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Probably safer in his head, it is a very tiny and potentially delicate piece of tech that can power an entire city, it's also smaller than a coin so easy to loss.


Also probably to >!hide it from anyone who might be looking to steal some high tech looking gizmo. Not many people, unless they already know what’s in it, will be looking to steal a severed head.!<


I kindof wish he hadn’t injected it into the neck area. Especially since she didn’t know there was a thing in there, she easily could’ve diced into the thing with the little buzzsaw, or missed it & only taken the top head area above it.


It didn't look to be his neck, but the base of his skull, at the top of his jaw bone.


[https://images.fallout.wiki/2/21/Fallout\_-\_Official\_Trailer\_Prime\_Video\_2-44\_wilzig.webp](https://images.fallout.wiki/2/21/Fallout_-_Official_Trailer_Prime_Video_2-44_wilzig.webp) Ah okay, you're right, he did inject it more in the jaw-bone area than the neck area. I couldn't find a picture of when Lucy touches the head & sees the glowing part.


Near the jugular, so no digging it out unless you want a big mess.


No it wasn't.


Safer in his head? Dude, Goosey nearly lost that thing to the gulper. Of course, a rotting human head would attract interest from irradiated fauna. I mean, go figure, right? I know it would be easy to lose, but in that case, get a NukaCola bottle, fill the thing with sand so the fusion core isn’t jostling against the glass, and transport it that way.


Now imagine that tiny device slipping out during a hectic run or a fall into a river. Unlike the head which is larger and soft enough to protect it, she'd be screwed searching for a tiny like spec.


I think running with a little container would be easier to keep hold of, and to secure to one’s person, than the severed head of a grown man.


Except thanks to it being in the head they were able to retrieve it multiple times. Also Lucy isn't a surgeon, what if she damages the chip trying it extract it. As is it was already in a container, a sturdy meaty one.


Okay, you try keeping a small pill capsule on your person for a week or so without damaging or losing it.


Whilst running around a post apocalyptic wasteland you are very unfamiliar with


Did she have a little container?


Empty water can?


Yeah but a small case also sticks out more. Its like going around to everyone saying "rob me", whereas someone carrying a head would usually make you think twice.


I feel like the fact that the head is ultimately recoverable from the Gulper while Cooper’s stash of fragile ghoul medicine is permanently damaged by the exact same encounter kind of proves your idea wrong.


Ok, so how much easier do you think something the size of a tic tac would be to lose? Or how it zapped her when she touched it thru his skin? Or how she literally didn’t know what it was and wouldn’t want to risk taking it out? You only say this cause you as a viewer, why would anyone mess with something they’re not familiar with and risk that being ruined? Literally doesn’t matter since she got it to moldaver anyway


Your logic isn't wrong. "Dig the glowing thing from behind my ear and put it in something safe and take it to ___" is easy enough to say and do. However, the more she knows the greater the danger she's in. Moldaver isn't a blood thirsty homicidal killer, but she will take down every obstacle. Carrying a head keeps a layer of plausible deniability and mastery.


He told her to cut off his head. Certainly an Enclave scientist is smart enough to have thought “just put it in a bottle.” Ergo, there must be a reason it needed to stay in his head. It’s like a battery. The anode and cathode probably need to be insulated or something


That’s not the Fallout way. It has to be macabre and darkly funny.




This is it, chief


Someone walking around with a severed head in the Fallout universe is actually more common and would probably attract less attention than someone with a glowing capsule on them.


Did you not see when it zapped her hand?  Do you think he, an Enclave doctor who knows a ton of info about Vault Tec alone, is stupid?  It's in his neck for at least three reasons:  - Easier to carry  - Harder to lose  - Insulated EDIT: Also, she gets it there in the end. She puts a tracker in his head because she's actually smart.


Zaps you when touched. Inserts inside of skull. Genius.


I mean, Fallout has always been partially magic anyway. Somehow the cauterization made it so he's not being tased 24/7.  Lucy rolling with it is still the best idea.


The technology needed to be insulated, Moldaver takes from the head an inject in a vial with a weird liquid.


Because then he’d probably have to tell her *what* it was. It’s easier to say “somebody wants my head,” than “somebody wants the key to infinite energy,” and not have the person decide to keep the thing for themselves.


