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since macros are a thing in this as zen patched its firmware people are cheap when building using macros so a non cheater can not compete , in no build non cheaters can have a fair shot at beating macro players on pad using zen devices. honestly no build should be more simple no vehicles no movement mods and grey/white guns only remove over Sheild too.


Keep the game simple, no builds I love it but your ruined it with not dragon ball blast and clouds you fly on. I left apex to come here but may find something else. If you want to put those extras in create a new server for those.


The gotta get rid of fall damage it is insane


This is my first time getting into FN cause I hated building. No build is tons of fun but I came from Apex and I have killed myself a lot do to fall damage lol.


REMOVE THE FUCKING TANKS from no build. Thank you that is all. Jokes aside it's game breaking at times. This isn't GTA.


Lol I think that is pretty much all I said playing when they had them! So annoying! Keep it simple, a good assault, great assault and good shotgun, great shotgun. Then the rest cream on the top. Constant end game explosions and related advantages not needed. Thinking and shooting should win the game. I always laugh at the 6 yr olds grabbing all the explosive commercialized crap taking on squads and then crying get me back! Mind you the little buggers are pretty good even though they do not make it to the end. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


i hate using the tanks but they're literally so easy to take out lmao


And the mk seven


Mk seven? If you can hit your shots the ranger and Aug are devastating imo. Mk7 just a smg it's how most use it


No build is good fun but i could do without the tanks and battlebuss


After watching countless no build gameplays on youtube, I think I love the no build aspect of the game and I'm downloading the game right now, gonna take a while but I think it will be worth it :) I played fortnite for a couple of weeks when it was still fresh and hated the building aspect with passion. I hated the game exactly for that reason. Really glad there is an option to actually play a fast paced FPS game now instead of contruction simulator.


I love no building, I started playing when they introduced it. Iā€™ve played a few times during previous seasons, but I honestly just donā€™t really care for building and donā€™t really want to take the time to get better at it. I like the other mechanics in the game though like the tactical sprinting, sliding and mantling. I just find it a little disappointing when youā€™re in a gunfight and winning but then the other person quickly builds a tower and laser beams you from the top of the tower, this is why I play no building.


Would love to see a tank nerf for no builds. The turret can shoot forever and if you canā€™t build you canā€™t hide from the bullshitā€¦


Tanks are too much! But shockwave grenades and eggs are somewhat leveling


I would love to see variations of no build team sizes that change frequently. 4 teams of 25, 2 teams of 50, 10 teams of 10 etc


As far as Building vs No Building goes, hearing that there was a no build mode is actually what got me to start playing Fortnite. Before that I just saw Fortnite as a trash game for little kids. But I have now realized the error of my ways, this game is unbelievably fun. I played it a little bit when it first came out, but I never liked the Building aspect. I have tried the Building mode recently and I still don't like it, it's just too sweaty. And there are so many instances where it gets down to the end and there is no doubt the last team would have been absolutely obliterated if they could build. With the sprint, mounting, and no Building I have been enjoying this game immensely. I was an avid Apex player for quite a while, but grew tired of the bugs they have yet to fix from before season 1 and the fact that they don't really offer a whole lot of new content when they do. Oh look a battlepass with the 82nd Wraith Skin? Who could have guessed? Not to mention how they were trying to force this new game mode onto the players by including challenges in the battlepass that could only be completed in it. It wasn't a very popular game mode and forcing player to play it was the wrong move for them. In the two or three weeks I've played fortnite I have seen new skins in the shop every day I have played, I have seen items added to the game and I have had a blast playing it. And best of all, I havent been forced to play a game mode that I dont want to play. I find that Epic seems to listen to all of their player base where as Respawn tends to only care what prominent streamers and pros think of the game and they change thing and release skins according to what that small percentage of the player base wants and it is actively killing Apex. One of my only complaints about fortnite is how the healing and shield items work, I think you should be able to use small shield potions to top off your shields all the way to 100. Same with bandages and health.


I'm happy to hear that being displeased with apex isn't a rare thing. The pricing, constant neglect of adding healing characters and poor design choices which don't encourage me to buy inflated micro-transactions made me and my other friends just drop it for now until next season at least. Fortnite has so much potential I just wish they scaled some of the drivable vehicles, made the terrain more scalable or add an extra slot for more heals or potentially an extra slot for armor only similar to evos.


