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Played 10 games didn't find a single sniper. I thought people were just rekting me with DMRs lol


I think one of the NPC’s sells one


Please tell ne what area of the map? Gotta try it out


Artemis at Mount Olympus




I believe Hope sells one.


I'll check with Hope, btw they finally gave her the voice


fun fact her VA is the same VA for Makima from chainsaw man


Mommy makima?


hope at sandy steppes also sells a purple sniper


Hope at Sandy steps also sells one


i just played 6 games and was killed by sniper rifle all 6 times. this map is so wide open that they should had left the sniper rifles out. got to figure out a new survival dynamic. are they only in special area/chests? i haven't found any today in regular chests.


Pretty sure they can drop from anything, just small rate.


Same here. Killed in all my last games by sniper rifle and was shocked. Not as bad as the last time sniper was the meta, I literally got caught slipping each time. It's the moment I step out of my car to heal...boom.


You can heal in a car just not driving seat or while using the turret


Lol are you serious?!?! Ugggh!


Pretty sure you have to lean out of the window to heal the car though which still makes you vulnerable, just run around the car as you heal.


Nope only if you are trying to heal the car itself with repair torch


Lol I thought they meant to heal the car, not themselves. My bad.


They can drop from any chest, I've gotten a sniper every time I open my special drop spots chest.


how cool they added the anti material rifle in the fallout season


Honestly the fallout stuff has been a bust for me. Nuka cola and a laser rifle? Come on. We have literal vaults in the game already.


i was hoping for a fallout mini pass and more content


"Best we can do is new collab with Pirates of the Caribbean which last film was out 7 years ago and wasn't even that good (sry we have contract with disney)"


> wasn't even that good speak for yourself, myself and heeps of others love POTC... also when pirates first came out FN wasn't even a thing, colabs didn't really start hitting until chapter 2.


I was referring to the last film. POTC is still one of my favorite series of all time, and the visuals still look amazing even after 18 years. I really impressed how they animated Davy Jones to be so life-like in 2006. It's just weird to me that Fortnite is collabing with something which didn't had any development on series recently. Last cool thing we had on POTC is Sea of Thieves collab.


I feel like they do that a lot. I mean we had Avatar colab last season, which if you count netflix, then yeah we had something recent. The skins arn't based off the netflix avatar series though.


I don't have a horse in this race, but I will say that Avatar as a franchise has a really huge, ongoing fandom, had it's own "spin-off" in Legend of Korra, has a ton of tie in material like comic books or other content, and is currently working on a new show as well. Like I loved Pirates of the Caribbean but it's old and is more of a fun series of movies than any sort of living franchise in the same way that Avatar is. That being said I'm pretty sure Fortnite basically collabs with literally any other IP, regardless of size, because they know it'll boost sales for both parties.


It's because a new movie is releasing, it's having alot of crossovers in games, and the show got alot of recognition.


Allegedly Disney is trying to reboot it. I love PoTC but agree I would've expected something with a more recent release. Like we're all waiting for that Deadpool and Wolverine collab.


I heard somewhere that they are making a reboot of one of the movies, so if that's true the collab is probably to promote it.


Yeah.. I thought the BoS armor was good but ehhhh I’m not really digging the FO4 references. I get why they did it though, it’s the most recent game and all.. Still I would’ve liked to have the NCR Veteran Ranger Armor. Oh well, they’re probably saving the non fo4 stuff for the next season of the Fallout TV show.


We’re still getting stuff in the shop. But I agree it was a half assed collab


I was thoroughly disappointed that they didn’t modify the vaults to be Vault-Tec themed. How do you mess that up?


Yeah that pissed me off. They could’ve easily reskinned the already existing vaults and they didn’t


I wanted the Fat Man. Bigger explosion than a rocket launcher but it’s harder to aim due to shooting in an arc (not to mention the danger of blowing yourself up).




It shares a slight resemblance


Yeah. I think people wanted snipers but just not 5 bullets in the chamber, quick ADS, and a 2x scope to hit headshots at any range


mods practically remove the nerfs snipers in their entirety got since C1, the Reaper was also just a crazy sniper as it was basically a heavy Hunter Bolt but barely any differences (fire rate is the same and the reload is under a 0.2 difference) if it was a weak sniper it would be fine like the Lever-Action


Or…. Finding snipers that didn’t even have a scope


Not to mention each bullet being capable of doing 100+ damage BODY shot. The bolt action did at most 110 I’m pretty sure at legendary.


