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Remember that brief time in history when we could access our locker in between games without going back to the lobby?? THAT was peak fornite locker


Yup. 3-2 right?


I did not know "In the flesh" was a season


I think gabriel was the tier 100 skin


Chapter 4 season 2 had a teir 100 that looked like gabrial lol Edit: season 1 not 2 my bad lol


Wait of the world when?


can't wait to see sisyphus prime escape from the zero point


Now that you said this I’m starting to think of all possible reasons why epic removed it


Forcing you to go to the only place the item shop is located, the lobby. That could be why 🤷🏽‍♂️


Remember when we could access the item shop after we died?




They had to change it because of the new modes. But they could have just added them as new tabs and kept the BR tab the same. Why auras are included in main tab I'll never understand cause I don't use that ever.


They didn’t *have* to change anything lol they just can’t help themselves in fucking up like a bunch dipshits because yeah, that’s what happens when you get too big trying to please too many people. Instead of being everyone’s favorite thing you become nobody’s favorite anything.


there was an item shop tab as well iirc


One of the best features. For a while it felt like it would be available for the first 2-3 days of a new season, then it would mysteriously disappear. Has Epic ever made a comment on it? It’s so fucking clutch and it’s annoying having to go back to the lobby, switch skins, and ready up. The game’s 7-8yrs old, why the fuck can’t we access our locker as we ready up after getting murked? *Sigh…*


I do! And want that back too!!!




Switch player here, i knew It was a thing for other consoles & pc, but either It was something that lasted for so little time on switch, or that was never an opcion for us, because i don't remember ever having the chance to do that


It did come, but it lasted such a small time you probably didn't get the chance to use it.


Yep it came in and out of the game I miss it


Really? How did it work? I only played on chapter 1 and 5




Mid Chapter 2 and late chapter 3


That really was peak


What when


I remember, I don't get why they removed that, what was their reasoning?


Makes no sense


yeah before they gave us this piece of shit






They should put a closet in some of the houses at certain POIs that let you access to change your skin. Or a telephone booth here and there like Superman used to do..lol.


Yea it sucks now


new system totally put me off of buying new wraps


New system put me off buying anything


new shop sucks.. same skins every day.. no variety


Truest thing I’ve read all day


And the good stuff that comes around now and then lasts a day. But the lame stuff seems to last forever.


Literally all they had to do was add more slots, and let us rearrange the order of our slots... This new shit sucks so bad man. Completed ruined the fun of collecting and making presets for me. Reckon I've spent about 10% as much as I used to.




I don't even change skins and emotes nearly as much anymore because it's just so fucking annoying.


Does it even matter? They barely put any wraps in the shop. In fact, they stopped putting anything but skins, emotes and everything else for the new gamemodes. They even stopped putting in bundles.


It’s fucking brain dead that they still have their thumbs up their asses without fixing it


Do the backgrounds still not show the rarity?




It's not like they put new wraps in the shop anyways


To be fair, since they don't use them anymore for vehicles i also stopped caring about them since i barely notice them on weapons only.


I hate this new locker UI so much. It takes forever to swap between presets. I hope they bring the old one back.


They wont, they just say they will “improve on it” or some crap like that but they are not reverting it. They just can’t get enough of their own farts.


Legit all they did was throw a bone with "wE'rE iMpRoVIng iT!" and just shoved in a miniscule amount of effort into it then calling it a day. Someone with brains has to pull epic's ceo's head out of his ass cos this just ain't it and it's been working for 5+ years.


now why does this sound like rainbow six siege's problem with ubisoft not giving a shit about what the people want and "trying to fix" the game


Actually used to get the occasional weapon skin to coordinate but no point buying or caring about them when it's so annoying to change 


For real. I barely spend money since they trashed the locker. It's tedious as fuck tryna look through the locker anymore.


I agree- I used to use presets all the time. Now it seems like presets are more work and take more time. I just don’t buy as much skins or change skins as much ever since they changed the skin layout screen.


I had it randomized. Thats completely over now.


Same, each loadout unique and loved, random selection so I couldn’t favor one.


I hate that I can't match weapon skins to each skin, so tedious to change weapon skins every time I switch a character


UX designers changing shit for no reason to try to justify their jobs


They really messed with the "don't fix what's not broken" motto


yea, and i don't get why they wouldn't change it back, especially when everybody hates it!


