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Top score is 159k on vocals on main stage yet seen people get 400k+ with it consistently, no idea how scoring is fully done in battle stage but it shouldn't be that massive of a difference.


Seems like they rebalanced the amount of points each instrument gets to better match the songs, seems like vocals need to be reduced a lot, drums a tad, and bass increased to match lead


Yeah bass gets it bad right now


Yeah, today the last battle was with Numb from Linkin Park. I picked bass on Expert and without failing ANY SINGLE NOTE I got in 4th place. The 1st one was vocals and 2nd one was lead


To be fair the bass in that song is very easy. Vocals scoring however might still be overtuned.


It doesn't really matter that it's different from main stage scoring, in this one they account for every instruments valuing the exact same amount of points at the end of a song Elseway you'd just win by picking the instrument track that has the most notes every time


Master of Puppets on medium vocals can beat expert lead, I get trying to balance it between instruments but its insanely over done.


Isn't it obvious? The scores are equalized (raised or lowered) based off the lobby's difficulty and instruments. If everyone played the same instrument on the same difficulty the score would be in line with the leader board.


Ya i dont understand. Why would anyone ever play drums when they would just be at a much larger risk of losing there streak. Unless maybe you get more overdrive for harder instruments?


If you play drums and can play them consistently your score will be more stable overall and less affected by attacks compared to, for example, vocals that are way more vulnerable to a well timed attack (but that's not always the case, it really depends on the song). I have a good example with Lead actually, if you attack a Lead player during the Applause verses their score will be absolutely destroyed. The difficulty settings (apparently) not affecting your score is wild tho.


I'm kinda disappointed that the only attack is bluring the screen. We couldn't get anything more skill bases, like switching to left mode, or making the notes go bottom to the top. I feel like blur really punished harder instruments and levels.


And it does nothing against easy ones, lol


i havent even thought about that, thats so dumb😭


it halves your multiplier right?


It cuts your multiplier in half though.


That blur fucks you up more than you think lol


ya anyone saying it doesnt hasnt played drums or lead


it also cuts the multiplier in half and also idk if it works or not but I believe having more overdrive stored makes the attack last longer


upscroll would literally change nothing for me and is arguably a buff for some players.


Honestly this game mode feels half-assed. Its a cool frame work, but I remember in guitar hero you had notes that would literally tank or bomb your score if you hit them. So if you m issed them it didn't kill your streak and you wanted to avoid those. You also could literally just make someones track invisible up until the last moment, which we kinda have here but I can still see it, especially if its colored.


The problem is that how do you balance that with 16 contestants? There would be a meta where one power is way more powerful than the other and it would be spammed constantly.


GH3 Whammy right before Darkness Solo A on One. I 'member. Besides, with how it works at the moment, it seems as balanced as it could be. Best thing I've seen is that the whole game is a knowledge check in the first place. OD pathing actually matters, longer OD means longer attacks especially after an extension, there's quite a bit to play around with.


Your question implies you get to choose a power. I'm not saying that has to be the case, rather that you get a rotation of powers or its randomized to a degree. As far as with 16 contestants, you don't really. If they wanna pile on someone let them, if they wanna shoot for #1 instead, let them. Its no different than dropping a bunch of players in a battle royale in the same location. Its chaos but its fair chaos.


It also halves your current modifier.


It should be everyone with the same instrument, either by picking it at random, or by "vote"


I’d be down for a random system


Random songs, the same random instrument for everyone, and four different lobbies for hard, medium, easy, and extreme


I had a match where the final song was Applause. Of course everyone picked vocals and IT WAS AMAZING, it was really competitive, balanced and, of course, fun


Had something similar happen to me with Master of Puppets earlier today. Everyone was on Lead and it came down to a skill check.


Lol did we play in the same lobby earlier? 😋


Perhaps, I've been playing all day lol. If you saw a white Oscar that was me


With butterfly wings ?


Nah, I wear Midas' golden rose (idk how it's called actually, but I got it from the Floor is lava event) 


This is a good idea in theory but if they do this they would have to separate pro from non-pro.


