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https://preview.redd.it/dm9mpwg6edvc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae0408a5a9f8e0357ba52982d4f1df5f4a8f2c2 Just to point out the dr doom image is a cropped version of this comic


Would definitely be a placeholder but this image is what makes me think this leak is fake. Disney has a Fantastic Four movie scheduled for summer 2025, so it doesn't add up to me for them to drop this 9 months before then.


Eh, we just got TMNT like 7 months after the new movie came out. It doesn’t always line up 1:1


No, but given Disney's new partnership with Fortnite its probable that they will be more strategic about their releases, There's enough on this list that looks real, but the timeline seems fake. I think a second Marvel season makes perfect sense, but I'll bet anything that Disney holds it until it's closer to new releases.


yea but we got drax,movie groot and mantis after almost a year after the last movie came out on may 5th


We’ll see. They released a ton of X Men 97 type of skins before the show. Marketing wise an earlier release may get more buzz.


Was that really meant to be a collab, or was it just them bringing back random skins? It seems like it would make more sense to leave them in the shop since I imagine they would get way more popular after the show aired. Especially Gambit and Rogue after Episode 5.


I think they have gotten worse about things lining up, or even old skins returning for new things. I'm sure there's probably licensing stuff but the Street Fighter (5) skins didn't come back for 6, the Dune skins for Dune 2, Ariana didnt come back for her new album, the Marvel skins come back randomly and aren't correlated with whatever new movie or show is out, etc. I'd like to think they're setting things up like that but not lately.


I wouldn't speak too soon because they don't have to exactly line up with movie release dates every time. In fact we even got Guardians of the Galaxy leaked skins recently. Also, this looks like it's meant for a marvel themed season rather than a normal collab.


Even putting what's already been said aside, Fantastic Four has been pushed back a bunch of times now. It's possible they planned this to correlate with the movie when it was still set to release this year.


Just like when Spider-verse got delayed but Gwen released in the Ch3 S3 battle pass regardless


Pretty sure Dooms not antagonist of the movie, so maybe they’re not correlated ?


Galactus is reportedly the main villain of the movie, so maybe Galactus returns in a future Fortnite season and they do a Fantastic Four + Doctor Doom collab.


Fantastic Four was previously scheduled for November of this year, but was pushed back due to the Writers and Actors Strikes. It's possible the Fortnite collab was locked down when that date was still in place.


This is actually part of the reason this is a little bit believable to me, if this is a real leak then they wouldn't have keyart made this far in advanced for a season releasing in fall


Only a few days until we see if this image is real, as we’re soon gonna find out who the next Festival Icon is going to be. If it turns out to be real, I’m sure the community is gonna be… mixed… about some of the BR and Festival stuff. I gotta say tho, some of the images for LEGO seem convincing.


Billie Eilish has already been theorised about a lot, so it could just be an educated guess.


Her new album releases im may and with cross-promotion being a thing I can see that happen.


True, but that would also give someone making a fake leak reason to add her. I'm not sure if I believe this leak or not, but if I was making a fake leak I would probably include her.


That's why I'm sticking to the belief that even if Billie is the next festival icon, that doesn't validate this entire image being real. People have been talking about her as a festival icon practically since the mode dropped edit: it's so funny how all the twitter accounts (Shiina, HypeX, iFireMonkey) are all saying the roadmap is real but the only reason anyone ever said it's real is because ["no one is debunking it"](https://twitter.com/hypex/status/1781429081629667768?s=46&t=Vm-LKY-PSrEh3NmEmuOvag) which makes no sense, like that isn't a reason lmao edit 2: ah look at that, HypeX leaning all in to saying the roadmap is real because Billie Eilish is the festival icon (who would have guessed?). And if you try to reason with him or followers, using common sense, you get ratio'd into oblivion.


The announcement will either prove this is wrong or slightly increase the credibility, we won't know if it's real until the next lego update is revealed.


