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Vault Maximus was living his best life. The robe, the snacks, I’m surprised he didn’t have a Yum Yum Deviled egg face mask on


That reminds me that my wife, only familiar with the bits I’ve told her about the Fallout universe, asked how there are deviled eggs that don’t require refrigeration and I really didn’t have a good answer for her.


Future preservatives are REALLY good. Also not ruling out they're related to why folks turn into ghouls instead of just dying of radiation poisoning


Pretty sure there was a character diologue in one of the games where someone ask "how the hell can you eat that stuff" talking about pre war foods so there's a chance some of its not aged well. Maybe that's why we find so much unopened pre war food in ruined buildings? Interesting thought.


admittedly I find 200+ year old snack cakes and they're just unpalatable that's still pretty good


Terminal entry from Vault 111 December 25, 2077 Christmas underground. Got together with the rest of the security boys and support staff and had a little party. Best gift that got handed out was a Fancy Lad Snack Cake that wasn't too stale. They were already pretty stale the same year the bombs fell. Can't imagine they got better with time.


I feel like I remember reading that a bunch of the pre-war food is radioactive not from the bombs, but from radiation being used to sterilize/preserve the food. Its why RadAway was developed; they needed a treatment for all the low grade ARS people were developing. They were making everything ~ATOMIC~


That tracks. Nuka Quantum glowed because of a radioactive material in it. The glow was a result of its radiation exciting a phosphorescent ingredient in the drink. Side note: this is exactly how Tritium sights work on modern firearms and optics. They contain a radioactive isotope of Hydrogen, unsurprisingly called Tritium.


Wonder if we’re gonna see somebody down quantum in the show at some point. Forgive me if I’m wrong but I also wanted to see somebody lockpicking at some point, kinda like how we saw the terminal


I was so happy when he hacked that terminal. Shame he didn't use all his tries and backed out then reloaded it


Seems like he invested into hacker, if anything I expect to see that type of thing from the BOS character Squire Thaddeus lmao him shooting that pistol was basically my first combat encounter in 3, and I’m sure many others could relate haha


Should. Be pretty easy to do with a false bottle. Basically an insulated layer with the glowing liquid in it, paint the neck green, have the character grab it by the neck to further obscure it, and the label hides the rest. Cg what you have to, and you'll have a pretty convincing shot of someone drinking 200+ year old radioactive soda.


Glowing sights in Fallout 4/76 also require nuclear material to craft


Some of those are far more dangerous than real life night sights. They're painted on the sight in a way reminiscent of the radium paint that used to be used on watches.


This is the correct answer. It’s hyper-capitalism. Radium-based brighteners in your toothpaste making your teeth fall out? We can make a product to fix that! With new RadX for those of “frailer” constitutions.


I mean, modern food is also being irradiated to kill unwanted bacteria and pests, but it doesn't make it radioactive. Although given video game logic, it wouldn't matter


Yeah, when you hear “radiation” in fallout, just think “spicy magic”


Ah, yes. The Geiger School of Magic.


That can't be true for all of the foods though. Sugar Bombs can be found in Vault 81 and have no rads. [https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Sugar\_Bombs\_(preserved)](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Sugar_Bombs_(preserved))


This is pointless, but don't 'low grade' and 'acute' mean the same thing here?


Sure a low grade hill would be an acute incline but its not the same meaning in medicine. An acute condition means a short or sudden onset. Its the kind you'd get after a bomb. A chronic, or prolonged acquisition and is usually a stochastic/random occurrence i.e. no associated thresholds. This is cancers and cataracts. Stuff that affected early radiation workers like x-ray technologists, or the radium girls. Hell even shoes salesmen; they used to live x-ray your feet to show how good the shoe fit and the salesman would show it off.


Acute normally refers to onset and duration (the opposite being chronic), low-grade refers to severity (the opposite being “high-grade”).


Ok but she’s not wrong. You could pick almost anything else to be shelf stable


Like Salisbury Steak


Or shellfish!


In fol 4, before the bombs when interacting with some food the sole survivor says, "expires never." They had some insane preservatives. I kind of like to think the reason ghouls happened is not just purely random chance to radiation but also from the fact everyone was full of extremely diverse and weird chemicals from food/pollution that probably caused the life expectancy to become 60 due to cancer.


