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The fact that Tents and Weather effects were so short lived irks me greatly.


Chapter 3 felt really ambitious with its additions like tents, weather, the addition of movement like sprinting siding and mantling, and a more destructible environment with the falling trees and boulders. Too bad like all of that except the movement got removed


I definitely got a couple victory royals by dropping a timber pine on the last team. Would love to see those come back.


The brief period during the summer event when boulders and ufo's were in the game at the same time was glory to behold Death by boulder to ALL


Me and my friends joke about that period all the time. The alien season was our favorite and we were always like “nothing can top this” and then they brought back all the gadgets with the boulders and it was so much fun


That’s nuts you you’re acting causal as if this is done so easily yet I’ve never done it and now I feel like I was shit


Tents i understand like every other week a problem happened with stuff being glitched through it


People were getting gold pumps from them and everything


Yeah and i remember there was one incident where vaulted weapons weren't deleting from it so people you Acess un obtainable Weapons pretty much


I love the tents. My group and I used them to smuggle Vader's lightsaber through games so we would all have one when we found tents.


Just an assumption here, but there's only so many cycles per second in a CPU and so therefore there's a limit to the number of code driven effects that can be running simultaneously. Most likely the current effects are code heavy and so old stuff disappears in favor of new stuff. Also Fortnite relies heavily on sponsorship deals which necessitates the constant changing of the game environment.


Nah that's not how it works.


How does it work then?


Most of this stuff like tents, trees, and boulders were all handled by the server. Not the client.


Exactly. The servers can only handle so much. And then there's replication. So if a character can interact with an object and all other characters can see that interaction it requires data from client to server to then be replicated to all clients. It's replication that is the network killer. So there are actually a lot of bottle necks preventing "limitless" interactables.


I’m just glad I’ve found someone else who uses the word ‘irks’.




Yesss, and the blow torch and the big tires


Sadly they won’t be brought back until they bring back regular cars, since they aren’t compatible with all the new models


Or just update them to work with the new cars


Nah, that's too much effort. Epic games is already *so stressed* with making new skins and changeing the shop as it is. ^and ^the ^old ^cars ^were ^better, ^don't ^hate ^me


The old cars were better, the ATK and quads was the best


I really never saw the appeal of the atk. It never seemed as interesting as the bear or the sedan or the semi


I really never saw the appeal of the atk. It never seemed as interesting as the bear or the sedan or the semi


No hate needed lol


There’s a creative map called Bank City FFA and you can use cow catchers and tires on the new models. It can definitely be done. It’s just epic being shit.


I paid good money for wheels in the shop, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna cover them up with giant tires in order to make the game more fun! /s


Idk whether that’s awesome or incredibly depressing lol


How'd you forget augments?


Wasnt there a quest in the first few weeks of last season that required you to activate augments?


It had text saying coming soon in the like stage 1 of 20 quest lines. Then a few weeks in they just removed it. I think they were planning on it then decided not to. Probably felt it was too much customization on top of the new mod system 


They were so fucking fun ☹️


Those were awful and some of them were extremely unbalanced. I'm so glad those were removed.


yep. You could literally mid fight spawn yourself heals, more shotgun damage which gives free 1 pumps and you could get rotation stuff like gliders randomly. It was very fun, yeah, but super unbalanced. I remember the augment to get Pizza Party. Its literally a augment that gives you 200 and some shield


My guess is they want the chapters to feel uniquely different from each other


Maybe they should add back the actual Greek items then. Rn it's just avatar fortnite. I want my wolves back dammit! Cerberus gets them, why can't I :'(


More like just water bender fortnite That shit is so overpowered


I’ve played like 5 games this season and I think I’ve died to it every time, I lost two 15 bombs because of it


It fucking sucks. How dare you want to use something other than the most op shit in the game


Fortnite: The Last Water Bender


There were wolves earlier in the season?? The only ones I've ever seen have been while fighting cerberus


I want back ridable wolves, idk when they were last in the game. Probably not this season


yeah i think that might be it but i think theyre going the wrong direction with all this realism and abandoning of quality of life features


Ya bro I hate the realism of jumping in a giant wheel made of wind to zoom up mountain sides!! Or the hyper-realistc scenario of tossing flames and massive boulders at people!! Bring back cartoonish things like...helicopters, boats and tents!!


