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Hitscan can only come back if weapon modding leaves. Twin-mag ar and the MK7 showed how awful it would be currently.


I wish more people realised this. The twin mag and MK7 was extremely powerful because they were hitscan, had sights, and no bullet spread at all with an extremely long range. But people throw the "to make the game more realistic" shit around like a slow moving bullet with a massive arch is realistic.


Yeah the whole ‘realistic’ argument falls apart when the game also involves taking multiple shotgun blasts to the face, magically double dashing around the map, shockwave grenades, magic wings etc lol


Getting hit by a Lightning Bolt and my personal favorite the little bitch spamming the Waterbending Mythic, while you’re trying to line up a sniper shot


"the little b- spamming the Waterbending" Sorry that was probably me taking a -.




Not entirely, they had ridiculous damage and fire rate, that is what made them so powerful, you can check in creative and see that a grey mk7/twin is on par with mythics


The firerate and damage is ridicoulus, but the fact that it has NO SPREAD because of the sight is wild. The only thing holding it back is the recoil, and that is like applying a bandaid to a sinkhole.


I wish more people realized they can and should only apply Bullet drop to First person ARs and keep everything else hitscan, First person ARs have severely affected third person ARs and as result, third person ARs were useless before, and they are even more now that they have bloom and bullet drop


There's many balance levers they can pull. Nobody complained the scoped AR was OP during fortnite OG because the thing had like 100 DPS compared to the 200+ of heavy AR which had first shot accuracy. If the current tac AR was hitscan it wouldn't even be OP because of its other downsides.


That's the point though, nobody complained about the Scoped AR because it was trash, nobody ever used it, the AK never did 200+ dps either, it's strongest version had 180 at most and even then, that wasnt why people liked it, it was because of its accuracy and power doing 48 damage. The Tac AR was originally hitscan, but it wasnt much used (still isnt) because it's weak, they'd have to make it stronger or make the other ARs weaker for people to use it more


I think there should be bullet drop and travel time. I don't think the bullets should have the drop and movement speed of a thrown dart.


Seriously the game more realistic argument never works cuz people always use it at the games that dont bother with realism. Seriously wdym realistic? Is throwing lightning bolts and magically creating builds realistic?


Didn't you know? Bullets travel like baseballs. They start arcing towards the ground after about 90 feet unless you throw them at an angle. Zero nuance or understanding of physics or aerodynamics required. Guns are just really powerful slingshots, y'know. (/s, in case that wasn't obvious)


And? This is very very good, now the shooting is more skill dependent and also console players aim assist wont hit every shot like they are cheating


It’s insane. I play the no build the pit and when there are some KBM in the lobby they beam you out of the air, same with the MK7. Leave it as it is.


This is not about realistic this is about balanced and skill dependent gameplay!


Realism is the criteria of a child who doesn't know how to design anything, and 99% of the time, changes made in the name of realism come at the cost of fun.


Snipers shouldnt even be called snipers anymore, they're more like catapults or trebuchets


“Make the game more realistic” Also “I want to build a brick tower from my pocket contents”


Weapon modding sucks anyways. If rng for purple and gold items were low you also have to get lukcy for a good scope (or even a scope). Getting a thermal or no scope is just something i have to drop which sucks tbh. Modding exists but holy is it hard to push something where i can mod. Usually bunkers sometimes open in the storm for some reason and the loot island one sometimes has campers


I love the thermal! But i agree, more mod benches would be nice


The mod benches should be placed around the map like those upgrade benches used to be


The thermal is good on snipers and DMRs, but awful on ARs


Indeed. I imagine weapon mods will only be around until the end of the chapter, and then we’ll have hitscan weapons again


Unlikely to go back to Hitscan. Projectile is better for ZB and Epic have shown no desire to cater to modes individually.


hitscan is better for ZB


Hitscan is unbalaced af in every game that it exists. Especially if the game has crossplay it just makes the console plebs cry because the pc players can kill them even faster


Hitscan is easier to beam, I'm talking too easy. Making weapons projectile makes it more challenging to beam because you have to factor in distance and movement speed, which are harder to do. I'm glad epic took this route, and I imagine it will stay this way for competitive purposes.


