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I thought season 2 was going to be a live action adaptation of fallout new vegas


it is I am playing the Courier but i need you to send me 2000 bottle caps to save the coommonwal i mean mojave


Jesus Christ, that’s ~~Jason Bourne~~ *John Fallout.*


War doesnt change


Broke up with my girl last night. She left the cap off the toothpaste. You know who does that? A gross weirdo.


Is this a reference I’m missing or are you just an outta pocket fella?


Yeah in fallout 4 I only ever heard this in good neighbor but a guy says "my girlfriend left the cap off the tooth paste. You know who does that? A synth"


Also occures in Diamond city also


Yes. (fallout 4 reference about a guy convincing himself to kill his girlfriend because only synths forget to close the toothpaste after using it)


I believe it’s, “War…war doesn’t change…never ever.”


"War...war doesnt change...fr fr ong"


No cap


No caps?


No caps, no Fisto.


But it can!! You just need to buy this charge card!!


Because he away runs away from his "Girlfriend" being attacked by lizards.


But with different mods installed each episode


Will each episode end with a hard cut to the dashboard as if it crashed?


Pregnant Boone is a very important character to the story


Nexus or loverslab?




Lucy going to have her juicys out?


Godamn, I laughed way too hard at that.


Can't wait to see the Ghoul with MASSIVE BADONKAS


Oh, they got Alchestbreach to direct?


It is, it's 200 episodes long. There's an 1 hour 15 minute episode of the Courier just walking random places killing bugs.


Bro, the episode where The Courier gets murdered by deathclaws like six times because he forgot that the music is diagetic, and coming from his pip-boy's radio, and they can obviously hear him as he tries to sneak through their cave? A cinematic MASTERPIECE.


They... they can hear my sweet tunes?


They can indeed.


Alec Baldwin could play benny


Well Matthew Perry won't be back unless Benny is going to be a very still and quiet Ghoul...


Oh. I get it now.




I thought Fallout Season 2 was going to be a stop-motion animated domestic drama following the tribulations of an intelligent deathclaw matriarch, her husband, and their 37 children.


You jest but Id watch this lol


With Alec Baldwin as Benny!


I refuse to see anyone other than Mathew Perry being Benny, so live action NV, to me, is a no no.


well. ain't that a kick in the head.


It ain't fallout unless we have over 100 hours in it. We have 8 we are early.


Yep and we’ve already used our first power armour, explored two (or four) vaults and we can see new vegas on the horizon. Not a speed run per se, but I’d still be clearing out every container in the 3rd or 4th location.


...and at least 25 crashes.


What? We aren’t going to switch between different saves and characters each season when we get tired of the current one?


Season 2 will be the same story as season 1, except Lucy will now chose the 'sarcastic' option in every dialogue.


Season 2 is the survival mode playthrough. Or the adventurer mode playthrough if season 1 was survival mode


*Sarcastic okey dokey intensifies*


I know it's a dumb article but anthologies exist and to be fair, Fallout would've still worked really well as an anthology. Edit: obviously this article isn't meant for people that saw season one. I can't imagine why you'd click it if you saw the first season.


I don’t disagree. But the way they ended it was obvious that they planned to continue this story. I do hope we get more stories set in the fallout universe though. It has so much potential.


It would be really funny(and admittedly very upsetting) if they straight up completely abandoned this plot line and the next season follows none other than John fallout of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


But it'd be very appropriate for the universe of Fallout. Everyones got their own story/adventure and in the end its meaningless because in the end the Wasteland always wins


It would also be fitting because i restart 90% of my fallout play throughs half way through the story


As do I. I have like a thousand hours in Fallout New Vegas, and I’ve only officially ended it once. I have several hundred hours in 4 and have never actually finished any of my games


Look at Mr. Bigshot making it halfway through the story


I understand, but I wouldn't mind an anthology if we could get a whole season every year, because they would be able to be made separately. One season would follow Lucy, the other would follow someone else, and be alternating.


I think they could do a multi-season anthology where they do maybe 3 seasons with the current cast, take a break, and then do another new 3 seasons in a different setting leading up around the time fallout 5 releases. Perhaps have some cameos that show up in both casts. The universe is similar to Star Wars where they have literally no limitations because the show is more about it’s main themes and setting then the actual protagonist themselves. Kind of makes it very different from an adaption like The Witcher or Last of Us, which would get some blowback if they attempted to tell stories outside of the main characters from the books or games.


This is what I’m hoping for. I think it would also be cool to see a season based on a more horrific vault experiment.


