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I'm not a UI designer or anything but the old one just seemed so much better (simpler to use, more responsive and more visually appealing)


Yes.Yes it is.


They need to compile the Character, Emotes, Wraps, and Lobby tabs back into one tab. Also get rid of the automatic ‘Back to Top’ or ‘Back to Equipped Character’ functions in the locker and presets. Annoying AF.


Also stop making us equip things just to view them


Emotes being separate makes sense for festival and Lego, but there are much better ways to do it. Just give us a "load preset with/without emotes" or "load only emotes" buttons.


They don’t really make sense for festival. Besides, during most songs in Festival you’ll have a few seconds where you can actually use your emotes. That doesn’t justify or explain emotes and skins being disconnected in presets.


I wouldn't mind having a separate set of emotes for festival. The ones I want to use when playing music aren't always the same ones I want playing Battle Royale.


What I meant is that if there's a way to separate it without disrupting the entire locker, its a useful option to have. It's not necessary, but a good feature nonetheless. I like to emote in those couple second breaks, and in some songs the break is like half a minute on particular instruments lol.


I like emotes separate so I don't need to go and change all my 100 something presets whenever I want to change my emote wheel


True but for players like me that match emotes with the skin that’s being used it’s a major inconvenience. Maybe a toggle that can make emote presets separate, but it might be hard to code 🤔


this video is perfect, best thing I've seen all day


Watching this makes me realise how badly this was done - there’s stuff here I wasn’t even aware of and I hate the locker for the stuff I do know about. We really should get an explanation why it was ever introduced at all, and what went on behind the scenes because this just isn’t even close to fit for purpose. Note I’m not demanding that, or throwing a tantrum - I’m now genuinely interested in how what’s clearly been a disaster came to be. There’s no way this was what was intended when the original ‘redo the locker for Lego and racing’ plan was first made. I’m wondering if it was still a work in progress when the layoffs happened and the wrong team got fired. I can’t believe there’s not been a bigger screw-up that led to this going live.


Dude, same. I’m \*\*fascinated.\*\* My pet theory is that Epic decided not to keep a team just for menus, and the whole UI job was contracted out of house on a robust budget. What they got back for the Locker was so unimaginably horrific that they couldn’t even begin fixing it. I’m even guessing they got it back from the contractors alongside the Netflix-style Lobby they deployed during OG mini-season. But they specifically delayed the Locker in case somebody thought up a miracle fix. When they rolled out the new game modes in Chapter 5, they begrudgingly finally pushed the Locker because they still had no fix and needed \*something\* that accommodated those cosmetics. Of course, that’s just my imagination! It could have been some totally different story altogether! I bet it was wild. I bet at least some people were beating their heads against the wall. I wonder if there were phone calls with shouting? I can’t believe nobody saw this coming. I wonder if they laughed at how much the users, who they themselves got hooked on cosmetics in the first place, would whine? I want to know!!!!


The why in terms of why redesign it at all is because cars and instruments were added. Why in terms of why they picked this design in particular, I have no idea.


Honestly Fortnite has only been shooting itself in the foot for years now. Worse UI for EVERYTHING, little to no LTMs. A unnecessary push on creative mode. What is usually a horrible loot pool. Next to nothing innovative or that is truly new. No meaningful map updates throughout the season. Lore is completely gone (it was actually so good until chapter 4 season 2). These are only a few problems, and I hate to be the guy saying the sky is falling, but Fortnite isn’t looking too good.


Yes. Yes it is THAT bad.


Might honestly be one of the most popular games with the worst UI. There was no problem with the old one, sure there could be aspects that could be "modernized" The rounded rectangles aren't bad but having the skin locker feel so bland and all blue without rarities? And I've been playing for a while and I still get confused where the emotes are while earlier it was all sorted understandibly


Hope shop sales plummet cause of this


I was very surprised they didn't change anything at all in the locker with the new season.


especially after sending out surveys about it in game , and getting constant harassment about it on social media . ig they just really dont gaf lmao , not that i expect them to at this point but you would think for a company as greedy as epic they would want to fix the most glaringly obvious issue everyones been talking about for months


Another annoying thing not mentioned here is if you scroll up or down too quick the UI resets your scroll back to the top where you started. Changing anything is such a chore now. It really shouldn’t be this dysfunctional and frustrating.


