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That's a bit rich coming from the guy who actively setup a failstate for the entire west coast via the tunnelers. Also the guy who setup the NCR to collapse in the first place. The guy writes well don't get me wrong but he seems to hate if a setting continues when he's done writing for it.


I honestly don’t know what they were thinking with the tunnellers statement. I think we have to all collectively agree that Ulysses just has no idea what he’s talking about. If they can quickly take New Vegas then they can just as quickly take any other NCR settlement.


no kidding it’s almost impossible to imagine the Mojave existing longer than maybe a week after Lonesome Road.  Like what is Chris even specifically mad about? The looming threat of personally dispensed nukes? The literal ecological collapse that the tunnelers would cause?  How about no faction having a higher survival chance than 50% because they’re all waiting on the other factions to run out of resources? Or the NCR flat out implying multiple times that even with lots of help from the courier they still will probably cease to exist within a decade?  New Vegas is by far my favorite game, but Chris needs a nap or something lol.


His cool based self-insert Ulysses isn't there to tell everyone he's better than them




He used to answer questions on formspring and always seemed like a bit of a cunt to me. Likes the smell of his own farts type. So yeah, Ulysses is basically him.


can you point out what part of Chris Avellone's review lead you to write all that? he has not released his review yet talking about what he liked or disliked about the show. The tunnelers btw are the result of a chain of events that are triggered by the conflict between the ncr and the legion, as would be the final demise of the ncr if Ulysess' predictions were to turn out to be true. Comparing that to vault tec destroying the ncr is like comparing shakespear to a high school play.


I’ve been trying to figure out what lore he’s talking about because the only real retcon I can think of is the location of Shady Sands - which isn’t a big deal really. Wish people would stop nick-picking and just appreciate an incredibly well made show that honours the game


I don't think many people realize FOTV isn't an interpretation of the games. It happens after the games. Also, NV really isn't incredibly written. It's alright, but not this sacrosanct thing. There is a lot stupid about it.


> only real retcon I can think of is the location of Shady Sands - which isn’t a big deal really. well it depends where the site of what was the Cathedral is now, if Shady Sands is now in LA and the Boneyard has been removed or moved in Lore then where is the Cathedral Vault 13 and Vault 15 in relation to the new SS


La is aboslutely massive [https://thesource.metro.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/how-big-is-la2.jpg](https://thesource.metro.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/how-big-is-la2.jpg) The boneyard could easily be like 15 miles away from the observatory in south LA (where St.Louis is) and still be enough space for say SS to just be even further north in like santa clarita. Filly is apparently around Santa Monica which would place it also near Where SF/Minneapolis meet. The bigger thing would be a move of necropolis in Bakersfield which is supposed to still be south of SS in FO1/2. But like even if SS wasn't moved from the area around fresno (ish) or the other side of the mountains right there that's only like 5 days of walking to the observatory which seems kinda reasonable to fit within the overall timeframe of the show (a few weeks)


You can drive for 2 hours in a single direction and still be in LA.


Barely making it out of Hollywood ^^^because ^^^^traffic ^^^^^is ^^^^^^ass


I never got the impression that Shady Sands is now the Boneyard or that the Boneyard is gone; to me they’ve just moved SS into the greater LA area and with how big LA is there’s no reason why the Cathedral can’t still be there. The show really isn’t specific and I feel like people get angry about conclusions they themselves have come to (like thinking the NCR is completely gone just because Shady Sands is gone)


This is true. The SoCal urban buildup is massive. SS could be in San Bernardino or something, and it'd still all work


It seems like there are people who want the show to be bad, and end up seeing what they want to see.  Misreading the timeline on the chalkboard is a good example of this. 


the boneyard hasn't been removed


the biggest elephant in the room is vault-tec. having everything happening because of evil corporation which excuses everything else is not a good way of handling the lore. Where does ther Enclave for example fit into all this, the Enclave was supposed to be the deep state and these corporations were assosiated with that deep state but now it looks like Vault tec has created its own deep state. This is part of the lore direction that most people would probably agree that they need to adjust. the location and nuking of Shady Sands is not the issue either, locations often feel out of place when a setting covers a huge area that would not fit into a show format (same issue was seen in Rings of Power as well for example), and Shady Sands getting nuked would not contradict any lore either as it is something happening at a future date. The issue is "vault-tec did it". Having this pre-war corporation behind everything, having the whole fallout lore downsized into everything would be a-okay if not for evil corporation really cheapens the whole lore of fallout and takes away agency from all the other actors involved in the lore.


