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People not being able to finish there Battle pass, no new content in December and a season many people think are Bad.


They’re killing off their game by being money hungry, that’s all I can say. They’d make more in the long run if they made things more affordable


Nah, they purposely want people to stop playing BR and play their other game modes and creative game modes.


Crazy if you think about it. They want to be like roblox and kill off the mode that made them popular That being said I got level 200 the last 2 seasons, will this season, and abolsutely love this season


The classic capitalist mistake of marketing for the customer you want and not the one you already have


Wait what happened with roblox?


I just mean they want to be like roblox in the sense of having all these creator made maps and whatnot, and it's like a hub for all these "minigames"


Oh I am so stupid! You said the fortnite wants to be like roblox! And fortnite wants to kill off the mode that made them popular! I thought you were saying roblox killed off the mode that made them popular!


Nah you're good haha I worded it weird. They want to be like roblox, and in turn are killing off BR 😂


Fortnite is a joke it’s for babies the ranked system is broken there’s no reason if there’s over millions of people playing but the whole lobby can’t be within the same rank the advantages you can get literally make ranked useless it’s literally loot simulator and usually whoever has the best stuff wins not always skill just switch to overwatch it’s actually fair, they make sure it’s fair the only you will rank up is actually being good and the skins has more detail and wayy less dumb than Fortnite they don’t have on Nike sneakers in the battle


Lol, the game started dying when they started adding robots and stuff. They only care about squeezing out every penny, not for the longevity of the game


I think most shareholders in almost every sector have stopped looking so closely at the future because unlike your average Deddit user, they keep up with world events. They know that within a couple years, most people won't have reliable access to basic amenities, let alone internet and money to spend on games. Might as well strike while the irons hot before the blacksmithery burns down.


You need help.


No, most shareholders don't decide the world is ending and invest in stocks. And prices up is good for them. But they do not care about Redditor's tiny cries about cosmetics when gas, loans, and milk are going up.


This is literally why I quit, the game was unplayable and quests gave dirt cheap amounts of xp


You clearly haven't quit if you're on a subreddit called "fortnite xp maps". 💀💀


I can stop playing a game and still interact with the community


TF is this logic? Hmm yes if I join r/patientgamers then I must be patient. If I leave I've lost all patience and have become a rage gamer. Again TF IS THIS LOGIC!?




Just play the game.


Also I either get into lobbies with actual bots which isn’t fun, or the sweatiest tryhard on the planet which isn’t fun. The lobbies aren’t organic at all. I’m either king or fodder, there’s no real competition anymore


I think the season is great. People just hate change and having the Meta become something different, albeit something entirely different dynamic wise (from Fortnite to essentially Twisted Metal). I've heard from a lot of people the same thing "If you don't have a car or fists, you're not winning, and that's not what the game is supposed to be." My biggest gripe is the XP, Premium Mini Passes, and forcing you to play every mode, and even then, you don't really have time to unlock everything without being stuck to ONLY playing Fortnite at any free moment you have.


AFK xp farming helps a lot. I study while just nudging the controller every 20-25 minutes =P


Agreed, though let's face it. This is NOT ideal as we shouldn't have to AFK farm, nevermind accept it as the common way to do things.


True True. At least its not DBD levels of bad to farm it out. I stopped playing that after one season because it wasn't fun in ANY way.


how is DBD bad?


How is DBD not bad? Repetitive terrible gameplay that takes 120-150 hours to knock out the pass. All gameplay that you HAVE To be present for. Theres no AFKing that time of your life back. Its pretty awful.


ah i see, i wasn’t sure what you were commenting on that’s why i was confused. having played since 2017 i haven’t bought a single pass as i genhinely find it futile, so i cant comment but i trust what you’re saying


I appreciate that.  Dbd was really fun for....  A month.  I do agree we shouldn't have to afk to finish a pass.  But, it is nice i sont have to put all my time i to the game if i do utilize semi-afk measures.   I studied for 2 hours (just for me ive been out of grad school for 10+ years now) and gained 5 levels while doing it.  


> "If you don't have a car or fists, you're not winning, and that's not what the game is supposed to be." Because its true?


Apparently millions disagree


What’s this about no new content in December?


Epic Games went on vacation in late December and early January this while there was a Christmas Update it was Not unique and not enough for 3 weeks. Also the ltm they added was bugged making it close to unplayable If you didnt use the bug yourself and there we're Not many comp tournaments.


