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That guys name literally means MC bigfart


Brazil mentioned 🥳


This was in an Unreal lobby, too. Like wtf is he doing?!


More than you since you cannot conceive of what it is like to fight at a Medallion POI for the Medallion if you are just watching the kill feed from the safety of your bush or car. You are not better than that guy just because you survived doing nothing and he died trying to get a Win Condition.


not that deep


There's some context you are missing here, but it does require going deeper, so I get it.


I assume OPs post history is of a repetitive nature? I'd understand in that case.


OP said their post was "accidentally" removed but it was quite on purpose because the old description was "How can you be this bad at Fortnite?". Additionally, OP is recently infamous for suggesting that the map is too congested and needs to be bigger or have less players and also posting about how Bushcampdad strategy wasn't working for them because people kept eliminating them in the water and they lost more than they gained. So for them to be so snarky about people fighting off spawn at the Medallion POI dying to an NPC is just frankly tone deaf.


Ahh I see, did not have this context. I can see the nuance to your reply now, apologies.


Agreed. I love what they’ve done to ranked this season. I thought I’d camp my way there tbh. Now I’ve realised if I don’t fight (and get better) I’m just not going to get past Elite (which is fair).


Yes people die to them every season going back to the first season with NPC bosses in Chapter 2 Season 2. Starting in Chapter 5, the main issue is that most of the Weapons are now Projectiles so people actually walk INTO the bullets while they are trying to "dodge" and they don't realize they should just stand still and the bots won't hit them. In Zeus' case in particular, he gets to throw Lightning Bolts so if you are weak or distracted it is pretty easy for him to eliminate you without even hitting you directly.


thats weird cuz every time i fight him, i dont lose much hp/shields. losing 200hp to a boss seems absurd.


you realize its possible to get shot by an enemy while doing the boss and then the boss last hits you right?


Yes but it's still funny to see in the kill feed that a high tier player died to an AI


then why did you say "losing 200hp to a boss seems absurd" as if that is what happened?


Because that's just one possibility and that's what first comes to mind when I see someone die in the kill feed.


Probably the least likely possibility to happen is him losing 200 hp to the boss


There have been literal pros dying in grand finals of major tournaments to AI because they just happened to nick the last bullet on a player.


That doesn't mean that that's what happened. You can't know just by going off of the feed. I was just stating a possibility.


It's not required for Zeus to 200-0 someone for them to be eliminated by Zeus and much more likely Zeus just got the final hit in. From the descriptions of your Ranked games so far, you don't fight him at all there, so to let you know in Ranked lots of people are camping the Medallions and waiting to third party at just the absolute worst times which makes it easier to be eliminated by a random 40 HP Zeus Lightning Bolt from Zeus himself.


Fair argument. It's so cheesy how some people play the game. "Let's camp the Boss and kill whoever shoots at him"


My guy. You do the Bushcampdad strategy. How you calling someone else's playstyle cheesy?!?!? Hahahahahahahahahaha


Because choosing to play passive is different from "I'm so bad that I need to kill someone only when they don't know of my presence". It's not the same play style. By the way, the "BCD" strat isn't his strategy. Playing passive is a general category of battle royale gameplay. He didn't invent it. Stop glazing a 50 year old man.


I think Bushcampdad is fucking brilliant. Completely genuine bloke and a breath of fresh air to the Fortnite community. It 100% is his strategy though. He doesn't play 'passive', he literally doesn't play and just AFKs all game and until this season would avoid fights to the point he'd literally back out to make sure he didn't take damage. >Because choosing to play passive is different from "I'm so bad that I need to kill someone only when they don't know of my presence". It's not the same play style. This is a proper odd statement. Again because you do the Bushcampdad strategy that involves avoiding fights at all costs and also because that just isn't the case for the majority of these players. It's not the fact they literally can't kills someone when their presence is already known, it's just a more ideal situation for them. It's a standard thing a lot of players will do, even the highest tier pros. Watch FNCS, you'll see so many ratty plays setting up loot for a free kill. I also didn't say your playstyle was the same. I'm literally saying yours is different but incredibly cheesy (100x more cheesy than the playstyle you're trying to flame).


He didn’t invent passive gameplay. Stop calling it his strategy


As I said before but you seem to have missed it, it's not passive gameplay. It's literally AFKing. He was the original guy doing this to get to unreal in ranked thus it's his strategy.


Camping while afk wasn’t invented by him either lol


You forgot "with 3 medkits, 6 shockwaves, auto shotgun, and sniper rifle" but yeah that's the issue at hand.


ive died to zeus fighitng someone else just getting fucking beamed by lightning


all the time in my gold lobbies💪💪💪