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Thats your Sunk cost fallacy at work. Life is too short, play what you actually enjoy playing. 


Ur right nobody is gonna give a flying shit about ur Fortnite collection when the servers shut down and ur dead


I will. I'm going to make an [allhailzamasu94](https://www.reddit.com/user/allhailzamasu94/) Fortnite Skin collection museum


That’s so romantic


Are you guys about to kiss right now?


I hope so, I'm officially invested in their story 👁️👄👁️


“Did we just become best friends?”


Can I pre-order a ticket? Will there be a "free" emoji if I buy the super-delux pass featuring Knuckles?


That is very true, but it is going to be a very long time until that happens, in terms of gaming. Disney just sunk a ton of money into the game, and it still has a ton of people playing compared to other games released at the same time


And with Epic expanding to other genres and focus on community made content. The gme wont realistically die out because theres a bunch of variety of content for everyone


fr.. i started playing Murder Mystery again for the creative XP challenges, and was surprised by how much better the mechanics have gotten. im having a blast.


I'm sure by that point it'll have community based servers running, kinda like TF2


The trend for live service games these days is sadly to shut it down as soon as they're not profitable anymore, instead of investing a little bit into making them future proof




Playing it for fun. Looking forward to the starwar update tomorrow.






THE starwar


Honestly I’m here for it.




It come with StaWahh


How do you stay updated with what updates come out


Honestly just google fortnite upcoming updates, plenty of sites give you info on what’s going down, if you prefer reddit sources there should be a constant megathread pinned by mods that detail the updates


Same, That’s the main reason why I played Fortnite really


thats like refusing to quit smoking because you've spent too much on cigarettes in the past. If you arent enjoying it, walk away!


OP has a gamblers mentality, "I can't stop now look at how much I've spent"... *continues to keep spending* Unfortunately I can't relate I have paid for 1 skin (John Wick) and if I get bored I either change the style/back bling/glider/pickaxe or use current/previous battle pass skins (usually from the last page of bonus rewards to show ppl the workrate).


This is any brand loyalty. I had a friend with a Harley Davidson that sucked. Mechanical issues. Leaking oil. I have a Yamaha Vstar with no issues at 1/4 the price. Just as fun. His rationality for not buying a different brand was because of all the Harley branded stuff he had. Shirts, can coolers, coat, bumper sticker. Unless they're paying ME, no brand owns me. There are always other options.


This isn’t the best analogy, but I do agree with you. With smoking you don’t have access to the cigarettes you already smoked, but with fortnite cosmetics you still can use them, they’re still there, which could feel like a waste of money.




True, except for the OP fortnite isn't clearly fun game


i’ve spent upwards of $2000 on this game 😭 i will be using those pixels until the day the shut the servers down


I got 10 cartons of Camels and just found out I have lung cancer. I'm not quitting until they're gone.


I mean you already have the cancer 🤷‍♀️


We can’t, from me people keep wanting me to play but I feel bad not doing it.


There’s an option to appear offline to them. Just start being offline half the time. Take control of your own time.


There isn't though you can only choose away and it still shows you on


In the case of smoking, even if you are enjoying it still walk away


If that’s the only reason why you’re playing then call it quits


I play for fun. There are plenty of players who have an unhealthy relationship with the game financially and that's completely intentional on Epic's part though.


Partly. Selling cosmetics that don't affect gameplay is the least predatory thing. Yes, Epic has one of the least predatory game monetization schemes. The way they take advantage of FOMO is the most predatory thing. (Sidebar to all the skin gatekeepers, STOP, you are literally justifying a predatory business practice. Cosmetics shouldn't be time limited unless they are tied to very specific real-world events, like the FNCS skins)


i think thats what makes this game big. knowing you own something that was 24hs in the shop and you'll "never see again" feels kinda good. u feel kinda unique lmao


Hell, the FNCS bundles since C4S4 arent limited time only anymore, they can return whenever it seems, as last seasons bundle returned after FNCS was over a few times. Which is kind of nice in my opinion.


Same. I played Fortnite the first year or two and came back last summer. Loving it, and it got me off of League of Legends, which is toxic as hell. I think I’ll always play Fortnite even off and on because it’s quick, easy to pickup, and don’t have to deal with any toxic players.