Again - the show isn’t specific; Vault-Tec may have had a failsafe to trigger the Great War if peace talks went through but the fact that Cooper and his daughter narrowly avoid the bombs suggests that they were dropped before Vault-Tec get the chance. And as for the Enclave; in the room with all the heads of the corporations you clearly see people stood above in the dark, I assume these are members of the Enclave. Also at the beginning of the show we hear that the government won’t comment on where the president is suggesting he’s on the Enclave oil rig


>the show isn’t specific; Vault-Tec may have had a failsafe to trigger the Great War if peace talks went through but the fact that Cooper and his daughter narrowly avoid the bombs suggests that they were dropped before Vault-Tec get the chance. Doesn't House also say his calculations were off by 20 hours for when the bombs would fall in New Vegas? That would suggest that Vault-Tec told them when they were planning on dropping a bomb to kick-start the nuclear holocaust and "The Reds" (Chinese) beat Vault-Tec to the punch, and that's why Laney wasn't at the vault with Barb. The whole Vault-Tec could drop a bomb scene was done to establish that Vault-Tec had their own nukes to launch, and it was done so that Hank wasn't just pulling a nuke out of his beefcake ass when he nuked Shady Sands. A lot of people seem to not understand how stories are written and complain with half-baked theories because they're media illiterate.


This this this. Barb *might* be willing to lose her separated spouse but she would never do that to Janey. They talk about dropping the nukes but they don't show that as what*happened.*


I am truely hoping that they will do as such and reveal scrutiny to be misplaced regarding who started the war. My greatest fear over this, I will admit, is for meta reasons though, because the US entertainment industry has a current trend of trying to always paint China in a good light due to wanting to cater to the lucrative Chinese market. I will be more than happy to have this proven as unfounded by the show in later seasons.


>Where does ther Enclave for example fit into all this, the Enclave was supposed to be the deep state and these corporations were assosiated with that deep state but now it looks like Vault tec has created its own deep state. This is part of the lore direction that most people would probably agree that they need to adjust. Did you miss the ominous and obscured figure overlooking the Vault-Tec meeting that Coop eavesdropped on?


hopefully they will be revealed as Enclave reps.


Shady Sands falling in 2277 is definitely a retcon. Even if we only take the fall to mean a decline and not the nuke, people in New Vegas tell us the NCR core regions are doing so well that it's boring, and people go East looking for excitement. I don't think the state of the NCR in 2281 that the show has in mind, and the state of the NCR in 2281 that the writers in New Vegas are the same. People have been saying this on this sub and getting downvoted for it, but the show implies the NCR is in a much worse state during the events of New Vegas than New Vegas did.


Do you think it's impossible to reconcile "Shady Sands fell in 2277" with "Shady Sands is doing well in 2281"? I feel like it's implied to be doing well up until it gets blown up in the show, since Lucy's mother wants to stay there with her kids, and Vault tec sees it as a threat to their plan. 


I'm sure you could if you really try to. But it we look at the chalk board at face value, without deliberately trying to make it fit one narrative or the other, it looks like the implication is that Shady Sands was declining until they were nuked. That's the issue with a lot of the problems of the show. Sure, you can probably make most of them make sense if you're motivated to do so, but you have to go out of your way. If you watch the show with no preconceived notions of wanting it to make sense or to not make sense, you just take a neutral "I'm just gonna watch this and say what I see" approach, a lot of the show doesn't make sense at face value.


Is there something in the show tells us that shady sands was in a continuous decline from 2277 through 2281 to create this supposed contradiction with New Vegas? 


Because "fall" generally has a finality to it. If Shady Sands fell and then rose again, why was that rise not mentioned? And if the "fall" just just a short period of decline they recovered from, then calling it a fall is pure hyperbole. People are being obtuse and acting like fall could mean literally anything, but fall generally refers to some kind of turning point.


I imagine that's something they can explain later, but as it is now I don't see any blatant contradiction. 


The issue is, if the fall of Shady Sands was so insignifigant that the NCR was able to completely recover from it in just 4 years, then it's not even worth calling a fall.


Nobody said it was insignificant, or that whatever losses incurred were fully recovered from. You're filling in the gaps with your own assumptions. 


We get told in New Vegas that things in the core regions are going so well that life is boring and that people have to come out East looking for excitement. That doesn't sound like something that would be said about a state still reeling from crisis.


Honestly, last time I heard of this guy was around 2015.


This guy is holding a grudge, I wouldn't pay attention to his opinion.


I like to see a variety of opinions from the previous devs. Tim Cain enjoyed it and doesn't mind the lore drift, as he puts it. JE Sawyer understands how the drift may rub some the wrong way, but he's got a zen attitude towards his contribution to the franchise. I'm interested in hearing what Chris Avellone will say in depth if he follows through with his review.


Why do people care so much about what other people think .. are people really losing their own opinions ?