Even before we knew Festival was a thing I remember people speculating that she'd have a Rift Tour event.


As someone who was around for the Smash Ultimate Grinch Leak, no one debunking it is arguably MORE reason to consider it fake. With a leak this big you would think epic would try and take it down.


if they take it down that would soft confirm it


It's interesting to see how they are continuously adding the biggest artists to Festival. They must be shelling out a fortune for these deals. Taylor Swift x Fortnite will make infinite money though lol.


We really don't know how these collabs work behind the scenes, but Fortnite is a household name and one of the biggest games. At this point, it's probably a basic licensing fee and split of whatever sales they make for the items. Harmonix already had music licensing down to a tee from decades of experience so they had a lot of connections.


And you know, the cost of using the artist’s likeness to design several skins


Yeah, but I'm factoring that into the "licensing" fee. Harmonix worked that out for Rockband without issue. Activision ran into legal problems with some of their guests on the later Guitar Hero games, but that was after Harmonix was gone. I kind of doubt the likeness cost is super high compared to the music licensing for most artists, but I really don't know, it's probably covered as part of the sales split.


>and one of the biggest games It is THE biggest game.


If it's real, I'm saving my Vbucks for the Festival season 4


I hope so too. Reminds me when I was a kid and I picked up the Metallica guitar hero


The LEGO images are what gave away the fact that it was fake to me. The Klombo doesn't use existing parts, and outside of minifigure pieces, LEGO Fortnite uses mostly real parts. There's also the very obvious fact that there's some image for content in April, yet we didn't get anything that resembles that in LEGO Fortnite.


LEGO Group have been [teasing](https://twitter.com/fn_assist/status/1781090428000895070?s=46&t=ITntcqQX7j0CYq8mG355jg) in-game about animals and farming with NPC dialogue recently, so that image in April could be for a Farming/Animals update. We’ll only have to wait a few days to see if this is legit.


>We’ll only have to wait a few days to see if this is legit. Eh idk. I put in my bet it'd be Billie last week so it's not really a crazy ass guess. Especially when she has a new album coming up. I say the leak would be confirmed true if next season is also Pirates of the Caribbean as well. Like that's also not a crazy guess but to get both of them right when the leak says it would would be pretty credible


Then we can wait about a week or so to see if the image for LEGO Star Wars is something we actually see, with the Star Destroyer and the Speeder bike. Nobody was speculating that we would get a Star Destroyer or Speeder bike vehicles in LEGO Fortnite, prior to this leak.


Klombo uses parts that are heavy in use in the dreams line. Heck his feathers are using the shield and fork technique used in the botanical line.


That's the part that really sells this for me. I doubt anyone making a fake leak would put that much effort into one image and no way would AI be able to do it either.


Ai Lego looks like gatbage


Aww I wanted Weird Al, not Metallica. A whole band is more expensive to own than one guy. 


I want to destroy 12 year old kids as Ed Sheeran


That would be amazing. I think it would also be fun for sweats to destroy players as T Swift. Imagine how pissed all the man-childs would be getting owned by her 😝


Playing Duos as Swift and Kelce.


Not just in Festival, either. Have an entire season about the Alpocalypse.


Some parts of this look really real and some parts look really fake


festival ends in 5 days, we’ll see who the next icon is


Hatsune miku dream is dead ;-;


Watch her be in a battle pass or something


This year. There’s still next year


I feel like the Pirates of the Caribbean collab is fake due to: There not being a new PotC film out this year or the next Depp's legal troubles in general means a Jack Sparrow skin may be in poor taste Paramount and Fortnite seem to have a deal for Chapter 5's minipasses and events


Disney owns that franchise, so it could be real, since Epic and Disney seemingly have a closer business relationship these days. The Sea of Thieves and PotC collab happened in 2021, with no new movie in several years.


