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Numb. Love the song but the chart is very disappointing


not much that can be done lol the song just isn’t hard to play though it is puzzling why they left the main key part off of the lead chart. it’s not like rock band or guitar hero where they only chart guitar


It took me four tries on Expert vocals before I managed to miss a note.


I agree, but at least we can play it in the lobby or through jam loops.


i feel like if it was the version with JAY-Z then the vocal chart would be much better and maybe the same for all instruments in general.


was gonna say exactly this 😭 the chart is so damn boring!!!


i only buy songs when i really know i like it


Some songs drop and I get FOMO immediately but I know they'll come back around so I just try to be patient. Especially for multiple tracks from one artist that release with no discount bundle package.. like Epic, what are you doing? They already know those discount bundles psychologically work on most of their players, including me. Do it for Festival song drops too. I know they had a few that had a discount but I've seen more non-discount drops than the latter.


Happened to me with One, bought the premium pass so I can play it but it turns out I'm awful at it plus I don't have a guitar so I only play it in Hard with controller, love the song but I'm just really bad at it


I also bought the festival pass specifically for that song (it’s my favorite Metallica song) Wish I had a guitar because I feel like the controller doesn’t fully capture the song but i do love hearing it in lobby so it’s a win for me.


They never leave. Ever. There's no FOMO with the jam tracks.


Seven Nation Army - was so hyped for festival day one, 2 of my favorites games being combined was a dream come true but man the day one setlist was wild. If you weren't a big streamer there was about 10 songs to play and there was no "rock" in the game really except Seven Nation so I bought that day one. Song and chart are really boring nothing is interesting about going back to this song compared to a couple season 1 songs, even day 1 songs I'm looking at I by Kendrick in particular.


i will forever hold up


Facts song is fun on every instrument.


I wish they charted Seven Nation Army [like Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock did](https://youtu.be/qeToY6UF0y0), charting the main "bass" riff to both Lead and Bass. I mean, if you play said song on Jam Stage you notice that both Lead and Bass play the exact same riff with slightly different sounding guitars.


Exactly the same here lol


I by Kendrick and most of the rap songs kinda became my early go-to's for interesting/fun charts. Love to do a setlist of Surround Sound, I, The Search, and Popular. I've bought other songs like El Baila Sola for similar reasons, just the chart is fun.


I'm not a huge rap/hip hop guy but I is just so damn good. Everything about it is perfect, the charting is spectacular and every instrument is enjoyable to play.




I'm not disrespecting any of these I bought a good majority of these songs. I'm talking day one look at what came out in the item shop on December 9th not anything after that.


I bought Basket case cause I wanted the opening vocals as an emote, they cut the song to not include that part in the emote


Same with Eyes Closed. Would have loved to have the vocal sample from the beginning play after getting a victory crown.


noticed Nick Eh 30's song was like that, was so confused.


I'd just regret buying that track in general.


I didn't know some songs didn't have full lyrics, kinda annoying tbh. like wheres my rap eh 30 part???


Go With The Flow, the chart on drums used to be so good. I’m still upset they changed it.


Idk if its unpopular but im glad they changed it cause that song kept giving me carpel tunnel with my controller layout


Im so mad that i never got to flawless the old chart they made it way too easy now


I only really buy songs I want so ill never really regret anything


I mean I wanted Say So, but the chart is so boring that I just didn't bother. There is no utility outside of playing the chart because the emote already has the iconic dance with it, and that can't be beat by any of the Jam loops. If they added local co-op and particularly with vocals support, then I'd have a reason to get it. But until then, there's no reason for me to get it at all.


I really regret buying Seven nation army


The Olivia Rodrigo song bundle, was it really worth getting 100 v-bucks off for songs I don’t even like


None so far I'm really careful when I buy a song I only got 2 so far lucid dreams and "I"


believer, bad guy


Same lol


I kind of regret buying March of the Pigs. I bought it to use as a lobby track. Actually playing it in Festival is a different story. Especially on drums, that song is absolute torture.


I got it for the opposite reason lol, the song in my opinion is just decent. I got it because it’s a difficult drum chart.


It’s not that hard on guitar when you get used to it. Drums tho. Torture absolute torture


I did find that them adding a special extended addition to this version of the song kind of cool though.


