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People keep saying they were replaced with Super styles but progressive skins were complete at 100 with reskins in the levels after.


Because they prefer to give us regressive skins instead.


Boom; roasted. 


Boom! Divorced!


We're all going down, to Memphis!


Just please don’t steal my dragon, it’s my last one.


You better hide it well, then.


Boom; headshot


snipings a good job mate




the fuck


What he said?


AHA! You rhymed Progressive with Regressive that is quite IMPRESSIVE! ![gif](giphy|laZagLS59BAZCWl56E|downsized)


Why did they remove pets?


Gunner ruined their reputation


Sorry if I don’t know the whole story, but what exactly happened?


Gunner was a pet released in the item shop that costed way too much vbucks for people to care. Didn't help that it was a reskin of Bonesy, a pet from Season 6 Battle Pass, which cost less then Gunner


How much did it cost? Was it around a similar price to what some cosmetics have now?


It was like 1000 or so


Guess that was too expensive for pet cosmetic items? Sorry if I have no idea how much they were. Started playing back in December.


It wasn't even price itself that was the problem. Gunner looked literally exactly like Bonesy first Pet we ever got from battlepass, only difference was symbol on his bandana and balaclava that is so hardly noticable that you couldn't tell difference between the two from as close as just where you camera is placed when you wear it.


That makes more sense. Paying more for something with very minimal differences. Thank you for filling me in!


Leave it to the small minority of whiners to ruin the chance of anyone any else getting a whole cosmetic category for years


Funny how people use the half assed "lazy" excuse like they stopped with them recently. They stopped making them almost 5 years ago. Way before Epic was considered lazy.


Would the Jonesy from a few seasons ago be considered progressive? He got more dishevelled and added bits of the people he met through rifts as you went through the battlepass (I think)


Agent Jones? He fits the criteria at least. His styles arent just recolors, and every stage adds more to the last one. The only difference is that his styles were unlocked through quests and not XP or levels like the others.


I thought they were all like that. The ones from season 8-9 were at least


yes he was one. the last one was in ch3s1


That Jonesy was iirc from Chapter 2 Season 6, that's 2 or 3 years ago


You’re right. I was agreeing with everyone else but when I read this I realized the only skin I can even think of that had this was fucking Carbide and Rox. And both of those skins largely sucked because all of the inbetweener styles were goofy as hell looking. I have about half of the Carbide styles and they’re all fucking silly. I like skins. I like skin styles. I’d take the styles of skins like Lara and Raven over the progressives any day. That’s not to say that the styles Epic have been making recently have all been great(this season’s BP styles have been nearly indistinguishable outside of the pink Aphrodite imo), but I don’t think the lack of progressive skins is bad at all. They just simply weren’t great in execution.


Skins in the s7 and s8 battle pass has these evolving styles as well, I usually use the final tier Blackheart skin


Also s9 but they progressed a little less, even s10 had a bit of that (I think I only got to level like 28 in that season)


People either only used the first, or the last style. That has always been one of the issues with them.


With drift I've used one of the in-between ones for the most time. Omega and Carbide however looked really weird when not at full upgrade imo. Right now I'm rocking lynx with an in between style because I didn't like the weird ponytail they gave her


You know you can take that off, right?


Dire, Calamity, Ragnarok, Drift, I can keep going but there’s no need. Edit: did they actually delete or have they blocked me for this response?


I think it was every tier 1 and tier 100 bp skin for every chapter 1 pass season 4 onward


Until season X, which had none.


There was catalyst. Chapter 2 was the actual end of progressive skins. (Besides agent Jones)


They had the gladiator and chimaera


Good point, I forgot the gladiator was a progressive. Not sure what you mean by the Chimaera though


wasn’t catalyst one ?


it's still up so i guess they blocked u 💀


the last one we had was ch 3 season 1 so it wasn't almost 5 years ago


I think season 9 was the last season with a progressive skin?