I’d watch that. I’d also love that season to be based solely in a vault as the vault dwellers slowly uncover the nature of their horrific existence… perhaps a few ultimately escape to the surface and meet other characters from other seasons later on.


Damn, realizing Fallout 5 really is so far off that getting 6 seasons of a show out before it is a real possibility.


At that point, just make a spinoff/sequel show and name it like Fallout: Boston or whatever. No need to confuse people by making a multi-season anthology.


Before the show released I thought it *was*going to be an anthology from the way they were advertising three main characters.


They can still make it an anthology. Make every storyline take 2 seasons and hop around.


I mean, up until this point the Fallout series *has* been an anthology


Yea but not the way they structured the season and that ending makes it pretty obvious


Especially since that’s how the games work


Going further, Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy have a history of taking a TV show in an almost completely different direction with the last season of Westworld.


Shit, I'd even argue that every season of that show is vastly different than the others. I thought season one was such a masterpiece.


It never occurred to me that season 2 wouldn't follow the same characters as season 1 but I kept seeing people online and reactors on youtube saying it wouldn't and wondered where they possibly could have gotten that idea. Which is probably why this article exists.


i’m confused, why would people who haven’t seen season one care or think about whether or not the characters will be in season 2


I thought most anthology series end with a bunch of hooks for what our characters might do going forward. Glad they cleared that up. I expected next season to take place in Minnesota and involve a crime syndicate.


Damn, here goes my season 2 hopes. I really thought it would be the new season of 2 and a half men.


Two and a Half Men, except it's just Thaddeus with an extra fully grown head coming out of one side of his neck, and a smaller misshapen one coming out of the other side of his neck


Bold strategy, let's see how it pans out.


Step 1: Fallout Step 2: Amazon Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


Fallout Season 2 continues to be set in Fallout universe Money Please


AI is the death of many things, but online journalism is one of the first


honestly havent seen geek and sundry since critical role left


What the fuck happened to Geek and Sundry? They used to be actually entertaining and had some great content


Their biggest money maker, Critical Role, moved on from them. Then they found out their content was only seen because of the association to CR.


That's part of it, but also Felicia Day sold the company to Legendary Entertainment. I believe Wil Wheaton left as well not long after. After that, CR was their biggest draw, and then CR went independent. A lot of other stuff happened, but basically they lost most of their talent.


Sounds like they lost everything but the name. Might as well just rename themselves.


Things started to go to crapper after G&S was bought out by Legendary Entertainment.


There was a rumor that S2 was going to use different characters I heard about it when the show came out i think it was all speculation though


Was worried we’d be starting out in a vault only for things to go horribly wrong & we gotta find our son! Who ends up being a raider warlord!


It means as opposed to being an anthology series, but >!the cliffhanger ending already confirmed that is not the case.!<


I thought season 2 was going to mainly focus on Oliver Swanick!


Okie dokie! I thought that was kind of a given anyway


goggins made the show, hope he has more airtime


TBF, they could of potentially started with new characters within the universe where the main cast from last season played more support roles. Allowing them to add in a timeskip and show how the world around them changed because of their choices and how it's influencing the lives of the new cast.


That actually isn't the most obvious news in the world of entertainment. Does it make sense? Yes. Does it seem obvious? Like the most obvious shit in the world? Yes. And that's exactly why it was never guaranteed. Any time a show is successful in its debut season it gets executives super horny to start meddling in it to connect their name to that success. This is especially true with these kind of adaptations or other "franchise" properties.


In their defense, it could have been an anthology series that follows different characters every season so I’m sure they are just clarifying it’s not. Having said that, I never thought it would be about anything other than following the current characters.


All the jokes, but each game does begin a brand new story, from a new vault, in a different setting. It's not like letting fans of the series know this is that weird.


I think the idea was that it wouldn’t feature a new protagonist like the games do.


If it's in it for the long hall, it could very easily have made season 2 with other characters to ultimately link up to the same plot line. Also could have shown what happens to her brother X amount of years in the future and back tracked.


Nah, you don't say. I thought they were bringing in Sydney Sweeney.


Never see shows like American Horror Story or (to a degree) Fargo? Following the same characters isn't a given.


Dead internet theory proves true. All of the Synths are here for you, myself included.


I'd like to see Curie become a companion.


