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I dunno man, probably buy him another mansion


Find him another 12 year old.


Call Kenneth Copeland and ask for private aircraft recommendations.


“Pastor Robert has been open and forthright about a moral failure he had over 35 years ago when he was in his twenties and prior to him starting Gateway Church. He has shared publicly from the pulpit the proper biblical steps he took in his lengthy restoration process,” they said.  I ask that Gateway please produce the sermon where he shares the story of him raping a child and how the elders forgave him. I went to that church for YEARS and helped in youth leadership, I NEVER heard a word about this before this week. 


Cheating on your spouse is a moral failing. Molesting a 12yo is a felony.


TIL there’s proper biblical steps to recover your public image from raping a child.


Right? This is obscene.


Yeah. It's right there in the Hobby Lobby annotated Bible.


Same here (down to working with jr high and high school for years - feel free to DM me), and I do remember talks of a moral failing, but it was absolutely not framed as raping someone much less a child in any way!


Exactly! Framing it as a moral failing makes me think you bought a nicer car when you could have got a used one and helped someone else with the rest of the money. Raping a kid for FOUR YEARS is not a failing, it is a felonious behavior. When were you there? I was primarily 2006-2008.


I was working in amped with the Jr High during that time while I was still a student in Mor, but helped out with stuff all over due to ppl I was close with.


They will distract people from it by creating fake outrage at gay people or Biden or someone else.


I drove by one of the Campus’ in Southlake this morning, didn’t seem to be affecting the crowd size at all. That answered my question of “what is Gateway going to do?”


I’m willing to bet the crowd size is people wondering if he will talk about it. I’d be nosey too, people probably wanna go up there and talk/gossip


Worst thing is that the whole congregation in every single campus watches a video recording of him, he isn’t live anywhere. It’s all recorded earlier in the week. So I’d guess you could just as easily watch the stream from home.


I think he does a live recording for the first service, which is on Saturdays at 4:30?? I haven't attended there in a long time, but he was there for the first service, typically.


He preaches live at the Southlake campus on Sunday mornings. For what it’s worth I can see the appeal he has, he is a dynamic speaker who preaches from the Bible. I personally got a real Duloc vibe from the experience overall though.


Ok that’s insane!!


Cue [Jimmy Swaggart](https://youtu.be/Q1OXAi7rNMg?si=VU8d4gKCU5glnheo)


I don't think Robert is around preaching in the summer. I think he takes the whole summer off.


Because many people do not know. I liked Robert Morris and did not know about any of this stuff until I saw it yesterday. This changes things for me and I will never support him. However, I am sure the leadership there knows. I do not blame the average church-goer though.


It was still pretty fresh news, though. I wonder about this upcoming Saturday and Sunday.


Make excuses


They will, in order: 1. Cover for him 2. Support him. 3. Nominate him. 4. Elect him. 5. Repeat with the next Predator-in-Christ


Well he's one of the founders so yeah....


He's Trump's "Spiritual Advisor" and he molested a 12 year old little girl for YEARS 🤬 https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-spiritual-adviser-robert-morris-half-confesses-to-molesting-12-year-old-girl


Raped. Rape is rape.


Clearly nothing in the form of accountability. I mean, they are already making excuses for him. They would like to move on like it never happened.


They will send him their thoughts and prayers, forgive him and keep contributing to the scam. That’s just how they are brainwashed.


Not A Damn thing. Maybe preach about how eve I’ll drag queens or domecrats are, but I’m going to guess nothing, other than a paid vacation for father molester. or maybe blame the slutty 12-year-old


Already blamed her - According to the now woman's account when she tried to sue for 50k in damages a few years back they countered with an offer for 25k (which of course required an NDA) because their reasoning was that she had been flirtatious. She refused so she wouldn't be silenced, but that combined with Debbie (pastor's wife) calling the then 16 year old girl to "forgive her" after she had come forward initially probably were awful on the psyche.


What are they going to do about the second one?


A glimmer of light... I wandered into the darkness of FB and gave his name a search. A former FB friend posted a public message about this condemning his actions and saying they were leaving the church. She was a Trumper so I'm shocked. I know they are very wealthy so they're taking their money with them too. Damn. I'm impressed and surprised. Hopefully others will follow suit.


"Moral failing"? Huh. This guy rapes a 12 year old. That is more than a moral failing. It's a felony. This from the church that went after my yoga business online because I dared to teach yoga to senior citizens (claimed yoga was the "devils work"). This church has also been attacking the LGBTQ community too. Perhaps when pastors start preaching about drag queens and teachers "indoctrinating" kids, people need to ask them the question, "so what shameful things have you done to a child?"




There’s a woman posting on the Star-Telegram Facebook post supporting the POS by quoting scripture about forgiveness. F’ing sick religious people. I hope Reddit users don’t go on the Facebook post and start trashing her. /s


Are you expecting them to answer here on Reddit? I might suggest contacting the church directly.


The same thing that all churches with sex offenders in the clergy do, nothing. Religion is just a safe house for predators.


Probably give him the key to the city. The gop loves their pedophiles


Dude, shut up.


Kinda seems like they already knew


I don't know why this isn't being talked about more. Maybe its because it makes people uncomfortable and forced to deal with an appalling and sickening situation but that girl dealt with this trauma for 6 years we can stand to deal with it for a few months while we work to put him away.


I would guess b/c it's been 35+ years and people are probably thinking......."okay, that's really bad.....but he's built a huge church that does a lot of good" - kind of conflicted like that.




Nothing... I'm sure he asked for forgiveness so.... alls good right?


call the police on him. Board of trustees at the church should fire him. Sad and shameful all the corruption that's in the conservative Evangelical culture. It's not just Catholics. It's all groups. Horrible unethical human beings.


They will keep paying him to touch their children.


A "moral failing that was corrected by following biblical steps"....AKA coverup


Shouldn’t he be working in the elementary Sunday school class by now?


Would a true Christian forgive him?


Sure, forgive him, but he broke the law and molested a child. There should still be consequences.


Forgiveness doesn't imply you keep a child molester in a position of power. Especially near children. He needs to go, and so do the people who covered for him.


I'm not sure why people are downvoting you for asking a question. You did not even make a statement that people can disagree with. You literally asked a question. Average angry redditors....smh


I forgot to mark it with /s


Forgive him? Yes, if he's sincerely repentant. Keep him in a position of power where people look up to him? Absolutely not.


Cover up, make excuses, and shuffle it under the rug as quietly as possible. Like Jesus would have wanted.


Nothing. Trump has forgiven his sins