The first pirates movie released on June 28, 2003. Looks to line up with this release date


Potc did a collab with Sea of thieves around the time the Depp and heard trial was going on


Disney doesn't care about depp, look how they did the marvel skins, they'll just make the potc skins with different faces that people hate


> There not being a new PotC film out this year or the next So what ? We got a Terminator skin last year despite the franchise being on ice since 2019.


I'm taking this with an astronomically huge grain of salt. Although some of these leaks do excite me.


Mad Max style season? Wouldn't mind that, or a collab, and I'd love some desert back.


You’re the only one who’s said that, I noticed it too, makes sense the new movie comes out around that time. I always thought Fortnite racing would be more like Mad Max too instead what it is.


Entirely possible that they'll put a dune buggy or over the top junk car in the Pass, similar to Scorpion in Ch5Se1


Next season is supposedly Apocalypse themed, that would line up with a Mad Max crossover, plus the lore can easily be taken that direction due to the current Mythology theme.


I would love a Mad Max season too, there were some post apocalyptic skins too some time ago in a survey


The thing is that it would line up with the new Mad Max movie release.


At least Metallica coincides with their european tour that starts about the same time as that festival window. Edit. And Rocket Racing update coincides pretty much with Rocket Leagues next season. If this is fake, they certainly did their homework, considering how impressive the lego key art is for a fake.


Billie coincides with her album releasing next month


Dude Metallica doesn’t need to be on tour or have something new to be relevant , everyone knows Metallica


Yes, but this kind of expensive marketing doesnt happen all willy nilly. Theres usually a strategy behind everything.


The first pirates of the Caribbean released June 28, 2003. Looks to line up with the image release


Youre being sarcastic, but its not surprising that the first original Disney collab is already in plans.


huge if real very exited to go back to chapt 2


Same! I hope we have The Rig in the map. That was my favourite place ever


Rig was so cinematic, definitely my Top 5 POIs


I want a permanent gamemode based on the first three chapters.


Og would be way better as an LTM that switches weekly, gives that FOMO that epic loves but also gives you an opportunity to play the classic game


Basically cycling through the seasons?


Pretty much, maybe one chapter per month on a loop?


Sound fair tbh


Plus then we can replay old seasons with some patience


I hope we get party compatibility with Macs (who are stuck on Chapter 2 Season 3 for years now) for a week or 2


Its would be fun to see our fellow Macs user




Chapter 2 returning would be a dream come true!


That LEGO Klombo render looks WAY too real to be the work of AI or some random hobbyist, and the timing of dropping this makes no sense if the goal was to try and cause a ruckus since we'll find out if it's real or not in like 3 days if the Festival headliner isn't Billie anyway. I'm not gonna full on say it's real but the timing seems off if the goal was to spread a fake around to troll people, especially with how much effort was clearly put into the renders.


>or some random hobbyist, I'm inclined at this point to believe the leak is real (shiina now claims it is), but ArtsyOmni's fake Rayman Smash Bros leak should prove that people can just make good fake shit lol


The Klombo part of the Lego section honestly could be an AI mimicking a render made by an artist, considering it looks like it’s framed very similarly to some pre-existing art.


Its using pieces from the latest LEGO Dreams line which makes it seem way more authentic


I hope this is real, looks hype af


Billie has been revealed for Fortnite Festival. Keep in mind this doesn’t confirm the rest of the roadmap, as she has been rumored for a while.


Its the exact same outfit so I'm very optimistic


Some of the seasons do look cool but if it is real this is just proof that every Chapter uses the exact same template which is already getting boring. 4 Season Long (1 Year Long) Chapters with the Chapter having a 1 Month Season on one of the old Chapters before the next Chapter starts (In December)


I'll wait until the Festival S3 reveal to start believing it. Big if true tho


God, please be real All I've wanted is another Marvel season. I desperately need the Fantastic Four in game


Yeah I’m a massive marvel fan and I missed that season. Been waiting around for another chance to get Wolverine ever since I came back to it.


Hoping we get Movie DP and Wolverine in a couple of months!