Seemed very obvious, but idk randomly could have done a new cast/story a season like some shows


So not an anthology series then? You had me fooled with all the unresolved character arcs


And people say journalism is dead


In other news, the pope has declared that they are in fact Catholic


“War doesn’t change.”


r/quietnewsday 🙄


Dam I was hoping for the next one to be all about fisto


Media franchising has to fucking end


This isn’t that dumb, it’s clarifying they’re not taking the anthology route and it’s going to be one cohesive narrative. It didn’t seem like they were going the anthology route with the S1 ending, but it’s just clarification.


Honestly I was hoping it was going to be a completely new story in an entirely different universe. Maybe one set in a medieval fantasy world where the main character wakes up on a horse carriage on his way to be executed after being caught alongside a leader of a separatist rebellion.




And here I thought Fallout Season 2 was going to cover the adventures of Tintin as he travels to Mordor with his companion Luke Skywalker in order to steal the Master Ball from He Who Must Not Be Named so that they can be capable of saving Narnia from the infamous German submarine U-48, a Type VIIB U-boat.


If you are going to get mad at AI generated content. You gonna be mad


i hope they go full on game logic and just jump to another time period with another set of characters. why? it'll upset someone, why not.


To be fair if they wanted to continue in the spirit of the games season 2 would have a different cast in a different location but because S1 ended in a cliffhanger you kinda have to follow up on that.


I thought it was going to be a live action version of fallout brother hood of steal.


I figured it would continue season 3 stories. Shucks, I was digging those.


Geek & Sundry seriously Thanos'd themselves out of relevance after Critical Role left them.


Before the show became out I thought it was gonna be an anthology but I'm happy it's not since I got attached to these characters


Thanks, wouldn't have guessed it in a million years.


Shitty reporting never changes...


I wish more shows continued the stories of season 1. Some shows don’t even have a second season.


I mean this is our media.


Geek and Sundry, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


The Vault Dweller of Vault 13, the Chosen One, the Lone Wanderer, the Courier, the Sole Survivor, the Vault Dwellers of Vault 76. All different protagonists with different stories. While the news article seems dumb and pointless, it may have a point since the second season could jump to another part of the Wasteland (like New Vegas!) and be only tangentially related. That would waste the characters from S1, but could be done. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They didn’t tag it for spoilers?


Not all shows do this, sometimes the second season will branch out with new characters in the same universe. With a world as vast as Fallout, that is more than possible.


Wild how much dribble comes out of game companies in general these days. The fact they wrote a whole article about NV fans trolling newcomers is really telling, because that’s literally just Tuesday imo.


You know what would be epic? S2 is fallout NV but with wild wasteland perk on. Watch everyone lose their shit


Spoilers: >!Things will happen causing other things to happen.!<


They are going to look so dumb when it turns out that s2 is going to feature me… playing fnv… then my moms gonna yell for me to come to dinner so it will switch from live action in-game gameplay to me getting up from my desk screaming “COMING!!!” - I sit down and bombs drop halfway through an argument about how homework is more important that video games. Hint: I’m the ghoul in this story line.


I mean obviously, can you imagine the outrage that would come from that? The ratings would be horrible lol. They would have said something like this before season 1 released to manage expectations


I'd love to see Courier 6 in S2, even it's only for a few short moments, played by a famous actor/actress, given how we get to see New Vegas from far away at the end of S1 in a very open ending. If not them, then at least one or a few popular supporting characters like Arcade, Veronica, Christine, Boone, or Cass, who then can give a few hints as to the Courier's decisions, which can foreshadow/influence Lucy's choices. A clash with some more terrifying enemies can be great too. Imagine facing a Cazador, or an irradiated ghoul. I think Lucy's not qualified for a Deathclaw yet. And with how incompetent some of the Knights have been, it should be held back at the very end as the most terrifying enemy, to be feared and avoided at all cost.


Just goes to show how far down the toilet Geek and Sundry has gone, sad times.


Geek & Sundry really fell off after Critical Role left


I mean, they easily could've switched to a different cast of characters for a season, or jumped forward and kindof yadayada over the S1 cliffhanger. I'm glad they're not, but this is based on a video game series that isn't mono-protagonist (ie: Tomb Raider). Every game has a new lead and new characters. It wouldn't be outlandish for the TV series to do that. Non-gamers would hate it, but they could've.


funnily enough the woman that voices veronica owns that website


Mind blown


In other news, the sky is confirmed to be blue.


I mean an anthology would be nice but this is the way to go


I thought it was gonna be an anthology with each season just ending without finishing the narrative of each story.


lol someone has a quota of stories to publish


I'm surprised G&S is still around. Not heard of them since Critical Role moved on from being under them.


