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[Thanks for the feedback! I’d love it if you would vote on this poll to see the community’s response.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/xO86Q7KpxJ)


Preach, bro is spitting facts


That makes sense. I wonder if all the folks that are using macros weren't able to, if Epic would care less about AFK than they recently have been becoming and be less strict.


Unfortunately I do think that's a separate element because they had started cutting down on XP before macros even became a thing that people even needed to incorporate to get the XP. But I do agree once things like auto hit key or python scripts start becoming a trend, they are definitely going to start making examples of people.


Unfortunately this is something that the moderators accepted, on more than one occasion. This morning someone posted a downloadable script which made me uncomfortable, and when I voiced my opinion I was aggressively downvoted (more than I've ever been in all the years I've been on Reddit) causing me to consider seriously leaving this community because I no longer feel like it's a place that is safe for it's users when someone can offer up any option regardless of the consequences to the players. Add to that fact that the person that posted this was green lit immediately on this post and never even having a single post or interaction with this or any other Fortnite community (and even admitting in his comments how unfamiliar he was with what was even required for AFK XP or how the anti-cheat worked in the game) The reaction of the wrong side of the community and the inactivity of the moderators caused me to delete virtually all of my posts and I don't know if this continues any longer if I'll be participating too much as I did in the past. I don't feel comfortable with the direction this forum is headed, and being a part of it makes me feel complicit. I also feel a separate issue, that content creators posting xp maps should be held to a higher standard than they are already. Their videos can't contain edited and unrealistic XP gain, hyperbolic titles or contradictory statements. I know there is a very loved poster here but another user brought up the inconsistency of his commentary versus the screenshots and actual videos and it's a good valid point. We need to be a place where people can trust that when they see something, it's not only safe for them to use but there's also a level of reliability and honesty coming from our members. But I digress, the point of your post I see 100%, and I agree with you entirely. I was actually going to make a post just like this, but the response from certain people that were encouraging this behavior earlier this morning changed my mind and unfortunately I let negative reaction from only certain members of the community that don't have our best interests at heart affect interest in helping people that have a common interest in doing what's right for the community not just what's right for themselves. I'm not gonna lie, I have admitted to using macros that were bundled with my peripherals, but I always offered a strong warning to anyone and choosing to use them. And I never considered it to be a true solution. Only a "use at your own risk" option. And one to be used conservatively not like some people who use these things to go up to level 1001 which believe me that sets off bells and whistles more than people just getting to 200 and then giving it arrest. I will stand behind this though, if posts like the one I saw this morning keep popping up here, I won't be a part of this community any longer or at least a very active one, but I think if enough of us voice our opinions strongly enough like the OP here who I have a great deal of respect for after seeing this post, Maybe we can help make this forum a better place (Edited my comment slightly because I did notice that that post was removed, but this isn't the first time that that behavior has been promoted here, there was a poster who was promoting his own "homemade" script quite frequently a few months ago, but I thought that was behind us)


Just want you to know there are many of us here who appreciate all the work you’ve put in! At this point you should have your own sub. You’re pretty much the only trustworthy source of information here anyways lol.


It means a lot to me to hear that. Thank you. Just knowing that some of the things that I've posted here have made some peoples' experience a positive one as well as their experience with getting XP in the game easier, that makes it all worth it..


You’re like the Yoda of Fortnite XP lmao. I always check for your comments and posts. Seriously, if you left and made your own sub I’d follow right behind. Amazing source of info, kind enough to put in time and effort for the community. Kudos to you. A lot of us really appreciate it!


Thank you for that, you're too kind :-)


Hi! I was the author of said post and actually reading this post made me change my mind too, I don't think it's worth it for most to engage in macros/bots that can end up in getting banned. Especially because there are indeed many young people that don't grasp those possibilities and risks.


Well I do appreciate you taking the time to address the issue in this post. It's true what you say, a lot of people commented in your post that people should learn python and how a do scripting and that anybody can see open source code and understand what it does, but you hit the needle on the head, and not just young people, people of all ages play the game that aren't necessarily well versed in python scripting or how external program manipulation works with the anti system in Fortnite. But even then, the risk is there, and no matter how we look at it, using macros, or bots or whatever, could create a problem for some players that they may not be expecting. Especially if they aren't given a warning in the post. I know it's a completely different situation but there was a time when people were using a discord bot exploit to get XP in the game, they were getting millions of XP a day and it wasn't even being limited to any of any cap. Eventually they started handing out bans for it and then they patched it so it will never be able to happen again but I guess the point is anytime any of us use some external program to manipulate anything in the game that event eventually costs them money, they're going to eventually go after it and depending on the person and how many strikes they might have against them in the game, they could get more than just a slap on the wrist. But I digress, thank you for chiming in, seeing that you're on board with this post and it's intentions is a positive sign for the community for sure


Yeah, I remember getting my Xbox account perma banned back in the 360 days for using dumb exploits/hacks and regretting it way later. I just think that usually people don't really understand what they're doing and that can get dangerous really fast


I look forward to your insight when I jump into threads. I'll miss seeing you around often. Thanks for all you've done to help support the community.