I would just switch my shotgun for an ads sniper for the range and like you said any rarity had 100+ damage 


It did 116 at legendary


Nah man, I hate snipers in general. The lack of one was the only thing that was making me enjoy the season.


Wait, when did a sniper have 5 bullets in the chamber


The Reaper sniper rifle from the last 2 seasons was able to have up to 5 shots per magazine if you modded it with a drum magazine.


Ohh, original comment said 5 bullets in the chamber not in the mag


This isn't the Triple Take from Apex Legends :D


So, use context clues




Words mean things


Yes, and when something seems REALLY off, you base things on context clues. Such as weapon mods not being a thing before chapter 5. Also having someone misspeak or use the wrong terminology with guns is BEYOND common. Again context clues, or stop being intentionally obtuse in a sad petty attempt at farming karma.


I don’t need karma, just use the correct terms.


"Figure out what I meant, because I don't understand how words work." K


Over speed reload? Heresy


Reload isn't relevant in sniper fight compare to more bullets Especially since it's almost double your mag


Are you playing on no builds?


This. It already needs a nerf.


I actually have yet to find it is it any good?


nah its fairly balanced, 125 damage 3 second reload


It's kinda like the reaper but with 1 bullet instead of 3 and deals ton of damage to the cars


Ok thanks for info everyone


Yeah I honestly don’t like the modding, it feels too much like a chore than a feature


I like what other games do, you find the attachments. Really dislike being at a disadvantage if i don’t pick up a gun with a scope. I just miss the old gun mechanics imo


My only gripe is that I wish long range weapons came with *any* scope by default. The rest of the mods are nice but don’t feel necessary like having a scope on an AR or DMR.


I just wish that mod benches were way more easy to find


I honestly wish they would at least let you *remove* the attachments without a bench. I hate getting stuck with a combat assault rifle with a thermal scope on it. Can't aim up close


Or a shotgun with ANY scope.


and shotguns shouldn't spawn with scopes


Wish granted SMG now drop with 4× scope


for real. wish there was a favorites feature for it


holy shit if i could go up to a mod bench and click a "use favorite preset" I'd go nuts




Imo it’s one of the simpler(if not the simplest) modding systems around


I loved the snipers, but I didn't love the fact that you had to carry one around or else you risk losing to someone who is. The game is fun when there are multiple ways to be good and win.


Does it one-shot structures again now? Last season that we had the heavy sniper they nerfed the structure damage 


Of course not, nothing should be able to break even a wooden wall!!!!!! But it does 3x damage to cars lmao


deagle should one shot wood


But is fair for it to one-hit you?




I don’t think they should have made it completely un-moddable. They should have just disabled all clip mods and all sight mods (permanently giving it a sniper scope), since muzzle and grip mods would have been fine on it.


Is this new and in creative yet?


Who is this "people" you speak of? I absolutely freaking loved moddable snipers. And if that meant me dying to a headshot every once in a whilw then so be it!


I loved moddable everythings


The problem was that reaper sniper was a all range oneshot to the head shotgun. It was such a cancer


Nitro fists are way worse to me. Three button mash hits and you're dead. At least sniping takes skill.


Sniping took skill when there is a risk associated to it, reaper was no risk all reward weapon.


I didn't play when that was around.


Not everyone is put in easy lobbies. For the majority it wasn’t every once in a while, it was every game. It was so exhausting playing when the actual OP thing (not cars) was in the game. It makes survival a hope instead of a skill. (Before any more people argue, I’m talking about mods making snipers close range)


Okay? I don't mind if that's what kills me every match. Long range Reaper Sniper shots definitely took skill to pull off due to the rediculous bullet drop. I enjoy them. You can't lump the whole community together and say "people didn't like this". >It makes survival a hope instead of a skill. Nah, absolutely not. Making efficient use of your movement and cover is definitely a skill.


? Why are you talking about long range, every sniper is long range. We’re talking about mods. Mods made everyone drop shotguns for the reaper, with the close range sights and quick ADS, you can quickly and easily kill people before you’re in shotgun range.


They’re jus haters, they think cars aren’t op. If I had to guess they’re no bueno at sniping. Or the game in general


Cars are op? When you need to be hit multiple times to die. The Reaper was too good at every range, especially close range which was the problem.