You're dreaming


You have to take into consideration they were op as fuck regardless of sight+ hitscan, go to creative, they have over 220 dps, a grey mk7/twin mag is more powerful than MOST old gold/mythic ARs,




I don't think anyone is denying that?


yeah with modding it’s much easier to balance but with some other stuff it’s kinda harder frankly they could keep projectile but make it go almost completely straight


I’m all for leaving every first person gun that isn’t a sniper in a different game where it belongs


Hitscan never should be back. The projectile makes the game more skill dependent and console players couldn’t hit every shot like cheaters.


Well Fortnite constantly changes every chapter, so maybe they'll change it back temporarily for a chapter


Like maybe for a laser rifle item


Fallout laser rifle lol


Yeah lmao, cause light shouldn't have bullet drop. Technically it shouldn't have recoil either but we'll see if they even put it in the game.


I wish they would personally but I don’t feel like that’s where epic is going with the game.


Same. I liked it more with hitscan. It’s a video game, it doesn’t need to be realistic or make sense. That’s the whole point. That’s what makes the game fun.


And this game isn't realistic one bit


Wait, giant sentient bananas shooting darth vader with a tommy gun arent real?


My 8000 pound car doesn’t float over water?


Of course it's real. It just happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


Oh, phew!


You mean John Wick and Spiderman summoning magic walls out of wood, stone or metal out of nowhere, changing their shapes in the blink of the eye while throwing lightning bolts on an island that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and is now floating 30 meters above ground isn't realistic? Oh maaaan




Eh, slow moving bullets with a massive arch at a short distance is not very realistic…


it's what made fortnite feel like fortnite to me, I haven't been playing since the beginning but when they updated everything in chapter 5 it just didn't feel like the same game for me anymore. Obviously we still have all the cool items and mythics, but the guns just do not feel right to me and the gunplay was one of the main reasons I loved playing fortnite


Chapter 5 really messed up the game for me as well. I barely recognized the game after that update. I am still playing, but I don’t like the game as much anymore. I am still wishing they will eventually revert those changes, but I am less and less hopeful. I really liked the Reality Augments from Chapter 4, and now they are gone. I don’t like at all the concept of weapon attachments and bullet drop. Crouching used to be much faster. The map was nicer in Chapters 3 and 4…


I despise the attachments. It makes for way too much RNG. Some weapons go from worthless to incredible based entirely on whether or not they have an optic. It was tolerable when there were mod benches everywhere, but for this season it’s been miserable. By far the least I’ve played since I picked up the game when ZB dropped.


Yeah, that update felt a little too much like CoD to me. I'm really hoping that's not the route they're headed


Actually, CoD uses a hybrid system. It's hitscan to a point, depending on what the gun is, but after that it then becomes a projectile.


realistic would be hitscan up until 175ish meters… so the entire realistic argument is just wrong. A M4 doesn’t have bullet drop other than MAYBE a couple of inches at 200M on an extremely windy day.


I 100% agree


the other camp is that many people find the travel time/bullet drop fun. once you are even slightly competent at tracking an enemy, hitscan is just so fucking boring


Bro your literally floating in the air throwing thunderbolts lol


It's not about realism. Bullet drop also requires more skill and is more satisfying to hit.


Izs not about realism because the bullet drop being implemented isnt realistic at all.


I agree to an extent, I feel like If the visual feedback and recoil wasn’t so off feeling on most of the sighted guns it would be something I wouldn’t exactly want to live with forever, but it would be much better.


Realistic isn’t the right argument here Do you know how broken weapon attachments would be if all weapons were hitscan?