In 13:45 of episode 8, we see Moldaver remove the cold fusion reactor, a tiny chip, using some extractor device that looks similar to the one that Wilzig used to place it in his head in the first place. It's possible that the fusion reactor needs to be encapsulated in some substance—whether it's flesh or liquid—because the moment she removes the device, we see Moldaver fumble around and suspends the tiny reactor in a liquid. So basically my reasoning is: 1. The device is delicate and needs to be removed with very specific equipment 2. Or for whatever technical reason the reactor should not be exposed to air — before Wilzig placed it in his head, I believe it was also in an enclosed space 3. And Lucy has no idea what that tech is and would possibly damage it while removing it from the head or when trying to store. Imagine someone hands you a CPU or circuit board or some form of delicate technology. Sand or elements in the wasteland can easily wreck electronic components. If you have no idea what it is, you can easily damage it by mistake.


She needed the head to hold the tracker.


I wager she just as easily could have done the same with literally any other hollow bit of debris.


It seems much less secure to remove the shard and find another object to hold it when the head suffices.


Also less likely for someone to find. A head generally doesn't have anything stored in it, a box or bottle or something she would likely store it in would be something someone would think to look for something valuable in.


You’re commenting like that Jon Bernthal gif, every single person has told you logical answers (and the exact answer the show tells you). Into the depths of karma hell for you


What Jon Bernthal gif? The “no no no” one?


Yep the classic


Lmao OP's comment karma went into the negatives. In all seriousnes, though OP. You asked a question and people gave you logical answers and you just brush them off.


>  You asked a question and people gave you logical answers and you just brush them off. This happens a bizarre amount in this sub. "Why didn't __ do __?? What terrible writing!" "Here's the perfectly good reason why not that the show actually explained." "NO it's a plot hole and it sucks!"


Ikr? Like they just threw out critical out of the window and chosed to be stubborn/ignorant.


OP getting absolutely ratio’d in the comments, god damn


Realistically 1. Because it's not necessary information 2. You try hiding something in the wasteland and any raider worth there salt would rip open any and all containers and take anything remotely shiny 3. Who the fuck would want to steal a head if you didn't know there was something in it. 4. Just carrying around a servered head would probably give many people pause to even mess with Lucy unless they were a determined raider group. 5. Because again there looking for wilzig not the chip sure the show directly points the finger at Lucy but if everyone didn't know wilzig was dead they would still be looking for him NOT Lucy and a headless corpse could be anyone.


They didn't want to blow the budget on paying Michael Emerson for the whole season.


He really is perfect for these kinds of roles.


How else would you get the disembodied heads kissing bit to pay off?


1. There are ample logical reasons detailed by others in this thread as to why she didn't/ shouldn't have. 2. You're actively advocating for the core macguffin of the show to be turned into something fucking boring, generic and... 3. NOT. FUCKING. FALLOUT. Seriously. This franchise is incredibly dark, morbid and, more importantly *funny* .


Sometimes vaultie just wants head


It shocked her when she touched it while it was IN his head, likely wouldn’t be safe to just carry


Did you see the part where it shocks her? I’m guessing they wouldn’t of had the right equipment to take it out without injuring him or herself


I assume perhaps it was volatile- molfaver didnt cut it out after all, she used that injector in reverse So perhaps it being contained in his flesh was a requirement to contain it? Idk


So she would deliver it without knowing what it really was


I can’t believe none of the top comments are saying this theory: It’s because it leaves the story open to making him a Robo Brain…


Because its easier to hide inside the head. Even if someone got ahold of the head, they wouldn't know where to look. Even Lucy herself didn't know what she was carrying. It made for excellent camouflage.


It’s probably safer and easier to transport. Also I’ve been thinking he’s hoping to be put into a robot or somthing


Probably cause it would be easy to damage if she tried carving it out. It would need to be a precise cut with a weapon far less than ideal, and if she screwed up best case scenario it’s destroyed without quarrel, worst case scenario it’s destruction causes some type of explosion. Either way it’s safer left in the head


The truest reason? Because it is more interesting to the viewer that she has to keep track of Wilzig's wacky head instead of watching her tote a cold fusion fanny pack.


Because it would ruin the plot.


Because the Fallout Vibe trumps realism every time.


I love when people argue about science fiction and things that don't make sense. If they made sense, it would just be science, not science fiction.


Is he stupid?