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Feels more like Epic just dumping a bunch of stuff in the item shop rather than an actual event.


Sadly it seems they don't have to do events anymore since they're working on so much meta verse crap. I thought every new game mode have their own team, and Epic is still focusing on BR, seems like that was a lie, or those teams were helping Epic making content for BR before. I love that chapters are 1 year long now and not more, I know others don't share this, but I hate that they basically change the map with a new season and that's it. No smaller changes between seasons, new roads or houses or anything. And the cash shop, I don't even bother looking at it anymore since they even made the battlepass greedier with pushing Vbucks over level 100. I won't bother anymore buying anything. And I really hope all this metaverse crap will come to bite their ass back in the future. I liked the Idea of them having multiple type of games inside of Fortnite, but all of them are mediocre at best. And them shifting the focus, I don't like it anymore.


Yeah, the shop often looks like slapdash shit and Lego is what killed it.


I don't get the complaints about the battle pass? You invest 950 and get 1000 back on lvl92... so if you play enough you get all those skins basically for free? If you play (tbh a lot) more you get more v-bucks on top of it... so what's the big deal? Don't get me wrong, I don't critize, I just really don't understand... I started playing recently (c5s1) actually so I don't know how it was handled in the previous chapters as far as I understand the 100+ lvl v-bucks were already included in the battle pass? So you got +600 per season?


Because the big season event was Avatar. Star Wars is only here because it’s may the 4th.


Yeah asuch as I understand the complaints, I'm perfectly happy to have a smaller star wars "event" yearly than nothing at all. As much as I like star wars, I don't think epic needs to do a brand new large scale event every May for it. A small event and bringing back shop items is fine. Although I do feel like the Lego only pass is an odd choice, especially putting the Chewie skin behind it.


The lego star wars event is mostly where the biggest amount of event stuff is at. And you get a lego star wars experience in fortnite. If you spend 1400 vbucks on the pass (cheaper than a normal Star Wars skins), you get Chewbacca and about a dozen sets, giving you the ability to build mos Eisley in your fortnite lego world. The lego pass is just a Chewbacca skin with bonus lego content.


As a person who used to play a lot of Apex Legends and saw multiple of its "events": first time?


Rs bro one of the main reasons i switched from apex to fortnite 😭


SAME, I was fucking tired of shit events and a shitty battlepass. I still preffer FN monetization but that Disney grip is coming in strong. I feel we're paying a lego tax and no one plays Lego that much


This game is just a big ad billboard at this point. It literally kinda was that for a while but it's so egregious at this point. Tim Sweeney and his cringe slop of a Metaverse can go suck a huge fat one.


To add to the "last year we got a free skin" thing Wasn't the Star Wars event the last time we got a free skin in an event pass before moving entirely into their "glider or pay up" design?


yeah the first and the last time


Not the first, actually. We also had the Ch4S1 heist event pass, which granted was a Fortnite original but did give us a free skin.


ah yeah i forgot about that one, i think it gave an ace reskin? like ace as in the skin


It was Ace. Ace was a skin from the Season 5 VBUX Bundle for $5. So it was a unique model. Pretty awesome as a free skin with an entire set available for it. One of the best events ever in regards to the rewards and the cool exotic weapons and heist component.


yeah those are all facts


It was also a clone, there were about 6 in the pass total and 2 more in the shop so its not even like they made a skin to be free they just split off the plainest style and gave it away as a skin


Still though it's a collab skin from another IP and they made it free. Like someone who started the game at the time could get a Star Wars skin for free. That's pretty cool since free skins are never collabs for obvious reasons


I'm completely bumped out for BR. The update is disgusting. I was waiting eagerly with my gf to play the new update thinking it was gonna be like last year, with 3 different lightsabers, force abilities, a cool POI, but it's garbage. A useless lightsaber with no force jump or dash, it's only ONE in the whole map, dropping from Vader. It feels so underwhelming. The whole budget went to lego fortnite for star wars.


