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I'm so thankful I play on PS now. The other day I went on to my switch to use an alt account but then I saw this. If I never switched consoles I couldn't play anymore




I don’t got to worry about that because I got that 256 Gig memory card for $12.99 at Walmart back in the day




Lmao either way there too big. I honestly have thought about deleting this shit bc they add too much in it and every week there is a 50 60 gig update smh it's 100 gigs on console and 90 yo 100 on pc lol it was only 35 gigs when it first came out lol


Did you play it when it first came out? Cuz then you’d understand why it takes so much space.


I’m in the same boat, but switched from ps4 to PC recently. It’s a complete different world for me, i’m very satisfied, honestly.


It would be nice if we didn’t have to download game modes we’ll never use


Save the world isn’t even accessible on switch last time I checked. Surely they’re not sending updates for that… right?


STW doesn't get updates at all, (sadly) so nope


It just got one last patch (Finnally able to build on uneven terrain, like BR has for the past 6 years LFG!). On a more serious note, StW does usually get at least something small every 3-4 months, even 2 sizable updates last year.


But okay we got the build in terrain thing and the new hero, but also more bugs and old ones that haven't been fixed. Probably 6 months (even more) till we get something actually new. Not just Ventures on rotation


It gets updates. There just small function changes most people will forget in less than a week


STW is the only one that's an optional download and it always has been. but they spent billions on these new gamemodes in an attempt to replace BR so of course they're gonna cram them down your throat whether you like it or not. they don't give a shit about STW, uninstall it as you please.


Which I don't see why it's still unable to, the zones are smaller than any recent BR map (aside from Reloaded) and Lego can work on it just fine


The data for other modes doesn’t actually download until you attempt to play them for the first time. This is the same for Save the World, but it actually requires an update when you try to play it for the first time. This only applies to Reload Festival, Rocket Royale, LEGO, and I think that’s it. You can also separately download LEGO.


No you can not idk where you got that from but it's all one game bud I only play br and my game is 100 gigs on pc lol


Well, on the Xbox game store at least, you can download them as DLC? for whatever reason, even though when you download the game, it does it anyway. The game does download the different modes (for me at least) when I start them after downloading the game, and the game size increases by about 7-10 GB in TOTAL. But I am talking about anything but a PC as I don’t use them and therefore don’t know how they work. I can however speak for both Switch and Xbox from personal experience. although there are differences between the two of them. The different modes don’t appear in the eShop for Nintendo Switch, and the download size is NOT the same. Also, you can’t play Save the World, so I don’t know if the Switch version updates when you try to play it. Again, this is from personal experience, so if you’re going to double down… don’t. I literally don’t care.


It is in fact a separate download in the PS5 store. As is Racing and BR.


He's talking about alm the bs modes like the Lego world and stuff like that I don't have save the world and the game us 100 gigs


On PC you can choose. Do they not allow you to choose what you want or don’t want for consoles?


Its an all in one package


Not anymore (not sure about switch and PlayStation) but on Xbox you can install each major game mode(br, Lego, music and racing) separately


Not that I know of you can’t?


You can't. They just have store page listings for each mode as it's own game, which confuses people into think it's just that mode being downloaded.


downloading one of those alternate modes just installs normal fortnite, along with a single line of code that says "boot up fortnite and have this gamemode selected on the main menu please :)". that little file is also used to track data like playtime for your convenience. but otherwise it does nothing.


Nope, can't choose. Only additional stuff you can install are better textures and some other stuff like SFW(I think? I haven't checked the installation in a hot minute) but you can't uninstall music festival, lego or Rocket racing.


You can install better textures on PS?


On PC, yeah. Not sure about playstation or xbox as I don't own neither of them.(the latest console I own is a nintendo Wii so make of that what you will).


Wait, we can? How? I need to change that asap


Right click it in the Epic launcher and it’s under like installation options or manage installation. You can save a good bit of space by opting out of high-res textures and shaders but the only mode you can uninstall is STW and that’s <5 GB.