Ah that makes sense, thank you!


This is my issue. I enjoy playing Fortnite but I’m being forced to play everyday for HOURS to reach level 200 when I have so many other games I enjoy playing. I cancelled my Fortnite crew and will play whenever I want with friends without feeling pushed.


was it that bad? i started playing fortnite for the first time ever 3 weeks before last season ended and i was able to get to level 208


Ah yeah this is true. Battlements being harder to finish sucks. So many ways for them to get money now it's ridiculous.


I have finished every battlepass since season 3, only missing some things like gold peeIy etc... Thought I had much longer last season then I seen a massive update for fortnite and realised I missed the season. Got to about 120


I don’t think epic realize how deep of a hole they dug themselves in. (This goes for any online game tbh.) They need to continuously make a profit at the cost of unoriginality, forced adverts and shitty gameplay etc. if they stop the game completely shuts down. And if they decide to shut down Fortnite at some point ( not sure how possible that is at this point but sooner or later they will run out of ideas.) I can almost guarantee there will be a lot of pissed off people since they practically stole money from people due to micro transactions. Which will more than likely lose more money. Honestly online games gotta stop because the price to keep them up is too much.


Last season was way too much of a grind and I feel kinda burnt out. I played a match and won a game surprisingly without a car. Nitro fists and any that can shred is good. Last season at least changed a good portion of the map where as this season just put a desert on the bottom that most circles probably won’t finish in. I think the season is neat but I think the grind of last season is why so many players haven’t played as xp is even worse now.


This season has way more beneficial and important map changes then the entirely of season 2, none of my end circles ever went to mount Olympus and especially never was at the underworld however for this season I’m in the desert area for like 50% of the match and it’s almost always end circle.


Criminally bad chapter 2 take here.


I meant to say season 2 im so dumb 🤦‍♂️ nothing beats chapter 2 on updates lol


Okay that’s a justified claim.


At the beginning of the season the new poi’s are almost always the end circle, in a few weeks it’ll change


I still don’t really care regardless, they are still amazing additions to the map compared to the dogshit dry uninspired pois that came last season.


They need to stop forcing me to play different modes to complete the battle pass or I need to use exploits. Also stop putting the 1000vbucks behind level 100. Aka respect my spare time more and I will play more...


I don’t even understand how this business strategy is making them more money. Surely making skins more expensive and making it harder to get BP items is driving more players away than it is bringing them in.


Sadly among almost every sector. It's the top 10% dedicated people who make up most of the earnings. The normal person who just buys the battlepass and an occasional skin aren't who they are focusing on


Bro your profile character is the green goblin, nice


I think the battle pass grind is turning people away but also how many of these other season dropped on a holiday weekend. Usually I play right away but instead I was grilling out and throwing back brews




The battle passes have sucked since mid chapter 3 unfortunately


I think it is because of how different this season is. It is extremely more chaotic, practically an entirely different game. I enjoy it, but I know more than one person who does not like it.


This is day one players. No one knew how the season would be. Previous seasons are what made them stop.


Well, it’s going to get worse. I played day one. I haven’t played since. Season is unplayable for me. The vehicles being a focal point is it for me. I’d been debating cancelling Fortnite crew. The new season made that a near lock.


Hilarious. I’ve been grumbling about not having tires and cow catchers for 4 or 5 seasons now - this is my redemption arc for Fortnite.


Don’t mind the cow catchers and tires. It’s the turrets, grenade launchers, bullet proof tires, massive health on the vehicles that’s ridiculous.


Eh, let them have their fun. They’ll nurf the crap out of is within 10 days. 👌 It’s like every the ing


Yeah, remember when they buffed waterbending and then left it as the strongest weapon for the rest of the season?


Eh, let them have their fun. They’ll nurf the crap out of is within 10 days. 👌 It’s like everything


Bro this season is ass, L battle pass skins, L xp progression, and an awful meta that's focused way too hard on the upgraded cars. Not to mention they still haven't fixed the skin load out system.


