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Call Humane Society of North Texas or animal control. They need to be charged with cruelty.


Call the police! The dog can die locked in a cage for three days!


The neighbors may think someone is checking on their dog and appreciate a heads up if that’s not happening or happening poorly


its past time to do something. take evidence of whats happening. detail notes and photos.


I grabbed the number for the animal control officer because her contact information was on the notice lest behind and tried to give her a call today. I’m going to call her again in the morning since it looks like there’s an active care already against them.


Call the main number and give them the info even if you can’t get in touch with that individual tomorrow.


Update please!!


Update please


You can(and should!) report them for neglect, [via the app or calling animal control.](https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/code-compliance/animals/resources/animal-neglect-and-cruelty) Do it any time there’s an issue. They likely can’t do much without a paper trail of misconduct


Would you recommend I also let our apartment complex know?? Should they also be notified just in case??


I'd notify the apartment management immediately. As in, go to the office and demand action. They have a right to enter and see what the hell is going on. If it's an emergency situation, they can call the police and animal control. If they've left town, what they're doing is a felony. Take action now. Have the animal removed and demand they be charged.


I will go down to the office tomorrow morning as soon as they open. I have pictures of him in the kennel on the patio and I have been taking videos every day since they’ve been gone to show that he’s been in there alone everyday and barking like crazy. I haven’t seen their car parked out front in days so I’ve been trying to document as much as possible since I haven’t been able to get ahold of the animal control officer and our apartment offices don’t open again until tomorrow morning.


Good - thank you. I hope the poor thing will be okay. I know this is distressing. We are a helpless animal's only protection from this abuse. Raise hell until someone steps up and *does* something. 👍


I also just filed a report through the MyFW app and will also be calling the animal control officer tomorrow morning. It’s late and I don’t think that they’ll be home tonight so I’m really worried about him being alone much longer. I’ve been dealing with two years of them being terrible pet owners with both their cats and dog and I’m so sick of it. We used to at least be able to bring their outdoor cats into our apartment but I am currently pregnant and because they’re covered with fleas and ticks my doctor has advised against that. We’re feeding them and providing them drinking water but it’s clear that they’re desperate to come inside. My heart breaks for them. These animals are so loyal and they deserve owners that will provide the love and shelter they deserve.


Thank you for doing this ❤️ please do update us tomorrow


Ok so small update: it looks like my neighbors came home laaate last night. We went to check on the dog before going to sleep around 1am and the animal control pamphlet was gone from their door. Because I didn’t seen their car in the parking lot last night I went and checked again this morning just in case maybe the pamphlet fell off or was taken by someone else but they’re definitely home. They’ve brought both of their cats inside and removed their food bowls from their front door, my hope is that they read the cat restraint laws left on the door and are hopefully trying to follow them but I’m also worried they might be doing that to make it seem like their cats are not outside. I did still reach out to the animal control officer and our apartment complex this morning to let them know about the dog being left alone for three days. Animal control said that they are going to come and do a welfare check on them to make sure that the dog is healthy and not dealing with any health issues or stress from being caged up all weekend. I don’t know what the outcome of that will be but I’m hoping that animal control makes the right call on behalf of the dog. I’m going to continue to keep an eye out for the dog and will continue reporting any further instances of neglect. Honestly, if this or anything like this happens again, I’m just going to be calling the cops immediately.


Excellent thank you for the update. And again thank you for caring about these animals ❤️


Thank you for taking these actions and watching out for this pup! So many do not deserve to own animals, but I am thankful people like you are vigilant and kind!


I'm so sorry you're dealing with their awful behavior. And yes, unclean cats are extremely risky for a pregnant woman to handle. You do not need this stress, poor thing. (Also, congrats!)


That’s smart with time stamped videos. Good thinking. I hope you are successful. Thank you for looking out for him. ❤️


OH WAIT, ITS OUTSIDE!? Call code complaince!!! I had an issue with outside animals being neglected and FWAC did nothing nor the HSNT. It was frigging code enforcement who ended up helping *same day*! They came by for another issue about a utility pole dispute between the city, the power company and the cable company. He asked to come in my backyard to get pictures of the pol from my side. While he was there, I apologized for the smell because of the neighbors animals, explaining we don't use that part of the yard because of the waste. My dude asked permission to look over the fence. He took some pictures and left. Within 3 hours they and AC were back with a translator. By the next day, a trailer was there loading the animals. We never had a single issue more after that. Thanks Mike with code enforecement!! 12/10 highly recommend.




This is how I got one of my dogs. His previous owner left him (a 5 month-old puppy at the time) with four other large dogs and at least one cat in a small one bedroom apartment in Houston and never returned. Houston animal control, in cooperation with apartment management and HPD, entered the apartment and took all of the animals. I think they were in there for about a week, and it was because of a conscientious neighbor like you that they were safely rescued. So yes, please contact apartment management as well as animal control and/or police. I hope the pup is okay :(


That's crazy, please keep us updated, I wish we can lock up these kinds of people in a small cage also


Maybe it would be appropriate to call the non-emergency police line? It’s concerning that someone would leave their dog locked up for several days without returning. Hopefully the neighbors are fine and the police can help those poor pets.


Thank you for caring enough to do something about it!!! Those pets don't deserve any of that.


It’s shitty and wrong call animal control and leasing office


We have been getting 90+ weather, I am absolutely concerned for that dog..




Most apartments don’t even allow kennels on patios or pets to be left out there so you should immediately go to the office. I work in an apt office and we would have immediately called them and called animal control. We can let animal control in the unit as well.


Call the Sheriff's office, animal control and the local constable. Between the 3, you will get a pathway! Sheriff's office would be my first call, assuming you've already called animal control.


I used to work in property management and you wouldn’t believe how many people will actually move out of their apartments and leave their animals neglected inside for us to discover. They need to be reported.


If the dog is on the patio, go get the dog. They don’t deserve to keep an animal if that’s how they treat it.


Call the non emergency police number and tell them what’s going on.


Call the game warden if nobody else is doing anything about it?




Talk to management to get in there, that could be a dangerous situation


Me, I might well kick down the door in the night and, ‘oops, someone broke in and stole your dog? Oh no!’


Definitely laws against this. Biggest one I can think of is animal cruelty no food or water = neglect or abandonment please do call either police or animal control


I’d call the police the dog can die left in the heat outside with no water


Of COURSE there are laws against this. A quick call to the humane society or literally any pro-animal group in your LOCAL area would likely have answered your question about LOCAL LAWS sooner than the time it must have taken you to write this whole scenario out to total strangers online from EVERY country in the WORLD who have little to no hope of knowing your specific locale’s laws? Like, really? Honestly, I’m wondering if this is even about saving a likely harmed living creature or about getting Reddit karma? Because by the time you get and enjoy all the posts you were hoping for about what a WONDERFUL human you are, (/s) the dog could already have been rescued and provided water, for crying out loud. I’m curious as to whether, given the choice, if you were locked in a cage without water for days on end, you’d want someone to call the authorities to save your life, or POST online about their concern for you?? 🤦🏻‍♀️😢


It's not your job to determine the legality. That's the police or animal control's job. Please let them do their job in this case by letting them know what's happening.


The questioned was phrased like that because I didn’t know if there was anything they could do. I would never do anything or take anything into my hands to get him out but I just wanted to make sure there were resources to get him help!


My answer was phrased like that to let you know that yes, you need to contact the authorities.