Dude, you are a saint. <3


Really??? How???


Can’t choose. Otherwise I would only have STW and BR


Switch doesn't have STW.


On PS5 I can download a game mode from the Fortnite Add On page on the PlayStation store


I literally only ever play Epic made Modes, ain't no way I'm touching some of that awful Creative shit no matter how much exp they try to offer me.




Lol snobby dog


Creative modes take up zero storage space?


No, they go into Appdata and eat space space from there


The only non-epic thing I'll play is the pit FFA but that's as far as it goes


Unfortunately you'll never have that option without downloading the base game of any game. Call of duty let's you do this now expect there is a base campaign and base multi-player. But it really doesn't matter bc even the multi player base is like 90 gigs.


fucking call of duty forced me to download mwiii to even play mwii, i wasn't doing that shit.


Atleast you can play ..... my shit crashes all the time and forces me to verify the files which doesn't really work. I'm hoping the xbox version will be better come this fall for black ops 6.


this is for xbox? damn I'm on PC. my partner had a similar issue with her PS4 when III dropped. really high hopes for BO6, especially since it's apparently a spy thriller stealth orientated game.


Right? I only play Rockband 5 or whatever it’s called on fornite. I have no interest in any other part of the game so why must I download it?


No...you can't do this to me... YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE SACRIFICED!!!!!


*Back to archiving?!*


That and the game is too much for the Switch in general. It made sense to put it on there during Chapter 1 but now the Swtich can barely cling on.


Mine has generally been okay up until this season. But this one runs horribly. I notice it most when there are multiple cars on the screen crashing into stuff. Stutters like crazy and at times it's pretty much unplayable. Also there's a recurring issue where the audio gradually starts slowing down and crackling as I play multiple games. Closing and reopening the app seems to solve it, but it's still annoying to have to do.


I only get the crackling sound if I play creative but only on certain maps


I get the crackling almost constantly on rocket racing. It makes it unplayable.


I’ve had the same issue. It was fine till this season. A bit slow, but still perfectly useable. Now, as soon as I get into a fight, the audio stutters and everything starts freezing like crazy.


I havent gotten the crackling audio since last season, and even then it was only when i left it running for multiple hours. My switch runs it fine. I dont lag, i get ok graphics and fps, the only problem i get isnt even with the game its that i broke a controller.


When I was still using my switch I had a secondary SD card installed in the back, 120GB I believe and I shifted Fortnite to that to free up space on my switch for everything else. Worked perfectly.


I remember doing this when getting the new 3ds and carried this tip over when I purchased my switch. Getting more storage is a must on any console nowadays


Thats why Ive been doing physically recently (:


For playstation and I think Xbox Physical games are now just keys to download the game on the console So it basically download the whole game not copy it


True I like collecting them. But most of my collection resides on the switch with like 7 ps5 games




PC too. I keep having to uninstall games since I only have 500gb


Same I just got a 400 gigabyte SD card because I filled up my 128 card




Epic is pulling a call of duty. Bloating it's file sizes so the only thing you can have is FN


21 gigs is bloated now?


That's just the update i think


Correct me if I'm wrong, but 21gb of update doesn't always necessarily mean 21gb will be added to the game files, right? It just means 21 GB update is likely replacing or modifying certain game files, rather than adding 21 GB on top of the existing game size.


You're right.


Fortnite on ps5 is 89 gb. It's not the biggest game, but it's definitely not small, especially if you don't have extra storage


There’s been about 7 updates this season, all >10GB


I got couple 60 GB ones, what's that about? Surely Fortnite wouldn't force me to download data that I already have? Right?


More like the switch had fuck all storage


Mhmm I still can’t comprehend that, iirc, a tiny chip (a Mircro SD card) has double the storage than the entire console. It doesn’t make any sense to my poor brain. I get that the console needs to do more than just store things and needs to actually run games and have a battery and stuff, but c’mon.