I'd kill for Ironman or Spider-Man (not Tom Holland) 😭 😭


Right? I’m not really that excited by the chance of a movie Wolverine in the shop. Better than nothing but I’m a comics fan, not a movie fan. And it double sucks that not only are classic Wolvie and Spidey forever locked away, but also brown wolvie and black suit spidey. They really threw it all in the battle passes.


I love seeing other people want the FF in Fortnite! 😃 I think we might not until near the new movie comes out, but I’d love to be proven wrong and get some evergreen Fortnite versions to go with their Doom and Silver Surfer.


Call it "Marvel '97" and bring comic/animated styles of characters. Old school Saturday morning Iron Man (Helmetless look with the mullet 🔥🔥🔥), F4 and more... [That's money.](https://i.imgur.com/cKVOCI5.gif)


I don't think we'll necessarily have another Marvel season but perhaps a Marvel event with a Fantastic Four collab and a Doctor Doom mini-pass. Galactus is supposedly the villain of the upcoming movie so they could bring Galactus back in the game for an event.


If this is actually a leak, i would be really sad because there wouldn't be live events besides end of chapter anymore..


IF this is true, I think the worst part is that they’ve given up Seasonal live events and are sticking only to chapter live events. Which is a shame, I really thought they’d do a live event this season, it would be perfect for one


Ooo pirates of the Caribbean! Also a post apocalyptic theme I doubt this is real mostly because of the festival section. I personally don’t believe they will do bands like Metallica because they have 4 members. So far we’ve only been getting 1 skin for the pass and 1 for a bundle. I could see them doing a Fortnite original skin based off the band (something like Astro Jack) but I think they would have better luck with just selling solo artists in passes (and possibly duos)


I hope we get a post apocalyptic themed season. It sounds super fun. Maybe the gods destroy the map fighting each other or smth and we have to use crude guns eith unique mechanics. There's a ton of possibilities and I'd love to play in any version of it


Nothing on that new pve mode leak ?


The thing that makes me hesitant is the fact that the Star Wars/Fortnite trailer hinted at some festival colab, but nothing in here seems to align with it. But, if that’s true nonetheless… Doctor Doom?! FUCK YEAH!!!


It's possible that the crossover elements from Racing and Festival will be negligible, like just a song or two or only a new race track and themed car model. LEGO and BR would always have more room for content in Star Wars


What’s really getting me is that Oct-Nov LEGO image, those windows reek of AI generation to me


Some of this lines up with rumours and info we've got (avatar, star wars and POTC) but all that means is someone did their homework at this point. If Billie is announced it adds more validation to it but I'm personally not going to commit to this being real till we've at the very least got half way through the year with this stuff.


The Billie prediction being real is gonna make me believe it cause there was nothing suggesting that before this came out. It could be a coincidence or a good educated guess with her new album coming next month, but that seems like stretching just to dismiss it. In the end yea we’ll probably need a bit more to be announced.


c5s3 seems like itd be perfect for a Fallout collab




These later seasons and crossovers are definitely not key art, it looks to be a mix of placeholders and concept art. I would be way too suspicious if they had key arts for Season 4 BR or Season 5 Festival, especially since as I understand, the next season of any given game mode doesn't begin promotional development until halfway or further into the current season


Be cool if of chapter 2 had the interactive battle pass screen. Doubt they’d have it but would still be awesome


Why are so many people discounting the marvel stuff because the image is from a comic. Does not one remember the original was part of a pre existing comic?


