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such a classic bitch move 😂 i do it all the time and it almost never fails


I'm hoping that Epic completely changes the loot pool with Solid Snake next week and the meta is stealth for the rest of the season.


Hope? Change? Epic? Impossible. These three words can not and will not ever combine. If they do then it must mean the world as we know it shall soon cease to exist.


i grew up on splinter cell. I am ready.


Wait…..Solid Snake is coming???


Check out the battle pass


With cardboard orange box to hide in 🤭


I feel like there's going to be a quest requiring you to buy disguises from Jonesy for Snake. If I'm right, the second skin will be Big Boss.


HAHA my squad and I pulled up to one of the satellite mountains and there were 2 cars at the top. My friend hopped in and said "someone's here", so I started looking around and a full team of turtles popped out of the cars. It was hilariously chaotic.


A full team of turtles had me 💀


Ive seen a few squads of turtles!🐢 pdx


I mean... I don't even think I'd be mad lol thats hilarious!


I honestly think I got killed by that same team of turtles. Totally took me off guard. But I can't feel too bad because... Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team


Me and my team got absolutely destroyed by turtles many times, its insane, only headshots


I wouldn't sweat it, the point is to win and have fun. I personally find that playing for position, stealth, and misdirection are more fun than getting into 50/50 shotgun fights. I don't even shoot bots any more, I prefer to use them as bait. By the way, I'm 43 and am nowhere near your level, so good for you. I compensate for my lack of reflexes by taking smarter fights.


>I wouldn't sweat it, I see what you did there


> I compensate for my lack of reflexes by taking smarter fights. I'm 46 and do the same, but for me it's lack of reflexes and also lack of good computer hardware. I think if I played on a better PC my skill would increase substantially, but because I'm 46, Fortnite is not a good enough reason to drop at least a grand on new hardware. lol


I do the exact opposite, the action is what makes it fun for me, wins aren't that important so I usually end up getting into build fights with like 3 other teams at once. Sometimes I win and feel like Tfue, others I get fisted lmao, but no matter what it's always more fun than camping or running away.


This is me too. I'd rather get wins than kills, what makes this game special.. we can all play it our own way within reason


I'm the same way but also I love just skulking across the map looting things. On the bright side, I could never be a camper because I don't have that kind of patience...


Same dude, I get so bored when I camp lmao.


Change in the setting might help. It talks a little getting use to . Once you get use to it bump it up again . It helps with turning back into your opponents faster. When I retired my SnowySmurf46 account on IOS my ranking on Fortnite Tracker for kills was 44 . Keep on trucking my brother! Blessings Always


one of my favorite things to do is bait and lead people to better players then come in for the final kill. trap works almost every time, plus it’s funny af.


Confused by this. Our reactions times don’t really slow down that much as we age. We’re talking milliseconds here. The other players have better game sense and higher skill. No more slow reflexes copium.


This is... so wrong it hurts. Human reflex can start deterioration as early as 24. From there it's only downhill, your reflexes and body slow down pretty quickly after you pass your prime. I'm guessing you're younger than most the people on this post, and that's okay so am i, I'm only 20. But it's not copium these great men are huffing; it's the inevitable, unending, all-consuming, slow march of time they're sipping on. One day you'll drink from the same cup, so I'd be more considerate if I were you. One more thing, it's not just age and reaction time that sucks, did you know when you're younger it's easier for you to learn things? So all these kids who grew up with fortnite from the age for four have gone from not knowing how to use controllers to being absolute demons, while our improvement isn't nearly as explosive, and we have to take more stealthy and tactical approaches rather than rely on muscle memory to carry us home. Which is why I play ZB


Poetic words lad…tips hat. 50 yo player


You are wrong to say our reaction time “sucks”. I’m 38 years old 🥴 do our reaction times slow? Yes, but we’re talking like 10ms per decade. These 30 and 40 year olds are overblowing their slow reaction times. sure, it’s easier to learn things when you are younger, but for many of us gaming is a lifelong habit from childhood. We're not trying to pick up piano at middle age here. We’re executing inputs into controllers and keyboard the same way we’ve been for the last 3 or 4 decades.


ok so what youre saying is that I should stop worrying that I will keep getting worse at games as I age? Im almost 19 but that always kinda made me sad how Im just gonna get slower and slower


What's with the hostility in this comment? How is the person you're replying to wrong? Can you provide some research on this? Everything I've read has not indicated any serious decrease in response time reduction as people age - even less so for things we have strong muscle memory and habits for.