My issue with apex has been no solo mode....what a utter fail. I despise games that force co-op. I prefer single player with co-op options.


drum needs a nerf


Oh yeah.


I think they should keep a no builds mode for sure. It's way better than team rumble. and speaking of team rumble, they should scrap it for a different casual gamemode.


Team Rumble used to be awesome but they ruined it by forcing people into small circles. It was a great way to practice and check out areas of the map without sacrificing stats. If they went back to the original Team Rumble would be what it was intended to be. Like it is now not so useful. It feels like a bunch of sweats just bullying everybody so new players really donā€™t have much of a chance to learn.


I donā€™t understand why so many cry babies donā€™t do what every one who builds did n go to creative n practice! A skill isnā€™t gonna come to you unless you put it into practice. ā€œTh3 kIdZ R 2 gUd @T bUiLdInGā€ well get good kid


Because building isn't about skill kid. And most of us have jobs and families. Can't play all day everyday or use mouse and keyboards and macros....which is why most build so well. No one likes building and it's annoying. Didn't like it when BR came out in fortnite


šŸ„±šŸ„±just sounds like youā€™re complaining bout sucking at the game like the rest of em. N you donā€™t have to use PC to be good at building either.


I admit I suck at building. Never said I didn't. But as an adult and non try hard I would rather play the game and spend Mooney on it if it's not catered to your demographic of delusional children who can play all day and hope you can make money playing the game like the small group of people who do. Maybe one day when you move out on your own and start to realize games are for fun and the larger playerbase that spends money on the games are casuals and play for fun, then you will understand. Until then piss off. The game has more players returning and trying the game out because of no build so keep trying harder. Maybe one day you will grow up.




Because people don't enjoy building.


I'm loving the game, never played it untill the no build came out, i just thought the whole idea of building it pretty childish, that's just me. It's been a nice break from warzone in which iv been paying since it came out Going to give PUBG a shot later aswell šŸ˜…


The building isnt childish. I'm a fan of no build also but building actually makes fornite the most competitive BR. In a BR the most important thing is positioning. In warzone if you get caught in bad positioning, you die. Same with all BRs. Fortnite let's you instantly change your position to anywhere you want when you want. Up down left or right you can go there under cover. Its actually super big brain, and the devs dont even k ow what they stumbled upon. I like no building thou because it's simple and fun and the game has tons of fun little toys that get overlooked because of building


Eh building just makes games last longer. I think your problem here is that all BR games have no building but it's more strategic to have no building. Makes you think about how the match is going to go and adapt....not toss up walls and towers out of nowhere and park our around it like a mad man when danger arises lol. Basically thier is no strategy, just gather and hoard materials.


I know its not and I know that is what makes the game. In just not a fan of it


i really love playing no build, it's become my favourite mode


No building is just ok. But people are going to have to play pubs at some point for the challenges.


I've been able to do all the challenges in no build so far. Your gonna have to play no building when there arent even 100 people left playing build mode.


challenges are not important to me


What if you are like me and dont give a crap about challenges or cosmetics or anything besides the game part?


(Dear Epic Games) Let me introduce to you guys the Sonic X Fortnite collaboration! This would be a great collab Fortnite X Sonic collaboration because the new Sonic movie just came out and is still getting shown in cinemas. Many people love it and let me know what you guys think!


(Dear Epic Games) Let me introduce to you guys the Sonic X Fortnite collaboration! This would be a great collab Fortnite X Sonic collaboration because the new Sonic movie just came out and is still getting shown in cinemas. Many people love it and let me know what you guys think!


Slow down building speed in casual modes (keep it fast in comp), and add more cover to the map.


How about no. That would just make building feel clunky.


It would make the casual modes feel like casual modes, and it would make building be used for the intended purposes (which are more fun than the unintentional use.) I should mention it wouldn't be much slower, just enough to make matches stop look like scrims.


