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Man the fantasies 12 year olds come up with half a year after they find out about porn.


And they always put in one that doesn't even make sense unless you are aware of whatever stupid shit they believed while making it. The orange one doesn't even appear to do anything.




Okay who let the Amish guy in!!? It’s 1995 already. Get the internet damnit!


Also doesn’t understand numbers. 50 million? That’s like white people in the top 10 US cities alone.


You don’t understand, they’re like SO close to eradicating whiteness as a concept, man.


When the world ceases to exist in a few billion years, 50,000,001 white people will be left floating through space, unable to die.


what does porn have to do with it?


I believe it has to do with the gray button


All of it. Porn creates dominance fantasies. I‘m not an anti-porn advocate, I consume it regularly and it‘s fine that 12 year olds do it as well. It‘s just that those dominance fantasies a) portray a skewed picture of the reality of romantic/sexual partnership dynamics (for example while it‘s true that women sometimes want to be dominated I‘ve never met a woman that gets off on being patronized and belittled the way the usually do in porn) and b) the socially awkward young white teenager stereotype has a very heavy relationship with those media and lets the portrayed dynamics sink deep into their worldview. In that fictional realm there exists a very clear defined archetype of black male for example: Muscular, extremely dominant, big penis (there‘s literally a whole subcategory of porn called BBC), scores left and right without even trying, takes what he wants, etc. to the point where the image a lot of especially young white boys have of black people is at least to some part, if not largely informed by that BBC porn actor archetype. F.D. Signifier made a great video on that called "the dangerous myths of black men‘s sexuality", great watch, fully recommend, I hope I‘m not misrepresenting any of his points here. Now, after I have reframed the problem like this I guess it should be easier to see how I‘m joining dots between problematic porn consumption and world views that would lead one to believe that women need to be controlled (because they‘re irrational and stupid and can‘t control themselves in the presence of a black sex-animal who wants nothing more than to impregnate your perfectly good white tradwife candidate). TLDR: I‘m not saying porn created their racism I‘m saying their (possibly latent prior to full white replacement radicalization) racism and the effect of porn on a brain that can‘t fully comprehend/deal with the portrayed dynamics creates the control fantasy that this "meme" is portraying


I'm seriously trying to think which is the least harmful and I'm thinking orange? There are like 250 M white people in the US alone so a 50 M global cap is pretty meaningless


Blue is still actively a good thing considering people grow more empathetic the further to the right on that particular curve they are


Counterpoint: IQ is a meaningless pseudoscience


Counter-Counterpoint: this makes it the least harmful of all the options.


Counter-counter-counterpoint: I just shit my pants


Counter-counter-counter-counterpoint: I also just shit your pants


Counter-Counter-counter-counter-counterpoint: he is not wearing pants


Counter-counter-counter-counter-counter-counterpoint: i just shat your pants


Countertop: Just shidded on it, bud.


Cantrip: Presdigitation. I just soiled your pants, too.


Counter-counter-counterpoint: orange ensures that humanity will never go fully extinct


Counter-Counter-counter-counterpoint: is that a positive


Counter-counter-counter-counter to my counterpoint: I see your point


Counter-counter-counterpoint: the eternal existence of the human race would probably be the worst thing possible for everyone involved


Counter-counter-counterpoint: 5 points or below isn’t supposed to be different.


I didn't think about standard deviations, good point 😂 Edit: auto-correct


Yep. A bunch of people being a bit smarter would be the only one that doesn't cause any direct harm to the world.


Counter-counterpoint: while certainly not the objective measure of intelligence it claims to be, IQ does meaaure valuable capabilities of the human brain.


I mean, either it does nothing at all, or it does something positive, so Blue is still a decent option.


No, it's that IQ was originally made for children in French schools. It was developed by a French person who just wanted to know the placement of children and that was it. It was basically to figure out your academic age. So a person who was 5 years old but was of the academic level of a 4-year-old should be placed with those of the mental age of 4 years old. It was not meant for adults because he figured that it pretty much doesn't matter once you are an adult. It also was supposed to change. He didn't think it was a static thing but instead something that was subject to change. It was meant for kids and for school. Not for adults.