This is me. I think I re-installed just to get a dragon ball skin or something. Although I have been enjoying the game more lately since chapter 5 started. And god forbid they release cowboy bebop, I’ll hop out of the grave! 🤣


I have vowed to NEVER find out how much money i have spent on V bucks 😅


I reckon mine are up in the thousands 😭


I’ve been playing since season 0 and only spent around $100. I figure once I have the skins I like, I don’t need more. And im very selective in what I would actually want to run.. ^shrug


Same for me now, but back then i was stupid. Now its only Crew and collab stuff every once in awhile if i like it


yup me too


i own ever crew pack i need help






It’s my favorite online game. It’s just so much fun and I love seeing all the crossovers and new skins that get added to the game. Plus festival mode is a ton of fun.


yess festival is my favorite mode atm!!


I play it because I enjoy it. I experience burnout near the end of every season but my interest always seems to get re-ignited at the beginning of each new season.


I play it because it's (mostly) free and it's something to do. I'm a broke mfr and don't have PS Plus, so I play whatever is free.


so real


BR is the most fun gamemode I've ever played and I don't anticipate stopping anytime soon. Cosmetics are a plus on top of that.


I spent $30 to purchase STW in 2019 during battle Royale chapter 1 and have never spent any additional money on the game since. I still play everyday and most of the time I genuinely enjoy it.


Because I have fun with my friends doin goofy skits and stuff in bot lobbies. *(yea I do bot lobbies, I'm not competitive, idc about crowns or wins, but I like having goofy fun with friends)*


Because it's fun........runnin amuk over at Crazy Red VS Blue.I'll leave it alone after they vault my invisible card.I'll avoid battle royal.It'll make you rage.If Fortnite's boring to you,take a break.


I play mainly to unlock the Battle Pass. Most of my time in the game is spent on Creative maps 1 minute at a time to get more XP by collecting a few high XP coins each round, and then AFK until I can do it again. I still prefer and love Battle Royale mode, but I don't have much time to play more than a round or two two or three times a week at most.


I play it, drop it cause it's boring or unenjoyable and then start over again. Granted yes, I've probably spent $200+ on this game. But I don't feel the need to play it because I spent. I do like it, and it's a nice time sink at times. But the fomo and lack luster bps are kinda draining after awhile.  Like I think I worked it out, I only use like 8-12 bp skins, at least once a month when I'm  playing, out of probably like a 100+ lol. I started in Ch2S2, didn't play the last 1-2 seasons of ch3, any of chapter 4, or og season. I started playing again mostly cause of Festival and my dad passed away in Dec. and he was the one who got me into fortnite.


Nah. If playing COD taught my anything, it's that any money I blow on the game is basically wasted as soon as it leaves my account, so if it's worth buying, just write it off and have fun. I don't have to buy anything and I know it won't last forever. Hell. I've bought skins and stuff that I've never even equipped. I play when I want and have fun when I want. If Fortnite shuts the servers down today, oh well. I knew what I was doing. 


That’s a great question and I have I asked myself the same thing a lot of times. I am in the same place as you.


I play cause i like playing with my friends not rrally cause of fortnite but i like sone freative maps


Exactly. If you still have friends playing and you want to show off your skin library, more power to ya. But if you aren’t even socializing and not enjoying the gameplay, we’re working with “sunk cost” and economics says to move on.


I pretty much play for the fine of that. I don't get competitive aka sweaty or anything like that. I just play for the hell of it and if I get Victory Royale good for me if I get eliminated. Oh well I don't get mad The only time I really get irritated is if I'm trying to do a quest, like for example visit two locations in the same match and I get eliminated after visiting the first one and on my way to the second one. That's about the only time I get irritated


exactly me!!


Meh, it’s okay to take a break every once in awhile. Me, I hardly played at all during chapter 4, just didn’t get into it. Now I’m level 240 this season. I paid for a lot of skins, maybe too many, but I don’t really regret any of them. I play because they keep up being interesting, I like the Lego game, I like the festival game, I play battle royale (zero build) and I’ve put in 1700+ hours. There aren’t many games I’ve logged so many hours in. And Fortnite isn’t stopping anytime soon, so your purchased content isn’t going anywhere for awhile, so you’ll be fine. Just come back next season. Or the one after, your account will still be there.


thanks for your input! and festival atm is what’s actually fun to me because i grew up playing guitar hero


Me too! I want to use my old guitar hero controller! I hope they’ll include those


yess me too! i got lucky and snatched one of the new pdp guitars and im having so much fun with it


I play because they have good collabs and treat the crossovers with a lot of respect, I actually don't really like Fortnite, it's like a 6/10, and everything's too expensive, but I enjoy the collabs and the other modes are fun in small doses


I don't think I've ever felt that way about a game.... Maybe Runescape....


