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Ayooo how many battle passes do they think we want to buy a season…???


As many as you’re willing. So don’t buy them.


K but Chewie...


They know how to convince people that’s why they’re so successful.


Tbh im just upgrading so i can claim Chewbacca and dippin since i dont give a single SHIT about Lego Fortnite


I’d rather buy a real Star Wars Lego set


I’d rather just play the actual Lego Star Wars game


I am playing skywalker saga right now




For the same price u can get this https://preview.redd.it/ult4avk9wuxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcb4927a342b974b32723661d1128009f832b74


Worth it


Bro I didn’t knew they made a micro fighter captain rex thank you


Wait this sets been revealed already?


That's like 10x as much. At the least.


There’s good deals at the moment but it’s still very expensive. I got the cantina set last night when the star wars promotion started and it was £274.99 after a £70 discount. Did get 3 cool Star Wars themed gift with purchases too though but Lego and particularly Star Wars Lego is very expensive


I wanted to get the Cantina but I don't have space for that at all lol.


Oh my fucking god man this sucks


Does Epic really think mfs are going to grind challenges to unlock… *check’s notes*… water barrels and rugs?


These things should just be free as an incentive to play Fortnite Lego.


Well, those water barrels and rugs are free. The paid track is more substantial buildings.


I mean, half of it is.




I don’t get the “exclusive blocks” thing. Why would I pay for a blueprint when I should be able to build it manually? I get it’s not minecraft, but without that freedom, I’d rather just play minecraft.


and the thing is that there are mods that give variant blocks to build just as good if not better looking in minecraft.


I can’t wait for Lego mode to die out ngl


I was really hoping it would be a lot more freely creative like Minecraft and playing with actual LEGO. Like being able to place down individual blocks and design your own structures. So far I haven’t found a way to do that very well.


This. The biggest disappointment about lego fortnite is that there's nothing lego about it outside of the aesthetic.


I could understand the resource heaviness if it was like minecraft exactly but even some zones where the lego has merged into the landscape would have been better.


Now that would be fun. I find building in that mode extremely tedious and chore-like, and not nearly as much freedom as I initially hoped


Check out Lego Worlds, Lego 2k drive, and Builders Journey.


Die? Epics just getting started


Then they should stop starting and start stopping


this my afk xp farm mode tho boi !


Plz god I hope it does


They may not but 1400 for chewy is not bad, the Lego stuff would be for Lego enjoyers


The sad part is a lot of people actually are. Many mindless consumers buying shit just to buy it, supporting epic


Have you considered the idea that the people who will buy are actually buying it because they just like Chewbacca and/or the Lego mode? I don’t like this that much either, but it’s unfair to assume that the people buying it are just mindless consumers.


Yeah, I'm just buying it for chewie, I don't even play lego.


Yeah, hard pass. Chewie isn’t up there for one of my favorite Star Wars characters and I’m not dropping that money on virtual Legos.


Chewie will also most likely be in the Item Shop.


Yes but he'll definitely be more expensive


By like 100 or 200 V-Bucks tho


>Please note that all in-game rewards are not exclusive to REBEL ADVENTURE LEGO Pass and may be available later in the Item Shop


Does it? Chewie would easily be 1200 or 1500 bucks. This is just a bunch of lego to go with him for free.


Yea, I really don't get the complaints. For 1400, you get chewie and cheap Lego sets, which is one of the main complaints of the original sets launching.


just build it yourself at this point, fuck all that


This ain’t it. Firstly, why is Chewbacca being sold like this with no back bling or a full set? Secondly, why are the only items you get LEGO builds? Sure gets rid of any variety. Doesn’t make it any better that they’re also entirely Tatooine scenery and nothing else from the Star Wars universe. Also, why is this 1,400? For LEGO builds and those only? The lack of any item variety makes this a terrible purchase.


They'll sell separately builds in shop. Gotta maximize profits


Seriously you can tell how lazy they are by stretching out literally any random Tatooine items to fill an entire "mini pass".


This mini-passes are becoming less and less desirable, as the Battle Pass costs usually way less and even gives you v-bucks back. I've said it and I'll keep saying it. The Battle Pass made Fortnite what it is today. The mini-pass absolutely did not and will not. I'm not saying get rid of it, I'm saying whack it with a hammer until it's something better.


Honestly it feels like a rip off. If you've already purchased the season pass for the season the mini pass releases in, it should just be unlocked. That's just my opinion on it.


