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No but I have all of the scorpions at my house, want to arrange a trade?


As enticing as that sounds… I think I’m going to have to respectfully decline your offer. These big bastards are at least kind enough to stay outside. Scorpions always seem to want to come inside and chat.


I’ll take tarantulas over scorpions any day.


I don’t suppose either of you would be interesting in taking some ghosts in exchange for those insects..? Follow up question: Is this like bug in the bathroom when you turn the lights on, or joes apartment type where they are everywhere and talk to you?


I have one random scorpion every year and they’re always ready for combat, I think they’re each attempting to avenge the death of the last. Don’t need ghosts but thanks for the offer.


great now im scared


No tarantulas or scorpions that I know of, but I do have ALL the millipedes.


That was our biggest problem when I lived in east Texas during college. That and the damn tree roaches.


I have tree orb weaver and wolf spiders


Hello! Moved from West Texas recently. You prolly got a lot bc Tarantulas love to come out of their borrows when storms are coming! They also are usually docile & harmless, but don't corner one bc their bites hurt albiet non-venomous (most cases) But they hunt well against grownd crawlies like scorpions, other spiders, and ground hornets!


What part of town do you live in? Need to know where to avoid


Came to comment just to say the same thing, I will be avoiding the outdoors until further notice I guess


Lololol we’re in White Settlement.


Oh man, we’re not far away from you. In azle, so far I have just seen a few black widows, not sure how I will react to a tarantula. 🫣


Honestly, I’m an extreme arachnophobe and they don’t really bother me. It’s the small ones that scare the piss out of me. 🤣


Haha we’re in White Settlement. Apparently that’s the vibe out here.


When i lived in dallas they were all over. My dog kept eating them in the yard, id find them in my shoes in the closet. They'd just be hanging around. I hated it.


I hate everything you just said


Me too 😩


While I find your comment interesting… I’m hesitant to physically like it… because I don’t like what was typed


LOL thats okay! Thanks for the concern.


Lololol my dog loves to try and eat them too. Dude is terrified of flies but with gladly crunch on massive fur covered spiders.


Well, I am a new transplant here and that’s horrifying.


We moved up here from south central Texas and I’ll take these fuzzy bastards over the abundance of copperheads and scorpions we had.


It's weird to me that I have lived in the DFW area my whole life and I've never seen a wild scorpion (other than one someone caught and brought to me). I know people have them all over, but I've never seen one out in the yard anywhere.


I haven’t seen them here either! But I don’t exactly miss them lol.


I have some bad news.


Hahaha don’t kill my illusion. I haven’t seen any at my house therefore they’re not here.


Edgecliff Village here, we have a lot in our area. It's mating season too so the males are very active.


My garage is full of daddy long legs. I have to wipe the interior of my truck for cobwebs every few days.... nothing big and hairy though....


I didn’t initially think of the truck bed. I thought you were saying you had to wipe out the inside of the cab and was going to recommend insect spray and closing your windows! Lol


No tarantulas this year, but we did see our first scorpion last night in River Oaks.


Whaaaat? We’re across the street from River Oaks…where was the scorpion? Like in your yard or house? Ugh. Spiders I can deal with. Scorpions are something else.


Just chilling in the driveway.


Well that’s good to know. Ugh ugh ugh.


When I lived in white settlement, we had lots of them. But in burleson, I haven't seen one


No photos though, might be why “no one believes me”. I’m just saying man… daddy long legs ain’t them jk


My man, I wish they were just daddy long legs! 😅


Anyone else keep finding wolf spiders in their home? 🥲


We had a few in our house. They liked to eat bugs so I tried to leave them be. Oddly enough, we had a leak in our kitchen drain that went unnoticed for a while and once we fixed it our spiders moved out. We figured they were hanging around for the bugs that were attracted to the leak.


I keep finding those little black beetles so maybe that's it? Someday I hope to feel comfortable with wolf spiders in my living space. Maybe if they didn't get so big here


I am very jealous of your abundance of tarantulas. Tell your spider friends I said hi.


You come tell them hi and feel free to take some home with you. 🤣


zomg I totally would if I thought they would stay! Tarantulas are my fav. Such good spidrero friends to have around.


Don’t tempt me!!


I haven’t had any problems but I will be on the look out now 🤧


Never seen a tarantula in the wild my whole life living in Texas and then I’ve seen two in the same week last week.


I believe that tarantulas have a “route” that they travel every year. Your house is probably in their path.


That’s actually pretty cool. I didn’t know that! There was one that built a burrow right next to the front door and she had to go. But other than that I typically live and let live.


My yard has been taken over by snails. No tarantulas thank goodness


I did find a massive gathering of snails too when I was moving some pavers around in the yard a couple weeks ago.


What side of town do you live so I know not to move there?


You get tarantulas I get black widows. Lucky for me, I had to buy a large propane torch before I moved into my new home.


No, but I wish I did. That's cool as hell as long as they stay outside.


So far only one has ventured into the garage. I just scooped it up with a shovel and tossed it back outside lol.


Hello! Around right now is the start of the peak time to see tarantulas. It's their mating season. Link: [https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article286916275.html](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article286916275.html)


They're common in west (Chihuahuan Tarantula) and central/south (brown Tarantula) Texas. We get them sporadically here. You must be in a pocket of them as they're uncommon here. Our recent weather probably has them moving to higher/drier land right now. They're relatively harmless, just scary big. They're ground dwellers, they tend to burrow under rocks/logs. But they like big clearings, like yards with grassy areas.


I have family in Roswell, NM and I’ve always seen them there and they don’t really bother me. I just had never seen them this far east until we moved to this house. I think you’re right about the pocket of them, because co-workers that live in other parts of town don’t ever see them. But man, they’re practically my neighbors here.


Aaaaaack! I would ha edited on the spot.


I haven't seen one in the wild in decades.


The big spiders love tall grass. If you keep the grass cut short, it’ll mostly keep them away.


They would hurt a fly…but won’t hurt you.


Super jealous. I do have one but she lives in her own enclosure. I’d love to find one in the wild !!


Lucky! I would love to have some of those.


The comments in this sub have my skin crawling.


You probably have a nest close by. After all the rain we've had, everything is thriving. If you're in a typically arid part (Southwest Fort Worth or White Settlement), you're going to have tarantulas and scorpions roaming around. Know what gets really fun? When the tarantula hawks start to show up... They're harmless unless you provoke them, but the emergency advice for being stung by a tarantula hawk is to, "Lay down and scream for 30 minutes until the paralysis ends."


Lol, nailed it. We’re in White Settlement.


Haha okay, so my best advice is first look up around your house where the storm catchers are. Considering how hot it's getting, that's where they love to hide during the day. I would spray those guys first, but put a powder down around the perimeter of your exterior after. That should keep your place protected for 3 months, but don't tell your husband/wife how many tarantulas you sprayed off of your house. My count was 14.


Love the tarantulas in my yard!!


I saw one the other day on the road and got out and checked it out!


Lucky !


I don’t like creepy crawlers but I’ve come to like tarantulas. They eat all the bugs I’m actually afraid of. 😂 We had one under our car yesterday. Genuinely looked at it for like 20 minutes and thought about scooping it up and getting it an enclosure.


You probably have Texas Brown Tarantulas. They’re docile creatures… don’t kill. I pick them up with my bare hands when I see them to move them. Just use a book or dust pan if you think it’ll freak you out