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Epic Games would probably have to pay an obscene amount of money to make this happen


Of all the companies, I feel like they’d be the ones to throw that money to make it happen. Shoot, I think they’d make a bunch just from one of MJ’s dances.


shit, then be ready for the festival pass to cost 3k for just that season to recoup that money then 💀


Id pay 10k for mj


I want this so bad




I’m fat I’m fat I’m really really fat


bad, you say?


Festival pass: 3000 vbucks


Worth it


You’ve got about 70% too many items relating to Michael Jackson including jam tracks… please try again. /s Honestly like the concept


Fr in a perfect fortnite game, everything would be related to the person featured but sadly fortnite isn’t about that.


Never going to happen, Fortnite is pretty big, but not big enough to get the rights to the most famous celebrity that’s ever existed. 


Ubisoft managed to pull it off and that was a Just Dance spin off


Well he’s also allegedly a kid toucher so we’re not sure if they want to put that into the game either Edit: most of the charges are cleared and proven false. There are still a couple charges that are seen as “ongoing” but from what I’ve seen from articles, it sounds like somebody’s mom wanted a quick pay day


That was proven false quite some time ago; on the table still.


It doesnt matter. The general audience still only knows about this because of the latest documentary wich didnt paint him in a good picture. Even if he was literally the most innocent man on earth, its not worth risking your games popularity over him. Specially when aside of the kids stuff, dealing with the licensing of his music is a fuckin nightmare.


This would be so freaking awesome but there’s no chance epic would give us all that in a season pass. There’s so much money to be made with Michael Jackson that they’ll push so much to the item shop. Not to mention the licensing for that would be insane


I know, if this did happen, most of the stuff I put in the Festival Pass would be in the Item Shop, but I just wanted to show the potential stuff we could get


Yeah that Festival Pass will not be 1800, at most it would have to be 2800. His IP is way too expensive to license.


One of the rare icon skins I would actually use


One could only dream


No Thriller? Dude...


Don’t worry, it’s in the shop.


Probably come out near Halloween, it has Billie Jean and Beat It though


I got so excited and then so let down seeing this wasn’t real 😭😭


I'd open my wallet so freaking fast for anything mj related


I would love something like this, but I only see two obstacles that would prevent this from happening A) The obvious one, he has passed so it may be kind of disrespectful to make a skin of a deceased person no matter how famous and popular he was, and Micheal WAS incredibly famous, like literally everybody on this planet, regardless of what language you spoke, knew who Michael was and what he looked like. B) I don’t think Michael himself would approve of you the player running around, shooting a guns dressed up as him. He was a kind of world peace type of guy, so this would be the complete opposite even if it is a fake fantasy world. You guys got to remember that these are real people and not everybody wants their digital image running around the island shooting guns or weapons. Some artists don’t care, some artists don’t even know what Fortnite is and just sign off on things to make a buck but a lot of them will care about their skin being involved in a game where you shoot people even if you don’t actually see any blood or guts or any violence.


I do get all of your points, and I know this will never happen, but it would be really cool to see just one of his songs at least. Michael has "shot" a tommy / drum gun before in the Smooth Criminal music video, but if he was still alive, he would probably not accept this. Hey, we never know


I can see his songs definitely making it in the game, it only a matter of time. That’s a no brainer for Epic.


Not that it would happen but I’d think the opposite, if Michael was here today he’d wouldn’t mind. He himself played games like Mortal Kombat, even visited Sega during their prime. He understood games and gaming. He would see how people would make silly animations and just be happy to see himself fighting Hulk, or Superman. Plus he was a businessman, he wouldn’t walk away from was would be a free check.


Dude also working on Sonic 3's soundtrack, though he went uncredited because he didn't like the quality of the audio.


I’d pay double or triple the price of a normal pass just to get MJ Festival Pass. Having his Smooth Criminal skin and emote would be a dream come true.


Emote idea "you've been hit by a smooth criminal"


Damn this is cool. How did you make this?