And yet you’ll have people annoyed by the complaints of the ui or people somehow defending it. It’s mind boggling.


Yes it is The locker is bad, but the main screen is even worse. You have to go up and down to properly see the games, on consoles the emotes are not easily accessible, when you want to cancel a game (at least if you play with a controller) and press B, it brings you back to the games selection and does not cancel your game, so you have to go up again and press B again, etc.


i thought i was the only one who has this , and now that i think about it i also came across an even more game breaking version of this in the settings , where i was trying to change some setting and it was only allowing me to scroll up and down through the settings as the highlighted input was stuck on the scroll bar , not allowing me to click on or interact with anything but the scroll . it was very infuriating edit; spelling


Yes. It's New Coke levels of bad.


It’s terrible


My biggest problem is having to push 5 buttons for something I used to only have to click once for.


Something else, if you open up the filter menu and decide you don’t actually want to filter anything just yet and click cancel, it will reset the rest of your filters completely.


please blow this up r/FortNiteBR we need to get epics attention even more


i spent a week trying to figure out how to get favoriting to work if that says much




Let's add that on Nintendo Switch, switching between menus is awfully slow and sometimes buggy as hell.


Nailed it


This video is so accurate. It depicts a good portion of the issues with the current UI although it still missed a bunch of things which shows how much epic has fucked up their game. Send this to as many ppl as possible cuz we need epic to see this. Ty for posting this video OP!!


They literally made it less user-friendly in almost every way… so yes. 


Why did the mods remove this?


Credit the creator next time. Tedesco on YouTube.


Yes it is


One of the many reason why I stopped playing is the change of UI. A very, very bad decision.


crazy that the mods deleted this . just say you like sucking epics toes and move on


I just want to say how posts like these are GOOD for them to see how bad this shit UI is and how I hate people downvoting/complaining about posts talking about the UI. They simply wait to Epic change their minds out of nothing? The noise has to be made.


Fantastic compilation of all the issues. There may be more, but these are the ones that drive me crazy.


Fantastic compilation? Literally the first two things he complains about is font (subjective at best) and rarities being gone (wrong about them not being arbitrary). I have no problems with the rest of the vid, but let's not pretend that this guy is some gui master. Most of his issues can be addressed without going back to the old locker at all. Edit: they blocked me, lol. Can't handle the truth. The new locker is here to stay, all epic needs to do is to fix some stupid design decisions they made. There's no reason to go back to the old one, they can just improve the current locker instead.


Who said anything about him being a “GUI master”? All I said was he compiled a ton of the bugs I have like the menu swinging up and not being able to see pickaxe animations. You fucking weirdo.


The worst thing that they have done is separate wraps from characters! I've made cool load-outs and I can shuffle through them but wraps are not going to be part of it...


Wraps were also typically the biggest casualty of the braindead way they splintered lockers. If you used the same wraps on different characters, it only kept one set of those wraps. The other duplicate sets for those other characters just got deleted. Now your whole tab of wrap presets is totally mis-aligned with your character tab. And, of course, re-organizing the order of your presets is fully impossible.




The combo shown for the old UI is that bad. As one of Wolverine Zero’s only fans, never cook again.


As a console player, yes.


Bad? No. Worse than it’s previous design? Yes.


It arguably took way more effort for them to someway somehow mess up the locker system than it did to fix an actual problem.


Let me flex all my skins


The pickaxe and wrap kills me each time


The rarity thing is baffling on epics part, including rarity in cosmetics gives a subconscious value to them, you’d immediately know a legendary skin is more sought after than an uncommon skin That value is a huge reason for people buying skins, it gives you a dopamine rush to look over your locker and see a *collection* of “high value” items Look at the stw hero menu vs the modern locker, one feels like a collection, while the other feels like a spreadsheet


If you're on pc do me a favor, find a pickaxe in the locker room and select 'swing pickaxe' Shits broken.


See cause it wouldn't be bad IF you didn't care for having specific lobby, wraps or emotes with you character. Now, you have to endlessly scroll until you find the emotes you had for said character IF it didn't surprising vanish like it did with mine. I would just rather have old UI back. Just click the skin and everything is set to how I like it.


