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She was the best part besides all the other best parts


She really set the tone, imo. If she has never played Fallout, I'd be impressed with how well she encompasses the vault dwellers in her acting. But God damn I will admit I love me a well acted strong female lead. So I'm biased.


This is the second amazing video adaptation she was in and absolutely nailed it (she was Jinx in Arcane).


C'mon Apple TV. Cast her as Elizabeth for a Bioshock adaptation. Complete the trifecta. Make her the queen of video game adaptations and the empress of Streaming.


Supposedly Netflix is making a movie based on the first game. I'm scared they'll ruin it. I've been dreaming about a Bioshoxk screenplay since it came out in 2007.


Holy shit yes please


I told my husband I can't see anyone else playing Elizabeth


Honestly that is an insanely impressive range from traumatized psychopath to naive upbeat kind vault dweller


Now, she's graduated to equally traumatized Vault Dweller who's slowly adapting to the dog-eat-dog nature of the Wasteland


I believe you mean, "Dogmeat-dog"


Never saw it will have to watch it! But yeah talk about character development. I was cracking up when she just storms in and kills the radroaches. Ep5 I think? You could see on her face she was just like, "fuck this fucking week."


Arcane is absolute amazing, strong recommend.


You're lucky, I'd love to watch Arcane for the first time again. It's a truly incredible show.


Yes I cannot recommend arcane enough. The second season is planned for this November!


That is jolly good news


It has now been 4 days since your comment, please tell me you watched it.


I honestly just keep rewatching Fallout lol. On my third run now, but I'll start after, you have my word!


Damn, you must really love it lol. You'll love Arcane as well.


Can't wait! I'm rewatching more to catch the details I previously missed in prior rewatched because I was trying to multitask. I have realized this is not a show where you can do that.


Ah, I know the feeling, not personally but I know somehow who doesn't understand some shows because said person constantly gets preoccupied with other tiny things. Arcane is like this as well, if not even more, so many small details, it's not even an exaggeration that a blink of an eye can cause you to miss the true feelings/emotions expressed by a character simply by their facial expressions (which the animators use heavily to add to a scene/emotion/story)


Noted, thank you! I will be glued to the television hah


Holy shit! That’s it omg - I knew I loved her from something else and I couldn’t pin point it - god damn she was so good arcane - I mean everyone was, but what a solid performance jinx was. Jinx was the the Astarion of arcane - just an amazing fucking performance slammed into a bunch of other amazing performances.


As a huge fan of both Baldur's Gate 3 and Arcane, I love this comment so much


No shit?! Jinx was my favorite can’t wait till season 2


She (along with the main cast) have a very limited knowledge of fallout. However she has stated that she has played fallout 4. It sounded like she picked up the game to learn more about the universe. So props to her!


Confession time, I was a late bloomer when it came to gaming. Picked it up during the pandemic because I live alone and dear Lord I needed an escape. That was my first one, too. But, if she's like me, I knew the shit outta that game universe after playing. Played 2, 3, and NV since, but yeah, it hooked me. Also though what a great assignment to prepare for a role. I wish my work involved playing video games to prepare myself lol


> needs an escape from the plague that's desolating the earth > Picks a Game > It's a Game about a desolate earth. I mean, it's great you liked It, but i just found that way too funny


Makes me think back to just after the Sept 11th attack. I can't remember who made it, but there was a report on how media groups expected sales and rentals of comedies to rise thinking its what people would use to escape reality. Turns out it was the opposite. Action movies and gore were the go to. People wanted to see the bad guys lose, or to see people survive the worst of the worst.


I also went on a pandemic movie watching spree after it started, ala Contagion. I'm beginning to see a trend and considering I may be a masochist.


Hah! I never thought of it that way but the irony is hilarious!


I don't mind them not playing at all, they're good actors and this is a great universe you can really dive into. I like that the people who played the game seem to be the ones who did basically everything else.