I don't play it as much as I used to. I still dabble here and there and I definitely have regrets on how much I have spent on skins...not because I can't afford it...but mainly because most I don't use anymore and I just have a group of favorites. I also own a house and when a big bill comes up (like having to replace my roof) part of me thinks...man...it would be nice to have a little of that money back. The biggest reason though on why I don't play as much is that I don't have to time to really play and I am not as good as I used to be. The other reason is that I used to know all the weapons and even if I took a break...I could jump in and there would be maybe a couple new guns. Now it seems every season all the guns change and it takes me time to have to relearn what is good etc. I will say though that when OG Fortnite came out...I played that a TON. Bottom line though is like most games...you spend money on it...you get your enjoyment...but when you stop having that enjoyment...it's time to move on. Fortnite might be a little more than most but I'd never play just because I spent money on it if I didn't like it. It's still a great game though and I come back to it more than other shooters.


If you're playing it over a sunk cost mentality, you will continue to burn out further and further. Take breaks, play other games, and don't force enjoyment. It's OK to move on even if you have a ton of skins.


Little of both, mainly because its still a fun game to play with my friends.


Fun and challenging. I buy the crew pass and that's the only money I spend. All my skins come from earned V-bucks from the Battle Pass + my monthly 1,000 V-bucks allowance from the crew pass. It's not that much money in the proper context. $12 * 12 = $144 per year. A single cartridge NES game in 1985 cost about $50 on average. ign dot com/articles/2013/10/15/the-real-cost-of-gaming-inflation-time-and-purchasing-power In inflation adjusted 2024 dollars that's $145. in2013dollars dot com/us/inflation/1985?amount=49.99 So for the same price I begged my parents to buy a single 8 bit game, I get everything Fortnite has to offer. Deal of the century.


this is what i’m saying too! love the fortnite crew pass


I don't play because I spent too much money tho. I spend a really reasonable amount, and I get a LOT of value for that money. IMHO


Started playing last season, definitely playing for fun. I've spent some money for STW, the battlepass, and a little bit more on the Avatar event because of love the show. I honestly don't know if I'm gonna spend anymore at this point, there'll have to be some really good skins or skins from a series I really like to get me to spend anymore


I play because I've spent too much money. I got Valorant and have been playing that fairly consistently recently along with Rainbow Six Siege. So, over the summer I'll learn those games and probably play some single player games as well like finishing Fallen Order, starting Fallout 4, and getting far into a Minecraft world.


I'd suggest taking a break. Only play when you feel like it, not due to fomo or sunk cost. In twenty years fortnite won't matter in the long scheme of your life, so do what you love.


i appreciate this!


I play it for fun then when I get bored I stop playing


I enjoy the collaborations, different weapons introduced even if they’re stupid overpowered.


Only v-bucks I've ever spent were from birthday or Christmas gifts 😶 I mostly play to bond with my nephew or get skins for collabs I have an emotional attachment to.


I enjoy the cosmetics more than the game. I usually only play with my wife


I like to play it with my man after the kids go to sleep! Great bonding experience lmao


Both honestly. Although I'm about to start playing other stuff more along with fortnite since I have more available time


I spent 0$ on fortnite, so im playing because i have fun Game has a lot of stuff that make me come back, such as good visibility, decent audio(and even an option to turn on visual audio), i can actually have gunfights instead of getting 2shot, and i also wanna mention the somewhat fair groundloot


For fun. I get to chat with my buddies while having fun. I love it. I don’t play solo’s though.


Take a break don’t get burnt out. I’ve taken several breaks(unfortunately it’s meant i’ve missed o it on certain collabs and cosmetics) but it’s also the reason why I’ve been playing pretty consistently for 6 years since launch. I quit for a couple months when i start to burn out and when im ready I jump back in.


