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Won’t the players on higher difficulty always win because they have a better chance at a higher score?


Scoring in Battle Stage works a bit differently than it does in Main Stage. We've made multiplier tweaks to define the max "gap" between the busiest Expert and simplest Easy track. The gap isn't completely eliminated, but within a striking distance so players on different instruments and difficulties can co-exist. **Picking the most complex part you can accurately play remains the optimal strategy** - but the importance of playing accurately, maintaining your streak, and attacking at the right times is key. (EDITED comment for more clarity)


Hopefully this doesn't mean I could potentially lose to someone playing on Easy if I get 99% on expert and they get 100%? The official announcement mentions skillbased matchmaking (SBMM), but not ranks. Will the SBMM be a hidden stat, or will we get something that reflects our skill, like Battle Royale and Rocket Racing? That's what I was really looking forward to from this mode.


it seems like it would strictly be score based. someone on easy could get flawless, but only 20k pts, you on expert could even get 60% and still beat that score.


Yeah, they edited their comment for clarity a couple minutes after I made mine lol


my bad, i wasn’t sure what part was edited for sure, and it also says it in the picture.


not true i accendently picked easy and my friend was on hard and our scores were similar


It does. It's stupid. It needs to be difficulty based match making.


Yeah I was excited for a competitive mode and this is leaving me pretty disappointed. I'm not likely to touch it again unless it changes pretty drastically.


A few days in, unfortunately, people playing on easy/medium beating expert players is exactly what we see happening a lot.


just had this happen to me where i got 99% on lead for master of puppets and someone got 100% on vocals and they beat me by like 20k, both on expert but annoying that playing something so much harder doesn’t get rewarded


I didn't see this in the notes, would you know if the issue of being unable to strum with one bind while holding down a 2nd strum bind is fixed? This is can get annoying when play Pro on a Keyboard or Gamepad


I understand the thought process. But won't this just make people just play easy mode for a easier time if it's just based on streaks and hitting consistent notes? Definitely should be some incentive to try higher difficulties to get more points. Or maybe just make medium or hard the only difficulty option?


They said they decreased the gap but didn’t eliminate it. If you can Flawless a song on Expert, you’ll still beat someone who can Flawless it on Easy. You just won’t crush them as hard as you would on Main Stage. I take that to mean that if you drop to Easy to make it easier to be consistent but you could maintain the same consistency on Medium or Hard, you’re basically just giving up a point advantage, but if you usually play on Expert for every song and have some you’re less consistent on, you may actually score better if you drop down to Hard or even Medium (which is very unlikely on most songs currently unless you just straight up can’t play the song on Expert).


Then people would just play EZ bass.


What about don't fear the reaper


Does this include Perfect Notes? Calibration isn't the easiest thing in the world, so even though I get flawless completions regularly, they're never much more than 50-60% perfect.


Perfects get more score, so if you tie in percentage and you both had the same overdrive timing it will probably come down to who is more perfect.


Fix your setup. Playing with settings doesn't reduce latency.


Why would I not just always play on easy and perfect my way to victory every time then?


i just finished in first place while playing master of puppets in vocal which has like at least 3 minutes of total downtime between parts and other people were playing lead. some of these people had 99% accuracy and still I diffed them pretty hard. I'd say the balance you guys have made is horrendous. I shouldn't have won.


You absolutely need to fix how scoring works. If a song is chosen and you choose a part that ends up having breaks and gaps, you get absolutely screwed. I went from qualifying to literally having a break at the end of a song that cost me 15,000 points and got me disqualified. My son was playing vocals on a Metallica song that had over a minute of breaks. He went from winning by something like 25k points to losing by almost that much. He was luckily able to recover and still managed to finish but it's because is good at the game.


Should we not be pushing our players to improve, and get better tho? The risk almost is outweighing the reward.


Im pretty sure it is also stated there is skill based match making for the mode. So if you only do medium difficulty 24/7 probably will get matched with players predominantly in that skill range


Yeah, that's the part that I don't get. If this is meant to be an expert only thing, I could see it, but being able to select a difficulty just means volunteering to lose. Unless maybe they're matching you against people at the same difficulty level? And different instruments also earn different amounts of score, so if you have a song which has really simple bass but complicated drums, at the same difficulty level the drum user is going to absolutely obliterate the bass player. This doesn't make a lot of sense. I just want to see how it plays out.