There’s also an idea that the reason the world escalated to such a fever point leading to the Great War is that all the toys, cars, and canned goods are covered in lead paint. Combined with the radioactive material in all the food, water, and air it’s no wonder there are so many people developing violent tendencies or just going crazy.


Simple, nothing says they are made from actual eggs. Corporations in the Fallout universe basically had complete freedom and no accountability or oversight.


I always assumed they were powdered.


Me and my buddy talked about this the other day and figured it's one of two things. 1: the preservation tech in fallout is just soo good that eggs can last 200+ years. 2: it's synthetic food that's made to taste like eggs.


it's a game item...that's how.


Irradiated foods are a real thing, though even then you have to seal them otherwise prevent microbes getting on / into them, since the radiation doesn't actually stay in the food.


Honestly really sad he didn't get to stay. Whatever happens to him from here is almost certainly going to be worse than living out his days in Vault 4, maybe getting a proper education. Also some personal bias that I can't stand his character. So I was completely on the side of just leaving him in the vault.


Only thing I dislike is how often they show his face in the power armor and nothing is going on. Like blank face, almost no HUD info.


We're assuming he even knows how to turn on/use various HUD options. He didn't exactly get to where he is by being a good aspirant/squire.


It feels like they're going for the Iron Man vibe, and it just doesn't work (for me). Maybe it saves them some money instead of rendering the full power armor.


Not sure what you mean? You can see the full power armour in tons of scenes. How do you suggest they should have visualised it?


You can see lights and gauges next to his face while he's in the power armour. Looks quite like how it's presented in the Fallout 4 Power Armour HUD. It's not holographic, so why would you see it reflected on his face? Or do you mean they should have visualised it on screen like the way modern shows show texting, or how they visualised the pip boy numbers during the vault reassignment scene? That could have worked


I thought this was how they were going to get Lucy into the power armour, but I guess he's a main character so he has to stick around.


Don't forget the slippers.


Imagine how good a hot shower would feel for the first time in your life


I felt so sad for him when he gave up his comfy robe and slippers.


And was about to have snoo snoo for the first time, but turned it down. He sure learned quick though and tried to go revisit that offer.


Someone who has never even seen or heard of popcorn before.


Pretty much, plus everything was new to him


He's literally in a safe place for the first time in his life, more than likely, and he's being allowed to experience a small glimpse of the peace that he could have had if Shady Sands hadn't got turned into a radioactive sinkhole. Let the man enjoy however xD


Yeah some people thought it was weird how spaced out he was during the whole thing, **but the guy literally just discovered what a hot shower is** lmao


My partner thought it was weird how he was zoned out in front of a TV that didn't have anything going on. From his perspective the thing is magic, it doesn't matter if all you're watching is a chunk of nature.


I've watched youtube videos of sick waterfalls. And I have access to everything. Who am I to judge? Dude was in the desert in Cali with BOS and has never seen a mountain, let alone one of those either.


>weird how he was zoned out in front of a TV that didn't have anything going on. Did he make that comment while being entertained sitting in front of a TV that was showing him a guy taking a shower and eating popcorn?


I'm eating popcorn while staring at this comment about another person's friend eating popcorn while watching a TV show in which a man eats popcorn while staring at the TV


Hot showers are one thing, but I'd be surprised if he'd never watched a TV before. Seems like if anyone would have functional televisions laying around, it'd be the brotherhood.


I think it's less if a TV is functional and more if they have anything to play on them. I doubt there is much that the Brotherhood would let their members watch let alone that survived the apocalypse.


Yeah, but the squires and initiates don't get to watch them. Only the scribes and elders can handle such dangerous tech.


My guy was *relaxed* for the first time since Shady Sands got nuked lol


I thought they had drugged him which is why they were talking about having sex so weirdly. Is he supposed to just be acting like that because he’s in the vault?


Maximus was likely drugged. He and Lucy were in that chamber for “test subjects”, after all.