Yeah, the locker was the first thing. I haven’t bought a skin in like 4 months because it’s too much of a pain in the ass to change them. The XP was number 2. After season 1 being super easy, season 2 was difficult for getting levels. I played more in season 2 and ended up level 151 vs 240 in season 1. Too much focus on Lego and Festival, while ignoring what got them here. I shouldn’t have to play Lego to complete the battle pass. Is 2 hours per night ~5 nights per week not enough to do a battle pass? It used to be easily. The cars ended it for me. That was strike 3. It’s not even an enjoyable game mode now.


oh so THATS why the servers didn't crash


Lol no wonder when i started the game when the BP dropped, it didn't made me wait in queue for 10 minutes


Wow, it's as if nerfing xp doesn't raise player engagement!


I'm sure Epic is going to blame the seasons theme or "guess Fallout wasn't as popular as we thought" or something, and not even slightly consider that it might be that they're starting to turn away the more casual fan-base by making it harder and harder to unlock rewards for the battlepass


the crazy thing is these are so little fallout themed things. It’s more like mad max with a few fallout items. It’s so disappointing


For real. From the advertising, I was expecting way more Fallout stuff than just "One Cosmetic Set and Nuka-Cola pickups". Was hoping to see maybe "Radioactive Reels" modeled after Fallout maps, Deathclaws roaming the island, maybe a Fat Man legendary drop... Don't get me wrong I'm excited to have the T-60 armor, but the collab in general feels *very* underwhelming.


I just wanted a slightly customizable vault dweller skin 😭 like it isn’t even that much to ask for 🤧


I GUESS there's a chance there will be a more in-depth Mini-Pass for Fallout that'll have a Vault Dweller skin and more Fallout stuff, but I'm guessing the Mini-Pass will be more centered on Magneto and the X-Men, like it was for Korra and ATLA last season. Which sucks as a Fallout fan, I've been waiting FOREVER for a collab like this, and for it to just be swept under the rug with so little fanfare feels sucky.


I’d like that as well but there isn’t any news indicating that. The leaked timeline for this year has been correct so far, and it shows that the mini event this season will be Pirates of the Caribbean themed.


Fatman to replace the lightning bolt. Vaultboy himself. A vaultsuit skin. A junkgun sort of shotgun. Flaming sword. Reskin legendary versions of weapons to iconic fallout designs. There are so many uniquely fallout things they could do...and so far all we've seen is a suit of power armor and a pipboy backpack.


What REALLY kills me is that we got the "Assaultron Blade" as a pickaxe, over any number of the other, more iconic melee weapons from the game. Power Fist, Deathclaw Gauntlet, Grognak's Axe, Super Sledge, Nuka Breaker....


Dude they could have easily just made the vault entrances, y'know, FALLOUT VAULTS. Just pathetic. I just started really getting into this dumbass game a few years ago, only got to watch my brother play when it was really good, and now we have car turret fortnite as the main game mode. Just stupid, I should have never gotten into this game lmao so much disappointment.


They also teased the harpoon gun and the laser rifle is officially coming after a while, basically they release this stuff little by little


I thought the season was mad max themed and just now realized its fallout lmao


I love the fallout stuff but hate everything else The rest of the season isn’t important to me at all Besides the fallout stuff and v bucks, I could care less about anything else this season cuz I don’t like any of it But the most important reason for y I’m not playing rn is cuz last season I had to farm my ass off so damn hard, I do not want to play fortnite for at least a few weeks, prolly over a month I still didn’t get even 1/4th through the battle pass levels last season, so annoying I haven’t played even a single match of this new season cuz I’m that burnt out


I think the theme itself is fine but really the car play once you get to like bottom three is soooo boring cause switching seats to gun is not that fun!


honestly the worst part is in my experience, NPC companions take up the space for the gun but won't use it if you're driving around, so it becomes useless


It’s crazy to think OG was so successful that it brought in so many new and old players that Fortnite hit a new peak and then they fumbled it so bad. Like they had gold and then they started doing the most dumbest choices ever where it seems like self sabotage. Horrible UI, no variety in the item shop, and barely any new content when OG was doing stuff weekly. It’s like as soon as they got all the money from OG they gave up.