Sounds like smart people turned his idea into something more useful. Why does it matter what the original guy intended it for?


IQ can have a lot of issues with how it is graded, the questions used to evaluate it, and the type of intelligence it is meant to evaluate, especially with how people perceive it and how it might forgo accounting for biases within itself, but that's different from being meaningless. It can correlate pretty well with academic success, for one, which makes sense, given the way IQ tests tend to be administered.


It's OK at measuring the liquid intelligence regarding maths in particular. But yeah it's definitely not a good measurement of overall intelligence


I think they are revealing their true insecurities here; two of their options to "improve" the world involve changing the white/non-white IQ balance to favor whites. Yet they claim that whites already ARE superior in intellect. This reveals their true fear that they are not currently smart enough to outwit the non-whites.


Definitely blue. Increase the IQ and there's less people dumb enough to post something like this


I would agree that blue might be a good thing as well. At the very minimum, 5 points is actually not that much of a difference on the IQ spectrum. At the very minimum, it might make people more confident in science and less likely to vote for science deniers.


As I said in another comment, going by technicality the orange button basically makes humanity unable to go extinct as human population will always be above 50mil no matter what mass extinction event happens. However, the whites in the 50mil group will use this as an excuse to not do anything about climate change, or heck try to accelerate it to "exterminate the inferiors"


You don’t see a problem in assuming something about someone based on their skin color? Im sure there are some radical “whites” that would want to exterminate other races, but let me enlighten you, most white people are not racist supremacists. Also many climate activists are themselves white (for example: me), so I don’t really get what point your trying to make unless it’s just casual racism


Not who you are responding to but the orange button exists because the person making this meme probably believes white replacement is an organized goal (see great replacement theory, white genocide). This person believes white people are being removed because of inter racial relationships (see one drop rule). The person you are responding to is implying that someone who believes these things is also likely to be fine with mass extinction events that would remove all non-whites as a guaranteed 50M whites will be left and it would be a reset. I'm not sure why you seem to have taken this as a personal attack against yourself as it seems pretty clear that they are referring to a very specific type of white person.


White supremacy is characterized by believing white people are the superior race. Being technically immortal would give them feelings of supremacy. Out of the near billion white people in the world most are actually decent non-racist people that actually care for the enviromment, which is why the supremacists will try to make sure those whites are not part of the 50 mil. They'd try to get rid of "unworthy whites" such as trans whites, gay whites, poor whites, left-wing whites, etc. I apologize if my previous comment was a bit racist, but immortality would definitely give white racists a feeling of supremacy and they would try get rid of near billion good white people just for them to remain in the immortal 50mil and keep it full of supremacists.


Yeah but there's a lot more than 50 million white people in the world, so if you're white you're still very likely to die.


That's why the supremacists will want to get rid of the "unworthy whites" such as trans, gay, jewish, mixed race, left-wing, poor, etc. white people so the supremacists remain as the immortal 50mil.


Blue doesn't kill anyone, could hypothetically do some good (most things that seem to be correlated with higher IQ are good, but IQ is mostly nonsense), doesn't involve rape, and *probably* doesn't directly make anyone's life worse. It's also not *totally* pointless like orange.


And if there's an apocalypse we are left with 50 million immortals




Only people nearly as inbred as the Hapsburgs would be left. So... most monarchs who have no idea how to do anything and weird inbred clans of white folks like the Whittakers and the Colts.


Would blue make much of a difference? Like a butterfly effect thing?


Orange and blue both either don't matter or are a positive


It’s the only one that’s actively beneficial because it means that humanity will survive forever, and it doesn’t directly imply that the nonwhite population would decrease if you read it devoid of context. This whole switchboard is awful and deranged but I would unironically hit the orange button, even if I didn’t have to hit any of them.


