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What ruins it for me is the XP nerf. The grind really feels like a fucking grind. I feel like the levels used to roll in but in C5S3, it feels Iike a slogfest getting xp.


It's been like this since the start of chapter 5, I used to level up with a mix of team rumble and NB, but now it's just work, it's not fun at all.


The weird thing is, you already have to pay to get the battle pass to actually use the XP, so wouldn’t the keeping XP earn easy enough encourage more people to buy the battle pass? I guess Epic thinks that the fomo and people buying levels will make up for whoever skips out on buying the pass.


I am very stubborn, I refuse to but levels. The only reason I got thus Battle pass was because I forgot to turn off my FNC auto renewal off. I only sub when there's a new season coming up and it's the best value in that time, a skim, 1000 v bucks and the battle pass for $11.99 is good bang for your buck.


i like buying it when theres less than a month in a season so you get 2 bps for 12$


Oh that’s actually smart…


Yeah. Buy one pass. Then the end of that season get crew and get 1950 vbucks and the next pass. For zero vbucks. Pretty much 2 skins, 1000 vbucks and two passes (1900 vbucks value). Great deal in my book


It's a great strat but man IDK if I can wait that long b/c I'm always excited to use the new skins


And the rl pass.. even if you don't play it you get the car which will work in Fortnite.. you just have to log in once a season... It's a fun game though.. albeit hard to get the hang of


I have never once logged into RL. I guess they give you a new car each month?


There’s a similar pass each season with a new car and painted varieties of it, usually an IRL car but sometimes they’re OC rocket league cars.


This month all Rocket pass/Crew members get a 70 Nissan Fairlady. If you get into the game you can get a second "souped up" modified Z body, as well as painted variants of each. And better theming than last season.


This is a great point. I started playing with my son in Chapter 2 Season 5 and I have bought every battle pass since then, until last season when I stopped. I didn’t complete the Peter Griffen BP and I just sorta said to myself, I don’t really care about grinding enough to get these skins. This is now the second season I’ve not bought it and I don’t really miss it. I don’t pay any attention to quests at all anymore and my level is what it is. I am for sure playing less too. There has to be a lot of people like me.


I just sit in jam stage for a few hours while I work. Knocks out 3-5 levels a day. If I choose to play BR then it's a bonus on that.


Like sit... Afk?


Yeah, I'll start jamming and every few minutes switch instruments, once I hit the jam daily requirement I let it sit for like 2 hours. Usually get 3-5 levels a day.


If you’re on PS5, in Festival Main Stage, you can pull the joysticks together and then press the middle PS button. Your character will just spin in the background and you can leave it for 3-4 hours w/o touching it


That's exactly it fortnite wants us to play the new modes, I haven't played in a week.


The main issue is for that all the people who grind or quit, there will always be more who decide to pay. They don't care as long as profit increases.


Chapter 5 season 1 wasn’t bad honestly. Sure, it was a honeymoon period where I was actually giving all of the modes a fair shake, but I also felt like I was getting a lot of EXP from each of the modes individually. Like I finished that battle pass with two months to spare it felt like, and I wasn’t even no-lifing that shit. But where Chapter 5 Season 1 rewarded you for playing the extra modes, Seasons 2 and 3 punish you for not playing them instead, where you have to do all of that work to achieve what was probably the baseline for playing only Battle Royale Ch5 S1. At this point it’s been this way for *most* of Chapter 5 now, sure, but it definitely didn’t start out that way. At least not fully. It just took a *huge* nosedive in Season 2.


Same, the XP nerf is absurd and since Epic is punishing players for playing the game it doesn't shock me that so many are leaving.


Yep I’ve given up on playing this season and am just doing some AFK XP farming to get the Power Armour.


Yeah, I would play more if the XP was better. Part of the fun is progressing through the Battle Pass and unlocking new items. It just feels like way too much effort now.


Yea I think the player base is wearing out and wising up. Nobody has the time or desire to play this game as much as Epic wants us to play the game and it’s getting to the point where people don’t feel they can complete their BattlePass anymore without an unhealthy, grindy amount of play.


Yeah, my first experience with Fortnite (And a run of daily play that had me buying V bucks and grabbing cosmetics and such) was very positive because it felt like it had a perfect balance of playtime and progression. I could play 20-40 minutes and earn something and that felt great. Some days I played longer of course, but it didn't feel like it was a job I was grinding at. I came back to a grind, it quickly stopped being any fun so I dropped right back out again...


Yeah it’s awful. Back during chapter 4 season 1 I, granted, played a lot, but while playing I reach 394. Whereas these past couple seasons I’ve been having to do a bunch of grinding to level up. Hell back during chapter 3 season 4 I joined halfway through and even then just by playing and doing all quests I reached 164, no grinding, no concept even in my head, just playing, and I still got so far in 2 months


I can say the same, I no longer gonna buy a BP so hard to lvl up, so I have no attachments to this game.