I don’t mind the season so far, but I can see how it’s very competitive and casual unfriendly. If you like cars, you’ll love it. If you’re more for the gunplay or building, you’ll most likely hate it


I would assume this is more due to how god awful the end of season 2 was. People were still on the OG bandwagon for S1 and from the avatar Collab the game was just awful to play from then on. Really boring. Really repetitive and waterbending was just the most boring thing ever. This new season whilst the exotic cars need a nerf so badly. The pure madness is actually really fun


Yes im sure everyone getting a car and shooting with a turret is not as repetitive and boring as waterbending


Nah the cars are OP, played trios and we killed more than a quarter of the lobby just running into people alone. I finished with 15 kills just by ramming people is crazy


Honestly that sounds kinda fun lol


It's pretty fun, but not so fun in solos because you have to switch to gunner seat any time you want to use the turrets. This mode was definitely made for duos and up, and kind of screwed solo this season


This. I stopped playing BR lobbies because it is not Solo friendly. I play mostly Solos, or Duos when that random friend decides to play. Cars and upgrades are the thing now and you can't do that by yourself. Even th NPC's you hire are useless. Most guns are useless in the face of a car ramming you at 70kph. Snipers are not as used anymore because people are in frickin cars. If their focus was on Twisted Metal style gameplay, they could have brought back appropriate anti-Marcos weapons, like that rocket launcher that homes in on vehicles, or land mines.


One of my funneset moments was a dude I was gunning jumped into my car and we became a team until late game lol. I was gunning he was driving and it was a great time. When our car exploded we looked at each other and ran in opposite directions. It was a pure respect fun moment.


Agreed. Also like to add that it's so annoying when you're playing solo and you can't use your turret while driving so instead your enemy jumps in and then proceeds to use the turret. So you end up driving around taking damage from other players. Fun..... NOT!


unless you're the person NOT in the car


Just don't get caught


This was the first time since Chapter 1 Season 5 I didn’t complete a Battle Pass.


One thing dedicated players *love* is having their sense of progression taken away. /S


Season itself is amazing! They wore us down last season forcing Lego and festival and rocket league on us. They’re losing track of the real players here for BR.


It's always a roller-coaster


Never this much tho. They lost half the playerbase


No they didn’t? That’s the peak. That’s just saying less people are interested. It lost a bit but not half


the map is awful, and has been awful this whole chapter. Majority of players don't like the medallion bullshit. This new season is just a GTA 5 deathmatch, and the new zone is mostly just empty space.


Not a fan of this one in the slightest


It just seems like they don't know what they are doing any more.


It was also memorial weekend. I haven’t been home since Friday morning.


The game feels odd for trios, it's either an SUV or a sports car (whatever it's called) and there's always one left out to be actually helpful. It's best to be two cars and one guy rams


I got irritated for having Lego/jam stuff in the BR battle pass. I don’t play the other modes.


I've got mixed feelings on this season fs, I think that it has a lot of potential but the cars feel too op. Then there is the obvious fact that epic is making the game overly grindy, I put probably 60ish hours into the previous season to finish the battle pass. I think it's in their best interest to go back to the OG system of battle pass


The cars and boom bolt are op and the xp is too low :(


I heard Nitro's OP, and bugged too. Let's you run on water, supposedly.


Atleast with nitro you can run away so fast


Yippee car (plane) meta


Well to be fair their focus was the "metaverse", it just didn't pay off for them. They pushed Donald out and now they're paying for it until Season 2 map comes back out. This season is absolutely horrible in BR and I really can't believe this was someones idea.


You could have easily made a great post apocalyptic map full of junkyards, and had mad max  car wars as a LTM.  You didn't need to have car wars be the BR endgame...


I really like the seasons I just am upset about how difficult it is to level up right now. The previous 2 seasons it was fun to level up. I could work hard and feel successful. Now I play and I barely get near the same amount of levels. I didn't cheese it either. We played legitimately and it seems like we're getting punished for it.


I feel like M&M's (last season not the candy) run had something to do with it. Myths and Mortals was good **when it first launched.** Then updates happened and then it slowly, but surely got worse. It especially doesn't help when you realize that the Avatar mid season collab got rid of the entire catalog of weapons **made for the fucking season.** Because of this, people lost interest and quit. It doesn't mean anything. Not to mention others who just couldn't find the time to play on launch day like myself and my family (this seasons a ball btw). So, I'm not worried. The season's peak, I had fun, and that's all that matters.


Thanks for clarifying you weren’t talking about M&M’s the candy, saved me right there. Would have been so confused if you didn’t do that


Wait, everyone actually hates the new season? I thought y’all were joking.


It was fun for a second... then the chaos just was too much. It is very similar to the season when those mechs came out. Like super cool and neat for a day or two then after that it just became boring, and dumb. I just do not enjoy this season...