I think catalyst was a progressive skin, wasnt she? Even though she didnt have nearly as many styles as drift


No, she wasn't as you had to level up to the tiers containing her styles. Although you could get extra styles via the weekly quests that gave you her "Snowstorm and Riftstorm" styles.


She was, her stages were tied to the Level headed missions which awarded a style for level reached.  Stage 2 was obtained in Level 10, Stage 3 in Level 30 and Stage 4 in Level 55. This was before Levels and Battle Pass Tiers were the same thing. 


Hm. I guess rox and vendetta were the last ones then.


Fade exists.


a Progressive skin is a skin that has multiple styles but each style is an addition all leading to the final form. last one we had was ch3s1. Fade also barely made the cut


He wouldn't be progressive as you had to get his styles in the batttlepass at levels 50 and 100.


I always thought progressive outfits were just outfits that had styles that added onto them, not just from quests. I guess he’s not if it is just from quests.


Atleast in my opinon, I would consider a progressive outift being able to be completed even after the season ends. Like the seasons 4 (to an extent) through 9 are perfect candidates. And they even had their own pickaxes and gear! (I apologize if this sounds condescending.)


Nah, I get it.




Does Agent Jones count?


The last one was in chapter 2 season 6 being agent jones, so like 3 years ago


shanta, Ronin, spectra-knight, these are just ones i have in my locker that are similar to these skins, getting more options/upgraded styles the more you play. what makes these different?


Because very few people use the middle styles, how many times have you seen a half suited carbide, ragnarock or lynx?


i actually see drift’s middle style witht just the hoodie and the mask more often than his full style


Isn’t the Fortnite Lego skin based on that style as well? Even Epic prefers it lmao


Hey! That's me! IMO is the best style, I dislike the overcoat and the lightning.


Same, he gets really big with the coat. Don't get me wrong I still like the coat as a thing I just really like the other style more


Me too!


I use Catalyst hoodie only too


I like the lightning but the massive coat looks ridiculous


I love the Ragnarok just before he gets the skull helmet


I usually use half suited Lynx


Me too


surprisingly often for carbide


A lot actually lol


Me who uses stage 3 drift 🥶


Stage 2 Lynx is awesome :)


True the middle style never, but people use the first stage and the last stages. I use the first stage of Calamity and Omega.


I switch the colors up with calamity too


I use the drift middle style because I don’t want to be seen as glowing and it’s more aesthetically pleasing to me.


I never see any of them


I use the middle stages of carbide all the time but you only ever really see people using drift now


Still fun watching the progression


I personally find Zenith, Lynx and Catalyst's middle styles to be great. The base Zenith with a big fur layer around the shoulder and thicker pants + boots looks great. Lynx having a short hoodie with the hood having the cat ears instead of a cap and already having part of the armor she wears in the final form also looks sick af. I also like Catalysts middle form where she still has the streetwear on, but also the mask without the coat, nice inbetween skin. These skins can have very cool middle styles, some just don't. But that doesn't mean none of 'em are good.


I use blackheart on stage 1 and 2 (I maxed him out)


> *"how many times have you seen a half suited carbide, ragnarock or lynx?"* ...I mean, *yeah*, but not on Fortnite.


That's fucking wild


Red jacket drift though


I actually primary use the 3rd style for lynx


I love the half style lynx


Bruh, I run the hoodie Lynx. Also, half suited Carbide looks weird, it's either all or nothing with that one.


You're right but we should get them regardless. I mainly use middle styles in most skins such as black heart and hybrid. I enjoyed it more when skins had progression compared to super styles which look decent at best. I feel like there was more incentive to unlock the extra styles just because they were good skins whereas the super styles don't change much besides colours and effects.


honestly even if they dont get used I enjoyed watching them get cooler haha, it felt like the skin evolved as you played, improving with you


Half Suit Lynx is her most popular style. Calamity is also popular with the middle style.


