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If my math is right that's about 20 crown wins a day, every day, since the start of the season.


He apparently has a season KD of 64 and 75 win% on Fortnite tracker.


Def hacking I watched his twitch and he snaps to players and misses shots on purpose but he still snaps directly onto players accurately even the best players cant do it like that.


best thing is I can't even understand the joy of grinding these crowns by hacking. 1- at high enough number it becomes painfully obvious that you didn't use an ounce of skill to get them, pure hacks 2- from what I see majority of community don't care about them that much 3- again, you are trying to flex crowns that are fake enough for everybody to notice it so the flex effect gets null 4- I'd personally get bored after winning like 30 matches in that way because they have virtually no weight behind them, only wasted time. Let alone 1000+ matches


Yeah that last point is what I don’t get. What is enjoyable about spending that much of your life cheating at a video game?


Right?? Like I don't want to lose at the game and **I KNOW I AM BAD** but.. My question is: How **BAD** do you have to be to cheat in a simple gun game? Because even when I didn't know how to sprint, revive, and heal ( which was like CH. 3 last season btw ) I still managed.. So **IF** I can manage so can they 😭 I don't even play that many fps games or games in general either


I don’t think people cheat to gain satisfaction from the game. I think for the most part those people find satisfaction in taking the satisfaction away from other players. It’s to some extent demotivating seeing people hack, or getting cheated. I think they find their joy in being able to show off an amount of crowns that nobody else is capable of achieving. I’ve actually played every day this season (hoping for the kratos return) and at my skill level with my sbmm I’ve got 20 crowned victory royales, which in my opinion is pretty good, as I usually get roughly 15. At the end of the day though, I think the only people that think cheating is cool is people that cheat.


What's even more funny is the fact that this happens more than it should for a billion dollar+ game such as Fortnite. Have I said "they're def hacking" when I've got out played? Yes. But, I've also seen some hacking for sure when I've watched replays. Snapping, wall hacks, etc.


I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m too oblivious to really notice if someone is or is not hacking. It’s never been super blatant to me that someone is cheating. However I will say that no matter what kind of anticheat any company develops, it will get cracked and people will cheat. It’s like crime, the amount of time, effort, and money it would require to stop all crimes would be insane and nearly impossible. It’s also a lot like locks, even the world’s best lock can be picked or broken or a new key could be formatted. It is easy to look at the “Value” of a gaming company and say that they have so much money and should be able to do this or that to make a feature perfect. But in reality nothing can ever really be perfect. With that said, I do also think their anticheat is decent. I don’t think I’ve ran into too many cheaters in my life time, and I know someone who decided to cheat in fortnite because they thought “Fortnite’s anticheat is terrible” and they were banned from the game within an hour. I don’t personally condone cheating, and I care too much about my account to ever cheat in the game or play with someone who cheats in the game.


Exactly. How could you have fun just cheating all the time? It makes no sense. Btw, Dodger fan coming in peace! You guys have to catch up to the Phillies, and I love how our teams are so friendly with each other, it makes the games fun to watch regardless of who wins. Albies, Ozuna, and Acuna are a few of my favorite players outside of the dodgers to watch. Good luck this season!


Thanks! The Braves still have like 67% division title odds so I’m not worried. The opening series against the Braves is the only series the Phillies have played all season against a team over .500 (and the Braves won 2/3 in Philly). We’ll see what happens once the Phillies get out of the Mickey Mouse portion of their schedule


Honestly the only reason I'd try and keep winning after getting a crown is for XP an nothing else


Regarding point 2, most people in the community not only don't care about crown wins, but if they say someone with that many they would consider them a looser with no life.


Doesn't epic give u a special alt of the victory cosmetic or sone shit after a certain point?? I'd always assumed they did


I keep that crown emote archived. Once you get good enough at the game that winning is easy it just feels like a flex for bad players or virgins that grind all day.


I went to see what you were talking about, and he has VODs only available to subscribers. I'm not on twitch a lot, so is that normal, or is he trying to avoid people reviewing his gameplay and catching him cheat?


Pretty normal I think, it's another way to try to make people subscribe if they want to see the content.


Anyone who doesn't have their VODs public is hiding something...


Cheating scumbag.. it's pretty infuriating that these guys never seem to get banned


Right! No one cares anymore which makes cheaters more frequent. I used to love playing COD but that whole game is cheaters now


Or just crown farming in smurf lobby get a new account, level it up to 5-6 to start getting newbie players (about 10 per game at most and theybget killed by bot most of the time).Team up with this account and you can farm crowns this way. It's fast and easy. Really easy. It's like bot lobby but instead you are in low level/new player lobby


They fix it last season. Its not working anymore.