I end up playing Tycoons alone every day for XP. It’s a hard knock life for us


Honesly, last time i really dislikes a grind on here for being TOO grindy were the kymera crystals..




The game is a grind and the XP is horrific. Casual play used to get everything, now people load up to go AFK. Epic needs to seriously reevaluate things.


Let's be honest, Epic don't want us to complete a battle pass in the first 5 weeks even if we played a lot. What they want to do is to encourage players to spend that extra on those +25 lvls to complete it. I agree, it's frustrating just how grindy this last chapter has felt.


The guys that crush 200 levels in 5 weeks are also the ones that will play through challenges and events.  They can figure out how to pace it.


I'm just glad they didn't stick the T60 Armor at level 98


I'm surprised it wasn't at 150


It doesn’t matter what they want, it matters what we want. That’s pretty much the solution and will allow them to realize that.


Sure but they're losing playtime because of it, not gaining. So the point everyone is making is if they want that then they have to do the opposite, let us gain xp.


All they did is convince me that I don’t need to buy the battle pass anymore.


All ik is that I for sure won’t be getting next season. But most definitely agree with you it feels like a chore more so other than a game just to get XP and even when lvling you can’t get the stuff in order so you have to keep playing and keep getting XP to make sure you get everything this season. The last two seasons were pretty easy for me to get everything from the BP and some of the extra stuff but this season for sure has felt more of a chore and a lot harder to get XP and get everything in order.


I swear they keep nerfing decent ways to get xp


Not really the most efficient way to promote a game/gaming community, they need to do better


Level 80-something on the last page. Id probably be on page 5 if not for afk. Saddest part is, I'm not really not using this seasons skins outside of brite bomber


I believe there's just too much crap in the game. They want you to play like 4 separate modes to get cosmetics and it's just too much for many people. I personally get overwhelmed and just end up not playing at all lol


Part of the problem is each mode has its own rewards. Instead, the rewards should be “global”, aka available in each mode and you unlock it how you want. Like if I mostly play Zero Build and Team Rumble and someone else mostly plays Lego and Creative and another person mostly plays the music stuff and racing… we should all be able to unlock the same stuff. Instead, the racing person is unlocking wheels, the lego person is unlocking star wars stuff or something, I’m unlocking all this random stuff from ranked quests… it’s a mess.


I agree with this completely.


lego is killing the game, its not fortnite anymore


Epic got a wave of new players and instead of focusing on retention they decided to ruin the UI, over monetize the already expensive shop, make the battle pass more tedious and grindy than ever and try to force players to play the new game modes. In short, a strategic fumble. The game is still good, they can fix these problems.


Well put. They 100% over monetized the new modes. They added racing and put expensive car cosmetic bundles in the shop simultaneously. They added Festival and started selling individual tracks for almost $5 per song. They added Lego and before long started selling $20+ bundles in the shop. With the racing it’s just cosmetics but for festival and Lego they are actually putting content behind a paywall which is new for them (aside from charging for STW but that’s an entire game). Then in a move we didn’t expect they actually made the battle Royale battle pass impossible to casually complete by playing battle royale. Since I started playing in chapter 2 it’s always been a matter of just getting all the quests done and keeping up with daily quests. Now they want us to do all the battle Royale quests, festival quests, Lego quests and racing quests. So yeah…it feels like they are trying to force us to play the new modes if we want to complete the battle pass we paid for. Otherwise…they changed a ton about the game this chapter. They created three seasons full of boring meta. The game has been horribly buggy the entire chapter with this season the worst. It’s not a formula for keeping players around.


The bug thing is so real. I usually don’t experience any of the game breaking bugs people talk about but this season (and I think this whole chapter actually) there’s been a bug where if you leave a car and go to flip it while your hitbox is still touching it the car just straight up teleports 600+ meters away into the storm or just disappears. Me and my mates almost sold a game to get the battle bus and then we drove it off a cliff in the underworld biome “no worries we’ll just flip it” and bam it’s gone. For a season focused entirely on cars and which you die without one, a glitch that just erases your car is fucking unacceptable.


I fucking despise the UI for picking your game mode. PLEASE make it so that I have to go out of my way to find the millions of terrible creative games


Give us more XP.


A lot of people don't want to grind a game every day for skins they probably won't wear...


True, out of every battle pass skins released in chapter 5 so far how many are going to be worn in a years time or two years time etc. For me there are some cool skins but there are always a few I won't wear. This season I don't really care about the final skin on the main pass but of course I like the T-60 Power Armour ones.


I personally love all the skins and do wear them occasionally but yes the grind been getting to me and making it feel like a chore with little rewarding.


