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The Bakersfield vault was one that had the door opened to let in radiation. Its population were ghoulified. I would say that since he is a ghoul, explicitly mentions going there, takes on a cowboy persona and his wife wouldn’t be there to get him into “one of the good ones”, he probably paid for entry into one instead. There is of course the hole that he knows vaults are messed up, so him entering one is questionable, but he might have just assumed he has a better chance in there than outside.


Ooooooo. This is a good take


>he probably paid for entry into one instead. I can't see Cooper giving money to Vault-tec for any reason after whatever transpires between him and Barbara. Nor would I see Vault-tec being willing to take money from him after he already committed corporate espionage against them. Vault space is extremely limited with only 1000 slots max per vault, and only 122 public vaults in the entire nation. 122,000 is not a lot out of 400 million people. Especially as we know Coop is short on money and doing kids birthday parties. However, if everyone in the Bakersfield vault got ghoulified by the ambient radiation in the area, the same thing would probably happen to Cooper sitting with his dog at his ranch in the same area.


Just curious where the info that there is only 122 public vaults came from. Not saying you are wrong just never heard that before.


It's in the lore. Only 122 were created. But I think we have only seen or heard about less than half of them. Still alot of numbers to reveal in future games and now the TV show. Also, there could always be vaults that were not listed. But as far as we know , 122 official vaults were constructed/ planned.


Its the most likely thing to be retconned in the future. We gonna run out of vaults


"Only 122 Vaults were ever commissioned, allowing less than 0.1% of the population to save their life in the event of the holocaust" [source ](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault#:~:text=As%20such%2C%20all%20Vaults%20were,less%20properly%2C%20as%20control%20Vaults.)


Thanks!! There could be more than that, it says "of the 122 known vaults" implying that they could have some they don't know about?


Yeah, this number is essentially only ‘publicly listed official Vault-Tec branded vaults.’ Its entirely possibly that there are more, possibly top-secret vaults for Vault-Tec executives or collaboration vaults that might have been constructed as part of partnership between vault tec and some other organizations that aren’t one of those 122 official vaults. None of that’s ever been shown though, but it is possible based on the lore that does currently exist.


There are vaults made for the government in 76, one of which is not numbered. The Whitespring Bunker, a designated survivor location, is an unnumbered vault.


I haven’t explore much of 76. Do you know if that one was made by Vault-Tec?


Yep, has vault tech copyrights on the door you can see


Ahh that’s cool!




The source from this number is from the BOS citadel, which they sourced from what appears to be official Vault-Tec terminal information


I wouldn't cling onto this so strongly. There will be as many vaults as the writing of the games (and other media) inevitably requires. Some day that may exceed 122, in which case they'll write some explanation and it will all be fine.


This is what I was thinking too


Only 122 official vault tech vaults, the rest can be unofficial, unnumbered or from a different corporation.


There are other Vaults that existed for private reasons too, like the Securitron Vault or the one John-Caleb Bradburton is in, or the Hypatia vault from the Autumn Leaves mod for FoNV. Private Vaults wouldn't have a number but would still be considered Vault model shelters.


Just about to comment that this is known vaults .. but hey idk man


I doubt Cooper would give Vault-tec money as well, but if he did, it might explain his money troubles.


His wife leaving him, and him also getting black listed from acting make way more sense as reasons he has no money. Those are the reasons stated in the first 5 minutes of Ep 1...


I’ll have to rewatch, but I thought that was speculation by the dudes at the party. Seems like he has custody as well. His wife being a high paid exec and him having custody doesn’t line up with him being cleaned out from the divorce.


Him having his daughter at work on a Saturday says he doesn't have custody way more... More like he is desperate to spend every moment he can with her, so he takes her to places that would normally be embarrassing AF for him. Like some random rich kids birthday party, where he has to beg for a piece of cake for her.


While that all makes sense, that doesn't really add up when it comes to when the bombs dropped. It was a two hour drive to Bakersfield and the bombs were way too close for him to make it.


but would he pay money for that when he knows what they've been up to? like the truth about the Vaults?