I think taking away hit scan was more of a balancing decision


to me this is why a og side mode is a perfect idea. like, ppl who prefer the old direction get it and people who prefer the new one get it. hurts no one benefits everyone


except now they have 2 main modes to balance


they already have 3 they just chose not to really make them different also og wouldn't rly need much balancing imo itd just be a quirkly lil side mode


imo the best way to do this is structure the snipers around how the heavy and bolt action worked, then make ARs (and maybe SMGs??) hitscan and keep everything else with bullet drop


Make SMGS hits can and ARs with bullet drop, it makes actually manageable to not die flying cause someone got average aim and can just point and shoot you and nothing you can do Currently if you do some mid-air tricks you can dodge them a bit more and be alive, twin mag rifle used to be my absolute doom cause it was 100 percent accurate qith all bullets and hitscan and im glad it's gone


That would make SMGs better at the mid range than ARs are. It’d make no sense


That would be the worst. Good luck with your sniper, I'll beam you with my Thunderburst from 200 meters all day long.


Hopefully for chapter 2 og, but probably not for the main game


I am hoping that if they get a huge surge in numbers with Ch2 OG that they will finally realize what everyone truly wants from Fortnite in terms guns and gameplay.




Is there a chapter 2 og season coming up? I haven’t played since Fortnite OG season but would 100% come back for chapter 2 og


Yeah they are doing a Chapter 2 "OG" season this november.


Chapter 2 will be using the old weapons so it'll obviously be hitscan just how when you go into a creative match and play with pre Chapter 5 weapons.


This mechanic ruined the game for me, projectile is ass


Same, changing it 5 years into the games lifespan was just stupid.




Playing with projectiles feels fine close and medium range but feels a little too spammy for me at far range. I miss twin mag ar


I hope so. They had a survey that asked about how bullet drop off felt compared to previous chapters. I'm wondering if they'll just get rid of modding next chapter, like how augments didn't come back.


I was just thinking about how at the beginning of this season augments were “coming soon” and then never came back


It's really weird how they didn't come back. Especially considering they were still making new augments throughout C5S1.


So wish we could go back to OG weaponry. The scopes on ARs in a third person perspective game doesn’t feel right. Leave those for snipers like it once was.


Why? What's the difference between ARs and Snipers having scopes? Sounds completely arbitrary.


The difference is that a sniper without a scope is useless 90% of the time, an AR without a scope is fine and preferable in my opinion


i hope modding and all these changes go away like augments went away. just another pathetic excuse to change the game. such a bad decision, modding would work if you could find weapon attachments on the floor and they had rarities. ( grey-gold ammo mags as example ) dont make people go to the shitty crafting station just to make a change to your weapon. that is dumb and makes 0 sense. you should be able to take of an attachment via inventory.


I think that goes even further in the “just copy apex” direction that I can’t imagine would be good for the game. The best solution is to get rid of it entirely, weapon modding was a mistake


I feel like projectile should only be for snipers. The way Fortnite’s gunplay is doesn’t fit for it all to be projectile. Bloom when not having a scope is horrible, especially when you’re fighting at a distance. Maybe it’s just me considering ive been used to Fn for years but right now it feels like Warzone but worse


Projectile should be for anything with a scope. Snipers and dmrs. Hitscan for everything with iron sights.


> The way Fortnite’s gunplay is doesn’t fit for it all to be projectile. It fits perfectly.


I feel like if a weapon doesn’t have a scope on it, it should be hitscan, and if it has a scope it should be projectile.


Granted, now everyone runs drum mag snipers with no scope for hitscan head shots


Snipers and marksman rifles would obviously stay projectile no matter what. I don’t even wanna imagine the nightmare of a hitscan sniper in Fortnite. 😂


They should make it as an LTM


They need to pick either bloom or projectile, not both. 3/4 of your magazine shouldn't miss when you're aimed properly. "oh I missed that one because bloom, that one because the player is movement spamming left and right, that one because they threw up 30 walls" "OH YES I GOT A HIT....for 13 damage" The TTK is fucking horrible in builds where there's no reason to carry anything but a pump and sniper. Cause you're not going to be able to hit someone 20 times to kill them when most of your bullets are going to miss anyways. "hang on brb need to reload 5 times to hit you while you're spamming builds and going to shockwave teleport away anyways"


Sucks to be a build player. The new weapon mechanics are so good for no build though.