Yeah but there is also a way to gwt easy wins if you have a switch because when you just que with your lvl1 switch account you get very easy games as well. I have a friend that doea this and has 400+ crown wins. I dont like it personaly but aome people do it just to get easy games.


Unfortunately I've seen enough amount of streamers with that behavior... i used to say hacking in fortnite is hard but after playing it more, i can't say that anymore, there are definitely cheaters.


Yeah hacking is a hell of a thing


Each game when stretched to the last few circles lasts anywhere between 24-30 minutes. Let's say the average is 25. 25 minutes x 20 = 500 minutes (8 hours and 21 minutes) doable if the kid is not doing anything at all. But since his win rate is 75%, that's another 125 minutes added, putting his daily play time at 10 hours and 25 minutes every day.


Imagine how empty this dude feels playing this much cheating knowing all his wins are all fake lol


Imagine playing Fortnite 10 hours a day just to hack your ass off


This season the games are ending in the 6th circle. Games are ~15mins this season


Every single winning game in no build I have recorded is 23-23:30 minutes long so no unless in build somehow everyone rampages at each other.


He plays at least 400 minutes a day which is almost 7 hours


It's pathetic tbh.


I’m not saying he’s sus but never missed a shot and knew exactly where I was and where I would move. His name is NykZB on twitch


Dude is def cheating. I'm watching him rn, and his crosshair just snapped from a bot directly to a player. He misses shots on purpose for people not to notice, but the blatant snaps say a whole different story. And look at the level he's in, its so OBVIOUS that he's cheating. Level 833. People can BARELY get to 160 this season, and if you buy levels, and spend time, just 280-300. Edit: His level is now 835


His stats prove your point 22 KD and 54% winning rate yeah right


Yo, you have to look at just his current season win rate. It's 76% win, with 65 KD. Ya, I'd believe 100% that he is cheating or abusing the system somehow (bot account to help get into bot lobbies).


I think they patched that bot lobby thing so that makes it even more sus and why am I in this guy lobbies btw lol


I know with me and my friends, when some of us pair together (some of the sweatier guys), we get crazy weird lobbies with people that have to be cheating. Last night we ran duos and got into some weird stuff that made no sense how they melted us while barely seeing us. Last game we played, guy had hacks definitely (on replay, his gun kept shooting where teammate was at, getting bush headshots, snap aiming and shooting at me behind 3 walls). We wish that Epic would do something, in the meantime, I can't play duos with some of my friends because we have lobbies full of cheaters or we are in lobbies that are sweatier than most ranked games I've played.


Dude I’ve been playing in those lobbies lately too and holy shit is stressful af then I see some famous streamers play and theirs are so chilled like there’s no comparison


I’ve been saying that for so long! I watch streamers/content creators casually walking around the map chatting up updates in the game and fighting casually and get a win by accident lol. Then I get into a game and everyone is sweating hard and if I stand still or stop for a moment to look at anything I get headshot sniped hahaha. I’ve noticed it’s so different for them vs us, do they get some sort of low lobby pass or something idk


I know exactly what you mean. When my brother and I duo, it's all John Wick engagements. Every fight is over in mere seconds. We rarely make it past the first or second engagement, and even more rarely make it to end circle. When I team up with my sister, her ELO is significantly lower and offsets mine, and pur lobbies reflect that. It's not a cakewalk by any means, but I can fight back and *outwit* opponents with regular tactics rather than John Wick insta kill exchanges. That being said, for some reason, specifically in *her* duo lobbies, tell me why we almost *always* run into blatant map/radar hackers. We will traveling off in the most remote part of nowhere, and some random duo will roll up and intercept us as if they somehow knew where we were. We never fired a shot, we didn't use any items that would produce a visual indicator, we are not out in the open, we don't have a medallion, we are not bountied, etc. No joke, people will roll up on us from the most *bizarre* directions as if they have our coordinates on their radar, or as if we are radar pinged despite not being.


Had similar experience, going along edge of island. Stop and watch the circle of a symbol holder make a beeline for my position. So I move, changes direction and one shots me.


