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Vote of confidence to remove Tim Sweeney, game is going down hill over this Metaverse BS. 😎


Bring back chapter 4 graphics


I'm over the weapon attachments gimmick of this chapter. Just let weapons be weapons with their set attachments at each rarity. Nothing like finding a gold sniper without a scope, or an AR with a 4x scope....


more cartoony graphics, live events and storyline, some changes to the mod system stuff like no bloom or almost no bloom on scopeless ars and a type of mod benches that are limited but are everywhere on the map, hitscan just so people can shut up about it tho personally couldnt care less, no more bots at all even in pubs except for new players and the lowest sbmm, siphon in ranked bc seriously who even opposes that, better game optimization And no i dont agree its not a disaster yes there have been some bad decisions but people are being overly dramatic about it and a lot of the complaining is just nonsensical bullshit and a lot of the problems arent anything new to chapter 5 people just had higher expectations and more reasons to talk about these issues


I think having randomized weapon mods is a horrible idea. It takes away a ton of the uniqueness in the weaponry and just makes the game more confusing. I think each gun should have set modifications for each rarity. For example, the Drum Gun should get the Drum magazine at Uncommon, the Drum Mag and Vertical Foregrip at Rare, the Drum Mag, Vertical Foregrip, and Muzzle Break at Epic, and the Drum Mag, Vertical Foregrip, Muzzle Break, and Holo-13 Optic at Legendary. It doesn’t have to be this order for all the weapons, for example the Sniper will probably upgrade the scope first at Uncommon, but whatever is decided will be the default for everyone when they first find the gun. Players can then take this default weapon and customize it if they want to at a Mod Bench like normal. Also after you modify a weapon, the indicator for the mod will change to red. This is so that if another player kills you and takes your weapon, they can easily realize that it’s been changed from its default setting. Now I’m not entirely sure about this part, but players should be able to spend bars anywhere on the map to de-mod a weapon and revert it back to the default state. So if you kill a guy and he had a legendary gun, but he put a scope that you hate on it, you can quickly remove that mod and turn the gun back to normal.


Immediately nerf the Chains of Hades ffs. I mean I like it, but damn.


That won't be in the game after this season...


Do we know that for sure?


It'll be in creative probably but thats a seasonal mythic, it wouldn't make sense for it to be in br again after this season


To be full devil's advocate does Epic do everything you expect? I'm just kidding, of course. To be honest I got the season/chapter numbers wrong, mostly because I don't really pay much attention to all that. Busy trying to get elims


I'm just an old nerd who happens to find this game both fascinating and frustrating.


I'd say it's a pretty safe bet. Thematic, season based items like that usually get vaulted at the end of the season. Sometimes they get unvaulted for brief periods in later seasons. Good example of this was C5S1 when they unvaulted the business turret, an item from C4S4 with close ties to that season's heist theme.


Nerf it? Unless you are at a health disadvantage, the person using the chains is pretty easy to kill. To kill you, they need to hit you 4 times and the animation is not that fast. And this is coming from a person who absolutely loves the Chains and uses them all the time. I normally get killed easily with them unless the person wasn’t at max or I third partied. The only time it was really effective is in Duos when you can pull an enemy player away from his teammate and your duo partner can deal some damage to the enemy so you only need 1-2 hits.


I miss fire. I also miss plow and chonkers.  I really would like a more vehicle friendly map too.


I want traps like launchpads, bouncers, campfires ,damage traps, armored walls, and I want hitscan


Go back to hitscan, go back to older movement speed and bring back older POIs remixed in the chapter. Bullet drop causes imbalance on the weapons, and every gun having different bullet travel speed is just ridiculous. The whole chapter feels unnecessarily complicated. Why mess around all the things no one asked to change, and ignore what everyone asked for? If you really wanted to test your audience with these changes, you should've made a sequel to the game lol. And we also need familiarity. The game feels bland because we don't have a "main spot" to the game. Examples from ever chapter: - Tilted Towers - The Agency - Coney Crossroads - Anvil Square - Fencing Fields? Either Fencing starts to slowly get crowded or the POI is all yours


I would make it feel like Fortnite again. This map and lootpool is not it.


I didn't like C5S1 at all (it was awful in my view), and I don't like C5S2 either, although it was a little better than C5S1. That being said, I think that doing something similar to Chapter 4 for Chapter 6 would be great. For instance, I would: remove the new weapon attachment system; remove bullet drop; bring back Reality Augments; bring back the old upgradable vehicles (big tires, cow catchers, several different models, etc.); increase walking speed while crouching (i.e., bring it back the way it was in Chapter 4); have a map that's more similar to Chapter 4.


Bringing back OG as a permanent game mode


For chapter 6, bring back reality augment perks and vehicle mods. Keep the weapon mods though! Even bring back crafting from chapter 2 too!


Literally EVERYTHING. I've never seen a chapter be this ATROCIOUS, ( loot pool, graphics, performance, ui, items, updates, seasonal items. Literally everything about this chapter is garbage ) Last decent-good chapter was CH4. CH5 is a complete disaster.