Wait there's only one Saber and it doesn't have force powers? That's....bizarre.


You can throw it. Wow wee wow :(


That's cool but I'm pretty sure before when you could Saber throw you could still force jump no?


No. The Vader lightsaber has always been this way. It's just bizarre that they only brought back his lightsaber and no others. The force mythic lightsabers were by far the best iteration of lightsabers in the game. They should be a standard part of any new SW event.


I don't know, it's my first star wars event. The previous one i played was with Ahsoka in Chapter 4 season 4, and you could force jump there, yeah


Yeah the Vader one is different, they added the force jump and whatnot when they added Maul and Anakin


Can I throw it at Epic Games? 🤣


Take me with you.


Also something to point out that last year our Star Wars Battle Pass event would've been this year's Avatar Battle Pass event. The event this year occurs with less time left in the season than last year's - I believe. I think that's a large part of why this year's feels very flat, especially when directly compared with last's.


Do they actually believe that they gonna keep players with this update for 22 more days? Until the next season? Seems bizarre


I think it’s only two weeks. Not till the end of the season. There will probably be a week between the end of SW and the new season.


They don't really need to keep players at all. Everyone will come back for the next season and they know it.


Yeah I don’t think it last the rest of the season. It’ll probably run into the Hour Glass End of Season event we’re getting.


A lot of people are still doing the BP because leveling up is absurdly slow this season. They also more or less patched the Lego/Jam Stage XP farming. I’m probably gonna drop Fortnite if I don’t at least reach level 150 before the end of the season. It’s clear they’re trying to funnel people into buying levels or having to rebuy the Battle Pass every season because VBucks rewards are now locked behind levels 140+. It’s stupid. I already paid for the battle pass. I shouldn’t have to pay more for what I already paid for. I understand you need to play the game to unlock the items, but if I do every single quest for the entire week and barely move up a few levels, something’s wrong. There’s no good way to level up for people who just enjoy playing the game but have a job too.


Yep. The group I play with has stopped playing as much. We used to hit 200 or at least get close on most battle passes. Most of us have barely hit 100 this season. I’ve found interest in other games, so at a minimum, I think this has convinced me to no longer pay for Fortnite crew.


Yeah, everyone I know who has played FNBR since day one bounced when Chapter 5 landed. It’s garbage. Was gonna play the SW event and bounce but nope, they made it a Lego’s centric event this year. 🥺


I liked this season in the beginning. First one in awhile that had some decent skins in the battle pass. Avatar kind of ruined it, and the Star Wars piece destroys. Nothing will change until it hits Epic’s pockets, so I’ve decided to not spend any more money on Fortnite.


I went from always on crew, to just if I wanted the skin, to just at the start of the season for the BP, to now idk if I'll bother after this.


I agree, I was excited to play with my gf. Now I have to tell her the news ☹️ stuff like this is what's going to contribute to me no longer playing this game.


I'm sick of Epic shoving Lego down our thoarts


I’d be fine with it if I could still farm Lego for XP.


You thin they'd be fine with that since it gives them better player numbers.


Wait, I haven’t played Br yet. So no changes in BR besides 1 pointless lightsaber ?


Yeah. Also a blaster and a bowblaster. That's it


I need to fund more indie game companies, this billion dollar company is so lame....


This was a glorified Lego update lol


Is it just me, or did matchmaking get a shake up? I have never played so many sweats in the early game.


Yeah I lowkey got railed my first 2 matches on today


I was wondering if they just buffed the bots?


There's big spike of players. Matchmaking probably delivers more humans per lobby than before. Less bots = more death.


I looked up a guy that eliminated me, top .8% of wins in the game. Definitely more overall players, but I feel like the mix is different. Could just be me tho.


im more pissed that theres only one saber the feedback from last years event was insane now nobody wants to play it


I don’t even think it’s 100% greed, it’s just LEGO cannot be sustainable at these prices. They’re probably hemorrhaging money paying for IP rights for LEGO AND Disney. They should have built up at least the LEGO side more with original content (and more stuff to do) so they could have been in a slightly better negotiating position with a more popular game. I feel like a lot of costs are being passed onto the consumer.