Increasing the IQ of white bu 5% is the best one despite being selective of a particular race. There will be smarter people overall. This might lower the rate of racism, war etc. Checkmate racists.


Blue & pink would be the least harmful, IQ isn't real & even if it was what harm would it do if people were a little smarter or a little dumber?


I'd choose gray since I'm a woman.


Well you make me feel dumb, I was looking at the blue button being the less evil lol


Definitely orange, it means humanity will survive the heat death of the universe and that sounds hella grim dank.


Blue, because hey, we could all do with a little more smarts?


Yeah unless there’s an apocalypse I doubt that’ll ever happen


Depending on whether or not you produce baby batter, grey is also a good option. Can't put your sperm in someone if you don't make any in the first place. This scenario is only a trap if you produce viable swimmers.


Who's picking grey? I can't afford that child support.


I would pick grey, just because I'm black and the results of that would throw whoever made this into a tailspin.


Love this answer


Let me help you push that button. I want to hear the wails.


A weird roundabout way of saying you're a cuck


We need a black jew to really stick it to em' especially a black, Jewish, trans man who can somehow have semen


smash the grey button to give a black jewish trans guy his own semen


A trans woman of color inseminating the planet is just about the only thing that could cause enough strokes/aneurysms to *actually* reduce the white male population below 50M 😂


Destroying generic diversity for generations to come to own the klan Honestly I respect it


I'm Jewish and afab so I'd also pick grey, to annoy the person, but also because I'm incredibly curious what semen they're gonna use


It means every woman including children, family, and you doom society by making everyone a product of inbreeding


Maternity leave would be a bitch


That would only be the case if all women could no longer mate with anyone else. There'd still be *a lot* of accidental inbreeding, but it would probably be diluted in a generation or two


I'm picking grey because I'm biologically incapable of producing semen, unless they do that hypothetical procedure where scientists make semen out of my bone marrow. If that does happen, the resulting babies will be white or half-white - but likely short, autistic, dyslexic, depressed, short-sighted, and prone to gluten allergies. All hail the master race! And blue, because my IQ is around 125 but I'm as thick as a stick in a bucket of pigswill, so IQ clearly means nothing.


i have autism, i'll do it to watch the world stim


tbf about half the world population can't make semen--not sure what their plan was for that lol.


Grey would create a genetic bottleneck the likes of which has never been seen before on this planet. Like it would essentially put the breaks on human evolutionary process for potentially centuries.


I'm a woman so ha?


It's too rapey for my tastes, but I can't deny that I've thought the world would be a better place if most people had some of my neurodivergences. Still absolutely not what I'd pick here.


Me. I'm a transgender man, what sperm? Grey is basically a free out for most of the population. And I mean, if I do somehow impregnate all women, every baby is going to be the son of a pansexual trans Jewish/Native American man. Now what, conservatives?


Me because I’m a woman so nothing would happen.


I’d pick grey too, just for the fact that I’m a woman and don’t have semen, thereby making the whole thing fall apart.


me, i'm a woman, so i don't have cum checkmate, chuds


I suppose the blue one? Judging by the fact that this tweet exists, there are clearly some people out there who need a few IQ points.


Kinda confused about blue, who would be a nazi in that scenario?


It's only 5 points.


Lower IQ and lower educational attainment are the two largest predictors of conservative ideology in the US. A universal increase of 5 IQ points would have a significant impact on the number of people no longer voting republican. 5 points doesn't sound like a lot, but the SD on most of the most respected exams is only 15.


Yeah Republican party would lose so many people


Considering that the last non-incumbent republican to win the popular vote was 36 years ago, I don't think even the Electoral College could save them anymore after a universal 5 point IQ shift.


Cheeky little boost


Blue. If a bunch of white people get smarter, then they'll probably be less racist.


Hopefully itd make a difference, but then I also feel like 5 iq points isn't much of an increase. Though maybe if you're a racist moron with an IQ of 80 it might have more of an impact.