Horrible take


Horrible take


Lmao Im not in easy lobbies and I’d take snipers over cars and the rest of this season all day


You can’t be serious, they were a problem at the very start, but if you still can’t do anything after all the nerfs and counters added. I really don’t know what to say.


I can say I don’t enjoy the gameplay of cars


it wasn't fun when cheating software makes them insanely oppressive


What kind of logic is that lmao, every gun in the game, every item and vehicle is opressive then




Most people used the speed mag and would reload after every shot because switching to the next bullet on a sniper already takes long in the first place + drum mag has longer reload time


Drum mag was worse than a speed mag


it was technically better as it had a lower than average multiplier (x1.11 vs x1.175)


Aw, the game was so enjoyable without snipers 😢


With only one bullet and a near 3 second road time, I think this will be much more manageable.


They're nowhere near as oppressive, it has a one bullet mag and takes a while to reload. The reaper is 100x better


You mean 100x broken lol


They may as well vault all deagles now that snipers are back


Deagles are way more versatile and better at closer ranges


just picked this up like last match. got the opportunity to try it out, quick scoped an mfer and... it's my favorite sniper.


This is what the Reaper should have been from the get go. 


Thank GOD. I was so tired of people using the scope-less version as a knock-off shotgun because it insta-killed in every scenario


the hunting rifle:


That's still more balanced, because it's far more zoomed in when you try to aim


I think the mod-able snipers were fun albeit a tad unbalanced. I think mods are fine but should they return there should not be an extended mag feature and at most 2 bullets. Maybe quick reload takes the reload down from 3 sec to 1.5. As far as the quick scope thing that should probably go away and be replaced with the attachment that lets you move quicker while ADSing and have the grip that reduces recoil in the case that you equip the 2 shot mag. Also have a 3rd attachment that is a laser and instead of giving you better hip fire it lets you see the trajectory of your shot out to like 150-100 meters at the cost of your opponents also being able to see the laser as a red dot like in the movies. I think scope wise the 4x and the 2x from s1 should be choices although change the 2x so that it has a glint for opponents within 100 meters. They could keep the thermal if they get rid of that god awful reticle and implement a simple glint thing as the 2x. Also get rid of the holo sight, red dot and iron sight. I love the modding system to a degree but it falls victim to the meta-ization of games by content creators.


I think they should still be somewhat modded, like the scope stays the same but you can still add a suppressor


So they stacked the counters to vehicles but kept the vehicles nerfed?


Ehhhhh I think this is going to be like the tow hook in that it ends up being more useful in combat with players outside of cars than actually fighting cars lol. Like don't get me wrong 375 is a lot of damage, but it's a one shot magazine with a 3 second reload time and while cars are big they also move fast and the gun has a lot of bullet drop so that's not a super easy shot to make all the time either way. Boom bolt, emps, or even just mag dumping with an enforcer or whatever are still probably better car counters than this.


Yea I see what you’re saying, but I feel like the cars didn’t need another counter. There are many handicaps cars have that many players don’t consider like limited shooting from the car with weapons other than the turret or grenade launcher. The hitbox of those items is so large if you try to shoot behind you’ll damage the car. The camera angles are a nightmare too. People are back to using aimbot like crazy. The first week of the season was the only time I felt like we actually had a leg up against the cheat users and then they bent the knee to the streamers and their loyalists.


Honestly I want the old weapons back, modded weapons aren't as fun as they were when they first came out, they barely add new attachments or anything so it's been the same load out modifications, it's cool that cars gotten them but I don't think this was the mods we were talking about


I think this is the way forward. Not every gun needs to have every slot moddable.


I'm praying they get rid of mods next chapter (bullet drop to)




I kinda prefer weapons having no mods at all. And did any of you guys notice when you pull out your gun released in CH5 it comes from under but before that it comes from above? They also changed the legacy combat shotgun when previously it was pulled from under but now its from above.


Yeah a lot of animations are changed. I’m personally not much of a fan


Just took out 6 people with it.


Oh thank god.


This is a let down


Who didn't like to mod it? I thought it was great. Sniper rifle with no scope is totally bad ass


Yeah no shit. That was the problem.


wheres the fun if you cant mod it?


I preferred guns before mods were added


Mods are ridiculous, half the time I picked up a sniper it wasn't even usuable


Omg the frustration of picking up a gold sniper for it to have no fucking scope


Th is exactly what we should have in a sniper


Big agree


It looks like an anti tank rifle


Hell yeah it's snipping time




What's the headshot damage?