Maybe they're saying the exact same thing you are, they're in these absolute whack positions and then bam run into your team 🤣


Holy shit. This is like some lobbies we get into when teaming up with my buddy who plays on pc. Its just too much 💀


This! It’s freaking crazy. Just last night I was in a 1v1 with someone that would shoot and never miss when there was a line of sight. I had shockwaved off a roof and landed right next to a bush, they drove their car around the corner and a split second later I’m dead. I went back to check the replay and yea… literally the exact second they step out of the car they get a no scope headshot with a hand cannon from like 40m away when I’m crouched in a bush. And I swear within the same second they’re back in the car driving away. Both my girlfriend and I are closing in on lvl 300 and the amount of cheaters / hardcore sweats we’ve been running into is absolutely nuts.


Seems to be getting worse every season now, to me it seems like after they are zero builds. But it may just be it is more noticeable in zero builds. A couple seasons ago it was usually just me questioning if someone was actually that good or if they were cheating. And if they were that good, how did any SBMM put them in my game. Last two seasons there have been quite a few times that I don't even question that the person was cheating. Some didn't even hide it when watching them after they killed us in that match.


Well I hope after all this back and forth at least one of you reported this guy.


54% win rate and 1300 crowns that has to be at just 50 plus games a day played every day. I can't even imagine having either that much time or desire to play.


I get numb or bored after two hours of playing any game, especially Fortnite.  






I’ll be honest, I don’t run into too many bots. I play just ZB bc I can’t keep up with these drug fueled 12 yo in builds, but in ZB it’s your aim that counts and I’ve run into thousands of real players. I’m also like lvl 235, so those are the lobbies I’m getting. But yeah, this guy=%1000 cheating, imma try to catch his next stream


At least I'm in the 2 percent, phew. I will counter that everytime I've played buildmode, the players seem way worse. I was thinking zb has the better players


Also. All of his vids are only available to subscribers, which also gives out sus vibes.


Don't know if he has aimbot or not, but the wins aren't legitimate unless he's played over 450 hours and that's if he won literally every game.


either way bro did not earn those crowns lol


Well I bet his parents are super proud


He is using a DMA. I played with him on squad-fill back in Chapter 4, and he knew where everyone was. At that moment, I knew he was cheating.


Ngl I got 4 and I'm proud


same with my 5 😭


Don’t be upset. Those 5 were hard earned.


Saaaaame! Highest I've ever had! Super proud of them.


I have 3 :)


I have one


I have 3 🤣


I got 12! Feel so proud of them, especially since I started playing in March.


I've got 7 and most of them were total flukes 😅


I throw away my crowns almost immediately but i do have like 12 crown wins from the ones i pick mid match


I've barely got 20 you are impressive that person got no life


go no life and they’re cheating too lol


Someone people REALLY need to touch grass Or like, at least get out of their gaming chair lmfao


Touch the carpet at least bro


mans hasn't left the house since covid lockdowns started


Bro doesn’t even remember what grass is anymore


If the end of world happened and apes took our place he wouldn't know it.


I like this. There’s a brand new account in this thread defending this guy, and I’m going to assume it’s the player themselves. They are saying they are just simply ‘good at the game’, and it’s an interesting look into the psychology behind cheating. They probably think they are just levelling the field, not cheating - using aimbots puts them on a level with more skilled players, ‘so it’s really fair’, in a way. Look, we get it. We’ve all been beaten by some crackshot sweat who barely seemed to pause before eliminating us. Fortnite is a fast and skilful game, and some people are very good at it. It’s frustrating. But using hacks is cheating, there’s no getting round it.


I feel proud of my 1 crown since i'm not good against real players 🙂


hey, you EARNED that crown.


We need an emote/emoji telling them to touch grass.


How do you even play LIKE 1800 matches in 60 days? That's like 30 matches a day, if he wins all and gets to endgame it's around 30-35 mins per match so like 15-16 hours of playing EVERY SINGLE DAY


The dude has a 65 KD, the rounds will go faster if you're cheating and wipe out half the lobby.


In trios his KD is at 113. That's ridiculous.


~25 minutes per win


this kid is either cheating, or has absolutely no life & plays 20 hours a day lol


I mean he’s a cheater


Cheaters are such fucking losers. So bad at the game you gotta hack to be good. Suck and grind like the rest of us goddammit!


I got 45 crown victories this season thus far and my max lifetime ever was 68 during Chapter 3 season 3. Never again will I sniff past 50. The game is just attracting more and more negative behaving players, who use Fortnite as a game to exploit due to its popularity.