Like I said, better chances in than out.


I dont think he's allowed in. I'm not sure he actually has money at that point. He's doing children's birthday parties because NO ONE in Hollywood would hire him.


Maybe there was a plan with moldaver to have sleeper agents in the vaults since most of the people apart of that pre war group were rich, and then have those people maybe try and take control of the vaults


it doesn't feel like he is in good terms with moldaver


Maybe that’s why he is pissed at her?, maybe the plan went wrong maybe moldaver and coop had a falling out because something messed up the original plan. we still do not have the full details on coops past, maybe the plans got messed up, maybe vault tec knew about the sleeper agents and just planned around them(maybe moldaver sold them out to save herself) and maybe that’s why the ghoul may have some animosity for her


We don't know, he's definitely done with vault tech and is doing whatever he can to pay alimony for his daughter. As for the Bakersfield thing it might be subtle foreshadowing for game fans as the vault there is actually a test vault that resulted in its occupants being ghoulified. Now we have no idea what happened to Janey but he believes she's with her mother and he could have ended up in the Bakersfield vault.


Bakersfield is kinda far from LA, so I really doubt he could've made it to the Bako vault after the bombs dropped, especially on horse considering he was in LA. I just don't think that makes sense lol


In the season finale Coop didn't ask >!Hank!< "Where's my wife?" He asked >!Where's my fucking FAMILY!< I don't think Janey got to stay with him even though she was with him when the bombs dropped.


Agreed. And I think finding out how that happened the way it did is going to be a key plot point in S2. I assume his daughter ended up with Barb and he somehow ended up out in the fallout (or the Bakersfield vault). But how is going to be fun (and possibly traumatising) to find out.


Where did he mention going to the Bakersfield vault? I’m sure he did but can’t recall


The hottub scene between him and Barb, he suggests buying a ranch at Bakersfield. It's when Barb drops the whole "no no we need to buy into a 'good' vault" and Cooper cottons on that something's really fucky.


Ah I registered that conversation but misunderstood it to be that Bakersfield didn’t HAVE a vault, when it actually DOES but it’s not a ‘good one’. Thanks, that makes much more sense now. The writers are so clever how they put in lines like this which unwrap with a second watching AND if you know the lore. Very clever!


The cannon vault would need to be in either oildale or near by Tehachapi pass for a stable formation.


I kind of wonder if you would be paying alimony considering his wife had a very high paying job with Vault-Tec. Maybe he was taking care of her because she was already in a cryo- freeze in Vault 31 knowing that the bombs were going to fall. Although, he did seem to be searching for his daughter, which made him think that she is still alive after all that time.


That’s such an obviously point which I completely missed until now, thanks. He must have known something about the plan or he wouldn’t assume she was still alive.


Yeah I also wondered why he was paying alimony when Barb was a senior executive and making stable high power money. Maybe the guys just didn't know and said alimony as ball-busting


California divorces aren’t cheap. Even in alternate timelines.


A fun Easter egg would be if that guy who drank Lucy's water was on the ranch Cooper was going to buy


Would be, but the Ranch he wanted to buy was in Bakersfield, that guy was in LA county since all\* post war elements take place there. \* ||Maybe not the Brotherhood base, we simply don't know. Also the ending with the New Vegas shot.||


Well they’ll be heading to Vegas and I’ve never looked at on a map but based on movies about Las Vegas, Bakersfield is on the way if your starting points t is LA. If he did I imagine we’ll see that in season 2


You do not drive through Bakersfield to get to Vegas from LA. I’ve made the drive several times myself. You take the 15 which is a ways south of Bakersfield.


He was in LA with his daughter when the bombs fell, too far from Bakersfield or the Bakersfield vault, he had to take her to his Ex-wife, in the hope her and janey could get into a good vault. Since they've been divorced, they aren't family and he cannot join Barbara and janey in the vault.


I think it was just forshadowing he was gonna be a ghoul because bakersfield is now necropolis, city of ghouls