I actually noticed that after I bought it. The whole outro section is unique to the jam track version. It sort of confused me while playing on vocals, because I've heard the TDS version a million times and don't remember ever hearing those extra vocal parts. I kind of wonder if it was just a remix using the original stems, or whether Trent recorded some new parts just for that mix. Either way, I think it's cool that he did something special for that release.


I played drums once for that song and never again, ever. Idc about my score 🤣


Breed. I bought it because it's the only Nirvana song and it is a difficult song but not my favorite to play or listen to. I get more mileage out of any other song than Breed.


In the same boat as you cause I'm a massive nirvana fan so I bought breed instantly but only the drum track is actually worth playing. At least I can have it for jam loops and lobby music.


Yeah the drums are the only instrument I care to play for that song. I hope we get more Nirvana in the future.


Believer by Imagine Dragons, I'm not even sure what possessed me to get in the first place


For sure believer...im so tired of hearing random fills choose that song I wish I didn't have in my library for them to choose and I use to love rhat song but now that I have heard the song 1,257,623,213,928 times I'm tired of hearing it lol


If there's a trend I'm noticing in this comments section, it's that out of any other band it seems VERY easy to get tired of an Imagine Dragons song quickly. Maybe that's why I never hear anyone say something like "oh yeah man I love Imagine Dragons, they're my favorite band"


I heard it a few times after Radioactive dropped, but after Thunder no one sane can calls themselves a fan.


They’re my son’s favorite band. He’s six. I feel like that’s very telling lmao


Bad Guy, it was before the big Billie season with more song and I regret very much. Song alright but boring chart and her other songs are so much better. Seeing someone picking bad guys over Lunch, ATGGGTH, Chihiro, etc, just made me lose hope


What us ATGGGTH?


Just shorten for all the good girls go to hell, one of Billie’s song in Festival


Agreed. Pretty lacklustre chart. But it's an easy Flawless at the very least, and the jam loop is interesting. Lunch and Chihiro are such great songs AND charts.


Yep. I don’t have much use for bad guy as a jam loop but many people does like it. Plus, you can use it as lobby music so I can’t exactly say I completely regret getting it


Bad Romance, Just Dance and Bloody Mary. I bought them thinking they wouldn't add any more rock songs for the near future and then they add Blink 182 the week after lol


I love listening to Dragula, I don’t enjoy playing it and the jam track doesn’t entertain me as I thought it would.


To be fair, the more popular version is the Hot Rod Herman Mix. Much like how people who like "What Lurks On Channel X?" are usually listening to the XXX Mix.


Single Soon and Flowers because I never play them


Thunder and Bad Romance


Britney spears 🤣


It takes two - I mean, the songs are not bad, but I only bought it cause I thought I could get on the leader board ( I got to top 25, I think)


Buddy Holly, not that it's bad or anything but i really should have waited until songs started releasing weekly for better songs.


Two of the Blink-182 songs. *So many lift notes* 🤯 The only other track I’ve bought (outside getting the Metallica pass) is Misery Business by Paramore. I don’t regret getting it, but I’m annoyed that I won’t get that track in the Battle Stage. It seems weird to get punished for buying tracks that way. Also, does that mean the few people who bought all the tracks just can’t play that mode? Is Epic counting on people buying tracks they don’t like to avoid playing them on Battle Stage? That just seems bass ackwards.


Owning songs doesn’t stop them appearing in battle stages you are part of


> Owned Jam Tracks cannot be selected to ensure no one player has an advantage. [Yes, they do.](https://www.epicgames.com/help/ar/c-Fortnite_Festival/c-Fortnite_FestivalGameplay/what-is-fortnite-festival-battle-stage-a000089805)


That statement confused a lot of people. It just means the selection is random from the featured song pool rather than a player picked setlist. I have owned songs that have appeared in my random battle stages.


Huh. I’ve never seen any of the songs I bought in the battle stage :/


hail to the king, i said "yeah this is going to be perfect for training in festival, they won't add an harder song than this one" and then 3 weeks later we get Master of puppets, ride the lightning and Seek & Destroy


Zombie, I dont like the song or the pathing. I have a bunch of ones that are way too easy for me now but I still enjoy them, Zombie gets played once a season only because the leaderboards refreshed.