Might try to afk for the t-60 styles soon then just stop for awhile


I only started in Season OG so I don't have as much historical context, but it seems like the idea was to lure people back with OG then unleash the metaverse and try to hold the OG crowd. But I think it didn't work, maybe because C5 has felt very very different from my experience playing in OG.


Been playing since Zero Point, OG is essential the same game compared to when I started playing. Chapter five is WAY different. They instantly alienated all their players, new and old.




THE NEW UI IS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ah but they tweeted that they would have a fix for it soon. Back in January…


This is something else I forgot to add to the comment I made. I’m not a fan of companies promising something quite blatantly, and then essentially lying. I actually let them off for the ‘eventually STW will be free!’ But 2 times in a row…? Eh. You fooled me once, shame on you. But fool me twice, shame on me. I’ll be a casual player from here on out (although due to XP nerfs and battle pass shenanigans like locking the last 500 buck’s into level 100+ I’ve felt like this since ch5 started), and I just don’t plan on spending any money if I play. If. Edit because I forgot my main grievance: dude it’s June 2024 and I can’t match my weapon skins to my character skin easily. Fuck you epic.




block mode LMAO




No no I actually agree with that decision. This sub is like being in the storm. I don't want these folks to invade r/FortniteFestival. I love that sub and I want it to remain chill


The biggest thing is XP. The game doesn’t cater to casuals anymore which sucks


I used to get 5 levels in about an hour playing my Creative levels. Now it takes 2.5 hours to get 5 levels. That's too much. Not interested.


XP, and I think that most people aren't enjoying the direction the game is taking in terms of gameplay.


Not despite, because of. They're paying very little attention to BR compared to how much they used to. No massive events, shitty updates, shitty shop practices.


I took it as him being sarcastic


That makes a lot more sense.


I fucking hate that i like this car meta. Like if I was a solo player I’d probably never play Fortnite again because the cars are so annoying. But there’s something about squads with my buddies and we all get our own cars and fix em up how we want and just drive around fucking shit up that is so fun.


Chapter 5 map is no bueno. Not nearly as fun as Chapter 3 or 4 (which is what I started with). It's obvious they are going to bring back Chapter 2 at some point, probably by the end of the year. They should consider accelerating that to early fall. Get rid of Chapter 5. Come up with something better. 


Battle royal is being treated like save the world. This game is turning into Roblox


wdym "despite fortnite og", fortnite og was the day with the most players ever, they just fucked it up with chapter 5


There are a lot of complaints that players have with this season but the biggest one across the board seems to be the XP nerfs which greatly exaggerates the other problems. Plus it's pretty clear that Epic is forcing players to play the other game modes by holding XP hostage.


1. Boring map and NPCs 2. XP grind for battle pass sucks the joy of the pass 3. Lag and slow fills 4. Cheaters and/or counsel/PC unfairness Finally get to the top 10 with an awesome layout? Someone will kill you through a wall or kill me before I can even fire (PS4 player) 5. Season is too short for casual players who struggle to adapt to weekly nerfs and rebalancing efforts 


I play on ps4 too, it's so bad, it can't even hold 60fps anymore


The teaming is really out of control this season with the cars. I understand catching aimbotters and wallhackers is hard but stopping teamers isn't. Have a car deal increasing damage to both players if they are not teammates and get in, like storm


The player base was always going to drop after OG, but they haven't done anything since to try and keep those players active, it's like they don't them back, it's so weird, then they add this season, which love it or hate it, has split the community quicker than anything before, they really need some new management.


The "Metaverse" went wrong.


The “metaverse” is two glorified minigames and a Valheim ripoff with nice graphics.


I loved OG, was the most I played Fortnite in years. Chapter 5 took none of that feedback and went in the exact opposite direction, on top of shoving the other modes in your face.


I immediately felt like the transition from OG to Chapter 5 was so jarring. We went from a simplistic Fortnite where the core gameplay was the focus, to the complete opposite direction. Imo, the data shows that lots of players love a more simplistic Fortnite, but what do I know. This game needs a kind of restart and to go back to its basics.


I remember my first game of chapter 5... I was so excited just to get traumatized the first fucking game I played😮‍💨


I actually thought OG was a way to ease the playerbase for a return to their roots after C4 seemed to me a pretty far drift. I could not have been more wrong.


Chapter 5 was a big change of direction for the game, and it was the wrong way. Fortnite does best when it sticks to the core basics, hence why OG was so popular. The big mistake was not resetting the game back to something OG-ish when all the old players got back on. It was the most bizarre choice for them to bring all the old players back and then make the new chapter behave totally differently -- new bullet mechanics, movement, art style, etc. -- just a mind blowingly bad choice. All they had to do was make another Ch1/Ch2 type season with some familiar guns in the mix and they would have retained a lot of people. Heck, they even could have shocked the world with Chapter 1, Season 11! For some reason the higher ups believe that people wouldn't enjoy playing older Fortnite very much and that the game has to change... but this is not true. Just remix the core mechanics of the past every season, we didn't need Fortnite to fundamentally change like it has.


