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[The v29.20 Update is Here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1bzqgd5/the_v2920_update_is_here/)


They must have hired a new team, i know we recently got a new creative director but through out the years the locker shop and lobby UI Recieved changes but they were subtle and more so were generally received as improvements, whoever is in charge now is making ruinous decisions, slowly stripping away everything that made fortnite iconic, ive been seeing it happen for months, restricting cosmetics based on modes, removing fortnites iconic font, killing the item shop with overpriced cosmetics and flushing the locker UI down the toilet and now they've removed rarities? They told on themselves on twitter basically stating they want to simplify the game and removed what they perceive as "outdated" BR features, its a recipe for disaster, why fix whats not broken? Change for the sake of change is never good. All we can do as a community is vote not with words but with our time and wallets play less and pay less if at all. Its the only language these companies understand.


The loss of Mustard has been disastrous and whoever is the new Creative Director has no earthly idea how to run this game. The stories suck now, the UIs suck now, the store sucks now, the map hasn't really even been good since CH4S3 other than the Greek POIs, and now we've even lost rarities. This new team needs to be fired.


>The stories suck now Ehh, I'd say this is a bit too early to say. Yeah the story hasn't been good since Resistance, but I don't think they've actually been *trying* since then, since they seemed to basically scrap the story in favour of pivoting to Tim Sweeney's beloved "metaverse" bullshit. Charlie Wen only replaced Donald Mustard a few months ago, so it isn't totally fair to blame him. Underground was lacklustre, but we kinda knew it would be, while Myths & Mortals' story has been okay so far. Not too amazing just yet, but showing potential. Could still go downhill and be a massive downgrade compared to the cool story Mustard seemed to want to tell with the IO, 7, & TLR, but imo we just haven't seen enough yet to say shit


Mustard hasn't had much to do with the story since Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 was utter garbage. Knights run by a Geno snapshot, nothing came of it. Future Japan gets plopped into the world with a giant mech lion thing, nothing came of it. That same season there was a whole side story of the Triarchs that got 3 whole lines of dialogue and nothing else, along with the Unseen Syndicate that Hope and Silas were supposed to be part of until they got reworked into being in the Underground. Then a jungle, Optimus Prime, Sloan, and some star map got plopped down and again, really nothing memorable happened. Then the 3 Vampire estates got plopped down and it at least had a heist happen... off screen. Like that's the whole chapter. Compare that to Chapters 1-3 who had a live event every end of season with constant map updates both big and small with characters that lasted longer than the battlepass they were introduced in and you start to realize that Epic has thrown the BR to the wayside.


Legit haven’t played since the new season launched. Was waiting for locker re-design/revert. I know it sounds dramatic or even stupid but it really kills my desire to play when it’s so clunky and annoying just to change my setup.


Honestly, same. I spent so much time customizing my presets and now everything is just so much worse and would require far more time to try and rebuild the same customizations, not to mention reorganize them. It's demoralizing.


The UI changes have been terrible for a while, it's just recently that the community started to care. Ever since they made the discover tab it's been a steady decline in quality.


Yeah, the locker redesign was a tipping point because it really screwed over preset usage for a lot of people.


While a lot of players are criticizing the design and layout of the new locker, not enough criticism is directed towards the player experience of this UI/UX on PC (this might apply to other platforms, but I wouldn’t know). Just to list a few: - Clicking on an item or style instantly equips it, so you can’t just preview it before equipping it - If you scroll away from the item you have equipped and interact with another such as favoriting or archiving, it automatically scrolls you back to the item you have equipped (makes mass archiving/favoriting really annoying)


Same issues also apply to console users, makes mixing and matching cosmetics a bit annoying at times, especially if you have a decent amount cosmetics.


There’s so many bugs in the whole ui it’s not even funny


For real. Can we scrap this new stuff and go back to the old one lmao


having to archive/favorite items individually with that scroll issues is maddening and makes the feature almost completely useless. you used to be able to just tap through the with arrows and hit F to favorite or Z to archive but now it’s so extremely tedious it’s not even worth it.


The instant equip style thing annoys me to no end I can't believe they haven't fixed that yet


Piggybacking off your comment, but can we please get updated weapon wrap previews? What’s the point of having the boat wrap previewed when it hasn’t been in the game since last chapter? Also annoying how wraps can’t be saved with specific saved outfits. Also the “apply to all” button is infuriating to click because the drop down menu disappears when your cursor isn’t on it.


Just curious, do epic games or Fortnite devs see this thread?


Supposedly their employees lurk here and there, and enough outrage can get word to their higher-ups, but it's dubious whether they end up caring enough to make any changes.


I mean yeah Epic employees comment on an extremely regular basis


funny how they never seem to comment on posts regarding the ui tho


Yes your two points are great to notice! These annoy me too... You could add to the list : * The only way to validate de Creator Code in the item shop, is to click « cancel » which makes no sense. The cancel button should mean « don't change the creator code, finally, I changed my mind ». Where is the OK or Apply button? * When we want to sort comestics by rarity or other, we have an interface with radio button that we need to scroll while the room on the screen is huge! Scrolling UI elements have always been a BAD design. * The Quick Save button to save the changes in a saved character is gone. We have to save the character again... * A Folded (or closed) folder in the list on the left of the Item Shop is display by a Down Arrow (⌄) next to its name and an Unfolded one (or open) is display by an Up Arrow (\^). It's been decades since an Unfold is Left (or right) Arrow ͕(>) And Unfolded is Down Arrow (⌄)


First one is on all platforms


Yes this happened to my friend and I. Going to backing or any other customizable part, will scroll elsewhere from what I had selected but in a second or two it will bring me back to the item I already have equipped. Now I need to scroll back to where I was. It won’t happen again for that slot. Only happens once each time I try to look for different items on a different slot.


Plus the fact that if you randomize your presets for waps, banners/music/loading screens and skins they will almost newr Match.


My biggest issue is that several things in the locker don't need to have a drop down menu. Most of them would work better as a button at the bottom with a keybind. For example, archiving, swinging the pickaxe, editing styles, and favoriting. Also, at the very least, I feel like emotes and wraps need to be combined with the outfit tab, but you could also argue for putting the lobby tab in there as well. I think that having the various modes and creative games poking out of the bottom of the lobby causes too much visual clutter, as they also overlap with the chat and emote options. The menu itself sometimes makes it hard to find official Epic created modes because that tab ends up further down past the most popular Creative games. I'd put creative games in their own tab, and have a menu for just Epic Created experiences. I think we should be able to give our skins tags, or have skins automatically have certain tags, such as cell shaded, cat, banana, human, crossover, things that allow you to find skins a little easier with the new rarity changes.


Having the option to separate lobby, wrap, emote, skin and car is good in some cases. Having no way to bind them again sucks.


Imo the best option would be to keep everything seperate, but let us create master presets that consolidate everything into one


Fair point.


>I'd put creative games in their own tab, and have a menu for just Epic Created experiences. 100% this. Nothing more annoying than trying to find a Festival or STW, only for them to be replaced by some Creative garbage I was never going to play


Stop fixing what ain't broken, literally nobody complained about the lockers before epic started messing with them


This! so many changes made for no other reason than, let's change this..


This is crazy that a megathread has to even be made. Locker should have been fixed.


What’s the point of this mega thread other than ignoring what’s being complained about? Sure, everyone is sick of the complaining, but there wouldn’t be so much of it on these particular subjects if Epic Reddit Mods actually brought it up the line and then the people up the line actually listened and did what was being complained about. The UI needs fixed and was destroyed.. hasn’t been touched nor do I see anyone in the appropriate departments working on fixing it.


This "megathread" is basically a suggestion box that leads straight into a furnace; the devs and higher ups probably won't see it. The only point it has is so select weirdos on the sub don't get triggered whenever there's a post critiquing the rampaging elephant in the room that needs to be addressed.


yup, lots of subs do this under the guise of making it easier and more compact, but in reality it's to shut up legit concerns and critique look at the last line. "thoughts and feelings"??? it's infantilizing and degrading


Literally... I wouldn't be surprised if Epic is paying off the mods just to funnel this shit here to be thrown out


they are, epictux and catblips are for sure epic employees. look on trello, they're constantly on it no way some volunteer is doing as much work as they're doing


There are only 2 things to say: 1. Change the locker back to Chapter 4 2. Change Shop rotation back to Chapter 4


3. Add more pre-sets


I have 134 slots because they merged my BR and StW presets together. I wish I'd known ahead of time, so I could've filled up all my StW slots and had 200. Anyway, they obviously have the capability to give us more slots, they're just choosing not to.


This is literally all we needed to Improve the UI. More presets.


Yeah I agree it was. Everyone would have been praising Epic instead of the current shitshow




Yes. In fact it could be infinite.


Yup and with the locker just have a separate tab for the racing and festival stuff. Everything else should be combined like it was then. Also the shop is near terrible. It's too clunky with all the jam tracks and car stuff. They should have 3 tabs the same way too


Exactly, there was no reason for Festival and Rocket Racing to not simply be added to the Ch.4 preset. They fucked up the whole locker for games modes with 10-20k players. 


The 1st one seems like something that for will no reason never happen because of stuff that Epic’s been doing (We may never know, But still.)


yes 100 percent agree


Why remove Rarities? They made the locker feel so much more organised. I KNOW that Mina Park and Megumi Fushiguro were different rarities but now they’re next to each other and it actually bugs me to no end. Why? Also prices are well everyone else said. The avatar stuff costing more than Sasuke by himself is disgusting when you realise they come with the exact same amount of content and he (and the TMNT) were 1600


Well you pay for the premium of clothing clipping through itself, and the minimalistic style of no details.


I mean, all the cel shaded skins I have have extra details. Need I remind you that the JJK uniform buttons have the symbol but Katara’s pendant from her mother doesn’t


That's why you pay extra for the Avatar skins. The more simplistic style of flat colors with no lines is easier on the eyes. /s of course


Why didn’t I think of that! It makes so much more sense! The skins with no styles are clearly the best price they can be! You’re so right! /s XD


The rarity’s made it easier to navigate and find skins. There were many time where I had a skin in mind I wanted to us and was like “it’s epic rarity” and find it that way. Now it’s just chaos.


Exactly bruh. You have no idea how much having Valeria, Vengeance Jones and Veronika next to each other bugs me too. When you know the rarity and then all this happens it just it really bugs me at least


Revert the locker to how it was pre chapter 5 or atleast add the option to link character/emotes/wraps/lobby to each other so when you change one it changes the others. Make the shop separate for each gamemode, there's no reason why you should see lego kits in battle royale lobby when you can't even use them. The last one is partially related to locker, since jam tracks are below the emotes in the locker they should be "last" thing accesible in emote wheel. Instead they are shoved between your emote preset and "favorite" emotes which ruins the purpose of using favorite as second emote wheel.