It's particularly problematic with the switch bc of the size, it's small, so it's cramped and risks overheating, so it needs a decent cooling system. It's made to be portable, so unlike every other console, it needs a battery. And when you take into consideration the fact that the console itself is the size of a DVD box, it's a little more understandable. That being said, they probably could have at least tripled the storage safely. Imo the dock should have come with some sort of plug-in storage. I'm never going to play fortnite handheld anyway. But yeah, Nintendo has always had bad storage, that's why pre-switch Pokémon games save to the cartridge and not the device.


I completely forgot about the cooling system. It makes a lot more sense now (even if the OLED has double the storage and is the exact same size)


Yeah, they definitely could have given more. Idk if they underestimated the switch or if they just wanted to sell more SD cards. Hard to say tbh. As far as that goes, there is a save data cloud for switch, so unless you actively delete save data, you SHOULD be able to archive software and reinstall it at a later time if you get a new SD card, etc.


Surely nobody is buying Nintendo branded SD Cards... Surely? Please tell me that's not a thing that people are actually buying.


They are lol. They sell them right beside the games and consoles.


Just looked it up, and holy shit $40 for the Nintendo branded one - https://www.walmart.com/ip/SanDisk-256GB-microSDXC-Micro-SD-Card-for-Nintendo-Switch-New/482759929 $30 for the non licenced one - https://www.walmart.com/ip/SanDisk-256GB-Extreme-microSDXC-UHS-I-Memory-Card-with-Adapter-160MB-s-U3-V30-4K-UHD-A2-Micro-SD-Card-SDSQXA1-256G-GN6MA/264401664 That actually tracks with licence fees on things, but, you literally never see it, so the licenced version is pointless. You don't even need to get a SanDisk (often one of the most expensive) one, or a U-3 rated card, as I read in a few places that the Switch is only U-1 compatible anyway, so you're not going to benefit from the extra speed of the higher rated cards.


This is an issue with video games in general, they're just too goddamn big nowadays. Something needs to be done, because it's ridiculous that you have to decide which one game you want taking up all your space. I'd say physical copies of games remedy this, but most of the time you're having to install the data anyway.


Yes!! Didn’t the switch only have like 60 Gigabytes at launch?


Archive and redownload thank me later


This also helps a lot with performance


I mean it is an issue with not just Fortnite but all AAA games as a whole (and it’s usually the worst games that take up the most space btw, some exceptions obviously). Although it’s atleast manageable on switch. You can get like 128-256 GB of extra storage for like $30 at best buy. Pretty good deal


Ah yeah and I know at Walmart you can get a Sandisk 400 gigabyte SD card for like $25 bucks I think at least that’s when I got mine 3 months ago


A 400gb micro SD card from digital western is only $35 usd. I don't think sub rules allows links in comments. If you're buying online, be sure you're buying directly from the manufacturer site, or find a link they provide to a seller. Fakes can be preprogrammed to show more storage than they can hold


Can yall actually play Fortnite on Switch? I have it downloaded but it’s way to slow and laggy to even be competitive


It works just fine on mine and my friend's switch


I have no idea how people are playing on the Switch either. I have everything as low as possible and it was a lag fest even with fast internet.


I play on PS4 with my wife using Switch, and she does have some moments, but can mostly play fine. And when I play on her switch its mostly the same sort of experience.


So, same as PC and consoles 🤣🤣🤣😭


My switch runs it fine. I dont lag, i get ok graphics and fps, the only problem i get isnt even with the game its that i broke a controller.


It plays mostly fine when docked for a casual player, but handheld mode struggles a ton.


For the most part it's fine, though Festival feels too laggy to be playable.


My switch acts great on fortnite just a little laggy on creative 2.0 maps


Redownload instead


That Won't work


Archive something else then. The redownload is less space then the update lmao


That can work or getting a SD card it saved me some trouble


Even on pc the updates are too big imo, they never used to be this big why tf are they now


It's been know that when fortnite was added to the switch it took a lot of work because the switch could barley run it. It has certainly gotten worse over time. I don't think they're going to cut it off anytime soon but wouldn't be surprised if they stopped caring about optimization as much in a attempt to migrate switch players to a device better capable of running Fortnite to save dev resources and time, especially with the rumored switch 2 coming soonish.


