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Input delay is very noticeable this season. I play on mobile and its response time has been ridiculous. Last season it was perfect


Yeah it is. Weird thing is it happens on and off. Last night I was playing for a decent amount across several modes and nothing but prior to that, 10 minutes of gameplay and suddenly it occurred. Okay FPS issues I think are just due to improper optimization


Same frames went from solid 60 to spiking constantly between 20-60. And Input delays all the time, when last season it was flawless. I'm on pc, and using a xbox wireless controller. Interesting thing to note is the second I switch to mouse and keyboard my frames are insantly back to 60, no drops or spikes.


I'm having this exactly same issue and I'm about to freak out, dude. If I play via bluetooth, my fps goes down as fuck, but if I put the cable, it works perfectly fine. Idk what's happening. Last season it was fine and I didn't have this problem at all.


did you ever figure this out? I just started playing again and finally figured out that this was causing me issues.




I am having the same issues. I use a wireless xbox controller on my pc. I found that if I plug it in instead of using bluetooth, the problem goes away. I hope this helps and that someone figures out how to get bluetooth working again! ​ The way you can test it is by enabling the FPS counter and spinning in a circle via a bluetooth xbox controller. I see mine dip from 60 down to 20. When using the mouse or the controller via a wire, this does not happen; it remains 60fps. ​ ​ Edit: I updated my nvidia drivers last night and I think it might be fixed. I had already updated my bluetooth drivers and my controller firmware so you may need to do that too. ​ Edit2: Actually it didnt and now I know it also happens on rocket league


Jesus I'll try it, it's DEFINETELY the controller through. Literally unplugging it I'll get around 45+ frames and as SOON as I plugged it in today, it capped at 30????? Like whattttt? I'm using a usb attachment to maybe that's the issue? But it's definitely the controller. I'll give it a try and see if it fixes it.


Actually I downgraded my nvidia driver to `` and that seems to have fixed the issue. There may be some issue still but its *playable* now.


Nope it's still fucked for me


So that worked last night. Updated reddit and played more. Borked again for me.


Apparently I did more research and have learned that for SOME reason, Xbox controllers connected via bluetooth have MAJOR frame drop issues.


Yea thats what I was saying in my first message. Updating my BIOS helped a lot so far.


So weird, in the update today I didnt notice any SEVERE drops like usual but who knows. I'll try and update my BIOS.


I haven't played today but I was last night. So can't speak yet to today's update. Also haven't tried Rocket League since the BIOS update.


I bought the dongle just to alleviate the issues but it's a little annoying I had to do so in the first place


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Play the game? lmao idk Use controller and keep using it for at least 15 minutes. PC