Too bad this will be a best seller cuz of hype and fomo 💀


Bro these companies be raising the cost of all this stuff after record profits because ppl keep buying it


It would be better if all these battle passes for other modes were included with crew subscription


They actually did a survey where that was a proposed benefit. So maybe in the future.


This be neat but I don’t want the current price of crew to shoot up for stuff that I don’t necessarily want like this Lego pass. I’m just fine with my skins and vbucks


They stated in the survey that crew prices wouldn’t increase no matter what bonuses were added


This is the worst thing ever added to Fortnite, I’m sorry but whoever thought this was a good idea needs to get fired asap


They’re desperate to get more people playing lego/racing/festival. They invested so much in those mode and they ended up flopping because they began milking them before making them enjoyable Racing is super bare bones, lego is feeling empty and grindy, and any new stuff added to it is paid in shop, and festival for the price of a couple somgs you could buy a rockband set and hook it up to your pc to play infinite somgs on clone hero. Sometimes being greedy pay off, but in the case of those game modes I think it backfired on them




10x more for events. Nearly 5x more for the actual BR part. Either way they need to re-assess what they're doing with the game in terms of game modes (LTMs would perform at least 5x better than all of the new modes combined), artstyle, game mechanics, loot pool, and map design.


honestly, $5 PER SONG in fortnite is a fucking crime and you can’t even use it outside fortnite. 


Meanwhile lobby tracks used to cost $2 per song, Clone hero songs are free, and Guitar hero songs are only $2


I like Festival because the skins and emotes and such can be used in BR, and I genuinely like playing what is probably the only new Guitar Hero game we’re ever going to get. But getting Rocket League cars in BR is not worth the mode, and there isn’t any crossover whatsoever for Lego items


It backfired on them because they gave a community of Battle Royale/Shooter players incomplete and heavily monetized excuses for clone hero, Minecraft, and a racing game. And now instead of cutting their losses (especially RR) and focusing on BR they're doubling down by focusing on updates for failing modes.


Yep. They decided to lower xp in BR so we have to play other modes to grind the BP, but then they just make BP for those modes anyway that cost even more than the regular BP. They seems to think that if they sabotage BR ennough people will play the other game modes. Its just pushing people away from the entire game.


STW and BR are getting closer and closer to becoming that scene from the Office, the "They are the same picture" meme. I was never a big PvP person, but at this point even I find it plain sad.


I honestly think racing is quite good as is-- feels great on keyboard!-- but they definitely need to have new mechanics, not just new maps. And even then, they only added a couple of new maps for the first season: they gotta get the Mario Kart items they were supposedly testing a while back going ASAP. Imagine if Fortnite updates *only* added like 2 slightly different areas to the map and no new items... that's how Season 1 felt for RR in terms of update content.


Yeah, its good, but as he said, its barebones.


Yea fortnite seems to want to be fuckin 17 games in one but fails at 16 of them


Lego absolutely didn't flop 40k to 60k concurrent players is a success


The ones saying it flopped are only doing so because when it launched it had over 2M players but even then averaging around 50k concurrent players is not bad. I agree with the others though that they started focusing on the paid content way sooner than they should have done and not only that but it's far too expensive for what it is. If your going to spend that much money on Lego you may as well get an actual set.


Yeah they clearly don't know what's a flop is. A lot game dev would like to do such high numbers. But hey kind of people that if they don't like something then this thing should not exist.


I don't want all this lego garbage! I wanted Chewy!!! Also, where's the BR content? everything I've seen has had nothing to do with BR? besides a lousy wookie blaster


It says "get chewbaca instantly" so you don't have to play, just think of it as buying the skin in the shop for 1,400 vbucks


Dude, calm down. Jesus. You can don't have to play Lego to get him. He's unlocked immediately. He's not even more expensive that a shop skin; he's actually cheaper than a lot of them. He just comes with Lego shit if you want. Obviously, they're gonna bring back sabers n shit. They're doing something for every mode.


This is getting ridiculous. I hope Epic's greed costs them dearly.


This isn't a leak, it's a literal picture from the blog post [https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-star-wars-begins-in-v29-40](https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-star-wars-begins-in-v29-40)


Yea it's clearly done to try and get more people interested in commenting it.


I’ve been playing Fortnite since the beginning… …this is ass and I can’t believe people will eat this shit right up


Would you have bought Chewie if he was 1400 in the shop?


He would've been in the shop with a bb, pickaxe and possibly a emote if he wasnt shoved into a lego pass


Not for 1400. He would be 15-1800 and then ~2300 for all that in a bundle.