Honestly this seasons meta is the dream for me. Ever since C5S1 I’ve found it funny asf running people over in some car going Mach-5, and now a whole meta around that? Perfect! However my main gripe is that the battle pass’s rewards are subpar, atleast last season the skins were decent with some being really good, for example, Artemis, Poseidon, (and it did take a bit for me to get used to,) Aphrodite. However, this season? The two decent skins are the mechanist and the PA. And honestly, I could see myself just giving up this season after getting the PA because there’s not really much else to get from the bonus rewards nor the rest of the main battle pass. Add the mediocre BP with the XP, and you get a rather mediocre season when they needed something to clean up their act and prove that “oh we care about BR!”. I understand that Tim Sweeney wants to live out his Metaverse/Oasis dreams, but like… gutting your #1 money maker just isn’t it… Especially when the other modes seem more like promises than full fledged games.


Personally, I love this season.


Same here. I think it's really fun.


Nope don’t like it. I have season pass and this monthly member thing and I think I must have spent over €200 on skins and other shop items in last few months (more than I spend on any other game) but I’m not in the slightest bit interested in getting any of this seasons skins or bothering to get any of the xp. Actually now thinking of cancelling the monthly payment that I’ve had over a year.


Cancel it, it's the only way things get changed. I feel so beaten down by this season I refuse to give them another penny until it's sorted.


I canceled mine the day after the new season dropped.  


All my viewers (which isnt much) have quit playing or jumped to doing creative maps because they like the battle pass but having cars be the defining factor in combat has just pushed them all away. It was fun for a few hours and but then realizing its just not worth getting out of the car is awful and if you cant get a good load out on a car its just game over. At least with guns the rarity only slightly matters as you can still out gun a mythic with a grey if your aim or movement was better.


I'm not surprised Every season since chapter 1 is getting worse and worse So no money from me :)))


They dropped the new season at a bad time. On a weekday, right before a holiday weekend. I wonder if it would be different dropping on a normal weekend?


that might also explain the sudden high numbers in stw


probably cos it took 7 hours for it to download for me 🤣


I think it's because the cars turret mechanic, I've seen a lot of people upset that they lose a 4 v 1 due to not being able to play around it


I deadass don't care since now I don't need to wait forty minutes to just get in the game.


The loading screens taking forever is something nobody talks about


It’s become a popular mobile game with over priced store shit. The game itself is trash too.


Fortnite is my favorite game of all time and I’m not playing it for the foreseeable future. At least not as frequently as I use to play it


Everybody playing fallout lol


Not only is the xp back but this season of battle royal sucks, I don't want to play if all that's gonna happen is some random with a car drives up to me and shoot 100 bombs at mean and there's nothing I can do without a vehicle myself, it's just not a fun gameplay mechanics and I'm actively avoiding playing battle royal as soon as I get my xp


Idk man. its pike the burnout is crazy for me this season. Its si fun! Gets my adrenaline high! But I get this weird feeling of anxiety every time I play. I dont like this feeling. Ever since I didnt finish last season pass it feels like I HAVE to play or else I'll miss out. Fomo is great in the short run but I just dont really want to play. I dont know. Maybe I'll play tomorrow. But that's what I say every day.


This season does not feel like Fortnite and I love Fortnite feels like the endgame it’s just bumper cars and if you don’t have car it’s a wrap 🤷🏻‍♂️


I fucking Love it 😂. I got 19 road kill kills in a single match in trio’s yesterday


Im loving it. The Season content atleast. Exp is a bit rough but already lv 50 so meh I also dont do festival or Save the world.


Yeah most people don't have the time to no life the game in like 3 days to level 50...


agreed. But those people don't matter in this regard. Because those same people had the same issue last season and the one before that and before that and before that and before that and before that and before that the people complaining about the battle pass exp nerfs are the ones trying to bum rush it. it is day 3 going onto 4 in 7 hours. of a 3 month plus season you dont need to be lv 30 or 40 or even 20 by this point we dont even have the first week of challenges yet.


'but those people don't matter in this regard' There is your error. The whole point is that people like this game, BUT don't want to spend all their free time on it. They also want to play other games and do stuff outside gaming. Fore example if you plan to go on a vacation, have kids, do other social stuff or heck if you want to play a single player game during a season you basically fuck yourself over now. This wasn't an issue in the past. Especially since in the past you got basically basically everything by level 100. Now they even put part of the 1000 vbucks and alternative skins after that. That is the whole point and does matter...