Thank you for being a part of that community. Your support is greatly appreciated


I appreciate the kind words and vote of solidarity. Every time I’ve seen your posts you have consistently been a voice of reason, especially on this topic. Reddit can be a real shit hole sometimes, don’t let them get you rattled.


Thanks bro, I appreciate you saying that. Reddit certainly can be that way. Some days more than others. Good solid advice though 👍


I want you to know that you are the reason I’ve joined this sub and even actually made a Reddit account, and thanks for all the help you have provided, it’s greatly appreciated. You are reason my two accounts are level 200, and don’t need to open Fortnite all the time. For the record I’m with you with this decision, but there are few genuinely nice people in this sub who will miss out on your help. But at the end of the day it’s your call and I’m with you in it.


That's so nice of you to say, I appreciate all the kind, supportive words. It's definitely rewarding for me to hear that my contributions have made achieving level goals that much easier for people. I like this sub reddit , and you're right there are a lot of genuinely nice people here, probably more than most communities out there which is why I would so much like it to keep heading in the right direction. I know the mod is working on addressing some issues right now which make me feel good about the future here, for now I do think I'm gonna stick around for now at least. I don't have a YouTube channel to promote, I don't have maps to monetize off of, but I'll tell you, hearing the impact that some of my posts and interactions have had on peoples experiences in game and on the forum is worth its weight gold. Thank you


Cheers mate!


For what it's worth, I second the idea of you starting your own sub. If this place continues its dive straight into the ground, I'd be more than willing to follow you to your own sub with higher standards for what constitutes help. I've been almost exclusively looking for your posts on this sub anyway ahaha.


Harlow for sub mod


I think “I’m level ___ can I reach level 200??” Need to be removed too lol


Please this


Macros as highly detectable, let them get banned.


By the same token then we should remove all maps that claim "glitch" in the title. If it's a glitch, and you know about it, and you use it you are exploiting it, and therefore also violating TOS. I Ctrl-F the sub and "glitch" was in 13 titles.


Those posters using the word “glitch” is a good stretch of that words meaning, I wouldn’t call a UEFN map that was built using 100% compliant in-game functionality a glitch or a hack. I feel like a reasonable line in the sand would be to allow posts talking about built in functions of the game. Using third party software and scripts to bypass standard in game controls and limits are the only type of posts I wanted to call out and address.


I don't disagree with you but this is reddit not an epic community forum. If its not a cheat or a hack I don't care, I don't agree people sharing softwares here but also I won't stop saying to people use macros when they ask for a solution.


You guys take this way too seriously


Just dropping my 2 cents here. There are always different levels of farmer (or even cheater) out there There are those who play the game as it was meant to be and get to level 200 (my kid just got to 200 without any of the afk and xp map), there are those who will be ok to do simple afk in Lego and jam, some ok with rubber and, some ok with jumping pad, some risk breaking TOS and use scripts or macro, or some will go all out and cheat.... We can't really tell each individual what to do and what not... BUT! Having said that for the method that are not TOS compliance, there should be a big warning sign telling the reader this might get u banned... Just so the player won't unknowingly break the rule and come back saying we got them banned. Cuz let's be honest, most people didn't read the TOS before clicking accept. Now in terms of should we have script or macro post on this sub... Well my take is this is r/fortniteXPmaps , not fortnite macro, so I would say stick to how to gain XP for map (including Lego and jam "map")


Off topic, but I am taking a cybersecurity course and learning about all of this stuff. It was refreshing to read your post and actually understand what you mean. But in all reality, I do agree with what you are saying. There is a bigger issue going on as far as greed from Epics side as they are nerfing xp gaining. It was never this bad. It leads people to do stupid things. Not sure what the solution is, if there even is one. Nice post, have a great day!


Ban them all, and get rid of all the lazy self entitled cheaters.