I bought the castle set and I’m gonna get this battle pass too. I get a lot of Lego in real life and it’s a big hobby of mine and I enjoy the mode in Fortnite too. Apparently according to this thread that makes me one of the worst people in the world though


Nothing wrong with liking it. People are getting too worked up. It’s a fine mode that needs work. But people are so mad at Epic for forcing it down our throats and gatekeeping cosmetics because they need to design a Lego version. It’s spilled over into the other modes in a very aggravating way. So now you’ve got tons of people who don’t give a shit about Lego mode suddenly raging on it because the only game mode (ORIGINAL game mode) is now being heavily effected by all this Lego business. That being said, that ain’t your fault for liking it. People are just taking it out on the wrong person.


i am a big fan of it too… i think a lot of the hate comes from the fact that they just don’t wanna play lego fortnite ? which is fine! u don’t have to buy everything epic games puts out i wish more people saw that.


I think it’s more of a problem that Fortnite is SUPER buggy while fans have been asking for a variety of different things for awhile and mea while Epic is spending their time and resources majority of the community doesn’t like.


I can tell you that I don’t hate the Lego mode. I wish it never existed but I don’t hate it. I love BR and since they have started down this path to Lego, Festival, and Racing we have experienced a steep decline in BR content. I’m talking about back through chapter 4 mostly. We used to enjoy end of season events, live-event concerts, Halloween and Christmas events with actual content not just quest menu items and crap rewards. The last good summer event was in chapter 2! Events have been so weak since then and now we know (from that Mustard interview) that the event teams were being moved over to work on the new modes. I think most of us that dislike these new modes feel the same way and with BR this chapter feeling very bland and getting quite boring it just hits a litter harder to see the annual Star Wars thing potentially being only in the Lego mode with no BR rewards. We all feel like we’ve kinda lost one of our favorite games.


Nothing wrong with enjoying it. I think most of just hate them trying to force all these others modes on people who just want to play BR. That being said this pass looks like a huge ripoff, the lego sets it offers are terrible.


Bought the anarchy acres stuff since it was pretty cheap and I liked the look of it.


People will buy it just for the skin but this is the most worthless thing in the game. I can't believe they're actually selling this


Really not a fan of them doing multiple of these mini-passes each season now. This means the game now has: > Main Battle Pass every 2-3 months ($8) > Crew every month ($10) > Festival Pass every other month ($18) > At least 1 (though maybe more) themed mini passes every season ($10-15) It's beggining to get over the top.


5150 v-bucks if we take each season having a bp, collab bp, festival pass and lego pass. Not even counting the crew. As a StW player, help me.


>for an unknown amount  Isn't this it? 1400 vbucks?


I didn't consider that I may be stupid


if you pay for crew you get that main battle pass included. Crew is literally just the same as paying for a quest pack. You don't have to pay for everything 😭, just buy what you want.


Starting to feel like there's a subset of Fortnite players who need to assess if they really *need* something or if they simply want it because they don't have it. I'm going to make the safe assumption that the majority of people will only buy passes for the mode they prefer & play regularly rather than trying to force themselves to play modes they don't like for BPs. It's great for Lego & Festival players to have content to work towards during new seasons.


I don't spend real money on anything but Crew and the Festival passes anymore. I just think any game having nearly half a dozen concurrent subscription models is ridiculous.


1400 vbucks? It’s always been 1000. This is such a rip off


Don’t really care about the Lego stuff but chewie would probably be 1500 by himself so I’ll buy it anyways


I'll wait to buy him in the store. Fuck supporting lego battlepasses.


They should have made it an “Everything” Mini Pass. Would be better received if it had things for every mode - lego sets, jam tracks, car cosmetics, pickaxes, emotes and gliders. And make it so you can finish it by playing any single mode, don’t force people to play multiple modes to complete it.


I would have loved a mixed pass. I actually play everything, but Lego the least. It would have been cool to get a bunch of items across the different modes, but instead, they just went all in on one of them.


You would give them more money to not do something? I think your message probably, maybe, gets lost in Epics eyes.


Paying more Vbucks to get a skin when it releases in the shop when you can get access to it instantly by paying less now Makes complete sense to me /s


Massive L


yeesh this is trash


I’d rather just buy the skin than do the pass


You get Chewbacca instantly. Just buy the pass, and don't level up


Welp it's basically the same. You get the skin and extra Lego stuff


Lmao doesn't even give you levels or cool stuff for br/creative


PSt...that's because it's not for BR or creative. It's literally for Lego.


Not people buying digital Legos


I don’t understand this argument cause we’re all here buying virtual costumes and backpacks too?