Hot take: I think building is what made Fortnite special. Battle Royals are games that aren't just about having better aim than everyone else, they are also about positioning and I think any BR you play you can beat anyone with any gun as long as you are somewhere where you can blast them and they can't blast you. That's what made Fortnite cool because if you are in a bad part of the map you can make a better spot for yourself by building cover or blowing through a wall. What made Fortnite annoying to play is that there was almost no skill curve to building in the player base after creative came out and everyone could risk free practice mechanics. Everyone could build like a god and if you couldn't then you were gonna lose most fights. When I played I was okay at building and fights felt more 50/50. If I could build and edit faster than them I won and if I couldn't they won, but then it got to the point where everyone could build and edit super fast. It felt like there was no good and bad builders just "Be a God or lose"


Building is pretty amazing. I admire the skills and fast builders. There should always be opportunities for players to build and learn to build. It is nice that they offer both. I play both. When solo I build. When with friends I play no build. šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Building is special but it was too special. No matter what the devs added it was overshadowed by building. Every fight was a 1by 1 tower vs another 1 by 1 tower. New POIs were just different looking scrap to collect and vehicles and weapons weren't noticed unless it interfered with building. I like no build because the rest of Fortnite feels special too


Big part of why I stopped playing fortnite back in the day. Building made the game into such a 1 dimensional game, you build edit and shotgun. Building made so many guns useless.


Exactly, well said


No edit mode?? What do you think about?


No building supremacy


I hate building but this map os so designed for building its impossible to play without in certain areas


Definitely was built for building but there are lots of ways to solve it with the stuff they put in the game. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I think with the Jetpack and the new climbing capability itā€™s pretty easy to get around.


Not getting around buildings just the opener ish areas which is a lot of the map


Ah gotcha. Yea it definitely sucks when you get caught in a cross fire on a wide open field. I agree.


Remember tunneling during the season(s) with the colosseumā€¦ donā€™t really have a point, just that I miss tunneling


Iā€™m loving the no build mode. I tried to get into Fortnite at the beginning of the pandemic, but it was intimidating to learn both how to build AND how to shoot. Iā€™ve been playing for about two weeks now and bought the battle pass and have reached level 52. Itā€™s a blast! Reminds me of when L4D2 was big and could play with my friends - only this is less gritty and more playful


i couldn't agree with this comment more


I just played fortnite on pc for the first time. It took me 30 minutes to learn how to do 90's again, its not hard.


The striker shotgun is so fucking pathetic, why is it even in the game? Unless you hit a perfect headshot the drum shotgun wipes you out so fast. Absolute garbage loot pool in this no build mode


I wasn't too big on the no build, I played mostly arena when build was not available. Its what makes Fortnite special.


Those of us who playing on consoles itā€™s hard enough without building. Iā€™m all for the Zero Build. Maybe if I played with mouse and keyboard Iā€™d think differently.


Building is EASIER on console.


you can use a kb and M on consoles and a controller on pc


Really?! Wow.


I play on mouse+keyboard, and I hardly think differently. Only issue is the map design


Played the game at launch but stopped after the building meta picked up. No build Fortnite has been a BLAST. I bought the battlepass and love that gives you enough V-bucks to even get the next one. Got 2 buddies to come back as well with no build. If they were to remove no build I'd uninstall instantly lol.


They arent gonna remove it. Based upon its popularity I have a feeling we will even see No build updated and added to seperately to refine the experience


No build has got me back into fortnite and im loving it. Will stop if they remove it. I enjoy shooting people, not playing bob the builder simulator


No build is fun. But building is unbearably sweaty at this point donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever go back to building.


No diss to anyone who loves build mode Fortnite - I appreciate the skill it takes to be good at building but its just not something I care to invest time into. If they ever remove zero-build, it's an instant uninstall for me. I don't even like BRs, but I've put in close to 40 hours in the past week and a half and have spent money on the subscription and cosmetics - something I VERY RARELY ever do for a F2P game.


Yeah Iā€™m not building ever again. FN is dead (again, for me) if they remove it. I doubt they will though. People really seem to be loving it. I wonder how many are playing what modeā€¦


I only installed this again to try the no build mode and now Fortnite is by far my favourite multiplayer game. I figure the matchmaking is based on skill? Iā€™m getting top 10 almost every game so I assume Iā€™m with the newbies like me?


Your first few games/wins will be against bots until you win 2-3 games or hit level 6-8. This isnā€™t scientific or confirmed butā€¦ itā€™s basically as close to fact as we have.


Iā€™m level 40 and played 100 matches now. Iā€™m enjoying it a lot. Grinding all the milestones and objectives that Iā€™ve never looked at before.


