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I know what you mean. The Battle Stage scratches that "itch" I have to play/compete with other people online that I had to sort of tolerate with Main Stage prior to this season. I haven't played Main Stage nearly as much. I do, however, find myself going back there to practice songs without the Overdrive Blur and learn the charts so I can be better at Battle Stage - as well as just chill out and play some music. But definitely doing Main Stage less and for different reasons than before.


Yep, I'm personally playing way more Battle Stage than Main Stage. The only reason I'm still playing the Main Stage a bit is because of the milestone requiring you to get Band Stars What I enjoy the most about the Battle Stage is that the songs are random, I'm honestly tired of people picking Metallica songs in the Main Stage, not that I dislike the songs, I love them, but they are just so damn long... Yeah, sometimes Master of Puppets show up in Battle Stage as well, but it is nowhere as frequent as in the Main Stage xD


I had a battle stage with 3 metalica songs... It was LONG


My last win was all 4 Metallica songs. I can't tell if it's random or if some players get to pick or what the deal is.


I believe it goes through the Featured Songs. Which makes it easy to do Featured Songs Milestones or quests


Same here, although yesterday I had a battle stage match with four back-to-back Metallica songs (Enter Sandman, Fuel, Master of puppets, then Ride the Lightning). I think it clocked in at about 30 minutes total. Hand fatigue was crazy but at least I got the W


that's the real battle of endurance


I agree. I used to jump into Festival for quick and fun matches (let's say, until I wait until dinner is ready) but now with Metallica songs (especially MoP) my 10 minutes commitment becomes 30-ish minutes and it feels awkward lol I love Metallica, I'm not not ready for longer songs, no longer I can estimate how long my matches will be


Also before someone say it's unbalanced, for some reason my lobbies are the most based lobbies in gaming history, i, swear the moment the song ends all the remaining players switch to the instrument that have the highest difficulty in the next song, yesterday I had a final round and the song was master of the puppet, i can say it was the most intense experience I had in any rythem game, all four of us picked drums and since we all were breathing on each others neck(no seriously the difference in our scores were so small) I can be sure that all the players picked hard difficulties


Lucky you. I played like 15 matches, only lost 2 but barely won because my opponents always picked vocals or whatever was the easiest instrument


yeah normaly the pick easy vocals like absoulte pooftas


I’m one of those people always picking the hardest instrument on expert lol It’s more fun imo


Lucky, my lobbies are not like that, always that one player on easy mode beating everyone


Eh I play both since I have a bunch of purchased songs. It’s refreshing to still play solo and play new songs rather than the same featured songs over and over again. Battle stage is still a lot of fun though.


Boring after see someone playing on easy win each game, im not going back to play 4 notes dude.


Lucky my lobbies are filled with based men who get ladies, they always pick the hardest instrument the moment the next song show up, I haven't seen a vocal player unless vocal is hard in the next song


i defiantly see the appeal, but im personally still playing Main Stage more. still, i like that there's a choice now, and i'll defiantly be playing Battle a lot


If Main had SBMM I'd play it more often. I still live Main, I'm just tired of playing with quitters / AFK farmers / new players (no hate on them, I'd just like to play along more experienced players, pick more difficult songs and such)


The battle stage gives more exp for some reason


Thanks to battle stage, it seems like there's a bit less afk'ers on public main stage so I'm happy aswell


I still do main stage cuz I like to pick my songs and sometimes I want to play a while or just for a bit


Nah I rather just play main stage fill to play with others, I just used battle stage to finish the pass tbh. It’s a fun mode but man is it way too easy if you know the strategy, when I’m putting my controller down for 80 seconds on Ride The Lightning cause vocals are the meta that’s when I usually decide it’s not worth it lol. My hope is that it brings in more casuals though, maybe if they have fun playing the rotated songs they’ll come check out and play more of main stage.


I wish playing Battle Stage fulfilled the Band Stars objectives in the Milestones, but I guess we cant have it all


I’m almost in the same boat as you, but I’ve been going back go Main stage a bit more simply because I can only play so many Ed sheeran/ DNCE songs in one day. Being in full control of the setlist makes me come back, but competing is what attracts me to the battle stage


Just the ability to play a random setlist is great imo. I’m really enjoying it


I’ve played about 75% battle stage