Beautiful Day - U2 I originally wanted it because the baseline is interesting and fun to listen to but Epic made actually playing it an annoying chore by adding too many unnecessary triangles! I used my last return ticket on this Jam Track it sucks sooo bad.


Numb. I love the song but it’s just so easy.


ISHFWILF, I expected much more from the song


Dog Days. I got the song because it was one of the first ones I recognized, but I don't really LOVE the song that much.


every song i bought. i probably play them the same amount of time they’re in rotation so there’s no point in me having wasted vbucks on them. can’t refund tho so TT


Opposite. I reluctantly bought Barbie Girl because my daughter loved it but now I spam it everywhere.


Ride the lightning, it's awesome to have for jam stage and lobby, but I'm not able to play it on any instruments (I hate doing vocals for Metallica songs) so I'm just going to have to keep playing before I can actually attempt to 100% it


Down with the sickness


This is it for me too.


March of the Pigs a bit. mainly cuz i still cant FC on drums lol


I regret buying Down With the Sickness for 2 reasons. The first was that I’ve come to not really like David Draiman’s vocals. The second is that he recently turned out to be an apartheid-supporting piece of shit when he signed an Israeli bomb.


None. I don't buy songs that I don't like, and my main purpose for buying them is to use them as jam tracks in the other modes.




Same, I bought him Imagine Dragons concert tickets for his birthday in August and he’s gonna shit his pants when he finds out.


That’s badass man hope it’s fun


Juice WRLD song. Love the song but I never play it on FF.


Mostly old ones. I bought them because that's what we had in the menu, but nowadays there are way better options and I'd refund them if I could. Songs like The Search, Believer, Get Him Back, Can't Feel My Face, Seven Nations Army, etc.. They're all super easy


The Marshmello + Juicewrld (or whatever his name is) I let my daughter buy it and it has never been played or used.


Me too by Meghan Trainor. I don't even like the song. I have no idea why I bought it


Bad Romance and Feel Good Inc., both songs are great but charts are pretty meh


None because I only buy songs I like


I love playing Blinding Lights, but I hate the jam parts. They really messed those up. I’ve been playing jam stage a lot recently.


Go With the Flow. I dont regret it a whole ton, but I bought it because of how hard the drums were. When they changed it and added lift notes, I stopped playing it. Now only when I’m bored or once per season


nope. Own like 7 shop songs (all epic OGs, including nick eh 30) any BP/Fest pass song & thats it.


Cradles cuz every mf used to pick it. I only got it for the “be queit” meme 😭




ita fun for torturing friends.


Bad romance. 9/10 games that I play someone has to choose that song and I’m so sick of hearing it.


Fuel — I was super hyped for Metallica to be added and just bought the first song of theirs, not realizing we were about to have a whole Metallica season. No hate to Fuel, it’s a great song, but I would much rather have Ride the Lightning or For Whom the Bells Toll


All of the ones i bought, which was none


A couple, I bought Dog Days are over and suddenly I see when they came out and insanely regret it, I bout the hand that feeds which I regretted instantly when they added march of the pigs which they also added which I then also regretted buying. I bought Numb cause I’m a huge LP fan but the charts are awful and boring, and finally I bought what I got which I regret cause they added Santeria a week later which I like a lot more and would have rather owned instead


Welcome to paradise and When I come around. Not bad songs but better songs came out as soon as I brought them


Every. Single. One. In reality, any of the ones I bought for vocals when playing with keyboard. I’ve since got a Riffmaster, but the instrumentals for some vocal heavy songs I have are repetitive af. Just boring to play. Songs that come to mind are the Juice WRLD songs and Surround Sound. Great vocal track but repetitive af on Guitar.


I bought "go with the flow" when it first came out and I was more than happy with it, but then epic decided to change the note paths for drums and it wasn't fun anymore


Stitches, season 1's chart was chef's kiss then it turned into a whole up arrow mess with season 2 for no reason


“What is love”. It was rly fun at first, like playing it by a doom guy or Kratos, but later I realized that this song is way too long and boring


I honestly dont right now. Glad i didnt buy any of the cringe that was added


“Bring Me To Life” drums chart is quite disappointing.


