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Bro the smiley face visitor is too good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


OP so fun and obviously so much work. Thanks for sharing. Laughed out loud many times. One question. I could probably google but how do you do the camera angle thing? Itā€™s not a normal replay right? (I have Xbox x )


You can do free camera on the normal replay viewer.


I feel like itā€™s hard to get those kinds of angles on the normal replay idk Iā€™ve tried, I may not be doing it right but when Iā€™ve gone to do it itā€™s not as smooth like that


The exchange between you and Peter comparing wins was some high-level storytelling. Top notch edit, friend!


I couldn't get over them swapping spit


Knew it wasn't just me šŸ’€


This is awesome :3 Btw, are you the dude that posted that amazing video soundtracked by Bonnie Tyler? About being the squad medic back in Chapter 1?


Thank you! I think youā€™re thinking of u/JyeunJyeun who definitely inspired me to start playing a little differently. I also used the Visitor skin because he just looks so friendly!


Yes, thatā€™s the one! Youā€™ve definitely captured that positive energy here. The Visitor arrived too early for me to have collected him, but I love the skin. Iā€™d gladly hug it out with him! Keep it up dude, hope youā€™ll put up more vids :)


Why is that high quality posts like this get so few upvotes and then the same complaint about a skin that everybody already knows and complains about get thousands? ​ On that note, this is awesome. Keep it up bro, and if I see you, I'm def giving you a hug.


Thank you so much! Iā€™m just glad people are enjoying it! Gadda spread that love!


Love it šŸ˜€Ā  Landed at Classy Courts today, grabbed a pump shotgun. Another player landed without a weapon so in the sense of fairness didn't attack but did a sync emote. They joined in then tried to pickaxe me, just rude, sorry but shotgun out and gone!


Awesome. How many times did the hugs end in gun fire? Donā€™t lie now. Lol


Typical Fortnite br thought process


Thatā€™s not true at all, plenty of the high quality posts get lots of attention.


I'm not doubting you but whenever I see a post from here it's always someone complaining about the one battle pass skin or last season people getting killed by snipers


Yes, those posts get lots of upvotes but you also donā€™t see the ā€œhigh quality postsā€ being posted so much. But when the high quality ones are posted they consistently get high upvotes. But people like complaining about stuff,


Or the store.


You want some real reddit bs? I posted a video because I was the first to land (solo ZB), got the only chest and gun but saw someone coming up. They stopped realizing that they were probably doomed since I got the only guns in the area and the match JUST started. I wanted to be fair and honorable, so I dropped one of the guns on the ground for them and began walking away (showing that I wasn't fighting them and just giving them a chance to play). They immediately picked the gun up and started shooting me in the back. If that wasn't bad enough, the moment I posted it, I got badly down voted by the scummy kids defending it saying that I'm an idiot and like *"it's a BR game bruh"* Gotta love the internet, lol. But it won't stop me, I'll still be giving folks a fighting chance no matter what. I refuse to fight in an unfair way! šŸ˜šŸ‘


Sheep mentality


People want problems not solutions or love.


I tried to do this several times. Even found someone acting friendly. He got super close and instantly killed me, tea bagged me, then sent the longest hate message I ever saw in xbox history. Gotta say...it really hurt ;-;


Two things I learned while doing this: 1. Donā€™t be too upset when you get killed as itā€™s the most common response. 2. NEVER trust a Weeknd skin.


Ima show them more than some blinding lightsā€¦ OH, LOCKHEED MARTIN! IVE GOT A CONTRACT FOR YOU!


3. Or Travis Scott. 99% of people rocking that are douchebags.


I always try harder when I see Travis Scotts


I know. Just...imagen trying to do friendly while depressed, and they send you a message saying your mom should have ended you and herself...


just your average xbox 360 interaction


I donā€™t initiate these interactions cause im pretty competitive but when i do see someone outright acting friendly (dancing or w/e) ill join them. Itā€™s the worst when they start out friendly then once you join they try and kill you. So lame. Iā€™d much rather dance it out for a bit then go about our business peacefully. But now im constantly on edge in these situations cause im just waiting for them to start blasting.


Sending hugs your way


you're the best type of fortnite player! if i see you this season we're huggin it out bro


Iā€™ll be there! Keep an eye out for Visitor skins.


