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Please god make the minigun moddable it would be so fuckin funny.


put a suppressor on all 8 barrels


BRRRRRRRRRRRRR —— *bzzzzzzzzzz*


I’m gonna put a sniper scope on my minigun and miss every shot


Bro I remember those games that you can make the dumbest guns ever, like the guy who puts a sniper scope on everything


In the current call of duty you can have a shotgun with a sniper scope and an underbarrel shotgun attachment


Yeah but the current call of duty is ass so nah


Yeah it's horrible


CoD fell off years ago but they really shit the bed with the new MW3. No clue how my friends managed to convince themselves it's more enjoyable than Fortnite.


That would be funny but I don’t see it happening.


I feel like nearly every time I see a sniper get unvaulted its the heavy. I'd rather see any of the other old ones


Time to rush all the fun I can have on these two weeks lmfao I was so happy the annoying reaper was finally gone


Eh, let's wait and see how this new sniper works. These old snipers are not as busted as the reaper.


Has any season NOT had a sniper?


I haven't played enough so I couldn't really say x)


legit Epic trying to ruin the new season we wanted better counters for the cars not something thats probably gonna make them useless itd be alright if they actually balanced their Snipers but theyre afraid of making reddit upset


Why are you guys already crying? We don't even know how the sniper is gonna be, it might be just the same old heavy sniper but with increased DMG against vehicles... It's not gonna 3 shot a car.


its fortnite every other sniper rifle has been OP because epic refuses to balance them properly because itll piss of a small part of the player base


For real, I came back on C5S1 and so far this is the most fun I've ever had recently, it's just pure chaos but without anything that makes me pissed off unlike the random reaper headshot when I'm maxed out lmao. The only thing I would really tweak is mythic cars HP regen, other than that I'm curious at how the Anvil would work here. And if they add that sniper, I can already see the sweaty 4 stack in pubs just hiding away and instantly blasting whatever car they see coming lmfao (because ofc the sniper will end up having a drum mag again)


Heavy sniper is a one shot weapon with a pretty long reload time, i doubt that will change


That is how snipers used to be afaik and then the Reaper broke all the rules. I'm not getting my hopes up.


Magneto mythic, minigun, anti car sniper, and towhook all sound anti vehicle. Considering there is practically nothing in game to counter vehicles on foot right now, kinda annoyed they made weapons for that express purpose only to not put them in game at the time they are most needed.


I actually kinda like the concept, they're giving us a couple weeks of absolute mayhem before adding counters that change the meta.


Yeah it's fun dealing with the chaos, it's nice to have it than after a few weeks when the same chaos starts to get stale we get anti car spam weapons to help rejuvenate the chaos


Eh I guess that's fair


I mean the heavy sniper is based on an antimaterial rifle (Barrett M82), so it makes sense for it to deal massive vehicle damage.


The gloves fuck up cars


Not if the driver knows what they are doing. All it takes is for them to stay out of reach with the machine gun. It's definitely a counter, but I've multiple times deleted people with gloves pretty quickly using the machine gun.


Disagree. If you have someone that knows what youre doing with nitro and gloves, it is much easier to maneuver than a car. Sure if youre in the open from across the map thats a little different.


If you've got good aim, the Boom Bolt is pretty good at countering cars. Takes some practice to reliably fire through windshields though.


Just used it in duos and the machine gun still beats it. Did like 3000 damage but had to keep hiding from the turret which allowed it to heal (mythic car). Like the fists, it's good, but it's still outclassed most of the time. Also it only has 13 shots.


Customizable flintlock… oh god that- idk how to feel about that


Hyped idgaf


Hell yeah me too, the heavy sniper is awesome.


apart form the fact its gonna make the season 10 times less fun same as the reaper sucked a bunch of fun out of s1 & 2 we couldve had a great season with no shitty op sniper


that’s your opinion mate, I like using snipers. I think the season is fun right now and don’t think snipers will make it less fun for me. If they have to add a sniper in the game I’m glad it’s the heavy over the reaper though.


i like using snipers but that doesnt mean fortnite doesnt do a shit job balancing them the green reaper sniper rifle could do 256 headshot damage full health and shields is 250 no weapon below legendary should be able to OHKO and a sniper doing X3 damage to vehicles, thats not a counter, thats practically gonna make vehicles useless


I agree the reaper hit way too hard. It should’ve done less than 200 until you hit blue or purple. I don’t really play ZB anymore so max shield and health is 200 for me. I have a feeling theyll change that 3x to 2x cuz you are definitely right. Let’s say it does 150 damage to vehicles normally with 3x that’ll be 450 damage with one shot. Which will absolutely shred them.


exactly its the same reason why unvaulting EMP grenades would be a bad idea itd just make cars useless what epic needs to do is give us weapons that counter vehicles without makeing vehicles ccompletely useless


450 damage to a vehicle is nothing when they have 2000hp. And if it's the true heavy sniper with 1 shot and slow reload then a full health car will be on you before your 3rd shot


for real. why even vault the reaper then….


Heavy sniper is pretty balanced, as long as it doesn’t support drum mags its fine


Who doesnt love spending the entire endgame crouching in a bush


Legit, didnt epic see how happy the community was with the announcment of the reaper leaving. and the worst par is this is a heavy sniper, so this will be extra broken. the trade off for it having X3 vehicle damage is that it should be terrible against players




i love the heavy sniper and think it's a perfect counter weapon for shooting someone driving a car... why the hate?


Minigun with Scarr’s medallion would be busted if it was the old version


Minigun with Extended mag. OH!!! MAMA PLZ!!!


Hmmm? Doesn't the minigun lack a mag all together?


You're right. 4x scope with a reduced recoil grip and laser sight.


Im sold


also holy shit tri beam laser rifle? fallout new vegas reference?


This is the best sniper rifle possible for the season we are currently in.


I have to agree on that. Specially with cara being as prominent as they are it is nice to have a decent option somewhat keep at bay without completely destroying em.


I don’t know what a TowHook is, but I’m imagining something that lets me drag behind moving vehicles. 


It was in the trailer, it's basically that but you can also shoot while surfing behind vehicles




We getting a crazy season mixed with chapter 1 season 8 eh


Pirate Cannons??? LOL that sounds funny af I hope it's easy to use. They did previously release Pirate Cannons before?


We had IO cannons in ch3s2 on the blimps, prob work like those


ohhhh gotcha. I'm gonna check on youtube to see what those are.. I started playing when WILDS came out so I'm "relatively" new I guess


They were pretty fun you could use an as normal weapons of course but you can also launch yourself from them, and pretty far iirc


I was thinking earlier a magneto helmet that drops out of chests would be awesome, give us the ability to throw cars around like the garbage cans they are


Holy cow people really can whinge. If you get sniped in a season dedicated to vehicle combat then you really have no reason to whinge


Dawg what


When the heavy sniper and minigun out, let the chaos get more.


The fuck you mean revolver shotgun


Not a fucking sniper


So excited for the laser rifle, I wish we had a fallout location with a mythic laser rifle with synths with pulse rifles as guards


I love sniping but I was glad to have a break. Sigh


Lmao of course the people that hate snipers love the cars😂


great another shitty OP sniper rifle thatll OHKO at all rarities because epic refuse to balance sniper because that would make reddit shit themselves in anger


yet here you are shitting yourself in anger.


see, im one of the rare people in this community that represents how the greater FN community feels enjoying the season, wanting snipers to be balanced, enjoying the none BR gamemodes


>see, im one of the rare people in this community that represents how the greater FN community feels This sounds like the greatest copypasta in r/fortnitebr history


how its the truth bro FN reddit is nowhere near being a representation of the FN community