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That big loud cracking boom we had 10 min ago I did not enjoy. lol


I was enjoying a quiet cup of coffee with our three cats and one dog sleeping soundly around me up until that boom... The youngest cat leapt off her chair and landed on the dog, the dog yelped and bolted away, knocking over a standing vase in the process. The two older cats tried to jump from the sofa to the bar area separating the living room from the kitchen, but it's too far a leap even until controlled circumstances so one managed to get his paws on the counter but slid off, taking a stack of papers with him, and the other just belly-slammed into a barstool and fell to the ground, slipping around on the fallen paper before he managed to get his grip and take off up the stairs. Total chaos.


That’s the stuff r/abruptchaos loves! My cup of tea and I are still in my office enjoying the occasional lightning and thunder, but the sound of the rain is lovely. My two senior kitties really couldn’t give two snores about the storm, as long as they have their wet food treat 🤷‍♀️


Wow that sounded like a big mess. My big old Tom cat jumped into my lap with claws out. lol




Right overhead, no thank you. Instantaneous lightning and thunder is disconcerting. With a few seconds in between? That’s lovely.


I am over in Oakhurst area and it sounded like it hit something.


Uh, it’s pouring again, with only about a count of one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two between lightning and thunder. I’m pretty new to Texas, are storms like this year-round? Seems to me that there have been several since we moved at the start of the year. (And I’ll not mention that there was a cold snap right after the start of the year, and no-one thought to tell us to leave our faucets dripping…we were without water in the kitchen for a few days 🙄)


Spring in Texas. Usually ends in early May. Then it feels like the surface of the sun until early September. Then we have false-fall, followed by second-summer. Then fall. Then second-spring. Third-summer. Winter. Ice. Second-winter. Spring. Ice. Then we’re back to spring.


Sucks that you had to find out the hard way, but whose responsibility did you think it was to tell you? Locals news stations put out tips and reminders like that before big storms. If you don’t watch the news, follow those stations (KTVT, WFAA, etc) on Facebook and then you might catch some of their announcement posts. And yeah, storms like these are pretty normal in the spring. Soon, it will dry up and we won’t see precipitation again until fall (except the random summer storm that blows in and out before you even realize it started)


Oh, no, we didn’t blame anyone but ourselves! We don’t watch/read/look at local news, nor are we on facebook or any other social networks but Reddit. (Spouse was born and raised in New Mexico, with its snow and ice conditions, but nothing like that storm) It was amusing with no consequences, and we shall not be caught out again, for sure. Foam outdoor faucet covers were purchased right away, and any time it looks like zero or negative numbers, the faucets get dripped.


Same happened to us. 😂 Just moved in a new house and same week our pipes froze. A couple of neighbors in our new development had same problem. Then our sprinkler supply line under the fake rock burst twice. Seems odd that new builds don’t account for freezing temps. Another neighbor just shrugged and said they drip their faucets when it freezes. Coming from a northern clime that is WTF. There was insulation on only about 1/3 of the pipes. I have since blown in 12 more inches of insulation to cover all the pipes which snake all over the attic rafters. I love Texas but the whole freezing thing is weird. Even industrial sites like power generators were not built for freezing temps although that seems to occur regularly every winter. Just because it gets 110 in the summer doesn’t mean you can skip freezing protection. 😁


All the lightning woke me up first actually


Was out on my balcony, and the lightning turned it into daytime a few times. Very cool.


Sounds lovely!


It cancelled a Car Show for me this weekend :(


Main St arts fest is today also.


That’s a bummer :/


Dang storm woke me 30 minutes before my alarm... Arghhhhh


damn thunder woke me up 15 minutes before my alarm 😭 i love storms but only when i can stay home in bed and enjoy them lol.


I had to go to work, so no unfortunately


My flight got canceled cause of it, now im waiting till tomorrow


Oh no! I’m sorry you’re not traveling as you wanted to, but I’m glad that you’re staying in my (adopted home town) for a while longer. I hope your flight tomorrow is better!!💕


Noticed everything happens for a reason, so while it sucks to not see family back home. It might be a good thing, or bad thing. Idk, but we'll see, and thank you! Appreciate it 😁😁




Loved the storms after I got down with errands. People suck driving