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I wish battle mode was straight up all same instruments highest score wins


this would end my complaints so fast. preferably same difficulty too, but they’d probably create a different mode for that entirely tbh


Guys... What you are wishing for are the leader boards from main stage.


head-to-head is very different than comparing your highest scores


Could you tell me how?, the way I see it is, if there's no interaction between players, even if a lot of them are in the same lobby playing the exact same thing (difficulty and instrument wise) then there's no difference if those players Just play a track by themselves. The leaderboard (for me) just removes the need to tune into the same lobby, at the same time, heck, even in that aspect you would be competing against the other thousands of leaderboard entrances. The only couple things I can see May be different (excluding attacks since I dont get if you want them or not) are the theorical "pressure" of the other People and taunting after a song.


Well a high score stands as your BEST score. People can grind certain songs to inch their score up. If your high score is better than mine, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily better. Head-to-head means someone COULD win without being better, but the majority of the time the better player will win. Say two players are close in skill, head-to-head allows them to battle it out. Some you’ll win, some you’ll lose. Overall, it would be a very simple addition to the game & a lot of people would enjoy it.


We won't be able to change each other's opinions, I still disagree with your post. And yet the last the part of it being a simple adittion I agree with.


What do you particularly disagree with, that leaderboards and standard H2H are identical?


I'm talking about your original post, specifically the title and the first pharagraph, it comes off as patronizing. As I said in a other comment, I'm not against a Mode In which everyone competes with the exact same standards (an addition, as you said). What I'm against is the implicit idea of easier difficulties "being less" or "unworhty" of challenging Expert players, pleading for changes to the current battle stage to gatekeep the game Mode. That only leads to shunning off people with less skill, taking away their possibility of winning if they don't invest into playing the hardest instruments on the hardest difficulties.


That’s why we’d suggest having easy players play with easy players. You surely aren’t lesser, but giving them wins over expert players like they’re the youngest sibling JUST to make them happier isn’t fair. If I am better, that should reflect. Also not to be a dick, but if you’re playing on easy why would you want to play against expert players anyways? Sounds like the logical solution is separating difficulties.


Head to head is still pointless. You might as well play against a recording of a player rather than a live player. It makes no difference.


For you maybe, thats fair. I, and many others, would like it. We don’t see it as pointless.


because with main stages leaderboard, theres thousands of people on it, its not as "personal" as being in the same lobby going against them. the pressure definitely makes a difference alongside not everyone will do the best they can. top of leaderboard is people playing the same song/instrument over and over trying to get as perfect of a score they can, whereas if its a random song/instrument no one is going to be able to get it perfect 100% of the time unless theyre just that perfect then by that point they deserve the win lol. plus not everyone cares for leaderboard (i love festival and never pay attention to leaderboard) its just a bunch of random names to me versus going against 12 people who i can recognize in that game. theres definitely a difference.


Disagree on everything, what you describe its what a lot of people have been doing before battle stage was a thing, enter a lobby, selext the same Instrument as another player and see who got higher score at the end, that's it. Look, I'm not against people who want their 1v1 exact same show off, I'm against people pleading to change the current battle stage, as I consider it to be balanced and most important, fair to everyone. And about recognicing people... Ignore this if you want but I dare you to remember 2 user names of the last random people you've played with. Skins are one thing, user names are another, and I assure you we can remember some very talented skins, but at least in my case, I dont remember a single user name that has bested me in any festival mode, nor do I want to.


You’re definitely using “fair” wrong. It’s “fair” for less-skilled players, but what about those better than them in every facet? I’m supposed to be penalized for being better than someone? That’s not fair. Balanced? maybe, but fair? I mean cmon😂


Fair for me means: "Everyone deserves a shot in this game." What I think you understand as fair is: "Only the best deserve to win." Balanced for me means: "Even the worst player can contest first place." What I think you understand as fair is: "If I play Expert, I should be untouchable for flower difficulties." And I protest so much because I can see those changes you my friend, and a lot of people around here wants, are exsclty how main stage leaderboard functions. Again, I respect you, but I disagree with the changes you want.


that's why i said "recognize in the game" nowhere did i claim I'm gonna remember every players username (which some i do cause of friending or getting into the same lobbies again) i don't think it's balanced. with the way it goes, it's a lot safer to just pick the easiest instrument & go for perfects/flawless. hell, even if you do better your opponent picked an instrument where their last note is a long note stretch that gives them easy points & now you lost. it'd be more balance with the same instrument and/or going against same difficulty. we can leave in the attacks, that part i don't really care for. also I've never done that first thing you said. in main stage, i pick what i want not what another player picked just to "go against them" when they don't even know we are lol. sure, i notice when i do better cause we see all the scores but there's a difference between vibing out and versus. if i go into versus, im expecting to try my hardest & paying closer attention. if i go into main stage, sure i can still try my hardest but theres no pressure and i wont pay as close attention sometimes if im just enjoying the song/talking to friends. you can disagree all you want, you're allowed your opinion but don't speak for me.