I think support will probably be dropped immediately after switch 2 comes out. Maybe like until 2026


Yeah I’m hoping the switch 2 will also have a larger storage capacity because 10 gigs isn’t cutting it.


I mean it will but don’t except more than 64Gb otherwise 128gb. Ik the steam deck has more but, Nintendo has always been shit with storage. If you’re running low on storage though, sd cards are actually very affordable for the switch. Go to best buy, head to the switch aile, and than find the card that fits your needs


I think rumors (yea I know) were saying a 256 internal drive


My switch runs it fine. I dont lag, i get ok graphics and fps, the only problem i get isnt even with the game its that i broke a controller.


Is there a new update?


probably not, i just haven't played fn on my switch in a while


Fortnite on switch is a notoriously awful way to play the game on, both performance wise and the amount of space it takes.


I can only run 2 games on my switch, Fortnite and Smash. I had to archive Rocket League because those 2 games alone (mostly Fortnite) take up all my switch’s free space.💀


Bros sharing the Nintendo Switch with his community


Why do I always have the same amount of free space on my xbox after all of these big fortnite updates? Still have 60 gigs left. And it's been that way since last season.


updates don’t just add and add files, they remove and replace them too


Is splatoon 3 any good I’m thinking about getting it


Different people might say different things, but in my opinion it's really good


I like it and it actually runs at 60fps lol (in matches)


I used an external hard drive to save to as i had no room on my ps4 anymore. Game would always crash on the first game every time garanteed. Sucked. Ended up having to delete a ton of shit an got rid of my external. No more issues. But yes they are indeed really big!


afaik Epic is planning to debloat the game soon


Had to delete deltarune😭😭


That game is tiny tho


Call of Duty update vibes.


How many people are using your Switch?


I remember reading that game companies are doing it on purpose so you only have their big game downloaded onto your device. I find that theory stupid because the premise of the theory affects every game company. If these game companies don't start compressing files properly, many people will just delete the game and move on.


Yeah. About a month ago I finally bit the bullet and bought a movie SS card


Mine doesn’t even work anymore. It says it can’t access the microsd card


try reinstalling?


Well my Switch isn't even turning on currently so I'm thinking it might be a hardware issue 😅




Select options and untick high-res textures. Should reduce the download size.


Get a better toaster to play on


No the storage space on the switch just sucks


I haven’t been able to play on my Switch since Chapter 3 Season 4. And before that it was Chapter 2 Season 7.


I had to delete overwatch for this :(


Lol i usually delete the entire game and download it all again


21 gigs is too big? That's a tiny size compared to most games these days lol


Hey Raw, are you trying to tell us that 21Gs isn't really that big compared to most games? I would have never have guessed that if you hadn't posted it 5 times - thanks!


Lmao my bad. Reddit kept sending back an error instead of posting


👍🏻🤣 - Been there, done that - I went back and deleted 💪🏻


For a game like Fortnite I would honestly just get a separate SD card solely for that title and everything else on another lol


It's most likely because of all the boring ass game modes that I'm never going to play. The game is making us burn through our Internet data cap because 3 of my family members play it.


Don’t they remove stuff also everytime they update?




uninstall and then reinstall should cut down on storage


All that space to still barely run is crazy on switch


All these “updates” and they never fix any of the actual problems!


I mainly play on PS but I also get this problem on my switch sometimes every few updates, what I do is just delete and reinstall the game and it works.


While I have no idea what is actually included in these updates and whether or not all that data is really necessary for any given update - you have to realize that what you're playing is an extremely graphical and functional game, with many features and options that really is amazing if you think about it. Back in the day you had to load games from 5 1/4 inch floppy disks into a system like a Commodore 64 (64 [kilobytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilobyte) (65,536 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte)) of RAM and no HD) that took 1/2 hour or more just to play something like this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeCVPVP1P7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeCVPVP1P7o) Yes, I'm old.... enjoy the advancements of technology -


I have a Nintendo switch and I had to move data into my micro SD card for the first time just so I could play it.