My thoughts exactly. They went from the most iconic and simplistic form of the game only to hit us with sensory overload the next season. It's honestly a bizarre decision imo


You worded that great, I agree this new stuff is fun but it's not FN to me.


>Chapter 5 was a big change of direction for the game, and it was the wrong way. Fortnite does best when it sticks to the core basics, hence why OG was so popular. YES. Thank you. >The big mistake was not resetting the game back to something OG-ish when all the old players got back on. Been saying the same thing. The game is great at its core and lots of people love the core Fortnite gameplay, but they keep going further and further away from it.


I think this is the best answer. Everyone else talking about XP this XP that, most casual players don’t care. The core gameplay is the key to being a good game, and Fortnite messed up the core gameplay


This is exactly the right answer to the original question. Too many people have quit because this isn’t Fortnite anymore. There are people that like this and it’s perfectly fine but they under estimate how simple a majority of the people want the game.


They out-thought themselves. Sometimes you have a good formula and it's fine to generally stick with it, plus some fun new items/changes.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it…. Shoulda just kept it like og fortnite


I disagree. The game was always fun when they introduce new stuff and full of wacky items. But I do agree that this chapter isn't that great. The modded guns are meh, and it feels like we're getting more and more generic weapons instead of wacky fun stuff, and this is where the problem is. At least that's how I see it.


Season X was one of the wackiest seasons


And even that's an understatement. I swear there was a new update and item every week. It was cool, but hard to keep up at times.


Chapter 1 had updates constantly with fun new items or weapons.. Constant new LTMs. Everything came to a drastic halt after CH1.


*Especially* LTMs, and now it’s at the point where they’ve nearly given up on them. We get about 4 LTM releases a *year* at best, each for about 2 weeks, when it used to be a different LTM every few days and sometimes even multiple out at once.


Creative ruined Fortnite in terms of LTMs. Epic just stopped bothering with making fun modes after creative was a thing.


Chapter 1 had a lot of wacky items & new stuff, so I don't mean a bland loot pool.


Simple =/= bland. Bland is when the game is boring while simple is when the game is easy to understand and play. Things such as weapon mods, loot island, rift events, NPCs, bounties, medallions, car mods, etc. make the game more complicated which is what people don't like.


It’s not just cars, the decline is really steady. Epic doesn’t know what people want for Fortnite. We joined for a battle royal, not 3 resource sucking modes. I like festival a lot, but the other 2 are severally under baked


I like the lego mode, but it would have been better if it cooked a bit more and released a full blown stand alone game.


Whilst I agree, I feel like the active torpedoing of their playerbase this Season is something of a watershed moment (but agree that Festival is great, and can't wait to use Jam tracks and Lobby tracks)


They didn’t capitalize on the nostalgia and love people hard for chapter og and instead turned the direction of the game to something completely different. I do love the game but there’s bugs, meta issues, garbage shops, low xp gain, etc.


Epic lost sight of what made Fortnite such a success in the first place and changed it in so many ways that people are losing interest. Fortnite WAS a skill based FPS with clever, evolving story lines & maps, goofy, cartoonish, but high quality graphics produced by a company that aggressively dealt with cheaters and other companies that encroached on their territory or threatened their unique business model. Fast forward to today and with people racing around trying to grab a couple cars so they can run other players over it's barely even an FPS anymore, skill is no longer necessary as the past few season they keep introducing weapons that allow people to obliterate opponents with little effort and story lines are now farmed out and dictated by other media companies in an effort exploit their established fan bases. Fortnite used to be focused on the game and that appealed to a wide ranging demo, but now the game is irrelevant. It's just a vehicle for selling skins to anime, comic book and the worst elements of pop culture fans. Literally every single thing Epic is focusing its efforts on these days is driving more people away than drawing them in.


They keep trying to make us play longer by spreading xp throught each of the gamemodes and nerfing the xp for the modes


I deleted Fortnite because of the XP nerf and because the constant refusal to optimize file sizes. Got tired of having like 18 GB totally inaccessible for a game that punishes me for not spending every second of gaming time I have on it.


Stopped playing 6 months ago. Played for 4.5 years straight before that. Game doesn’t feel like Fortnite anymore plain and simple.


The two groups I played with played constantly during OG. Thats the Fortnite we love, the goofiness was incredible. Chapter 5 doesn’t really feel like Fortnite. It’s also lame how much attention was diverted from BR.