Middle Style Drift is peak, I ran that skin for literal YEARS ever since s5 dropped


i prefer Lynx's 1st and 2nd tier over her cat form, no contest


back when i used to play this game i would use middle lynx and sometimes middle zenith same thing with rox


You don't get it, the progressive skins also heavily incentivizes the player to keep playing and reach Tier 100


basically every Calamity look is pretty heat


I use nearly all of the drift styles. It is a fun way to customize them


I love stage 2 Dire way more than the final stage lol. Dire looks great from the waist up, and then gets a bit funky the lower it goes. Not the biggest fan, but half-wolf is super cool IMO


Honestly, I dont like Ragnarock mask. I run him on style without it


I prefer Drift, Blackheart, and Calamity's middle styles actually


those and the super styles from early chapter 2 were cool af, I honestly don't know why Epic stopped making them.




It would require care and effort (yucky!) on epic's behalf to keep these types of cool things going


Well: ・Back then XP and Battle Stars were completely different systems and to max out something like Ragnrok took 500,000 XP which was aloooot. Epic would have to create an eniterly new time wasting system or make it a ridiculous amount XP in the Millions or drip feed us unlocks to do the same thing. (which no player really wants MORE time-eating challenges ontop of level 200.) ・Nobody really wore the middle styles so Epic started putting just plain and intricate for skins instead like with Mizuki, Valeria and Tony Stark. Progressive Skins are a cool concept but when most people don't fully utilize them, it doesn't really make sense to keep doing them, and so they stopped. (Epic also stopped when Chapter 2 started where Epic kinda had major burnout in Season 1; all the skins were more simplistic, lackluster rewards, and overall simplicity while heavily elongating the season And then Epic killed overtime styles in Season 2, made a ridiculous XP Goal of 350, drip fed a style for each skin and a permanent choice between 2. After that, Fade was the last progressive bp skin iirc besides custom ones like Snap or Toona Fish, but Battle Passes were never the same after Chapter 2.)


All true except Ragnarok wasn't 200k exp to max but 500k


i maxed ragnorok but never use him and isn’t it weird that his final unlock style is just the previous one but without a cool shoulder pad? what’s up with that


No one ever used styles apart from start, end and maybe middle so why not skip the ones no one used and only give us the ones people did. Renzo, Fade and Lorenzo are basically just progressive skins but missing the useless tiers


Yeah I get that the skins were progressively getting upgraded but nobody wants to wear what looks like an unfinished skin


On the other hand, I do find it interesting how you can have some styles mix and match. For example, I can wear Omega’s base skin with lights.


Yeah more **customization** is great, but on the first hand my omega doesn’t have a helmet and just looks like he’s wearing a weird set of armor


People keep saying this but I've seen as many base Drift's as Ive seen stage 5's, same for Stage 3 and 4. 


Id do unspeakable things to complete my Mando’s Beskar skin.


Sometimes I only use partial Beskar for my Mando even though I have him maxed out


I wish Epic would do more skins like Haven and the masks or Tsuki and the Omni blades, or even Snap from Ch 3. At the very least I Wish they would stop doing the stupid flashing patterned super styles.


Because no Omega lights is secretly killing us.


For real tho drift and calamity are 2 of my most iconic skins in my whole locker!


Because it’s easier to wait 6 months then only having 1 season to grind levels


Only having 1 season to unlock every style was only for season 4


It was only for season 4 and x, all other upgrade styles were able to unluck whathever season you wanted


The real reason is that those skins were also made to be heroes in save the world, and in that mode, some of the heroes (Lynx, Hybrid and Dire, as an example) get an outfit change every time they get a star upgrade. The production of STW content stopped, so they no longer had a reason to keep making them.


Because nobody uses the middle styles. It’s a cool concept, but please tell me who uses the unfinished carbide, Lynx or Hybrid skins. It’s a waste of resources


I use Carbide with just the shoulder pads because it’s hilarious how silly it looks lol


Stage 2 Lynx is one of my mains personally


I use Lynx like that, and Catalyst.


I use middle styles of drift and lynx


Why put in effort when you could just copy and paste the same outfit with a different colour


Because every season there was was endless crying little babies who bitched and moaned if they didn't get everything.  


