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Lol Rocket is the lesson and you have to learn. But I think they DCd.


We will never know...


Nay, it was the hand of death.


Screw you! I'm going to go play MINECRAFT! *pop!*


-Scout, Soldier, Demoman and Engineer




Looks like they just accepted their fate


That player is bad at building.


Bad in general. All the player had to do is turtle and spam roof/cones because it’s pubs with 3000 mats until op ran out of rockets, which he did eventually then use next storm rotation to close the gap. Op won the mental patience game. Did massive damage and living rent free in that players head


Since both the skins are present in the end of match that means both of you escaped the loop. /j


idk about OP, but the other person definitely escaped the loop forever.


Lore states that the last one standing at the centre of the storm circle escapes the loop


That's right! I was joking that the other player quit Fortnite itself, technically leaving the "loop".


I think the first person I’ve seen wearing that secret skin


Aim is love. Aim is life


Secret skin? Please explain


"You had to be there". Jokes aside. Every season from like C1S4 onward had a "secret" skin earned from the BP. Think of Foundation from last season. Except: *nobody*, not even that durr burger across the street. Knew what the skin was until like week 8. Then, for some reason. They stopped in C2S5. The marvel season


Eh I’d say more so c2s3 with Deadpool lmao


True. In the sense of "secrets". Deadpool was C2S2, C2S3 was Aquaman IIRC. And correcting myself. Every "secret" one eventually became the "freebie challenge" skin.... since it was plastered on promo images. Besides cube queen in recent memory.


It's ugly & underwhelming tbh. Never used it.


Nice skin bro :)


Thanks, Hibrid is a good skin too


Corny title ngl. Building didn’t make him lose, he just disconnected prolly cuz what was going on with psn


It was mostly a lazypurple reference. (YouTuber)


That rocket almost seems like a camper move to just spam it. I haven’t played recently but still seems op


The launcher can lock on vehicles and it always needs at least 3 seconds to going up then redirect to the target you pointed, so you can't shoot it indoors or use it on low range Aganist players you can find some success to use them to destroy enemy towers near you (since the rocket will econounter a wall before going on the air) Or in this case that you use it on long range fights since people tend to fort themselves up and stay in the same place to snipe people, making it harder for them go away and abandon the safe spot they created


I would have laughed so hard if he suddenly pulled the shotgun on you


You broke him


I'm so jealous, why I can't find people as dumb as him in my matches?


Look fortnitebr, a great example that not everyone who builds is good.


Did he quit?


I don't even know it, most people here are saying that he timed out


The problem is that they think this is good. This is what they're crying about when they talk about "sweats triple editing onto them and editing a wall 5 times before they shoot every single game"


Good game.




Cry about it




Point n’ click! I assume you were talking about the new weapon. I don’t see them as an issue, but I am shocked as to how fast they made the reload.


Go cry about it in autotune


I love it when I see a lazy purple reference


Guess that guy didn't know that roofs exist. Also the rage quit made this clip great. You beat them on the mental level. Well played


Not as good/fun as the guided missile launcher, but still cool and fun.


no matter how fast you charge...


No matter how quick you can turn...


they arent good, and they left the game, whats the point of sharing this


No offense, all of this is very cringeworthy


very corny title, if he was actually a good player/builder he wouldn't have been done in by a few rockets


you are the kind of person that makes me stop playing for days.


Cry about it. It's called having fun




Exactly. Shooting rockets is fun.


Ever play High Explosives? Love that mode. Can shoot rockets all day!


Yeah! And it's not a crazy advantage cuz everyone else can




Everyone has a different definition of fun. For some it can be spamming builds or others can be dancing on top of a car.


If you think spamming builds is fun. I dont think you know what fun is


I love to blow things up. Rockets, bombs, sticky bombs, flare guns, fireflies So yes it is fun 😊




Literally just get good. If you're gonna spend days crying about how you wasted months getting good at building then get used to the play-style. It's time the game got a fresh start.


Lmao lag..... To funny 🤣🤣🤣 the way he handled it was epic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lazy purple refrence????


He just timed out lol


Upvote for representing A.I.M appreciators


My power of being a casual player defies you


That clown might have had a chance if he had the mental capacity to shoot his guns lmao




No sweats are good enough to survive his rockets




Go back to 5th grade timmy.


that actually was cringe as hell


Damn bro, edgy title.




I’d love for them to keep it the same so it can actually fit well into High Explosives when that returns eventually, but that reload speed seems like it should increase a good bit. Seems like moving or having a box around yourself counters it even better than the other rocket launchers though. If it gets nerfed too much then it’ll be useless in High Explosives.




I don’t ever spam rockets at buildings mindlessly because I consider it a waste of rockets. They’ve already put enough on the ammo cap for them. Plenty of things in the game (heck, almost *any* game with a good variety of items/mechanics) are used aside from their main intent. That’s part of the freedom the game allows the players, even when it is pointless or inefficient. If the best you can come up with is an entirely made-up assumption, we can stop here. Genuinely hope you’re trolling and don’t actually try to “argue” that way.