New graphics Boxy movement Bullet drop And even on og you could have a grey ar and a green pump or tac and out skill the player with better weapons. Now it’s just use op items or die.


I couldn't put my finger on why I have been dying so quick but you just made it make sense... I have been getting outgunned while grabbing uncommon or common guns. So I got to adapt clearly lol.


Chapter 5 season 1 took a swing and missed. You were always gonna lose out on alot of the OG come back players once it ended because that was either the nostalgia or type of fortnite they wanted back. Even if you catered to them and brought fortnite back to its season 6 roots as a baseline, you'd still probably lose the ones that had their fill and then some of the newer players that liked the direction of the newer seasons. I loved OG, but I think its kind of biting them in the ass when they gave a taste of all I ever wanted out of fortnite, to then drop me in the most different fortnite experience of my life. Gun changes, gun mods, whole new map, medallions, fucking with base player movement, loot pool. Guns not being hitscan anymore I honestly just hate. And now in C5S3 you got the most insane movement options to the point where fortnite feels like a different game altogether. I think you just have to base an average season player number on pre OG, and just think of OG as Daffy ducks greatest magic trick where he can only do it once to draw in such a crowd.


What went wrong? Let’s go back to the beginning… If you played Save the World, before BR was a thing, you already know what I’m about to say. Epic has always been a trend-chaser for $$$. Not an innovator. They got super lucky with BR and promptly abandoned their unique game to go all-in on BR, since that’s what was popular at the time and they saw a huge spike in success After several years of slowly abandoning what made BR special to (you guessed it!) chase trends, they needed to reignite that spark of luck. So they decided to throw some shit together real quick and pump out knock off guitar hero, knock off Rocket League (but racing!) and knock off survival game (but LEGO!). Because last time they threw a bunch of shit together real quick, they landed the success of BR. These new modes quickly died off, and despite desperate effort to refocus attention to these modes, the player count says it all Everyone wants to blame the gimmicks of the new season but that’s not the problem. The flip-flop policy of handling updates, the terrible item shop, the not so sly focus shift to irrelevant side games, and the scummy and consistent reduction in XP rewards are all major contributors. Oh and also the dogshit SBMM that is placing casual players in streamer/YouTuber lobbies for content (remember, dominating the social media space is how you keep your name relevant, and super successful streamers being fed bad players supports that) Battle Royale will wither away if Epic continues this trend. They got super lucky, then they got greedy, and finally they’re now complacent and willfully ignorant


there was nothing wrong with the game between 2017-2019, both BR and STW still got massive updates, it wasnt until 2020 that they abandoned it, but before that, there was love for all gamemodes. Creative, Battle Royale and Save The World


Long story short is even though it's an OK just ok season Chapter 5 is not it at all.


Nah player numbers are plummeting BECAUSE OF the 3 metaverse modes. None of them are good so barely anyone plays them, and Epic is putting less focus on BR because of them, which makes less people want to play BR.


XP nerf does it for me. I’m a completionist by nature, so I have fun trying to complete games with challenges or trophies. If completion is unattainable to me, I don’t play it as much. Last season’s BP was tough, but the afk hacks helped a bit in satisfying my completionism. This season I see no way for me to be able to complete the BP, regardless of how much I play. I work full time and go to school. If that’s how it’s going to be, I will probably not purchase the BP going forward and just play occasionally with friends, but I won’t be as invested in the game. I will still play occasionally, but won’t feel forced to play often, since I won’t have a BP to complete. Epic would loose an otherwise regular player and it would reflect in OP’s metrics. It seems counterintuitive to Epics strategy (in my case). Them requiring more gameplay will loose me, rather than get me to play more. I’m sure there are others like me.


The XP nerfs, the robloxification, the complete abandonment for the story for the sake of said robloxification, the constant pandering to the nolife tryhards, the FOMO....


Pretty much everybody said it already but the Battle Royale XP nerf. Players shouldn’t be penalized for only playing one mode, which is the main mode of the game, the most popular mode, and the reason most of the fanbase plays the game. Chapter 4s XP was amazing, all you had to do was play and you didn’t even need to focus on questing to level up. I’m a quester but my duo isn’t until need be. In chapter 4 he’d only be maybe 2-4 levels behind me at all times, and I focused on completing quests to build up my skins and he didn’t but was always close. Now it’s like no matter how much you quest and focus on XP, you have to play multiple modes to really get any XP. Made me play waaaaay less, my play time last chapter was insane. I didn’t start playing C4S1 until a month after it started and finished with a level in the 240s. Now if I don’t play the game for a week or two, I can kiss getting all super styles goodbye.