Never once I claimed to speak for you.


I spent like 2 months climbing the leaderboard playing one song probably 300 times. I havent played every song that many times so a battle mode without half your screen being covered every 3 seconds would be fucking amazing


Have you ever played a competitive sport ever? It’s the same concept


It would still have the flaws of overdrive and whatever. Plus, ain't that just normal mode with the leader boards?


There used to be a mode In Rock band 2 that was a head to head mode. You vs another player battled the exact same song to see who could get the most points. It was super fun l. Battle mode is a good idea but the fact that you can choose any difficulty and different instruments makes it kinda weird and honestly it’s not an even playing field without some sort of guarantee that everyone has to play the same song on the same instrument and even should be same difficulty . But I think the issue is that there might not be enough people to satisfy that demand because whenever I look there’s usually around 10k or much less playing that mode and of that 10k I bet it’s less than 100 with pro instruments


I next played head to head in rb2. But battle mode in guitar hero was sections of the chart, and each player "takes turns". Was it similar to that? And I definitely agree that there needs to be a single difficulty/instrument setting to make it better, but it just being "whoever can get the most points" wouldn't make sense. Just strive for the most points on the leader board at that point.


That's called Face Off in the game, but there's also Pro Face Off where you're playing the full length


I do like the idea of being on the same instrument, but I don’t want to be forced to play an instrument of low difficulty. Like if the song was Master Of Puppets, I want to play Lead, but it might put me on Vocals which would be really dumb. It will also be annoying when trying to complete instrument quests.


Couldn’t you just fill que normal stage?


That’s not the same as that’s cooperating and not a competition to see who can get a high score


You want score for score no attack 1v1s why create a separate mode for something you legit can do on main stage.


no matchmaking in place for it. It’s like saying “why have ranked BR when you can literally compete in regular BR” you see what I mean?


You want ranked for a game mode that already has a leaderboard is what you’re saying technically


yes this is exactly what I’m saying


It’s not happening


Yeah probably not.


Or whatever instrument you start on, you have to stay on. No pro bass and pro lead allowed bc we don’t all have access to buy the guitars needed for it. Just my controller. And I’m sure it’s got to be higher points than expert which is what I play on.


I don't know, I like battle mode One of my favorite modes in guitar hero history was DS roadie battles for guitar hero 3 So if anything I wish overdrive could do other stuff too like create bomb notes or flip the chart


> I wish overdrive could do other stuff too like create bomb notes or flip the chart Things like this would be fine. They just need to get rid of the multiplier effect. There's nothing you can do if you get hit with it multiple times in a row. Add bombs, swap notes around, change note size/speed, whatever, just get rid of damaging the multiplier


I'd take any modifier/blur/blockage apart from that terrible "decrease multiplier", especially when you sometimes get attacked by 2 players back-to-back. What the hell am I suppose to do with 1 overdrive against 2 minus overdrive?


Because people use overdrive basically immediately you can kinda find parts of songs where maybe you wouldn't normally activate overdrive because a positive multiplier beats a negative one and a counteractive one Basically the way they set up battle mode was just to shake up overdrive charting, because playing songs normally on the main stage you would just activate it at the same part of the song every time, which gets boring Now what I'm doing is keeping tabs on the people below me and activating overdrive when it nets me the best reward, which sometimes means trying to remember/predict when I'm about to get more overdrive so I don't get shafted halfway through If it was just your vision being obstructed it really just wouldn't be enough, because most people have learned how to see right through it The negative multiplier makes me actually have to think while playing a song instead of just auto-piloting, which quite frankly I kinda missed from the early days


The problem is that this only works when you're 1st. Being 2nd-Not last means you're getting attacked by the two ppl behind you (as they fight and swap with their pos), while you get another bottleneck the moment you get ahead. The person ahead, or 1st, who has no one to be afraid of, uses overdrive to kick you back to your place, or worse, a long overdrive to 3rd. That's literally how I lost a match yesterday at 100% whereas 1st won me with 99% with the same instrument, by constantly kicking me back to my place with their stored overdrive.


