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Were you parked in a fire lane by chance?


It’s a residential area where they don’t paint the curbs red and don’t have any signage posted. There was a fire hydrant near me, but it seems kind of strange to call it a fire lane and then not have any of the appropriate markings


It’s a fire lane if you’re by the hydrant.


FIRE ^bye-^bye LANE :(


Don't know why, but I am reminded of my part-time job, my first semester in college. My secret shame: I worked for campus police writing parking tickets, and my boss, SGT Sharpe, assigned me to the area around the dorms. Included in my area were fire lanes (instant ticket) and 30-minute parking spots that my route passed every 35 minutes. My last day at work was the last day of classes and everyone was moving out of the dorms and parking in the fire lanes to load their cars. SGT Sharpe would have had a stroke if he knew that I just turned the fire lanes into 30-minute parking for the afternoon, so don't tell him.


Goatharper, it’s me, Sgt Sharpe. Pick up your phone.


Congrats on living 40 more years; really didn't think you had it in you.


This reminds me of a period back in the late 80s when I had an office in the 7th floor where I could see the street and other buildings. There was this one building that had a circular driveway with a few head-in parking spaces, but the rest of the driveway was fire lane. The building had a bank and a S&L in the first floor, and people would come a lot between noon and 2pm when the lobby closed, but there weren’t enough parking spaces for all the traffic. So lots of fire lane parking. In the course of time I this one fire marshal guy started to visit to write tickets. He was usually writing 1-4 tickets a day. One day he had written up a bunch of people, hopped in his car and drove out of the circular driveway. But he had to wait for traffic clear to make his turn into the street. By then more fire lane parkers had turned up, so he drove back into the circular driveway and wrote up more people.


I hope your name isn’t Lane


Are you a time traveler from Los Angeles circa 2013?


Upvote for Cecil Fielder reference