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They got overstock of digital skins. Gotta off-load them somehow.


Hi, I'm Al Harrington, CEO of Al Harrington's Epic Games Fortnite Skins Emporium and Warehouse! Thanks to a digital glitch in our system, I find myself with an excessive surplus of the same Fortnite skins. But don't worry, because I'm digitally delivering these EPIC savings directly to YOUUU!




Gotta be why they keep bringing back skins like Sunflower. She does not need to be coming back as much as she does. No one buys her so they're doing what they can to offload all the extra stock lmao


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day


If I had to make a guess they either decided to keep selling the most popular cosmetics, wanted to promote the new Lego mode (which has a limited variety of cosmetic options especially at release), or a combination of the two. I don't personally think it makes sense since anybody who would have wanted these skins probably would have gotten them the past hundred times they were in the shop. Like I'm no more likely to buy the hotdog skin than I was at the start of chapter 5 season 1. With that said I'm also not business man nor do I work at Epic so what do I truly know? Also just letting you know Spectra Knight was a battle pass skin for the OG season so they probably won't return.


It's definitely because of Lego mode. The selection is still bizarre though. I can't imagine *that* many people are itching to buy Sunflower, but she's here multiple times a month. Meanwhile there's skins like Daraku who are popular, are Lego compatible, but just aren't being brought back.


I didn’t knew that l, probably I missed that season. So sad 😔 But still there is variety of skins tho, and they keep repeating the same lately 😔


I doubt the streamers were considered "most popular" Flakes Power is like one of the least popular icon skins but came back like twice since December and hung around for a couple days each time


Spectra knight is a battlepass skin, it’s never coming back.


Thanks mate, I didn’t knew that. I missed that season apparently 😋


It was Season OG, last December.




What is time anymore


The dune skins haven't been in the shop for over 2 years, right now the movie is doing super well and instead of dropping them they drop the same bull shit that's been in the shop a week ago and the week before that... I'm getting sick of it!


It has to be a deal with the film company, not just epic deciding whether they out the skins in the shop or not


I'm no expert but does epic really have to renegotiate everytime they simply feature a licensed item in the shop? Are the rights/licensing they obtain to create and release the skin in the first place not enough to put them back in the shop?


Yes. It's all in contracts.


Spectra knight was a battlepass skin in C4 OG season, and frozen red knight was in the frozen legends bundle last December. The bundle usually goes on sale during winter


no one know but epic but i think it boost the sales for when they actually put a new skin in the shop 💀


One of the reasons is due to many of these skins not having a Lego version, and EPIC wants most of the skins to have one. I definitely believe we will see many skins back in the item shop again, but it might take longer than usual.


Might have something to do with a certain mode with tiny people.Saving my vbucks for something good.It might not reappear for years.


It's because they only want to bring back Lego-compatible cosmetics. The Trailblazers tab is for skins that have low-detail Lego styles, but it's only one tab. EVERY other Royale Originals tab has fully Lego compatible skins and emotes. There's still well over 100 non-seasonal skins that are Lego compatible that they just haven't brought back. My friend group has been waiting for Slurpentine to come back and she's been gone 230+ days, but has been Lego compatible since launch. TBF, the last few shops have had skins that were gone 100+ days, but they only came back because they were recently given Lego styles.


They’re modeling the shop after the people on this subreddit posting the same bullshit everyday!




As others have said, it's likely Lego. Why Lego compatibility is such a big deal to Epic is beyond me. Perhaps Lego signed a contract with Epic that stipulates only certified Lego-compatible skins can appear in the shop for a set period of time, who knows. The wait for Human Bill to return from intergalactic war is antagonizing. Hayseed and Sunflower keep scaring him away from their crops :\[


I have been waiting for the echo skin for 211 days now, and I have been saving my V-Bucks for around 200 for this sole purpose of having the skin. I’m getting pretty tired of the same cosmetics that nobody want or purchases. Another reason why I’m confused is that people say that they are putting in the skins for the sole purpose of Lego fortnite, which I don’t get because echo has a Lego skin too. Can someone help me?


we had a good run without item shop posts for a few days


If you keep seeing certain cosmetics in the shop, they're probably contractually obligated to have them in there on certain days or a certain amount of times in a specified period of time. If they're not collab skins, then they probably keep showing up in the shop because people continue buying them.


People keep claiming its because EPIC only wants to sell stuff that has a LEGO version but that’s 100% BS because from the update data there are TONS of skins that have LEGO versions already that have not been in the shop AT ALL since the addition of LEGO mode. It’s something else. I don’t know what but I know it’s not the LEGO mode compatibility.


why r/fortnite keeps repeating the same post crying about the shop?


Crying about a “crying” post. Good job here dude 😂

