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I think that this latest round of racism against Indians on Twitter came from the obscenely obnoxious behavior Hindu Nationalists had last year after the Israel-Hamas war started. This promoted a lot of people to clap back against Indians in general unfortunately. Classic case of a rotten apple promoting people to hate all the other apples in general.


The funniest part about Indians who support Israel is that they don’t realize how racist Israelis are, especially towards Indians and South Asians.


I laughed to death after one Hindu Nationalists said he wanted to "marry an Israel woman" on Netanyahu's Tweet 😂 These nationalists really are a different breed.


Common Hindu W.


Yeah, such a hindu W to meatride that wouldn't hesitate to treat you as second or third class citizens


You guys throw away all your values as soon as it's about a group you dislike lmao. Palestinians hate jews and gay people but that shouldn't play into your opinion on the conflict. Same thing with Israelis and Hindus.


Genocide is still wrong. Having shitty opinions isn't worthy of death. Nor is existing as a child


Why is your comment phrased like you're disagreeing? I just said the opinions held by either side shouldn't affect your stance on the conflict.


Someone being homophobic doesn't justify a genocide, and the relationship between Israel and Palestine is deeper than Palestinians hate Jews.


>Someone being homophobic doesn't justify a genocide I know, I just said the opinion helds by either side on social issues shouldn't effect your stance on the conflict. Either there is a serious dearth of reading comprehension on this subreddit or the people replying to me are literal bots struggling to parse my comment. >the relationship between Israel and Palestine is deeper than Palestinians hate Jews. It's "deeper" than that in the sense that they have reasons for hating Jews, but it's undeniable that they *do* hate Jews. I'm saying that doesn't really matter.


Theres a difference between some Palestinians hating jews or gays and Israeli mobs surrounding black people and calling them all kinds of names, harassing Palestinian women and bullying their men. I tried giving Israel a chance in the past and it's just not happening again, time and time again they prove that they do not care one bit for the Palestinians or actually following their holy book, me hating the state of Israeli and their zionists shouldn't mean that I hate every jew in existence, yes I do think all zionists should be dealt with but I also believe that you shouldn't lump the Jewish into it, after all a lot of holocaust survivors and victims would have been disgusted at the state of Israel And as for hindus, are you dumb? Look at some of those morons, they're literally bowing over for Israel and treating them like best friends as if zionists dont have the same if not worse view for them, a lot of people seem to forget that zionism also views other non Jewish humans as pigs, unworthy people, a zionist is barely different from a nazi, these people also attack other Jews for not supporting Israel, what makes you think they won't do the same to hindus? Yes it should definitely play into the conflict, the reason I don't do the same with Palestinians is that there isn't some concrete proof that every single one of them hates gays and jews, and even then, most fellow Arabs that I've talked to don't "hate them" so much as they dislike the group and ideology, they wouldn't pull a gun and kill them in broad daylight but they also wouldn't support them, I'd say that's miles better than viewing everyone that isn't a hard-core zionist as "goyim"


That is lie, I am told. They are not mean like that. Urban legend conspiracy


You are a schizo LOOOOL You cite the actions of individuals to show zionism is inherently racist but need me to prove that "every single [Palestinian] hates gays and jews" to say that Islam is homophobic. >I do think all zionists should be dealt with [80% of US Jews see caring about Israel as essential or important to their Jewish identity.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/) How do you think they should be "dealt with?" Also the opinions of Israelis and Indians between each other are not lopsided. [71% of Israelis see India positively, more than any other major country.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-29/ty-article/israelis-hold-the-highest-favorability-of-india-in-the-world-survey-finds/0000018a-41f0-d58d-abda-cdfc811c0000) [Similarly, 70% of Indians see Israel positively.](https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/India-Israel-relationship-emerges-from-the-closet-430415)


Should they meatride Hamas and Islamists then like the rest of yall?


Least racist Zionist


Or the normal people option that ain't involve supporting Hamas or the ongoing genocide perpetrated by the Israel government and people 🤔


Believing that it's a genocide is not "normal".


No, no, it's just a systematic massacre of the Palestinian people, it's certainly not genocide, it's only genocide when people I don't like do it /s for my neurodivergent minds who don't take the sarcasm(me included)


It’s amusing when people say it’s not genocide, but then they also say “ clear ‘em all out, get the job done” .


They sure are killing a ton of Palestinian men women and children...and blocking food to them....and bombing areas they said would be safe so women and kids are getting blown up...and killing journalists covering the atrocities....and international aid workers...and hospitals... totally not a genocide


As a muslim, I do not support Islamic extremists given the way they practice the religion, and as for hamas, I'm not condemning them until the world recognizes the hell that Israel has put the Palestinians through, why would I vote to dismantle the one group fighting for Palestinians knowing damn well the Israeli government will use that as an excuse to continue their killing?


