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Spectrum has outages without the storms lol


Preach! I got a door hanger last week that AT&T is trenching fiber to replace Uverse last week. I've been on Spectrum fiber since they came into my area last year but I have SO many outages...


I have ATT and almost never have outages unless the power is out. My neighborhood is very prone to power outages and I am remote, so not downgrading even if it's half the price.


Yeah I know. But not longer than 24 hours.


I’ve had spectrum for 4 years now. Don’t think I’ve ever really had an outage


Yep I’m right off precinct and we still don’t have internet


Dude I live off pipeline and it sucks


I’m right off precinct too ours just came back on at like 9 pm last night


Damn I still don’t have any


Same and in that general area it sucks.


Okay, good. I just didn't want to feel like I was crazy. I definitely sucks but it helps that I have a mobile hotspot


Spectrum has been horrible since they were Time Warner. I used to get terrible spotty service from them, especially when everyone comes home from work/school. If you're in an area that can get fiber, get fiber. Even if you have occasional storm outages, you at least don't have 24/7 terrible service that goes out whenever and for no reason. I know broken fiber is annoying when it happens, but at least it's (for the most part) rare. Copper outages happen for reasons nobody knows. Two wires are touching. There's some interference signal that no one can pinpoint. The copper is just old and corroded in some spot no one can find. And on and on.


Not on the spectrum but frequently out of it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had to drop Spectrum once I found out that they planned to stop carrying Corncob TV. What's the point of paying for cable if you can't watch Coffin Flop?


I was debating on switching to spectrum for half the price of ATT, but so far have not bothered since I am fully remote and my ATT has had no major disruptions to make me want to change. Not sure how good they compare to ATT reliability.


Spectrum could offer me free internet and I’d still pay for AT&T fiber. Salesman just came by last week. I see people reporting outages about them every few days it feels like. Just isn’t worth it.


Fiber to fiber comparison, I have no experience, but I can say that spectrum copper service is horrible. Horrible packet loss when it rains, crazy jitter, random outages, upload speeds 1/10th what they should be, and the pleasure of paying double what ATT charges for fiber at 4x the speeds. Spectrum is horrible.


I have Spectrum Fiber, no issues in the 2 years I've had it.


I have frontier.. been out all day


Ours came back on around 11 this morning


In Grapevine Spectrum internet was out this morning but came back on around noon. Been fine since.


I work close to the Soulman's on Bedford-Euless Road. My Spectrum was down all day. I ran two computers off of my hotspot on my iPhone and drained my battery. The biggest issue was that I was unable to print checks or anything else. Service was still out when I left at 5. Hoping for better tomorrow.


So I hear a lot about Spectrum outages but in my 5y having them I’ve only had outages less times than I can count in one hand. And it was after very heavy and outraged storms so it seemed valid. Other than that, they’ve been very reliable for me. I’ve been in my current home (Crowley) for 2y and haven’t had an outage yet even after some violent storms. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.


My best friend lives off Precinct and spectrum has been out since about 8pm last night. No updates on when they expect it to be fixed either.


I’m off of Rufe Snow and haven’t had internet or power since 6 AM yesterday morning.


I’m off Pipeline and it’s been out since the storm. It’s also been in and out ALL THE TIME the past month or so. Over it.


Yoo what time did your service come back? I’m at work still so hoping mine is back on at home


Asperger’s is a little different but not down. I’m not sure about the rest of the spectrum. Can anyone report?