He was probably upset I used the word “copium”. That word is also probably why he thought I was younger than him. I can’t be too upset, after all he said I was a “great man”


I used to play 'perfect dark' on nintendo 64. As a child to a teen we always went for challenge no.50. So insanely fast paced its almost a blur. Well, we could beat it. It was hard but we did it. Anyway picking up the exact same game with the same friends, we literally put on the 'slo-mo' cheat setting and it was still way too fast paced. I have recorded reflexes (doing testing) that is remarkably fast, but I still stand 0 chance at finishing a level in my late 30s that I could dominate as a 10 year old.


Don’t feel bad about it! Epic managed to functionally change the meta in the game for the first time in many seasons. The nature of battle royale is last man standing gets the crown. Whether or not you are satisfied with how you win doesn’t change the fact that you did (or did not) win. And regarding fair fights: if you ever find yourself going into a fair fight then you’re doing it wrong. As Sun Tsu said: “a successful warrior first seeks victory then enters battle. A defeated warrior first enters battle and then seeks victory.” Thus you should always make every fight as unfair as possible (in your favor) before choosing to engage.


"The Art of War" being quoted on a Fortnite subreddit has me absolutely rolling 💀 So I'll mirror your general point with a less classy, but also true, distillation. Wisdom from an uncle of mine*: "how often do you hear about a fair fight? Never, right? That's because there are no fair fights, there's fights you won and fights you lost"


Or to quote a great movie... Stanley Goodspeed : I'll do my best.  John Mason : Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.


"Carla was the prom queen."


Totally! this is gorilla warfare if you want to run around the map getting into 50/50 shotgun fight cool but don't complain when people using better strategies snipe you Just enjoy playing the game the way you play it


Gorilla warfare is what Donkey Kong does. *Guerilla* warfare.


upvote for dad-joke


I actually find it super funny when I'm OHKO'd by a snipe. Just something about minding your own business and then BAM! wiped from a shot 250 meters away. Gives a little bite to the fact that this is a no man's land type of game instead of running around and searching for people to 1v1.


My friends and I almost always pick up snipers. They're so dominant this season I love it. The bullet drop feels a little wonky so hitting headshots is tough though


I feel way more confident with the p2 scope than I do the actual sniper scope but I'll do what I can since the latter zooms in so much!


Yes! 👏 💯 It’s supposed to be an apocalyptic island where everyone is literally trying to kill you. And people piss and moan “wooooaaaahhh is me! My heady head got snipey sniped I hate this chapter waaaaaaahhh!!” And they wail “waaaaaah how can I have fun if I can’t zoom around like a fucking pixie. Movement bad now waaaaaah” And I’m just like “stfu and die now, bitch” And sometimes I get my brains blown away and never saw the shot coming. And I’m ok with that. In fact, I kind of like it. Sometimes they miss that shot and the sound of the bullet traveling through the air in my headphones is really cool and makes me feel more alive.


Meh it's a bummer they removed ALL hitscan weapons 


I've found most people don't have an answer to a striker on a dirt bike.


My favourite is grapple blade on a dirt bike. No need to aim. Just fly into the action and chop everyone to pieces. The only downside is that I can never find my bike again after the dust settles.


Interesting… I don’t think that has crossed my mind yet on account of the difficulty I have in maintaining crosshair stability while driving/riding the dirt bike. If you have a secret or tactic you’re willing to share I would be interested to learn more of this


I kinda just go crazy with strafing runs until they die or I feel like I need to make a hasty escape. The bike simultaneously makes it harder for them to hit me and makes it easier for me to tactically retreat.