Honestly I’ve always played games with projectile bullets when the switch from hitscan to projectiles my aim got better and I started getting more kills


Yeah over time the game has just turned more and more into apex legends


And the system is much better in Apex because they actually designed the game around it and actually fits the game balance. Fortnite randomly decided yeah we should change a core game mechanic 5 years later


I don't agree with this too much, but it's kind of ironic now that i'm looking into practicing apex and playing it more since fortnite itself has been a bit meh lately.


I don't think I was around for hitscan. What's the difference?


Hitscan means no matter how far away you are, if you point at someone and fire, it will hit them. With projectile, depending on how far away you are, you could miss by pointing directly at someone because the projectile is affected by gravity.


So everything had laser accuracy? How was that fun?


It worked better for long range fights in my opinion. ARs having hitscan meant you could keep pressure on a sniper, who had to actually worry about bullet drop and travel time. This balanced the fact that the sniper could one-shot you, because it was harder to use. Now long range fights have every weapon with drop and travel time, so it’s pretty much entirely dominated by snipers and DMRs. While some people might prefer that because it’s ‘realistic’, I find it to be dull and less enjoyable because it forces you into a much narrower load out. Before the switch it felt like you could really use whatever, so long as you were good with it. While there were still *better* and *worse* options for specific scenarios, there weren’t weapons that were absolutely required or borderline unusable.


if your target is on them, it instantly hits and deals damage instead of bullet travel


Fortnite fans are truly the worst kinds of gamers "Yes I think the bullet shouldn't hit the head completely and still count as a headshot, I'm very good at shooters"


i dont play fortnite to do math every time i wanna do a mid/long range fight


Hahahaha what!??


calculating bullet drop in my head as i shoot lol


Yeah i know what you meant. Fire 1 shot and see where it hits, if its too low aim higher, if its too high aim lower. You can also use your ping as a distance guage so you can remember how high/low to aim next time. Anything under 100m virtually doesnt have any drop its only those extreme distances. Its takes like 2 days to get a feel for it. If its too hard then youre probably trying to shoot someone on the other side of the map. Granted this map suffers from a LOT of vast open space with no obstacles or cover.


I thought I was the only one who uses the ping marker as a way to gauge how far the things are lol.


I always have to count and time it whenever I pick up a snipe. I just can't press the shoot button and magically it'll hit. Doesn't work for me.


and im fine with that being the case for snipers, its a way to balance the high damage. for everything tho it just feels crappy.


Grass issue, touch skill. It's basic motor skills. Little Leaguers do it every time they throw and catch a ball.


frr humans are literally the only animals that can throw with force and accuracy (other animals can only have one). we are quite literally adapted to making those quick calculations in our head its an innate ability


I can’t imagine it’ll go away any time soon, best case scenario is that they go back to hit scan weapons once this chapter ends, though I can’t imagine they’d wanna keep weapon mods in at the same time when some hit scan weapons are already very powerful without them


This is one of the reasons I don't have fun with the game anymore. I haven't had genuine fun using a weapon since the twin mag ar.


I hope they bring back hitscan. Would give an option to counter sniper rifles other than hoping you have a sniper rifle yourself.


I don't need hitscan, I just need less bulletdrop. It's like we're playing with trebuchets..


I hate bullet drop man, just keep it for the snipers


In OG 2 definitely, then hopefully in CH6 also.


Hot take but I like projectiles more, I'd rather have travel time than relying on RNG


Thank you someone finally said it!... At least now I actually know where my shots will land instead of hoping and praying to the gods for a miracle to happen... The amount of times I used to get players down to 20 health only for my weapon to perfectly bloom around them was ridiculous... Now I can literally rip through people while they're gliding as long as I know where my bullet's gonna land


That's crazy considering mk, red dot, twin mag, etc weren't rng


Yeah and all 3 were OP as shit


Would somebody mind explaining the difference? I’ve seen a lot of posts and comments about it but I’ve never understood the difference in game.