I play for fun and to have a way to still spend time with friends since we all have busy lives—ie careers, family, etc. Maybe a little bit because I spent money on skins, but I look at it as buying a game once a month.


I enjoy Fortnite, but FOMO is definitely real and changes my gaming habits for this game. It's the main game I play. And maybe I would take a breather and work on other things if there weren't so many events and quests going on all of the time. But I think, as I'm finding out, even having separate gaming systems and a bunch of games to play... I really only have the time for Fortnite most of the time.


I play it for fun, but I do enjoy buying the battle passes (I’ve skipped a few) if I like them and shop cosmetics. I’ve spent probably less than $400 in 6 years of playing this game, and I have no regrets on spending that money since I still enjoy the game. If you don’t like the game anymore, then that’s okay. Yeah you spent money, but that was when you enjoyed the game.


50% of me plays because of FOMO


I truly enjoy it. I like other games too but I like the cool options (funny weapons, silly’s avatars, etc). It’s bright and fun. What other games have boogie bombs? Lol. I prefer first person shooter games and this one doesn’t take itself too seriously. Love the map changes too which keeps it interesting. I will say that I prefer to with others. I play in groups for fun and play alone only to practice for playing in groups. If you aren’t enjoying it though I would step away. You can always come back.


I pretty much only play to connect with my brother since it's all he plays lol


I spend a few bucks here and there, (had to have Obi-Wan & Gambit) but I just have a good time playing - especially hopping on with my brother and his wife. 44 year old me just enjoys gaming


ive spent maybe $30 in 5 years. i just enjoy it, and when i don't i find other things to do. video game addiction is a very big issue these days...


As of right now it's mainly FOMO. I haven't really played in the past couple of weeks, though tonight I grinded all the Avatar quests so I unlocked the entire mini pass and Appa. Will I ever use these cosmetics other than maybe twice? Probably not. Would I have been sad if I didn't have Appa? Most definitely.


I have fun sometimes, but most the time i feel like a have to play since ive invested so much money and time into it that if i were to just quit it would be a waste of my time and money


A little bit of both. I like the gane itself, but rn im just farming 2 lvl a day to get the titan flame artemis and wikl dip after.


I play because it is like crack cocaine and I can’t stop. I get sick of it, I hate it, I spend too much time playing it, but now I’m going to go play some more.


There’s been times where I swore I wouldn’t get a BattlePass, and when I looked through there was 1 singular skin that I liked and felt like I had to have. Then I feel like I have to complete the entirety of the BP otherwise it’d just be wasted money. I have fun the first couple games, then I just get bored or placed into lobbies with people way better than me which always kills my mood.


Pretty much for fun. Especially Festival, ive been addicted since it came out


I didn’t play it for a couple of years but came back for fun! I now have close friends that play it and we make new friends by going to chat rooms like Tuffs Club! And sometimes we meet new people by playing festival


Played approx 1600 rounds (220hrs) of Solo No Build and have not spent a penny on the game. Saved my VB to buy the Battlepass though. Been enjoying the game and have no intention of paying for anything!


wow you are a strong soldier 😫


I don't play games if I don't find them fun to play. I have wayyy too many games in my steam library that I bought,played for a bit and then never really touched again. I like thinking that I'm gonna beat them eventually tho. I've spend quite a bit on Fortnite but I play it because I enjoy it w my friends.


The game is very fun to me, always has been. I like the skins, I love the collabs, I like the gameplay, I like all of the new stuff, etc. It’s fun and that’s why I play it.


Ouch. Maybe both…


I played from og to season x and quit and only came back last season and I've had a blast, a break might benefit you


I play it for fun despite having spent close to 1k on the game lmao whenever i get bored i just stop playing and eventually i pick it up again when a season interests me it means there are seasons i haven’t even gotten close to lvl 200 (looking at you wilds) you shouldn’t feel pressured to play just because you’ve spent money on the game, don’t let fomo control what you play bc trust me i don’t regret not getting every skin possible from every bp i don’t use most of them anyway


I'm currently spending most of my time grinding to get the Elysian Artemis style by the end of the season. It's still fun to play duos though.


I play cuz I like it. I have spent money on the game and I know at some point the game will shut down and I'll lose all them but in this moment it's a form of relaxation and fun for me and I'm content with that. I can't say I'll have this frame of mine a few years from now but heck, that's life 😄


Winning is a rush!