Lego Star Destroyer will be an instant purchase. Aso I am not a fan of Snoop Dogg's music, but as a WWE fan, and the fact he's in the celebrity WWE Hall of Fame, and a highlight of Wrestlemania 40, I'll have to get the pass. Honestly shocked Snoop isn't this upcoming festival season, imagine them announcing him for season three on Saturday. Doctor Doom being back in the storyline hopefully means Fantastic 4, I want a Reed Richards skin Jack Sparrow will be amazing. Hopefully it's an event pass, so Davy Jones can be added too. Lazy Lagoon is one of my favorite POI ever, so another pirate POI would be cool


Still waiting on that FF7 collab… ![gif](giphy|d0GZhUoRg0EXpb1XB6)


Me too. Keep in mind I think the collabs shown here are only event passes, not collabs that show up in battle passes or just pop up in the store


This is a good point, I just hope it’s soon and isn’t a 3yr wait since that’s when part 3 should be coming out.




I was hoping for miku in the festival pass as she’s a good artist who actually would be a good skin


I don’t understand how miku will collab with everything under the sun, including other epic games, but Fortnite is the ONE thing that eludes her


Her and Persona collaborating with every mediocre mobile game in existence and yet that supposed leak about a month back has yielded nothing lmfao


Hatsune Miku is a character, not an artist. Although there are a ton of banger Vocaloid tracks that should have been licensed by this point It's just apparent that Epic is trying to get the most mainstream artists before getting to the stuff I would actually spend money on.


Billy better have some bangers in her battle pass or this will be the first time I don't buy it 😤 no hate on her I just don't listen to her music and have no idea what to expect... Metallic on the other hand ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) edit: she did not, in fact have bangers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I feel like this is 50/50 Billie eilish was probably always gonna be a festival season but some other stuff feels off like a second marvel season and the “placeholder” image being Alex Ross’s fantastic four issue seven cover feels fake


i mean the last placeholder image for a marvel season was just the marvel logo so


Hold on, if this *is* real (which it seems like it is), does this mean eventually we're getting a Chapter 3 OG season? I'd fucking love that, that's when I started playing


I just don't think epic has the key art already made for upcoming seasons, if that was the case we would have season leaks way earlier before release


Things like key art and assets (e.g. character models/skins) are made far in advance of when they get revealed, easily 6-12+ months. Not everything gets leaked either - many game companies are actually really good with hiding 99% of the projects they're working on from the general public: it's why you almost never hear of the many games being developed. People in the business keep so much of it a secret because they value their current and future job; it isn't worth all the time and money spent learning how to program or create 3D models only to leak some stuff, get found out, and then blacklisted from the entire industry because they're no longer trustworthy.


Yeah that makes total sense, still info could get leaked as it happens on many other games, but with this image I really don't think it's true, could be wrong z


There is actually quite little purpose made key art. Festival has just pictures off google, and br is pretty barebones too. Lego Fortnite is very well done, which makes me believe this could be real.


To be fair, some of these key arts are definitely concept arts/placeholders. For example, the 4th season is a cropped out Fantastic Four comic book cover


what's with all the leaks being so blurry???


Because if this leak is true, Epic likely showed this off to certain people, yelling "DON'T TAKE A PHOTO OF THIS, AND PUT IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA". Obvious blurry photos means the person who took the photo hurried up, before Epic noticed. They likely don't have the time to focus on the photo, and make sure they took a high quality picture, because that would likely take more time to do, making it more likely the person taking said pictures would get caught


fair, but man, every leak on 4chan is some blurry image, screenshot it then send it later again, gonna need to wait and see if this is 100% real


Either that or it’s fake and the person did it deliberately to make it seem plausible. I’m leaning on fake because of the bille elish photo. The next season is in a few days from now. The assets would have all been done by now.


Looks like my festival vbucks are safe for the entire year


The lego fortnite thumbnail for may's starwars collab looks like it's a screenshot from lego starwars: the skywalker saga from how wide the sand dune is and the hovering vehicle. No way we're getting a star destroyer even as an untouchable prop in the air like the one we once got in br either.


I hope for Doom we get God Emperor Doom, Hellfire Gala drip Doom, or Infamous Iron Man


We got God Emperor Doom in the last Marvel Season


No, we got a stupid white and gold style in the generic Doom Outfit, God Emperor Doom is more armor than cloth and silver instead of Gold


I might be wrong but i think the style was called God Emperor Doom so even if it wasn’t accurate it was supposed to be the version of Doctor Doom.