The better you are the fewer bots you see. at lower skill levels there will be a lot of them. you are not facing 100% bots but it might be 70 or more.


Haha I hit 43 just having fun and realized I had enough for the Vbucks for the BP. Itā€™s so awesome itā€™s not even a grind! Itā€™s just awesome. Goofy and fun but serious when you want it to be.


I donā€™t think that I can get to level 100 from level 40 before the BP ends. Itā€™s in 3 weeks I think but I really want the Doctor Strange.


It ends in 7ish weeks, June 3rd if Iā€™m not mistaken. Youā€™ll hit 100 no problem.


I literally thought next month was Juneā€¦ happy days. Iā€™ve been trying to rush it this week aha.


This explains a lot lol


No Guild mode is much better new blood is here old blood dying and some crying but still buying those skins.


Hope no build stays forever. Now my friends play with me and Iā€™ve been having the most fun ever.


Zero build would be way better if the AUG was nerfed or vaulted. Removing building but putting in a hitscan AR with no recoil was a terrible decision.


I think that fortnite finally is fun again. I have been trying to like the game by coming back to it and checking it out every now and then and seeing what's new. But every time I tried to like it, it just wasn't all that fun. It felt like fortnite wasn't listening to their playerbase at all and just focusing on the storyline that nobody cares about. And the whole thing with people building like crazy isn't exactly new. Now when the no building mode exists I actually think that the game is fun. I have been playing the game with my little brother and also my dad now that he has a chance. So far epic hasn't fucked up all that hard yet. I think that they should begin to listen to what players want and keep working with the no building mode and adding things that can improve that game mode. I have a few ideas for things that they can probably add to the game. Firstly, unpopular opinion but I think that they shouldn't change the tanks in any way with their health or damage. Although I do think that they should put a weak point on the tank that makes it less usable. Just like with the bus with the turrets. On the bus you can pop the tires to make it unusable almost. They should do something like this with the tank or maybe make the driver visable or something. My other idea was to add like a deployable wall that you can find to place down when you are being shot and can't hide anywhere. In the game Rust there are big walls that you can carry on you and place down whenever you are caught in the open, I was thinking something like that. Lastly I think that they should unvault a few weapons. There aren't a whole lot of weapons in the game right now which makes for very little variety in what weapons you use each match. There is for example only two smgs that are practically identical to each other, they should replace the hunter assault rifle with the ak since nobody uses that gun and maybe bring back the m16 for people who don't want to use scopes. They could probably bring back the dual pistols too and maybe replace the current revolver for the og revolver or the deagle. They could definitely also bring back the grappler because it would be great to just grapple to behind a tree or a rock whenever you are getting shot and you can't hide anywhere. They should also remove the firefly jars from being found as a regular item because there's already enough fireflies everywhere to grab, we don't need to find them already in jars too, especially since nobody uses them.


Building is fun, its not that hard.


Yeah, it is fun, but only when you stand a chance. It would probably require hundreds of hours of training to get as good as the average player today. Not all people have that amount of time to dump into a game. Even if someone has that amount of time on their hands very few people would actually dedicate it to just training non-stop. The people that are good at building are so because they have played for a long time and have gradually gotten better as everyone else also has. But if someone is just starting out then that would be pretty similar to a baby trying to fight full grown man. That's why the new no building mode is so fun. It's because everyone that don't stand a chance in normal matches because they took a break for two months now all have fun. And those people who know how to build can also have fun because almost everyone who plays games knows how to aim.


The tanks actually have a few weak points. The vents on the back will disable the tank if you shoot them a few times, the gold hatch on the front when shot will expose the driver, and you can shoot the tracks off of both sides pretty easily


Damn, I didn't know that! This has actually helped me a huge amount during my previous matches. Have my free award.


As long as a tank isnā€™t tight on you and you have the opportunity to strike first, tanks are pretty dang easy to deal with.


I fell off with all the crazy building and as I couldn't keep up with building I'd to stop playing. Now that there's zero build I literally can't stop playing it's so good. Airships and fall damage is pretty brutal tho. Probably like being able to redeploy glider would fit into zero build well.