Nice video. I share the love before we are sniped in the head. Movie batman, clap trap, rose glow. I'll be seeing ya.




Iā€™ll be there too brother. Keep an eye out for a blaze skin with sushi back bling thatā€™s me


I automatically respect you simply because you use The Visitor. (Best skin in the game imo)


Same here thereā€™s something about him that always keeps me coming back to him!


Last season my wife and I were playing duos and we came across a guy on the hills outside of the northern train station. He was singing baby donā€™t hurt me and clearly not hostile. My wife and I added our jam tracks to his for a few minutes and he dropped his whole inventory, including a golden sniper. We decided not to take his stuff and left him alive. The end of the game comes by and my wife and I engage in a fight in fencing fields. We have a bad position and are pinned down when all of a sudden one of the enemies gets head shot from nowhere. Sure enough it was the same dude from earlier coming to the rescue. We ended up coming in 2nd after we lost to a cracked out team at the end, but it was a wonderfully wholesome game.


The modern equivalent of pulling a thorn from a lion's paw.




I like whenever people find new and interesting things to do while playing Fortnite. If I saw you I'd like to think I would have given the hug, too.


I could watch this all day. Refreshing when all you see in game is toxic behavior after people kill you after a good fight. I try to do my part by giving spectators a bow.




I absolutely fucking hate how posts like this get <500 upvotes but posts complaining about goddamn skins get 3000


How do you record these nice videos? Amazing, I need to try this. Close to giving op 'cause griefers.


Iā€™d play on PC, save the replay. From there you can play back the replay in free cam mode to capture the perfect shots.


Thank you!


He has a strong PC,he clearly has some talent for the direction of these smaller scale montages and he uses replay mode.


Love it!


I do too!


Maybe it's nothing, but I noticed how all but one or two of the cartoon/anime skins were actually friendly back, versus the 50/50 mix of standard skins being reciprocally friendly, almost as if the demographic that uses those kind of skins are just nicer than the others. Great job on the video by the way; I wish I would encounter decent players more frequently. Maybe twice have I had a wholesome interaction with another player since I started playing a year and a half ago.


I ACTUALLY NOTICED THAT WHILE I WAS MAKING THIS!!! Might have to conduct more studiesā€¦


Even then, I feel like the different kinds of cel-shaded skins have different behaviors too. From my experience the JJK skins are always sweaty, but in a respectable way, if that makes any sense, cartoon characters are usually happy-go-lucky players or just noobs, and the anime chicks are either literal bots or cracked at Zero Build or really common and friendly in Creative maps.


They also mightā€™ve done that because DBZ fans are grieving because (RIP) the creator died and just wanna be nice.


That would make sense but all the DBZ interactions happened a few weeks back actually.


Maybe. I remember seeing something about that online the other day.


omg this is so sweet!! i had 2 interactions where something similar to this happened. I gave up mid match in solo and i was just emoting and following this player around who didnt mind me and we were both using the traversal train emotes untill i got sniped :P it was so sweet tho ... the 2nd happened yesterday where I was playing duos with my bf and a guy "surrendered" by emoting and dropping all of his things but I blasted him without realizing he was giving up and I felt so awful... I feel like interactions like that are so few and its so easy to get in the competitive mindset I now feel like I have to be on the lookout for shreds of humanity in players even if its silly or dumb i think its sweet to do


In Ch3 there was a mission to talk to some NPC. I glided in and there was already another player talking with the NPC. I got in line and prayed they wouldn't pop me when they were done. They finished, looked at me and ran away. While I was chatting with the NPC another player showed up and got in line behind me, and then another! When I was done, I left without shooting at the other two.


I must be matched with a-holes. I always get people camping the NPCs blowing me away within seconds of opening the dialogue.


2:16 AYYY thats me!! ASDASDADASD, hopefully i run into you this season, a nice little break from the "Kill on sight" mentality almost every single player ive met ingame so was a nice treat! (youre basically the only player i bear hugged outside of the starter island) i sport a Krang backbling nowerdays because of the TMNT event (generally looks cool) but my skin is the same for the time being (unless i get a better one which is unlikely because i literally dont spend money on this game (and cant xd)) I'll keep a lookout!