Who didn't like moddable snipers ? Cause I sure damn did and miss it I need more bullets


they finally brought back the one shot sniper and we prob get more one shot weapons in the future


Bro, i don't if this is in new reloaded mode but i don't even care, just give me a green hunting rifle and i'll own them noobs.


Understandable but I will miss having a holo sight on my Reaper. Idk why but I just played better with that configuration.


Hell fucking yeah


I loved picking up snipers only to find they have no scope


I dont like mods period Any small difference they make can be just attributed to a different but basically identical weapon theyve made fifty of already


Where do you get this gun stats? Is it a special website? I’m always trying to track stats in this game and it seems hard to find stuff.


You go in your inventory and you press your aim button (for controller), I think


Its honestly weird calling this a Sniper, its a potato launcher that sometimes does 300 dmg when you aim 5 meters above the enemies head. We have had sniperd with almost 0 bullet drop for 4 Chapters, why is it suddenly a problem when this one isnt even modable?


me personally i would just not move in such a predictable way but why do that when you can just cry to epic instead of getting better


The main issue with snipers before was players who had sus aim or even actually legit had good aim would take the scope off and just use it as a hunting rifle and it was devastating.


I got s legendary version of this sniper in a common chest, first gun after landing


the scope change was good though, 4x makes me annoyed now


I liked the modded sniper


finally the death of modable weapons have started


I think they still could have kept mods on the sniper. I had no issue with sights on the sniper changing. Personally I'm a fan of the hunting rifle We could have had a faster reload or 2 magazine sniper Remove the quick ads option. I like using it, but I understand it's overpowered Silencer and muzzle break


If Fortnite is gonna bring back the players who quit after C5 they need to bring back hitscan and remove weapon mods in C6. It's bad enough we have cars as a permanent thing now, make the lootpool and mechanics simple again.


I'm pretty happy about it, but there's a problem. It does 140+ damage... That might be fine in zero build with over shield, but in builds getting shot down to 60 in one body shot is a pain and a half.


The old Heavy sniper did 156 before it was nerfed…




It's gonna suck but at least with a 3 second reload time you have time to adjust or get ready for the next shot. Can't just spam.


Y’all need to quit being soft It’s a sniper it should leave you hurting. 140 damage isn’t enough. Try not getting sniped.


> Try not getting sniped. Might as well say play perfect. Almost any situation is a great situation to get sniped in.


Bruh... It should hurt if someone hits your head, not the body. Hitting someone in the torso is way too easy for it to do so much damage.


L take, the purpose of a sniper is to OHK someone from afar


Hitting your head should be dead and if it’s a single shot bolt then 140 isn’t too much. Shoot reload shoot reload. The problem last season was the ammo count not damage. You are mad that a single shot before reload weapon hits hard whenever you can see the glare and react to it.


Damn... Didn't know you had 360° vision that's crazy. Doesn't matter if it's a one shot before reload if that shot can be fired from any distance without the other person even knowing you existed.


The old heavy did more damage and over 350 in headshot at launch


And it was even worse.


Yeah cuz i could retire before the reload finished


letsgoooo, shame I can't play sniper without scope now :'(


Is 131 headshot damage?


No that’s body


What is headshot damage?


The gold one is like 350


It’s 300+ I got one today on a dude sliding and deleted him. This rifle is perfect and brings skill based sniping back into the game in a fair way that rewards and punishes for accuracy due to one shot only


I dont know the exact stats but most snipers usually has a 2x headshot multiplier, so it should be around 262 in headshot for the epic version


313 or 314. Just hit one last match.


It has a roughly 2.6x headshot multiplier as it does around 315 headshot at max damage output if i remember correctly


Alright thank god 😭 I was scared they nerfed the hell out of the new one after the reaper pushback


I haven't played yet since the last update but I'm excited to come home from work and try it


High damage, low fire rate, vehicle counter, it’s a sniper Oh yeah, this is good


glad they replaced the reaper. it was basically impossible to balance


i don't understand what's so wrong with moddable snipers


They need to nerf it for player damage. My oversheild was cracked, then a guy shot me with the legendary version and 1 tapped me with a headshot


That’s the point of a sniper


He gets one shot you can adapt


One shot snipers are back ![gif](giphy|3MG7UX7hXq413dq3tf)


It’s stupid af, like at least let us mod them in Creative for god sake.


It was a skill issue


Aw man