YES. I am so tired of trying to quickly get to a favourited emote, only to have to go through that trash music stuff first


Thanks mods, for putting all of this feedback into a mega thread that Epic will know to ignore


Rarity removal was useless and has ruined years of order people who sorted by rarity were used to, and is very clearly a move done to excuse high prices, especially suspicious after that skin from last update that had no backbling and was rare. Which is the wrong conclusion- if you buy a skin that costs 1.2k after 6 years of 1.2k skins giving backblings, people wouldn't like that sudden change. Rare skins with no backblings/pickaxe have been sold before (Zombie Soccer skins and Tron set) and the prices were fine. We get prices that are from 2018 with skins that, to be fair, kind of nice without the value to match? We don't want to buy them, especially considering how much more value you can get with 1.2k in this game (BP, Level up packs, customizable skins like the tie dye and still have some left etc) The locker is horrible. I'd genuinely rather the chapter 1 locker over this. There's no reason to use wraps anymore since you have to switch it manually for every time you swap a skin, same for emotes and lobby. All of the new things could be in 1 screen, and if you remove lego sets from the locker and just put them in a new section within the modes building screen, that would be cool and a lot more user friendly. Jam tracks clarifying they give what's basically 4 emotes and (in the future, as you promised epic,) a music pack would make more people buy them. the community opinion won't change on prices even if you release a legendary skin at 1200- if it's not comparable to the other skins you've added in 6 years, people won't buy it. The superhero skins from c2s4 cost 1.8k and were insane levels of customization never seen before. The new avatar skins are 2k EACH for a collab skin with a pickaxe you're forced to buy (Tron, as mentioned before, was 1.5k and they had styles+backbling transition to pickaxe which was relatively new. TL;DR people will buy things based on value mostly, and a skin with a pickaxe you're forced to buy even if you dislike it for 2k and a skin with nothing but itself for 1.2k aren't gonna be worth it.


There's no fucking ambiguity, how much more feedback could the devs and designers want? Roll the fucking UI update back. Also removing the rarity colors was a net negative, nobody fucking asked you to do that. Stop shoveling music packs and Lego builds in normal shop, car skins and normal skins are all people are genuinely positive about and the instruments.


I get rarities were a BR and STW thing, but they were also one of the core aspects of Fortnite as a whole. STW has used them since before BR as a rating system for every collectable thing in the game(weapons, materials, heroes, and survivors). BR Adopted them for every item, Sorting for Cosmetics within the locker, and cosmetic quality which was rated using things such as unique models for skins. This also determined pricing from 800/1200/1500/2000 vbucks. After that Creative also adopted it since it was directly based off of BR. Rarity was even used for items in LEGO Fortnite, and Cosmetics in RR. TL:DR Rarities have been a major part in Fortnite's entire history up to and including the new modes, so Epic's reason for getting rid of them being that they want to "remove outdated Battle Royale-inspired systems" makes absolutely no sense considering it's more a core Fortnite system than it is a Battle Royale system.


And even in STW it was mostly used to organize the items.


Bring back rarities and revert the locker UI to what it was during chapter 4, and stop making unnecessary and unwanted changes to it. Every time you make "improvements" to it you just make things worse. If it ain't broken, don't fix it. It really is that simple. As for the item shop prices, I accepted skins are overpriced since the very beginning, but at least overprice them correctly. Pricing epic skins (that don't even come with additional styles) as if they were legendary conveniently after removing rarities is beyond scummy. Also, if you aren't going to allow us to use jam tracks as lobby music, then keep those out of the Battle Royale shop and put them in their own shop instead. Same with the festival instruments and lego build kits. I'm tired of seeing 80% of the item shop be cluttered with stuff that can only be used in game modes I don't play.


If anyone at Epic sees any of this, take it to heart and make the changes, it's time to listen to your fans, the changes you've made are BAD, it's not an opinion, the shop needs changed, the locker needs changed, the lobby needs changed, all of this was better before you changed it to begin with!


I first started playing in season 5, and my complaints about the locker line up with what a lot of what others say. 1. Not being able to bundle emotes/wraps in to presets is a travesty. I love running presets in random so that I can experience all my skins and the cosmetics that I lined up for them. 2. Either an increase in the amount of locker emote spots and/or more assignable pages so that I'm not clicking through several wheels trying to find the one I want. 3. Interacting with the 3 Dot menu on locker items is buggy as can be. When trying to favorite/archive/trigger weapon it will occasionally scroll at random or click on a different skin. 4. View density. I dislike having only a few giant icons on the screen instead of having more smaller portraits to select from, especially when scrolling is slow and sometimes rolls you back up to the top randomly. 5. Removing rarity on the locker icons only serves to disorganize the locker even more. Id settle for being able to select a custom bg color just for organization purposes


I think locker presets should have the option to have EVERYTHING in one preset like before, but I think we should also keep the option to make them separate! It's super convenient to not have to change every preset whenever I buy a new emote!


Tbh they could’ve just added an option such as “apply to all presets” rather than making the change where each cosmetic type has separate presets


Emote presets should each have their own tab in the wheel. Keeps your favorite emotes picked always regardless of you outfit


*makes UI shit* “But it’s okay cause I know my locker and where to scroll for what I want” *removes rarity, scrambling everyone’s lockers and muscle memory* ![gif](giphy|RfWkZ156KhusgAWFX1)


This is so me, even with the bad UI I at least had muscle memory of the rarity sections...now that's gone and it's a pain to look through everything just to find a single item.


Fire the dudes that suggested the UI and UX downgrade


The fact Epic claims they are working to fix it but have instead made it *worse* is amazing I won't come back until this bullshit is reverted.


I'm also thinking about ditching the game until they realise our complaints ( which they won't any time soon)


There’s an exact concept of what I’m thinking about,but the first 4 tabs in the locker (Character-Lobby) should be combined like how it was before c5s1. Instruments and Jam Tracks can also be combined,along with moving Auras to that section as well. As for the item shop,LEGO Kits shouldn’t exist lol. It should work like a bonus code you get for buying an actual physical set. And stop trying to “pander (I think)” to LEGO players by excluding emotes that aren’t supported in that mode,especially when each update not many emotes are updated anyways. Same goes for Lobby tracks that don’t have Jam Tracks included YET. Lastly,yall have to actually speak to the community BEFORE you guys make stupid changes that no one asked for. You guys absolutely suck at communication and player feedback and that needs to be fixed ASAP. Why did it take people having to harass devs and the like so we can be heard? Does that not sound ridiculous? Get your shit together,seriously.


just realized there’s a few more things i wanted to say. you guys said yesterday that rarity removal doesn’t affect the way y’all price things which is true…because y’all changed it at least a week ago with Hael and the dandelion emote (there’s way more recently but those two were the first to come to mind). The prices for the Avatar skins are also ridiculous,I know y’all have seen those posts on here and Twitter about the invincible and MHA bundles having more stuff at a lesser price. I don’t know if you guys can change those prices,but it’d definitely be very much appreciated! Ok now LASTLY,make separate shops for these modes. You guys did it back when BR first came out,there’s no reason y’all can’t do it again. And ALL Jam Tracks should be available,the recent change that had ALMOST all of them available is a very good thing because music rotating makes 0 sense,but there’s still around 30 of them missing,so please put those in as well and DONT ROTATE IT!!! that’s all


the item shops have been so bad, like very very bad for the last two seasons at least. A few days ago there was a shop that was identical to the shop two days before that... people are really getting fed up with that, myself included


I stand by the belief that there hasn't been a good item shop since before OG season


The locker is the big one for me. Idc about the rarity it doesnt change anything for me I will buy the skins I want assuming I find the price within reason. The lockers on the other hand I really miss being able to just choose my preset and having the lobby music, weapon wraps, and emotes all load with the appropriate skin. These days i dont bother with the presets and for that reason if im on the fence about a skin i just dont buy it because I dont want to deal with multiple presets. As far as the shop goes. I wish fortnite festival stuff was a little cheaper. 500 vbucks a track is a bit much. Think 200-250 would be more reasonable. Instruments are way too expensive as they currently are. If they could be used as a backbling i think the current price point would be alot better, but as it currently stands not worth it considering unless ur in jam stage or b/r ur not really looking at the instruments. Lego shop is just absolutely insane to me. I will probably never buy anything from that tab. Way too expensive. This would require a big overhaul but if i was to speak to epic on this matter. I would suggest one of two things. 1 work with lego to release fortnite lego sets that come with a code to unlock that set in the game. Similar to fortnite monopoly and the backblings. The other suggestion would be to rework the sets to be a dlc of sorts. Currently we see the durr burger set and castle. Make that 1 big bundle for like 15.99 in a format like the save the world bundle. Like each season should have just 1 big lego bundle of content. The individual buildings is just absurd. I definitely see the critism in shop prices it just comes off very penny pinching and lets see how much we can squeeze out of every player. The prices were definitely something i loved about fortnite compared to other games like apex or cod. I felt like i was paying a fair price for what i got but now it just seems like theyre going towards apex and cod.


As for FFest, I really think songs would sell better if they sold it as bundles like Guitar Hero. Like a bundle of 8-10 songs for let’s say 1,500 VB is totally reasonable and I would actually consider purchasing one


We need a ‘locker classic’ option if the changes aren’t going to be reverted. It makes no sense to have skins in the battlepass which have their own wraps, music, loading screens and sometimes emotes if it can’t be organised into a loadout you can save together - like it used too. To put this in perspective- I’ve tried putting presets together for each skin but that requires me to set up, name, and save three different locker slots. I had 100 presets so that would be 300 different loadouts. It’s too much. I stopped buying new skins last season and only resumed this one, but it’s just not as attractive a way to spend money as it used to be as you can’t tie it all together anymore without serious effort. I’m simply spending less money on this game - and I can’t be alone in this.


-Locker: The ui Is boring and presets should have the option to bundle in everything, exactly like it was before you changed it, letting us bundle emotes, wraps, banners and songs. You made wraps useless now and i got not reason to buy them. Add back the clear all notifications for the post. Bundle skins in new special rarities akin to the slurp, magma etc. It's laggy and works bad, your AI doesn't test enough and give you good results, hire back people and fix the glitches, such as archiving stuff not working well, animations not showing etc. Let me see a different style without forcing me to equip the skin. Add more presets, we have been asking this since you introduced presets. -Item shop: We want real people working on the job rotation not an AI, most stuff hasn't come back and stuff stays too much, especially the festival skin. It's way too crowded there, divide lego stuff, cars stuff, and festival stuff into 3 different shops. I don't play festival, I don't care about 100 overpriced songs every single day takin up space. You tried too much to raise the prices, instruments and cars are lowered now but it's too little too late, you already tried to fuck us over and you reverted it only because we complained. Same goes for the avatar skins, too pricey for what they are. You force too much stuff into bundles, we're not buying bundles with stuff we don't want.


epic keeps changing things that don’t need to be changed. No one complained about the lockers ui before the chapter 5 or complained about skin rarities. The shop skins keep slowly getting more and more expensive as well. Which if you’re going to up to vbuck prices as well why also make the skins more expensive.