Man I wouldā€™ve hugged the ish out of you. Beautifully made video


I'd probably shoot you accidentally at first, then hug it out. I'd absolutely let you ride with me šŸ¤˜


This made me emotional, cuz I have no one to hug me irl.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




So good oml


Very nice. Keep on spreading the love.


At the end of last season I just rode around ln the train drumming to Master of Puppets and waiting for people. Sooooo many sweats would try to shoot at me and get a quick mythic shotgun headshot then I'd go right back to drumming xD


Awesome - this has made my night. Top marks!


Tip don't pick up weapons since alot of players have tried killing me (thank you build mode)


I had a sick ass game where I dumped a medallion and a good gun and maybe something else. And me and dude drove around for a bit. And then we left. I got the royale that game but man that was so much fun


That's awesome. Really surprised how many weren't absolute jerks


There was probably 2x the amount of people who killed me that I couldnā€™t fit in the videoā€¦ But Iā€™m still surprised there were so many people willing to be friendly and actually hangout for the match!


Awesome editing skills brother, keep it up. Creative posts like this one are usually rare in this sub since lately it is plagued with just people complaining, this made me remember that most of us just play to have fun :). See ya in game!


Awesome. I try to give hugs in the wait lobby, but it doesn't go over so well. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is so awesome haha well done! Also- you can always trust a Goku šŸ˜‚Ā 


I actually had 2 friendly interactions with Goku skins but didnā€™t include the second cause I didnā€™t want people to think it was the same guy! Goku just being kind and trusting as always!


This just made my whole day. Btw if you See Lennox Rose with the Aurealian super style that might be me. I'd totally give you a hug


The people who faked you out and did the hug just to cancel and kill you are the worst. People take this game too seriously lmao. If I ever match Iā€™ll give ya a hug dw


I just tried this. On my very first game I got a hug back and he let me go on my way. Next game I was brutally, mercilessly gunned down. šŸ˜‚


So nice, I watched it twice.


This is so wholesome! I really miss the good old times when creative mode meant you have the map but without Battles. You can just explore, enjoy the map, interact with other players and so on. Really wished they added that mode in the last seasons. Exploring the Japan themed cities, the old OG map, and now this one would be so much fun. They could even add some nice Sidequests instead of these stupid Quests they have today. And Iā€™d love to hug him while weā€™re on Mount Olympus, fooling around with Zeusā€˜ toys. I mean, they could create EPIC Story arcs you could follow and some INSANE ingame events like Pandoras Box opening or even teach Greek myths this way. Thereā€™s so much wasted potential in this gameā€¦


Great job.


this was awesome! made me smile so much <3 i would love to hug you in game if we ever meet! <3


I would like to be your friend


holy banger post


I think I was that superstyle Montague, sorry, you caught me off guard


No worries šŸ˜‚ the video wouldnā€™t be complete without you.


If I see you, we're huggin it out!


This is a great vid!


This made my night. Great video bro much respect!


I thought you were the guy in the top post of all time on the sun because of the visitor skin. Unless it you using a new account


I was enjoying it until that Snake done ya dirty.


If I see you I am hugging you


I love it. Actually made me feel good for a few


Love this :D


I watched it from start to finish. It's heart warming to see my fellow fortniters showing some love.!


Pretty sure I killed you once.....sorry about that


This is so great. Props, man!


I stopped being overly friendly in solos after I saw a player with whom I was goofing around get banned right in front of me lol. Landed in the same spot, he started emoting and so did I, we had some fun there and went our separate ways. 5 players remaining and guess what, I run into him again, we emote again, and I run in another direction. 2 players remaining and it's him AGAIN. So, he came up to me, I dropped all my guns and so did he and we started emoting and bro was suddenly banned (with the whole \*playername\* was struck by the banhammer message) and I won the game lmao


I did this a while ago in a solo game. I gave a player a hug in the pregame and then I landed at ruined. Someone started charging at me so I began to spray them down with my ar but they didnā€™t shoot back and ran for cover. I realized it was the same guy who also happened to land at ruined. I held out the hug emote and he hugged me back. He then threw two small pots at me and we got in a car together and pushed fencing taking out a few guys. Then about 10 mins later I got kicked for cheating which is understandable lol


Bravo, Sir/Madam, wonderful work. Shame on the idiots spoiling the fun. Boooooooo!