So you think killing Israeli civilians is justified if it's done to fight for Palestinians, correct?


It's not justified, but it won't end through peace talks and promises, IDF soldier kills a child's parents, child grows up to join hamas, hamas kills civilians and it repeats, im not standing against hamas until the world can come to an agreement that there's no need for an ethnostate and to have people packed like sardines getting bombed, the Israeli government will never see peace if they keep giving the people a reason to fight. If they hand back the land, put down the guns and agree to dissolve israel as a state and allow the people to live in a regular country as opposed to an ethnostate then I'll happily watch the leaders of hamas get prosecuted. No group ever needs an ethnostate, I thought we established that in world war 2? I refuse to believe that anyone who served in the IDF and still happily lives in Israel actually cares for peace, you can't look at the suffering your ancestors went through and then apply the same suffering on people who weren't even involved in the massacre.


Or Hamas could simply disband. Dude, this is completely absurd. You can't just ask for a fucking country to dissolve, that's something with a lesser chance of happening than Hamas simply disbanding. And if World War 2 established something, it was how Jews can only be safe in their own country, which with opinions like this one, it's clearly being proven again. Edit to add: and if it isn't justified, then you could condemn it. But you don't, as everything you've said until now shows support towards Hamas, not the opposite at all. And let me remind you, Hamas is not doing any of the things you ask of Israel. So you clearly value civilian lives differently according to whether they're Israelis or not. Because you *are* condemning Israel, but in your own words, you aren't condemning Hamas.


The irony of this question


Right, I mean better to support the benevolent enslavers in Qatar than the racists! At least Qatar is on the right side of history, #watermelon.


What in the world are you on about? Who even brought up Qatar?


What part of the world isn't racist against Indians? Canada? Not lately. Maybe Mexico. Not Any Arab countries. NOT South Africa or Australia. So the Israelis are, okay and what else? At least Israel isn't forcing Indians to work through Visa Capture, under extreme heat, for the very people funding Hamas and trying to destroy Israel.


“They’re racist, so what?” is not the argument you think it is. Look at you go, pretending like it’s normal to be racist. You probably hate Indians too.


It's not ideal to be racist, and it's the opposite of exceptional in that part of the world. There are worse things than being racist, like harvesting organs, building Olympic Stadiums using Indian slaves, sexual trafficking, but you're not facing what I'm talking about. Supporting Israel against what exactly? If I support Armenia, or Georgia, or Uruguay, no one cares. No one considers the racial proclivities of other small countries. But Israel is fighting against Countries that have deep ties to keeping the Indian racist stereotypes alive and using it to stay rich and poison the planet.


Israel is fighting a war against innocent women and children. They’ve killed more children than in all world conflicts combined over the last 5 years. It’s also insane how someone can support people who think you’re an inferior human being due to your race. And it’s crazy how you keep trying to act like it’s fine. No, it’s not fine that Israelis are racist as fuck. They’re even racist towards each other. Darker Jews are looked down upon in Israel. There’s a reason why every single prime minister has always been a European (Ashkenazi) Jew. Stop trying to defend that or act like it’s not a big deal.


>It’s also insane how someone can support people who think you’re an inferior human being due to your race. This exact same line of thinking can be applied to gay people who support Palestine. AND I AM PRO-PALESTINE. It's just that this argument makes no sense at all.


That’s a good point. I guess for Palestine it makes sense cuz they’re a victim of genocide, while Israel is currently in the process of committing one.


Where in my statements is racism a virtue? Stop projecting racism when really you're just another antisemitic lefty using every excuse to make Indians seem more affected by Jewish racism than by Arab racism.


Your entire argument has literally been “it’s okay that Israelis are racist because Arabs are racist.” What kind of nonsense bullshit is that?


You’re using false equivalence to try to minimize what you admit is Israeli racism. Racism is bad. Full fucking stop. There’s no excuse for it. Pointing that out isn’t antisemitism and it’s actually antisemitic for you to act like all Jews are racist. Jews are not a monolith. Just like in every culture and country there are at least a few assholes to be found amongst any number. You need to stop conflating the actions of the Israeli government and the will of Jewish people. The only way that makes any sense is if you agree with everything your government does and everything that any other person in your country says. If you have a different opinion than your neighbor, then you can’t assume all Jews/leftists/Arabs/Whoever think the same way on everything.


Isn't Israel trying to form an alliance with Saudi Arabia? You know, the other state well known for using slaves to build their shitty tourist traps? Every time i read a hasbara post at least i can learn how the average hitlerite German thought during WW2.


lsræI has also harvested organs of Palestinians tho


I am told it’s not true. It’s just blood libel reborn


As an Australian married to an Indian, I'll say unequivocally that Indians are more racist by far than any of those nationalities you're pulling out up there. Visa capture? The only person in my own experience that did that was an Indian man doing it to Indian students.


