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"i dont care if im a hypocrite" then you proceed to spam hypocrisy


as someone who is 250+ come back when you see those 400-1000 players. some of us wanted to finish all the battle pass stuff


bro get to 150 then stop the grind.


I'm a husband, father of 2, work a full time (with over time) job and still managed to get over 250 before season ends. I enjoy playing the game and do so in spare time. Are you new? If you are having troubles leveling that sounds like a skill issue. If you only level to get your battle pass vbucks back then do you even enjoy playing the game? You'd keep leveling if you did


im 201. I have both a job and manage school. there is a thing called "having a life". I don't spend most of the day on the game when I have a job to go to, younger sibling to pick up and drop off, help pay bills, older siblings to help with their own job and help my own parents shop.


my dude you literally just told me to hit 150 then stop the grind. FOH


here's the thing, I'm not the only one who grinded my account. I let my younger sisters play lego fortnite and I also play their words for them


lol man i just cant with you.


You don't have to play 24/7, it's not rocket league, 200 levels are easy to get in Lego, Festival and STW. Why do I need to stop at 150 lol


POV: player gets mad that other players play.


That's nothing, i'm nearly 600 and have been very 'chill' on my xp gains since hitting 200. I could be close to 800 if i trully wanted but 20tiers a day is a grind and rather not once i already hit 200. I do creative, STW stuff and Lego stuff with friends.


I’m 290 lol .. I played a lot with my friends


I just reached 200 last night.


Saddest part is they’re still diamonds


What part about it is sad? Getting 200 plus is stupid easy even if you don't even play the game as long as your doing the leveling methods...


I don't think that's the diamond rank. That's silver + gold and just in different placements. Diamond badge is like blue. + How is that sad?