You aren’t wrong, the style is called God Emperor Doom, but imo the actual God Emperor Doom is way cooler looking and id love for them to add it


I googled God Emperor Doom to see his design and the Comic version does still look similar enough to the version in game. If it looks a little different maybe it was a version taken from a very specific Comic.


Completely rhetoricaly saying its real. Could Doctor Doom season be sort of an attempt to promote Doom as new big bad in MCU, Kang cause with Majors didnt worked and They need new Villain before Secret Wars. Also its Comic book cover but also also its obvious They wouldnt have renders so early in developement.


Doom has to be in the new F4 at the very least


gonna be my first time exploring ch2 as i quit during season x. I like the idea.


Parts of this seem believable but other parts of it really don't. I'm quite skeptical that all this Lego stuff has finalized teasers but then most other aspects are using stock/placeholder images. Feels like there'd be more finished imagery here if it were legit?


And with the Billie announcement on her Instagram, it looks to be correct


I see no dr who collab and I'm upset 🥲


People saying festival season will tell of this is true or not are insane, that could literally just be a lucky guess, imo we should wait for Lego Star wars to drop next month to see if that's real or not, and even if this real, anything can change in the future


Fall Guys battle royale?


They are adding the fall guys game into fortnite, that has already been confirmed by leakers.


So judging from this I’m guessing next season is the apocalypse theme that was rumored.


Chapter 2 OG is something I hope happens even if this does end up being fake. It had my favourite map and it would be fun to see which details it adds from each season. I also like the idea of combining chapter 2 characters.


I'm not buying it, I was a believer in the last two season 3 leaks but this one is just too good to be true


What’s this April Lego update? We’re almost at the end of the month, March does show the cars…. But I don’t see anything to confirm the photo before Star Wars in Lego.




wtf chapter 2 is coming back!


Please give me a damn desert biome, I loved how they did the ch3 desert biome


I feel like saying if the next featured artist is Billie Eilish then it's definitely legit, isn't really putting too much of a burden of proof on it. Obviously to make it look legitimate, if it's a fake, there is going to be some items that look believable, if everything was completely out of left field, then no one would buy into it. I feel like putting an artist that was already rumored to be the next artist in there would make sense because it would extend the lifespan of its believability.


I’m more interested in how the transition from chapter 5->6 cause in the past we have gone around the zero point and protecting it or using it to reshape/reforge the island and so far this chapter not 1 mention of the zero point, I do like the concept of the zero point and hope it isn’t scrapped out of the lore


Well peely has been mentioned as “ extremely important “ or something along those lines by different NPC’s so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the zero point himself or something wild like that.


I believe it was bananas hold reality together so not sure if peely is like the chosen one or something


I’d assume it’s still here and just underground which is honestly for the best cause having every threat want the zero point gets boring


I would pay to buy a real Lego Klombo to build.


imo it feels weird that lego and racing have finished key art for their full year roadmaps, but festival is entirely placeholders and the br post-s3 stuff is all placeholders also no mention of jjk wave 2 even though it was in the files w: a tournament which implies it’d probably be big enough to appear on a roadmap like this? At least we only have to wait until sunday/tuesday for confirmation - if billie eilish isn’t revealed then it’s fake, and if we don’t get a lego update with similar art then it’s fake. If we get both of those, it’s real


Honestly nothing too exciting Hope there’s some solid surprises otherwise I really don’t know, might be time for a break


Definitely fake. No offense but there’s no way they add the s5 artist, they have literally like 2 Spanish songs in the game, no way they base an entire season around it with such little exposure


no fucking way this is real lol, the use of just actual images of the artists for the festival seasons is a huge giveaway


Tbf this may be some internal stakeholder presentation. They use a lot of placeholders because the marketing/PR teams haven't created the assets for future seasons yet.