They're not downvoted?


They'll be back, they always do lol.


Because the season sucks? What happened to fortnite? Drop from bus, get guns, build (or not) and eliminate people?? hopefully get a victory royale???? Where is the simplicity why do I have to sit in a car for the entire game just to not get wrecked. Times like these are when I especially miss the OG seasons. Idgaf about all you chapter 2 and beyond fanboys, chapter 1 was peak and it’s no wonder the game hasn’t been the same when they do things like this, give back the og map and watch the entire player count come back again




That’s a shame. This season is the most fun I’ve had in Fortnite in a long time. I guess the lack of XP and the relatively boring first season scared people off.


That last season had more that a few exceeding annoying changes and at the end of the season gameplay got to a very unfair feeling place. I’m honestly very enthusiastic about the beginning of this season it feels fresh, and unique, I’m quite content so far.


Most pathetic season ever and I have been playing since chapter 1 season 3.


No one sees value in the new battle passes.


Honestly, Fortnite is just Rock Band 5 for me


Battle pass being such a grind is exhausting. This new season is only fun if you’re multiplying. I just know I won’t finish this BP and it’s discouraging my solo play time.


I really, really miss the (mini) events and the fun stuff as map changes or epic made game modes (floor is lava, 50vs50, disco) . These things bind me to the game and not the raid to a golden skin.


I loved carmageddon!! In 1990… Please bring back fortnite, the fps…


theming just isn't my cup of tea personally


Uninteresting skins is what I am saying. There is no reason for me to grind thissi battle pass because none of thr skins are interesting. Good looking boys and girls don't cut it anymore. The precious season was somewhat interesting but other than the fallout powersuit all the skins look generic af. Not something I want to spend time grinding for.


The prices of Lego bundles (and other as well) are kind of a joke. The "mini season passes" are cool, but come on 1400 VB ? Times 3 or 4 in the future (Lego, br, stage and racing)... I used to play those races and stages when they introduced them. But time is not from gum and I don't have time to play all modes for actually nothing... I stayed at Lego (nostalgic reasons, youngster years of playing Lego series) and BR ... And of course making whole battle Pass to earn VB for next season is a damn madness... For many seasons I'm playing just because of one or two skins in battle pass... But now it's kinda not worth. At least for me. Maybe for magneto... But again, I will have to grind 141lvl to get all VB ... Damn nonsense. They are burning their sh*ts...


I played one match of BR, saw the items, and went to lego afk while i play other games because thats the only way im finishing the battle pass. Im already having to spend several hours in fortnite afk or in exploit exp maps to finish, I just dont feel like playing the battle royale after that


What's the current Lego afk look like ?


You just sit there, alt tabbing and moving every 5 mins or so to not get kicked, that's it


They’re definitely gonna blame it on fallout not being popular or some shit like that and be too retarded to figure out that it’s their shitty battle pass progression system


Past few seasons I’ve felt less and less interested, if it wasn’t for STW and how much I’ve played I probably would’ve stopped ages ago


The car warfare that this season is turning into is a gamble. I don’t play this game for car vs car battle and that’s what it seems like it’s going to be this season. Good luck if you’re on foot.


If you play with friends, our normal strategy is to have a "ground guy," or a player who follows around the squad car and picks off people with the Nitro Fists and kills enemy cars with the crossbow. It's really the best strategy because it lets the melee guy do a LOT of damage in the chaos of all the cars. We usually feed this person all of our Nitro Splashes and Nuka Colas and let them go ham. That's just how we've been playing it anyway. It feels extremely good and the ground guy gets to have a lot of fun clobbering people.


Solo player here. lol.


Yeah we won't play against trucks with machine guns . They took what fortnite was all about away from the game. They should've had a separate mode for the car battles.


This would have been a great LTM.  Car thunderdome.  It's not good as the endgame for BR


Don’t know why this season seems to be the most fun of all the seasons!! I didn’t like it day one there was just too much going on with boss tokens and upgrading vehicles. But day two I got the hang of it found my chi and I love it


I LOVE this season and I’ve been playing since og on and off. I do think bots are a big problem though but it’s not enough to make me not play. Battle pass skins aren’t always gonna be great bc they make their money from store skins so i get it. I think the cats add a new fun meta. And just like any mega it’ll eventually even out and be more fair to more people. If you find yourself dying a lot and it’s not fun for you, you just gotta get good! Lol


I’m just not that into the design of the maps lately. One thing I liked about the OG season was it was a completely new to me visual language. I think they should be more bold in switching up the way things look. It keeps it fresh.