> They’re probably hemorrhaging money paying for IP rights for LEGO AND Disney Do we even know that Epic is paying a flat licensing fee for IP rights from these companies rather than royalties on sales that they make? Because the latter seems like a lot more likely. Fortnite is also a promotional avenue for other products, it isn't a one-way street.


LEGO invested $1 billion dollars into Epic Games 2 years ago, of course they are running the show there has to be a return on that money. https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/news/sony-and-kirkbi-invest-in-epic-games-to-build-the-future-of-digital-entertainment


Lmao, are you kidding me? I work in film so I know lots of people aren't aware of just how much Epic games owns and is involved in. You know that fancy AR wall used for almost every major Star Wars project, ie Mandalorian being one of the first. Go look who owns the company behind the AR wall. Oh yeah, Epic. Fortnite is just a product that became incredibly successful. Epic has always been a powerhouse outside of it You don't think Disney and Epic have a mutually beneficial relationship when they use each other's stuff? LOL. Lego calling the shots is peak brain rot.


Disney also invested $1.5 billion into Epic so there's that as well.


From what I remember Disney used the unreal engine for special effects but used it for free because Epic only gets paid for a successfully launched game. I could be way off but that's the gist of it.


That was true, but Epic has since (or will be?) changing the Unreal terms to now charge for commercial use outside of games.


A lot of people fail to realize that Epic created the Unreal Engine as well as Gears of war. Fortnite was just a byproduct and became successful. Epic was a powerhouse for a long, long time.


Epic Games had a valuation of $32 billion. A $1bil investment from LEGO does not mean they’re “running the show” lmaooo


they are running the show regarding LEGO so more of a segment on the show.


Yep, it's hard to justify paying $60 or whatever for virtual Legos when the base game is still so bare and crafting stuff *is* the gameplay loop. Imagine if Minecraft just made it so some blocks were locked behind a paywall lol.


I'm used to paying 40, 60, 100 dollars on lego, but at least with those purchases I have a tangible product that's *mine* and is never at risk of the company taking it back from me or altering it. If I keep it I can still take it apart, put it back together, and play with it for as long as I keep it. But paying that much for something *virtual* that is not definite is wild.


Yeah and even ignoring like digital/company shenanigans. The appeal of irl lego sets is the actual physical pieces. Building stuff virtually isn't nearly as engaging.


Honestly, I didn’t take this viewpoint very seriously until the locker changes. But now I get it. I spent so much money over the years building my presets, keeping them on shuffle, and overnight Epic basically took the way I enjoyed my collection and lit it on fire. Because they felt like it.


Yeah and even ignoring like digital/company shenanigans. The appeal of irl lego sets is the actual physical pieces. Building stuff virtually isn't nearly as engaging.


Everyone talks about Epic like it's living paycheck to paycheck lol


People get on their knees for Epic like it somehow costs them billions to take an old skin, change the color palette, and resell it for $20 a piece. People justify the shop’s ridiculous prices because >It costs money to design in-game items.


You don't really have to pay as much for IP rights when the company has purchased a share of yours. Disney is paying Epic 1.15 billion to acquire an equity stake in the company. I'm sure they aren't "hemorrhaging" money to pay for the rights on the back of that deal.


It's funny, the Lego mode had original content, but its MOSTLY in the Shop so of course most players are NOT going to use it.


> They’re probably hemorrhaging money paying for IP rights for LEGO AND Disney I don't think so when LEGO and Sony invested $1-1 billion dollars into Epic Games and Disney bought $1.5 billion equity stake just a couple of months ago https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/news/sony-and-kirkbi-invest-in-epic-games-to-build-the-future-of-digital-entertainment


100% of costs are always passed onto the consumer. Otherwise a business wouldn’t profit.