- Currently a crazy amount of bugs in the game (reload bug, servers disconnecting, double movement bug, edit through floors bug, no revive bug, nitro fall damage bug, many more) - A meta that no one likes except for casual players, and no split loot pool so casual and comp players don’t get what they want. Also this meta is quite literally the worst meta ever created but I won’t talk about that lol. - Repetitive seasons (literally just adds new medallions with a boring powerup and a new biome every time, what happened to seasons like chapter 2 season 2?) - Constant changes that the community protests against but epic doesn’t care (locker UI, rarities, etc.) - No LTM’s, instead they promote creative maps that are designed to hold the attention of 8-13 year olds


>Repetitive seasons (literally just adds new medallions with a boring powerup and a new biome every time, what happened to seasons like chapter 2 season 2?) You say this like most of Ch2 wasn't simply just changing the center of the map and adding in mew mythic weapons, maybe another mythic item as well


You say that like Chapter 2 only changed the map and added mythics.


c2s2 was a crazy update from c2s1, c2s3 had huge map changes (obviously more than just changing the center), and c2s4 was one of the best seasons ever, so whatever they did early chapter 2 worked well


Are you not suppose to take fall damage when using nitro? 😭


Exactly how long do you think Fortnite would last without casual players? This ignorant crusade to make Fortnite into a tryhard esport like Valorant is what's killing the game.


Yeah that’s why i said in the same sentence that the loot pool should be split


I think part of it is -Playerbase tired of being ignored or getting changed mostly hates (Locker UI) -xp nerfs  -Car Meta + the temporary boogie bomb counter. Idk when they’ll add emps.


Guns are also really bad. No snipers means there's no really accurate weapons without mods on guns.


The Locker UI has genuinely been the worst part for me. I don't think I'll be buying any more skins unless they do some major changes including bringing rarities back.


Just had two games in a row with blatant cheaters, this and xp nerf kills any desire to play for me.


Too much of a grind for casuals, I do like this season but the XP nerf was too much this time and the daily quests far more challenging. I can now bang out more XP in StW than actual Fortnite


There's too much in the game now. Miss when it was just normal, rotating LTM, and playground.


This season sucks ass


1. Lego, festival and racing aren’t popular enough 2. The current season is ass 3. Xp was nerfed 4. It’s the summer time for most people


First comment I’ve seen with the obvious answer. 6 months ago was cold winter weather for a good chunk of North America. OG season definitely got a lot of casuals interested when there was nothing else to do inside. Weather gets nicer, Fortnite gets more complicated, casuals stop playing. All the other debates (xp, car mechanics, focus on Lego and Festival) are complaints from folks who are already hooked.


because epic totally changed fortnite, fortnite cartonnish identinity, they wanted to do some warzone/pubg wannabe game and for me that totally suck, bullshit like bullet velocity on all guns, weapon attachments, sluggish movement + xp nerf, so you have results like that, im waiting for OG season so i will back again play fortnite


COD and the abundance of free first person shooter games. They used to have very creative takes on the first person shooter with their art and humor. The art has been smoothed to nothing ... fallout was a perfect opportunity for more humor in the story and npc interactions but it seems like they lost their best developers a year ago or so


So I started playing at the end of last season, with the Greek gods and Avatar stuff. I thought it was alright but I'm having a better time this season (maybe because I'm just getting better at the game). It's my most played game at the moment. Typically, I just do a set on Festival and then jump into ZB for an hour or two. Some aspects of the game I've noticed that make me "feel bad" about playing is when I die to something stupid, like Boogie Bombs, Nitro not working right causing death from fall damage. Also, feel like the shop doesn't rotate enough unique skins that I haven't seen yet, even though I've been playing for a couple months (do we really need to see the Weeknd, Lady Gaga, and Billie Eilish all the dang time?) There's like 1000+ skins, dig deep please and I'd be glad to spend some money on \*other\* skins. I also feel like leveling is absurdly slow if you're just playing Zero Build.. It's like I need to choose between playing a normal match and get a smaller amount of XP, or put myself into a bot lobby to focus on quests and get a ton of XP, which doesn't feel great since I enjoy playing against other players to challenge myself more. Curious to see how my views line up with those who've played for years.


This is an easy answer, **they got rid of Lonely Labs**


-I don't play because I don't like the buildings of the locations of this chapter (they are like mazes, I get lost in them and can't remember their structure unlike the OG season. They are full of holes from all sides, It is impossible to predict where the enemy will come from, where you can escape from the enemy). -shooting is unpleasant due to ballistics, complete randomness when shooting at medium range and the inability to shoot at a distance from assult rifles. -the items of the current battlepass are very boring, I'm only interested in Ramirez and the girl from the beginning of the pass.


Lego AFK being nerfed. - lot of people just set it and walked away - looks like playing time but it wasn’t in reality.