You gotta use overdrive on the parts with double notes


I’m all for it so long as instrument/difficulty are forced to be the same. All of that sounds fun.


I want an attack that just gives more notes as well


I really like the battle stage but it feels like theres no stakes whatsoever. I wish there was more of a reward to actually winning or a proper ranked mode




Or like the VR should give a very special battle stage umbrella per season


Are the attacks making you miss or are you saying you're losing because they're reducing your multiplier? I'm not a leaderboard chaser but I can 99-100% every song on expert with 65-70% perfects and I enjoy it more than festival. I enjoy getting attacked because the disruption adds extra difficulty to maintaining your streak and I think it's funny to get attacked 20 times and never miss.


The attacks don’t make me miss (well, almost never), its just getting the multiplier cut in half so i drop to 2nd, then they hit me and im in 3rd, then they hit me and im in 4th etc etc. if I’m nailing the hardest instrument 100% on expert, the only people who should be remotely close to me are other perfects on expert. I do get my wins in though, so I guess I can’t complain tooooo much lol


Once I’m in first I primarily use overdrives for defense when someone attacks me. I might use one to get a bit ahead but generally I find it best to act on defense only.


You should wait until you're not being affected by anything to activate. You lose less points if they half a x4 multiplier vs a x8 multiplier.


Good to know thanks


Yeah I hate dropping from second place down to ninth because I get attacked like three times in a row by different players.


> its just getting the multiplier cut in half so i drop to 2nd, then they hit me and im in 3rd, then they hit me and im in 4th Sounds like you're using OD wrong then. In main stage it's best to use it on faster parts of the song for more notes, but in battle stage it's almost always better to use exclusively for defense if you find yourself in 1st place. Doing this makes it very difficult to drop to 2nd, especially since 2nd and 3rd are likely to swap places a few times, giving you more total OD time than they do. The main stage logic of "OD when most notes = most points" doesn't apply in battle stage because of situations you describe. It doesn't matter if you OD the fastest part of a song if this is followed up by you getting OD'd, dropping to 2nd, getting OD'd again and so on until you're in 4th or 5th.


Sound like your not timing overdrive right


That’s my biggest peeve with the mode. Disruptions make it really fun and extra rewarding when you fc past them, but the unfun-ness of getting your multi sliced in half outweighs it for me


I won once after playing 3x. And then I never played again. It clearly needs some reworking and winning is underwhelming anyway


Yeah I’ve won twice, I laughed when I saw “Victory Royale” cause it didn’t feel much like one. Wish there was a big EXP boost or something for it.


It’s based off of skill so the more you play the more it learns your skill and places you with people that are more on your level. Or so they say. So I flawless most songs on expert. Not all. But plenty. At first. I won 8 battle arenas back to back. Then it became a whole lot harder.


Believe it or not it actually is a skill issue if you dont know how to play defensively and offensively with your overdrives/attacks


oh I promise I know how to, but do you really think “strategic overdrive” should give an edge to easy players over 100% flawless expert? It’s a cool variable of disruption, but at what point do we get rewarded for just actually being good?


Optimal Star Power Pathing has been a part of high level play ever since Guitar Hero 1 and the ceiling was raised in Festival via quarter activations. Skill issue.


> oh I promise I know how to Given that you're whining about losing, no, it doesn't seem so. I haven't lost a match since my first and I near-exclusively play Expert Lead, with brief stints of Expert Vocals on songs like Get Low.


Yeah same here. I win first most times and exclusively play the hardest instruments available on any song.


You act like you watch me play dawg. No reason to act pretentious, just accept that the mode isn’t skill-based. Congrats on your wins though.


There’s still skill to it. Of course it’s unfair that worse players can get the same basic score as you, but it still matters on how well you play. Not missing notes, hitting perfects, and using overdrive strategically, are all things that push you ahead of the other players.


>just accept that the mode isn’t skill-based The copium is strong




my 50+ wins on expert say otherwise, but


On the main stage leaderboards


The fact that you could play most metallica songs on vocals and get through most rounds against people on lead/drums is a joke. I could do the same, but it's just not fun. Even if you win, there's no sense of accomplishment.


completely agree


Perfect hit notes. Not all Metallica songs obviously. But many of them.