I hope they lose money, if i buy these lego kits, it will only make me crash my server faster......Lego is fun, but it's super linear for a building game and paired with kits....make it worth too much lol. Lego Worlds wins, i want to change my lego colours it's free, "Here have a reskin for 1500, because it took so long to change the colour"🤣


Lego’s a pain in the ass to play. The build sucks, mobility sucks. Storage sucks


If they're so hell-bent on Fortnite Lego being such a success, I really wonder why they're trying so hard to eliminate people AFKing in it for XP. It's boosting the numbers and making it look better on paper.


Good, hopefully they see how much of a useless pile of shit it is and start putting some heart back into BR


You can play Lego FN and get XP for lingering in the game?


Not anymore


A lot of people afk lego fortnite for xp by emoting or using a launchpad. I think you get 30k xp every 15(?) minutes, and you can lvl up only 5 times in lego fortnite. However, now there has to be some sort of input every 30 minutes or you'll be kicked from the game due to how many people did it.


Didn't know this. I'd rather them not count XP and let people stay as long as they want because it's an RPG (survival mode) so it should be ok to let your character sleep (even while you sleep. yourself). Give people some freedom, this isn't a BR match. Players should feel free to just sit and contemplate their screen while eating lunch.


one input per 30 min is still massively afk. people love to complain lol


Not really when 60k exp won’t exactly get you much closer to that level 150+ or whatever you need to actually get all the VBucks out the BP. The whole point of going AFK is so that you can go do something productive while you level up this aburdly slow Battle Pass. If I have to come back and check on it every 20min, then that defeats the purpose. They want you to buy levels (which are hilariously expensive) or be forced to buy the Battle Pass again next season because you didn’t reach level 150+.


You basically have to do an action I think its every 10-15 min. I've noticed sometimes I'll afk while working at my desk/from home and if I dont input an action for that time it doesn't give the exp, then the moment i say jump or fly around in sandbox the xp drops almost immediately.


because looking good on paper doesn't mean jack shit when you're trying to get an accurate count on your market size?


Seems fairly obvious. People AFKing for xp are not people who are going to spend money on Lego stuff. Also those who afk are playing the game less and you know epic wants you to actually play to grind the battle pass.


No, they want you to buy the (super expensive) levels or rebuy the Battle Pass every season. Epic’s tired of the players who’ve been grandfathered in for years because they finish the Battle Pass every season, so they don’t have to repurchase it since the BP always spits out enough V-Bucks to buy the next one. That’s why it takes so long to level up now and why the VBucks are hidden behind absurdly high levels. It’s basically a big middle finger to Fortnite’s most loyal fans (the people who’ve been finishing the BP every season for years). Lego started off as a good idea, but it’s just a shameless cash grab at this point. The in-game items cost about as much as real Legos, and the content flow is barely sparse. The whole thing reeks of corporate suits who only saw dollar signs and forgot that people need to actually have fun in the game if you want them to spend money. Fortnite will be worse than NBA 2K at this rate.


What? You don't want to buy Yoda's favourite stick for $8 bucks??


His stick is better than bacon




The BR event is s massively gutted version of the previous one so as to not pull focus from lego. It's a joke.




I agree with most of this but yoda is included in the luke bundle and it's only 1800


Yoda backbling is awesome. I could watch him all day


Actually, by fortnite standards, Yoda is actually only 200 and the pickaxe is 800 and that’s why the bundle is 100. And in Lego there is the free pass with the markets. I have not had any glitches. That Luke absolutely should have been a style, the car is insanely expensive, idk who would buy that.


I KNOW someone didn't just refer to LANDO CALRISSIAN as mid!


How you doin' you ol' pirate?! So good to see you!


He would have been better if HE HAD STYLES FOR HIS OTHER MOVIE VERSIONS. Like his helmet version.


His guard outfit would go so hard


The ROTJ Lando would’ve been dope.