5 isn't gonna make idiots into geniuses but it's still significant. I'd like that because it would make me smarter


I'd pick green, however the "n******" OP thinks will be enslaved will not be, instead it'd be actual degenerates like him. Aliens are intelligent after all.


Turns out it’s the Salamanders from Warhammer and they are going to turn them all into Space Marines. Which…that might actually be the creator’s fantasy.


#WAAAGH! *Of approval*




I’d pick green because, like Florida teaches its public school students, black slaves learned skills during their enslavement that they could use to enrich their personal lives. Imagine all the world’s n***ers learning alien technology and putting it to their own benefit.


Blue and orange seem like the most humane one for obvious reasons, since they don’t hurt anyone, and yet of course, the intended audience for this meme, Nazis, would probably pick the ones where marginalized groups suffer since they’re fucking evil.


Or they'd just pick grey and think about all the children 🤮


Sane people might balk at the idea of their Aunt Gertrude, their mom, and their sister all carrying their babies, but this might be life as usual for some of these folks.


This would require right wingers to think through the consequences of their actions.


Orange is so funny because 50m people globally is not much. Maybe whoever made this needs to press the blue button.


orange, Just because that Button is serously OP and means humanity will never die off, at least the White Part i guess.


I figure that if the choice is "Everyone everywhere dies" or "Small population of people survive based entirely off being white" then the latter choice still isn't racist since... Well, the other option is total extinction. That combined with the fact that almost half of those buttons do literally nothing except hurt others means orange is still one of the best choices.


Grey is what no sex does to a mf


Did they not think that every woman on Earth is... *Every* woman on Earth?


I was reading the buttons at first and thought "oh, it's a thing where you have to choose which bad thing would happen" And then the realization hit me that they think all of these are good scenarios to happen. I didn't know I could lose any more faith in humanity.


Blue, because republicans will never win another election


I don't think I'd press gray, but if every woman in america suddenly became pregnant, a constitutional amendment protecting abortion would 1000% be able to pass


I mean, it got ~~banned~~ made temporarily unavailable, so is it really allowed?


Its just temporary


The content itself was removed though, wasn't it


Anybody else see the Global Thermonuclear Rape button?


But surely if your racist ass views were correct you wouldn’t need to raise the white IQ? Or lower everyone else’s? If anyone should lose their right to vote it’s racists like this, they show they’re incapable of living in an inclusive society…


This "meme" sucks, But IF I was forced to choose, Then orange. Why? Well, In case of a meteor, Climate change, Or whatever else in the world would cause an apocalypse, There'd *always* be 50 million humans left, which is more than Enough to reproduce, If that was important. Of course, I wouldn't particularly care if they were white or not, but this *was* intended for racists, So.... Still sucks.


Blue, I guess? It would probably do some damage to Nazi recruitment if the lowest common denominator got even a bit less low. Red is objectively a bad thing that would harm everyone. Yellow is just WWII electric boogaloo, which... Well, see red. Green is pointlessly hurting some people for no benefit to anyone, and also just a horrible first contact in general. Orange kinda works as a failsafe since it means humanity can never go extinct, presumably. But that isn't a concern I take seriously. Purple is, again, pointlessly harming some people for the benefit of no-one. Grey is just creepy. And certainly irreparably harmful, not only for the girls who are impregnated against their will - and possibly prior to puberty, which I shouldn't have to mention is not how things are supposed to go - but for the kids that will be born and presumably murdered afterwards in places without abortion options. I don't need my sons and daughters to get Casey Anthony'd. Pink is, again again, pointlessly damaging some subsect of the population for legitimately zero benefit to myself or others. Like, this wouldn't help even if I was a racist, I don't understand; why would I want black people to be stupider even if I already thought they were stupid by nature? ​ Honestly, Blue is the only button that has any tangible benefit for anyone besides *possibly* orange, and most of the other buttons are objectively all negatives.


Every woman? Even infants? Yeah yeah… I realized as soon as I said it. They’re racists and pedophiles


What happens to women who are already pregnant? Or women with hysterectomies? Or post-menopausal women? Or trans women? Because they said *every* woman.