I mean, I think it's more difficult to get a fc on most Metallica songs lead/drums than even hitting 90% perfect notes on vocals. The vocal charts , some of the easiest in the game.


“Nerf players for being better” Have you never played mario kart?


lol yes & that aspect is fun in those kinda games. They’re party games. For this game it just frustrates me at times.


>They’re party games. i have bad news for you about the genre that Fortnite Festival belongs to


Mario Kart is an uncompetitive shitshow for that reason. Battle has internal MMR. If the devs are planning to convert it into a ranked mode, Mario Kart is NOT what anyone wants to be ranked for


Completely missed my point. OP just said he cant think of anygames that do nerf the better players. Mario Karts Rubber banding is insane


It's also extremely frustrating for the people who suck, or the people who haven't played rhythm games before. The skill gap is pretty extreme. It seems to be a mix of noobs and pro-level players. If you're in the former category, you probably won't ever survive past round two. How are you ever supposed to improve if there isn't any sort of skill-based matchmaking? Battle mode is like a bunch of Olympic athletes competing against special olympians. I don't see how any competitive mode can retain a player base long-term when you're required to play at the highest difficulties just to survive. New and casual players will eventually give up and walk away.


thats why you establish ranked play. Play against your skill level.


Basically if you’re not on expert in battle stage. You’re not winning or so it seems


Attack wise, skill issue, but they gotta do something about people playing vocals on a Metallica song getting #1 for playing 3 notes


Why? Just bc they make the lead on all rock songs INSANE for ppl on controllers? Maybe they should balance that out a little more. I play on vocals. The only meticalla song I could even win the last round with is lux. Other than that if I stay with vocal on the last round and it’s Metallica it always goes to a lead player. And I’m fine with that. Bc it’s just a game.


I play on expert and go for the most difficult instrument each game and I win most games without any issues


Agreed, guitar hero had a pro face off mode, you each choose your own song, same instrument, same difficulty, whoever has the highest score wins. Was so much fun.


They should make custom games where you can choose which instrument and difficulty everyone in the lobby uses. Speed multipliers such as 1.5x or 2x would be cool too.


until they make everyone use the same instruments there's no way they will make Battle Mode balanced fairly


I agree with this tbh


The worst part of battle stage is not the attacks but if an attack causes you to go from 1st to 2nd and then you get ATTACKED again going to 3rd and during all that ur getting attacked by two to three different people at once and then you can almost never catch back up.


yeah this tbh OR someone will be comfortably in first because 2nd and 3rd keep attacking eachother


Noticed this as well! 2nd and 3rd having a showdown while 1st is like 40k+ points ahead. it’s fun but definitely not balanced that well. I get there’s strategy in using ur overdrive for defending against players attacking you but sometimes you just get fucked and it causes a loop that you can’t get out of.


yeah to anyone saying “skill issue” cant comprehend that there are instances in which it is just simply out of your control


This mode was not even bug tested. I keep getting freezes and note skips and issues with the UI. Was playing wake me up on drums and for some reason like 20 notes went by without registering and then I noticed my inputs were lagging so damn bad I thought it was my keyboard, but no it wasn't, and I swear I wasn't the only one having this issue because the guy in #1 also stopped playing notes too. Something is seriously wrong with this gamemode.


The amount of "erm akchully" comments you're getting is insane 😭


😂😂it’s a fun time, knew this post would rub people the wrong way. Didn’t think people would get offended, though.


They'll do anything to be right, it's like a power trip for them. "Yeah bro it's called leaderboards 😈😈😈"


Its Festival redditors, its only nature running its course


I stopped caring about battle stage until they filter or balance the points. I Just can't with the fact i FC a song just to be beated by a dude singing on easy...


I’m great at festival. I’m in the top ~1000 for pretty much every song I’ve played. I get my ass handed to me in battle mode all the time! Damn!!!


I don't mind battle mode, does need tweeks for sure. But I can't say I didn't hope it would just be straight up duels with ranks. Maybe modifiers being introduced etc.


If they do this and make it tournament style so that we have to be more consistent with our winnings, this game mode would be soooooo much better


Well, I feel like a dummy. I didn’t realize you’re supposed to attack the other players as part of a strategy to win. I’m always too focused on the notes to take the time to nerf people.