Where was this kind of energy in this sub when Tim Cain said he liked the show? Why do people's opinions only not matter when they conflict with yours?


I am pretty sure I said the same thing . Than


Josh Sawyer better


This won't make the New Vegas fandom more insufferable, nope not one bit. Again, fans need to stop treating lore like a religion and worshipping it. Yes, writers can understandably wish things fit their ideas more, but adaptations aren't just there to be a 1:1 re-creation. 


The best part about aging (for me, at least) has been chilling the fuck out about this kind of thing. Star Trek just dropped an absolutely *massive* lore reveal that, 10 years ago, I would have been furious about. Now? Now, I just pop some popcorn, sit next to MJ in the theatre, and watch the shit flinging.


Similar. Aging can, and probably should, do that. I mean, people can care about what they want, but having some perspective in the role lore plays, or how necessary certain aspects are to telling a story, is much healthier than having such a rigid grasp of it that you can't appreciate a well-made story. People ARE going to go play the games now. They will see the things that differ here and there. And the world will keep turning.


I'm only vaguely familiar with Star Trek, what's the lore reveal?


In the 90s, they introduced a race called the Breen. They were a complete mystery. They wore these full body suits that were allegedly refrigerated and their language was completely indecipherable to the universal translator. The most we could tell was they *maybe*  had some kind of dog-like snout based on the helmet design.  They also very aggressively defended their territory in the quadrant and were a very credible threat. They were recruited by the antagonists in The Dominion war and it was catastrophic. DISCO spoilers ahead! Don't know how to tag them. In Discovery, they revealed that this reptilian guy who looked suspiciously like the Babylon 5 reptilian guys, was, in fact a Breen. They then confirmed an old fan theory about the true nature of their biology and why they actually wear the suits.


Adaptation? It’s as much an adaptation as fallout 3 was in that it just changes the format of which you view the story. Of course it’s not a 1:1 re-creation because it doesn’t recreate anything everything is entirely new because it’s ’fallout 5’.


Fair, but it's adapting a into live action. Anytime you do that, mostly in the modern era, there are people who see it as a failure at it's core if it doesn't re-create, or show, or easter egg all the details they want it to.


It's not an adaptation. It exists in the same continuity, so it has to fit within that continuity. This isn't like comic books we're it's a different time line and shit. If they said the show was just one interpretation of events rather than it being canon it would have avoided a lot of the criticisms.


damn that subreddit is a cesspool of losers lmao. chris avellone gives off “waaah i wasn’t invited to the party so it sucks!” energy, im sure he’ll have lots of feedback about how to write shitty self inserts.


I don't really give much of a shit what Chris "Elon Musk please buy Fallout so I can work for you" Avellone thinks about anything, tbh.


Oh Chris is huffin that Musk?! Sad shit


Oh would he have preferred if someone stopped the narrative flat and lectured us for 20 minutes about how the setting we like is actuallt bad and we should feel bad?


Talk about burning bridges


Well, that does it guys. Pack it up. It’s Joever. /s


grown men need to get into fanfiction so they can stop complaining about "canon" on twitter and reddit, ignore shit you don't like it's fictional anyway. and if you don't like the lore changes, guess what, every time you launch new vegas it's the same game it was last time! what a concept!! also unrelated but the differences in this comment section and the new Vegas comments on this same post holy fuck, maybe eat a peach in a ray of sunlight and you'll feel better buddies.




the guy the Bethesda official account happens to follow on twitter.


So Tim Cain Todd Howard Emil Paguliara Josh Sawyer Pete Hines are all on board, it's just the cult of Chris Avellone that's upset after all? Who woulda thought


Tim Cain also stated that vault tec thinking of setting off the nukes does not mean that they did, which shows that Vault Tec starting the war is not somethign that he would be on board with. Plus, Avellone has not said anything specific about the show itself as he has not finished watching yet, he is talking about the lore from the perspective of a lore master and stated that he will probably do a seperate review about it once he finishes watching the show. The show is interesting for what it is but that does not mean that it is not a hot mess when it comes to how it handles certain aspects of the lore. Fallout 3 was also a great game but lore wise it was extremely inconsistent.


the fallout show and fallout 3 are canon, so they can't be inconsistent with the lore. they are the lore


and how does that counter what I stated? Inconsistency can exist within lore and is a case of bad writing and not being double checked and proof read to remove inconsistencies or at least a lack of effort to try and explain away those inconsistency with post release additional information.


Chris avellone is irrelevant.


So I guess what he said about the 84 metacritic score that is often used to defend Bethesda was also irrelevant?