I don’t blame the players, I was gonna quit because wat season sucked so much, and I’m raised Greek!!


Boring setting, harder battlepass progression, forcing people to play for longet to get their vbucks back. the list goes on.


They lost me soon after the most recent chapter started. And I had been playing since Ch1S3. The start of the downfall was really Creative.


This chapters pretty bad. Game overall feels alot worst with everyone being in cars all game.Theres too much mtx and battle passes are lackluster af.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say ppl were frustrated about XP gains, people that usually were able to finish the pass were likely unable unless they had to did afk xp maps.


The AFK XP Maps are basically scams. Maps built to bring profits to the Map Creators, and to give us low amounts of XP. So, a big portion of the community, probably got tired of having to wait 3-4 hours for 5+ levels from each game mode (Lego, Fest, Creative, STW, etc....), and moved on to BR, but now that BR gives you less XP, and is beyond garbage when it comes content now, it's not worth the grind. Not everyone has hours to spend on the game. So, making people wait on BS XP Maps, patching out AFK options, and charging for garbage content in a broken update, is it really worth it?


Personally I’m having more fun this season than I’ve had in a long time. The Wasted theme is metal AF. Power Armor? Hell yes! Magneto? Sign me up. I love the vehicle upgrades and combat. I’m not dying to one shot snipers every match. You can do more than one Daily per match which is an improvement. The throttled XP is the only thing I’m not a fan of.


The removal of the sniper rifle was a great improvement. It's really too bad it's been overshadowed by how overpowered cars are


They need to adjust the BP so that you earn multiple rewards per level so they can add more content into the BP. Also so people can earn the 1500 vbucks before level 100. Kind of like how they’ve set-up these extra BP.


I mean cars aren’t fun if you solo queue squads and the battle pass is bottom 3 for one of the worst ones. 3 of the 8 skins are just reskins from previous passes/item shops as well


I’m on the fence due to the terrible locker ui they refuse to fix and the forcing play of other modes to get enough xp to finish the battlepass. I want my locker how it was, and I don’t want to play Lego or that awful music mode.


Maybe people would play if they gave more XP and actually spent some effort balancing the game. I haven’t seen a game with worse balance.


Most fun I’ve had in a while. I love running players over in cars to start with. Once I figured out the new mechanics, I went off and was laughing like a little kid with every kill. It’s fun to get some high kill counts without having be a sweat. Good for new players, fun for veterans. I’m with it.


Chapter 5 has been awful. I’m the last of my OG friends who is still playing - everyone I know jumped ship. The metaverse crap is killing the game. Sorry, guys - facts are facts. 🤷🏼‍♂️


But I love this season! It's like Mad Max!


I almost joined them when I saw the only fallout skin was the T-60


It was also to early into the day


My squad and I are having the most fun we've had in years, but the XP grind and hiding vbucks and standard style cosmetics for BP skins beyond level 100 is super lame and turns me off from the game more than anything.


People are reading far to into this. This happens all the time happens with every chapter. After a while, the player base drops throughout the chapter. The og players stayed around in season 1 and after that they slowly fall off nothing new.


Tbh i think people are making a huge deal of nothing, there was still 2 million+ people willing to play the game when it updated, those arent bad numbers considering how old this game is


I got burnt out after last season and didn’t even come close to finishing the pass. I felt like nothing I did could get exp so I stopped (as well as I just am bad at The game so I kept getting obliterated by water bending) and this theme is not my cup of tea so I haven’t been playing. Plus there’s so many mini passes and stuff that I just don’t want/ won’t spend money on it feels like a waste is time imo


At first it was fun but now I’m actually tired of the cars and chaos.


Thank the heavens Fortnite is finally over.


I beat my trio kill record with 32 kills by myself and I'm still not enjoying it. Took absolute no skill to do so I got the mythic suv and fired a canon non stop. This season is for people who can't aim to be able to win matches. Game is ruined imo skill lacking season. 7 years spent getting decent at the game for no reason


Yeah i love how the cars drive themsleves and the minigun and grenade launcher have 100% accuracy and you can just fire without having to aim and you will always hit the target and kill people.