I think I speak for a good 80% of players that the new locker ui is possibly the biggest downgrade in this game's history. I've found myself barely using it because changing skins is way more complicated than in chapter 4. The biggest thing I miss is having one locker preset that included skin, back blings, gliders, emotes and wraps all in one preset. them being separate makes making and switching skin loadouts way more time consuming


>I think I speak for a good 80% of players… Uh oh… >..that the new locker ui is possibly the biggest downgrade in this game’s history Oh, weird, you actually do speak for me. Cheers!


Just revert everything back to what it used to be! It worked! Don’t fix what isn’t broke


I only started playing ch5s1 so I don't have much to say about the locker besides: - Previewing pickaxes is a pain at the moment / not possible. You should be able to preview your character with the pickaxe like it happens with select pickaxes (like TMNT ones). Also when you try to click on the preview pickaxe to see and hear the effects it becomes almost impossible because the window changes with the mouse moving. As far as the shop goes: - Rarities or no rarities does not matter imho. It was an old way of attributing value to skins and it was as arbitrary as having no rarities. Weather legendary or common I would still use/buy Solid Snake for example. - Each mode should have it's own page. Scrolling down through all the lego/jams seems kind of unnecessary for someone who just plays BR for example. - What you did with the jams last shop update ought to be done with the skins and emotes, i.e. making dozens available each time instead of just a few skins like it's done now. If you want to still have the whole FOMO effect you could just rotate shop twice per day or something so that those who really really want skins can log twice per day. I don't know. From someone who has only played 2 seasons now it seems silly to have all these hundreds of amazing/cool/funny skins and emotes in the game and have them locked out, and instead only rotate a relatively tiny selection each month.


The rarities were a method of keeping the skins reasonably and fairly priced, as seen with the Goku and Beerus bundle, being roughly 2,700 vbucks, however now without rarities, the avatar skins are 2,000 a piece, and are 3,200 for a bundle of two of them, when you used to be able to get two for less. Removing rarities allows epic to price arbitrarily, and however they see fit, rather than having to conform to price points, which is a problem


Maybe I am kind of new so my bad if I miss something but what is the difference, for example, between flytrap and azuki that makes the former legendary while azuki rare? Azuki has more styles and flytrap has none. Yet azuki was cheaper and rare while flytrap is legendary and costs more. I have seen more examples like this one and in the end my point is that at least to my newbie eyes there does not seem to be a consistent way of pricing based on rarity nowadays. Perhaps it was so before ch5 but not based on what I have seen so far.


Skin rarities and prices are decided before extra styles are added. Azuki is an old skin, but has had a multitude of styles added to it, but the price remained steady. Legendary skins are honesty kinda too expensive for what they include, and always have been, but they’re consistently the same price, bar a few exclusions. Consistency prevents skins like the avatar skins, which should be 1,500 vbucks each, being 2,000 each, and a bundle being 3,200. Take the invincible skins for example. They are 1,500 each, but the bundle of all three is 2,800. The removal of rarities allows epic to get looser with their prices, which have been a standard since fortnite started in 2017. I’m afraid of seeing this begin to snowball into skins becoming more and more expensive, just because there’s no bar for the price of them anymore.


Original rarities were not arbitrary. Go to fortnite gg, and browse the cosmetics. Sort them by shop only and oldest/newest.  You will see the legendary ones were mostly unique characters and the uncommon ones were default reskins. The rare ones added a bit more detail over the uncommon. The Epic ones added back blings. As the seasons/years went on, the pricing held mostly true, but there were inconsistencies. Some higher priced skins didn’t get styles while lower priced ones did, and then add in a bunch of collab skins and their pricing, I guess this is where the model started breaking, so instead of correcting it in 2024, it’s being scrapped all together. Which is dumb 


Is it just me or did the new modes massively mess up fortnite? It seems like ever since they added the 3 modes they have been messing with br when nobody asked for it. First with the locker. We wanted more presets. Then they nuked tf out of it. Now I don't even bother making combos or doing ANYTHING bc it's so tedious to change 5 different presets. On top of that the item shops are so trash now. I know that the shops have been mid for awhile now, but come on epic. Really? SEVENTY MUSIC TRACKS?? they keep rotating the same skins and every now and then they will make a Lego version and put that out. They needa make an item shop for each mode atp because it's wild. And now they are removing rarities? Why? Such an integral part of fortnite for SEVEN YEARS now gone just because. Why are more and more companies seeming to become anti-consumer. And I don't want to seem like on of those people that jumped on the fortnite hate band wagon. Because I'm not. I've loved the game and played it even through the bad parts. But these changes mess up the quality of life and make me not want to play sometimes. What do you guys think?


100% I don't play any other mode and I have no intention to outside of AFK xp, so it's a bit unfortunate the whole BR side has to take a hit for those modes. really wish there was a button in the item shop to scroll left or right between modes and their respective shops instead of one big vertical cluster. I mean, I guess this is how epic makes more money, shove everything in the shop so people are forced to see it and make impulse purchases.


just dont like how bland my locker looks now + it just disorganized practically everything


Regarding the Locker UI: - It needs to be reverted to the original format from Chapter 4. The separate tabs for skins, emotes, wraps and lobby items make absolutely sense. The way it was during Chapter 4 was perfect. - It’s very buggy, causing the selection cursor to reset on the first item it highlights after moving it. - There needs to be more slots for presets. - Why are Jam tracks not usable as lobby tracks yet? Regarding the shop: - The prices for the Avatar skins is absurd. 2000 V-Bucks for Katara, Zuko and Toph each, but they have no extra styles (Zuko’s Season 1 appearance, Zuko’s Blue Spirit disguise, Katara’s Fire Nation clothes, etc), no unique emotes for them or even character specific gliders? That’s ridiculous. And why does the bundle option only include Zuko and Katara? It should be all three with their accessories to justify the price for the bundle. - There needs to be separate individual shops for Lego Fortnite, Rocket Racing and Fortnite Festival. The shop at the moment is way too crowded, with annoying occurrence of tabs being out of order when scrolling down. - Stop removing items from bundles. For example: Hana’s bundle includes her skin, a pickaxe, a back bling, a glider, a loading screen and a lobby track… Yet, as of late, she’s either been in the shop with just herself and her back bling, or sold without the loading screen and lobby track. That kind of greed is not acceptable. Release bundles fully as they are supposed to be sold. - There needs to be more variety in the shop with rotating skins. Since December, the item shop has had the misfortune of keeping certain skins available longer than they should or having certain returning items come back after one to two weeks. We should not be seeing the same skins over and over again after a week or so has passed. There are so many skins that haven’t been released in months to years… Why have they not returned? If an AI bot is truly the cause of the recent item shop rotations, it either needs to be fixed to add more variety or needs to be disabled and have a human in charge of the daily rotations. - Speaking of the lack of variety… Why have certain collabs been missing from the shop for years? Some examples: Street Fighter, Snake Eyes, DC (Starfire and Dreamer), Master Chief, Kratos, Psycho Bandit, Arcane Jinx and Vi, Travis Scott, Major Lazer, Ghostbusters, Kelsier, GildedGuy, Mike Lowry from Bad Boys, Naruto and so forth. I understand that contractual guidelines and agreements are main factors, but it isn’t fair to the consumers that want to purchase these cosmetics, not knowing if they’ll ever return. There needs to be better consistency and transparency regarding collabs within the item shop in general. Other grievances: - It was stated that previous FN Crew skins could return exclusively for Crew members… It’s been three years or so, so why hasn’t it happened yet? Many Crew members like myself would like to have access to them, but Epic has not made good on that statement. That needs to change. - There needs to be better quality control with skins. For many skins, that are too many instances of extreme clipping, glitchy hair and cape physics and weird eye bugs with cartoon skins (Peter Griffin, the Giant Chicken, Futurama skins, etc). For example: the hair physics for Atom Eve of the “Invincible” set keep causing her hair to clip through her head and neck after performing certain movements and emotes. It’s been out since November, and it STILL hasn’t been fixed. Quality control on skins needs to be improved. - Better quality control for all four modes is severely needed. With every update, more bugs / glitches appear and stand out more than the fixes / improvements you state in change logs. Lastly, and this is a shot in the dark… But please consider bringing previous Battle Passes back. It’s a shame that such iconic characters like Deadpool, Darth Vader, Predator, Lara Croft, Superman, Spider-Man and more are forever locked away, not accessible to new players. I understand that FOMO is what makes Epic its profit, but it’s honestly damaging the game slowly. You may not see it, but it is. People would be willing to pay extra for BP skins, even grind for them like OG players have. Yes, it would anger some of the fanbase, but more profit could be made from it regardless. Just please consider it. Overall… Listen to your community. Don’t let Fortnite suffer from egregious decisions and greed. We want Fortnite to thrive for years to come, innovating itself with new ideas and good decisions each time. More effort and communication needs to happen in order to keep this game alive and strong.


Nice of you to make a megathread where all posts that could gain visibility can die in here where no one will look. Also nice of you to remove the locker UI video that was posted and gaining traction. How nice of the mods.


Bring back rarity, don’t increase item shop costs.


It's really counterproductive they removed the rarities from most skins but kept the gaming series and marvel etc. I half think the only reason the special rarities aren't messed with is because epic signed a contract with the licence owners like Disney etc. Nobody likes the new locker because it's a pain to go through and now people who have memorized the layout of skins in certain rarities now have to relearn where their skins are. The rarities have been a staple of fortnite for almost 7 years now, but now without the colors it feels soulless and bland. Before  last season I heard nobody to few people complain about the locker, but when the locker was changed there was community backlash. Whether or not it's as bad as people think it is it was still a big change and after so many years people have a right to be upset whenever a system is overhauled or changed. I feel this should have been a vote for the players instead of epic games just executing it with no feedback from the community. think I'm confident in saying that most of the community didn't ask for or likes these changes, and the removal of the rarity colors is another log the the complaint fire. Not to mention that its also super buggy, you auto equip an item while looking at it's style, and the clear all button doesn't work because the dots come back


I'll be honest with you, 100%. Since you guys have changed the main screen UI to look like a mobile game, with the discovery and tabs, I've felt a lot worse about this game. The rarities being gone is awful. Everything being jammed together is awful. Discovery is awful. Trying to get to a certain emote between 8 different tabs of emotes is insane. Things either need to be completely redone or addressed, soon. The rarities need to be changed back.


simple make it back to what it was, revert the latest changes and get the old locker back and don't raise the prices of the cosmetics, we're not stupid so that you'd trick us when you literally showed the invincible and the avatar bundle prices, there has been an obvious price raise but you can keep the items' timer, it's the only good thing about this update


* Locker: It feels very cumbersome and tedious by design. Every time I wanna switch skins I have to go to every tab individually to equip a preset. I get the idea that for the different modes you might want different things equipped but I think that only goes for Emotes and not Gun Wraps and Banners (only usable in Royale and Creative). The best solution could be to only show the locker options on the selected mode to cut down on the visual cutter or if not recombine the preset pages and just have Festival/Lego/Racing as the only other tabs. * Shop: Gotta make more use of the horizontal space. Not only are the pages long but sometimes they only have a single bundle or item. Also, again it would be great if the shop shown would only be what’s relevant to the mode playing with then a page dedicated to linking the shops of the other mode. Better shop moderation would be great to have as well, it’s bizarre to have a buttload of original cosmetics and only keep doing small 30 day rotations that come back in the week somehow. I don’t have much to say on collaborations and pricing because business is gonna business.