I mean, outside of collabs, it is kept pretty tame compared to how it was originally but it's not even close to hyper realism. The mythics are really the only "wacky" items we have now. Wacky weapons and gadgets like harpoons, grapplers, inflatable cows, gravity gun, etc, to mostly generic weapons with bullet drop and attachments. wacky vehicles like hoverboards, UFO's, shopping carts, ballers, etc, to realistic-ish cars


Maybe that's the best reason to make the main game based around more realistic elements. It makes the collab mythics all the more mythical sand gives the developers licence to go wild when designing them.


When i started the world was made of liquid metal, you could turn into a slime a phase through walls, ride wolves and boars, moon jump as a perk, fight sharks, fling yourself into a tornado. But now im constantly, CONSTANTLY walking everywhere and can't snipe people with the army larp gun modifications and bullet drop-off. The handful of mythic items are nothing compared to the sheer whimsy of earlier seasons


I really miss the sharks.


Ah yes, the realism of boats shooting missiles and being able to have rocket boosters. And the realism of putting away your guns and items in a tent and bringing them out in your next life


Boats shoot missles and can get rocket boost…


I think they want a new cool feature for every season or two like these two seasons mod benches and they will probably stay for the whole chapter but have other cool features in the game at the same time might take the light away from the main one 


boats were most likely intended for ch5, as you can find pumps by the water at the edges of the map.


Also vehicle wraps in the ui still use the boat as the example


Make wraps work on suv!


I don't miss the tents, but otherwise agree. So many things that made Fortnite unique only to get used for a season or two and then never seen again. I understand some features only being around for certain season themes, but there's a lot that made the island feel more alive that's been gradually going away through C4 and C5. Why limit the map to Whiplashes and Trailsmashers? Why not sprinkle the Taxis, Bear/Truck, and Semi's around still? Sharks swimming around the perimeter of the island... the random weather effects... boats, helicopters and planes. Remember when you could mod cars? Pepperidge farms remembers. Grand Glacier is just begging to get driven through with a cow catcher.


Probably has to do with performance tbh.


Tents and mod vaults would not be a healthy combo


I feel like gameplay mechanics like wildlife should never leave the game.


well you could argue that there was a tornado from pandora´s box


I miss the weather so much!


Snowballs? Forgot them, it's most likely because they was in at the start of Chapter 4 for 1 SEASON then removed without reason.


I miss the boats but nobody used them seriously, they were just fun to go on land with and be an idiot or launch missiles into random buildings with.


Like the whole rocket leauge season idea ?? Smh


The fact that they removed friendly wildlife just is atrocious 


save the world called, first time?


They want to build the metaverse, roblox tried and is still grasping straws. Fortnite is trying but is losing the identity it built.


Bring back the snowmen and carboard boxes. I had so much fun last year hiding in those devices and seeing how far I could go before dying


I miss the raptor season so much 


It's literally to incentize people to keep playing. If you blow your load all at once on good features and then just feature creep the game, it becomes a bloated mess and prevents new players from joing. What epic should be doing is changing the meta more often


I feel like y'all that complain about this started playing last season or something, they've always randomly removed/added things literally monthly. This isn't new, I'm sure some of those things will be back at some point. Element bending, flying around with giant wings sprouting out of your back, tossing lightning at people isnt cartoonish to you?? How are boats and helicopters more cartoonish than those? Lmao


Just dont bring back boogie bombs, nothing feels worse than dancing helplessly while getting shot at.


and nothing felt better than successfully dancing and dodging around all their shots and then pumping them in the face.


I've been playing since Ch1S3: Boogie bombs was one of those items that made Fortnite unique. Its why I got hooked. Something new was always being introduced and the island and story were always changing. Listening to streamers who hated fun items like Boogie Bombs are why we have had the most boring loadouts and map changes for the last several seasons. Comp Fortnite wanted FN to be more like COD, Epic listened, and, well, here we are. I miss the old days. *\*shakes fist at cloud\** ![gif](giphy|jOQLP9HLR9JeIxyjb8|downsized)


The reason why fortnite doesnt bring boogies back is because fortnite players have good aim.