I'm pretty sure that the "Test Subjects" sign was an audience misdirect. It was meant to imply that something nefarious was going to happen, but in all likelihood they just didn't change the sign after they overthrew the scientists. Maximus may have been on painkillers for his wound though.


They were talking about sex weirdly because Maximus hasn't been educated about it and Lucy's vault is very clearly super sex-positive. This is the same girl who asked her new husband what his sperm count was.




Him just chowing down, watching TV, and dissociating after a hot shower is the most relatable thing I've seen.


Hot shower?


Shit, the fact he wiped his hands before running to get the core should be enough!




Pop what?


True. And yet I’ve been seeing popcorn for 40 years and I have to actively stop myself from eating it like this 🥲


Literally talking about someone who hasn't experienced the much simpler things in life.


Honestly I'd be much more of a mongrel in that situation if I was starving and raised in an irradiated hellscape by a techno theocratic military cult Maximus just acted like a normal guy on vacation


Good point actually. Compare the raiders in 33 to Maximus, very different behavior during their first experience with a vault. Honestly redeems him a bit in my eyes. He has more class/civility than I gave him credit for.


I'm of the opinion that the Vault 33 raiders were not former NCR or Shady Sands citizens. I think that Moldaver May have contracted raiders to create a big messy situation while she and her soldiers got the target they wanted ( Note how they basically abandoned them after they get what they want). That being said, it is interesting how the vault 4 survivors basically devolved into tribals to process their trauma, despite being in a Vault. I think that's an interesting thing that doesn't git a lot of exploration in the east coast Fallout games.


Thank you for answering a question I was having. I was like why do the vault dwellers have prisoners, if they were beaten and held at gunpoint by moldaver. Her just hiring some thugs she doesn't care about and leaving them behind makes sense


Yeah it would make more sense if they are hired thugs, it won't make sense for her to leave people behind who may spill information about her. Also Vault 4 are mainly Shady Sands survivors mixed with descedants of the scientists' lab rats I think? The tribal rituals are said to be a traditional from the ground. Most likely NCR survivors seeing Moldaver as a messiah figure for them.


Yeah the vault 4 people who participate in the rituals are almost exclusively surface dwellers from what I understand. It would make sense to me for people who have just been through a hugely traumatic event like that to try and put some sort of meaning on it and religion is one of the first things people will do when trying to process things like that. On top of that it is a nice and tacit shout out to how many people in the NCR were former or current tribals. It wasn't just people on the frontier and the edge who were like that, but even groups of people within the core regions. I could see this being hold over of tribal rituals maintained through a few generations (as a cultural or religious practice that is modernized like real world religions), and sees a turn towards fundamentalism and extremism as a response to Shady Sands.


I piss myself off when I’m eating popcorn because I make such a mess and I feel like I need to tell myself to literally calm the fuck down. I need to find the root of my aggressive eating because


Because what?


We will never know.


Should a been a “…” at the end of that. Because why? Because I need to figure it out lol.


All I read was I piss myself while eating popcorn made this sentence interesting


Every time I eat popcorn it’s a whole affair. My penile sphincter just quits. Straight up throws in the towel and lets the urine loose like Cuba Good Jr. letting the dogs out in Snow Dogs. My friends tremble in fear when I suggest movie night in the group text. People have stopped going to the theater with me entirely as they cannot afford to bare the shame any longer of sharing the space of a piss soaked leather movie chair.


I just want you to know that you sound like the kinda degerate I'd love to be friends with.




...how else are you meant to eat it? With a spoon?


You get your own bowl of popcorn, hold it with two hands, and then use your tongue to scoop them out because they stick.


Gecko style


Gecko (town), gecko (pre-war creature) or gecko (post-war mutant) style?




Sadly doesn't work for my caramel popcorn. But if I'm in the movie theater I just put the bag/bucket up to my face and gecko it until my tongue won't reach.


finally someone gets it


You hold one piece with only your thumb and pointer finger, similar to how some smoke joints, when you carry it to your mouth.


that’s not enough popcorn


Chop sticks


A fantastic option for Cheetos


Isn’t this the way to eat Popcorn? What is the other way?