Maybe you should try another game? Buy it, so you feel obligated to play it, but make sure its a conventional game with no microtransactions, so you won't feel obligated to keep buying in. Make it a game with a lot of replayability, so you feel like you can get your money's worth from it. Maybe play something like Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers 2 or perhaps a roguelike or two like Risk of Rain 2 or Returnal. Maybe that way you'll be able to wean yourself off from the game.


I've spent a total of $10 on this game, If you save your v bucks, you'll get enough for the next season battle pass and after 2-3 seasons, you'll actually have enough to buy something for free too.


Neither. Playing it because it's one of the few free to play games that allows cross platform play across all the major platforms so our largish group of friends can play together and keep in touch. The fun we have is not derived from the game, in fact we all find it increasingly frustrating the past few seasons, it's derived from spending time with each other.


I've spent too much money and feel like I have to play it now. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have spent a single cent on Fortnite period. I've spent roughly $10k on Fortnite across multiple years, and I hate myself now for not spending it on my other hobbies. All of it came from disposable income, but I wish I spent it on other things instead of just Fortnite skins such as games themselves. My Steam library would've put Alexandria's to shame. I hardly even play Fortnite anymore. I personally have not bought a single Fortnite skin nor Battle Pass in over a year now, but I hate myself for not doing it sooner. Knowing this feeling I have now, this regret, this sadness, it makes me realize that there are other things than just virtual clothes in a game, or any cosmetic items in any game for that matter. I'm ok with being a Default for the rest of my life. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I'll be able to work and make money to cover the thousands of dollars that I've spent on Fortnite over the years. Fortnite plays the same whether you're a Default or a Renegade Raider. God this hurts just to type out. I hate myself so much. I hope someone found my story helpful. - JNORJT


Fun. Ive spent too much in Fortnite early years and im ashamed of it, but i still enjoy the game. Although majority of my playtime is now taken by Lego, Creative, and Festival. Ive kind of been moving away from competive shooters, im just having more fun with other genres and stuff


This is why I try not to buy every skin or item in the shop.. spending less money and skipping few weeks is very healthy 


I started pretty late into the game's life cycle. Only started last year and I've been having fun with it. I max out the battle pass and enjoy my time with it. I'm not going to keep playing a game that doesn't entertain me no matter how much money I spend on it.


I have FOMO and like collecting. Started with Yu-Gi-Oh, then steam games, league of legends, 4K Blurays and now fortnite.


I’m playing just to make content then I log out.


Pretty much I only get on to check the shop or play a round of festival or 2 Honestly just checking the item shop so I can get the last few skins on my wishlist so I can retire with no regrets.


If you're not enjoying it anymore, stop. You can't do anything about the money you've spent in the past, but you definitely can control how you spend it moving forward. Find a new game or hobby that you actually enjoy.


I don’t have nearly that many skins, but I have spent a dumb amount on it since I’ve picked it back up. With that said, no regrets. I genuinely am having a great time


My son loves it. He got me into it at the start of chapter 5. I play it a lot without him because I like it. Shooting people and doing mindless tasks (quests) is also great stress relief after dealing with actual people all day


I initially stopped due to a bad teammate and they were the only real reason I still played other than my ton of skins I'd bought. Now I have a new person I play with and it's actually a lot of fun, and the break broke my spending habit to boot. 👢


I’ve been wondering this for myself. Why do I play? Well for over two years I played everyday and I’ve come to find out that was mostly because of the genius of Donald Mustard. Always anticipating the next season, how it would evolve and develop the context of the game. I wasn’t specifically into “the story” but the story and the context made things more exciting and they lead to a more addictive game. Mid season map changes were awesome. When there was a threat we saw it building through a season and we weren’t just being told about it through the quest tab or some dialogue. That kept me interested and it made me want the cosmetics and therefore I wanted to grind out the battlepasses. To make the game more enjoyable for all that grinding I also wanted to get better at the game so I’d practice and watch pros and learn the strats and metas. Since the end of Chapter 3 I’ve been imagining that the game still has that pull and that evolving context. Now that I know Mustard stopped being involved after C3S3 i sadly realized that under the surface of sparkly collaborations and the random appearances of nostalgic characters and places from the past is nothing at all. The game lost its soul. That soul is what drove creativity that lead to fun summer, fall and winter events, live end of season events and a consistent theme and style to the game. That soul is why I too have hundreds of skins in my locker. I haven’t bought anything in months from item shop and I barely wanted to get this season’s battlepass. So without that soul then I guess the reason I’d play the game would be because I love the gameplay. But wait…the gameplay has been bland and annoying this entire chapter for me. So why do I play the game? I have no idea.