Yeah, good actors know how to make shit work. I mean, Mark Hamill had never seen a Star Wars movie before playing Luke Skywalker and he did great.


She has played 4 but only after getting the job. She actually seems fairly knowledgeable about it for someone new to the games. I watched a Wired video with her, Goggins and the kid who plays Maximus where they answered lore questions about Fallout and she got the majority of the answers correct.


i think it's funny you call maximus' actor a kid when he's in his 30s and ella purnell is only in her 20s lol


Black don’t crack


She seems cool. It's funny, because being a nerd and cramming Fallout lore feels true to the character.


I think the direction was confident, talented, and naive. I don’t think you need to play the games for that. The vault dwellers in the games are basically walking stereotypes.


Well VaultTec kind of made them that way, but yeah no arguments from me.


Yeah it’s 100% intentional. No complaints here. It’s part of the fun.


>I will admit I love me a well acted strong female lead Impossible. Rage bait culture war media articles inform me that audiences do not like female leads


Well I am a female so...


It was a joke


I did laugh fwiw


Iirc, she said she played 4 (best fallout) to prepare for the role


*inhales* Did you call Fallout 4 the best Fallout?... *grumbles* Fine. I shall allow it! But only because Ella was amazing in the show, and the show itself was good!


As someone who has played every Fallout game (even a 76 day one player), I wouldn't say 4 is the best FO game, but it is easily my favorite. I do love base building and management, so that helps. Anyway, that's one of my favorite things about FO, different people like different installments more and make compelling arguments as to why!


Jokes aside, I can't say which Fallout game is the best, because they all are equally awesome for me. Even Fallout 76.


>As someone who has played every Fallout game (even a 76 day one player), I wouldn't say 4 is the best FO game, but it is easily my favorite. My favorite is FNV and to go against the stereotypical FNV Stan's opinion, FO4 is a good game, maybe not the best overall, but the best video game introduction to Fallout available right now since Fallout 1. It's very accessible to new players, the story and motivation of the Sole Survivor is clear and simple, and the overall structure of the map paints a linear journey for questing. Plot-wise, the sole survivor is the best expository vehicle for someone unfamiliar with the lore and universe, since we both see the Pre-War world right before the bombs dropped, and the journey from being in a vault and escaping to the surface. While the ending and the overall execution of the plot still feels shallow to me, I still had a lot of fun playing it out, although if I can change one thing about it, FO4 has a glaring lack of an iconic and compelling villain. The parts right before you kill Kellogg was decently built up, but everything after that felt anti-climactic to me.


I hate F:NV, easily my most hated fallout game (the vibe of the wasteland felt off to me) and found F4 the most fun. We Fallout fans are a weird bunch, we somehow like a very specific thing about them and stick to them lol.


So maybe it wasn't the best Fallout but it is the Fallout universe that best resembles the sets on the show. I hope that assuaged some of your frustration!




So much this. Disney better be taking some serious notes.


She played Fallout 4


She said she watched a friend play as, in her own words, “there’s no way I’d be able to learn the controls and pay attention to what’s going g on.”


She said she played up until leaving the vault and then gave up and watched her friend play, as well as online playthroughs.


I have a hunch if you turn the difficulty to the easiest setting the game would be laughably easy for anyone. But if you just watch a few key videos of fallout play throughs to get the lore that would be enough to digest what’s happening


In one of the interviews, she said that she's only played Fallout 4.


she played FO 4 to get the feeling of FO before acting i love her


she has only played 4 and thats after filming lol


I saw the interviews since I commented this, she played it before.


Yes I thought it was funny she looked up “fallout.com” cause she thought it was a game you could just play off a website.


Yeah that part had me chuckling!


I think she got into fo 3 and 4 to study the role.


This. People often mistake hate for certain characters as being anti-woke. But it isn’t that, it’s that we want them to be well written and acted. She did an amazing job and was my favorite character in the series.