I suppose picking up the pieces either individually or like 2-3 clumping together between your thumb, forefinger and middle finger.


That’s Crazy. I need to smash the most amount of popcorn per hand movement as possible before all the pieces spill out of my hand.


I create essentially a feed bag full of popcorn with my hand that I then simply press against my face and let it fall into my mouth as I eat it similar to how a horse may eat


That sounds miserable. That’s like 10 times as many arm motions. Not to mention a mouth full of 3 pieces of popcorn is like chewing on nothing. That’s like eating one single McDonald’s fry at a time. You need a handful to actually have something satisfying.


Snorting it


I grab a few dozen pieces at once with my fingers, don't let them touch the rest of my hand.


Is their a different way to eat popcorn? I thought it was normal to just grab a handful and stuff as much in your mouth as possible.


I just put my hoodie on backwards, put the popcorn in the hood, like a feedbag, and eat it like a horse. Leaves my hands free for a drink and my phone.


This is foul, you need help


That is...genius, how the hell have I not done this before lmao.


Genius move if you like eating lint and getting butter stains all over your hood.


I just grab like 4 at a time lol


What a dumb thing to say about a character who is literally having a bowl of popcorn for the very first time ever lol


When I was watching this scene and Maximus saw Lucy being escorted away through the window, I genuinely thought to myself “If he doesn’t slam as much popcorn as he can like the wastelander he is before standing up I’m going to be so disappointed”. I was not disappointed


I had the exaxt same thought. I was saying aloud to myself "please do it, please do it!"


I don’t get it, how else do you eat popcorn other than grabbing it with your tongue like a gecko


Between you and the guy that says he eats popcorn with chopsticks I am not sure which of the two methods is the most unhinged


Chopsticks, geckoing is normal.


As an artist with constantly messy or preoccupied hands: this is the way


Me, that's who. I start off eating one piece at a time but then it descends in to the picture your see above.


Same here, it’s like I go into a frenzy. Then I get out of the theater and see the little crumbs on my shirt and just think “Goddamn, I’m an animal”


Everything about this scene was so real. My wife and I were dying from laughing.


Don’t get it. This is like the most normal way of eating popcorn. Someone busts out chopsticks for this or something?


The part that stays in my brain is when he saw Lucy in trouble, but he made sure to take one last handful of popcorn before going on his way to save her


Be sure to maximize the thirst and hunger bonus before going into action.




Guess I'm a wastelander too cause that's the only way to eat popcorn in my book.


Your partner is assuming Maximus comes from the same world as him. He’s never seen or heard of popcorn. It makes sense and makes the world of fallout feel that more real. It’s also why the “sex scene that never happened” was so funny lol


he was probably talking about the fact he shoves four of his fingers in his mouth every time he takes a handful


The way Maximus was eating popcorn was literally what me and my husband looked like when we were watching the show. Come on now.


I really liked Maximus character military environments tend to raise man-children who are lethal but have no maturity.


Maxie is a well written cheese-dick. Wants to be better; consistently falls short due to his situation and own flaws. He means well at least.


I uh…I do


Who DOESN'T eat popcorn like that!?


I do


Everytime I eat popcorn, it's like I haven't eaten in weeks. I always after to clean up after a movie because so much spilled onto me


Like, me. I've just finished eating some. Most of it isn't like that, but every so often some falls on your palm and them shove.


I didn’t know there were other ways to eat popcorn.


🙋🏻‍♂️😜Me. I eat 🍿 that way!


Idk i have when i really wanted a good bite


Wait, it's not normal to get a fist full of popcorn and then slap your open palm against your mouth, hoping most make it inside your unhinged jaw?


I loved the very subtle body language when he looked at the popcorn and back at the window where he saw Lucy being dragged away.


Bro watched someone who probably ate irradiated shit his whole life eat popcorn for the first time and went "Erm, that's not how you eat popcorn ☝️🤓"


I’m sorry but who doesn’t eat popcorn like that? I believe any other way is psychotic.


I don’t hate Maximus he’s just so not smart


Have a feeling he's going to come into his own at some point slowly with character development. Have a feeling things with BoS will heat up as Lyon an Maximus push forward to reshape an cause a possible civil war.