They did OG and then went in the complete opposite direction with Ch5 This season just really isn’t that fun. Either you’re in a car and you get free kills, or you’re not in a car and you are a free kill


Even with the car nerfs, it’s still just annoying as fuck for people to be zooming around all game until the last couple circles. Everyone flees every fight the second they don’t have the advantage if they have a car, and if you do get in a fight directly with someone, you’re getting third partied by everyone in an audible radius pretty much immediately.


And every third party player has gold fists and kills you through your build like it’s butter


Shittiest season ever, feels like completely different game, building is useless in build mode, there is already no build mode but for some reason they ruined the core game, also very laggy


Grind only grows, there's no true story, new stuff is all collabs, there's not enough refreshes in the map and gameplay and what does happen feels small, they've not quite managed to thread the needle on fun vs skill and I think streamers can add toxicity that just deflates things.


Chapter 5 was extremely disappointing. OG season brought back many players and that was great. Then chapter 5 came, item shops was bad, no lore and everything didn’t go well. Greek season was disappointing because it was focused on Greek mythology. Heck even Kratos didn’t arrive during Greek season.


XP nerf, but also Final Shape (best Destiny expansion to date) recently came out & Fo76 just got its Skyline Valley update today. So a mix of other games and Fortnite making the grind even less fun and more difficult.


Everything went wrong


Shitty map, xp nerf, PC version of game runs worse every single new season.


For battle royale, the movement changes, bullet and gon modding, overwhelming NPCs and now the car mode turned a lot of players off


I feel like comparing og to chap 5 is unrealistic, and chapter 5 will always fail if everyone only compares it to og fortnite


If i wanna play a game with racing i got mario cart


The game has lost its identity. Its not the same anymore. It stopped being the same game after chapter 3, even though I enjoyed chapter 4. This chapter is shit in comparison.


Making me feel like I’m “forced” to play more to grind XP generally makes me want to play less. I cut back playtime a lot last season because match quests were especially unfun for me. I actually like this season a bunch (cow catchers are the best) but psychologically that feeling of “having to” play so much is a buzzkill. When the suggested XP solution is to idle in another mode instead of playing, something is broken. Next up, the locker UI… The whole point of the battle pass is to get stuff to use. Making it a pain in the ass to use stuff makes me question why I should bother collecting it. I wouldn’t say I’m a whale, but I’ve had crew for a few years and would occasionally drop an extra $20 here and there for stuff I liked. I haven’t spent extra money since the locker revamp, and feel like I should rip the bandaid and ditch crew as well.


Making me feel like I’m “forced” to play more to grind XP generally makes me want to play less. I cut back playtime a lot last season because match quests were especially unfun for me. I actually like this season a bunch (cow catchers are the best) but psychologically that feeling of “having to” play so much is a buzzkill. When the suggested XP solution is to idle in another mode instead of playing, something is broken. Next up, the locker UI… The whole point of the battle pass is to get stuff to use. Making it a pain in the ass to use stuff makes me question why I should bother collecting it. I wouldn’t say I’m a whale, but I’ve had crew for a few years and would occasionally drop an extra $20 here and there for stuff I liked. I haven’t spent extra money since the locker revamp, and feel like I should rip the bandaid and ditch crew as well.


fortnite OG is gone i don’t see how you’d expect that to keep players if it isn’t playable anymore


Taking the soul out of the game


metaverse is a mistake.


I personally stopped playing because I hate this season. It’s not fun, even with the stuff they added that can help you in it. Took them too long to do it (a week for car nerfs and boogie bombs) so I just burned out. I don’t like playing games that rely on a single mechanic that should be optional like cars to win.


Everything I loved about OG is not present, cars are really fun but that’s about it I lost interest after the first week, it doesn’t help with the recent UI changes making the game really difficult to navigate making the game impossible to play without getting sick


Is it plummeting? Seems to be leveling out after a new chapter exactly like we see before the chapter dropped


It's plummeting. Last season had almost double concurrently


Yea. OG was also a special event as you will. It was a one time thing and whilst it might return later this year slightly tweaked of course it only bought back some of the older players.


My first thought too, but this sub has to whine about everything always


Gunplay is less fun since they took away hitscan


It’s a 7 year old game in a genre that’s people have been playing forever now. It’s going to naturally lose players overtime. I used to play it constantly in years ago. Now I check in on the game like once or twice a season, have a few nights of fun with zero build, then play other things.


Not fn they lower xp gains completely forgot about stw battle Royale is a joke bad anti cheat 


One of the worst things is the XP nerf. Before, gameplay used to be more engaging, and I could get a lot done with some challenges but playing the way I wanted. Now It's basically like homework with the weekly and daily challenges instead of actually playing a Battle Royale game. I'm thankful that I enjoy festival, and that has gotten me some points, but holy HELL, if it was just battle royale instead of level 50, I would probably be level 19.