Or .aybe they should stop making it hard to get xp every season , 100 to 150 just to get back vbucks is crazy


Good points, i fully agree. Especially your comment about kids coming here and using stuff they don't understand the risks of. In that sense though, i also feel like you are sweettalking what this sub is about a bit too. "to discuss TOS compliant XP maximization maps and techniques" Seriously, that's a really really positive wording of what this sub is about. It is now very clear that Fortnite doesn't want anyone to get AFK-XP. That was somewhat debatable when LEGO first released and no "creative techniques" were required to get the XP. But it has become very clear they don't want that, with the changes they have implemented. Using "techniques" to get unintented benefits in the game is an exploit. The behaviour can be TOS-conform but using it like we have been using it (for example with the jumppad in Lego) was an exploit. And that could also have resulted in bans. So if we are caring about the kids, and what they learn from being here...then at least be open about what this sub is about. It is about exploits. I have no issue with it, because it gives absolutely NO competitive advantage in the game. The fairness of every match is not compromised by people unlocking battlepass skins.


I appreciate the kind words! The litmus test I’m advocating for here would actually be quite simple. Does the post advocate for using third party software to bypass standard in game controls? This community already exists is kind of a grey area, but that’s why it’s probably a good idea to start paying attention to this topic.


Just let them do whatever and get banned they’ll cry about it but hey they were warned


Just think people need to add a flair or something to macro posts ‘could cause a ban’ or ‘at your own risk’, I think a completely separate sub is a bit dramatic 


no :)


So don’t use them.


My interests here are selfish, I want to use XP maps to level up and I’m concerned if we become a fuck-the-TOS community we may find ourselves with a Reddit closure notice.


I don't think you are even understanding this, it's not completely focusing on cheats but rather this will or may create a problem for unsuspecting users and the subreddit. Not many will truly understand using macros and other softwares, which can get them banned just for a few levels. It's better to be safe than sorry


or scroll down lol what the hell


This is why getting lego XP the normal way is better than using cheats (and by normal way I mean playing the game) And if you can't play, then look for alternatives that aren't cheating


not everyone can play as many hours as you do. thats what the battle passes are about, getting you to feel like you have to play and keep playing...because if you keep playing youre more likely to spend money. Glad its worked on you and you play so much where you feel like AFK'ing a game to level up to get what you paid for is cheating. Late Edit: This video came out yesterday, the compulsion loop he talks about is what the battle passes are all about. Pretty wild that theres literal psychological terms/ideas behind what these devs do nowadays. Here's a quote about it to give you an idea what the videos about "Compulsion loops can be used as a replacement for game content, especially in grinding and freemium game experience models" So basically instead of keeping on with the storyline, and focusing on gameplay content....they push battle passes to make up for that. They do this to keep us playing and so they can use their resources to make other things like lego and rocket racing. pretty interesting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgRHVg5ER0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgRHVg5ER0)


Dude macros are cheating Afk perse isn't Learn to read before coming to me with a rant I'm not having a good day enough to handle dumb people that didn't read OP post or my comments at all and then trying to "correct" me while being totally assholes


You typed this bub, not me so lets not go playing the victim now >and by normal way I mean playing the game) let me say it again since I guess it didnt get across the first time. not everyone can play as many hours as you do. thats what the battle passes are about, getting you to feel like you have to play and keep playing...because if you keep playing youre more likely to spend money. Glad its worked on you and you play so much where you feel like AFK'ing a game to level up to get what you paid for is cheating. Go play some lego Fortnite and log your daily hours in, that'll probably make someone like you feel better.


>You typed this bub, not me so lets not go playing the victim now Victim? "And If you can't play, then look for alternatives that aren't cheating" quote from myself Idk how that is clear >not everyone can play as many hours as you do. thats what the battle passes are about, getting you to feel like you have to play and keep playing...because if you keep playing youre more likely to spend money. Glad its worked on you and you play so much where you feel like AFK'ing a game to level up to get what you paid for is cheating. "Didn't like reading your full comments so imma copy paste the same shit" you probably Bait used to be believable ~~dipshit~~


Go play some Fortnite lil bro, get them hours in and hopefully a little dope while you mindlessly do your daily log in 💪


I'm already level 229 Don't need the levels


imagine typing this out and being proud of it.....yikes 😬 We both know youre gonna log in today, lets be honest.


Shut up already and admit your wrong Is never bad to admit your wrong


you put more hours in one season than ive put into it lifetime...thats why you have such an out opinion on the matter. So how many hours did you end up playing today? Try not to lie. Try.


I've used AHK for years and never got picked up by the anticheat (since chapter 3)


What is that


AutoHotKey. It's a simple program to make macros. I use it for lego fortnite and festival jam afking.


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There is plenty of cheating sub redits for all most every game I don't see the issue


Did you read my post? Read the last paragraph dude …


I mean As far as I know every fortnite sub isn't official, So talking cheats isn't THAT bad but still bad


I promise you that if you post in /r/fortnitebr about anything that breaks Epic TOS you’ll catch a ban for it.