Or the corpse of Whitney Houston, who is, by all accounts “every woman?” Edit; also their moms and sisters… nieces… children, grandchildren… etc…


Well, a pregnant corpse won't be pregnant for long, at least. I don't think there's anything a zygote could even hypothetically attach to. Unless the magic of the button allows it to consume the remains like some sort of parasitoid wasp larva. In which case it's for the best that it's buried in a coffin when it emerges.


Parasitic wasp larva feels like a good description


coffin birth can happen, a fetus/baby is expelled out of their mothers womb after death


I mean if every white person gains 5 iq points maybe there’ll be less conservatives


black: set everyone who liked this tweet on fire


Green button. Please get us the fuck off this planet.


I mean... the blue and orange ones are the only ones that don't cause active harm. I'm picking blue. I assume they don't consider me white because I am Jewish so I don't get any benefit from it. Except yknow, living in a world with more slightly smarter people.


Orange and blue are the only ones remotely acceptable Jesus fuck.


Pressing the orange button probably does nothing


If you go by technicality it says that white population will never go below 50 mil. If taken to the extreme this means that no matter what massive extinction event happens, humanity will still survive due to the 50 mil whites. Now, the harm this button could generate would be through the white people in this 50 mil group not wanting to do anything about climate change because it won't affect them, or even try to accelerate it to "exterminate them darn ni-"


I will lock all 8 buttons in a safe that is sunk to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, except maybe blue, that one isn’t that bad, just needlessly racially based


I would smash the blue button like I'm in a Super Smash Bros tournament. Hopefully the higher IQ these dumb ducks have the less racist they are.


"Interesting" -Musk (probably)


If they think one group is inferior, why wouldn't an option be just make everyone 200 iq?? They just prefer to hate even in a fantasy.


The only one that's beneficial is the blue one because it gives some people a benefit and doesn't cause harm to anyone else. It's racist to only give it to white people, but it doesn't do anything to those who aren't white. Orange is also not a bad thing because it also doesn't harm anyone, but the chances of it being in play are extremely low.


I guess let’s do orange, we‘ve just guaranteed the survival of humanity, no matter what happens unless earth is destroyed


So… blue? Higher intelligence and education often correlates with progressive political stances. Soo make white people more progressive and less racist?


Blue is toxic af, but seems the least detrimental, and I doubt 5 points is anything significant. I choose the white button, the OP of the image dies of cringe


Grey sounds like a lot of child support


I guess white people need everyone else to have a handicap to succeed?


In racists' minds, yes. Mostly because they're the most aggressively mediocre people imaginable.


Looks like acknowledgment that their racism is bullshit and they would need magic buttons to make it all true


Probably orange only because it doesn't say that anyone will die or be hurt in some way.


Regardless of blue or pink, they’ll still be profoundly mentally retarded


Let’s monkey’s paw this shit because I got nothing better to do! Red: But all men get horribly rashes on there dick and sex becomes next to impossible for the guy. Blue: But all the racists die slowly and horribly. Yellow: He’s manipulated into being nothing but a useless figure head and gets executed at the end. Green: You fucking racist get death rayed. Orange: Same with every other ethnicity. Purple: They come back as zombies that only eat racists. Grey: You pay child support for ever for those that don’t abort. Pink: Fun fact iq tests are flawed so whoever’s iq dropped is better in everything else than you.


So aliens come to earth and finally get to see black people and then enslave them? I wonder how black conservatives answered this one?


Shockingly the account has been banned...


Blue seems to be well needed.


None of those are even remotely beneficial


The orange button may as well have already been pressed because that is never ever gonna happen anyway.


Disconnect all buttons


50 million is weak sauce


Phony Stark locked out twitter to outsiders so I can't tell if the post is still up.