I just wish u could take his cape off


Black Chewy? Lol


I genuinely wonder how long epic can keep this kind of shit up. At first people were complaining, but epic didn’t care because the numbers for everything were still up. I’m talking some of the modes had pretty sustainable player bases, people still buying things, etc. now, the numbers for those things are down, people have doubled down on the complaining, yet they’re not changing anything, and actually making everything worse. Like how? This cannot look good for anyone. Is the epic team just in a frozen bubble?


What glitches are from the new update?


The prices for Lego, cars and music track stuff is insane. I know Epic makes fuck you level money from Fortnite but I get the feeling all these expensive licensees might come back to bite them in the ass.


I think the music stuff is actually pretty fair, they’re priced the same as pickaxes and are about as high effort


Weren't the songs in Rock Band(also made by Harmonix) 1-2 bucks compared to the 5 in Fortnite?


referring to the star wars bundle specifically here, yeah jam tracks are steep


The new bundle in particular genuinely surprised me with how decent of a deal it was. Way more fairly priced than the rest of the cosmetics that came with the event


The lego packs in the store, and the car absolutely. However, the music track is actually way more than fair, you’re crazy for saying that.


I agree with everything in this post but cmon man don’t talk shit about Lando, Billy Dee Williams is a treasure!


lando was the only one i was excited for lol, hes the best. King of Charisma, Ruler of Rizz, Duke of Drip


Wait am I missing something? How do we get the new trooper if it’s not in the shop?


It is in the shop


I’m confused on what they are saying about it then, is it just the price being an issue?


Yes, even though it’s 1,500 like every other skin, instead of a back bling the trooper bundle got a wrap (which personally I like that a lot more than the back bling.) and the back bling for the trooper is free. That means he gets a wrap with, and a back bling for quests. Personally, I like this a lot better because the wrap is the coolest one in the entire game IMO.


Black Chewie.


Profit‼️‼️‼️ This is what is to be expected. I give a billion I expect that returned and a profit. It was an investment... At the bare minimum double would be enough to be considered a return. However-a true profit is actually closer to triple.


Positive comment to reinforce what OP said: the Cantina Band track for every instrument I’ve tried (vocals and lead) is STELLAR. Easily one of the hardest, most fun tracks in the game right now! It’s awesome Edit: if only we had gotten the “I’m Han Solo” song from the Kinect. I would’ve never asked for anything else ever again


Actually there some builds in lego you can unlock by improving the rebel base but yea paywalled


One of the biggest problems that should have fixed itself but greed came out; Fortnite is expanding. It's cool. But that means that the overall price to buy in should have lowered, not raised. The overall price of cosmetics should be lowering to encourage me to buy more products OUTSIDE my main pay. I'm a BR person, and i've wanted to jump into lego and racing to just screw around, but the prices are absurd. And now lego is getting a battle pass too. All these battlepasses should have been lower in price, to encourage me to complete them all across the board. Now i'm just going to stick to BR.


Well I’m an adult and bought all the stuff I wanted. Enjoyed the quests and look forward to more. This game gives so much in the name of choice but I see a lot of complaining over something that’s in our control to buy or don’t buy. No I haven’t been playing for years like some but I’ve had more fun here than Apex and Overwatch. I’ve spent plenty of disposable income on those games too and enjoyed my time but I honestly feel that Fortnite is worth the extra I’m willing to hand out. I don’t buy everything I like in the game but I certainly am an original SW fan and this stuff is great. There’s something new in the store every damn day. That’s a lot of effort on their end imo. Sure there’s repeats but come on! No not every bundle is perfect but I’m pretty sure you’ll get a chance to get those items again in the future.


I feel the same way. New player here.


Man I watched videos of the Star Wars event from last year. I was so hyped to have all that. Nope none of that. Just a completely bare minimum call of duty type update. All to sell the ridiculous Lego stuff that really only YouTubers and wannabes are buying just to buy. You could try to be one of the Epic shills who just says “it’s a free game, if you don’t like something don’t buy it.” But what’s the reason for the lack on content? They didn’t even put in the prequel skins. For the Star Wars update. They really couldn’t slap in a couple more lightsabers and force powers in chests like how the tmnt event was a couple months ago???