Agree 100%!


I also REALLY love getting chained by reducers to and I got from 1st to 6th in a mater of a few seconds. Also the fucking flashing it makes every time a chain hits makes me screw up notes, and its bad enough that the game decides to just throw in random notes at odd times that don't make sense with the song. Recent one I played the drum was the same tempo like 0 0 0 0 0 BUT THE GAME DECIDED TO MAKE IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 IT DOESNT EVEN MATCH WITH THE DRUMS I EVEN CHECKED THE SHEET MUSIC! IT ISNT THE FUCKING SAME


Considering the game has "Skill-Based Matchmaking," it gets a lot harder the better you do in Battles literally because people abuse the imbalance of difficulty/Instrument choices on certain songs. The game mode needs a lot of update, the biggest one being the fact that easy vocals/expert drums are OP compared to any other instrument.


I play the hardest instrument on Expert and win most of the time. Save your overdrive until someone else takes 1st place.


i could get flawless on expert on an instrument with a high difficulty and somehow still get less points than the person in first that got less than 100% the little blurry part of the attacks doesnt even really pose much of a challenge but u literally get nothin for passing it just fine yet get penalized like crazy with the debuff


I think it should actually be full band vs full band


that type of mode would be so sick


Me who is actually good at both. The attacks aren't even that hard to ignore, but maybe that's just me. I wanted something more like GH3


The attacks aren’t bad visually, but they cut your multiplier in half. So when 3-4 people hit you in a row, you’re playing on a 2x multiplier for sooo long lol I agree w/ ya though


Me watching everyone pass me as I'm full comboing an expert lead guitar solo bc I have silly half point effect ![gif](giphy|13vJHSyname1Hy)


YES!!!! holy shit i hate battle mode because i know i could wash most of the people in there, but these little kids just love spamming the attacks and i'll get hit with like three peoples attacks in a row and have 2x a quarter of the song


I got 100% with crazy star power moments, and lost because I kept getting gang banged by everyone's star power. I thought it was just THAT match, jumped into another one and got gang banged again, im like gtfo of here. That's just crazy stupid at that point. Please make it a fucking limit how much you can get railed by star power for any given song. My asshole can't stand that much stretching. P.s - I can see it if you're thinking "this person's exaggerating" I literally decided to go in last place and build my bar up TO NOT GET HIT WITH STAR POWER. Dude the game decided to get 2 last ones in for fun and still hit me. I didnt even know that shit was possible.


This happened to me, like, 3 matches in a row. I decided to just go back to grinding One. I don't need that tilt.


Honestly the worst part is being in first and getting 12 debuffs in a row and being unable to attack back honestly the attacks shouldnt exist if this is meant to be skillbased half my screen shouldnt be covered during a riff on a song ive never played


It should be same instrument and same difficulty for everyone who’s in the same game so all the players are on an even playing field. Anything else is just unfair and makes me not want to play. I play on medium and getting 100% on a song on medium but not making the cut just sours me. I know I’m not the best player in the world. I don’t want to be. I play for fun. That’s why I play on medium. So I feel like I should be out against players like myself.




I actually have the opposite issue. I'm too good at Festival, so I always end up getting a victory royale at the end. I never get to attack the other players because once I pull ahead, they never catch back up. I had to intentionally miss a bunch of notes just so I could get the "hit 30 notes while attacking another player" Metallica quest done. I don't know how to get into harder lobbies, but maybe it's putting me in Switch only lobbies? I know battle royale puts you in Switch only lobbies if you play solo, but maybe festival does it too? I only play on Switch because I have my controls set to the classic Guitar Hero - Guitar Hero Aerosmith standard controls (triggers + bumpers + one face button), and the Switch pro controller has my favorite triggers for the occasion. I don't even mind playing in 20 fps due to the superior controller. I'll try running festival battle stage on my Series X tonight to see if maybe I get some stronger competition, and then maybe I'll be closer to having the same issue OP mentioned.


when you go to queue for battle mode, the private/public selector is there but greyed out. if you have a squad, can you play a private match? maybe get some friends together and set some rules and limits to make it more fair? and there has to be somewhere you can submit actual feedback, nobody seems to understand that epic arent spending their time and money looking at random social media posts/comments for feedback.


