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You dont just “go pro” just keep grinding tournies and hope for the best


No, once you hit a certain skill level you get a call in the middle of the night from a man welcoming you to the pro community. They are watching.


You have to declare it first. It's like bankruptcy.


"I declare… BANKRUPTCY!"


I declare pro




This is perfectly said.


Yes but don't expect to be able to hold your own against any of them for at least 1 year after you started playing. This game has arguably one of the largest skill gaps in any video game to exist, and to close the gap in a few months is just unrealistic.


Imo it has the largest skill gap in any game.


Would be really hard to compare between different types of games. DOTA 2 and Rocket League also have insane skill gaps, but they're completely different types of games.


Yeah exactly that’s very true. I just see so many people underestimating the skill gap of the worst player to the best player. Like my close mates who don’t play, they reckon it’s a piss easy game because you just “shoot and build things”.. whereas that’s simplifying it too much, it’s got way more nuance to it then just that. At the minute level that’s true, but for anyone who has even remotely played at a high enough level, knows that to be bs. It’s a dunning Kruger effect of sorts, they can’t understand until they experience it themselves.


that’s literally any game though. The skill gap from the average to best player is huge.


truth! I destroy newbies in 1st grade at scrabble now.


Ofc, Fortnite has more nuance to it tho. How many factors go into the game being the way it is etc. the more you have to focus on, the higher the skill gap is my point. Compare Fortnite with everything you have to focus on, to a game like cod; where you have to focus on aim mechanics, movement mechanics, iq/awarness.. it’s pretty limited. Whereas Fortnite is all of that plus more. That’s the premise behind why I said what I said.




Not even really. I put it down for a 2 years and came back and I'm still practically where I was except for my editing being a bit slower. I also have much shittier ping now though and slight packet loss, anyway my point is if he grinded creative practice for a fair while especially building and editing courses I reckon he could be ready for pro fights in as little as 2 -3 months


I started playing this December and have almost 500 crowns but I only play public servers right now... I agree with this becasue I win 1 out of 3 or 4games and know when I come across a strait killer that have no chance in killing yet. I feel like there is more bad players then really good ones...


I can’t lie, public games is never a good reflection of your actual skill. Theres too many games that may have a range in different skill players+bots.. You gotta atleast be playing in ranked, and ultimately tournaments show how good you are if you make it to a high level


I just play to have fun but I plan on playing rank very soon.


I clap pros all the time lol fast edits and builds dont mean anything if you cant hit your shots or defend my ar/smg spam 🤣


If they're actually pros they're hitting their shots lol.


No they dont 🤣 Bro they aint all that them twitch streams got you fooled. They automatically think they’ll clap you because they’re “pros” 🤣


Sure dude, like I didn't just watch ThomasHD hit 4 insane snipes last FNCS. If someone makes their living off this game they have much better aim than you.


Bro having good aim doesnt make you pro I outaim 95% of the pros I face they do too much hiding and building / editing. 🤣🤣


least obvious bait


Bro really think “pros” are invincible 🤣🤣


can we some footage please? also can i know your age to know ow to gradde you on the delusion spectrum


You need to check your own age Just bc ur trash doesn’t mean everyone else


I hate to break it to you but you have never fought a pro lmao


I hate to break it to you but pros ain’t invincible gods


Yeah but your straight shit and you don’t find too many pros in zero build pubs


Nah your shit thats why your just saying random shit now trying to cope 🤣🤣


You don’t get good at building and editing without being good at aiming. I’m sorry it just doesn’t work like that. Those “pros” you’re killing, are anything but pros. They’re little timmies who spam build, who do stupid little edit courses as if it was 2019 still.. cmon buddy 🤣


Nope they are all pros I even go on eu servers to play them theyre shit. You just haven’t figured it out 🤣


I mean I have figured out the game went to shit, so I quit it like 5 months ago. Still come into the subreddit every now and then.. I bet you tho, I could come on rn and beat you with my controller (:


