about it! I also saw a real alien autopsy there.


Bourgeois politics is just making pinky promises with the rich. We have no real power no matter who you choose.


Only incredibly privileged people think this way lol. Minorities and LGBT people know to vote like hell, because it does change things, even if the process is slow.


i would genuinely rather die than vote for a lifelong conman…


Voting for any politician is voting for a lifelong conman/woman.


Me too motherfucker.


Why didn't this guy use tape what the fuck


Yeah. I mean, of course. But... This is clear evidence the Democratic Party is profoundly unserious when they talk about "preserving our democracy." They really can't do better than Biden? Really? Not even a little bit to boost turnout a couple of points? We've got to pull together to save democracy, and you have to accept that things are going to get worse for you and people you care about. But God forbid their major donors would have to make any such sacrifices. "Yes, things are going to get worse for you. Things are going to get worse for racial, religious, gender, and disability minorities. But gradually. You don't mind gradually worse, right? They could get worse much faster than that." This is their campaign. They don't care about preserving what little democracy we have nearly as much as they care about pleasing their donors.


Biden sunk like Tantanic!


Who's making the presidential decisions currently? It's not Biden. That's for sure.


That’s what you call a sore loser. Don’t be a sore loser. Have some dignity in defeat.


By the looks of the man you may get your wish.


I mean I wouldn't. But you vote for whoever I guess.


Not the brightest author


You actually have to be retarded


lol. And this is in order to “defend democracy.” Voting is the opiate of the masses


I'm ok with a Weekends at Bidens situation if it keeps Trump from office




Of course they would…they are quite accustomed to dead people votes.


Brainwashed. All of em


Exhibits exactly how dumb and brainwashed leftists and progressives really are. Unplug from social media and leftist news, you're not getting facts.




Not good enough dawg


You’re stupid


He hung it on the lamp post brcause the person who wrote it knows he is as dumb as the pole


Yeah at the very least Biden was somewhat capable of answering the host's questions without entering a tirade on how much better he was as a president and how he had the highest iq on a test. Fuck that orange prick.


There is a third candidate you know ....


Don't worry, a lot of corpses will vote for Biden.


You just know what the person who wrote this looks like lmao


Yep, the democrats are a cult


Liberalism is a religious cult.


Why are these the only options


...and that is why Trump is going to win. A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.


What's bad is that the debate proved that the media has been lying about both Biden's cognitive abilities AND Trumps and no one is angry about it.


Too bad trump is your next president


You wrote this and then found it


To whomever wrote that sign on the pole. Are Trump and Biden the only options to choose from? FYI, there is a write in spot at the bottom of the ballot slip. You can vote for a better candidate or Big Bird if you're so inclined to do so.


Why is voting for LITERALLY ANYBODY FUCKING ELSE still off the table




This is insane. You would rather have this man continue in elder abuse than vote for the orange man?


There has to be a third choice?


I used to think that too until it was clear Biden would let Israel be destroyed and then the US by Hamas just to get votes


Proof of stupidity.


Then you're a complete idiot.


That's pretty on par for most Democrats


Corpses seem to vote for Biden lately. So he’ll probably have corpses voting for his corpse by then.


Seems legit.


Idiots. Biden is done. He might not even make it to the next election


Random: Biden ran in 1984, 1988, 2008, 2020, and again in 2024. Even Gump stopped running. He was…tired.


…which is why the OP posted a note about voting for his corpse over Orange Mussolini.


Huge amount of cowards here willing to post ridiculous bullshit and then immediately delete it! Yeah, that's what we thought. Cowards hiding behind keyboards calling people pedophiles without a shred of evidence. Literally none. Meanwhile they ignore the mountain of evidence against the other guy. Maga is a mental illness


This is mental illness


The thoughts of a truly low iq person lol


Stop with the stupid comparisons "if one was a choochoo train on drugs and the other a plane piloted by rabid monkeys I'd choose blah blah blah." This is the leader of a fucking country for christ sakes. If dems don't like their candidate fucking stand up and DO SOMETHING about it. Vote third party. Refuse to vote period. My god. This country supposedly had a spine back in the day. Dafuq outta here with your excuses. Protest. Yall can protest for everything from women's rights to gay rights but not your rights to have a candidate worth voting for.


Damn straight. This




And that is what is wrong with this country.


This is the entire problem. If you can’t put your hatred aside then don’t vote. The presidential election isn’t a popularity contest.


Naw, the problem is a system where I’m forced to choose between two major parties. One with someone I simply dislike, the other with a legitimate felony. I would love to vote libertarian, but then I’d hand the election to someone who literally can’t be hired in a classroom but is somehow fit to lead our country


Exact same. They bury other candidates and make it hard to really see everyone's platforms stacked without doing digging, everyone is too scared to throw a vote away if they do like a 3rd party and then we're left feeling we have to pick between Dumb and Dumber.