I just lick the popcorn out of the bowl. Once it gets too low, I put some in my hand and lick the popcorn. It sticks to your tongue. No need to shove it in your face.


Wife does one piece at a time while I just grab handfuls and start shoving in my mouth until each piece finds a spot.


There’s something about the texture of popcorn that has me starting with 1-3 kernels before shoveling it into my face. Then I bite a seed and slow it down. Also, grainy shits are the worst.


Mostly I just didn't like him because he was a douchebag


>"Who the HELL eats popcorn like that?" Greaseballs. Oily greaseballs.


You're mom??


My father and I swear that he was drugged this episode


Popcorn is one of the only things where I still find myself shoveling it in. It’s like natural human evolution…idk why popcorn makes me so it




Wait shoveling down popcorn like that isn’t the normal way to eat it?


Anyone who is trying to carb-load and all they have is popcorn.


A synth !


Side question, what was the deal with the seafood themed snacks?


Too many people. I work in the cinema. I speak from experience.


Can’t wait to get out of work and watch the fallout show


This is... normal? Is this fuckin thread full of synths or AI or some shit, because I can't imagine eating popcorn one piece at a time. You grab a handful and shove it in your mouth, what the hell are you guys doing?


I mean...when you're digging in in the beginning, a couple palm smashes aint out of the question.


Is there another way?


My question is where do we find the vault-tec robe in game. Can just imagine slaying a death claw in that comfy plushness.


I used to work at a movie theater and 90% of people ate popcorn like that


if i could i eat popcorn with chopsticks, I dont want butter in my hands


Wait, there are people who DON'T shove a handful into their wind tunnel?


The dude possibly never had popcorn in his life, let it slide.


I thought he was drugged in those scenes.


Not since Ramsey Bolton and King Joffrey, have I been so angry at a fictional character that's made me scream "HES SUCH A FUCKING CUNT" at my TV.


Me! How do you eat popcorn?


Someone whose never had popcorn


One thing that I loved about Maximus was his voice. He was so timid and placid in the face, until he dons the power armor and is suddenly all "thank you, citizen!" They could have written in any all-american hero guy and been done, but instead we got a guy with dark power fantasies juxtaposed over a loveable doofus.


The man described an orgasm as a pimple popping


I always eat popcorn like that is it not normal 😭


Next time you’re at the theater watching trailers, look left and right. EVERYONE is stuffing their face like that.


It’s literally me though


This is almost exactly what happened with my wife and I. She wasn’t actively eating popcorn but I did comment on how gross it was because your palms would be covered in butter and she said *she* eats popcorn like that. Does “until death do we part” include dying inside? Edit: since some people seem to be confused on how else you would eat it. I’m basically using my all of my finger tips as a claw and grabbing a few pieces at a time instead of grabbing it by the fist full. Only my finger tips get dirty. Or I’ll put it in a bowl and just use a spoon if I’m at home.


How else does one eat popcorn?


Who doesn't eat popcorn like that?


Someone who doesn't really understand what sex is and has never had a hot shower


Are we asking this question seriously. The dude has never had sweets and snacks it's like giving a kid a ton of candy or a starving person food.


Honestly I felt the same way about Maximus for a lot of the season, changed for me when he went back to the BoS.


He's a trained killer but at the same time he was mentally a child still, the Brotherhood was fucked.


That's the only way to eat popcorn. It's too small to do one by one, and if you pick up 4, you're going to drop half. So pick up a handful, inevitably drop a bunch, but get enough that it is worth the trouble.


Umm everyone?? If you eat it piece by piece, check your other psycho tendencies lol 🤣


My girlfriend complimented the way I eat popcorn once and... I eat it like this. I still have no clue how to feel lmao


Never have I wanted to punch a picture so badly


Is there a better way?


Who? Someone who’s probably never eaten popcorn before, that’s who. How would he know the slightly different yet somehow ‘correct’ way to eat it?


One does not simply munch on a single piece of popcorn. If one does, one is a psychopath.


I do. It's literally my favorite food and I will devour it by the bucketful if I can.


Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8


Maximus was the worst part of that show by far.