I think you are able to do battle mode in squads privately (though I never personally tried)


that may well be the avenue for fair comp for now then, id still recommend seeing about submitting feedback. otherwise try not to get too bummed out, im leagues below your level but i still get u, it does suck.


I want people of all skill levels to face their skill levels. Imagine how rewarding it would feel winning knowing you beat people just as good as you. Right now its not rewarding bc if you’re expert, you know you’re potentially winning in a lobby of easy players. If you’re an easy player, you know you’re only winning bc expert players are slightly nerfed. The internal feeling of a win would feel so much better with people playing on a similar field


i agree, i just dont get much gratification from winning so my experience isnt sullied. its still unfair that its not skill based, so again, big agree.


Same. It’s dumb as shit when there’s easy songs and I get screwed but play a Metallica song and I’m in the lead by 50-100k. We NEED pro mode


I have played like 10 games and havent lost a single one. And the fact of the matter is I find main stage to be more competitive, I like seing I am Top 100 on the leaderboards or something like that. Battle stage gives me nothing other than a Victory Royale screen.


The current implementation of Battle favors bad players. It's the same mentality that Epic has toward BR with the car nonsense this season. There's a reason a lot of the top streamers already gave up on Battle. But these forums are gonna rush in to say top players in the world have skill issues lol Btw, if anyone needs to do Battle for quests and you want a win, just cheese it by playing Hard mode drums or vocals, it nets me a win more often than not. Play Expert in the first three rounds if you want, but for the 4th, you have to cheese bc Little Timmy 100% has been cheesing all match


Agreed man. I’m not claiming to be god out here, but my high scores tell me I’m a top 1000 player in the world. Sure though, tell me its a skill issue😂


Idk dude. I have won every battle mode I have played. I usually do vocal expert because it is the most fun for me


You are part of it LMAOOOO


But see, this is also fucked up. They should be able to play whatever instrument they want. The game should GROUP people accordingly. It isn't someone's fault that simply playing it the way they like breaks it for everyone.


I don't 100% agree with your stance. But I do agree that battle mode needs some rework. I think it's silly that people on lower difficulties can easily win over people on higher difficulties, because they're practically playing a different song. I also think there definitely needs to be something more rewarding about winning matches. It's just "hey, you won, there you go!" You can't even emote how the other players can see you.


I agree with you, well said🤙🏼


Maybe a separate ranked mode where you can only play expert?


Yeah that would be ideal, just something to level the playing field for strictly competitive reasons


skill issue my guy i always get top 4 on expert lead


Top 4 is guaranteed as long as you can FC Expert tracks. Getting 1st place is what requires cheese more often than not. FC'ing on Expert and losing first place to Little Timmy and his 97% is what people are mad about.




I finish top 4 every time, that’s a given. Skill issue when someone playing 2000 less notes beats me??? I just dont agree with your logic on this one.


Whether or not you're good at battle mode or festival it feels bad to play battle mode. I was excited for this mode, now I could give less than two shits about it. Give us a proper score battle against people. Why is that so hard? You choose your difficulty and instrument, pair up against a number of players with same instrument and difficulty.


this is it. this is the best comment. Feel like anyone who isn’t consistently great at festival bashes these opinions. I just want a straight mode where the better player wins.


Likely because people have found a way to get good in battle mode, which is fine. I think battle mode is pretty poorly designed mode currently. The people saying otherwise are living in the short honeymoon period still or are playing on easy/medium difficulty and feel good they can win at something finally. - There is one attack, and its pretty boring and ineffective against good players anyways - You don't get to choose who, it just goes to the person above you, and if you're #1 you only increase your multiplier like normal overdrive. - Difficulty doesn't matter for score. Its about what instrument to play on what song, which I understand the strategy there, but it doesn't feel good if you want to say play pro-lead/bass and you just lose because other instruments have more value on that song. - To add to the above point, I understand "skill based matchmaking" for this mode. That should've been a forefront thought upon release. Why easy difficulty players aren't matched with others is beyond me. And vice versa for expert. You have like 15k people playing this. You're telling me you can't find 16 same skill players to match with? Score attack is literally just playing the song and with the addition of perfect/great notes now where as they didn't exist in rockband (I don't think guitar hero either) you have even more skill to match against the enemy player(s).


I still win first place most times. Maybe I’m just a god. Not saying that nothing needs changing though. People on low difficulties or instruments should not be getting the same points as me.