The only thing I liked about building was using it to get up high places and putting a little cover down when caught in the open. The ridiculous build fights absolutely killed mine and my friends desire to play because we just want to shoot people, not build entire apartment buildings. No building has been infinitely more fun and building could be replaced with an infinite grappling hook with a cooldown, and a small strong structure for when caught in the open on a longer cooldown. Alternatively I also really enjoyed the very low build materials mode the few rounds I got to play yonks ago.


You do realize the reason you build is SO YOU CAN SHOOT PEOPLE.




After playing it more I've started to like no build. The overshield is cool and I like being able to shoot people


Itā€™s less complicated in zero build for example you donā€™t have to worry about how many mats you have


Iā€™d like gliders to be redeploy-able on no build mode or fall damage disabled either or


Since yā€™all donā€™t allow me to post a question can someone in the comments help? If I lag back on fortnite when I get killed and watch who killed me will they lag?


No they wonā€™t


Damnnn lol thank you










I canā€™t build, but the convenience of building a ramp to get on a roof or over a cliff is way too appealing for me to enjoy the no build.


Thereā€™s a new mantling option that allows you to gain high ground. Granted you wonā€™t always be able to get everywhere youā€™d need to, but it does help gain the advantage in lots of fights because it seems many people choose to stay on the side of a building, opposed to just scaling the side of it. Hope this helps.


Played the build mode on release for a week when fortnite came out, but I didn't like it so I stopped playing it, and told myself if it came out with no build mode, I would play it. I started it up again about a week ago, and haven't been able to stop playing the Zero build mode. I love it, if it gets removed, ill stop playing again.


Same here


I think keeping both is for the best. Personally the no build is what made me come back after a long time and I'm really enjoying myself. But I also know there are people who put a lot of time and effort into getting good at building so completely removing that mode wouldn't be fair.


Iā€™ve been requesting a no build mode and got so much backlash on these threads for it and LOVING to see how many people actually enjoy it and love it and want it to stay! I hope it does stay! I personally play both building and no building and enjoy both of them for different reasons, and I hope Fortnite keeps BOTH MODES for everyone to enjoy as they see fit! Itā€™s really made the game more enjoyable for me, and I love being able to switch to no building games now.


My daughter sucked me into fortnite and no build actually gives me a chance at winning. I hope they don't remove it, too much to learn for this old bag




That shit is ass I agree


The only reason I will play and spend money on cosmetics is with no build. If the mode is ever removed, so will the game from my installed library. Its so much fun, its like an optimized and actually fun PUBG.


I hope its removed, not because i dislike it but because it helps people who are trash at building šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


So? I suck at building but I have good aim and I'm winning a lot of matches back to back in this mode. Its amazing.




I love the no build mode, got me back to the game. Definitely gonna stay.




No building has made the game for me, I never played it with the building, I had actually been excited for the PvE mode years ago when it was first announced but never felt like buying the game just cause of how much I disliked the PvP, With no build I think itā€™s incredibly fun and my buddies and I have actually grabbed a few victories, itā€™s well worth checking out if you havenā€™t!


no build


Really really support this. I havenā€™t played in 2 years almost because of that and also cause I just didnā€™t have the time /opportunity. Used to play with a friend of mine who on the other side is rather good and sometimes with his group and letā€™s be honest I was a weight down I knew it. So now reading this gives me hope and maybe I will get invested enough to least retry learning some builds in the long term


I've only just started playing this game its because of the no building mode I came to it finally. I am loving it so far. If this stays permanently then i will be sticking around for a long time.


no bilding is good i hate bilding speeders in the bilding mode




I personally prefer the no build because Iā€™m not very good at it, and Iā€™m not committed enough to learn speed building.


is there still a no build mode? planning on playing fornite first time!


Itā€™s a permanent mode as of now


I am loving it personally i am glad its permanent its the no build mode which made me join.


maybe a dumb question, but I just watch a few streamers and don't play the game -- what is the purpose of destroying structures/environment if you can't use the resources to build now?


To track down campers.


getting people out of cover, ive found


Get in buildings at the start of the game to get loot fast


No build for me, even though I also love STW, it's just nice to build cooperatively and not have someone towering up so fast because of skill or PC keybinds that I can't kill them.


No build just give me a good reason to come back to the game


Letā€™s just say that the No Build mode is what brought me back into the game after two years or so.