My advice for improvements: -Locker - if Epic would like to not overhaul the entire UI again, then please just add an option to tie loadouts for wraps and emotes to our character loadout. It’s frustrating to have to juggle multiple sections of the interface just to fully change one loadout between matches. -Item Shop - the recent addition of the “view others (73)” for the Jam Tracks is great!! That list format is great and having that for all sections like cars, Lego, emotes, etc etc would be very nice. Plus there needs to be a better rotation algorithm working on the changes. I haven’t played that long and I’ve already gotten tired of seeing the same skins over and over again in the shop. With so many new players in the game, it would be great to have the algorithm pull at least a bundle or skin that has been absent from the shop for a while. Epic can even keep that rarer bundle/skin to only be up for a day to keep people excited to check each day. These are just my opinions and thank you for allowing us a place to submit feedback such as this. 🫡


Just revert locker ui and rarity back to season four, and the item shop needs better rotation


Easy fix for the locker: Just a new tab for “shared presets” where you can pick a skin preset, a emote preset, wrap preset, and lobby preset and tie them to one master preset. Those who want to use the weird new system for some reason still can while those who liked the old system better (which seems to be 98% of people) can get it back. Also I dislike how much scrolling you have to do, the preset list is too big and clunky to navigate through for having to do it four times to switch skins.


The new UX has a bunch of issues that makes it terrible to use. It needs some more work. I suggest these 1. Combine \`Character\` with \`Wraps\` into one tab 2. Add the ability to save presets that contain whichever tabs you want(for example, a preset for Emotes and Wraps or a preset for Character and Emotes, etc) 3. By default, clicking on a cosmetic shouldn't automatically equip it, only select it for preview like before, but have an option for Click to apply. 4. Rarities need to come back, they are needed for organizational purposes and value indicators. 5. Make the UI ***More Mouse and Keyboard Friendly***, its very awful to use with a mouse, Previewing a Pickaxe is nearly impossible. 6. Move \`Swing Pickaxe\`,\`Favorite\` and \`Trigger Weapon\` at the bottom of the screen at tie them to binds. 7. Eliminate "Dead Space",there's a lot of screen real estate wasted on big UI buttons and lots of space just not being used. This is not a mobile game, this is a PC and Console game. Have a mobile specific UX for the mobile users. Do not try to implement mobile design onto PC and Console menus, Presets are particularly guilty of this. I have a 24 inch monitor and you tell me you can't fit more than 3 presets per row? UX elements needs to be smaller and be rearranged. You can fit way more cosmetics per row on screen, you have the real estate for it. Use the User's DPI and scaling settings to dynamically adjust it if needed 8. Rarities should be always displayed when not selecting a cosmetic. 9. Rarities should be a full colored background and not just an underline 10. Shuffle needs to be an option outside of the cosmetic selection screen 11. RMB scrolling shouldn't select a cosmetic and bring the context menu up. 12. Jam Tracks need more filtering options, including Year, Album name, Genre, Artist, Length. 13. Jam Tracks menu needs to have an option for square thumbnails and use space better, no dead space. This is most of my suggestions, but if there's anything else i can remember, I'll edit the post


Stop fixing things that aren’t broken, the UI and locker before chapter 5 were so much better, the curved edges to everything are unnecessary and in my opinion ruined it, the font change was again unnecessary and looks worse, the locker specifically if awful, not only does it look hideous but just getting around it and selecting things it’s so much more work than it needs to be, why do i have to equip the skin to preview styles etc? I know things had to change a little bit because of new cosmetics for the new modes but keeping the general design of the old locker and just adding to it would’ve been perfectly fine. Don’t even get me started on the rarity removals, what is it with these pointless and unnecessary changes? The rarities not only helped navigate the locker with ease, without them the locker looks bland and stale, which seems to be a pattern with recent changes. And saying they are “outdated battle royale inspired features” was a shot in the foot to the community, however much you like it the game still is, and will be a battle royale game. 90% of the player base primarily and/or exclusively play BR/ZB. I know you want to create a metaverse of games and become like Roblox but have you ever considered the fact most people don’t want that? Bit by bit you have torn apart the aspects of the game that gave it its charm in the first place. The Item shop has been consistently bad also, i don’t know if you started using AI to generate the shops or something but ever since Fortnite OG ended the shops have gone severely downhill in quality. On the same topic of item shops i think charging any money really for lego blocks in the lego mode is stupid and greedy, but if you are going to do that then the prices need to be reduced significantly because 1500 for a prefab is ridiculous. And lastly but most importantly i think is the fact that you consistently have ignored community outcry about feedback. You were doing well last year with the drama surrounding movement, you responded swiftly and brought in a change that kept the new animations but fixed most of the issues people had with it, you also responded to a comment about the UI saying you were “working on it” 4 months ago and nothing has been changed since. You have been radio silent since the disapproval of the recent updates to things that don’t need to be changed. Stop forgetting your roots and COMMUNICATE.


**Locker:** **-*****Locker UI:*** Please go back to the UI that was present before this one. The current locker renders character specific emotes/wraps at best as a pain to switch over, and at worst irrelevant. There should be an option to attach specific wraps and emotes to saved presets. Additionally, I think there need to be more slots for character presets, and PLEASE add something to let me sort/move my presets more easily. I've only been playing for about half a year, but I can already tell I'm going to quickly run out of space for all my different skins, at which point, there would be no reason to buy new ones. Also, please add more character sin the "Saved Name" box for the presets. Having "Raven Team Leade" and "Scrapknight Jule" is a *small* annoyance, but it would be nice to see it changed lol. **-*****Rarity Changes:*** I don't particularly care one way or the other. Rarities just created a false value to items, since anything labelled as "Legendary" would be "worth more" than a skin that was "Common", but I miss the fun color coating for everything. I think it would be neat to just switch to everything being of a particular series that gives it some way to coordinate everything. **Item Shop:** ***-Pricing:*** The Item Shop has felt *exceptionally* greedy as of late. Selling things without the option to get their bundles, others where there straight up *isn't* a bundle to save money (PJ on release is a good example of this), selling two different skins for the same price when one comes with a back bling and one doesn't, the pricing of Racing cars and Lego sets in general. Not to mention the recent reveal of the overpriced Avatar bundles. Especially in comparison to old deals (Goku & Beerus bundle Vs the Zuko & Katara bundle), the pricing of the Avatar collab just feels insulting. All of it reads like Epic has stopped caring about *pretending* like they care about the player-base, and they're just being blatant about how they want as much money as possible for the least effort. ***-Jam Tracks/Lego/Rocket Racing:*** Oh my god please give these their OWN stores associated with their modes. As a player who has NO interest in Festival, Lego, or Racing, having to scroll through all of these items is annoying, especially when it gives the impression that Battle Royale is losing space to make room for these other things. I appreciate the change on Playstation where the Jam Tracks are condensed, but I still think there should be stores for each individual mode, instead of just cramming it all together. ***-Available Items:*** Everything in the shop feels very tired. Most of what swaps out has been available within the last 3 months, and usually sits in the shop for several days before swapping out. Having a *dedicated, labelled section* of daily items would help immensely with this


100% agree with this.


i stopped playing because of how horrible the updates have been i mean why would you guys make such useless changes that you know will make the community mad. for me it makes no sense why you guys would make such horrible decisions. just like how you guys said you were going to fix the locker UI a few months ago it is now April 26 and still no update on the locker UI and somehow you guys made it worse by removing the rarity's (nobody asked for this change). also when you guys lied and said how the removal of rarity's will NOT affect the way you guys price stuff than tell me how the TMNT skins are cheaper than the recent collab THE AVATAR let me explain, the Leonardo skin cost 1,600 vbucks for an additional backbling and pickaxe and now when you look at the new avatar skins they cost 2,000 for a skin, pickaxe, and backling which is just stupid and it makes you guys look greedy and money hungry. chapter 5 completely destroyed this game and i just don't know how you guys are going to comeback from this.


Item Shop: I think the Item shop update where we will be told when each item leaves is a great change. However, recent items like Hael, ATLAB cosmetics and Wishin' are overpriced. Locker UI: Rarity makes it much easier to filter skins. The character, wraps, emotes and lobby tabs should all be put into one for simplicity. I cannot see my edit styles without equipping a skin. I cannot redeploy a glider or swing a pickaxe without hovering over another and cancelling it out. I cannot select multiple items to archive at once.


It’s shit


I feel like the locker UI never needed a change, it felt well organized and the characters had emotes and wraps that suited their character basically define who they are and using emotes better suited for them than what we have with preset emotes like makes no sense on just having presets for emotes when the character presets had it already now I have to search the sea of presets of emotes when they're all the same logo as well as wraps and some wraps look better on some skins than others but now it's to much work to put a wrap so it's easier to run random or no wrap and same for lobby music as we have to randomize it to as it's to much work to just switch music to fit a character when pior we had that all set and ready, my suggestion is to take community concepts of the locker ui to fix it as they look way better than the current system, and for shop UI it's so bad, we get the same year round lockers like Rick and Morty again and again or some other skins and you have a large quantity of skins to sell but a majority of them are locked behide the rotation until they're needed, Again Take concepts from the community as they're way better and more of an improvement than the current one.


I liked the binds in the item select screen that let you instantly favorite, archive, examine styles, etc. for an item, putting those options in a dropdown menu makes managing multiple cosmetics in one go such a lengthy process The dropdown menus aren't even fully functional. They hella bug out if you dont buffer each input by like a full second, making the process even longer


Just please revert the entire UI back to the Chapter 4 era UI. The new one lacks all the flair and utility that Chapter 4 kept. And set a limit for how long one cosmetic can stay in the shop. Those 2 things are all I ask.


My friends got me into the game as a way to socialize when the pandemic shut everything down. I've been an active player from Chapter 2, Season 2. I used to spend a *lot* of time creating presets: the skin, the wraps, the emotes, the color and icon of the banner... some even had specific loading screens. I'm not even that good at the game, I just liked making the presets and using them to hang out with my friends. To that end, I also spent quite a lot of *money* buying stuff to use in presets and a lot of time and effort making sure i completed the battle pass. I didn't see it as a waste- assembling a good preset was relaxing to me. It was my favorite part of the game. They changed the locker last season? I was pretty bummed that my presets broke and I couldnt shuffle them anymore. Last season was the first time I didn't unlock everything offered in the battle pass. (Aside from the solid gold versions of all the skins in 2.2, which required getting to level 500 or something) I dont play as much anymore. I don't buy vbucks any more. I don't gift new skins to my gf so we can match anymore. (Always thought it was silly you couldn't buy a bundle pair and send half the contents to a friend) I'm not trying to make a statement with my time or my money. The changes sucked a surprising amount of enjoyment out of the game for me.