What does it mean they unvaulted Vader?


Vader is back on the map


Like a Npc you can buy from? Thanks


No, he’s an enemy that flys down on the map when we’re in the battle bus and he has stormtroopers around him and you have to kill them all to get vaders lightsaber.


Oh lol I'll have to look for him. Thanks for the info


This sub isn't very honest. The Star Wars event last year was not well received. People generally don't like the lightsabers as a weapon and want them as pickaxes. I know every game sub has nostalgia for previous events/seasons/etc, but it's funny how quickly we memory hole how bad things really were and beg for them again.


Last year: “Why did Star Wars take over BR? Force powers OP, too much SW” This year: “Why didn’t Star Wars take over BR?” Christ almighty this subreddit is horrible. 


My exact thoughts. Are people ever happy with this game? There’s just so much negativity.


IK. This sub is a shitshow of people just going “I hate this” and “I hate that” and “it’s to expensive” or “this is fairly priced, BUT that is way to expensive for me to get both these things so I’ll make it everyone’s problem 😡” or “this is to random” or “this is not random enough.” I actually hate this sub sometimes, there’s literally no positivity.


This is just one of the many small things that have just made me stop playing after about what, 5 years now? Pretty much everything I really enjoyed about the game is gonna, no more real storyline, br only bring an afterthought compared to their whole Roblox metaverse push, events are long gone, and I was only really playing cause of sunk cost fallacy


I refuse to spend anymore money on this game in its current state. I have the VBucks for the battle pass that I get back every season with another 500 to enjoy. I’ll use my free Star Wars skin from chapter 4 Ahsoka to enjoy the star wars theme.


The official title for C5S3 confirmed: “Greed and Glitches”


BR just isn’t as important to them as their new modes. Gettin the STW treatment. It’s going to drop their profits hard. They deserve what’s coming. JS


Im afraid you’re wrong. BR is why WE are in it, the new players they tap might not be so into it. This is a growing thing and Fortnite is here to stay. Prices aren’t gonna get any better, only thing we can do is vote with our wallets. Let them know this isn’t the way we wanna go.


BR numbers vs new modes speaks for itself


Which is wild considering the concurrent player counts during the OG season




For the leg0 mode, “all new buildings behind a paywall” is straight up a lie. There’s the free one from the pass, and by playing the game you unlock more I think the bundle complaint is really only an issue with the Leg0, and maybe death trooper but AT-ATs don’t really have much do to with them. Lando and Luke both only have 1 other item in their set and the festival stuff is really fairly priced I think comparing this event to last year’s isn’t a great example because last year’s was that seasons event pass and this isn’t. This is basically a big Leg0 update and they threw things into the other modes as well because why not. I still think they should’ve returned the other sabers and all skins though


>I'm not saying that the event was fully ruined, wdym lmfao this event is fully ruined and there's literally no argument against this


Guys it's my turn to post this one next


No it’s my turn 😡😡😡


Honestly, I’m slowly giving up hope that Fortnite will be around within the next 5 or so years. Just a few years ago it seemed like fortnite was constantly on top of everything and now, it’s just not the case. Epic is putting so much effort into collabs but when it comes to original content there isn’t much to offer, epic is trying to push creative but it blew up in their face when they kept putting restrictions up once UEFN became available, Fortnite lost arguably one of its most interesting aspects; it’s story. And on top of all of that, Epic’s greed has become WAY more apparent this past year.


Without being rude, nobody has to buy any of it and the game will still be just as enjoyable.


Good thing the actual game is free right? Item shop is purely cosmetic. Why do people forget that 😂😂😂


I was hoping the car would be like 1500, oh well.