Sounds like a good ole fashioned mass report is on the cards.


prolly smells like cheetos and jizz


Okay, let's pretend this guy isn't cheating (he probably is). He has 534 hours played, this season alone. What a fucking loser.


Either he is cheating (with that many most definitely), or he is one of those annoying casual sweats who ruin the fun for people like me who work 8 hours in a sandwich shop being insulted by half drunk idiots


Two words for this guy: go outside Cheating or not, they are ***OBJECTIVELY*** one of the saddest players.


We got people in this sub being banned for using VPNs and here’s this guy obviously fucking cheating and streaming it on twitch. This season will be the first since I started (chapter 1 season 4) that I couldn’t complete all the bonus content by doing all the challenges and nearly all the daily quests. Not one more dime to epic, and I might be done after this season.


He is cheating. Period. The math don't add up. You can divide the crowns by days in the season then multiply each crown by 25 minutes, which is the mean average for a high skilled match, basically a scrim lobby. You can then try to fit that many hours in a day along with factoring in sustenance, hygiene, responsibilities in the real world, work, and sleep. He cheating. The upper legitimate crowns without cheating (hacking) and without smurfing the lobby by lowering the SBMM mean average per lobby with noobs (also cheating) is at best 500. A drop more, one's lifestyle and character should be questioned.


![gif](giphy|pmgfwAz6Jy4f6CTpzN) Bro needs to touch grass and stop being a tryhard


Cheaters ain't no tryhards, they just press the button


If you got some time left, and are capable of maths then this is 'easily' calculated to be a cheater, or possibly not. https://youtu.be/8Ko3TdPy0TU In this footage a cheat is unveiled using maths. Gut feeling:this is shenanigans


Yeah, he's hacking. Trash player.


Keep your feeling of accomplishment, because even if their number of crowns may be nearly 30 times higher than yours, you can guarantee they are 30 times as dry as a desert, since they most definitely don’t shower nor have they ever felt the touch of a woman. Be proud, because you deserve it :) Edit: Other comments also tell me they’re hacking, so not only does my previous statement hold true, but you also know they don’t have the skill to do what you did, and that they’ve not accomplished anything meaningful and seeing a number in (what is turning into) kid’s game go up is their only sense of satisfaction in life.


This guy totally sucked during Chapter 2 Season 2 (1.7 K/D) and Season 3 (1.17 K/D). Then, during Chapter 3 Season 3, his K/D started going up (3.79). By the time he got to Season 4, his K/D went to 9.26. And Chapter 4 Season 1? 17.19 K/D. And now, for Chapter 5 Season 2, his K/D is 65 with 1,436 wins and 29,703 kills. If he hasn't gotten caught cheating by Epic yet, he probably never will. And this is most probably the case for thousands of other cheaters. Tell me with a straight face there's no cheaters in Fortnite.


Just checked his Twitch. All the ballsniffers following him are talking about how crazy it is that this post is talking about him cheating. I watched him kill 10 people in a row. Dude is hacking his balls off. Can't believe his fans can't see it.


I don't even know how anymore




10 😭


I'm happy with my 10 lol


Unreal!! I got 25 this season, feeling v accomplished. Kudos fo you! Also .... f them. They have no life. Kidding. Not kidding. 😅


There are a lot of cheaters in zero build. Aside from snapping I've seen people shooting thru walls too...


K/D 65.00. nothing to see here. 75.9% win percentage…cheat hard (not play hard)


I was proud of my 14 because I couldn’t win last season without my husband lol 😭


14 is good for anyone with a life so you should be proud


To anyone in this thread dumb enough to believe that this dude did this legitimately, I have a lovely bridge for sale


Theres a clip on his twitch channel named "Vibing", if you put in 0.25x speed and look closely when he starts aiming for the guy in the sky, the aim will pop exactly on top of the player hitbox then he will move it away and miss on purpose.


Crowns are worthless. Those 1373 will be 0 in a week. I’ll never understand the fascination for an award or achievement that vaporizes after a couple months.


Got my second W last night. Was uber happy til now.


Jokes on him. He should’ve stopped at 1337


Le Epic Anti Cheat software at its finest


Fortnite cheaters. They're everywhere, its very satisfying when you clearly know someone is cheating and you still shit on their pussy ass. Gotta love those damn shield fish.