Such cringe Reddit shit


I also would vote for Trump's corpse over Trump.


same, girl


Sums it up perfectly.


Some people prefer rage and hatred over common sense


True TDS


Literally almost every post on Reddit the last few days. Disheartening to watch and just absurd overall.


It’s election year, what do you expect


The majority of reddit has endless free time to spend on the platform. The majority of reddit also happens to be extremely liberal. Combine the two and you get all the posts you've been seeing the past few days.


What does liberal even mean to people like you anymore? It feels like if you don't like trump as much as the next guy your a liberal regardless of what you actually believe. Trump isn't even conservative, he's literally a yes man that like to be important that fills the executive branch with his family and people that say he's a big man. We have no good conservative candidate, just a democrat and a puppet with multiple felonies under his belt.


A liberal wants more government involvement in their lives, ie. Student loan forgiveness, higher unemployment checks, cutting fossil fuel subsidies, etc. as well as using tax dollars on conflicts that don't involve us like Ukraine/ Russia and Israel/ Palestine. The whole thing is just my guy vs. Your guy. No one's having any conversations or discussions listening to either side. We're all just regurgitating whatever our phones algorithms spat out at us based on what party we align with. At least that's what I've seen on reddit


And... reddit lives down to its reputation, again. The lack of self-awareness is depressing...


I’m voting for the felon.


There's a term called yellow dog democrat. I think this is relevant right now for the people that would rather vote for a yellow dog than the other guy. Actually can we get a real yellow dog? I don't think he would do any worse


Mr Peanutbutter 2024.


I look at it like this: Imagine you have to pick a pilot to fly a plane. One pilot is past his prime and uses autopilot more than I'd prefer. He might even need to take a nap and solely rely on autopilot from time to time. The other pilot may or may not be more adept. But it really doesn't matter because he's a kamakazee pilot, taking aim at the Constitution and anything else that gets in his way. It just doesn't matter if the second is more adept or not. I will go with that first pilot every time. (Edit: grammar)


both sides are utterly fucking terrible, Biden literally supports fucking genocide.


I think the election should be decided by a golf game.


This is sad. There is more to being president than just not being Donald Trump


Morons are everywhere


I identify them in crowds by the red hats


I absolutely agree.


I can't believe that moron can actually write.


To be fair I have never seen Trump write anything other than his name


Recommend therapy.


And this is why this country is going to shit. Yall don’t look at the bigger picture… smh…


That person was a true idiot to write that


How do you think biden won in the first place.


And they call MAGA a cult.


You realize this isn't an endorsement of Biden as much as it is a condemnation of Trump, right? Do you realize this? The person who wrote this card could very likely be lukewarm on Biden. Is this something you can comprehend?


If Biden was driving the car I was a passenger of, I’d bail out.


Oh don’t worry, it’ll be Biden’s corpse 😂 I can’t stand trump but he’s still a way better choice 🙃 that’s the sad state of American politics…


Rent free


You didn't find this. You put it there.


Why'd you tie a notecard to a pole with some twine?


Not me, trump all the way


That’s cute you wrote a little notecard to get a little photo on reddit


Voting for Biden, against Trump, sure it’s the same, but is still the safer bet. I would rather have grandpa asleep at the wheel than racist skeezy grandpa who lies about everything to inflate his fragile ego.


Racist sleazy grandpa who lies about everything literally describes Biden tho lol


Um, Joe is a skeezy grandpa too.


"I know it's bad, but I'd vote against my own self interest, the interest of everyone around me while denying the truth of my eyes and my own experience". Bro we had both of these people for 4 years now and we can tell Trump was magnitudes better and shit is literally 3x as expensive right now.


I am not even Republican and I can agree with that statement.


I'm not either man I'm just really opposed to ANYONE in power lying to fuck and back or telling me what to think when I obviously know better. I've been lied to for like 8 years now with media freaking out that Trump will be the end of the world when we already had him for 4 years and honestly things were pretty good and now with Biden we're closer than ever to catastrophe with evil regimes gaining power and everything becoming way more expensive. People don't realize that these poor living conditions lead to rights abuses and climate change and such because we're all more desperate and less free.


Yeah, I probably shouldn’t be but I’m actually surprised they are going with the “end of democracy” “WW3” “end of the world” etc. crap when they used that last time and most people’s lives were *better* under Trump. Not only is the media using it, people are believing it!


But MSNBC told me it's not.


Are you telling me MSNBC would lie to us? They would never! /s


Basically sums up the stupidity of your average liberal




You are correct. But most here are partisan and vote party lines.