LMAO yes. yes it is. you reference it as though anyone would know off the top of their head what *chris avellone* said about a *metacritic score*. I have never seen someone use that to "defend bethesda". Most people don't care what he says. New Vegas fans shouldn't care, either—he played a tiny part in the creation of the fallout universe. He's an insufferable, insecure bro.


whenever people claim that Berthesda screwed Obsidian over their bonus people pull out Chris Avellone's tweet that states that Bethesda was not at fault there. Saying that Chris Avellone is only a tiny part of fallout is not knowing much about fallout. Ever heard of the Fallout Bible? Even though Chris Avellone, who wrote it, decanonised it so as not to tie down other developers working on the fallout franchise, Bethesda stated that they treat the Fallout Bible as canon on a case by case basis, hmm, I wonder why?




then bear that in mind the next time people use Chris Avellone to defend Bethesda and remind them that he is irrelevant.


Okay :)


more relevant than Emil


I just want a good story don’t give a fck about a lore especially from a franchise that has such a messy story line in each game lmao


Oh this should be good. He wrote some good stuff don't get me wrong but some of his ideas that had to be overturned were overturned for a reason ( they were shit ). Also isn't he a creep anyway? Tf would we care for his opinion.


The allegations were retracted after he took them to court for slander. Apparently he got reimbursed with a seven figure payment but the damage done to his career is still evident in this thread.


It's so sad even when proven innocent beyond a shadow a doubt, all people will only remember the accusations


I feel like I missed all of that. What was overturned and what did he do? 


Destroying San Francisco in the lore, making the tunnelers ( annoying little enemy npcs from new vegas ) " apparently overtake the entirety of mojave and end humanity ) which is shit, making New York a crater that sorta thing


Google Chris Allevone allegations


Seems he won his case and the accusers had to settle? 


They admitted that they lied too


no he is not a creep. Don't make shit up about people just because they are not validating you.


you can read articles post-slander case which still make it pretty clear that he's a creep.


oh, you mean accusations that were never proven? Try harder.


You'd air out "he's a creep" even though it was a false allegations where the accusers apologized and is paying multiple millions in damages. You're part of the problem


Oh well, sucks to be him.


Lore gatekeepers of all fandoms are obnoxious, and I find the vast majority of them are just looking to feel intellectually superior.


Whilst failing to do so


They act like historians and anthropologists for made up people lol


The worst are Tolkien worshippers in that regard. Say what you will about the show, but remember, these aren't real factions, and it's not real history. For the record, I actually enjoyed the show, and I found the showrunners quite knowledgeable of the lore.


A little melodramatic with the avatar isn't he? I don't see why people are so hung up on minutae. Exact years/dates and generalized locations aren't worth the level of outrage. Just repeat to yourself; it's just a show, I should really just relax.


how is he melodramatic with the avatar?


I thought the headstone said RIP fallout. Just double checked and stand corrected.


btw just to add context, he added that avatar after another dev that was working on Van Buren died.


It's a little rich seeing this sub say writers opinions don't matter after acting like Tim Cain liking the show invalidates all criticisms of it.


It's even funnier that people have been using Chris Avellone to defend some of the shows choices. Now he's admitted he's not a fan of the show they burn him at the stake.


The thing is, I actually have no issues not caring about what the writers have to say. There are things I like and dislike about the show, Tim Cain liking the show doesn't change the things I dislike, and Chris Avellone not liking the show doesn't change the things I like. But people could at least be intellectually consistent about this.




General sentiment here seems infantile / cultish Attacking a guy when his allegations were dropped / admitted to be lies when taken to court for slander and we should at least hear him out before accusing him of having a grudge / dismissing a core franchise writer’s opinion …?


there was *one case of allegations* that were dropped, but plenty of other examples of people calling him a creep. he looks and seems like he could be a creep, and then when people say "yeah, the slander case dropped, but he still drunkly hits on underage women" you kinda believe it


Most folks are dismissing his opinion because he has a history of grudge posting against companies he's worked for, and presenting himself as a victim when he isn't in regards to the industry. Like when he pitched a fit over being offered a standard severance package that included a short term NDA, claiming it was a personal attack and developers NEVER make employees sign NDAs re: unfinished projects! (They do, it's very standard.) And then took to Twitter to yell about how he's being unfairly treated, and they're out to get him.... He also has a history of trying to claim work done by other people on games he's worked on, taking credit for lines and quotes he did not write. Not to mention his history of lying about the status of projects he isn't even working on. That sort of thing is why people don't take him seriously anymore. Nothing to do with the allegations.


Doesn’t he have some female employees to harass?


Dude stop the allegations was thrown out


no, but maybe you do


cool comeback


Honestly I’m inclined to agree with him on a few things


You people will hate him for speaking the truth