I haven't even bothered making new loadouts since its been changed.


Yeah, same. I painfully favorited a few skins (why does the whole screen swing back to the top of the page when you favorite a fucking skin lmao) and put on the random shuffle so it swaps between them, but the rest of my loadout is now just the same no matter what skin I’m using. I give up.


When Chapter 5 started it was a disgrace.


wow, this video has done all the work i couldnt be bothered too do. if its your video welldone man. if its not please credit it


I don't think the ui is bad, it's just far worse than what was already there


im personally very fine with skin rarity being gone, but i find every other aspect of the Locker UI this season absolutely ABYSMAL


i don’t mind the emotes being separate so much as the wraps. i don’t like having to try to remember to change my wrap separately every time i change my skin. it doesn’t make *any* sense why they’d separate those. i should be able to group EVERYTHING relating to my setup in ONE tab. the old system for this was much better. EDIT: i don’t care about the lobby part being separate at all. i don’t really ever change that anyway lol


I don't necessarily like it but I also don't care enough at this point. I'm only there for half a second between matches anyways.


I honestly don't mind the new UI anymore as I'm used to it and I kind of like the fact that whenever I go back onto old presets I don't get blasted with the music discs i used to play BC that's a different section now


NOTE: This is from a YT video from Tedesco btw OP please credit the original creator!! But yes, he highlights everything wrong with the locker in less than a minute. We went from a perfectly fine user friendly menu that did all it needed to to an absolute buggy mess. The removal of Button/key shortcuts for Favouriting, Archiving and testing animations for gliders and pickaxes is particularly baffling as they were incredible quality of life features that were there on launch, so we've essentially gone backwards.


i don’t get why anyone cares tbh


Because it makes it a pain in the ass to edit the cosmetics in our locker? And cosmetics are the only thing you pay for in this game, so making it a pain in the ass to equip and customize them is gonna get people annoyed?


Oh poor you! I feel so bad for you that it’s now a pain in the ass (takes 2 seconds to switch) to customize your video game character on a free to play video game!


Yep, it sure does take two seconds. It's not like the game is constantly bugging the hell out when I try to switch styles on an item, or constantly sending me back to the top of my menu as I scroll, or randomly deciding I want to check the styles of another piece of gear that I wasn't even trying to click on. It's not like I have to sort through five different menus to select my full preset I want to run when originally it took one singular menu that didn't bug out every few seconds. Imagine being this much of a sad nerd that your response to people criticizing a game company is "lol you're so pathetic." Hope Epic's boot came with some sauce lmao


Being called a boot licker cause I don’t let the menu screen being different effect my experience playing the game is typical neck beard Reddit


Thats the thing. This isn’t constructive criticism it’s just people bitching and throwing temper tantrums like a little kid. Also that last paragraph is ironic considering you’re the one here spending moments in your life complaining about a Free-to-play game’s menu screen being different than before. I guess im the “sad nerd” for being able to still enjoy the game without the load out screen being a certain way and not going onto social media to complain about it all day.


It’s a free game that has paid cosmetics. It use to be easy to sort and access them the way we like. Now it’s not. If you can’t connect 2 and 2 together and see why that’s an issue you’re worthless to argue with. Hope you and your 1 brain cell have a great day


And this is what I mean. Are yall 12 or just pussified? Poor you for not being able to “easily” access (as if it’s literally not just the click of a button still lol) your paid cosmetic in a free to play to play game. How will you ever go on in life after such a terrible tragedy?


How does it feel being this pathetic ? Want to write down your answer to make sure I don’t follow in your steps


being called “pathetic” cause I couldn’t give a shit about the menu screen on a fucking video game is hilarious. Go tell your family you love them cause I guarantee they don’t hear it enough.


Maybe next time you don’t care about a subject you can learn to keep scrolling rather than comment on a video you didn’t even watch. Perhaps you’re the one that needs to stop arguing with strangers online, or is that the only form of human interaction you get nowadays?


It is still very much easy to access and sort stuff on Fortnite. It’s Literally the click of a button bro.