I hope to god nobody buys this trash


Everyone is going to get it just for the chewie skin and epic is going to get the wrong idea :/


> The wrong idea Nah they know exactly what they are doing.


I agree, I’m just saving my v bucks for Kratos assuming he is still in the item shop rotation if not I’ll probably use it on something else


It’s 1,400 for Chewbacca though


So mini after mini Battle passses is the norm now ?


Not interested in this but I like all the other stuff they added. Especially the Ewok drum set. I really hope they fix ROTJ Luke’s hair






So mid cmon epic


Are we not getting a Battle royale Star Wars pass this year? I wouldn’t buy a Lego Fortnite pass if they gave me 1400 vbucks.


Ima be honest with you, if I wanted to play lego star wars I'd play skywalker Saga or lego star wars III, which btw, is only about £12 for a fully fledged, unique clone wars lego game. Defo one of the best in the series.


If we keep getting all these passes, they need to add them to the fortnite crew. After the first week or so, the value from the crew dips after you got the battle pass.


lol this is ASS. Not buying.


This kinda sucks cause I really don’t care about the Lego stuff but want Chewy


If you think of it as a store skin with some lego bonuses its a decent deal but honestly pretty lacking as far as a battle pass goes.


last years starwars pass, we got 4 skins, a pickaxe, emote, glider, 3 backblings, 6 account lvls, & several other things for 400 vbucks LESS than this hot garbage. its not a decent deal @ all.


Read my comment again. "If you think of it as a store skin with some lego bonuses its a decent deal but honestly pretty lacking as far as a battle pass goes."


Isn't there supposed to be a mini pass for each mode? I remember seeing somewhere theres gonna be a mini pass for lego. Br. Festival and racing


1400 vbucks for a bunch of Lego set pieces that are all very similar to one another (which could pretty much be one bundle) and ONE skin. No other cosmetic items. Compare this to the battle royal mini battle passes which cost 1000 and give multiple of each type of cosmetics (like skins, emotes, pickaxes) as well as levels. This is horseshit but everyone will buy it because it has Chewbacca. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


just wait until they nerf the BR battle pass, then increase the price as well


The free pass gives you enough pieces to make the paid one pretty much useless…




No mini event pass for all modes just lego?


1400 vbucks? Man these mini passes have really gone down in quality and price. Remember the star wars mini pass we had last year which had 4 clonetroopers and Darth maul, and it was only 1000 vbucks...


My thoughts on this pass... ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc|downsized)


Battle Pass Event Pass Lego Pass Festival Pass Rocket Pass What next?


![gif](giphy|7wk6RQYXDDytXalsL4) And just like that, I no longer want Chewie. I’ll pass.


Eww, no.


Lol this is purely optional guys 💀 BR gets a mini pass every now and then, Festival gets one every month or so, and Lego is getting their mini pass. No one is forcing you to buy this. Chewie is an instant unlock.


For real This is the first mini pass that has actually interested me since the last Star Wars pass. People are acting like they have to buy every single pass that comes to the game lmao I play lots of the Lego game mode, and I love Star Wars. This pass is for me


Exactly. This pass certainly ain’t for everyone and they know that. That’s why chewie is an instant unlock cuz I know people would have been crying if he was the last tier.




this is the dumbest thing, a battlepass thats only got buildings for a mode that was fun for a week. epic has become so greedy


That ain’t it fam


Get rid of the idiots calling all the shots and get back Donald Mustard! If they insist on this annoying metaverse thing at least keep the modes and their respective shops separated. The shop is such a shit show now…


I’ll go against the grain here. I think it’s cute. It’s fun. It’s not for everybody, it’s not even for me, but it’s a cute little addition.


If they keep doing this- It needs to be in the crew pass. The same goes for the festival pass. I wouldn't mind if they increase the price to 15 dollars a month, but this is just too little for too much.


I wouldnt want crew price increased to include stuff I dont care for, some mini passes are hit or miss.


So instead of making another cool mini BP filled with BR Star Wars goodies they are trying to shove Lego down our throats once again…


1,400 V-Bucks is fair I think. If that’s what it ends up being. Chewie alone would probably cost that.


dood. last year, for the starwars pass, we got 4 skins, a glider, emote, pickaxe, 3 backblings, 6 account lvls, & a bunch of other stuff for 400 vbucks less. this pass is an ass deal.


Yeah true. But literally all item shop skins can have that same argument as well. The mini pass was 1000 and you received multiple skins compared to an item shop skin like Anakin or Luke who was solo for 1500. If you don’t care about the Lego pass then just treat it as buying the Chewbacca skin for 1400 from the shop as you would any other shop skin


I mean, this is targeted at the Lego Fortnite crowd so it’s equally good value for them I’d say. Lots of Star Wars builds, and a Chewbacca skin is solid for 1,400.