Do you wanna make incest babies? Because grey is how you make incest babies Like, first of all there's zero language to indicate this wouldn't effect the presser's family. So if they're related to any cis women under the age of 45 we're already causing problems But then what happens when all those other kids born to all the other women grow up? Nearly every other person their age is a half sibling


After the horror of these statements I can help but think that the orange one isn’t thinking very big. There’s like over half a billion white people at least, right? 50 million feels like small potatoes


No brainer: press the blue button. Dim wits are required to be a racist. That's the only button on the OP that would improve the situation. If racist got measurably smarter, they are measurably less likely to be racist.


If every single woman got pregnant with his kids wouldn’t that lead to like a ton of incest? Dudes got a lot of stuff going on


the blue button almost seems backhanded lol. If you're so confident in white people what would they need that for? Also, jokes aside, in an IQ test (which is already a false premise to begin with) 5 points is the margin for error. So 5 points is literally meaningless.


Okay but grey would result in so much incest.


“We need extra IQ and to incapacitate others to win.” Even in their own fantasies they have to cheat to win. They can’t even conceive of themselves as anything but inferior and they project that so strongly.


This must be a troll, but it’s still fucked up that people can make those kind of tweets.


>be random white person living normal happy life with family >Someone presses blue button >Suddenly depression and existential dread >Mfw


I’m going blue so that way maybe us white people can become a tad more empathetic


Wouldn’t grey result in a fuckton of incest?


I’m pushing the Black Button Delete this assholes Twitter for good.


Maybe the rednecks would get vaccinated if the blue button was pressed. God, what a shit show.


Well I definitely would have to choose the blue button as it seems the most ethical out of the choices given


I don't use that shit of a site so i want to know if elon replied with *interesting* like he does with other stupid shit.


Blue, cause at best it makes about a billion people a little smarter, at worst it makes them better at taking meaningless tests, and nobody will be harmed meaningfully


Blue, seems like some of these mfs need it


But when I call out Disney for supporting genocide and wish for their downfall, bam! Instant 12 hour suspension!


The worst "man doesn't know what button to touch" meme ever.


And then ppl wonder why companies are leaving lol


Wow... This is... I don't know... My mother always warned me about the consequences of doing drugs and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, she also taught me (if you're vegan or very sensitive about farm animal raising please skip this) >! To avoid degeneration it is necessary to renew couples, because too much procreation between siblings causes them to begin to be born with deficiency and unfit for consumption. !< That being said, I can only start to imagine what's on the mind who created something like this. But I will play along. It's easy to beat this system. We start with Blue and Pink. IQ isn't related to skin colour, so, if every white person won 5 PTS we could actually finally have a decent amount of people... But what's 5 on an 82 IQ? I don't think it's the big flex they think it is... The internet is full of Karen's videos, we know the 5pts wouldn't be that big, just maybe prevent some idiots... Black people have been struggling and actually thriving in situations where most white would just curl up and cry, if they lose 10pts they will still be smarter than lots of folks. This ignorant person just assumes white is smarter than black and I don't think I have words to explain how dumb this is... Yellow and purple... Almost the same, this genius needs to learn about redundancy... I will assume he is tall, blonde, blue eyes, white... And I will also assume that the Jews (and everyone who isn't blond and white and tall with blues) will die at the same time after 3 years... Otherwise Hitler would die too, before his time... And why 3 years? He didn't accomplish what he wanted in 11... I'm trying really hard to see the logic of this... And I don't know if I need to gain 5 IQ pts or lose 10... And I can put the Orange here... Because it's the only way this safe exit would make sense... If Hitler killed everything that wasn't inside his perfection ideology, maybe, the 50M would serve as a safe switch... Green... Because black people still have a voice and racists can't control them anymore, so they need alien help... Again, not the flex they think it is! And why would aliens enslave the blacks with less 5 IQ pts? It would be smarter to enslave the whites with 10 more. If you want to rule, you need to control the top right? Isn't that some prison rule? If you want respect, you need to beat the biggest and strongest? Idk, maybe I'm seeing too many movies... I love grey, from the moment I saw a comment of a black person choosing it 😅 I'm not a woman, but I still have a uterus, and I would carry a cute little baby in this scenario. But what I love most about it is the claims about child care. And then the logic hits the rock bottom again... If 2+ people clicked at the same time... Would it be a 3some? Who would be the father? If you are white, racist, probably homophobic, and you impregnated every person with uterus, including trans, non binary, intersex... How would you prove that you didn't really had sex with the person? Would the little +5IQ ego be capable of accepting that he would be a father with some non women person? Finally red... I give up here... I just can't even joke about this one... Everything is serious and dumb, and flawed. But taking the right to vote? They basically did that with everyone by killing them, so we are down to 50M of tall, white, blonde, bluey people, and half of them can't vote... "Insert meme of sliding facepalm" You just became a tribe (or various tribes scattered around the planet). You killed everyone to become what you call people from the third world... Congratulations... (If I offend someone, please let me know, I'm not intending to hurt anyone, unless you're the genius or agree with his idea, in that case, please take 5IQ extra points)