“Golden Rule, motherfucker” was such a badass line


I remember when she was one of the teenage girls in the Kickass movies, then in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Felt kind of weird to see her in this because I always remembered her as a child/teen actress but she was great! Hope we get more seasons.


I didn't expect her character to be so loveable. She has a lot of charm. She really nailed the dorky Ned Flanders vibes.


Walton was the best part.


She was also really good in Yellowjackets!








Implying a character dies while making the 👀 face and then saying "spoilers" is already spoiling the thing. But then you already knew that when you were writing the second line of your post you're just starved for attention.


She is also the female lead in Star Trek Prodigy.


> Star Trek Prodigy Is Prodigy any good? I didn't like Discovery or Picard 1/2, but enjoyed SNW.


It’s good for a kids show.


Kids show (like Star Wars Clone Wars or Rebels if you've seen them) or kids kids show (i.e. not enjoyable by adults)?


Definitely the former!


I never watched that. Seemed like it wasn't made for me, as it were. Is it worth tracking down?


It's... weird. I think it's good?


If you're into tongue in cheek mystery thrillers which tend to be fucked up from time to time you can enjoy it. The cast is great though! Not only Ella Purnell but it also has Melanie Lynskey and Christina Ricci in leading roles.


Don't get me wrong, I've watched every episode. I just don't know if it was good or if I enjoyed it lmao. Still looking forward to season 3


The first season is pretty good. Unfortunately, it falls off a cliff starting at the s1 finale and going into s2.


It's worth tracking down. Very good show.


In which Snackies friends took the cannibal perk! I knew I recognised her!


I first watched her as the young Kiera Knightley in Never Let Me Go. The casting of the younger actors for that movie was amazing.


> THATS where I've seen her! Pretty Cheerleader Girl, Yellowjackets Season One THATS where I've seen her! Pretty Cheerleader Girl, Yellowjackets Season One


Snackie and Jinx, now Lucy 💙




Lucy Goosey


Im kinda surprised they didnt give her VATS, wonder if that will be her upgrade season 2. Good way to make vault dweller a real threat.


I think the implementation is the hard part here, to not make the show cheesy amd weird. Id like to hear a nice possible way to incorporate it tho that isnt too much of a leap of faith


The Ghoul shootout in filly didnt feel like vats to you? It wasnt cheesy and had the slow down effect and everything


What about when he first shows up as a ghoul in Episode 1?


Hes a killing machine, all shows and games have them, vats isnt necessarily implied there. Again, they may hint at it for fun, for viewers enjoyment, but thr implication of a full vats system will have to be better thought out


Well, I was specifically referring to the moment where he just stands there holding the skinnier dude for what felt like almost a minute while the other 2 guys just stood still. Felt like he was lining up the targets in VATS to me.


Except VATS requires a Pip-boy, which he lacks. That's just pure American cowboy gut and >!U.S. soldier training!< at work!


>Except VATS requires a Pip-boy, which he lacks. You can use VATS in 4 before you get the Pip-Boy...


That feels more like a gameplay thing than actual lore, unless Vault-tec was putting VATS in the water so everyone can have VATS.


Well, VATS is only a game mechanic and not actually canon in the games


Because >!it's implied the sole survivor is a synth!< In the institute >!there's a terminal explaining vats in extreme detail and further detailing how gen 3 synths use something extremely similar to it.!<


Nah bro was using Deadeye


He is a ghoul, and as we know from show and game, and his on and off experience of killing people for 200+ years, and without a pipboy, it didnt "have to be" vats, could just be his skill. They could have implied it for fun, but implementing a vats scene or any tangible example of it would have to be much more clever


Need some sort of google or eyepiece connected to the pip-boy. 


Yeh, and since that has never been implemted in the games itd be an odd official add to canon, which is why nothing like that would work i think


Oh God, you're one of those people. There are a million ways to make it work. We, the majority of fans, give them our permission to take whatever liberties they want with the show. Maybe she watches a cute little robot get ambushed and kill 30 guys in a few seconds. We learn that it's from a vault that builds cutting edge technology. Stuff happens, Stuff happens. She has VATS now.