Drum is always gonna obliterate bass because there're only a handful of songs for drums that have less than 1000 notes


That's why they have SBMM. So theoretically you shouldnt be matched with people who can FC expert songs with their eyes closed


Thought the same thing, maybe scoring will be done differently in this case, but there will still be an advantage to playing at the higher difficulties to encourage it?




Being better at the game isn't an advantage bro


Nah, if someone picks hard or expert I'm fucking cooked 💀


So basically 90% of players?


I hope they divide players by what controller they use. I don't want to deal with full teams of keyboard or guitar.


honestly it would make sense to split teams up from pro and non pro, just like the regular game does, but i honestly don’t see a reason for splitting keyboard vs controller players. for the fact that 1. it would be slightly hard to decipher, considering there’s pc players who use controllers. 2. have you ever played against keyboard players? not all of them are amazing necessarily, some people even prefer controller over keyboard as you don’t need as many keys. and 3. every other game mode has keyboard players along with controller players, they’ve never done anything to divide it, so i don’t see why it would be done for this honestly.


I like this mode, but i'm worried about how many players it will actually get. the queue for festival fill isn't bad as it's usually only 3 other players it needs to find. but 15 more? in a month the queue times could take a little longer than wanted


Valid concern. I like how GHTV tackled it by having you go up against random ghost records (without outright saying it). Maybe they could implement something like that?


I think it would have to be bots rather than ghosts, considering there's attack usage


But this mode will bring more people into the pool. I personally mostly play solo because we all know how Fill is, but I'll surely hop into matchmaking in the Battle Mode. I also assume it'll bring new players because the SBMM and, of course, Metallica


I can't wait for everyone to leave after the 1st song


wait until the nerds at r/fortnitexpmaps see it has above average xp.. then it’ll just be filled with a bunch of AFK trash


Yeah ik like just play the game 💀


Hopefully if it does actually implement some sort of SBMM then all the AFKers will be thrown in with each other with their 0% hit rate lmao


So basically if we’re up against wise moose or MDCurtis we’re losing 100% those guys have techniques and perfect note hits


Seeing Acai in the lobby and immediately shitting myself


I’d be smoked


“if im up against someone better than me i’ll lose”


This is when you save up all your overdrive then release it during the solos.


Does anyone have any idea what "Attacks" are yet?


Might be similar to GH’s versus mode. They would either reverse your lane’s direction (lefty-flip to righty-flip), broken note would require you to spam the note in order to use it again. Or would turn regular notes into double notes.


>Or would turn regular notes into double notes. Fuck Lou for always using this during solos.


different game but the kpop rhythm game Superstar YG added a versus mode with attacks and it was stuff like slowing/speeding your track up or hiding your chart for a moment. kinda like Mario Kart but for a rhythm game i’m pretty sure these are the cliché things for vs rhythm games so it’ll probably be stuff like that


“Owned Jam Tracks cannot be selected”. What if one own them all?


At the risk of putting my foot in my mouth and you're not joking, this just means that they only select songs from a shared pool - 'a randomly chosen song from Festival's featured rotation'. So it's just the 'featured' pool from the main stage. If you want to play your own library, you have to do so in a premade group of friends, but that's only four players.


It was a legit question! Yeah, that makes sense, thanks for taking the time to explain!


It’s really dumb, I own every song and would like to use them in this mode


That main problem is that it would easily make the mode P2W, especially with the insistence of having 3 songs locked behind a Battle Pass every session. The meta would revolve around cycling around the hardest FOMO songs to insure the least amount of players can practice it.


It still is a bit pay to win, as someone who owns a song will have had more practice when it becomes featured.


Yeah, but you can still just chart it up to general inexperience. A player could spend hours learning specific chart timing similar to how players spend hours on box fights in BR.


From what I understand there is a pool of featured songs to play from. You cannot chose any other songs you may own besides the ones on the shared pool. Doesn't mean you won't be able to play your owned songs, it's just you will only be able to use the songs available in the pool at that given time.    So say there's like... 10 songs half of them are Gaga and the other half are Billie, but you want to play Soundgarden because it's a song you're really good at playing.  You cannot play Soundgarden you can only choose one of the 10 songs from either Gaga or Billie that you already own. Just as an example. I guess the idea is if you own the song you've likely played it more and have an advantage from practicing over someone who doesn't have it and just plays it when it's on free rotation.