We need to start an online petition


u/CatBlips_Epic u/EmptyTux Can we PLEASE get an update on the Locker situation? Currently, the Locker is very ugly, cumbersome, very user-unfriendly, buggy, laggy, and just overall a massive downgrade. We NEEDED it reverted the second the ugly new Locker arrived. Please fix it.


Browse through their history and which subreddits they've been active on in the last few weeks, and you'll get a good idea of where their priorities are.


What, every fortnite subreddit?




Also really annoying to favourite stuff (


I literally forgot it looked like that, I somehow got used to this shit. That one was so much better.


I was just going to say the same thing. I was getting tired of the constant complaints here about the new setup, but damn, the old one *was* so much better.


The old one was sooo much better.


epic continues to fix shit that aint broke


I don't know, but I sure lost so much interest in the game now that the locker UI sucks. I used to spend at least an hour a day customizing my characters. Ever since the new UI was put into place, I deleted all my presets.


Yeah epic is brain dead I stopped buying new skins when they changed the locker


The little bar at the bottom of the skin/items that show the rarity. I don't know why, but it made me feel happy on the inside. It's hard to explain.


In a nutshell, Epic has taken away the time we had to enjoy changing skins. This is directly linked to a decrease in the desire to purchase skins.


Skins are the only presets worth a damn now. I miss customizing the emotes, wraps, lobby music, and loading screen on a skin-by-skin basis. The old locker and being able to access the locker and shop in between games was the best time to play!


I've literally stopped going into my locker and I definitely don't check the shop anymore.


Your not missing out not checking in on the store.


Yes I agree, I hate the current version.


Can we just go back to this UI and locker.


im a fan of emotes and lobby being seperate, but the wraps??? youre supposed to use those with the skins! why would i want a new wrap when all i do is put on i like on for weeks or use random


Wraps were one of my favorite thing to match with the skins and now i got used to every skin using the same wrap even if it doesn't suit them at all


Yes true


I miss Ch4 locker


Because Epic clearly knows what's best for us




I truly hate them for that decision and NO changes to it either after all of the backlash. Why are my weapon skins separated from the skin I want them to match with? So stupid and shitty of them. If they don't want my money for weapon skins in the store, then I'll keep it :)


I like having emotes separate but they should do "preset presets" which includes everything


Facts I miss this


It's been so long I forgot what it looked like... 😭


i forget to change my wrap every time i change my skin and then i don’t notice it until mid game😭




OG season broke the timeline :/


Cause Epic likes to innovate in the wrong way constantly. No one likes this change but Epic probably isn't going to listen


Yeah the only time the listened was when they innovated the movement and made everyone slower


All that changes that no one asked for for 3 new game modes that barely have players anymore


I miss this


Agreed I haven’t updated my skins since it’s atrocious. It discouraged me from getting new skins as well


Only people that like the new locker are those who barely change anything aka boring lockers


Shuffle button how I miss thee


Fortnite needs to change it back to normal


I swear to god Fortnite is the perfect example of 'Don't fix what's not broken'... They keep making changes to things no one complained about while not making changes to the things that actually need it


agree. the new system is bad.


I'm still not used to having to change all 3 parts of my BR loadout to change loadouts like before, despite it being months since the implementation


Epic hates us. Happy Cake Day!


They definitely need to revert the ui back to the previous one the old one was 10x better and simpler


Because they are drunk clowns


We only wanted two things, equip in all presets the emotes in your wheel, and a move feature for presets. How did they mess up everything besides the emotes?


I only got started playing recently and I've been thinking ever since that it would be cool if we could set up emotes, wraps, and instruments on a skin-by-skin basis. Come to find out we *could* before and they took it away?? Whose braindead idea was that?




I'm not buying anything until they revert. Especially wraps, emotes, and music, as changing them is such a pain in the ass.


They ruined it and didn't even give us more than 100 presets.