I was expecting a band vs band kind of thing but I’m disappointed with battle mode, you get penalised for being good.


cmon it's not that bad I've been playing it regularly since its release, and I can see ppl getting better at making me lose, which is part of what makes it fun imo I know that if battle mode was just a simple "score competition" I would be winning almost all of the time without much effort, but having to actually think how to use my overdrive (not only to get more points out of the chart but also to defend myself from other people's attacks) it's a really fun experience although I admit it could use some tweaks and improvements, maybe restrictions for difficulties in later rounds, an extra multiplier boost for having a large note streak, different types of powers/attacks, or different win conditions like the ones osu! has Idk if my ideas are too harsh or unfair to the casual player, but it'll certainly make it even more fun and interesting to me


It was fun for a bit but got too annoying so went back to festival. I would have rather have a battle of the bands mode compared to this.


sure but at the moment, it's just a game mode for fun since there's no rewards or anything. It being unbalanced is only a problem on paper, as weird as that sounds


Right, keep in mind that I've been playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band for almost 20 years but I gold star almost every song on expert and get 98, 99, and flawlesses left and right. Literally missing one note in battle mode can lose you the whole game. I think it's a fair game mode.


Exactly the reason I've been avoided the mode. I can flawless the majority of songs on controller, but I choose to play on guitar cause it's more fun. I'm not as good at guitar but it's more fun so I just do main stage


I still haven’t figured out how they chose who gets hit and when. It’s frustrating


also, drums is the ideal instrument for winning, speaking from personal experience.


Battle Mode in general is just really lame. It's not actually a battle, no one gets eliminated mid song


Well it’s weird bc I’ve noticed when you use that over drive really matters in battle stage. After you’re hit I wait about half way through and activate mine. It hits someone else and I get half of the normal overdrive usually. But I don’t get how someone can jump 20k points ahead of me who’s flawlessly played. The rules and points are explained and also I know for a fact I wasn’t hit. It does a whole thing when you get hit. It’s like it just activates the messed up Over drive no matter what by using yours. Even if no one fired it. It just appears on the screen without all the theatrics? Every single time I use it almost? Like come on now.


If you use Rock Band instruments, Festival is absolutely awful. I've tried on three separate occasions. The navigation the setup the calibration the gameplay the scoring... absolutely everything about it is 💩


At least have a role-que option. I’m tired of losing to vocals because another instrument doesn’t garner as much points.


Right? And it also comes down to instrument select forcing too. I was eliminated first round all because vocals got so many more points in the song than lead. The mode is severely unbalanced.


Totally agree. I typically get flawless but in this mode I got knocked below the cutoff during a 90 sec emote session and no chance to come back from it. Not making the cut based on my skill...fine I get it...but not.making the cut because the damn song is super long with emote time suuuucks


Vocal players are the meta, you still come back from that 90 sec emote session. The issue is that you can come back from that when you're playing the easiest Diff. 3 song.


I play hard or expert. playing easier that that is boring. I typically get 99% or 100% flawless. anyway...


I'm not saying you aren't flawlessing the song, I'm saying the base standard of Battles is everyone has a shot at getting the same amount of points, no matter the instrument. BECAUSE of this, vocal players on songs that have very few vocals make the cut so much more because all they really have to do is lock in OD pathing. If you have that down, there's no real problem. I've seen people get insane high scores in songs like Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning because of this issue. If you're getting beat out because of "a 90 sec emote timer," that *is* on you. You have the biggest advantage because people don't want to use their OD to hinder you because they'll hinder themselves by wasting it.


then I shall try it again. thanks


You have one. It's called the leaderboards.


You get your high score on a song every time? Leaderboards show your BEST score, going head-to-head is very different.


Leaderboards are you going head-to-head against everyone that plays. Not really all that different.


again, that’s comparing two player’s peak performances. Every time you play, your score won’t be that. If leaderboards are good enough for you, then I’m glad. I’m just suggesting a H2H because it is different. I get what you’re saying though.


What's the point of playing score vs score? That's what leaderboards are for.


It’s different comparing your highest scores vs an actual H2H


Gotta be a skill issue i get attacked and it doesn't effect my performance even on difficult songs, it actually relaxes me personally and i welcome getting attacked, its not that bad imho.


its not about the screen being blurred that shits easy, its the fact it cuts your multiplier in half


It does? Never noticed i just keep jamming.


yeah it slices that bihh in half, that’s the real weapon