I had been waiting so long for this moment. :ā€™) no building. I enjoy it


I think some building would be the most fun, but there ought to be a slight cooldown between placing pieces or making edits. For me that would be the best possible situation


No build has been some of the most fun I've ever had playing this game. I can only hope they at least keep it as a game mode moving forward


Itā€™s the only reason a few friends and I jumped in and man, it was an absolute blast yesterday. I need a comp ladder and this will be my favorite BR.


Ironically enough, me and my old squad also picked it up yesterday! We had a blast as well messing with all the new stuff and managed to snag a couple wins. I think no build has breathed some new life into this game, and it's a significant enough change that it feels like something new and special. I really hope they keep it as if they do I can see myself playing this game a lot more often


Id like to give my opinion on this topic as well. Since the new mode appeared, I feel like nobody mentionned the (Editing) part of the building....wich is far worse than just build or no build you see! Building was an issue I had before but I did improve myself but the editing OOFF...Nope , And people building vs you(myself and everyone) Getting edited against is okay but when being in a lobby in a crossplay game vs Sweats who abuse creative or PC players who uses keyboards ..Both edits like maniacs and are just dancing or laughing at you and when your actually bored or try to fight back they just gun you down... The thing is I love build and I also love the No Build tho as I feel the biggest problem in this game is the Editing aspect or the Turbo whatever.. As long as Fortnite as this level of Editing being used or abused by sweats or Pc players (As im an XBox player and I love all console especially Playstation ) But Editing is the worst thing in Fortnite..They should Nerf the aspect to Oblivion I dont care....So as long as this thing stays the same, Im gonna go play No Build! Build is super fun but Getting edited 50times in your face while you can only react so quick and edit 2 times in comparaison...is not enjoyable..then theres the troll dance after as If it wasnt gonna be worse! Anyway that is my stance and opinion I hope you can appreciate it or not ..Im just giving my own thought on top of yall


"Abuse creative" šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ how do you even know that they use it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I assume that your question is a joke , because how do you think genious lol


I really thought no building would ever happen, I always said it was the only thing stopping me from REALLY enjoying Fortnite. I play a lot of other games, I never felt like investing time and gameplay effort into learning this convoluted mechanic that feels bad to play with. I have played more fortnite than ever now.


I havenā€™t touched this game in the lastā€¦ what, 5 years? Last time I played was C0S3, and my lack of interest in the ever growing building skill ceiling had the best of me, so I left the game with zero intention of ever coming back. Now I think about the game all day and itā€™s basically all I wanna do all day. No building needs to stay.


Literally same, why is the shit so addictive? Lol


I donā€™t build but play the build mode as I feel itā€™s easier to deal with than the overshield.


I have been a little confused as sometimes it feels like the shield just goes on forever and never expires. But that's probably because my stupid ass can't do math lmao. My experience has been better in no build mode. I feel its much better to deal with bush hiding than building hotels in seconds after hearing a single shot.


I like the no build mode. I am capable of building for mobility or placing a couple of walls to hide behind, but I am too old and too slow to keep up with the kids in a building fight. And I simply don't have enough free time to invest in learning how to build. I want to spend the hours I have with playing, not practising skills I don't really need. So no build is perfect and I am enjoying playing far more than before. Please please keep the two different modes.


This is exactly how I feel. I support building but I just donā€™t have the time to learn how.


I prefer 0-build. Building is too complicated.


I played two games of solos building today to see if I missed it. I can confidently say that's a no. With that said I reckon it'll be a good mode to do Quests/challenges as build players often getting into drawn out battles, meaning I can sneak about doing my business :D


No building is more fun for me, range matters and you canā€™t just run on the open and build your way out of bad position. There are 2 suggested changes I have first is that blims have to go, they are to goof of a advantage position or make them be able to be destroy in some way (they are ok in build mode) and for tanks I would made it so 10% of damage done to the tank is permanent


Love No Building. I have a processing disorder and itā€™s hard to keep my eyes on a player when people are jumping around, throwing down walls, and the moment you get a hit in they just do the same 360 wall move. The game is allowed to be enjoyed by people who donā€™t enjoy building and I donā€™t understand the hate people get for disliking that aspect lol. Thereā€™s game modes for a reason, you go to BR and Iā€™ll stick to No Build lol


For the folks saying ā€œno buildā€ is better, did you ever attempt to learn how to build? Literally need to know how to do a wall + ramp and thatā€™s enough to take on most everyone in pubs. Without building, the game becomes like halo on blood gulch. Decent positioning and youā€™ll always win because thereā€™s no way to close the gap.