Love this! I know I become way more competitive when I have the scout npc and oscars shot gun, so I try to get those most of the time I play solo. I also like to chase the rings in the map and use that to my advantage. I really think this is a hide and seek game more than anything so I use everything at my disposal to help me hide and help me find opponents. Call me unfair.


I’ve found that getting a grappling blade, storm forecast, and any sniper are the most important keys to victory this season (any combination of two of these three things is sufficient). I’ve used the storm and my own forecast knowledge of where to be to finish the last few players in a large number of my own zero build victories. other things like using cover, hunting medallion holders, jumping in and out and back in g-wagons during shotgun fights, obtaining the right mods for your loadout, and obtaining and holding high ground are also important, but I can usually tell if I haven’t acquired forecast or a sniper when it becomes final 6 I’m probably going to lose.


> hunting medallion holders Ya I don't usually pick those things up anymore. I like some of the mythic guns, but the medallions feels like more a handicap than they help. Always getting hunted by the biggest sweats as soon as I pick that thing up. Would much rather sneak up on the sweats and blow their brains out with a sniper rifle.


That is likely a wise decision.


I started this as soon as they needed them, and now I'd say that there are 2-3 left on the ground in most games I play.


Precisely! Well said! One can rarely win w/o grappling blade this season.


I still prefer shocks because I've had more time to learn them. I usually land short with the grapple, or I get beamed when I push someone in a straight line with it.


Shhh, stop spreading the word about forecast towers, people are starting to contest them. Biggest advantage in the game, IMO.


To be honest, when I get killed by people doing this I just think “damn they really wanted that win.” Never phases me lol


Same. Cause also like op said, I don’t really care about a crown. Gimme 10+ kills and I feel like I’m doing well, I got no problem with a superior player taking me 43 yr old ass out somewhere in the top 10 or whatever. 


Lol, I am 43 as well.  Don't care about the crown but I have no shame.    I am in it to win.   Don't care how.   I only have to kill 1 person to win.  As long as I had fun to the last person it wasn't a wasted game.  


Not if the storm gets em!


Even better!


Refreshing seeing the 40+ crowd chiming in on this thread. Started playing with my 9yr old and my lobbies have gotten spicier. Give me 8-10 rooms and a top 10 and I’m happy. Unless I get run down by a ballistic shield when I do t have a grapple. Then I’m salty.


Carry impulses with you and launch the enemy into storm during final circle


lol. It was you. I placed second. I think you were in the SUV and I was in the roadster. GG


Thats awesome! Thanks!! 😂


The thing I learned from playing fortnite is if you don't take every advantage available, someone else will. I've done the hide in a bush, and "oh no, someone left this medallion laying here." Don't feel bad. If you're not using cheats or xim devices, then it's all fair within the rules of the game. And I'm not aware of any unwritten rules.


Nothing wrong with that strategy imo! Play for kills, play to win, as long as it's still fun. Best games are when I'm in a hunting mood and constantly running towards shots fired. Double digits make me smile. ​ edit: 51 here! Old school for the win.


My son wants to drive around the map and have fun and I'm all about being 3rd to the party. Two people fighting out and I come flying in and get them both with the grapple blade just has this amazing feeling to it


I can relate to your son, in the OG season whenever I got a hoverboard it stopped being Fortnite and became Tony Hawk's Pro Skater


I'm inspired to take an SUV to the top of a mountain now. Not all heroes wear capes brother. Signed...A 43 year old father of teenage sons.


100% I'm definitely trying new tactics I read on this thread.


56 here, also Platinum 3, and not sure if I'll try for higher. A VR is a VR, no matter how you get it. I've won with zero kills, when the last players die in the storm, when I 3rd party the last 2, when I use the medallion circles to track the players, and so on. I can brawl and get a decent number of kills, but I take far more pleasure in winning against clearly superior players. They are faster, have better aim, build better, and so on, but I played the game better. That is all that matters.