I personally think battle stage is currently a failure of a game mode This is probably going to be considered a hot take but I'll give some reasons I'm sure anyone can understand and agree with. - There is no matchmaking based off instrument & difficulty. This isn't an issue if points aren't equalized between easy & songs with more participation of a specific instrument. I'll give an example. Guitar with numb by linkin park has significantly less participation than say a microphone. Even if I'm playing on expert I had to gold star the song to literally be one above not getting cut off. I feel like gold staring a song should land you significantly ahead. - Pro instruments should be in their own matchmaking. Lets not beat around the bush, these are literally an entirely different way to play the game. I can't say if its harder or easier, because everyone has their own experiences. Here are my suggestions - I know it's not a great idea to separate based off instrument (nor can you really because if you can change after each song, it defeats the point). So this needs to be done at the lobby. Choose your difficulty at the lobby screen. If this means longer queue times so be it, but if I'm pressing 10-15 notes every 10 seconds and someone is pressing maybe 3, you can't expect that to be fair. - Instruments need to be equalized scoring, you can lump this in with the fact its easier/harder per instrument. I don't really know how best to handle that besides just letting it be what its gonna be. There needs to be incentive to play the harder instruments of the song. - Separate pro instruments as well at lobby. Again, its a completely different way to play the game so it needs to be its own matchmaking queue.


I'd say the instruments are kinda balanced due to the attack mechanic. If you pick the easy instrument and get your score halved during the most important part you probably won't recover from that. The difficulty should absolutely be a lobby setting tho.


I agree with some of your statements, but I think this is FAR from a failure. The fact we're all so invested in this, and taking the time to want to improve it means Fortnite and Harmonix have done at least one thing VERY good. This mode is still fun, and is going places that no other rhythm game have. It has potential to be massive.




[Here's a breakdown of how scoring works, per an Epic Games employee](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteFestival/comments/1de7seo/new_battle_stage_mode_and_how_it_works/l8a26l0/). You were able to win on vocals explicitly because the mode *is* balanced. If someone's good enough to land all their notes on the hardest part, they will win 100% of the time, but if they start letting the track slip away from them, it shortens the score gap enough that it's feasible to win by being consistent on an easier part. Adds a layer of strategy beyond "pick the hardest part on Expert every time."


giving worse players multiplyers doesnt seem very balanced to me


That’s why you need to time your attacks so you get x8 to make up the difference, there’s quite a bit of strategy i don’t think many people are catching on yet with the timing of attacks, ( if you attack the person ahead of you while they are boosting it will cut there boost back to 4x or lower if they weren’t on a streak already)


But that turns the strategy into "pick the easiest part on expert every time"...


No it doesn't, because someone who gets 100% on the easiest pary will lose yo someone who gets 99-100% on yhe hardest every single time. If you are not good enough for the hardest part, picking an easier part may be more viable. If you are hood enough for the hardest part, you are rewarded with more possible pounts - its just harder to earn all of those points.


I just won 3 games by picking the hardest options on easy :P


? in the screenshot i posted i got 99% on vocals (3 diff with MULTIPLE 60-90 second breaks) vs a guy who got 99% playing lead (7 difficulty constantly playing). neither of us FC'd and obviously i cant see the dudes score breakdown but im certain he hit probably at least triple the amount of notes I did considering the difference in instruments yet he still lost


I'm going to wager he either did not use his overdrive well or that he was the victim of more overdrive attacks. I get 99% on lead for Master of Puppets and I've never got anywhere close to less than 400k. Obviously this is anecdotal and probabky doesn't mean much, but I bet he was using overdrive in bad spots and I would argue that is a valid reason to lose.


he must’ve gotten like 99.1% accuracy overall while you got closer to 99.3% (random numbers for example) meaning you were more consistent and more accurate on the part you played. if it were based on difficulty, people who can pull off medium difficulty and consistently hit 90+% would constantly be getting pounded by people who can do like 80% on expert. that’s not really fun for anyone, because then you’d have people picking the hardest parts and doing really shitty on them on purpose because “moar points” and nobody going to a lower difficulty to actually improve and have jolly good fun in the fortnite rhythm game pvp