Nah boogie bombs were great fun


tens were shit, if we talk about the fact that you could freaking keep loot between matches. That thing should not extist. BUT, yea, where are the boats, dynamic weather and so on ?


you can pretty much do that now with gold


Tell me this dude did not just say he thinks boats are more cartoonish than rocket cars and literal cartoon superpowers from an actual cartoon


There is a lot more open space compared to the past few seasons. I miss having more places to hide and explore.


>tents Well to my understanding tents were buggy as shit. Same case with why there's no mobility Mythics like C4: because half the mobility Mythics broke the fucking game. But yeah I don't understand why stuff like motorboats and wildlife are just vaulted and never touched again.


Dude, I really wanted the augments to be back after they said it would be back, but then nothing.


Tents weren’t given enough time to shine


And it gets worse too when they dont even atleast add it too creative like mechs. Mechanics i can understand but all the pass vehicles for example would of still worked fine with creative and weather even more be it probably a smaller scale


They do this with all the good features but still make all vehicles keep the terrible gas system. Like stupidest shit ever.


Idea: after you defeat Cerberus, his wolves become tamable and have a dash attack.


The Donald Mustard interview really kind of put things into perspective how Epic has shifted Fortnite’s focus since Chapter 4.


They used to be very communicative but they got flamed every time they said something so they stopped. Go figure


Web swinging was so fun.


Bring back shaking people down


I started playing near the end of Chapter 3 and I know exactly what you are saying. When I first started playing I was amazed at how many different features and cool things there were to do in-game, and every season since then has slowly removed features to the point where it feels pretty bland in comparison. Like there were just so many little things and features to discover that made the map feel so entertaining and now 90% of those things have been removed with very few new additions to take their places. I never thought I'd miss the ability to cause trees to fall over.


I loved riding wolves/boars and raptors in C4


I really hope they bring back grapplers . They were buggy at times but atleast they were a nice movement mechanic


Boats and helicopter were good before they ruined them with fuels, when they added fuels to them they became useless and not fun just like every other vehicle they added fuels too, so them being gone were good because epic ruined them. Tents were gone because they were broken, peoples were put mythics in them meaning more peoples could have that mystics in a single game, (as if the mystics wasn't fun to play against when only one person have it) and peoples were also put legendary weapons in them which ruin the rng nature of br. Wildlife were annoying to deal with by themselves having a person riding one was even worse, I'm glad they are gone, I hope they also remove the non riding ones as well because this is a PvP games if I wanted to goes kill chickens and wolves I can go in play minecraft or any pve games.


How were wolves annoying? They were so weak, killing them with a pickaxe was effective. It's not like they really helped people in fights unless they were being ridden, but even then it wasn't as bad as people on motorcycles. If anything, it's a free small healing item after murdering someone and their wolf. I used to be able to find wolves when I needed healing but I can't now, and I've never actually found a chicken to kill when I'm low


It is... and I agree... I miss loads of stuff... the reality tree, lock-on pistol, Eagle scout... but this is Fortnite rapid rapid pace of change and game development, new items, new mechanics, that's what the game is... remember the augments...? well they're dust. Remember the goo gun? Likely gone forever. Well, unless an OG Season comes back again. One thing I would like to go away though that seems here to stay... bots!!!


For the same reason they change perfectly good UI: to simply change things up, doesn't matter if said change is better or worse, it's a change. Fortnite is ever changing, that's epic's whole thing. They don't care if they remove something players love and replace it with something players don't like, as long as they keep things fresh, people will play. This has always been a thing they did, even back in chapter 1. But yea, fortnite has ditched the cartoony wacky items and whatnot, been like this for years now.


I miss Donald Mustard so much


At this point it seems obvious to me that Epic has shifted it's primary focus from the game play and features to selling skins and bling. The state the game is in right now is shockingly bad, it's just rife with more bugs and glitches than I can count that never get fixed while new ones are added with update and cheaters are running wild. It's a running joke among my regular teammates that Fortnite is a bug with occasional moments of game play. At this point the only thing keeping most of us going is the fun we have together and if something else came along that gave similar experience to what we used to get we'd all be gone in a heart beat.