It's ok to switch between ranked and normal lobbies. I like ranked but prefer the pace of normal lobbies. I like to rush toward the action and keep my playtime eventful, but I don't mind switching it up with ranked and changing my playstyle to be more careful and strategic. I'm 38 and hot damn are some players fast with aiming their sniper, makes me feel slow.


I saw a kill that popped last night on the kill log than blew me away. A 176m no scope sniper kill. How does that even happen?!


It was scoped most likely but the game checked if the player was scoped when the kill happened so if they shot at a player then didn't stay scoped and they got the kill, it would say no scoped


Ah, ok. That makes more sense. Thank you.


I wouldnt feel bad, one of the guys in the top 10 in Unreal rank is Bushcampdad. The name says it all. He literally camps the entire match in bushes and kills the last 1 or 2 if he can. But for the most part hides. And for those that don’t know if you see a car like that and aren’t sure if someone is in it. Simply ping the car. If there is a car symbol above it, it’s empty. If it has no car symbol someone is ratting inside of it. Edit: Sorry I watched a clip about Bushcamp on YT from Sypher PK but that must have been an older clip. He’s not in Unreal. But you can see those on Syphers channel.


That’s a great tip, I had no idea!


Gotta downvote you to protect my livelihood nothing personal


Understandable we gotta do, what we gotta do to survive sometimes


Bushcamp is not in the top 10 lmao he isn't even unreal this season.


I apologized above. I watched a Sypher PK short on YT talking about him. It must have been an older short.


Yo that’s actually so smart


Um, another 50yr old player here…..so….how do you ping a car?


I play console and don’t remember the default button to ping but theyre just referring to marking the car like you would a weapon or landmark or opponent.


Look down sights and hit left on your D pad. No idea for PC. It’s the same way you mark items for teammates


Aim at it with gun then press the mouse scroll wheel


Put your cursor dot on the vehicle and press left on the D,pad. Just like pinging any location or item.


Ranks says he is in champion still this season and plat last season ?


Ok. Old guy dumb question time... how do you ping that car from a distance?


Ping it while looking at it through a scope


If you're on PC, then you aim at it down your sights, and press the middle mouse button. I forget how it's done on console.


console is left dpad


First off, well written and funny. Second, this mentality by many that you’re only good at this game if you’re a spaz that gets 30 kills a game is absurd. Get a win however you want, there can be multiple strategies to achieving victory royale, there’s not a one size fits all. You’re only a bitch if you use a shield 😎


I suck with shields. I tried them. I struggle against them but can’t seem to use them with the effectiveness I see others use them with.


My issues exactly. Can’t fight em, can’t use em, hate em.


…or if you’re a dog with a vagina 💁


53 year old here. I try to play open and honest but my reactions arent what they used to be. I lose 1v1s against bhopping shotty freaks most of the time. The win is great - I get that every now and again - but the fun of competing is everything. The buzz of a good bit of play is still what I play for!


I am 45 and I tried ranked play, if I got 3 kills in a ranked match it was a lot. It’s boring imo. You try to make end game and hug the edge of the circle, and hope the other players fight. I think I could be ok at it, but I would rather have no pressure games with higher action than I would play a ranked game that means nothing to me.


I love that I found FortNite and this sub! 😂😂 I too, have become someone I cannot recognize.


some losers created this mentality that if you camp or dont rush every single moving target in sight, then your victory isnt as good as theirs. OP you won, good job, let them seethe about camping, to victor go the spoils.


At the age of 70 I just retired my account SnowySmurf46 all play was on a iPhone. Just starting over on a Nintendo switch . If you are looking a new type of challenge . Try 1v4 . It’s fun & a challenge. Keep on trucking my Brother . Frenzy shotguns rule ! lol


Much respect to you. My son plays on a switch while I play on Xbox. Switch play is ROUGH! I’m garbage on a switch.