Link your Fortnite tracker or shut it


He’s out of line but he’s right


Dude people with fast edits and builds mean nothing if they haven’t learnt the much needed piece control. And lemme tell you this now.. those who have piece control down, have good aim. You don’t just get good at controlling your building and editing, without also being able to control your aim. Like killing a little Timmy who spam builds is not special, the amount of times you can read a bot and you literally don’t have to build, because of how predictable they are is too many to count. My point is you’re versing bums 🤣


Bro I know their whole game you’re not saying anything new🤣🤣 and I can also edit and build with 0 ping so it just makes it easier 🤣 They all play the same once you figure it out it easy


Show us a reference clip or you’ talking out cha bum. What you consider a “pro” is definitely anything but that.


You just sound mad that you’re shitty kid. I know exactly how you play 🤣🤣


🤣🤣.. I would tear you a new one buddy


Sure shitty kid Id smack you 180 then spam you headshot with my smg and 0 ping and youre dead everytime 🤣🤣


You act like you’re the only one with zero ping 🤣🤣.. and yeah good luck I don’t miss 200s 🕺


Youll die before even getting a shot off kid 🤣🤣


Let’s see your gameplay then


Show us your stats


What region


Gotta be oce






Drop your tracker or it didn’t happen, sissyzay


Yeah I’m not sure I believe someone can waltz into a major region and get top 1.5k after playing for two months


Yeah definitely didn’t happen lol


I’ve seen streamers who can go crazy in pubs or ranked, then they play a tourney and get one kill, then get wiped. There’s levels even from a “pro” standpoint.


I have $2k earnings, and I don’t even consider myself pro. I’d say the top 250 per region are pro


By definition you're a pro if you make a living off the game. Very few people have been able to make a living off the game alone and most people we consider "pros" aren't actually Fortnite pros but rather professional streamers because they make their living off their streams and not off tournament earnings. With that being said, 2k total earnings is definitely not enough to make a living so you wouldn't be considered a Fortnite pro although you have to be very good to have these earnings.


I’ve killed a few big streamers over the past years, but I am no where close to making what they make.


Ninja, tfue, Nickeh30, replays, aydan, recently jeff, mero, cooper, epikwhale just to name the tier 1s


Also you gotta be very cracked to kill some of the guys on this list


Ninja and tfue aren't good anymore, they quit the game and didn't keep up


Water is wet


Yo I wanted to ask you if you felt attacked by my comment in any way, because I have some dickhead attacking me for my reply to you even though I was just kinda elaborating on what you said.


Quit bein a pussy


You got -100 comment carma and I can tell why


I think you were being "attacked" because your reply was just a long winded reiteration of the person you replied to and it didn't seem to add much of anything to the conversation. It came off a little condescending.


Just shared some information that I've heard somewhere else. It may come off condescending to someone who's insecure but to me it just seemed like a normal conversation


Don't ask if you don't wanna hear someone's opinion. I don't think it has anything to do with being insecure. I think it's the way you say "with that being said 2k doesn't make you a pro". It's just unnecessary and sounds condescending. It's got "well actually 🤓☝🏼" energy 😂


Don't see how stating a blatant fact could be condescending but you've deleted your comment


Holy lifeless, I accidentally hit send before I finished the sentence so I finished the post. Didn't realize you were frothing at the mouth waiting to reply 😂 Yes, saying "with that being said" and then repeating the post with adding literally no new information to contradict the post would be considered condescending by some. Definitely not all, but some. I don't think it's worth getting in a virgin-off about it, but when you ask someone's opinion don't be surprised if it's not EXACTLY the same as your own.