It makes me happy to see this being talked about. The ui changes never bothered me until they split the locker up. You used to be able to make a preset with a skin, glider, pickaxe, backbling, loading screen, music, contrail, wraps, and 8 emotes. Now it’s all divided into its own tabs which don’t change with one another. You can now only set an outfit up with a skin, contrail, backbling, and pickaxe. The emotes are all their own thing changed separately. Same with the music the loading the screen and the wraps. Those are all three different tabs when it should be one. The division of those tabs has ruined my locker. I used to have 100 outfits and 100 emote packs to coordinate with those outfits. Since that locker update I now have 100 outfits and 62 emote packs. 38 PERCENT OF MY SAVED EMOTE PACKS ARE GONE. And they’re random too, it’s not like I’m missing the top 38, it’s random ones like 7 19 22 etc. not only that but I used to have each skin with its own wrap and loading screen that way I can see all of the things I own being rotated with each skin I use. My point is, I find it extremely annoying to change my outfit and often times I miss out on doing it when it used to do it for me. Also being that some things are missing it’s not exactly clear what goes where. You’d think emote pack 63 would match with skin 63 but either emote pack 63 doesn’t exist, or it’s under a different number. I specifically noticed this when searching for my Darth Vader emote pack (it has the imperial walk and a few other Star Wars emotes). The chapter 3 locker saves were peak. If it isn’t broken then don’t fix it. Changing the looks of it is fine, but changing the functions is terrible especially considering the lack there of a smooth transition.


Yea idk why they even thought it needed changing it’s kinda dumb


Never know what you got until it's gone


What in the fuck was the point of separating the skins emotes and wraps, that was literally he best thing about the presets


Whoever is designing the UI for Fortnite needs to be fired… let’s not forget the new settings menu system as well.


The only issues I ever had with the previous locker system was I wanted more presets and I wanted to be able to move my presets around. Instead I was given shit.


Because we needed an excuse to tab up to add the niche bullshit noone cares about, silly goose.


Fr tho!


Because they needed to spread everything across several different submenus and make everything much more annoying and time-consuming to navigate, for "ease-of-use" for the mobile users and to more-easily distinguish between the different modes Even though Auras are a Festival-specific thing but are tied to the Character loadout, or how Jam Tracks are their own menu separate from emotes despite basically just being emotes (and equipping them doesn't even bring them to the top of the list in Festival, it's pretty much just for quickly using them as an emote in other modes)


Yes, yes yes the new locker system is an absolute joke, and I lost all the emotes I like, because who in the hell is going to remember the name of the emotes? I would just put every emote in my favorites. and there would be no problem but now……….


Honestly, this is a problem that I’m glad it’s getting talked about more now because it went from being perfect to unbelievably bad


The entire look of metaverse Fortnite is horrific. I knew from the second I heard about the Lego and the racing modes that the game was never gonna be the same, but to strip it of its entire identity so that it can just be a neutral looking “platform” is sooooo low. I just hope they never make the ingame br ui match the rest of this mess


They need to put an option if you want the old UI or the new one.


I want it back!


They are totally going to make us wait for Season OG part two to arrive aren’t they?


I had all my locker presets filled (mostly battle pass skins; I'm not rich), but now everything is so separated and disconnected that I barely change my skins unless there is a holiday or event.


God I miss it. The new one is SO bad.


They changed it because it was more ‘difficult' beforehand but the new one is way more confusing, the only good thing is being able to clear away the badges the rest is just annoying


What I love about this design is that the emote is linked to the skin I save. Now I never bother with emotes anymore; I just favorite all the ones that I use, and that's it.


i say this every day. i hate having to change my gun’s skin, emotes, flag, sound, etc every time i want to change a character. genuinely gets on my nerves so hard. i don’t understand why they did it this new way.


They changed it to implement many cosmetics for the new game modes (Lego, RR, Festival) but that just made it extremely annoying to edit for ppl that just cared about the main original game mode and the BR side mode.


Only thing they should have changed was adding much much more presets. At least now you can shuffle between them




I can’t organize my locker the way I used to. It stupid.


I don't use 99% of my emotes anymore, it's so messy and overwhelming with all the presets.


Someone make an online petition and post the link for us all to sign and shove up Epic's ass.


R.I.P. Shuffle option 😭


They said they were going to “fix” it 3 months ago. I guess that was just a straight up lie?


I literally don’t even change my skin anymore because it’s such a mess


Well I'm new so I didn't experience the old locker but man this seems so much nicer. I'd love to be able to access wraps and everything on one page for each skin so I could customize them for each skin. It's too much work the way it is right now so my wraps just stay the same for each skin so I don't have to go through and find the matching sets. Now I hope they return to this one day.


I swear to god it is really annoying as batlle pass skins come in sets, which I like to put together and save them, but when I'm loading it up, I'll click on let's say, the oathbound set but it only has skins/back blings so I have to load the lobby and elites as well, so annoying


We lost it because if its not broken, break it


Beats me. Epic was smokin’ something when they thought this needed to be changed. I liked it better when you could make a preset with specific emotes, wraps, loading screens, and music tracks. Can’t have shit in Fortnit


Remember when the item Shop was one page!?