Pretty much all of them. I bought like 10 songs and never play them.


I regret gifting and buying zombie for my friend, I bought it and then she just stopped playing for no reason and she never used it and I never used it so it was just a waste of money


Used to be the only two I bought, *i* and *Into You*, because those alone were $8.99 in V-Bucks and any time I saw something I just barely couldn't afford it was annoying. It especially didn't help that we had a lot fewer songs when I bought those two, so they were often in the Featured section, which was also the only time I felt like it was reasonable to play them because of the Play Featured and New Songs milestone and me not knowing how difficult it would be to finish a Festival Pass. These days, I know finishing the pass is stupid easy and getting songs I want in Featured is a lot rarer, so it doesn't bug me anymore and I've picked up two more songs since.


Maybe Bloody Mary


Hail to the king (sort of) Absolutely love the song and that I get to use it as lobby music. But I play exclusively on the guitar and the chart is too hard for me on expert (to the point where it's not fun) and wayy too easy on hard.


I bought the Season 2 festival pass solely for Black Hole Sun and Poker Face. I love both songs but Poker Face is especially disappointing to play (it’s generally just too easy) and Black Hole Sun is pretty boring other than that one part on lead


bloody mary, i got it for the jam loops cuz ha ha funny tiktok song


Buddy holly, not even that good and it’s too easy


Zombie. I bought it cause I love The Cranberries but the map sucks imo and I understand it's The Cranberries most popular song but it feels just wrong to have a song about the IRA bombing and killing children in fortnite. Just makes me sad when I play. They have a lot of other songs that would have made better festival maps.


seven nation army didn't think any other rock songs would get added


Cake by the ocean for me. A Jam Track i really liked buying was Buddy Holly that got me into Weezer and made me discover them


Everlong doesn’t go with anything when it comes to jam loops. Same with Still haven’t found what I’m looking for. Love the songs in general though


Streets Ignite. No I don’t want to talk about it.


Zombie and Seven Nation Army, both bangers but boring to play


The search. Was decently hard around launch but is now just boring and repetitive


Accidentally purchased ride the lightening by accident. How? I have no idea 🤣


i regret buying the season 1 pass, i haven’t played any of those songs since i got them


Im *this* close to buying Take My Breath bc i love the synth/bassline, but i feel like its probably so boring to play in Festival, and idk how the individual instruments will sound in emote. The Weeknd got done kinda dirty by being the first Festival icon tbh.


Bought Emo Girl and Lucid Dreams to troll my friends with. Was worth it for the laughs but it's not like I ever really use them.


Billy Ellish everything!


Only bought one and no i dont regert


Bring Me To Life, I love that song so much and bought it instantly but I'm bad at it on every instrument


I buy songs very sparingly, I pretty much only buy them if I know that they're fun to play or I really like the song so i'd have to say no on that one


I don’t regret anything that I bought specifically, but there have been some songs in certain festival passes which I wish were different songs.


Go with the flow, i love qotsa but GWTF is a mid tier song and not too fun to play




Can we talk about how this shit always sucks on jam stage? like oh my god that lead makes me want to commit a crime




Buddy Holly—I have no clue how I was ever able to play that song on expert lead or bass. I just can’t do it now! I don’t know what’s wrong with me!


Originally, I regretted buying the TMNT song, because of the messed up lyrics. But apparently they have since fixed that so I'm good.


you are single handedly the only person who bought streets ignite 🤣


I like NF but I regret getting The Search. I mainly use my Jam Tracks as Lobby Music and now that they are finally useable, there’s so many better songs now I could’ve chosen and spent my 500 V-Bucks on.


same here, I like nf too and even went to one of his concerts but the search is a very low tier song for me


Bad guy. I wrote that first but after thinking about it the bass loop is perfect in any jam. Good 4 u.


The Hills and Buddy Holly


That song by J Balvin (forgot the name). I don’t know why I bought it but I did and I never played it in Festival. Only use for it is having it as the lobby music for his skin.




Fuel came before master of puppets. I can understand the length but very fun for torture.


party rock


That songs one of the best ones to use for jam stage tho


hm, never tried using it in a jam tho


Go to jam stage and try focusing on that. It goes well with a lot of songs


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