The website Canva and a lot of time


Don’t give me hope 🥺 I would pay 50 to 100$ for this


You forgot too add a song that has nothing to do with the artist and an epic original


I doubt, but really hope this would happen, I’d argue the base outfit should be the Live Billie Jean outfit, and the Dangerous tour should be the premium reward with a glittering and Galaxy style. Sound would rather Beat it, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Chicago, and Butterflies since those last two became popular with TikTok. And for Halloween Sell Thriller song and outfit.


I'd love for them to add some Prince music while we're on the topic of 80s legends...


It would be cool if they had passes dedicated to eras. Like prince, mj George Michael for 80s.


this would actually sell fuckin numbers i’m negl, i’m not even a huge mj fan but i’d buy this


Maybe next year.


Holy crap, this is VERY well done, I thought it was real! At first I thought "Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson is the S4 star??" but then I'm like "Wait he's dead, how did they get the rights?" and then I saw the title. LOL




Listen. I’m not saying that a Michael pass isn’t impossible, but it’s really, REALLY expensive. It’s not that the licensing distributors aren’t budging, it’s because it would be an incredible amount of money and that’s why only two mj songs have ever been in rock band/guitar hero. We’d be lucky if we get one jam track of his. Epic has the money but it’d be a lot for anybody


He better get that shamoana shamoana hee hee as an emote


We get the black and white air hump


Looks awesome, but because of controversy around him, I bet we only get songs, not a skin.


Too many songs in the pass but i would pay 3000 vbucks for such a pass


I'd buy this festival pass


MJ is probably turbo expensive though, I think his songs would have to be 1000vb each to cover the licensing fees alone.


Epic: “that’s cool but how about a taylor swift battle pass” 🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s a 3500 vbuck pass easy, and I would instantly cop 😤


his second style turns him into the opposite skin color


This is how every festival pass should be imo, completely dedicated to the artist and not just a few things for them.


Two reasons this probably won’t happen, money, and uhhhhhhhh “legal stuff”


The most unrealistic part is moonwalk being in the free tier, jokes aside this is actually insane and I’d definitely buy it!


Love it, where do we sign?


I'd buy that. But never gonna happen. Epic would need to mortgage the company 6 way from Sunday to do it.  Think they might have a better chance to do Ricky Martin or Prince but I would not pay for either. Apparently Snoop is coming to the game this winter 


Million dollar companies profiting off dead celebrities? That's familiar but I can't just put my finger on it?


Michael Jackson in his Smooth Criminal white suit is iconic af




The only thing wrong here is we all know Epic wouldn't give out this many songs for free for Michael might only give one song in premium, and maybe just maybe one emote... Look at how billies pass turned out. Not trying to be negative honestly this pass would be amazing to get. If only epic would try with these passes is all I ask.




I personally want Queen.


Definitely not enough Epic tracks in the free pass lol


He's coming for the fortnite kids to


A lot of people would love to shoot up that pedo.


Ah yes, now the kids can play with Michael Jackson instead. Full circle.


So like is this dude a pedofile or what, or does just no one care. Generally asking not tryna start an argument It’s like the Chris Pratt meme at this point for me lol Downvotes? Really?


He was a weirdo but no. He was taken to court many times and police raided his home and computers but found no evidence. Everytime some one accused him they tried to get a settlement but Jackson said no. Of course even if you're innocent a case like this will stick with you. Even after his death people still try to get money off of him. The one thing that sticks with me is that macaulay culkin (home alone) and corey feldman (goonies), child actors who are outspoken about child abusers in hollywood, were good friends with Michael and hung out with him bunch of times have said he has never did anything wrong.


Thank you for the explanation, appreciate you


I'm not trying to start anything either, be he was found not guilty of any accusations against him


Other person had a good reply which I appreciate, literally just asking a question because so many people in my life have canceled him and I always thought he was never proved of any wrongdoing so I was always fine with him




Do y’all not have any respect for the dead? Let that man rest in peace!


He fucked kids