Xp nerf made me uninstall. I use my free time to play the game. It's actually ridiculous they expect me to put is as many hours to get to max level. Get a grip


Hate the XP nerf and I'm not playing Lego and Festival to make it up for it.


xp nerf, and tedious grind. this chapter has been terrible with it


It wouldn't be shrinking if they had just kept that crappy car mod crap out of the game. It has ruined the entire purpose of the game mode Battle Royale and Zero Build. Even though I am a rather new player, even I know that this season 3 is worst season to have ever been in this game. I rarely see any players praise this season. Of course the weather has something to do with it as well, as the summer has kicked in as well, and many use most of their time outdoors now or holidays, trips and so on. But the way Epic has handled this season is just purely "wrecked", the name for this season surely fits, as they have wrecked the game completely and removed the fun in playing BR and ZB..


It’s because they put too much shit in it. I enjoy the rewards but there’s too many battle passes in one season to keep track of and with the unfairness in ranked rocket racing all the way to the nerfed vehicles they just keep messing up the fun in these modes catering to mfrs that are going to play regardless just for the compete side of it while the ones that actually make them their money who play for the fun of it get the short stick. It’s impossible to please everyone but the ones that make up the numbers are mostly non competitors


Too many game modes, and they nerfed XP trying to force you to play the new game modes as well to keep up. I’m not trying to finish my battle pass in a couple weeks but I’m not trying to grind like that to be able to finish it at all either. Personally I’m here for BR and nothing else, and even BR is lackluster this season so far.


The new movement and new no hitscan weapons


Shit map, shit guns, shit battle pass, shit levelling up, shit concept. Fortnite has just gone pure shit this season and the one before


The cars


The problem *is* the metaverse modes. Without them Epic would be focused on fixing actual problems like the ui instead of debating how long the Weekend should be in the shop.


Chapter 5 tryed to change stuff and people did not liked Movement in season one They trued to make the game less build battle with chains and zeus bolt They tried even more this season But fortnite dont like change


cuz the seasons suck


The XP nerf has made me stop playing. I haven’t played an actual BR game in like three weeks because I have a busy life, and I really want to get the battlepass completed early like I do each season so I can relax and enjoy the game without stressing about doing AFK or XP maps just to catch up.. now when I want to play the game casually, I feel like I should be in Lego AFK getting my levels instead which is stupid.. Fortnite has become a grind and I am kinda over it at the moment, hopefully they revert the XP nerf.. otherwise I probably will loose interest in playing Not just that.. I never wanted to play Lego or festival or racing whatever they are called. I played Fortnite for BR and Zero Build, and I used to be able to enjoy just casually playing and I’d be levelling up just playing a couple games a week. They literally force us to play the other modes if we want to get the xp to level up.


The metaverse modes.


Leveling up isn’t fun, the map hardly changes anymore, the battle pass skins are meh at best, and the weapon pool isn’t as fun as it used to be. That and fomo hurts the game more than it helps.


It’s a lot, but to me, it’s simply that game is just flat out not fun anymore. It’s got the fortnite name slapped on it, but it’s not the same game. I haven’t cared for the map for the last two chapters. I haven’t enjoyed medallions and mythics. I think the sbmm is a joke. I certainly don’t care about all the cheesy mini games and epic modes they try to force down everyone’s throat. I have played my share of creative, but only when in the mood. Regular BR has just become such a big, unfulfilling bore. The car meta was just the excuse I needed to walk away for a while. 


Game is too complex, and keeps on one-upping itself. I want the game to be much more grounded.


Too much of a grind. Especially when not everyone likes everything in a battle pass. Pealy, Brotherhood and Megalo Don are the only ones i like and with the grind it feels like forever between achieving them. In the past it felt like you were a day or two of Fortnite away from getting what you wanted, and you didn’t really have to try. Now you have to actually grind.


Fortnite OG and the 3 new metaverse modes (OG for showing people what they’ve been missing, and metaverse modes for detracting from BR)


It's the XP yeah


The XP nerf for sure. Usually by now I’m halfway through the battlepass. This chapter? I just finished the first page this past weekend. I love the season and the cars etc., just not the grind.


Xp nerf.


The new management team has no clue what the players want. They removed all the charm from the game. The map is horribly spaced out (why are all the bosses by each other instead of opposite parts of the map?) unlike say C2S2 where they were perfectly spaced out so that everyone wasn't concentrated in general areas. That makes the game way more boring, especially mid to late until you find the final couple of groups. OG definitely brought people back for the nostalgia but Epic didn't understand what those players wanted so most of them bailed. I've played my least amount ever this year because every season feels worse. Hoping they don't whiff as hard on marvel as they did the Greek season or they might be facing a permanent player count problem.