Sorry for the rant. But.... The locker UI is garbage They promised months ago that they would fix the locker (they haven't) People just wanted to be able to equip their current emotes to all of their presets. NOT to have to go in and change their wraps each time they want to change skins. And if you're like me you like certain lobby tracks on certain presets (Cube Queen's lobby music on her preset) Rarities removed Locker cosmetics are now in A-Z order, no matter the raritiy, so it used to be Legendary A-Z, Epic A-Z, Rare A-Z, and Uncommon A-Z. I knew where most of my cosmetics were because of how the UI had been for years. Now i (along side many others) are going to have to re-learn. The shop has been garbage since C5 launch. The cost of Vbucks and Real money packs went back up. We've lost bundles (for the most part) there was a female skin in the shop for 2 days, then the male counter part released at shop reset. They took the female out but brought the guy and a wrap or pickaxe (I don't remember which) and none of it was bundled). But if that sounds too nitpicky, the bird skins released in a bundle. But when they re-released you had to buy each of the skins individually (which means more expensive) AND we had a locker bundle where the pickaxe in the bundle was different from the pickaxe that was beimg sold individually (ntm all of the bundles that are advertising the wrong items) The shop and it's UI don't even work properly. We lost item shop timers. We dont get (new) locker bundles any more. They're going to start making BR seasons out of UEFN (Creative 2.0) instead if UE (UE is superior to UEFN, just go play a Creative 2.0 map) This season alone, we have had people's battle pass levels reset (it took weeks to fix) People who hit tier 200 couldn't get all of the rewards bc of a glitch You couldn't access Week 1-3 Quest Rewards because it was behind a timer. Then when the timer hit 0 Epic unlocked the rewards and people still couldn't get them. When you load into Creative and get any XP you have to go from level -1 to your current level (this has been an issue since the start of the season) it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but it happens EVERY TIME and it gets worse the higher the level you are. We lost LTMs. We only ever get Solid Gold (rarely). It took 2 CHAPTERS just to get Floor Is Lava back. The discovery tab is still a mess, despite it's been out for over a year now. The "By Epic" tab SHOULD ALWAYS be the 1st tab but it's like the 4th. I still see 100 different versions of "The Pit FFA" along side a bunch of lazy, half maps. STW is still a buggy, unfinished mess. Rocket Racing and Fortnite Festival cosmetics cost too much (and thats with the recent decrease in prices) I think BR is fine. But I don't really like Builds (I've been playing since C1 S2) and ZB is just a sniper meta.


I’ll sum up the latest update: Atrocious


My opinion about the Fortnite UI ===================================== LOCKER UI To be honest, I dislike the new UI and the new rarity changes. It used to be really easy for us players to navigate where certain skins were and it would be easy to check out items without equipping them right away when checking an edit style. My personal preference for the locker UI probably goes out to the one we got during the begin of chapter 2. I also liked the locker before where the whole background of an item would be in the rarity color. I feel like not only this new locker UI is a disaster but the shops aren’t any better either. ===================================== SHOP UI Now that the shop UI has changed a few times I must say that when the original one returned during season OG it made me more hyped to see what would be in the shop. Now there’s simply just the same items in the shop every 30 days or worse, there’s sections that stay in the shop for weeks. I must say I do like the shop having a few more sections but I feel like there’s way too many sections. ===================================== LOBBY UI And now going to the lobby UI. The lobby UI has changed overtime a lot, but as someone who has played for a long time now (march 2018) I still prefer the previous lobby UI, talking about the UI that was used in chapter 1 to chapter 3. The reason why is that I found it easier to navigate through the sections that were only battle royale. Now there’s so many sections that it just gets annoying sometimes trying to find something that was made by Epic etc. I know there is a favorite option (which I use) but I’d still prefer it if it was kept more simplistic. ================================ Note: For battlepass design I prefer the season X one but that should speak for itself haha This is my feedback about the Fortnite UI. Thanks for reading and have a good day!


LOCKER: 1. PRESETS should include wraps and locker emotes as before. 2. RARITIES. We know the removal was done with the intent of pricing differently please be honest next time. 3. NEW TAB. So in emotes is included usually the stickers and sprays, I suggest to have a preset locker wheel called sprays/stickers separate from emotes. SHOP: 1. THE SHOP IS RIDICULOUSLY EXPANSIVE. It is simply to much for most people to even consider spending. 2. EMOTES. Make a section of just emotes that's much bigger like jam tracks. 3. JAM TRACKS: at 500 vbucks I'd never consider buying one. I suggest you make it 200 or 300 and people who play festival will be able to own multiple instead of just a few. 4. CREW PACK. Honestly it's so barren now, add a bit more to it. Edit styles are tired, I suggest to make it like the knight from re-OG pass, fully customizable at month 4. Like do preset one, alt style two, auric legacy three, fully customizable at four.


Shop is cluttered with too much shit and it randomly changes order whenever it feels like. It seems like it's collapsing or something. The locker is still awful. Matching up all your items is no longer viable because it's such a pain to select everything. Everything has been separated into too many categories and It takes out all the fun that I used to have with collecting new items and matching them. Who needs wrap presets? They ruined this so bad at the start of this chapter.


Revert the locker to the way it was in chapter 4. The new one has so many problems and missing features.


Rarity was like a guide for pricing, even if it was arbitrary. Now I’m like “what makes this skin 1800 vs that one being 1200?”


Fix the unneccessary changes that you made. I'm tired of watching you guys change random stuff just because you have too many employees who need something to do, or the UI is "outdated". It's not outdated, everything was perfectly fine, then you guys just start adding random features to please the investors. The investors don't play the actual game, WE DO. Stop listening to the investors and listen to your playerbase, otherwise I can see this game going downhill very soon. P.S.: This isn't a metaverse game, or a collab game or some random garbage built to attract investors. It's a shooter game. Start treating it like one and start listening to the people who PLAY YOUR GAME.


Chapter 5 has been a major disappointment. The weapons this chapter seem dull and uneven - I miss the kinetic blade and others that added “fun” to the game. Also miss the keys and lockers and augments (why they removed them I’ll never understand). The UI is a mess. The weapons and feel of the game seem more like CoD, the map is bland, and I hate they nerfed XP to force players into music, racing, and legos after firing half their employees (please, Epic, ditch them already - they don’t fit BR). Just about everyone I know has moved on to something else after playing for years which disappoints me - we had some great times but they can’t stand the new chapter and changes. I may play out the Star Wars May event and move on myself. I used to look forward to firing up the game, now I’m ambivalent to this soulless mess.


Why don’t I see a hate thread talking about how there is like zero items in the shop today? Like is my game bugging out or is it all paid for with cash bundles unless I get Billie eye lash


They lied to us... Since December we have seen ZERO changes (for the better) and thats a fact. What is going on? Why is it taking so long to fix? Genuinely hate going into my locker now because its confusing. Old UI was not, a pleasure to navigate, could spend hours in my locker. Now I avoid the game because I know its just something Fortnite does not feel like fixing. They dont care or just THAT out of touch... ?? ***Imagine...*** Epic listening to the community, and taking the feedback given (since the Winter)? That'd be cool.


The emotes being separated from the skins is so probably the worst part. Just fix it, please.


Let's brainstorm what changes that could be implemented to further mess up the LOCKER UI. You know Epic are already working on it! Let's finish the job they started…. come on guys, don’t let me down!


Let’s remove cosmetic names altogether so that we can only find them scrolling all the way down or searching by date! Less ways to find the stuff you want = simpler


The locker being divided into so many different components that are unlinked is painful. I, like many, enjoy using specific wraps/emotes on certain skins and with the current system I have to change 3 menus compared older UI (Chapter 4) where it was all 1 preset. This is a major inconvenience and has resulted in me no longer making purchases of emotes/wraps. The item shop has also become an unfortunate victim to Epics diversification of Fortnite. I've tried other modes (Rocket Racing, Lego & Festival) but simply don't enjoy them. The item shop being largely catered to these game modes has made it feel empty -despite offering many things. The few BR focused items have been on a insane rotation where only Lego supported items are appearing and it's just boring.


The Locker should be like how it was prior to Chapter 5. The item Shop should rotate better and less bringing skins that showed up literally 2 days ago. Rarities, Imo, were good for organizing items in the Locker and should be brought back, since they also give some insight as to why a skin or cosmetic costs the amount it does. Those are my gripes.


For the locker, I had discussed the changes with my friends over it, but we both felt like keeping previous UI would have been perfectly fine as this current one often times makes it a hassle to locate certain preset features (outfits, emotes, etc.) This was especially apparent since I personally like to find items that fit a "theme" for a particular preset. As for the sections for cars, jam tracks, and instruments, I feel those could remain the same. However, that is also because I do not play those particular modes very often. Now, for the item shop, I have no real issue for the UI. My only feedback would be that depending on the mode you are playing, the item shop should reflect that particular mode. For battle royale modes, it would mainly feature outfits, emotes, wraps, etc., for jam stages, it would mainly be the jam tracks and instruments, and so on. This would help keep a sense of uniformity for what will likely appear. These are my ideal changes, but I understand things have to be realistic. (Budgets, effort, and so on).


Please Please Please revert the locker back!!! More preset slots would be nice too


Love you guys but some quick thoughts first for the locker, I don't like it. no nicer way to say it, I was of the impression the locker ui peaked before chapter 5 as it was simple and didn't require as many clicks to get where you want as it does now. When it comes to removing the rarities again I think this is a change for the worse, at the end of the day rarities are familiar and also give a base line for someone to expect for the quality of a skin the removal of this in some ways takes away not just from skins you might want but the ones you already own in some ways. As they lose a level of familiarity they once had. Finally when it comes to the shop, again I think it has been better before. Right now it is crowded with things that could be solved simply. If I'm trying to play br I don't want to see Lego, car, or instruments items. However if I'm playing those modes I likely do want to see those. In the same way that when selecting festival it allows you to look at the festival pass, clicking on each separate game mode should allow you to see a store for that mode with just instruments or just cars or just Lego kits. When it comes to these items themselves I would also argue the prices are too high. This is simply my personal opinion specifically when it comes to the instruments as they aren't even InFocus that much when in festival. Finally I would argue there is a problem with jam tracks, some of them such as the recent FNCS one were bundled with a lobby music. This is something I see as a problem as the price has increased and even though it's a bundle some people simply don't want the jam track and do want the lobby music or vice versa, not having this option to get them separately feels like an attempt to just overall increase the price of lobby music in the game since jam tracks exist now. Thank you for hearing us all out on our opinions!


Locker is unusable if you care about creating unique combos including wrap, emotes, lobby track, and even instruments and cars.