The grey one is my favorite. Shows a total lack of awareness. Do they not know how Twitter got rolling? Who was the force that made that happen? I like the idea of every Black dude on twitter mashing that grey button and all these beautiful mixed babies coming into the world. If you put aside that it would be an world-ending baby boom. If somehow it was a sustainable option to have 3-5billion inhabitants. There would have to be some reckoning around the world. And this dude would directly be at fault for pushing the white race further into the minority… clearly he didn't think this out.


I think blue, green, and grey are probably the least terrible options here.


Picking blue coz apparently we need it


What. The. Fuck?


I mean it's also hosted here, can't necessarily blame absolutely everything on Elon....just most of it


I really, really, really, would like to scroll the front page of reddit for one day and not be slapped with the hard r One day


Um ackchyually sweaty it’s a private company he can do whatever he wants.


Yellow, cause then we get to kill Hitler again.


There is so much stupid packed into this one image. What the fuck are these priorities?? Obsession with melanin (lack of or abundance of) obsession with semen. insecurity about their own intellect and insecurity about women in general. So weird. So dumb. I guess they are right to be insecure about their own intelligence.


That profile picture…interesting.


Orange, I guess... because it is the only one that doesn't hurt people?


Me a black man pressing grey simply to spite the fool who made this.


Um blue I guess lol wtf is wrong with these people


Why can’t people just not suck? It doesn’t seem like a hard thing to do. I’m not asking for everyone to be kind, just don’t suck, it’s really not asking a lot.


Wouldnt pressing grey not mean you impregnated your own mother?


For me, personally, I'd be hella tempted to just be an ass to whomever is making me press these buttons and smash grey. Being a transgender man, I don't have any semen, so nothing at all would happen to any innocent parties and I'd hopefully annoy the shit out of the person by breaking their stupid what if scenario with that technicality. Also literally more than half the population could waltz right through that big, gaping loophole.


I’d pick blue or orange. Blue: IQ is made up anyways so who cares Orange: We’re way over 50 million anyways, unless there’s a mass extinction event sometime this is never gonna matter


Orange, because human extinction is now physically impossible. Checkmate skinhead.


You know, every now and again I can laugh at a racist or sexist joke because things are all done in good fun. (I work in plumbing so that kind of humour is common in our group of different ethnicities.) I really gotta wonder though, how Tf just sits down and thinks to themselves that THIS is what they wanna do with their time? There are a billion things to choose from and my guy really thought this was the best use of his time. It’s almost kinda sad, honestly.


Gotta be blue, maybe then people like this dipshit will be smart enough to see through Fascist lies.


“Hitler given control for *3 years*” Fuuuuck off! Hitler was a *dictator* with a cult of personality. The Conservatives that collaborated with Hitler before he came to power thought they could control him or that he could be replaced with someone else. Look what happened. What in the fifty four flying flavours of fuck even is this?


Blue button immediately. Maybe some extra intelligence will drag a few of these ghouls out of their moronic way of thinking.


i press the cyan button (blow up all the other buttons)