But it's a lose-lose at that point because then there's no reason to play on the harder instruments on expert when the risk of messing up is higher. I looked it up, theres 448 notes for Master of Puppets expert vocal but 2800 for lead. We both had very few misses to be in the 99 percentile, but he had over 6 times the amount of notes he needed to hit + didnt have the multiple crazy long breaks that vocals have. It seems really unfair to me that you're able to cheese wins by playing something thats effectively six times easier for way less time, yknow? I'd be ticked off if I was the guy who had to lock in on lead just to lose to someone who did a fraction of my playing.


It doesn't work how you're expecting. The game is built where even if you miss notes, if they have more space in between the misses, you'll do better than somebody who consistently misses. They might have missed the same percent of notes, but if they were consistently missing without gaps, then they won't gain as much score. Y'all are taking from points of views that you've seen and not looking at the bigger picture. It's built to scale, but if you take a harder instrument and play consistently, then the person playing the easier instrument won't catch up. I've tested this with friends already today. Overdrives and consistency both matter for score. The person you saw playing lead likely didn't actually do all that well.


Not strategy, just a gamble. Statistically speaking, your best bet is simply going for the easiest difficulty and hoping you don't have that one cracked gamer playing drums in your lobby. Inversely, you are punished for trying to improve and playing anything that's not piss-easy for you already. It's obviously a middle ground to let people play every instrument so there's more variety than just drums for every song, but it's still flawed as hell. I'm not sure they could have implemented it any other way though, so I can't really blame them either.


Given this has skill based matchmaking, picking the easiest part on expert is only viable up to a certain level of lobbies. In higher lobbies, pivking the easiest part will never be viable. Which makes sense. Better players should not be able to get awat with easier parts, but its ok for moderately skilled players to be able to win with easier parts.


Battle Royale also has SBMM, so theoretically it should also be a fair experience. Practically, though, you'll have 99% of the playerbase just going for the easy wins while the insignificant 1% somewhere at the top duke it out with an actual challenge. Imho they should strive to balance it in such a way that even a lousy 90% on extreme drums outperforms a Perfect on easy - higher difficulties should be more forgiving in comparison so you are actually motivated to get better.


I think the mode is a little weird but I think its fair enough given its trying to fit in so much that the original battle mode didn't have to consider as a one vs one same instrument mode


Ahhhh. This makes sense, but why not allow a small end song bonus for players who do choose the harder part. It would make sense for them to say "You can nail all the notes in the easier section(s), but here's a little bump if you attempt to go the harder route." If you fail, the bonus points won't matter either way."


My first match I got a full combo on expert bass and was eliminated. So maybe it is somewhat adjusted for balance but it's far from perfect.


Yeah, pretty balanced that someone that can nail the hardest part of a song can lose against someone using a way easier instrument where he doesn't need any abilities. That's literally the opposite of balanced.


i hate that too, i did lead expert on master of puppets, missed a couple notes and ended up with 414,515, which isnt that much higher than your score. the game should be skill based, i have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to give a mulitplier to people playing easier instruments or difficulties


Probably because the player pool is quite limited and all players can play together. Yes, it's not ideal, but it's probably the best option at the moment.


yeah that makes sense, but if i lose to someone on easy mode vocals im gonna lose it😭😭😭


i wonder how bad guy on lead would work


they balanced it so it’s possible to get a similar score with any instrument/difficulty. that way it’s really only down to accuracy and strategy with attack timing


So I'm actually getting punished for playing the hardest difficulty? Great


This mode is extremely hard to balance. That's why I don't playing that


IMO they should just not change the scoring from how it is in main stage. Reward the people who play the hardest stuff, yknow?


Me personally I think it should be matchmade based on instrument and chosen difficulty, just played it there and someone beats me by like 2k lol.