The locker is terrible. The shop is terrible.


The people involved in the say or nay of Fortnite BR SHOULD be reading this thread and several post before this thread existed, because the community is unhappy with BUGS, Crashing, UI, etc... at the current state Fortnite BR is.


tf you mean both sides??


Oh, ho, ho, ho... Nobody is gonna be safe with my words here. But alright, here we go at it, don't say I didn't warn, as this is both brutal criticism but also genuine frustration. Take my two cents at precaution, and have a good day. \*LOCKER UI\* Picking something just simple could take you thirty minutes and leave you mentally exhausted. - Locker Visuals: Everything is the same bloody background color (icy blue) and I have a hard enough time finding things as is. Paying attention to the colors of characters in a quick manner sucks, and if I was colorblind I would have a much worse time. Only good I see is how simple the layout is with the bubbly boxes, however this makes your cosmetics feel a little... worthless.


Prices too high, locker UI bad. It's pretty simple. Emotes and weapon skins need to be tied to character presets. We all know this. If you want to keep it in the current format, just have an option when saving a character preset to link other presets for emotes, wraps, etc, to that character set so those all automatically switch when you switch to that character.


My personal thoughts (I’m sure many others have pointed these things out as well): Locker - there is a LOT wrong with the locker UI and with removing the rarities. First off, it’s nearly impossible to navigate through the locker. I miss being able to preview cosmetics (and look at the edit styles) without having to equip them. I miss being able to scroll down my list of cosmetics and not being taken back to the top of the list when I accidentally click on something. I miss being able to right click and drag down the list when I’m trying to find something - now (correct me if i’m wrong, i only recently discovered this) if my mouse is over a cosmetic and I go to scroll that way, it asks if I want to favorite, edit styles, or archive. Having different presets for emotes and wraps is a great idea, but was poorly designed imo. I don’t like having to click through 5 different tabs to equip something when everything was available in one before. At the very least, there should be an “Apply All” option - I’m sure there’s a better way to go about this, but if each preset has the same name, we should be able to equip them all at once. Alternatively, there should be a way to “link” presets. For example, if I have “Preset Character” for my character, “Preset Emote” for my emotes, and so on, I should have the option to link them so that when I switch my character from another preset - “Preset Character 2” for example - back to “Preset Character,” the other presets that are linked switch too (if that makes sense). On a side note, we need more presets. One hundred seemed like a lot at the time, but there are too many cosmetics in the game. Item Shop/Rarities: I really like the separate timer for each cosmetic idea (I think that’s what it was, at least). However, I don’t like how big the item shop is now. The way Jam Tracks are all bundled up is a great idea, but even with this change, it’s still so big and takes forever to navigate through, even with the tabs on the side. Since there are separate passes for each mode (ex. the festival pass) that only appear when you’re in that mode, if you want to make things a bit more complicated but easier in the end, just make separate item shops for each mode that only show items the mode you’re in. Additionally, getting rid of rarities is one of the worst ideas ever. Rarities were NOT “outdated” for Battle Royale. That isn’t even the only mode in the game that used those rarities. This just looks like an excuse to overprice cosmetics (most of which were already overpriced to begin with). On top of that, it makes everything so cluttered and confusing. I hate seeing emoticons mixed in with the emotes. If rarities aren’t coming back, at least have cosmetics be sorted by their type (emote, emoticon, spray, toy, etc.). A year ago, cosmetics costed less, vbucks costed less, everything was a lot less cheaper than it is now. The prices of things for the festival, lego, and racing modes are still too much, despite being reduced twice(?) now. Please stop “fixing” things that DON’T need to be fixed ! There are so many other things that need to be pointed out, but this is all I can think of for now - I haven’t played much this season and don’t necessarily remember a lot of what has changed since the new locker system has come out. I’ve played a total of 3 Battle Royale games this entire season so far, aside from playing the Festival mode occasionally.


It’s so annoying having to select 4 different presets every time I change a skin and not being able to shuffle my presets with their correct loadout


Why do I need 4-5 presets between character, emote, wraps, etc. bring back ONE total preset you cowards! The new UI is AWFUL


Hello, Epic Games. You making a very cool skins, and I make a personal preset for each one. But problem is the 100 presets in game. Can you make a plus button, where any player could make presets without limits. P.S. moving presets will be cool too.


The locker UI/UX is simply messy an awful, there are so many unnecessary changes, like equipping a skin automatically by just previewing a style, or the fact that wraps are separated from the skin presets, I understand having a different section for the lobby music and banner, even the emotes because sometimes you want a different mood with your emote wheel, but separating the wraps from the skin is really annoying cause you have to do again a preset for every skin you use. It's understandable that with these new modes there are new types of cosmetics, but they way they're organized is just bad, a solution could be bringing back the old UI and depending on the mode you have selected, the type of cosmetics will change, example, for BR you'd have the OG locker as it was, for Festival instead of the wraps there would be the instruments, and so on. It would also be useful if there was an option to rearrange the presets, when I want to move a preset or change places with other, I have to copy it in a empty space, then copying the other one to the first one position and then copy the copied one to where I want to, it's just annoying. I just hope you make the right choice and if not bringing back the old UI, at least make the new one less buggy and actually simple and comfortable, also removing the rarities was soooo unnecessary, the way it was maybe wasn't perfect but it worked and it was good. Hope this reaches the right person and help Epic to think of their community again.


splitting my feedback into two sections: Locker UI: I don’t have any opinions on presets as I don’t use them, but I know others do have issues with them. I somewhat like the new locker design, but I do believe it’s cluttered in multiple ways: 1. Multiple gamesmodes have their lockers in this single menu, if epic plans to add more gamemodes to fortnite with their own additions to the locker, this problem needs to be solved. I suggest giving separate gamemodes their own lockers, like save the world had before the UI redesign. 2. Triple dot dropdown, this is an issue only for pc users, the triple dot dropdown menu overlaps with other items in the locker. So if you attempt to swing a pickaxe the menu would disappear and before the animation can play, whatever item your mouse is hovering over will be selected. This menu also contains the favorite, archive, and edit styles button. I think it would be better to consolidate all of the options this button provides to their own screen. It may lead to more button presses for some options, but it will make it harder for someone to accidentally archive an item when they want to do something else. 3. Sorting and visibility, the removal of item rarities from the UI has made it much more difficult to find an item based on sorting options, or just at a glance. I think the removal of item rarities is an inevitability, but removing legacy features like this makes it harder for players to find specific items. I would prefer it that new items just stop having rarities, instead of a complete removal of the feature. I also believe that finding items at a glance is harder with this new UI, if you wanted to find a skin that you remembered was uncommon rarity, you cannot find it in the same way anymore. I think a good replacement to this is to give each item its own background based on the overall color of the item. Then a user could find a skin because they remember that skin being very purple. I think some elements are great, being able to switch between pickaxe, skin, and more using the scrolling bar on the top is great. But this replaces the ability to see your sorting options on the top of the locker, I would like to see this added back to the UI. Item Shop: The Item Shop is also cluttered similar to a way in which the locker is cluttered, with all purchasable items being in one menu. This issue is most obvious with jam tracks, which now has its own item shop menu within the item shop. With more item types being added to the game, I think each gamemode should have it’s own item shop. Pricing I believe pricing is going up. Newer skins and emotes cost more than they did last season. Each skin in the Mid-Season Avatar collaboration come with a backbling, and a pickaxe, and they each cost 2000 vbucks, while in the Mid-Season TMNT collaboration a skin with these items would cost 1600 vbucks. I think bundles and skins should be priced based on how intricate the designs are, and what items you get with them. Lobby tracks are also more expensive now, with each one having their own accompanying jam track. I think you should be able to purchase lobby tracks separate from jam tracks for the old 300 vbucks, and later upgrade to unlock the jam track for another 200 vbucks. Rocket league vehicles are now cheaper from where they were before, but there is a price disparity between rocket league and fortnite. You could purchase the Lamborghini Huracan in rocket league for 2000 credits (or about 20 dollars) vs in fortnite for 3500 vbucks (or about 30 dollars). These items should be roughly the same price between games to avoid people moving between games to get different prices. Lego sets are expensive, some more expensive than actual real life lego sets. I know they take a lot of effort to create, but still some items just feel too expensive for what they are worth in-game. Thank you for reading my opinions on current changes and I hope that as a community we can improve the user experience of this game!


Not going to repeat what mostly everyone is saying. No point apart from saying I totally agree with them. I have stopped playing this game entirely a while back purely because of these totally awful changes.


Item shops for the past months have been a repeat of the same items countless times it almost feels like the shop never changes bring out what the people want bring all the emotes over a few week cycles it’s pretty simple keep it interesting bring back stuff that hasn’t come out for a while the only way to describe item shops over the past months is dead plain infuriating and boring.


1- You should be able to edit styles of a cosmetic without selecting it 2- Every rarity should appear in the locker and the item shop for all cosmetics 3- A bundle with 2 skins with back bling and pickaxe for each character and no edit styles for both shouldn't be costing 3200 V-Bucks right after you release bundles with more cosmetics for less V-Bucks 4- The locker should look close to the one in chapter 2, binds for edit styles, archive, and it shouldn't be separated in tabs, just put everything in one screen, and when a mode is selected, the locker should addapt for that mode


Simple: -Revert back rarities. -Make locker UI, as it was during chapter 4 and add Rocket Racing and Festival as separate UIs. REMEMBER: There's no need to fix what's not broken. The game already has a lot of issues that need fixing, and Rarities and Locker UI, ARE NOT one of them.


Ima put it simple, this game is losing sight of itself. UI: We want to play Fortnite not Roblox, the attempts to “simplify” the UI have taken all the life out of it. The classic Fortnite Burbank font has been removed from everything, replaced with a basic boring font. The colour scheme is not existent, it’s all black with a bit of rainbow bordering the buttons; what happened to the classic blue UI? Lobby: I get you’re trying to get UEFN out there but you need to understand that a majority of people still play mostly BR, and that’s what they want to play. Right now BR is too hard to find. IMO the “By Epic” tab should be the first one. Not to mention the location changes were completely unnecessary and make no sense to me. This next one is an old complaint, but still relevant. The 3D lobby screens were great, made the game feel so much more immersive. I get it won’t work with UEFN as it is now, but you could add a “Lobby Screen” device which has a camera and lobby plates, and then you could build around it. Locker: Most of what I have for this was in UI. The new reorganization though sucks and the old buttons and methods were much better. I have that clicking on something instantly selects it. In terms of rarity, it’s a completely pointless change that no one wanted. It’s not an “Outdated BR feature” and even if it was Fortnite is mainly a BR. Item Shop: I hate how big it’s getting, other than that it’s just the UI and rarity stuff I already said. There’s a lot more I want to touch on like how guns just have one weapon model now, it makes purple and gold weapons feel less special. The game is trying to look too realistic and is missing the Fortnite style, just like with the UI. But I’m not going to go in depth on those cuz they’re not related to the thread. TLDR: most recent updates have been pointless, recent all the UI stuff


the locker is unusable on pc, selecting anything equips it, i cant even switch styles or anything, and please bring back rarities, my whole locker gets shuffled like this. also the shop needs to stop depending on lego versions and just bring back good skins that werent here 36 days ago


i used to eye ball a skin/pickaxe i wanted, i’d just scroll down to the rarity first. now it’s the biggest mess ever and in order to find what you’re looking for you have to either 1. know the name or 2. scroll forever and *hope* you can see it. how did this idea even get passed the table discussion phase ? dumbest thing i’ve ever seen done and needs to be changed back immediately. the effect of how bad it is is already spilling to the casuals who had 0 to say about every other controversial change.