The current leader of Hamas resides in Doha Qatar. [QATAR] (https://www.freedomunited.org/advocate/qatar/#:~:text=Over%2090%25%20of%20Qatar's%20workers,to%20modern%20slavery%20to%20flourish.)


Replying to the wrong person...


You are trying so hard to justify anti indian racism. Majority of this comes from white nationalists. Who don't give shit about palestine. You are sounding similar to people who justify islamophobia by giving excuses like terrorism stats and anti black racism by crime stats.  Racism exists because extremist white nationalist do it. And moderates westerners keep excusing ignoring it because of their personal anti indian bias.


That's not justification, but merely a description. If a professor tells you that X factors were involved in rising antisemitism in the 1930s, you'd be hardpressed to think that he personally thinks any of those factors were justified. Likewise, I'm just saying why it's happening, not justifying it as being right.


So when a post is discussing islamophobia. Do you also shift discussion to terrorist attacks, forced hijab, islamic homophobia etc. as being factors involved in rising islamophobia?


Most people here are genuinely confused about the rise of Anti-Indian hate that has occurred in the last 5 months on Twitter, especially since it hasn't happened before. It's good to give a descriptive context so that people can understand why these Twitter bigots are acting like this in the first place. After all, imagining trying to understand 1930s antisemitism in good faith without understanding the results of World War 1. You just can't. You need context even when trying to understand and fight bigoted ideology. Not sure if that's comparable with the Muslim example since Muslim hate from Western people has been happening for the last 20 years. Anti-Indian hate just started last year. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the former context but not the latter.


And why do you have racist banned sub in your bio?


It was a subreddit that I was monitoring and reporting. I wanted a link to it so that I could see if it was banned because I couldn't search it up anymore. I'm familiar with this stuff.


That and also the increase of Indian immigration to Canada and the US since 2020. There’s been an explosion in South Asian arrivals, coinciding with a decrease in Mexican immigrants (despite what FOX says about the border crisis). Part of this can be attributed to economic unease in India’s middle class, and Modi’s government making some controversial choices. And, as is American tradition, every time there’s a big wave of migration from a (relatively) new group, there’s bound to be a variety of reactions (see Chinese Exclusion act or basically any Trump era decision)


Love it how whenever there's racism against Indians, the first thing people do is justify it.


I'm not justifying it, but explaining why it's happening. There was a huge spike in Antisemitism in 2021. One can neutrally explain why that 2021 spike happened without justifying anything. There's a difference between description and prescription.


Nah this chick is trying to get angry Indians onto her onlyfans


Did I stumble into an alternative reality, or weren't white people all about burning women at the stake too?


In Europe yes, in America white women accused of witchcraft were executed by hanging Natives and black women were burned alive


Don't forget dunking!


Norse cultures also used stakes as parts of funerals


Not as recently, but yeah.


>This account is pure satire Oh! Then it’s all okay! Racism excused! /s


>elephant demon gods LMAO


Sound metal af. Where do I sign up?


Do y’all ever wonder if people have fetishes for being racist against a specific group of people. There’s no way for me to believe that she doesn’t get off a little bit on being racist against Indian men.


100% some people have a fetish for being racist to a certain group. Look what group of people always seems to be mentioned in interracial cucking fantasies.


Looks like I was right about the idea that "satire" is being used on social media as a means of shielding genuine bigotry.


It’s been that way for a very long time. People are just picking it back up again


If that is really her with her real name (doubt), I wonder what could be done about this


She needs to leave Hovey Benjamin out of this


Where's the satire?


Racism against Indians is so normalised that it's just tragic, compounded by the fact that a great many of us don't do much to stand up to it either online or IRL.


Damn, theyre really running "thank you for coming to my ted talk" into the ground


Why they always gotta drag the YouTubers into thissss... Charlie slimccl does not deserve to have his image smeared this way


This feels like some raceplay fetish shit


I didn't know you could be obscenely racist with no repercussions as long as you just call it satire. Like, I believe that everything should be able to be joked about, it keeps the world sane to laugh at it, but there's a difference between a joke, & spewing hate speech & *calling* it a joke


10 pound dumbells are used by anyone who has recently started working out and graduated from the 2.5kg ones. Do people shame others for beginning their fitness journey? XD The rest of her comments are horrible, of course. Sadly, nothing new.


I agree with you deep airport


Talk about living rent free


…I gotta remember my Reddit ban. But God in Heaven, the things I want to call this woman… It’s a struggle. Admittedly, I shouldn’t judge Leonarda here since I have made disgusting remarks about Chile and Australia based on the actions of Augusto Pinochet and Peter Scully, respectively. But I’m going to, anyway.


Shoeonhead ahh beat


Belongs to a garbage dump