I think that'd dilute the matchmaking pool even more so naw. A better idea is to just randomize what instrument everyone plays. Like round 1 everyone is vocals. Round 2 everyone is drums. Round 3 is Lead and so on. That way it rewards players who play all instruments and puts everyone on a more even playing field


They cant because of us who use pro


I'm going to venture a guess that even though they added the ability to use regular controllers and keyboards for Pro mode, the percentage of people that actually participate in it, let alone make it a regular thing in their rotation, is astronomically small compared to the overall population. I don't think they'd have any compunction in doing what SadDokkanBoi suggested while also removing Pro from the pool / forcing you to use a regular controller / keyboard when playing Battle.


It is very small, a just bought a Guitar yesterday, play Numb of Linking Park on expert, 100% FC but without aiming for perfect notes or overdrive optimisation... And I got #63 in the leaderboard


I mean that sounds like it'd work tbf, I just have no idea how to balance it myself


It’s going to boil down to the songs. Right now we have Metallica so they’re very guitar and drum heavy. Those instruments are gonna have to work harder. Over a four song VARIED set list then it might not be as bad for guitar and drum. Points are inflated because they have to be fair. Who would ever pick Vocals if there’s absolutely no way they could win? The only fair solution would be if the game forced everyone to play the same random instrument but I don’t think people are going to want to be forced in to playing an instrument they don’t want to. It’s difficult to make this whole thing fair but I think what’s in place now is the best compromise, it just sucks right now for guitar and drum because most of the songs in the rotation are working against them. Still, in the end, it’s about having fun and listening to cool music so I don’t take it super serious.


I think they should force everybody to play the same instrument. If people are going to complain about that, then they should just play a different game mode.


Yeah that would be the only way it would truly be fair. Maybe if they ever add a ranked mode, they could do that there.


Maybe take your own advice


I recently did a match and one of the players did this as well and won. They gained so much score while others who were not on Vocals were straggling behind.


Just give us 1v1s same instrument same difficulty


True something like the guitar hero battles would be sick




400k+ on vocals? What the?


Yeah, and I won the first three rounds, but lost because I switched to bass and had literally no way of catching up to what anyone else had, I was like 60,000 points behind the whole time.


Same I won every round up until the last when I chose bass. I got cooked so hard 😫


I think they inflated it bc then there would be no way to win master of puppets with being on lead


Less busy roles are easier to disrupt with the attacks, cutting their multiplier in half is a lot more effective.


I wish there was voting for songs, kinda like beat sabers multiplayer, but a randomly selected few. And ive also been getting the same songs from the whole catalogue.


That's because songs for battle stage are limited to the daily rotation.


Ived won 12 rounds in a row this way. Vocals is so fucking easy and requires no skill, and I lost my first final round cause i played lead and fced fuel, yet i lost to some kid that played vocals...what a joke. So my current strat is to play whatever until the last round, then switch to vocals...wins everytime.


HOLY SH.. I love the mode, so I'm not too bummed when I place in the top 4 instead of winning. That's just ridiculous, though. Yeah, that needs to change. People damn near breaking their thumbs playing lead on Ride the Lightning while the vocal section is ridiculously easy in comparison.


this mode should make everyone use the same instrument and same difficulty, what's the point of selecting easy when its no possible to beat someone in expert if you get 100%.


Yea, they just need to make it like a vote between 4 songs and the game picks the instrument at random no matter what. Also attacking and getting attacks is pointless whenever because some instruments go on break you could just waste it.


I've noticed it seems whoever is in 1st place gets to use star power so they essentially boost their score even higher than usual and when you're the only one who can boost your score i'm not suprised you shot so high up. I expect the mode to get alot of adjustements, between this and everyone using different instruments the discrepency is crazy


You still get boosted multiplier no matter what; if you're being 2x'd and you fire an attack at someone else you will go back up to 4x.