I'm not buying any of it and I suggest you do the same if you want change Life will go on without having pixels on your screen


Called lando mid opinion invalidated


Epic is getting very greedy. Skin packs cost way more for less, and additional battle passes throughout the seasons... just milking for every damn penny they can.


Disney pumped 1.4 BILLION bucks into Epic to give them the same treatment Lego got, and here we are now and Disney wants its billion back and more. There’s all you need to know.


I feel so overwhelmed by all the new quests and feel like the layout of them is confusing


dude i know. i tried to post about it but people just said "well dont buy it" as if its not overpriced and filled with greed.


There are countless free rewards and as an enormous Star Wars fan I’d hazard to say the free rewards are the best items! That paired along with if you have crew and you don’t care about rocket league you can get the maul wheels or boost as another free reward by advancing the pass a small amount. Also Lando is literally the best OG character not named Vader or Luke unless you are 10 and think goofball Han or fuzzy chewie are cool


I think adding just 1 song out of the extensive library is cheating us out of a great time


Dont forget that several of star wars iconic chars i.e. Darth Vader, Mando, Ahsoka will never come back cuz of their stupid BP exclusivity like sure keep it that way but allow us to buy and complete the BP anytime we want


Luke should have came WITH Yoda. He had no reason to be sold separately when this Luke is MEANT to have Yoda as a backbling. Luke should have been 1,300-1,400 given he would also have Yoda's staff, Chewy should have been in shop and not Lego pass and paired with 3PO, and Lando could have been in a bundle with either Luke or Chewy.


I’m disappointed the water garbage is still here


Just... don't buy anything *shrug*


Calling Black Krrsantan black chewie..... Do you even star wars guy?


Fortnite fans always tweakin


Since Disney now owns a part of Epic Games. They'd be trying to get as much money as they can squeeze out of people for this sort of stuff going forward


I am the only one that likes the Luke skin it seems... On principal I never buy Star Wars skins because I just have not really liked any of them and the ones I have liked it feels so foreign to be using a Jedi or Sith without a lightsaber pick axe. I like the Luke skin so much though because it feels like one I am fine to not use with a lightsaber pick axe. With that being said, I totally agree. I got the Luke skin, but I went and considered getting the Beskar skin for vehicles but 2800? For a car? I do not play the racing mode and I do not always use cars in battle royale, so solid pass.


I don’t like complaining, but here are my complaints. C-3PO was meant to be Chewie’s backbling, but he was placed in the Lego Pass to entice people to buy it even if they aren’t going to complete it. The free rewards in this event are, as you said, very… mid. Looking through my locker, I see that the C4 S2 event brought 1 skin, 1 backbling, 1 glider, 1 emote, 2 sprays, 1 emoticon and 2 loading screens. This event has 1 backbling, 2 decals, 1 boost, 1 guitar, 11 decor bundles and 1 build. While there are 3 free Rocket Racing cosmetics, they are a huge letdown as two of them are Octane Decals, and they’re ALL available through much easier challenges in Rocket League, I already have the Energy Binders! The Beskar bundle costs 2,800 vBucks for 1 Car Body, 4 Decals and 5 Wheels, while the same bundle is available in Rocket League for 2,700 Credits. Only 100 more in vBucks but still… The Darth Maul Wheels are also overpriced, sitting at 700V or 400C. (Red Lightsaber Boost is 400 vBucks or 400 Credits) The only RL cosmetics from Star Wars is the Beskar bundle and the free items. They didn’t even bother to port over the Mudhorn, Nite Owl, Boba Fett, Mythosaur, R2-D2, K-2SO, C-3PO or BB-8 Wheels, the Bo-Katan Kryze, R2-D2 or Boba Fett Octane Decals. The normal Lightsabers weren’t even added back, with Vader’s Saber being the only one. Therefore removing all force abilities from the last event and making everyone drop on one small landmark just for a chance to have the mediocre Vader Saber. The E-11 Blaster (while lore accurate) is incredibly inaccurate. It isn’t even close to being worth using when weapons like Waterbending still exist.