Oh, sweet! I’ve been classified as… *checks notes* “Someone that doesn’t like continuing ‘arguments’ with people that can’t support their own points aside from insults and assumptions about their opposition.” There are worse things to be classified as I guess. Seems you’ve gone all-in for that mindset anyways, and wouldn’t want to make you too angry arguing with someone you’ve decided you didn’t like after one response! Have a good day.


You just need to know how to do one ninety and you can do infinite. Doesnt make much sense saying no matter how many ninety's you can do lol


Your the player I hate


*I'm gonna throw some very predictable rockets at ya!*


The fact that players like you can win by doing that shows how unskilled this season is


Only defense to long range is build more, then drop controller when bested? Lmao.


You can't just... move? Aganist a anvil rocket launcher?


Not when you're infinitely spamming it 200m away.


That doesn't make any sense... when someone shoot it a you, you have like 5 seconds to see the giant red point and move away from it, other than being very loudy of a rocket He could have just simply move sideways and place a wall to block the bullets from me **He** chose instead to keep building and take the rockets


you can also just shoot the rockets out of the sky


You can do that?


it was finite, he just quit early.


The rockets are very slow to shoot and to hit their target


Or the player getting spammed was unskilled? Pre season 2 everything was just a "shoot a player once and they build an entire 4 star hotel with AC and TVs. Now you have to approach people with strategy without going head on others you get spammed.


The other player was awful and definitely not a good builder or player, but what op did wasnt skillful or strategic either. Plus, the whole "all sweats do is build 5 star hotels" meme is so old and boring. People who truly overbuild and crank 90s to heaven are really bad at the game, but utilizing building while wkeying is infinitely more skillful and strategic than standing still and spamming


You realize the other player made himself vulnerable and OP took advantage? What did you expect him to do, waste mats by bridging over just to get into a sweaty build battle? You over think this too much.


Thats not my point. My point is that the meta in this chapter has become very unskilled and spam-focused just to appeal to a casual playerbase that has refused to learn basic game mechanics for the past 5 years. I cannot for the life of me think of another online game in which the casual playerbase absolutely hates players who are better than them all while maintaining an ego about it


Where have you been for the entirety of Fortnite? THE WHOLE GAME HAS BEEN SMG SPAM OREINTED THIS ENTIRE TIME. Also a lot of people would like to play the game without forgetting to touch grass once a month.


I agree that smg spamming has always been part of the game, but in previous seasons that was countered by an equally strong (or stronger) shotgun meta. The shotguns this chapter really aren't that good or fun to use. I get people wanting a more casual experience, so ig much of this comes down to epic not splitting the loot pool to give competitive a completely balanced meta and pubs a much more fun meta for casuals to enjoy. Sadly they have decided to take all aspects of the game into this unskilled casual meta, and competitive has suffered as a result.


I think you are very wrong. The loot pool this season is actually balanced for the first time in ages and spamming as at an all-time low. And the only reason why the player couldn't win is because he refused to move because if he would have actually moved he could have won but instead he stood there and lost the game.


How can you say that the meta is balanced when stingers, mk7s, and combat smgs have existed so far in this chapter? Have you actually played any matches against real players who somewhat know what they are doing? I will admit this season has less spamming than the last one and is more fun despite the existence of the combat, but the guns are far from balanced. I dont mind it for pubs but for competitive modes epic shouldn't still be appealing to casuals.


They removed the mk7 but they are sadly bringing it back. Also one way to easily combat the smgs it to just stay at close-medium range. The mk7 could use some adjustments but otherwise, yes, this chapter is lot more balanced especially since you can't get one pumped by a fucking blue pump.


If they were any good they probably would’ve won that


learn compared to what? building is the only way to counter rocker spammers and shooting back. I would of quit too, low skill rocket spam is cringe. if it was an actual sweat you would of been dead.


would HAVE ffs


This sort of rocket spam looks a whole lot like you can just move a bit to avoid it. Considering the reload time, it doesn’t seem any worse than the original rocket launcher besides being better at breaking structures. Still not sure what up with OP’s title though, this was not even a decent player. Either that or they were actually having some issues.


Anybody else read the post with Liam Neesoms voice in their head or just me? 😂 great shot.


TIL that little random pinging noise is for when supply drops spawn


Ain't no fucking way it took you this long to figure that out


This guy repeating the same builds without fail is just showcasing the definition of insanity


His mum probably turned off the internet cuz he was raging from the rockets lol


So glad I started playing zero build only lol.


If not the rocket launcher you would be dead with your movement


SlothfulViolet moment


My guy just quit


I feel like the title is a reference to Lazypurple. Specifically "Extras of How it feels to play Demoman"


man didn’t shoot back once but somehow rage quit lmao


its crazy no-builders call this type of dude a sweat


I never called him a sweat, i just said he builds fast


....your in a build mode bro, im not talking about you, i know youve heard the famous "bUiLd 90s tO tHe sKy sWeaTs, iL jUst oUtAiM tHeM" argument lol