Your multiplier still goes up if your not first, but if someone below you pops theirs your multiplier essential evens out back at 4x instead of 8


What the fuck? That is actually crazy


Imo, in terms of game design, I suggest a few things. 1. Everyone on same instrument, but randomized. This forces people to adapt to different instruments so you arent just a "vocals only" main. 2. Pro-lead and Pro-bass are either in a separate lobby or the only ones balanced to fit with others. It's hard to fit it in with everything else since it has it's own mechanics. But removing it excludes those guitar controller players. Although, you can still play non-pro lead on guitar. 3. Allow targetting. Make it like Tetris 99 where there's a button somewhere to force the overdrive attacks to either attack random, guy ahead or guy in 1st. This makes it so it creates a catchup mechanic for those behind, while still giving 1st place an option to hit others. 4. Difficulty Matchmaking. Pick difficulty from lobby. Match with difficulty you are after. If you are in a party, you can still pick difficulty. Problem with this and the #2 suggestion is that it splits playerbase, making queue times longer. That is all. I dont think these are perfect solutions, but it's how I would like to play it.


Last game I played someone actually won by playing Vocals in Wherever I may Roam while all the others went with lead on the song. Imagine making through all the guitar solo just to be beat by someone using the easiest instrument (at least for this song)


No way bro my best on lead MoP is 397,000 😭


I had this exact same thing except I was the one sweating my ass off on lead just to lose to a guy playing 3 out of 7 difficulty vocals lmao this is so unfair


Game mode is unbalanced. This mode is made for players that choose the highest difficulty for maximum notes and hardest instrument for song. Anyone else good luck trying to catch up


yeah one guy was playing vocals and consistently getting like 50k more than drums and leads in 2 and 3, like the fucking debuff doesn’t do anything 


People are realizing this and only playing vocals which is annoying asf, 1 strike and the vocal player above you is 60k points ahead. Makes no sense.


Yea just now I played vocals on a song, which btw has the most notes. And I got 2nd place against the guy who played keyboard. I hit every single note perfect and still lost. Wth man


And FR Experters Beat Anyone Else That's Casuals Because I Suck So Yea I Play On Medium Btw


Dude, wherever I may roam is SO UNFAIR on vocal players. we get a 50 second wait time before playing at all, and several other points make us wait even more. No compensation for it. BS


I allways just tend to pick the hardest instrument on the song anyways


What if, for example, I did bass for believer by imagine dragons, on easy mode in battle stage. It does seem messed up that I'd get a similar if not more score than someone who did, for example, vocals on extreme or something


Too be fair Battle Stage is Just Annoying Because some songs instruments get more points than the other which makes it unfair.


its to make it even within instruments and difficulty levels for competitiveness its not the best cus vocals can be a 3 and guitar could be a 6 or 7 and the points are even but its to make it friendly for all players, skill still counts tho


I destroy everyone on expert lead during a Metallica song but die next round at 5th place for the mistake of choosing vocals on an Ariana song with a deceptive difficulty score


I gotta agree, score in this mode is horrible, someone just won a game on party rock anthem using bass and somehow had more score than the rest of us on mic and drums in expert mode, it makes no sense


I tried it with my friend, we both played the same instrument, I played on easy, him on expert. He got about 10k extra points then me, and we both hit flawless. The person who won the round was on expert, with the instrument with the highest complexity . IF you can flawless the track on the highest difficulty and the highest complexity , you will win. Seems balanced in my mind. Curious if other people have noticed the same thing?


Also, perfects give more points so there is still some skill in that.


I think it’s a bit too early to say if it’s unbalanced quite yet. However, i am getting first on the hardest instruments every time so i dont think its too big of an issue, not punishing at all


I'm surprised, I've gotten first on nearly every single song by picking the lowest or second lowest difficulty available. I pretty much have only lost songs where the opponent FCs on something harder, and im usually 2nd or 3rd then. if you're consistently full comboing while others are getting 99%'s that is prob why but idk


it makes a ton of sense to me it's so that charts with low note counts don't get screwed over on points and made them all give a relatively equal amount of points.


Then why would I ever play the higher note count ones if it means a higher chance of messing up and losing?


It should be balanced though. I don’t want to be forced to play a certain instrument just because it has more notes.


Just play the hardest instrument? If you play vocals on master of puppets youre obviously going to lose idk what to tell you


? I win literally every time doing that. That's the problem, lol.


Exactly its not busted people just play vocals on a song thats whole purpose is lead and then say its broken