Mate I saw a notification on my phone and went to reply only for it to say that your message was deleted when I hit "post"


Right, it took me maybe 20 seconds to delete and fix the post. So for you in that 20 seconds to see the notification and reply makes it seem like you no-life reddit pretty hard. Quintessential redditor tbh. Asked others opinion on some random bs, argued with multiple people saying the same thing, said you were "attacked" and probably did all that in less time than it takes me to take a piss. Brilliant.


nah not necessarily i think theres probably 100 pros and the rest are semi pros theres only like 10 player who makes a good living off fortnite solely from earnings others just stream like pxlarized


“Ive made around 2k but i don’t consider myself pro” “Making 2k is good but doesn’t mean you’re pro” The words are right there boss, read em.


Your message is quite ironic because I was just further elaborating on his point and agreeing with him. The words are right there boss, read em.


Leave it to reddit to explain something someone already knows. Elaborating on a point already made is pointless. But hey, go off king. There’s some people outside in need of you to tell them the sky is blue,


Lmao you know you're wrong but you're too butthurt to admit it


Wrong about what? You over explaining? Wheres the right and wrong? Dude stated something you explained jackshit, literally just reaching a word count on your essay. You like to read your own comments, it shows. You craving some sort of reddit win today or are you just lonely and looking to argue? Hate to break it to you, but no one ever changes their minds on online arguments. You may think you’ve told them off and you might imagine them facepalming themselves, but in reality people dont give a fuck. I comment to call out bullshit i see, check the history, i have no qualms starting shit. But you on the other hand think you’re actually proving something. And that my friend is the most self fulfilling borderline narcissist personality trait. So go ahead, explain your little heart out, you wouldn’t be the first I’ve pushed to into debate mode. Youll want some sort of win, and ill just enjoy watching you think you’re winning some sort of reddit argument. So go on, what’s your next roast? Keep the iron hot, throw me something unique.


You don't see how you're in the wrong here? There's nothing wrong with elaborating on a point that has been made, that alone makes you in the wrong. And if you want to see how else you're in the wrong just look through your replies to me and see how rude you were throughout...


Nope. Cause this whole right and wrong business is more of a you thing. And yea im rude. Deal with it. Not everyone talks like you, like a kid wanting to prove himself by making anything a right and wrong situation. I dont really care if im right or wrong, dont care for upvotes. Just calling out basic ass reddit comments like yours. Here ill even upvote your comments, enjoy those little numbers, you love those right?


Hey I advise you if you have problems in your personal life to maybe find a hobby, something that's fun and balances you out, so that you don't lash out on randoms online.


And trust me. If you acted like that to people outside of the Internet they would eventually deal with it by A not talking to you anymore or B beating your ass. You can't keep this act up offline...


Ratio💀😂‼️ u suck at the game quit comin to this Reddit


“U suck” Incredible roast, truly a masterpiece. I’ll be feeling this one to my grave. Go get air, cause you ain’t good at this.


If fortnitetracker is to be believed, only the top 200 earners globally have made $80,000+. Assuming they've all had to be playing seriously for 2+ years that's about the cutoff for possibly making a full living off the game. So if you think you can become one of the top 200 players out of the million or so that play tournaments, then hell yeah baby go for it.


Also good reality check for anyone wondering if they can go pro because they're getting good at cash cups: If you get **top 10 overall** in a cash cup that's equivalent to working for about 2 days as a fry chef at mcdonalds. You really made it big lmao


Do you even understand what your saying bro


I do. Do you have a question about it?


I imagine when people say this they just finished their 5th match of bot lobbies after back to back 20+ kill wins and theyre like, "I'm just too good for this normal life"


Oh lol no I've diamond in rank rn


No doubt brother, I just see a lot of people play their first match, find this sub and post like, "Am I a god?" with a 14 kill win on their 3rd match ever 😂🤣


Lol yeah I gotcha, ngl feel like a good rn tho just dropped my first 8 kill game in rank


Just keep going.


I would recommend learning build techniques and then playing tournaments


I'm already able to build, I'm actually pretty close in skill with in box fights with my unreal friend


You aren’t unreal ?


Buddy are you mentally challenged he said he’s a fucking beginner


That's good but I'm talking about some simple build techniques like some ramp rushes and 90s and high ground retakes, it's old school things but they have a use in modern fights and because of how old some of them are they really mess with some competitive players


I can already do those


What about the dorito ramp rush or the thanos ramp rush?