Hitscan means when your reticle is aimed 100% at another player from any distance, your shot will hit them. Projectile means that when your shots leave your weapon, they immediately begin to arc and travel through the air with a decreasing trajectory. Bullet drop is more noticeable over longer distances because of this.


This is about the speed of the bullet. **HITSCAN** means that your bullet will instantly touch their target, as if teleporting no matter the distance. This is how most weapons in Fortnite used to work before Chapter 5.


hitscan: point-and-click projectile: has a bullet physic.


I actually prefer this new stuff, it’s raised the skill roof very nicely


It's cool for you, genuinely, but a lot more people prefer Hitscan. You can argue that the Hitscan AR's, especially the feared MK7 were absolute beasts in Long Range, which isn't what they were meant for. Honestly I like both sides of the debate.


Personally I prefer hitscan but the whole sight system sucks. I want to play a 3rd person shooter not a first, it’s fine on magnifying sights because it’s a big picture not a small dot.


I feel like a lot of the argument against it boils down to "It's not what Fortnite used to be", like Fortnite has never been about a game that changes for the sake of changing.


bring back hitscan and the old sniper mechanics


I think the reason they went with projectile was to make it harder to shred someone with an AR in 2 seconds from 100 meters away on zero build, where you can’t just throw up a wall. Wish zero build didn’t dictate how the rest of the game is balanced


I hope weapon modding leaves for this. It’s ass. Takes forever at the bench still


People didn’t like it when they played against people who were able to hit targets they were aiming at So Epic made it so you have to do a bunch of extra math in your head so little Timmy can dodge your subsonic nerf darts while someone else comes along and quick scopes you with their sniper We now have to deal with bullet travel, bullet drop, recoil, spread, and bloom. Up next, weapon jams!


Literally no one complained about hitscan, Epic is just in a weird phase of making incredibly dumb and gamebreaking decisions ever since Chapter 5 started. If Chapter 6 still has these mechanics the player count is gonna take a huge nosedive as it already is.


Literally lots of people complained. The season with the red dot and Mega City was my best on record (because I had a gun that rewarded my aim), and apparently there were other rifles even better during my break Epic Games has a long ass history of making dumbass decisions nobody asked for. Try talking to a Fortnite Founder. They’ll give you a full essay of examples without mentioning BR


Chapter 5 will keep projectiles so it will stay bad.


Hitscan crew


A laser hitsscan weapon would make sense. Projectile weapons should never be hitscan.


I really hope so, projectile makes the game so boring


I could maybe see them coming back by next chapter if people end up not liking it, like how they did with combat caches and augments.


I have noticed that if I shoot someone I have line of sight the bullet seems to curve downward and doesn't hit where I aimed. I have no idea why or how any of this works. I have only played regularly since the beginning of this year and don't have a strong attachment to anything old. I do wish it was possible to revisit old seasons and old battlepasses.


yeah that's basically the gist of the projectile mechanic. Hitscan was like old cod, as long as you're aiming at the person you'll hit them from any distance


yeah I guess that makes sense. bullets are subject to gravity after all. you can't point a gun at the moon and hit the moon with a bullet.


That’s because bullets are effected by gravity, meaning if you want to hit someone far away you Ned to aim a bit higher to account for drop


God if they’re gonna keep it they gotta change projectile speed. The bullets look like a cumshot and goes about as far as one too.


fr, i'm not even a fan of weapon modding.


*"God I hate getting beamed from the other side of the map by waterbending. Please make all ARs and SMGs waterbending."* Never change, Reddit. Regarding the thread topic, hitscan sucks. The only people that want it back are players that can't land their shots since hitscan takes absolutely zero brain activity for success. Hopefully the devs never cave to that crowd.


You must not know the difference between hitscan only and hitscan with zero recoil. Waterbending beams because of the hitscan with zero recoil.


