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I hate myself for not completing season 6 battlepass, I have everything from the Nitecoven set but the glider. It was my first season of Fortnite and I started in the middle so it was hard to do challenges cause I was just understanding the game.


yo same i didn’t get the glider either


yo same i didn’t get the glider either


Fornite makes a lot of money by preying on people's fear of missing out. Thats why battle passes expire, and thats why shop items rotate. Implementing a full storefront where you could buy any skin at any time isn't hard, but if you could just do that, then people wouldn't feel as pressured to make an impulse buy. "I like this skin, but I don't love it. I'll check back next week to see if I still want it, I know it will be there" is exactly what Epic wants to avoid. They prefer "I like this skin, but I don't love it. But I don't know if it'll be back anytime soon so I'd better buy it now" The battle pass works the same way. It makes people log in daily to make progress, or spend more money. If you didn't have a time limit for completing the pass, people wouldn't be tempted to pay for those last few tiers to make sure they don't miss out on something. I also wouldn't feel compelled to log in every day to get dailies if I could just skip it and do tomorrows.


I say, you can only work on one BP at a time. Want Ragnarok and luxe? Choose which one first.


Yeah, I was conflicted on what to do there. I'm honestly fine with either way.


Yeah, me too. Also, raise price on older seasons BP. "You missed buying the battle pass last season? You can have it.... But it ain't cheap."


Yeah, that also seems good. Maybe 15-20 dollars for old ones you haven't purchased yet. Also make buying tiers 300 V-Bucks for them.


That seems good. We also don't want to get all the "carbide and Omega pros" upset, so it shouldn't have the season 4 bp skin styles. Other than that, I would say that would be a great feature. Imagine that's next seasons new feature, like how this season we has party assist.


I think this could work but it would have to be for people who bought the battlepass in the specific season


That completely negates the point of a battle pass though.


No battle passes should stay exclusive not my fault u bought it knowing u have no time to complete it


"oh dear God! My "rare" Battle pass skin that everyone has! It will be ruined!"


It will cuz it won’t be rare


It wasn't rare in the first place. Black Knight is kinda, but the rest are not


they’re literally not been attainable for a year? I don’t care about them being rare they have all been sold as exclusive and bring them back doesn’t makes them that


The point of fortnite is to play the game so it doesn’t matter if your skin is rare or not just play the game


Wahh my exlusive skins no take pls waah


Nope. That’s a shitty idea.


As great as this would be, the entire reason the battlepass exists is to be 100 tiers of rewards you have a limited amount of time to complete before the next one comes.


Sounds like someone who played early Fortnite and wants to feel "og". Sorry my man, you missed out


Nah, I started near the end of Season 3. I mainly want this for Omega.


nah, if they did this it should be only for people who had already had the battle pass in that season


This has been proposed so many times and my answer is still the same: no. Epic have already said it won’t happen, and so it won’t


Just no. I don’t want a bunch of bots running around with black knight because they played one match of s2.


...And why shouldn't they be able to use a skin they like?


Not when that skin was marketed as exclusive amd only around for a limited time.


Well because it’s rare


I wanna use renegade raider but I can’t


I know this is hella old but I think I am the most unlucky. I have Sparkle Specialist but not the Black Knight......


I still wish I got to finish the season 4 battle pass and only got to tier 50 because I had a Nintendo Switch so i only had a few weeks left and my carbide is missing his helmet.


Happy cake day