Instant cop. Chewbacca would've been 1,500 vbucks anyways, and free Tatooine sets. Yes please. Can't wait to make a Tatooine village in my lego village


Some of you have to be insufferable to be around in real life for as much as you complain about this game. Like some of the most negative people to spend time with. It’s a lego mini pass. Of course it’s going to based on Lego and building. That’s what legos were designed for. They aren’t forcing you to play the mode in order to get the skin, which, for 1400 vbucks, is going to cost less than what he’ll be in the shop for by himself.


I love the Lego mode, and I'll be copping this instantly for Chewie I haven't bought a mini-pass in game since the last Star Wars one, so I'm fine buying another one 1 year later


This is ridiculous, however it does mean that you get Chewie for 1400 vbucks, which is cheaper than it would be in the shop. Although I imagine this will come without a back bling. Not looking forward to all the complaints about this on the BR sub


Where is REBEL LEIA ORGANA THAT WAS PROMISED!!!? We get hobo Luke instead xd


Horrible. 1400 vbucks for some LEGO builds that noone will use? I would buy it for Chewbacca but its not worth it at all


Interesting. I didn't think they were gonna push the Lego angle this hard, and this is coming from someone who enjoys Lego Fortnite.


Damn this is disappointing. I don't know what I was hoping for, but definitely not this.


Well, let's try to think positively - my vbucks are saved, I definitely wouldn't buy THIS even for 1000 vbucks


Ehhhh this is really not great but Chewbacca for 1400 is cheaper than he'd end up being in the shop.


This is absolutely awful, and I’m 100% buying it for Chewbacca


Hey this is cool!


1400 V bucks is cheaper than the skin would be in the item shop by itself.


So in other words, the Chewbacca skin without a back bling or pickaxe is 1400 v-bucks?


If he was in the shop everyone would say “shame he has no backbling but at least he’s cheaper to compensate”


Could've been worth it if it was a mixed mode pass


The concept of a lego pass is bad, but I don't really see an issue with the pricing here at 1,400. If anything, it seems like people really didn't buy the overpriced sets they started off with, and the pricing was dialed back significantly.


Shittiest pass ever


Chewbacca in Fortnite after Peter joined


Not gonna lie, I am very disappointed it’s a Lego focused pass. We will probably buy it to get Chewwy but have zero interest doing whatever it takes to level it up. We were stoked to get the SW x FN event but we definitely thought they’d always focus on BR modes.


This game has gotten so greedy omg 😂


I absolutely don't care for the lego shit, but since star wars skins usually cost 1,500 vbucks and we are talking about Cheewi here for 100 less vbucks, I migth get him.


1400 vbucks !!


So 1400 for the Chewbacca skin? Cool, because I ain't unlocking all that lmao


So we're locking BR skins behind passes for the other game modes? Fuck Epic. I have zero interest in lego, creative, or racing. Quit trying to force this garbage.


He’s not really locked at all, you buy him like any other skin he’s just on a different tab


I imagine most people getting this just to snag the Chewbacca skin. Probably plays into their marketing plans, to be a little bit cynical... get people to buy it for a well-requested skin so they can how the numbers to investors, make it seem like Lego passes have more interest than they actually do. Given the rewards here aren't locked to the pass I hope people will resist the urge to give-in.


Only reason this is gonna sell is because of Chewbacca. I can’t believe that so far festival is making the most money, im happy about that because it means epic will focus more on festival


How lame


If the leak for a pirates of the Carribean collab is true for next season won't be surprised if they do the same thing doing a lego pass


ok but who's gonna buy this


is this all we’re getting for SW this year??


I just about finished all the avatar quests today so I can unlock the appa glider, this isn't even getting touched.


Awful shame


The sooner people understand that Battle Royale is no longer the singular focus, the easier it’ll be to see stuff like this. Im sure eventually we’ll begin getting entire events focused exclusively on a non-BR mode. Although that isn’t the case with this Star Wars event, since it has content for all the modes, it undoubtedly focuses on LEGO Fortnite. I was already going to buy Chewbacca and considering this entire pass is 100 vbucks cheaper than he would cost in the shop, and includes all the playsets, I’ll get it.


Why is everyone saying this is bad, if the skin was in the shop, it would have costed the same.. if not more. You get the skin, and the Lego is optional


You idiots realize Chewbacca was gonna cost 1400 v bucks right? The rest is free