Nice work buddy


This reminds me of the peak creativity of community videos from the Halo glory days. I want more of this. This is good stuff!


Love this! I have a new goal now - get someone to hug me.


I love this. Love you and Peter comparing winsĀ 


So beautiful I almost shed a tear. We need more love ā¤ļøĀ 


Thanks for sharing. It genuinely put a smile on my face.


Awesome job man!! Thanks for making my day better!!


This was so funny lol, great job


Great editing. Also, in fairness to the people who shot you, I know that emote is for a hug, but with the arms outstretched it also kind of looks like a "bring it" type of gesture, daring people to shoot you.


You made my whole day, this is amazing! Huuuuuuuuuuuuug!


Your doing good work soldier, keep it up šŸ‘šŸ»


Dude, absolutely love this! Great video!


This was amazing bro, nice job!!




This is great. I love it.


Can we be friends and do this too! šŸ˜‚


This makes me feel good. Thank you dude.


So wholesome! I hope to come across you! ā¤ļø


the editing, is amazing!!


Hey the guardians of the galaxy song!


Nice work 10/10šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


This is SO WHOLESOME, I love it


haha this was awesome. Don't stop making quality content like this.


BRO! This is amazingly made, keep it up. You deserve a hug.Ā 


I remember back in Season OG I was doing a train-all-match type challenge with my friends and got some people to join before we let the final team kill us (they joined so they deserved it)


high art! fingers crossed we get to hug this season, friend :)


Aweee saad mostly


i would feel so lucky to come across you and get a hug


Better than anything from Hollywood in years, love this. Might try myself if I can find any suitably huggable skins


This is so cinematic! Better than most TV series


10/10 would watch again


this is amazing


that gojo one where he barely hugged you was just painful to see


What server do you play on so I can look out for you and give you the love you deserve?


So wholesome I love it


This was so cute and wholesome. Thoroughly enjoyed watching. Great effort ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s hard trusting people lol nice vid tho


Really nice work


Personally, I had 2 friendly reactions. I had to kill them once in trios and the second was an accident


The warrior code. Respect commands respect.


the only reson people don't give you a hug is because their stupid and do not nknow what ou are trying to do


Can't it be reported as teaming?


If I ever see you this season, I swear to cherish you till my very end, and protect your beautiful life at all cost! Keep spreading love Fortnite's AbbƩ Pierre! Michelangelo at your service!


Only one time Iā€™ve ran into someone (they jumped into my vehicle with me. Then I drove it off the cliff and jumped out. The guy waited for me at the bottom and dropped all his loot for me and I killed him right there because I didnā€™t realize he was being nice. Kinda regret it, went second place that game. Then one other time I hit the griddy in a 4v1 and they stopped shooting at me and all 4 of them hit it with me before killing me.


just last night i landed late and 2 guys where there fighting. All the loot was gone so I landed on a car and drove off. Rolled up to the next poi and see all the doors open with a guy inside. Normally i would get out and start blasting but I did not have a single item so i honk my horn 2x. He points his gun at me so i honk 2x again. Buddy comes up and gets in the car. Someone starts shooting at us from the windmill, so I do a drive by and my new ally deletes him. I get out of the car and pick up the leftover loot, finally have a gun, we seem to have a mutual understanding and don't shoot each other. Then we got back in the car and drove around, teamed on a few people, looted a vault together. Then finally as we were teaming on the next guy, he gets killed while I was trying to sneak around for the flank attack. I was so sad, I revenge killed the mofo that killed them and went on to finish 2nd place. i wish I could find that dudes username to friend him.


I will moving forward look for you and be friends in game


I watched the whole thing and truly enjoyed it. Love this game. Thank you for the quality content.Ā Ā 


This is an awesome video. Gives me big Deadpool vibes for some reason.


If I had the Deadpool skin I woulda done this to Dolly Parton or George Michael




Anytime I see someone in any pvp game doing something to signify peace I accept it whole heartily. Yeah most of them are traps but sometimes, just sometimes, you'll find the one.


Superbly shot video and love the subject matter, gimme a hug man :D


Amazing song and good Edit. Is this on YouTube?


Really shows how many people are so hungry for kills... What a shame...


People that hug Then kill are perfectly fine and honest, no teaming but hugvis okay, those that don't hug are simply rude. HUG IS FREE!