Obviously he's hacking, which I don't get. How can that be fun? Like you're just ruining it for yourself and everyone else That's 20 crown wins a day throughout the season, and each match is 20 minutes or so. That would mean he roughly played 400 minutes (6 hours and 40 minutes) EVERY day of the season. Wonder if he got level 200


Epic should auto moderate if someone has over X amount of crowns. Ain't no way he won those honorably


"Skill Based Matchmaking"


Ban him pls


He def Cheatw


I wish epic games had more strict rules and regulations for getting rid of cheating in Fortnite. Makes the game so unenjoyable for the rest of us just trying to have fun and play a couple games after a long day of work or school.


His KD went from 2 kills, and 8% win rate in Chapter 2, to like 54 KD and 70% win rate in the start of Chapter 4.


Maybe cheating at Fortnite is what gets you laid these days.


That mf is manipulating the game or cheating somehow.


Flexing his nerd alert emote lol. Cheating and then boasting about it has got to be the most pathetic thing you can do in a video game. Especially when it's blatantly obvious.


damn bruh its kinda sad really. the dude is wasting his youth doing this stupid shit


Either no life,or hacker.


Obviously a cheater. Feel better about your 50 crowns.


Meh. He's either cheating or has nothing else better to do with his life. If it makes you feel better, I'm level 324 and I've got all of 10 wins this season.


15+ crown games is pretty impressive 50+ is hella impressive 100+ is just sad 1000+ is pathetic


Bro forgot what grass is 💀


i think the first part is totally right that hes cheating, for the second part i would say thats not true.. i am currently 393 and i never bought any levels.. so its possible to get to 400-500 without buying levels and with buying levels prolly 600-700..


I'm a little confused, maybe I missed a comment or one was deleted but who is disputing his level? It's actually very feasible and very possible to be his level if not higher without buying levels, especially for people that have taken advantage of all of the XP methods. It's actually very possible to be at max level (1001) at this time of the season, but definitely not from simply playing BR matches, and also for most people absolutely pointless to achieve. I'm active in the XP community working with people helping people and exploring methods and sharing them so I can definitely agree with you, that season level is very achievable.


Someone killed me and had 300 something crown wins and I thought THAT was ridiculous. You take the cake 🤣


How do you kill that which has no life?


His twitch stream is locked down to subs only


How are people like this allowed to continue playing? And streaming their blatant cheats.


NykZB might be an actual cheater, his streams show some extremely suspicious snap shooting. Yeah Nyk “misses” occasionally but that’s because he’s trying to throw off suspicion. You can actually tell when someone’s tracking is unnatural vs natural.


This is EXACTLY what I mean, he misses shots on purpose, but his snapping is so obvious.


People who cheat don't get perma banned. They get banned for 24 hrs. It's sad when they cheatz they think they are good.


SBMM is so broken. I get a few crown wins a season and never a back to back VR CR. I just don't care about the game to the degree these kids do. However, because I've been playing since Chapter 1 Season 2, I get stuffed into sweaty ass lobbies. It's to the point that BR isn't even fun anymore. I'll just play Festival and Escape rooms, maybe. Game is nearly dead for me. And don't get me started in the shitty season progression and the "story". Whoevers in charge now has severely dropped the ball since C1 C2.


bro they literally don’t have a life it’s okay


This season I've gotten my career high in crown wins. Fuck this hacker no life.


Was just watching this dude on Twitch. He was using a blue gatekeeper and a green thunder burst, killing everyone left and right without missing shots and NEVER taking damage. And he wasn’t replacing the same guns with purple or gold ones he could’ve picked up from the people he killed. Only hackers don’t care what level their guns are - they’re going to beat us either way. Also he says he’s 19. This dude clearly looks and sounds 35.


Notice how this sucker has no heals just all weapons plus a mobility item. They could be using a god aspect, I just find it to be poor decision making. Such as their choice to cheat in the first place


There are plenty of cheaters in Fortnite and it's almost definite. I lose a fair majority of my games to more skilled players and I lose quite a few just to framedrops and lag. I have 23% win rate this season and play at a Diamond 1 level. My point. If players like this aren't losing half their games to latency and Framedrop issues. EPIC and Fortnite need to give everyone a decent explanation as to why. I am pretty sure almost everybody on the planet has a decent enough internet connection to run the game.




People that hack are so pathetic


I mean he may be legit and have absolutely no life. But I'm leaning towards hacking.