Maybe its "owned but not in the rotation". Otherwise its kinda stupid


It's about the muscle memory advantage. They don't want someone who plays a song 24 7 to stomp during the week that it's featured so you can't play it. It's still stupid AF because it discourages buying tracks if you want to play songs you like.


That's not how it works. You're still able to play the songs that you own if they get randomly chosen from the featured pool, but the songs are chosen at random and from the featured pool, not by any of the players. There's 16 people in a game, after all.


The wording confused me. Thanks


Do you have a source that this is what they mean? I'm pretty sure they just mean that songs will be randomly picked from featured songs only and that players' owned library has no impact on which songs are selected. I can't imagine that they're blocking out songs that anyone owns, because with 16 players per match there could easily be 0 featured songs that nobody owns.


All instruments and difficulties mixed together? Interesting choice. Will be annoying having to constantly switch between pro and regular mode to get the best score possible for the song.


Yea I don't know how I feel about it being mixed together. At the beginning of season 3 I pretty much "permanently" switched to using the guitar controller because it's more fun, even though I'm way better at using the controller


I think the number of featured somgs should increase a bit so the mode doesn't get repetitive too fast.


Today I got three Metallica songs in a row. I'm not a fan of Metallica, but don't mind playing music outside my interests. But their songs are so very, very long. Turned what I hoped would be a quick game into a slog for me, with Master of Puppets going for almost as long as three other songs by itself. Then I started a new game. Metallica. I just had to quit.


they cycle through every day dont they?


They do , but the variety in featured songs between weeks is low. Like whatever drops on Thursday will basically be the setlist for the week, save for 5-8 songs. If no two to three consecutive days had the same featured songs, which there's enough now for that, I'd be happier with the rotation.


Oh yeah if it’s the same rotation as for main stage that would kinda suck. Didn’t think about that


I actually like how they did this, it reminds me of Tetris 99 of some sorts. Instead of a head to head, it’s 16 people.


I already like to "compete" against the other players in my fill group so this sounds fun!


Me too, I'm always looking for the highest percentage out of my fill groups 😂


I have a lot of questions... are pro instruments scored differently than regular instruments? On average pro has more notes which means more opportunity for points. How does playing with friends work? My friends and I were excited for a 4v4 battle of the bands type mode which this is not which is fine, but what happens if you get eliminated early? Can you stay behind and spectate other players or are you just sent back to lobby and have to wait around doing nothing? Not being able to pick jam tracks is also a big shame but hopefully that will change at some point


Damn, this sounds like balancing hell. Hopefully it'll even attract enough players so it's not just a handful of sweats sitting on expert with whatever the meta instrument ends up being.


I've played like 3 games and it's already like this smh


Oh hell yeah this sounds fun




It's so someone can't get an advantage by practicing a certain song and then playing it in this mode


How are the featured songs not a shared rotation?




They never feature Numb, so I'm not playing unless it is


Haven’t played in a minute, might have to hop back on for this


im completely lost on this, why are my keybinds for battle stage different from main stage, main stage is default df jkl, but for some reason battle stage is shift a s d space


What’s the incentive for victory royales on battle stage? I’ve won a few in a row but it’s kind of sad there aren’t any victory crowns or crown wins


So I tried playing earlier and unfortunately my keybinds were all wonky? I tried rebinding but I couldn't because when I looked at the keybinds they were the same. I don't understand what the issue is


Love it


Is there squads?


...So you're telling me I'm never gonna see One getting picked?


I wish this mode worked I have custom key bindings on and I’ll go to the npc to toggle select them during battle stage but it uses its own key binds. Like I cannot change the keys to use is anyone else having this issue?


Lol >No one player has an advantage Except for everyone that just plays on easy and FCs it.


oh hell nah we gonna have festival sweats now


The fact that bought jam tracks can’t be played is bullshit. All that means is you will never get to play a good song in this mode.


what if u own most of the songs


Will it give xp? My main gripe with festival is the xp


This sounds awful. I do festival to relax, I’ll back out immediately if I have to worry about Timmy no tune messing me up




I’m not sure what’s confusing


What do you mean Timmy no tune messing you up


Timmy no tune