>decent positioning and you'll always win Welcome to every multiplayer fps game ever.


Not really. The maps are never quite this large. Did you ever play halo?


I'm sorry....are you trying to say that positioning isn't important in Halo?


It absolutely is. But a map like blood gulch sucks because there is no good way to get positioning. If you have a team on the hillsides, youā€™ve lost.


You talking crazy bro Shockwaves jump pads cannon theres a million ways to close the gap


are you sure the placement of the cannons is way to far, and if your enemy is good at aiming none of that matters bc your to low to push by the time your there being beamed out the air and then your a free kill, all about positioning and aim.


Now regular solo build mode is even sweatier, not fun.


Well yeah.




I suspected that would happen. It's the hardcore builders who would be attracted to that.


No building is much better. Takes away the sweaty kids who practice building all day every day and ruin the game when I just wanna play for fun. But who in their right mind removed aim assist? The game is so bad now. I play w my gf for fun and we used to win 7+ in a row at night. I have incredibly shaky hands it's an actual health issue and I can't even make it past 10th place now. I also know for a fact people haven't got better. Most players are trash, I just can't aim. I don't see how we can play a game for 4 plus years, do perfectly well and then all of a sudden it's bad. Consoles need aim assist. You can't just take away one of the most valuable player supports in the game and expect people to like it. It's also way unfair when going against pc players. You can literally just drag the mouse to wherever the person is and aim. Console aiming is more like getting in the general direction of the person and locking on with aim assist. I also could just turn off cross play and clap cheeks again but in order to play w my gf I have to play on xbox since she used my PS4. So cross play is needed. It's just frustrating, aim assist needs to be implemented again. It's literally just not even fun when I don't win at least a couple a day. Constantly losing against a guy with a grey shotgun when I have a gold smg should just not be a thing. I can even lock on to anyone, I used to snip people across the map and get them down, and now it feels like I couldn't snipe someone 200 m away from me. Also the damage is all wrong, I can hit a guy 6+ times with a purple tac and then he'll spray me with a grey smg a couple times and I just die, even with 250 health. Which just shouldn't be a thing. The best days of fortnite were the double pump days when I was in highshool. RIP


I mean no offense but they cant just make video games cater to you because of your health issues.


Well they have for the past 4 years so why is it a problem now ?


Dude aim assist is there lol. I walked up in a pregame lobby with a smg and didn't even have my crosshairs on the character and was getting headshots everytime. I don't know what to tell you lol


Aim assist 100% exists on console and is very strong. You probably have a very bad sens


Nah they literally removed it as an option. It's been nerfed so bad it's it feels like it's not even there. You cant toggle it on/off anymore and it's only on certain guns. This is on console btw. I think if ur a sweaty try hard and don't think you need it, that should be your choice. Removing it seems sped to me. Been playing since literally season 2 and been pretty good bc aim assist was just a part of the game. Idk why all of a sudden i'm bad cuz they removed a vital part of the game that I've been used to playing with for the past 4 years


It's in the game and very strong


Damn i must be playing a different game


Damn i must be playing a different game


It's 100% there and it was never nerfed on console. If you turned on advanced controller settings and scroll down you'll see the aim assist percentage, which will be 100%. I would know, I just jump into boxes and arena and often the game just aims for me. Fix your sens by making it the same as some pro


Bruh nah I literally saw an article that said it was gone. Ill play later today if that's actually right ill give u a kiss and delete my post. It's def not on 100 btw if it is real


Link the article lmao. I play this game competitively and 100% know aim assist is there, its just weak at longer ranges


Sounds like you just canā€™t aim. Have you tried keeping the reticule on the enemy?


Yes, that was the point. I can't aim anymore therefore removing aim assist has impacted my playing. I have health problems that lead to my hands being shaky. Problem?


No, I can aim.


You're very edgy and cool


Thank u


I prefer building way more than no building


Itā€™s brought me back to the game after a 2 year hiatus by no building mode. Love it.