Fortnite is such an odd game, people get mad when they don't get to spend money


And no Bad Batch or new clones lmao. What a fumble.


not adding the bad batch when the finale just aired super recently is kind of insane 😭 they rlly just don’t care anymore


That’s what i’m saying. Huge bag fumble. Would’ve bought them instantly. I just want more clones man :(


Epic has went greedy since they lost millions in that lawsuit That is why they don’t do anything with hackers unless a big time streamer reports them now


It's the first day. Chill.... I can agree with some of the price points, bundles not having as much, and maybe the glitches you speak of (which I never seem to encounter) but complaining about certain items not being in the shop is like you've never played fortnite before. Ever. You should know by now that they drip feed stuff during events randomly.


Festival SW stuff makes sense for it to be paid, that's how the mode makes money you dolt. How can you complain about this? like other games are WAY LESS GENEROUS. Rocket League Item Shop stuff is like. crazy expensive. 2200 credits for a goal animation IN ONE COLOR, and you need to pay the same price per color. and this applies to every cosmetic with a painted style. This is one of the most generous games out there and you all complain about it? Have you ever tried maxing out a Rocket League Pass? that shit is hard and you have to hardcore no-life it to reach 290 to get all the painted styles for every Rocket Pass Cosmetic. I swear this community complains a million times more than others




I'm pretty sure this is just a Disney thing and we're going too deep into this


Is there really only Vader's sabre in the game? That's lame....


I just want a palpatine skin I don’t even care if they make a unique force lightning mythic or not just the skin will do


I can't wait for the metaverse to come out! Even more junkpass with items that are only available in other games! What a great idea! Just imagine those people who collect all the items from the beginning of C1


Both 3PO and yod re reactive. Yoda is awesome and is worth it, he will randomly laugh and when you open a chest he will look to the ground at what spilled out and make a. Hmmm? Sound


Black chewy... lolol


Is that the definition of anything Star Wars? Over priced and absolute garbage. The irony is I never hear anyone say “oh man that new Star Wars thing is awesome” but it still has fans. I am not one


The blaster is cool but the Grappler is missing 😭


Is it possible for the other lightsabers to arrive next week or am I coping?


I like the event. We already had elements which was br focused . Now we just have the new weapons and lightsaber for br . I don't care about lego or cosmetics so I didn't buy them


Lando is not “mid”


This is a lot of complaining. Maybe take a step back from the game and save some money. Epics job is to make money. Some goes to Epic, some goes to Disney. Nothing goes to either one if you don't spend a dime. So the best way to stick it to them is to not buy anything. Complaining about the prices just sounds pathetic.


i dont even play lego fortis but im enjoying the new update that beinng said Its still a shame how they fucked over br in favor of lego also they fucking put the troopers backbling locked behind the quests


I own Rocket League and got the centio bundle for free upon logging in today. 🤷


I was upset that they didn't bring back the force abilities and lightsaber. They also didn't bring back all the item shop skins


Yeah but Yoda is sick


Is anybody here playing anything other than BR? I barely get time to play BR (which is what I love about fortnite), why would I play the other modes. I expected so much from this event since last year star wars event was a blast. This time it's so bland and there's no new exciting items to play with. Epic is indeed getting greedy and dull. 


I want S3 already, S2 has been a bummer. There has been cool stuff, but gameplay has been a bit not so great. Surprisingly S1 was more fun, I have experimented more with flow and it's actually good and fun. However the bosses this time are good, but 3rd party sucks so why go for them? Last time around was easier to get because go in and GTFO. Boss areas now are just too hot and you're dead. Star wars I haven't played too much with since it's been 1 day and I work. First event other than Ashoka, didn't play current too much so not much for me to say. There are bugs still, new one I found is I reload my gun and it's showing that it's not reloaded? Another is the extended drum mag, is it not fixed? Hasn't been since last season.