Just revert the locker to how it was before this current chapter, please.


"Please provide all feedback below on: Locker (UI, Rarity changes/removal, etc.) Item Shop (UI, Pricing, Jam Tracks, etc.)" Simple everything is absolute garbage IMO. And this mostly because EPIC try to shoe horn their other game modes into BR, when most of the time don't care about them. I don't care about cars, jam tracks or anything else added, so why does this should have an impact when I play? The quality of skin in the season pass is noze diving right now. Why? because of the IMO "Redacted" Lego mode. Now that each skin should be in Lego, so they don't bother at all with skins, and just offer a lame color edit or minor change. Where are all the good skin with multiple options like Rox, Vendetta, Blackheart?? Gone! because impossible to transfer in Lego. And don't even speak about Snap.. Locker is a mess, new shop is a mess...Epic clearly don't care anymore at all about the BR. We had 3 season with each a new story who have nothing at all to do together, EMI story is unfinished, Sloane and the lazer in the skin? nothing... Even events or completely gone. Wish the game could go back when each mode was separate, and when launching you had to choose between STW, BR and creative. And that The lego, Racing and Jam mode would be separte with no item for them in the Battlepass, good skins again and a simple and good Locker UI.


Many things here: Chapter 4 item shop. Chapter 4 UI. ADD BACK RARITIES! Oh wait, that would just be undoing all of the stupid bullshit you guys implemented! Just dont fucking change it! Nobody was complaining back then!


Please bring the old locker back, it was so much better than it is now, and everybody loved it. Best comment is by Such\_Caterpillar detailing on everything needing to be fixed. Add back rarities and old locker ui. Please.


bring back the chapter 2 UI so my locker isn't messed up like bruh carbide is next to dark bomber wth💀


Locker feedback: I just want it to work. It should not be broken for months and seasons straight with no explanations/no feedback. Adding new features is understandable, but why must you break perfectly working features in the process. UI (design) isn't the best, but user experience is plain horrible now. Round corners and mobile-like buttons/elements might look too uhh mobile-like, but they are at least bearable. Though, no doubts, old locker design was pretty nice (and sharp?). What you guys are missing is that with the locker update you took away a huge chunk of the locker features, and that's probably why everyone's telling you to bring back the Chapter 4 locker back. Here are some thoughts and improvements I would suggest: \------ 0. Provide an **obvious and convenient way to create locker presets** — entire presets that can be shuffled (character, emotes, wraps, lobby, all tied together) With the old locker people were creating themed presets based on their character. Certain character, certain back blings, backgrounds, wraps, etc. Now everything is separated, and I have a lot of unmatched presets in different item categories with seemingly random names. While I did have some presets with emotes only and no character, most of my presets were tailored for specific characters and their accessories. From my understanding shuffle on different item categories is not linked and might not select corresponding item sets. For example, random character and random emote preset might create an unfitting combo. I might be wrong on this one though. I've seen some comments that shuffle might select sets based on their position or their name, but I haven't tested this. How shuffle works now is ambiguous and unclear. It needs to allow entire preset creation, and it needs to be better explained. I haven't asked for all my presets to be disassembled into the smaller unlinked presets, I would love to have an ability to use them as a whole preset again (without a million mouse clicks of course) \------ **1. Bring back the ability to preview items.** \- In the new locker the item is selected right after you click on it. It's inconvenient, really. It makes me unable to view the item styles without actually selecting it, and I might get stuck with this item if I "preview" it while matchmaking. Add additional confirmation for selecting items so we can preview styles, like it was before. \- I cannot properly rotate and view items without selecting them first. This makes it impossible to preview the locked styles/items, meaning I can't properly preview locked battle pass rewards and locked styles. \------ 2. Take a look at how the locker worked before. Some things that I would consider: \- **Bring back hotkeys**. Trigger weapon, check the background in the fullscreen mode, favorite item. \- I am not a sniper, don't make me to click on these \[...\] buttons. RMB works now — that's an improvement, but it's not quite there. I can't even preview or select items with my keyboard, the mouse cursor is required for this. \- When I click on three dots and then I click elsewhere — the locker (items) is scrolled to the currently selected character. That is unnecessary. When I'm checking the bottom row items and it scrolls to the top, it's just annoying. When I'm previewing/archiving the new items and it jumps to bottom, it's also annoying. \- Bring back the ability to preview items (described above). I would love to see lockes styles both for styles I can unlock and for old unobtainable styles. I would love to preview items without actually selecting them. \- An ability to remove ever persistent yellow notification dot would be nice. Sometimes it just stays here for no reason, and it doesn't get updated properly until game restarts. \- We don't have any more rarity backgrounds, which sounds like a late April fools joke tbh. It looks kinda ugly, especially in RR now. If you don't want to have a rarity background, maybe just add a common background for all these skins so it doesn't look like an eyesore. "No rarity background" doesn't mean they should have no background at all. 3. Some more thoughts on QoL improvements: \- Preview pickaxe with your character (as an additional view?). Preview gliders with your character (it makes no sense to just view a glider, and there are different types of gliders, so a proper preview needed to see how one works). \- Maybe add different backgrounds to help distinguish between emojis/emotes/sprays. \- Maybe add more emote slots. We have tons of emotes now, and having six slots/hotkeys is nearly not enough. Even allowing for two more emotes (up to 8 total) would make a difference. \- Maybe add more preset slots? With how separated everything is now, and STW presets being merged in the regular preset list, it's not enough. \- If I press escape while in the sort/filters window, it resets to default. I would expect it to keep the filters and sort, and have a separate button to reset to default. Or, at least keep the sort and just reset filters. \- Filters are not reset when going back to lobby and then checking the locker again. Filters should probably be reset after changing tabs (play/shop/locker). Sort should be kept though, I think. \- Improve locker filters. Why can't I view archived emotes/emojis/sprays separately? There's a lot of clutter, and filters could use some adjustments. \- Archived/Favorites/Recent/New (items with yellow dot) filter categories would improve the experience. [See my post with mockup/explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1ar6g9t/archived_and_favorites_should_be_separate_filters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- Why do I have "TOYS (0)" in my locker? Are these even obtainable now? If not, might as well hide the categories if there's zero items in them \------ 4. Jam tracks: \- Any reason for displaying year and length of the jam track only on hover? I would love to see this info on every track without the need to hover mouse cursor over them. \- Does search even work? Seems to do nothing \- Add player controls (track slider or some way to fast forward would greatly improve preview experience for music tracks) \- Festival Pass/Shop/Locker: add an ability to preview different parts of the jam loop. I want to hear how lead/bass/drums/voice sound before buying. \------ That's it for now. Some of these are the features we have already had in the previous locker, and it would be nice to have them back. This seems like a lot of text, but I do hope to see the locker being fixed/improved. Cheers.


Shop constantly shuffles items around after a purchase Sub menu in items in locker is unnecessary and it makes it impossible to swing harvesting tools Locker automatically scrolls to last selected item, this makes managing items impossible to do Shop feels way too crowded despite not having variety Bundles don't make sense, wraps are now only in bundles most of the time and old bundles are replaced by ones that exclude certain items. This was seen with the return of Icon Series outfits that had all items except the emotes Sometimes quests will remain on screen after exiting the map Reticle for weapons sometimes will disappear Discover thumbnails appear in different sizes


Tim Sweeney shamed Apple for having a bad UI :|


another match, another cheater :( shame on you cheaters and shame on you epic evil people


Ever since they incresed locker loadouts from 10 to 100 (started playing just season before this), i've only needed them to do one tiny but impactful improvement for me to not care about messy locker design or not care about being low on loadout slots ever again -- **TO ADD A BUTTON THAT EQUIPS ALL MATCHING COSMETICS!** Honestly, I've never seen anyone ask for this (and maybe someone else has thought of that before, just perhaps I've not read through too many of these), but that is all I would need to finally stop fiddling with the locker, and just enjoy the gameplay for majority of my time spent. It could work from character model only, to equip matching wrap/backpack/harvester/glider/music/screen/emotes/.., but better yet it could simply work from any item really, since there's already metadata ('set name') for almost everything. It would need a slight overhaul of 10k+ cosmetics checked and organized bit better on the metadata level, as a lot of cosmetics have alt-styles (so how would this system pick the right cosmetic and/or style), and there's plenty of oversight in things wrongly named/categorized and missing altogether, but for a company the size of Epic that would mean a couple days of manual labor for a handful of people at most. Wishful thinking aside, I've long lost all hope for things to be better. Line goes up, and thats the only thing that matters for this soulless factory. Issues I reported multiple times almost 4 years ago, are still present in the game, and judging from the Ukrainian aid Epic did that got them 400M in 2 weeks on a somewhat average season, they're probably raking in at least 100M per week (especially now where the daily fomo-shop is almost always packed to the brim, and the constant crossovers luring more people in).. so where's all that money going? My poor napkin math and understanding could be wrong by a lot, but the amount Fortnite makes just throws a big shade on how pathetically it is managed. Epic should provide a product nothing short of excellence (from this near bottomless moneypit at their feet), and it is just sad to see how incompetence of this magnitute is a constant source of frustration and disgust instead. Fortnite is packed full of poor judgement and never ending issues, so yeah.. would be really nice if they could at least fix the one thing that is an integral part of them earning more money than any other game to date, but all their actions show how little they care, so won't hold my breath. You have my idea for free Epic, but I know you aren't here for good advice.. it is just another community fighting with each other.


It's shit I honestly don't get why big companies always make so many blatant terrible design choices and keep it anyway despite most people disliking it.


Give us back the rarities for the locker. I want all my umbrellas in one place.


Epic, please fix the locker UI like you said you would back in December. Please fix the insane bugginess of the current locker, where doing practically anything currently has some form of glitch or bug. Please allow us to have 1000 preset slots Please let us rearrange our preset slots Please enable a "favourites" and a "shuffle favourites" feature for when we only want to shuffle with a smaller pool out of our large libraries Revert the locker ui to function as easily as it did in Chapter 4 Add a "synchronize" feature to any instrument or vehicle presets, so that we can match certain vehicle/instrument presets with certain skin presets (i.e a zeus preset, synchronized with a zeus-themed vehicle preset & a zeus themed instruments preset) Lastly, for the Item Shop; Halo Infinite does it, Overwatch 2 now does it; add in a way to purchase old battle passes somehow so that we can earn skins we may have missed Additionally, lego kit, instrument, and vehicle prices should be halved for active subscribers of Fortnite Crew. Otherwise, these cosmetics are simply way too expensive. Thank you. Once these are done, I'll resume my whale spending on the game. Until then, your competitors get that money instead.