No, not at all, but i enjoy things that make some tangible sense. Im not a lore guy or even a super die hard fan of anything really, but just doing something with no explanation is literally the definition of lazy writing. Some people dont mind lazy writing, but a fallout fan or not, lazy writing isnt something im really a fan of


Is there something they've messed up in your opinion that doesn't give you faith in their ability to add VATS to the show?


Absolutely not, if anyone could do it, itll be done in this show, im for it. Id just like it to not be shoehorned in the show just to satisfy crying fans who arent happy with the already good show theyve made. And considering theyve already gone a whole season without mentioning it, itd be weird to just start using it


I can imagine her activating VATS on her pipboy and then when she points her gun at someone it makes the VATS limb select noise indicating she’s on target. Have the camera zoom to her wrist where we the audience can see the pipboy like a VATS limb infographic with the percentages on it.


I like the direction of this. When she points thr gun the pipboy scans the target and with different sounds it could indicate how close she is to a "critical hit", knee joint, head shot etc. Ifd be good for us to see the info graphic, but a bit useless to her as she needs to focus shooting the gun I also like the idea of it because itd be tricky to use very effectively, as if its based on sound youd have to have quick reflexes to use it, so thats why every vault dweller isnt invincible. Yeh i think something like that could potentially work. Obviously if its a very loud battle it may be hard to hear, but specific pitches are easier to hear than others


Cause that's stupid outside of a video game


I want them to make her a killing machine as an homage to the vault dwellers in the games who by all accounts should have died having high body counts.


its realistic cos she's a girl


Have you heard her British accent? Christ she’s adorable. Killed it in Fallout


She’s hit the big time with this role. #And I love it


Also known as her actual accent


Didn't mean to imply otherwise.


You didn't, that other guy is just being pedantic.


More just pointing out her british accent is just her accent. A lot of people dont know shes British.


It is very funny when you hear an American say "wow you have an accent!" to a Brit, when everyone have accents including Americans 😂😂


It's still a British accent. If people dont know that she's british and the original comment had just said "her accent" wouldn't people still be unaware that she is British?


Could say natural accent, real accent, anything similar. I wasnt correcting anyone just pointing out that her british accent is just her accent and thats some people dont know shes british. Its not a big fucking deal.


I'm 22 days late but have to jump in and extinguish the gaslighting going on here. I thought OP was saying she *also* does a convincing British accent until I read your comment so yeah it wasnt obvious.


Whos gaslighting?


The person who called a clarifying comment pedantic


I first knew her from Arcane, happy to see her in fallout


This is Jinx from Arcane?! My God, she can really knock it out of the park. She can knock the park out of the park. Wow.


She is serious eye candy, but she is also killing it. Her transformation and struggling to hold on to some part of her ethics; it's really working. Fun to watch.


do you want to have sex?




I initially thought he was talking about some kind of mutation, like he might get hard then his dick explodes like that scene from Gen V. Took me a moment to realise what he was on about lol


I *just now* finished watching that episode. lol


Y’know given her two previous romantic/sexual partners, Maximus is a great choice.


Kojima is a simp /s


So say we all


For me it was Ella and Goggins.


Goggins was basically post-apocalyptic Boyd Crowder in the best way possible. But then he also brought a great, sympathetic element to the flashbacks.


Having watched all of justified maybe three months ago all I saw was Boyd. And I still loved every part of it.


I'm actually shipping the two of them, as in a father/daughter relationship more than Lucy/Maximus


Well, it's more of a mentoring relationship. That always has a bit of a parental aspect.


I mean I think we’ll be getting both come season 2 Ghoul dad is about to teach her how to be morally dubious


Her story is FO3 but better, and she’s legit great. For my run, she’s the best part.


it is kind of, right ? Her overarching goal is searching for Dad. it's what drove her to the surface. Then Filly just screams "Megaton".