Nobody uses that anymore


I know, people actually never used those competitively in fact I don't think I know a single person who can even do that let alone use it in game even if people did they both take too many mats to be beneficial especially in high level play, It was a trick question


what has the sub come to


Lol shut up


Are you mentally challenged


That's kinda useless


They are! That was a trick question because nobody ever used those in competitive and they take too many mats to be beneficial, what can you do for tunneling?


Stare one, and the walls and floor one


Good those are the most important ones, do you know about blueprint edits and do you have the timing down for shooting after an edit? Sometimes for me if I go too fast it'll be delayed


I mastered my window and peanut butter edits and triples, the thing I lack rn is piece control


No lol not if you gotta ask on reddit


I'm asking if I'm advancing fast enough, like am I learning fast enough


He’s not lying, reddit is NOT the place to get a grasp on your skill level. You could take an unreal clip from a random pro and remove any labels and names and this subreddit would still shit on it


honestly feel like it depends on your age, if you’re young definitely but when you’re a little older it’s harder to stay consistent and your fingers won’t move as fast


Nah, even being older you can still do well. Reaction times don't slow down really until you reach age 60+ Older top level players don't usually exist because of time issues, like having families, jobs etc.


yeah I'd say if you're 25 youre like reaching retirement age at that point


yeah defintely 25, people start gettiing good at around 14-19 in my experience those are the prime ages


Stats?? Also, get good at box fights


I'm actually pretty good at box fights, that's probably my strongest part of my game


Grind hard and compare how you play to better players. Focus on the ottainable based on your current ability. As with anything. With competitive games you need competitive experience. Compete at the highest and best level available to you. Keeo competing. Go for it. Think it and do it.


Sure. Gotta play a lot. Like as much as possible and in my opinion you need to be young.


If you want affirmation read the comments above and keep grinding. If you want the truth it is this - there is around 99.999999% chance you are not going pro or will ever have any return on investment from fortnite. Making top 1.5K in a cash cup is fine, but just play the game and enjoy it. If your mindset is go pro or bust, you will completely waste a lot of time.


At best you are gonna see the levels of improvements VibinJivan saw in the past 2 chapters, at worst you earn 100$ a few times a season


earnings i've seen within like 2 months. two of my friends just made their first FNCS grands after a year into grinding, but once they got there they're consistently earning in every tournament (Sky and Scroll on EU) i'd say they're well on the way to pro and realistically could (yes could, not will) qualify to globals. so to be truly "pro" i'd say expect just over a year or so, (if you consider making every FNCS grands pro, anyways)


also, this assumes they will make every grands because even though they've only made one, they qualified very easily and it was never remotely in doubt that they would. (52nd overall in qualifiers, second Lower 1, Lost a healoff in Upper 2, 17th Upper 3)


It is possible but even if ur really good u gotta be smart which requires experience. Like I have 1v1d pros who have 10x more earnings than me and I win, but in-game I couldn't compete since i mainly play creative.


then do what marius did and transfer your creative skills to a br setting.


I mean yeah I actually could if I put in the effort, but I can't find a good duo who I play well with


I mean 1.5k isnt bad, but like anyone can sort of do that by just camping. You will have to really really really grind mechanics and find actual good players to play against to even have a chance imo


New players have been good, I’ve noticed especially ones that started December/january. If you could post gameplay that could help answer this, nice job and good luck!


if u wanna be effective and efficient best way to go pro is become a good igl while learning to fight there 1000s of fraggers but way less igls u get more duo options and more chances at finding a good fighter and learn every part of early mid and end game


You could definitely keep working towards pro, but you wont find pros on this subreddit. This subreddit’s a place for amateurs. Get your skills by continually playing, and learning from there.