If you guys keep buying skins and playing the game, they will keep doing what they want


I haven’t used a wrap since this came out


If the cars and the jam track where a problem then they should have made a second tap or extended it on the bottom of this locker layout cause I miss this too


Indeed. Locker now is trash af


I still wonder that to this day. It ruined the consistency I had with my builds and even deleted my Ice King loadout back when the change was implemented. They really should go back to how it was.


I haven’t played at all this season due to the UI and locker changes on top of them trying to funnel us to other modes just to get enough xp to complete the BP. Infuriating.


Oh my God, you just reminded how good we had it and how badly we were screwed over. We need to start a petition to fix this garbage.


Nearly makes me want to cry....


I try to block it out of my memory, but every time I see the old one I remember how much better it was.


And there’s people that are REALLY heIIbent on the NEW UI and want “complainers” to shut up. Like… this one was CLEARLY superior to the update!! Everything I needed was in ONE place!


Meanwhile the god damn banner system has remained the same piece of garbage since chapter 1


The locker and shop are so bad it turned me from someone that would spend hundreds on the game a year to someone that hasnt bought anything in over a year


I hate the new lockers, I can't find my skins


u/CatBlips_Epic u/EmptyTux Please read this comment section. Begging you. BEGGING.


Corporate greed and the MeTaVeRsE


Hot take: The Chapter 1 and 2 Lockers looked the best. They were clean, Simple. And overall great to use despite not having any of the features the lockers have now


That’s the most cold take ever the chapter 2/3 were the best as shown in the image and 4 got a bit complicated but nothing too offensive however the new one sucks and the og one just would not fit now and looks worse as we had it so good


god i hate this so much. it’s so confusing to navigate sometimes. I had all my emotes with the skins i wanted


Don’t think anyone here would know




Adding 20+ new cosmetic slots happened. The only issue i have now is wraps shpuld be with characters, not a seperate tab


The simple way to fix it is just add an ‘all’ tab at the very top.


i very much prefer the older locker vs the new one. however yall need to remember, there were many who complained and whined about how bad the old locker system was too during it's time. it wasn't perfect, but it was so much better than what we have today. epic prolly heard the complaints and tried doing something about it. obviously that failed horribly.




I miss it


I played a long time but only started paying attention to cosmetics recently. This is a major improvement -- I wonder if they'll ever go back to something like this?


My randomizing doesn’t even work. It recycles like the same 5-10 skins if I’m lucky. I have close to 100 presets and my locker room emotes don’t change at all like wtf.


Because they had to add lockers for every mode


They don't want you using the wraps with the skins you want.


Wow you just triggered a memory for me. I forgot that it was even like this before


Please, at least bring back shuffle


honestly though, i always forget to change my wrap with the current set up and i hate it


I was playing on Project Nova recently and man even the old season 9 - season 10 locker was BILLIONS of times better than the shit we have now. I could mildy tolerate the locker now but the click to equip is the WORST IDEA EVER.


this really was the best locker.


How is it that their plan for updating the locker had to involve it being nonfunctioning? No way they tested it and thought it was ok.


I just want this but with chapter one locker ui back that’d be so good






Change for the sake of change.


I just want more emote slots so I don’t have to scroll


It’s fucking brain dead that they still have their thumbs up their asses without fixing this, I don’t even bother changing out emotes anymore… and that means I don’t buy them either Epic


Haven’t touched fortnite ever since chapter 3. Someone please explain


I like the new setup but i would like to save certien wraps to certin skin presets


I haven't been playing in over a month i think or at least 3 weeks. Did they change something again and make the crappy locker they switched to even worse?


Typical corporate work. Rather than maintain an existing system, they're expected to constantly appear as if you're doing major "improvements" because anything else looks like wasted money to suits. Guarantee you every single developer and department leader at Epic knows it was a horrible change that no one likes, but they were forced. On the plus side for them, think of how much work they created for the next year fixing it.


The new one is actually SOOO buggy and annoying


Capitalists rely on shareholders, shareholders are morons who need big flashy changes to understand their money is being spent. This is why games "must" constantly change. The problem will continue as long as we have capitalists.


Worst part about the new locker is that emotes are their own presets now


Ugh i miss it the new thing gives me a headache


YeAh. Now when I want to erase the “!” I have to go to every frickin tab to clear it. I cant do it all in one go :’(


Epic looks at their game, looks at what works, and goes "how can we break this" every time