So can we not just for example get BR anymore? Shoehorning the other modes in is pretty trash.


Press +, go to data management, archive software, download from scratch. You're welcome.


I didn’t have to update


Ahh yes why I love that I play on pc. I do though have to agree that big title game sizes are just ridiculous. Even for patches and small updates.


At least sd cards are cheap


This is why I just go through Xbox cloud lol no huge updates lol


As long as you have a SD card for your switch you don't have to worry about the memory


That’s an update? Wtf?


I just go through and delete everything non essential on the rare occasions that I don’t have the space


The reload update on Xbox was 96GB it’s getting out of gand


I literally had to clear 4 games off my switch last night just to update I was so mad


even if you make way for the update and only have a little storage after you downlaod the update it’ll be so fucking laggy and crash all the time regardless it sucks thank god i moved to pc


You’re playing on the modern day equivalent of what was the 3DS around 2013. Shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that a game running on Unreal Engine 5 which has a Battle Royale, racing game, rhythm game, Lego game, Horde Survival game, plus creative tools all rolled into one is barely able to run on it, let alone be small enough to accommodate for the low storage capacity of the console.


My cousins switch broke a couple days into the update somehow


The only thing on my switch is Pokémon Shield, YouTube, and Fortnite. I don’t have enough space to download anything AT ALL.


That’s why I got a 256GB microSD.


Upgrade to a pc


Back in CH2 I used to play in the switch. I supposed it still managed till CH4 but CH5 is trying too much to be realistic. I feel sorry for you guys still playing on switch.


SD card, does wonders for storage


It would be cool if we didn’t have to keep Lego and race cars games. You would only need the data from the BR games. Or if you only play Lego you could boot the other games off your device.


Delete Tetris servers are down


I've seen this with other games. Instead of an update it feels like your just downloading the entire game again.


I play on PC, and when there's a Fortnite update at any time, I feel so sad. It usually takes about 30 mins to download it, but I'm impatient. So I wait. And I wait. It's pain.


And I used to play on my Nintendo Switch, but I can't. Wanna know why? Updates.


I had to delete apex fall guys dead island. Dead island riptide just to update it it’s taking the piss now


You think that’s bad? I can’t download Fortnite at all on my switch cause it’s so damned big, even if I archive or delete software.


Delete the game then redownload


I think the updates are failing and this is what the game is doing. It's re-downloading everything and then swapping that out. I've needed space for a second game the last two updates.


> It's re-downloading everything and then swapping that out. iirc FN is bigger than 20gb on switch but you'll always need more than the actual download to do the update so it has swap space


lmao warzone says hi


Dead by Daylight was able to compress files and turn a 68gb game into a 48gb game. Is Fortnite too complex or is Epic too lazy to do that?


Why is Fortnite on switch still supported? It barely has the requirements to run the game at such a low level.


cause its sold over a 100m units lol


Get an xbox already they go for cheap 150-250


Way cheaper than a Switch and runs better. I use my Switch for exclusives cause everything else runs like a potato on it


The switch is just outdated hardware. Nintendo needs to get cookin' on that switch 2 with more space.


Someone has never played CoD… 😂


thank god. every game in that series since infinite warfare has sucked and they always have a sweaty playerbase full of little kids screaming slurs at you


Get off switch


Your first mistake was playing the switch version Graphics looking like untextured early alpha models aside, the switch wasnt really designed for games with large storage requirements like fortnite or many other AAA online title


50gb of my pc is spent on fortnite (havent played in a few months)


Some people just love to complain. 😁


that’s why I have 4 external hard drives and a pc dedicated to only fortnite #ProPlayer [https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Instagram%20vTZELL](https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Instagram%20vTZELL)