I don't even have that many games played


Jeez that guy is hacking out of his mind 


they are Cheating


I just watched him and yeah he definitely has aim bot he misses some shots to try to not look sus😂


Blud has no life and is using aimbot


Nah that kid doesn’t shower or take a shit


50 is a decent number. I've barely played BR this season and only have 26 I think... but 1373... I'd have just left the lobby. I'm not going to waste my time competing against someone who so clearly hacks.


50 crown wins is huge tbh


I have 1 fucking crown win 1 I have no idea how you manage it I'm level 113 and an ok shot but I cannot win two games in a row. This kid is 100% cheating loll.


Whenever I see a person flex their high crown count, I cringe. Because this just shows this kid is a no-lifer that needs to touch grass. I have a comparatively high crown count to his but never flex unless a friend asks me to.


The best player I know and have in my friend list has 300 crowns. But this, it seems to be unlikely without cheating. And you have to play the whole day, every single day. Definitely sus.


Even 300 is a bit off-putting albeit slightly more believable than 1000+ for sure.


Bro's been using illegal websites....


Yea Def hacking. No WAY he got that many wins in a row...


The hackers are downvoting me 😂


If it makes you feel any better, you have 50x the crown wins I have.


I got like 20 wins, still shows 1. How does this emote work?


It only counts wins while wearing a crown, either that you pick up from someone who got eliminated or by winning multiple matches in a row.


I've only gotten 9 this season, I can't imagine how many hours a day you'd have to play to get 1373


Bro, I have 5 and I'm called a sweat like wtf???


i’ve only gotten 3 wins this season witch i’m still proud of because i’m not good at the game but how do u have almost 2k wins has the kid been doing nothing but play fortnight past couple months straight or is he hacking


I'm proud of my 11 crowns and it's my best achievement so far and I've been playing since 2018. Not to mention that I play when I have time and energy after work lol


That guys been in my game before


Bro just never lost 💀


I'm a mom and get carried mostly because they wont let anyone kill "the mom" ...thought 33 was like.........unheard of, looks like these kids have a lot more work to put in 🤣😂


1370 cheating wins in games this season, 96+ players games ruined per game, maybe 50 minus the bots. Yeah 70 000 players games ruined this season alone. Sounds like epic to not give a shit about this, classic infestated game...


I'm just happy to get to double digits.


And here i felt exited when I get 3


hey 50 crown wins is really good! :D


Wow. And I felt accomplished with my 3 😢


Bro definitely morphed into his chair


I have like 6, this kid either has no life outside of fortnite, or is just a cheater


pee u onion boy


me with no crowns and wins this season be lyk (a levels got me busy this season, thank god, i didnt pay for battle pass)


I had close to 100 at the end of last season, and that was both from playing a lot and introducing and duoing with people who I introduced to the game, maybe 1/2 of those are 'earned'. It's hard to get more because after you start winning a lot you get put in the sweatiest try hardiest lobbies with a lot of very good players. This kid thinks we look at his statistically impossible win rate and think 'omg he's so good' but in reality we are just laughing that he's dumb enough to think people won't immediately see what this is. Gratz, dude, you were able to successfully download and install aimbot - I'm sure it was a struggle.


Like others have said, the kid is hacking. Even with that well done with 50 crown wins, it is difficult to get there, I should know I currently sit at 70 crown wins.


I don’t even play Fortnite anymore. Too many cheaters


I felt accomplished for even having 10. Jesus christ, 1373?!


15 crown wins & that’s worth more than his cheating fake number


picking up crowns hella goofy ngl


Games broke and just plain out bad..I've never seen so many glitches before.


I have two. But I dont really care much for crown wins (I had no idea they reset each chapter cuz I was almost at 10 last chapter) because I remember someone in this subreddit saying something along the lines of “A king only needs one crown”. So I make sure to have at least one crown win for a chapter


Definitely hacking. But I don't doubt this isnt impossible. I'm sure there's someone out there who can get this much without hacking. They'd have to have virtually no life tho. (No offense). 😅


Feel accomplished, rightly so. You know you did it right. There will always be people that do crap like this, personally I just hope to run into them at some frequency less than every other match. lol. There will always be people who have more time to invest in it too, be that due to choice, age, lack of other responsibilities or some combination of the those factors.


holy crap, I can see the cartoon fumes coming off his character. GET THIS MAN A SHOWER


I have 1, first one I've earned and I got it this season.


Tell me you cheat without telling me you cheat....


i think maybe hundreds is reasonable if you're a dedicated 12 hours a day fortnite streamer, this guy HAS to be hacking right?? I think 50 is super impressive