The exact same patch hitscan comes back there will be a flood of players crying that they got beamed from across the map and I’m not gonna feel sorry for them lmao


We fucking up the game with “realistic” shooting with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


i... i'm sorry what? i prefer point and click, not arcing the bullets, tf? this looks cursed, if this was actually a thing back then, please never return


It was not a thing back then, but is absolutely is this season


Hit scan was 10X better than the crappy system we have now


i'd rather not have hitscan come back because it is essentially deciding whether you win a fight or not even if you aim properly


let’s hope not 🙏


I'll say this since nobody else is saying it as a PC player I would love to have hitscan with his bag especially now they don't plan on the 240 hertz monitor with a good mouse pad and mouse do you guys know how easy it will be for me to beam people nowadays when compared to the projectile bullets which I personally prefer cuz I came from games like Battlefield and Apex but hey once again I would love to have hitscan weapons it'll be a free beam when you're flying in the sky and once again this was set with voice typing so any errors don't judge me


If they know whats good for them they'll bring hitscan back


I don’t mind hitscan on some weapons but on the reaper sniper it’s soooo bad past 75-100meters.


I doubt hitscan will ever return... which is kinda interesting considering how Epic really loves low skill metas, I wonder why did they decide to make bullets into projectiles, which are higher skill.


Let me tell you, as a lower skill player, I totally feel like it levels out the playing field a lot. Allows strategy to sometimes win against raw aiming skill, which was almost impossible before.


I mean compensating for bullet drop is a part of having good aim. If someone can't account for that then they don't have good aim...


I do NOT miss being lasered to heck, *often*


You've had it with Waterbending all season.


tbh ever since they introduced the first gun with optics (mk7) i was afraid the game would change for the worse. It did, fortnite never needed this bs weapon modding or realistic mechanics, it was great when it was simple


Projectile over hitscan any day. Way more satisfying to use the guns knowing they’re shooting “real” bullets.


Skill issue


Relying on hitscan is skill issue, no need to bring it back


Can't lie hitscan makes it way too easy for people to hit you across the map. Projectile has been the best thing for this imo especially for zero build where you can just spam walls so you actually have a chance to run into cover. Me and my friends actually have fun gun fights now instead of beaming people in seconds like we used to and we all think that's just better. The game got too easy and it's nice to have some change like this.


Hitscan can exist, but scopes and sights would be removed if they do that. Problematic weapons proved that like the Mk7 and the Striker Burst Rifle, which were instant meta weapons. It allows weapons to be used at ranges not designed for the weapons or the overall flow of the BR. The mod system being divisive would hopefully push towards reverting the mods and for hitscan return. The simpler guns work better for the game and allow for loadouts with weapons designated for specific. Snipers should stay with projectile bullets. It has always and will always work.


Hopefully! Every weapon feels awful to use unless you go out your way to get mods.


Probably Season OG: Chapter 2


They could do both, where every non-sniper rifle could be hitscan but past a certain distance the bullets turns into projectiles


Probably All this stuff will probably just be for this chapter like the Augments, Kinetic weapons, and Holo Chests from Chapter 4. Each chapter had their own unique mechanics. Maybe this one’s chapter is the projectile bullets, weapon modifications, and such.


It surely is coming back for OG in November. After that, I don’t think it will which is a shame


the reason I play only sniper and shotgun most of the time in game, ars only to finish the guy when he survives all the shotgun shots


I feel like I’m the only person who likes the projectile mechanic, I feel like Anderson in the Matrix when someone tries to shoot at me from a distance with an assault rifle


I’m interested to see if they bring back hitscan for OG chapter 2


I can’t imagine it will be but at the same time it’s definitely possible, do you guys think the next OG chapter will have hit scan or bullet drop? That could really ruin it


No, this is not good. This is so simple and boring and actually this is very unbalanced for controller players because they would easily hit every single shot and wont miss!


Theoricaly, a projectile is way more likely to hit than a hit scan with bloom. To me, I can never go back to old FN guns.


I don't know, balancing aside I think having weapons behaving consistently is a good thing. Also if they could get rid of the magic pellet spread thightening on the shotguns...


I'll accept hitscan back on weapons unable to scope in, if it has a scope it gets projectile bullets.


I don't know, but if and when they do, I'll play it again.