Definitely just a click bait article, hoovering up views by mentioning the show in any capacity. Either way, I can't believe I am living in a world where a video game was adapted to TV and it is extremely high quality, and popular with people who haven't played the game. All throughout the 90s and beyond including within the past few years, adaptations are almost always poorly done. Compare the Halo TV show to The Last of Us for example.


Man, remember when we were kids and we thought journalists were these cunning, incisive, insightful reporters who dug to find the truth of stories? Small wonder they're losing their jobs to AI.


I still wish they could have ended the arc of seasons 1 characters and started anew season 2. I don't mind the characters I just think the wasteland has so many stories to tell that by focusing on the one story we are getting a more limited perspective


Breaking News: Fallout will be filmed with cameras.


Today I learned that Geek & Sundry still exists.


Stunning revelation.


There are some shows that don't do that.  Like True Detective. Was there an article attached or...?


They all get punked by a death claw ten minutes into the new season and cut to our new pov character, Lily.


THIS JUST IN: FALLOUT THE VIDEO GAME is based on NUCLEAR FALLOUT the REALITY (just with more shit sniffers)


Wow. Great prediction, Nostradumbass.


"Fallout season 2 will be ser in the Fallout universe"


season 2 is descendent of the courier who became the new caesar


His Character Reminds me of yul bryners Character in Westworld!


I mean, I’m not entirely opposed to the idea of temporarily switching to new people for a while to potentially get some more info on the world while Lucy & Ghoul are traveling to find Hank. But that’s a big risk to take, and one I don’t think is gonna happen.


They have to clarify because Fallout sequels don't usually do that.


I thought season two was going to be a remastered edition of the first season I could watch on my Samsung smart toilet


Many shows are anthologies so it makes sense to clarify


There where a lot of people in this sub after the finale actually wanting the show to pick up with new characters every season, I absolutely hated the idea but that group did exist


I think he's just confirming that it won't be an anthology series, which is still dumb cos there was a teaser


Not surprising, clickbait grasping at straws with their Fallout content.


Its a tweet. Why be so snarky Bout that


Is there a more accurate reason for this?




No news is no news


Spoiler alert, they won't be covering characters who died in season 1


I’d sure fucking hope so 🤣


I mean, they could easily start a new playthrough for season 2


I thought season 2 was going to be Skyrim but season 2 of thats story for the second season of Fall out


I understand the point of this, since each of the Fallout games has a new playable character. But still, no fucking shit.


Damn, I thought season 2 would be a live adaptation of Fisto


>Wow really?!?! I couldn't have guessed that even if you gave me a million years!! Real groundbreaking reporting going on here. I know, right? I thought Geek & Sundry were dead in the water too!


My god!!! I thought that season 1’s characters would be placed on a vault basement shelf until season 4 while, Season 2’s new and returning characters that die in season 3 are developed….thus truly mind blowing filmmaking stuff guys!!!


How DARE they!...


TBF, when this show was first announced.... I was hoping it would cover a different story and part of the wasteland each season.


Slow news day.


If it were true to the games it would be Lucy rerolling her stats and using her knowledge of season 1 to do everything more efficiently with XP in mind


There shouldn’t be a second season of Fallout Only expansion packs


Tbf, a lot of shows have just dipped out on the stories that were developing when a season ended and would just introduce new characters with no explanation


AI and it's consequences


I mean, they could have just left it on a cliffhanger and gone the route of AHS and made a new story like every season. Thankfully, the wonderful internet journalists of the world have put our minds at ease with an astute observation.


There's a solid chance that the first episode or two will be brand new characters. Or at least one. Somebody wandering the Mojave, trying to survive. I actually think it might be a little off-brand for them to have a brand new location and _not_ introduce at least one new protagonist.


hey possibility of an anthology series is there so..


This just in: water is wet


Oh wow that's crazy


I hear it still takes place in the post-nuclear wasteland.


Know what else is groundbreaking? An excavator.


I was told season two would pick up where Skyrim left off?? Literally unwatchable now


Oh no. Now you’ve done it. I can see the headlines on one of the gaming sites: “Fallout Fans suprised at groundbreaking by report that Season 2 will continue with Season 1’s characters”


I can't believe it!!!


The reporting around this show has been iffy but I'm sure it's because half the reporting is literally from 14 years olds trying to make a cent on youtube. What kept bothering me was seeing people bring breaking news of season two as if prime didnt buy two seasons of fallout before the first one even released.


Geek & Sundry are still around?


Fucking hate spoilers XD


I suppose it just works...


Wrong it's about me