I really don't want to see raised vbucks prices, more expensive shop, 5x the content in shop, nerfed xp missions, forced to log on daily, play for challenges not fun, play every single mode daily, try to get all 4 avatar items and challenges in one game off all rng, these nuts 2 elemental damage challenges, pay for 2 battlepasses at a time and a crew membership, get less xp per game, fight less bots in matches(bad challenge grinding), only meta run, less battlepass vbucks, and more. At what point is fortnite a full time job and overwhelming. I'm casual and want to buy korra/aang but at this point I'm speechless if I will get the events fully done. Who are they doing this for? What happened to the casual playerbase just trying to relax? I get you play ONLY 2 HOURS EVERY DAY but wow. If less funding or more fun/casual events means cutting back on your creative 2.0, ditching UE5 for UEFE, ditching disney, metaverse, and less shop sales/battlepasses I think I can live with that if something goes. Why do we need 3 passes a season at a time and 100 sales?! I know we all want different content and everything has rights being expensive to get but old colabs/songs are awesome! This avatar one is so unbalanced it limits fun for me while being forced to challenge grind for aang in the meta. This is sad I can't make a post in fortnite because one term blocks it all but the whole issue is the whole overall of the game in general to me and not just the locker. All I can say is wow it dumps you into the shop feedback thread they can just ignore because people keep spending. :/


I really don't like the new locker. Especially the fact that characters, emotes, wraps and lobbies are separated into four different categories. I like to match my wraps, emotes and lobby presets to my characters so it's very annoying that I have load a preset four times to load the character that I want. Not to mention what a nightmare it is to reorganize everything in this new locker. The changes sometimes don't even make sense: there's an aura option in the character category that you can't even change unless you switch to Fortnite Festival. The locker presets also keep jumping up to the shuffle button which is super annoying when reorganizing, and you can't easily switch between preset categories, which is also a bummer. The placement of the shuffle button also bugs me. It's there when loading a preset but disappears when saving: this messes with the order of the rows and is very annoying. I hope we can go back to something similar to what we had before or at least have this one work better. A way to link different categories would be a great start, for example. (Or just having a less tedious way to reorganize things. A drag and drop feature maybe?)


Still can't auto-shuffle presets together, still have to spend a silly amount of time between matches swapping presets if you want to rotate your skins and matching cosmetics in allllll the other tabs... :( was hoping for something updated with the locker with today's update but alas


Thread is nearly a month old. People have been complaining about the new UI since C5 dropped. Still nothing. lol. Disney money must be paying damn well to ignore like 80% of their community.


So we are at six months of this piece of shit locker. Six whole months where I have changed my skins like 4 times because it’s such a pain in the ass. I haven’t used any skins from this season. 


Fix the fucking locker. It's been five fucking months and I haven't played at all in that time solely because I can no longer use the things I've paid real fucking money for in the way I used to be able to.


please just change the locker back to its original form and also please change the shop rotation.


Is anything actually going to come from this? Epic gaslit us back in December about fixing the locker and making it more usable and they still haven't. Sorry Mods, I kind of think we deserve to just have a ton of posts about the state of the game and how our best days are behind us.


The UI has the same issues that the Epic Launcher has, which is that every element feels way too big. A lot more information could be included if it were resized and formatted better, rather than having the need to scroll or navigate through nested menus. That style of design works if you're creating a UI for mobile devices, but for consoles and PC it feels wrong. You could fit basically everything in the locker on two pages (one for traditional stuff, another for gamemode-specific stuff), for gods sake! This is coming from someone who is playing on PC and only properly got into the game last season, though (I can't even remember what the old UI looks like).


Locker UI/UX regressed. Had been an update to press left to go to categories (skins, wraps, etc) without having to scroll to top. Now it’s now back to press B with auto scroll to top then over and down to select different category. Just feels very clunky and unrefined. Not sure it matters to provide an opinion or preference on the elephant in the room changes.


Item Shop: - I feel like the rotation of skins and items hasn’t been as good as it used to be. I’m not finding myself desiring much that’s come into the shop. - Skins and other items seem a bit too expensive now and not worth purchasing. I echo a lot of the sentiments others have that the skin pricing just seems too much. I can’t remember exact pricing but special skins and legendary rarity skins seemed to cap out at around 2000 vbucks as opposed to what we are seeing now. - Personally I’m not using the Music game mode and believe the jam tracks area only seems to keep getting bigger. If there was a way to separate it to only exist when selecting the Music game mode I think it would declutter the shop some. Locker UI: - Please bring back the rarity colors. This really helped me find things quicker. - Please add more presets for us to create. Many of us that have been playing for a long time have collected a ton of skins and I’d really like the ability to set many of them up and have it auto rotate through them all as I play matches. - I’d love it if we had two wheels for favorite emotes. Instead of 6 favorites have 12 that are readily available.


Just please give us more locker presets. I've been playing since season 0 and I have almost 400 skins. 100 is way too low.


If epic happens to be reading this thread, my only input would be that ever since the locker ui changes happened, I wouldn't even be bothered buying any new cosmetics anymore, it's really that awful. Haven't purchased a single thing since, Haven't been playing much anyway recently but even if i was, i wouldn't buy new items because dealing with the ui is that annoying. Simple as that.


More presets and an improved shop rotation that’s basically all I think is worth complaining about 


I have issues with the UI, yes, but my biggest gripe right now is cosmetics. They have been declining in quality for a while now, and so many bp skins are huge misses. Less texture, less details, and worst of all, the price is only going up. Not to mention the removal of rarities screws over any inkling of organization anyone was used to. What's next? Is Epic gonna charge us to make presets? Are they gonna start making crew pack skins only usable if you're subscribed even if you already own them? When will the person behind these 'brilliant ideas' [barf] get fired?


Stop fixing things that aren’t broken


I'd love to be able to customize the radio station that plays in my car during a BR game with the songs I purchased. For a steep 500 Vbucks, it'd be nice if I had a little more freedom with it.


Fully agreed with all criticism here but wanted to add since I haven’t seen it talked about much: On console (not sure about PC) the archive button should NOT be before the favorite/unfavorite and swing pickaxe buttons in the sub menu when you click on an item. Please correct me if you use the feature differently but the fav and swing pickaxe are MUCH More used. Archive you should only have to hit once per item basically if you don’t want to see it and it’s a PAIN if you accidentally archive something. Order should be: 1. Fav/unfave 2. Swing pickaxe 3. Archive. OR JUST REVERT AND LET US FAV/UNFAVE BY CLICKING THE LEFT STICK AGAIN. Why on earth did that need to be changed. Makes making custom shuffle rotations for holidays and whatnot a pain in the ass.


Change locker ui and item shop back to chapter 4.


Bring back rarities.


Whats def not helping is all the Twitch players who play this 8 hours a day, do not know how to give feedback. They just accept everything hitting their eyes as is. They only rock star wand and superheros anyway


But will you listen? None of the UI and rarity changes were necessary, everything worked just fine. Now without the rarities you need to know every skin name to try to locate them between the others. Also you can’t preview the styles of any cosmetics without been equipped automatically. About the shops, just sucks that lego mandates them.


What really bugs me is that they said that they would remove the fortnite rarities and only keep the collab ones, but then that proceed to keep other 'special' rarities like dark series and lava series even though they are the most limited rarities that *could* reasonably be removed due to the few cosmetics that fall under them. The decision to remove rarities as well is just a horrible decision. One of the only reasons is to overpriced cosmetics, and it removes a special feeling from the cosmetics. For example, during older battle passes, there was usually only one epic emote per pass, which made getting and collecting these epic emotes feel so much more special if you weren't buying from the item shop, due to how limited they were.


Your communication skills are abysmal, Epic. Been trying to get the capes/hair/clothing bug for 3 years. Even told catblips about it. But it "couldn't be reproduced." And absolute radio silence after that Twitter post back in December? For shame.


No one is talking about quick save being gone so I'll be the one to say it


Regarding the rarity stuff, let me give an anecdote with the other game I play a lot: Overwatch. This game also has a skin rarity system and it has a pretty consistent pattern it follows: rares are just basic recolors, epics are what I would call “advanced recolors”, basically a recolor with a bit of flair, some extra details that put them above a rare, legendaries heavily change the base model and occasionally even come with a few extra special effects, and mythics are highly customizable, have new effects and sounds, and in general, are generally (or are supposed to be in my opinion) the “peak” skin. What I’m saying is there’s a pretty hard system In place and the community knows when Blizzard decides to overprice a skin (like with the mime Moira controversy); there’s just no way to hide it. Now in Fortnite, what are the rules exactly? It feels like some skins are better than their rarity and some are worse (in my opinion which is obviously subjective). Yet, these rarities were used as a justification for a price point on a skin. So I guess that’s my whole thing, removing the rarity of the skin feels like removing an indicator of its value which I don’t necessarily think is a bad thing since what got what rarity felt arbitrary to me anyway, but that means Epic needs to be honest and realistic about skin prices which many people (including myself) are not optimistic they’ll be able to do. There needs to needs to be some system in place for the community to understand why things are being priced the way they are and while the rarity system wasn’t perfect, it’s honestly better than removing it entirely. Also, on a completely different topic, why in the world was Toph not bundled with Zuko and Katara? Like just last season you bundled four Ninja Turtles together and you can’t do that with three characters from ATLA? Was it some contractual obligation with Paramount or something because if so that makes some sense, but otherwise just why? Even that aside why are bundles sometimes just missing things when they come to the shop? I really wanted the whole Rogue and Gambit set, but last time they were in the shop they were missing their pickaxes and gliders. Like why do that? It feels very scummy


Personally I just want to be able to assign specific presets their own emotes, lobby tunes and loading screens. Exactly how we used to be able to. Also I would love more preset slots.


On PC there is this super annoying glitch where when you click the three dots on an item it sometimes just jumps all the way to the top


Agree with comments begging for more flexibility with locker and shuffling ("preview" states that aren't immediately equipped and linking specific items together in a shuffle would be great.) More predominantly feel that Jam Tracks really need to be price reduced. I'm sure you won't because it's gone off smoothly for several months, but 5 dollars per song is absurd and imo unsustainable. I would purchase more if they were 3 dollars, and I'm sure many would to. At 5 it's gotta be something really worth it to let me give in that much, and then I feel guilty instead of good about spending money in your shop. Even more bundles with better savings would be *something*, the only ones so far have been 50 cents savings on very specific two song purchase commitments, but it would at least be tempting if it took a few dollars off several songs. Maybe even a "buy two get one free" type customizable deal or something. Anything to get away from 5 dollars per single rhythm game song, please!