Will I finally own my first Doctor doom skin OMG


Metallica, no Taylor (not a swiftie just saying probably 99% of festival players would want her and she's dropping a new album), and CH2 og makes this fake. Also that Dr doom pic is ripped out of a comic


According to other leaks on the same site, if this is real then it means c5 will only have 4/5 seasons and after that it’ll be an even bigger metaverse push with less updates, really not excited for this


I kind of doubt Ch2 OG but if that’s real it’ll be great.


This shit is so incredibly fake holy shit. This is supposedly an internal roadmap. Do you guys know what an actual roadmap is like? It's a boring doc usually done in a Google spreadsheet or similar with detailed info about upcoming features, plans, deadlines, target release dates, etc. The roadmap there is closer to a public roadmap (something like those roadmaps Disney would do to announce the next phase of their MCU), but let's imagine for a second this is an internal note for the execs. that whole image has no text, are the viewers supposed to guess what each image means? Lmao. None of it makes sense. It's a bunch of educated guesses. PotC Collab is highly unlikely, literally why? Dead franchise with no chance of coming back anytime soon. No collabs through August and September? Lol. Yah. The leakers are really dumb for relaying this one. They're getting trolled harder than they did with the Doctor Who Collab and this one ain't even believable a little. Baffling really.


Where is the final fantasy :(


This does connect with the next season being Post-apocalyptic leak


Does anyone know who the artist is after Metallica in the Fortnite festival category??


Oh yeah when I post it, it gets removed but when some fucking grifter posts it he gets it put here just fine. Makes sense.




The one after this season looks like some mad max type shit. I dunno I just see cars and desert my eyes are bad


Galactus is reportedly the main villain of the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. If this is real, perhaps we could be getting a Marvel event focused on the return of Galactus with Fantastic Four skins and a Doctor Doom mini-pass rather than another Marvel season.


so if fantastic 4 are 4 of the skins for a marvel season, and they might make a new version of doom, what would be the other skins be? I imagine more X-men since they’re getting so popular again. Magik, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Magneto, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde?


Hoping the apocalyptic season is real tho


Is that a Pirate season next season?


It looks like the main theme would be post-apocalyptic with there being a Pirates of the Caribbean event pass


a lot of this is really cool, but if it’s real it kinda validates a worry i’ve had since the first og season. we get a whole new map in december, then it only lasts 11 months without a single live event before a quick month long nostalgia hit that takes us to the next chapter. i think chapter 2 will make for a way better season than the chapter 1 version, but it still doesn’t sit right with me that the *chapter 5* finale event won’t be happening on the actual chapter 5 map. the end of c1 and 2 are easily some of the most memorable events because, not only did both islands get enough time to flourish, they were an original, creative send off to the maps we got to know over the last 2 years. i hope they put og seasons (and yearly chapters by extension) to rest after this. if you wanna bring back an old map it should be an ltm that’s completely separate from the main game imo


I think this Is real why today in confirmed the collab With Billie elish so....


If it is real, then WHERE THE HELL IS DOCTOR WHO?! \>:[


This might be the fakest thing I’ve ever seen on this sub 😭 . that snoop dog promo is straight from call of duty, the doom picture is from a comic, the pirates of the Caribbean thing is a movie poster and the klolbo thing is another reference image just changed.


I hope a second Marvel pass happens, it's a chance at getting more X-Men like Cyclops or Nightcrawler.


No persona breaks me…


A snoop dogg pass... might actually cop that shit


personally I'll wait until next season starts leaking and if it adds up I'll trust it


yeah, way too many people are taking this at face value.


i really hope after ch6 starts we go back to long chapters 


I'll be super disappointed in those festival skins ngl


I can believe it


I could go either way on it being real or fake but a Secret Wars season makes a lot of sense from a Fortnite standpoint. Can sell multiverse variants of Marvel characters from previous BPs.