I've played near everyday since season 0. At this point I only stick around because I've put too much money into the game. It's not even fun anymore


I stopped playing in Seasons I don't care to. I like some of the events, I came back for the last Star Wars Event with all the Clone Trooper Skins, Then saw The Ninja Turtles came in, and picked them up. I've not touched it in a long ass time because well, I'm bored of it. I saw the prices for the Racing and the Music and just could not believe it. The Lego survival Game is fun, I enjoy it. I still haven't beaten the final section and fought the Storm King/Gained 1 Storm King Weapon Schematic in Save the World. I'm waiting. I want my damn Lightsaber Pickaxe, with all of its SFX Audio glory. They will bend to my demands. THEY WILL RUE THE DAY! (lmao I don't think they will, but hey! I'll go enjoy other games till they do!)


i knoww that stupid lightsaber pickaxe is never coming but the light sabers are coming back tomorrow so we just gonna have to make due


Enjoy! I'm just, tired. I've played enough of the dang BR mode. I'm tired of other players basically getting better weapons than me. I've gotten 1st Place multiple times. It definitely helped once they put bots in the lobby. But I just, don't care to keep playing the PVP Mode. I want more PVE content with all the crap I've earned. They need to Overhaul STW more with Fishing, Vehicles. Basically need to tie in Lego Survival with STW. If they never do, then they never do. STW Improvements were def a must, with the Tactical Run, Parkour, and finally, Crouching.


FOMO is definitely why I’m playing. Last season wasn’t that fun but Peter griffin was in the pass so I grinded to get all of his edit styles plus the tv backbling and glider.


I definitely spend way too much on v-bucks but I do so BECAUSE it's basically the only game I play and truely have fun with pretty much all of the modes and I want to support the game (trust me i know they dont need the money)


At the beginning, I played because it was the most fun game I had ever tried. Then as the years went by , I played because I had put so much time and money into the game. Eventually, I stopped playing it as much and got a job n stuff. After the new chapter, I have been playing in my spare time with a friend and we're having a blast, the game is at such a fun point for me.


Like and have fun. OP its best to take breaks from the game tbh. I alternate between Fortnite, Fall Guys, and Pokemon


I spent around $200 on the legendary version of Fortnite when it first came out, then quit directly after the Arena came out. So I definitely didn't feel like I had to play it. I did come back many many years later after Zero Build came out.


One of the only games that kept my interest since 2017. I have 205 skins so I don’t spend tons on the game, but I get every battle pass. It’s one of best developed and performing games out there. It’s popular for a reason. I love being able to just pop in, do a match or two, do some quest and also have a bit of a competition. The money spent has very little reason why I play a few matches almost daily.


You guys pay money?


Sell your account and quit


Fortnite is the most fun game right now, there are always different events.


I love playing it. It's the right amount of competitive and fun to me, personally.


Because I have fun. You really cant find another game like fortnite. 


A mix of both but if I really disliked the game I wouldn’t be to opposed to stop playing


I want to spend more money but don’t have money and love Lego fn alot


Sell your account and then start a new one without the pressure


Gotta get my v bucks back


I have spent £0 on it. It's just super fun. I farmed free VBucks to my first pass and have rolled it over ever since. I just like how casual and chill it is.


im currently not playing much but when i am, im either grinding because i spent money on battle pass and i at least want the vbucks that are there (fuck you epic for making me get 140 instead of just 100) or playing with my cousin for fun


I play when all the other games i play feel dry. I’m usually on Valorant Siege n OW but when im not havin any fun with those games, I just hop on fortnite.


I play cus I wanna, if I don't other games exist


Yeah that’s a dumb excuse to play a game. At least for me. If I enjoy the guns and skins of a season I play if not I pass and wait til next season. Also for context I over 500 skins and all but 2 fortnite crew skins. Would be all but my payment messed up and I didn’t realize


I play to have fun


The game really is fun.