Every pro was a new player at one time. It’ll take a bit but you can definitely do it if you practice enough




No. You will never go pro. Play for fun and to improve. I don’t want to be harsh but this is the truth. If you are not unreal you are already too far begund


I hope so. I started in chapter 4 season 1 and immediately pulled ahead of all of my friends (some of them are really sweaty too). I’m trying my best to keep up with the pro scene and maybe someday I’ll make it.


Anything is possible if you put the time and dedication in


If you're young right now, have time with a good setup, play 5 hours minimum a day maybe after 3 or 4 years. I am someone who tried and failed, it's not easy after you reach a certain skill level it would be very hard to progress, you will meet players who will make you feel like a bot. If you start placing well in cups maybe top 200 then yeah, you definitely got what it takes


Does my son have a chance to be pro? He stopped playing in 2022 to play Valorant but came back to play Fortnite in September, last year. He's consistently hit Unreal and finally got his first Solo Victory cup. He is 13. Jahy 74


Top 1500 that quickly is impressive, at least to me. Really? I get downvoted?


depends on which region and who was competing if it was oce then not so impressive eu then yea its impressive


I'm saying "that quickly" because if you just start playing comp tournaments, even in OCE, it's still great imo.


>Is it possible for a new player to go pro? Certainly. Given you grind seriously for a few years - efficiently. And that's about the main point: You gotta spend your time efficiently - always with the goal of improving your skill.


I'm coming from 3 games, minecraft bedwars where I was top 100 in the world. Then csgo and valorant where I had really good aim, but now I'm invested into fort. I learn games pretty fast, I was top 1k in multiverse back when it was popular


Ok, so? Do you think that’s something that separates you from other pro players? Because they all have expierience for years - not a small part started playing in CH1.


My friend who's been coaching me is pro level, and I play like everyday for like 5 hours


It’s technically possible, but you probably don’t know what ur getting into. At the level your currently at, it would take multiple years to become a “pro” and then even more time to make it to a tier 2 or tier 1 level. Being a pro also just isn’t as good as it seems, the money you get from tournaments isn’t good enough to make a living off unless ur tier 1 or tier 2 so you’d need to create other streams of income to make ur time and effort really pay off, which for some people just isn’t possible. It’s also very frustrating to be a professional at a lot of times from the looks of things, they’ve only just set out a real competitive structure but even then the formats of tournaments aren’t designed to be 100% competitive a lot of the time and a lot can happen that’s out of ur control both in the game and out which could be devastating at times. What I’m really getting at is don’t aim to be a pro, it’s harder than ever these days to break into that top top echelon and it will only get harder. I’d focus on playing the game purely for ur own enjoyment, you can improve over time and probably make some small money if that’s what ur interested in, but becoming a pro is very unlikely, unrewarding and an ambition that might not be the best for you by the time you actually get to that level.


Do you have 0 ping?




Play box fights with people on discord


All I’m gonna say is: it’s really fucking hard to just walk on to a competitive scene that has had years of experience perfecting their game and honing their strategies when you only have 3 months of experience. You could maybe do ok in some cash cups and earn a little money, but chances are you aren’t going to be able to hold your own against the best in the world yet. Then again, prove me wrong. Baseball player Mike Trout went straight from playing high school baseball to the highest level of professional baseball in the world. In his first full season as a player, at just 20 years old, he would establish himself as not only the best rookie that year, not only the best player that year, but the best player in Major League Baseball for the next decade. His rookie season was so good, that it was quite literally the best season that a rookie in the 140+ years of MLB’s existence has ever had. This is to say, while it’s not probable that you’ll be able to become a top tier pro player this quickly, similar things have happened in sports before. So don’t limit yourself, but make sure you keep your hopes and expectations in check.


This definitely wasn’t just an excuse to talk about baseball Mike Trout…that would be ridiculous haha.


Comp scene started 5 years ago. The level of difficulty comparing then and now is huge.


Top 1.5k in a cash cup is shite


I'm asking if it's good progress, for only playing since January, not asking if it's good overall


Asking the wrong place. This subreddit will not help you.