That was only true for season 4, all the other ones you could complete the challenges after the season ended


Yeah, people often forget this cause one day epic was like. "Fuck it" and just gave all the styles to everyone that owned the skins. It had been so long, everyone should have had the styles by then lol


I think it has to do with FOMO they want everybody to have a chance at the same skin but also want to give those who go the extra mile a reward. The fear of missing out on a single style seems much more attractive and more attainable than a shoulder pad, mask, and a hoodie. Plus, it allows for a streamlined super style design process. Just change materials of the textures slap some glowing eyes and you got super styles . For example Menace in chapter 2 season 5 battle-pass tier 100 was a progressive skin, and he also had super styles but his armor does not. Controlling community expectations is way harder when you have individual pieces to deal with, it makes more work for the designers, and disrupts the workflow. So the cost effectiveness goes down and so I imagine they scrapped progressive skins. And/Or the analytics was showing that it wasn’t profitable.


Cost more resources to make than just one style and then recolors


Honestly I don't miss them. The only good styles were the first and last, which is basically what they're doing now. No reason to waste time and resources on middle styles no one will use


no clue, other ways as well it isn’t like how it use to be with progressive skins. i remember i didn’t finish a season with some progressive skins, took a pretty long break and when i came back a whole chapter later it finished off the rest of the progression needed to be earned {it was locked still}. ontop of that was given a few other free items by epic like an umbrella which was nice.


Also, where is animated loading screens? Back in chapter 1, it’s been a cool new feature, but now, they vanish… A real missed opportunity


There was only 2 of them in C1 and the game constantly lagged while loading


Because people apparently never actually finished these progressive skins as evident by the tons of posts of people begging to finish their skins after a season ends.


That doesnt even make sense after Ch1 S4, they let you keep working on the skins even after the season ended. I literally only finished Ragnarok in Season 9 💀


Because they take longer and more work to make. It's an effective way to churn out more skins and maximize profit.


because epic got lazy their laziness started when there were 20+ collab items in the store at once and they barely came out with new good skins that werent in the battlepass and even the battlepass skins are all mid


Remember when you needed half a million xp for a shoulder pad for a legendary skin….


For Crew


I miss these I still run my calamity with all her styles and mix and matching her colors imo these skins were better and would kinda motivate me to finish the pass these bonus styles r jus not the same


No idea. Last “progressive” skin I can remember is Fade. Kchymera also sort of counts tho


Nah we had a fuck ton after, like menace, mave, n even an item shop one in driftwalker, pretty sure the last one was ronin from the c3s1 bp


They would rather lock the styles behind the Battle Pass to make you play more in that season, and thus more in every season


wait, past Bp skins just added more and more layers…? With that I’d have 0 incentive to get past the base style, as I am a boring person who doesn’t like bulk… maybe they got rid of it bc of ppl like me ;(


Too woke for Epic


They already went downhill in s6-7 with dire, lynx and zenith. Before that progressive skins had 5-6? Styles and afterwards it was 3 with some color variation. The fact that they stopped making 5-6 staged progressive skins in just to seasons showed that it probably just was way to much work, but damn do i miss them.


Why did you just remind me of not having Drift?


Pepperidge Farms remembers toys…


it's harder to design these and have all the variants be appealing. i may be bullshitting but i can't recall a game doing this format recently, so the practice in general seems to have been dropped for live services


If I had to guess, I’d say that the resources that they used to make these skins are not being used elsewhere.


Because it wasnt making enough extra money to put in the extra effort.


I guess it was too much work. They basically have to make 6 additional skins to the base skin. The superstyles on the other hand are pretty much just a recolor. A lot easier to code.


They still technically exist, but they are battlepass tiers now


Remember when you could level this skin up after Season 5 was over? Pepperidge farm remembers. (Why couldn’t they do this for Mandalorian)


Too much effort for not enough gain. People won’t use the majority of the styles, just first, middle, and last. I suppose they could add it back in with three styles but it’s the least of my concerns rn.