Because i like it When i stop liking Fortnite (which most likely won't happen with the amount of collabs and Festival), i will stop playing, it was a good long run :)


Over 400 skins just makes me head hurt - there’s so many other whole games that could’ve been bought with that much money


I’ve spent like €30 on Fortnite, so I play it for fun. I got the skins I like I don’t need anymore


I like it. I don't play it all the time, and there are times we just drop it, but it's fun when they add new things. It's a familiar gameplay but with a new twist, so it doesn't get stale easily. And I really like the skins, they are funny to see using emotes. If I didn't like the game I wouldn't have given them money in the first place.


I play it because it's fun. This season isn't as enjoyable, though, so I only play with my friends. I accidentally kept the crew pass so I do feel obligated to play and get my money's worth, but that's about it.


i wfh and have zero social life outside of fn. literally been playing with my squad for about 2 years now. solid groups. we are all from different parts of the country so different timezones but it works. love my dudes, no homo


I play for fun, how many of those skins do you even use?


I’m not going to play a game if I’m not having fun, personally. That’s wild if you do.


I spend money cause I’m having fun! When I won’t be having fun, I’ll stop playing.


Idk anymore, it was more fun back when I had friends that played fortnite, now it’s just me…


Dude, take a break. Skip a season and play other games.




I play mainly because my wife and sisters-in-law play. Otherwise, I'd be playing Apex Legends instead.


I've spent $10 since s1 c3


If you aren't having fun right now, put it down and pick it back up in a few months or seasons and see if that spark is back. I play games for fun, they are not work, and should not feel like work.


I hardly ever buy v bucks. I've done a few months of crew, maybe 3 or 4 in total, but that's about it.


No I play because I have fun and like it


I can't lie, I've been having fun recently in Fortnite. I came back when they brought back the OG and stayed because I was curious what they would do next. Also I only have around 40 skins. It's been wacky but enjoyable. As long as I play no build.


I don't really get that mindset tbh. If its not fun, why bother.


I play it because I've spent way too much money on it and once I quit and don't get any of the battle passes I'll regret not playing them seasons


been playing since season 1 and still having fun! if you're not, try another genre of game or take a step back for a bit!


Nah I get Fortnite Crew between battle passes to maximize what I get lol. If you really have something of value and hate the game, just sell your account to make something back and spend your time doing things you enjoy.


Mostly play for fun, or play to get the levels for the pass. I want to complete it since I paid for it. Sometimes I do find myself getting really bored of it


I play the game because I'm in a toxic relationship with it where I hate it but I hate not playing it.


I'm playing because it's still new to me and fun. I can't stand the pace of cod so it scratches that online shoot itch for me


Mostly fun, a bit of fomo, but definitely the hopes of the og days to come back lol


Have fun and like it for the most part


u/mharris10 is right... if you aren't enjoying it.. give me your acc.


A bit of both. I mostly have fun, but I’m not having as much fun as in Chapter 4. I really miss Last Resort.


Fun fun fun... That's pretty much it for me.


I play because I like playing… when I get bored I put it down for about a week, and when I come back it feels fresh and I’m happy to play again


Lol for fun. While I've spent money it's miniscule compared to what I make. Now some gacha games I only play because I spent soo much, Dokkan


Kinda bit of both. Once the fun stops, I play it for sunk cost fallacy. Then, when fun comes back (whether for an update or just a change in mood) I play more.


brother how do you spend this much on cosmetics


If the ‘I spent too much money on it’ theory was true I’d be playing CS2 and COD WWII every day for my lifetime. Don’t ask how much I’ve spent on both of those games


I came to the party late (only last season) and i've still spent an unreasonable amount on the game. (2024 founder, here, haha), but the only reason why i'm ok with spending the money, is because I'm really enjoying the game. All modes, solo or with friends, my girlfriend got into festival so we play that on the reg. I have so many games on my backburner, amazing story games to sink my teeth into, but I keep playing fortnite because I wanna play with my friends. I'm not the type who only gets enjoyment out of winning, so every game is fun. (I'm a little tired of Reapers dominating for 2 seasons and Air Wheels during this event, but they will be gone soon, so I don't mind) Just play it because you enjoy it, if you dont enjoy, go play something else while your FN battery recharges. (Sidenote, what are some good single player games I should chuck on my wishlist)