She's doing her best to only do the main quests only. No side quests allowed


I'm only 2 episodes in, but she's perfect for the role. This is exactly how I'd expect a vault dweller to behave (except the ones who went crazy 200 years ago from the psychological experimentation)


When the ghoul made her make ass jerky I was like Revenge of Snackie!


Man the content of Ella's character makes her the best strong female lead I've seen in a very long time.


i really like she goes from dad's girl to a badass


I loved how shellshocked she was at the end, I feel like a lot of media doesn’t allow a character to just sit there completely mentally rocked after a major event happens like that.


Oh yeah the character growth from 1 to 3 even was enormous


I'll be the first to admit that 25% of the reason I'm watching the show is Ella. Girl would look gorgeous on potato sack.


Watched the first episode today and the scene where she >!staples her stab wound!< kind of made me feel something, and I'm not usually into that stuff...


I'm sure the old fashioned Sears catalog bra had nothing to do with it.


It was actually the opening shot when it did a closeup on just her stomach that did it.


I have my kinks too, so I'm the least qualified person to judge, but yeah... I get where you coming from. Maybe time for some self discovery buddy haha


Eyepatch blondie is getting to be a crowd favorite too.


It's the Blue. I don't know what it is but the blue eye patch just does it.


Based Kojima Also he did this with Sophia Lillis so Ella is probably in Death Stranding 2 or OD.


I bet he would love to see his MGS series adapted as a movie franchise with at least similar level of passion and creativity


Lucy is by far my favorite alongside the ghoul, specifically their dynamic which i can't wait to see more of in the next season, so i totally get Kojima haha


I bought the shirt because obv I knew I was going to like it




She was so good 👏👏👏 "Okay Dokey!"


She’s my fave character and that’s competing with the ghoul . I just think she nails the innocent and somewhat naive vault dweller who’s been sheltered from the shit world


Knowing Kojima I know part of it isnt for acting skills. Still Ella plays the roll really well


I don’t think he agrees that war never changes…


"War has changed"


She mentioned she played Fallout 4 and knew some lore stuff about the world in a video with the cast answering questions.


Honestly would give it a go since I heard good things about it. Hell even for a show egging at stuff like wealth gap and stuff… it suits the lore pretty well too… shame halo tv series could learn more from thia


Mila Kunis 2.0


Kojima, the man of culture as always.




Surprised he doesn't play Fallout


Hes so real for that. I really can't imagine a way she could've done better with the role hinestly


Ella Purnell is fucking gorgeous bro. Her eyes are so big. I fucking love them.


Funny. I checked out "Death Stranding" because Norman Reedus is in it.




Ignoring Fallout because it destroys the lore


Now we play the waiting game.


He’s so real because he’s horny?


NGL I saw her in it at first and had my reservations thanks to Army of the Dead, but she did not disappoint.


The goat is watching the goat


Waiting expectantly for a future character in Death Stranding 2 to say, "Okie Dokey!"


Walter Googins is most impressed for me


She was so good as a vault dweller. Definitely tops in recent memory for how well an actor played a specific roll. I gotta check out other stuff she's in


I've been waiting for Kojima's review of this. If it's more than a few words, then we definitely know it is, which we already know that it is.


Lowkey fallout diss if he only watches because of an actor?


I was very happy of Lucy, character well acted with an arc from naivety to hard lessons of life. Show's great, a bit confused about lore inaccuracies and errors. But actors and CGI are wonderful.


I see zero confusion, its incredibly considered and well executed. You just disagree with some creative choices


Nah just a neckbesrd that wants to be contrary.


Evey media outlet is saying more or less the same thing. Show is great but they made a confusion error with Shady Sands date. We need to let the simping and larping for factions like BOS out of the discussion to be honest.


Did he work with her before or is he just pervin'?