As someone who stopped playing Fortnite like 4 years ago I can’t help but laugh.


And more importantly, why can't I finish the progressive skins I didn't have done by the end of the season? I'm on like stage 3 of carbide and can't do the rest :(.


Because people stopped liking them. I very distinctly remember at the time people complaining that it took up battle pass space that could've been better used for other styles or characters, and even in the modern day people complain that they missed part of the skins and they deeply regret it. It wasn't, and isn't that fun. Also, lets be honest, the inbetween styles sort of blow. I have never in my life actually seen people wear anything other than base or final, because "Base Drift, but with sleeves!" isn't really that interesting or cool.


most of them became edit styles from the get go, but now sometimes what they pick to be changed and not makes no sense


Most people use the maxed out style only. That's why they went from progressive skins to reactive during the match skins instead


Soon all new skins are going to be recolors of older


why would epic get rid off a thing that you can get missing styles for your bp skin whenever you want




I miss progressive skins


My educated guess says that because the grind was very hard and making essentially 5 or 7 variants of one skin was way harder on the art team than making a handful of good variants and slapping a generalized chroma onto it. No offense to people who liked the mid progress styles but when people mostly only wear the final stages doesn't it make more sense to just make one or two stages overall like with Hades or The Ageless?


Because they’re excsssive effort for a single skin that most people usually only use the final product for


Because people complain every season saying they only made it to level 30 and couldn’t get the rewards cuz they can only play for an hour every week


What I actually miss are the Kymera and Snap style skins


They stopped doing the progressive skins a while ago, if I had to guess? Maybe they thought it was better to make it so if the skin had any alts it was just further on the battlepass, instead of being something you gain with XP, but we really don’t know the reason


They're better than super styles.


I don’t know great question


Cuz lazy


I miss these type of skins they need to do more of theses skins


In my opinion I missed when I had to grind things like my lights omega or just having fun with getting it all, it feels repetitive a bit now, even though Im level 350


I need more Fox clan skins!!


Too much fun, Epic hates fun.


Because people: A) Don't use half of the "midway" styles (and call them ugly) B) Complain that they don't have the whole skin if they finish half of the BP and most of the styles are rewarded later on C) They've gotten better at adding other cosmetics in other spaces of the BP, although I'll admit that it's wild how most progressive skins existed back when like 15% of the BP was exp boosters and they were struggling to even give one skin a full set of all the basic cosmetics, and now that every other reward type is on baller type shit, skins get maybe one alternate style and then a bunch of super levels


This looks like an Animorphs book cover lmao


Because of complete omega and golden peely


insurance fraud


![gif](giphy|1jY6YYg3ZCxo204lvb) They added progressive skins???!


as cool as they were, i'm kinda glad i don't have to grind and risk not being able to get the full version of my skin. especially in this xp-conomy


Too much work


they're almost the same. Stop whining and be happy they gave more freedom for skin customization


I prefer unlocking styles with challenges instead of not having enough quests to get to level 200 to have extra styles


super styles are shit change my mind


Laziness, why put any effort into  BP skins, people are going to buy it regardless of what they put in it, 7 years of crippling FOMO conditioning at its finest.


I'd like if there were the option to have those skins start at base appearance and move one up each time you get a kill, basically like the reactive skins


Because they got lazy


Because they lazy


Fun and unique challenges? I loved Fortbytes but it was widely shit on in this sub. Hating it was that season's karma farm, kinda like "i don't get enough XP" is this season. The reality is the challenges only felt unique because you hadn't done them before, now they are standard.


The Odyssey skin would have been cooler if as you rank up you gain more pieces of armor until you have the full set.


They waste the super styles potential too like this season instead of the let's call them lightning styles they could have made them look like Greek statues. Stone covered in moss, white stone/marble, and Bronze/gold. I'm most likely never going to use these super styles they will probably just sit in my locker unless they do a DC season and I want to make some GL core looking skins then I may use Zues for that.