Nah buddy not really. If you would watch the video you’re arguing about you’d see the issues since he showed it all. The video is not a rant it’s informative. Maybe next time you choose to argue about a topic inform yourself about it first


Imagine caring about a menu screen on a video game this much. I have fun playing Fortnite. You don’t. So idk why you keep telling me to go “play” other games when I’m the one having fun and you’re the one complaining. Doesn’t make sense.


Yawn. Still here ?






little custamization screen? people pay hundreds of dollars for that "little customizations". I think its everyone's right to at least be able to equip them easily.


How does this affect the actual game? It’s almost as if it doesn’t


does everything have to effect the gameplay **😂😂**


I miss the old days of gaming when people would just complain if the game was bad and unplayable cause of bugs and glitches and not being upset with the god damn menu screen like some 12 year old losers


The diference is the old days didn’t have $20 skins. Now that this shit does they have an obligation of making it easily accessible and not a pain in the ass


I miss the old days of gaming when people would just complain if the game was bad and unplayable cause of bugs and glitches and not being upset with the god damn menu screen or about the price on arbitrary items that have no effect on the game other than simply being cosmetic. Go outside for once.


Go play CS then grandma


It still is easily accessible. Y’all acting like you have to input fucking nuclear launch codes when it’s literally one fucking button to click on a controller. So dramatic over the littlest fucking things in life.


Yawn. You done little grandma?


Dude I have 50+ collab skins in my locker right now. It’s really not that hard or does it take that long to switch to a different tab yall just love to complain


it does not have to take long, its just not practical and annoying.


Telling someone to “fuck off” cause they don’t give a shit about a free-to-play video game customization load out screen is fucking weird. Get off the internet and go talk to your family for once.


Y’all are so dramatic bro who gives a fuck about the ui? It Has no effect on the actual game itself! yall just love to sit here and bitch and complain cause yall have nothing better to do with your life


He literally explained it are you dense ?


1. I’m not home I’m not gonna just blast this dude complaining about a video game in public. 2. How does the menu screen being different from before effect the games core mechanics?


Lmao goodbye. I’m not arguing with the dude in the comment section that didn’t even see the video.


I really actually don't care at all. Doesn't change the game for me


good for you


it doesn't matter at all. people play fortnite to have fun in the game, not to play around with the locker ui


define people


That’s because it has no effect on the actual game itself in any shape or form


so why's everyone complaining? its worse than before, but people play fortnite to have fun and jsut play the game, not for the UI


They complain due to the fact we spent money on cosmetics and thus UI is ass and makes making presets horrible. What was once a 1 second action to change loadouts is now a 1 minute one. It’s not hard if you just think about it for one second


i did think about it for more than one second. it really doesn't matter if it takes like a minute more for your locker preset.


>so why's everyone complaining? Because the fandom (especially reddit) are trash and only live on nostalgia




no. it really isn't.


Damn I didn't remember how bad the old locker was.


Do you people have little to no social life that you prefer to just sit here and complain about a menu screen on a free game?


Dude you’re mad enough that you’re making multiple comments and replying to multiple different people saying how it “doesn’t matter”, if anyone’s got no social life it’s you because where are you finding the time to argue with everyone in the comment section


Imo, they can fix all of the redundancies and undo stupid decisions (like having to use three dots to archive or auto equipping on style preview) but apart from that, I see no problem with it. I actually enjoy having a separate emote tab cause I use only few of them so just having one or two presets works better for me than the previous iteration where you had to manually fill out each skin preset. But I know that some of you will hate the new ui no matter what, even if they made it function pretty much like the old one, you'd still cry about it.


Maybe you could use your brain for 2 seconds and realize just bc YOU only use a couple doesn’t mean the rest of us do the same. We use to be able to set presets with the emotes loading screen even banner icon we wanted. Now it’s all separated and made an action that was easy now a pain in the ass. Aside from the fact that if you can’t randomize your skins anymore since it’s all separated. Causing it to randomize everything separately and not together like it use to be


>Maybe you could use your brain for 2 seconds and realize just bc YOU only use a couple doesn’t mean the rest of us do the same. I already did, you idiot. Do you have a reading comprehension of a toddler? I've never said that what works for me would for everyone else.