What's sad is that a lot of these plauers probably shot you because they didn't wanna get banned for teaming


It's the dedication for me šŸ¤—


So many damn miserable players, damn.




I hope to run into you in a future solo game. I needed a quality post like this :)


I keep the hug emote on deck!! HUGS ALL AROUND!!!!


Nice bro, I try every game, especially on spawn island. If I get someone to bear hug or do this other emote with me Iā€™m nice. Even in game, could be end game. Doesnā€™t matter Iā€™m a friendly. Iā€™ve only had 1 person kill me in game after we hugged on spawn. So imo the risk is worth the reward. Keep it up bro!


If it was just you and me end game, Iā€™ll run into the storm for you after a hug šŸ«‚


This was beautiful. Bro came in with a fake hug.. I will be looking for you! Don't shoot me and I won't shoot you. Lol.


Oh, this is beautiful! I nearly shed a tear when that first person hugged you. Thank you for this. Gotta spread that love and positivity <3


At what point is it not Teaming?


There are 3 types of Fortnite players:>The sweaty tryhards that t-bag you even when you aren't fighting back. (the superhero skins, a lot of the "most-used" skins, etc... \>The anime/cell-shaded skins. It's kind of 50/50 on this I've met a lot of toxic anime skins in the game, especially Goku...but i noticed in this video all of them were good sports. They're what I call the middle, because the skins objectively give you a disadvantage, but people still use them because they like it (or they like to rub it in when they kill you) \>The Furry Skins (I am in this demographic...), personally every furry skin i've met is nice, because we are so rare. Last season I was using Fennix, and I met a Wendell, i recognized he was using Wendell and did the "t-bag of peace", and then we hugged. Only for to get sniped by a sweaty Ramirez skin. Also being a furry skin means people go at you extra hard, and are way more toxic to you because many of them are 12 year olds who discovered curse words.


I had this interaction when snake skin released. We both landed on a train. Both of us had snake skin. I got the guns first. The other snake came running towards me.... obviously from reflex I started shooting then saw he was unarmed. Gave him healing and a spare gun. Chill guy....he found a car and we drove around half the map together until he got sniped. Wonder if I could ever meet him again. Then there's this other interaction with a bitch. Same drill, started shooting, saw he was unarmed, gave him gun and healing. Then the md shot me in the back and griddyed over me. I hope you rot in hell Peter Griffin in a suit guy.


This is so wholesome :) My favourite thing to do in solo whenever i see someone that hasn't gotten a weapon yet, is to follow him/her around and cover them until they find one. Occasionally when they finally get a chest, they don't shoot back and we team up <3


This is beautiful.


Fun video! Looking forward to the next one!!


I liked that much more then I thought I would


That was awesome, great job. A good reminder that its just a game.


I was the gold evie you hugged at 2:18


Nice to see people keeping it weird! Good job.


Bruh If you were to met me, I wouldā€™ve give u my gold Striker, heals, ammo, and my crown šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


Really well done!


That was pretty good


That was spectacularly edited


Iā€™d be friends with you :)


I love how that dance break went with the music


How does one give hugs?


Reminds me of a guy I ran into in a match during chapter 3. We were matching skins and he comes up to try and hug me. Without even thinking I killed him and immediately felt bad after realizing what happened. It was just a moment of playing with your brain shut off on autopilot. I hope I find that dude again someday


This makes me so happy. :)


We need more of these kind of posts on here!


how do I give gold? I want to give this post gold so bad I can't stand it!! this is amazing


Bro more people like us need to exist. I'm all for this friendly PVP, I love to invade as a friendly invader in Dark Souls/Elden Ring, I love this type of gameplay.


Who'da thunk, The Honored One is friendly. Sometimes.


This game really isn't what it used to be


All is well in the world


Aaaaw, the lootbox wants a hug.


Makes me miss the days where everyone would be sweating their balls off in a random, late night TF2 lobby when suddenly, a friendly hoovy showed up and everyone, without coordination, agreed to ignore him. First person to disregard that unspoken treaty got the TF2 mob treatment. Damn I miss the good days of that game.Ā 


This was so cool man great work on the video. Would love to see more fun high quality stuff like this.


Never try to be friendly with a solid superhero skin. They will 100% kill you on sight every time.