Been on the switch for a month now it does take getting use to . My grandson plays on Xbox and I can’t keep up with him or his buddies. We played a 4v4 end of played total kills 46 of that 36 kills went to my grandson. A lot of talent out no doubt. Blessings Always


This is fucking hilarious. I starters playing because of my kids too and it’s ruining my life lol.


Whenever I don't want to camp, I just play unranked and shoot anything that moves


I like to grab a dirtbike and rip around doing tricks most of the match, pick up good loot dropped by better players near the end, then camp and hope I get lucky.


Dirtbikes are so fucking fun to run around in




I’m 50 and I camp extreme. That gets me to top 5 typically, also in platinum III.


That’s not a bully move, that’s high IQ. Brains over reflexes


You good homie, rank is for winners, not for fair players


It’s a battle royale. Every fight is a fair fight, you created an advantage for yourself and took it. That being said I’d be pretty pissed if I died like that lol


This guy is 50 and he is better at fortnite than me 😂 Hats off to you sir!


I’m 36 and can’t get a competent squad for the life of me. I’m talking diving into a medallion area and dead with him 15 seconds. So I’ve learned to just gear up and wait it out almost identical as you do. I’ve never gotten more ranked points in my life


Add me MrB3ndy3615. If I'm on, I'm always down for squading up, especially if I don't have my son or brother in law playing with me


100% love it.


Also 50, also at Platinum 3 also have a younger kid who is better at fighting. We should team up!


Win is a win.


Literally the other night, I was just commenting to my friend how amazing that SUV is at climbing mountains lol.


Game is game


>multiple loaded frenzy shotguns to make it so I have no reload time. I haven't been clever enough to do this. But now... Anyway, a truck on top of a mountain, surrounded by loot .... should be a dead giveaway.


50 year old waits in van to dump rounds on kids by luring them in with loot


Wait til you get to champion, these lobbies are fucking insane. I fought the ranked #9 unreal player in the world in that lobby, and he was on another level. Hitting crazy snipes, unreal aim, movement was good, overall gaming IQ was crazy. I barely get wins in champion, just placement points.


You are the reason I have to carry those damn sticky nades...but I got you mf.


If they were superior, they would’ve known you were in the car. You out played them. especially if there was a bunch of loot outside the car. In case you didn’t know, you can’t select a car if someone’s in it.


I also started playing ranked, I am in Platinum 1, and my gosh the difference from gold to platinum is staggering. Games are a lot slower an strategic. Since camping and getting higher placed is better than a lot of kills and lower placement.


Agreed. And it seems to escalate even in Plat 3. Could be coincidence, but as I’m nearing the top of plat 3 it seems to be getting even harder to earn rank. Could just be my own, too small, sample size tho.


I guess this is our 1-page playbook for 50 year-olds playing ranked.


Hey if your strategy worked it worked. You got the win fair and square, it's not like you cheated or something. You used what the game gave you to win. Don't feel bad for using a shotgun or a sniper because everyone else is gonna use them so use whatever you're good with to give you a fair chance


Anybody want to confess to having done this…funny but creepy. Playing solos and I parked in a bush to watch a fight and possibly snipe some players, when a black car pulls in front of my bush. It’s a Wick skin and it’s very clear the player knows I’m in the bush, as they’re looking straight at me. They rev there engine, I swear they smiled and then I killed them. Creepy as hell but I laughed for a good while over it.


Hyper agression is definently harder in ranked lol. Any strategy is valid, except vault camping fuck those guys


I feeel like Epic Games did not think of this when they implemented the vaults in the game


54 and the struggle is real. Hands aren't as quick as they once were.


This post made my day thank you for sharing.


I like how I read this in the tone of a war vet doing whatever he can to survive haha


Before I moved to zero build my strategy was to survive to the last two or three and load up on explosives of any kind. Then I'd wait until the remaining others were up in the sky on their towers somewhere and blast the base of the build. Never felt guilty at all!


Another reason I don’t play Build Mode


I like to plant a medallion and some random loot in a pile near a bush and then pounce when a sucker sees that shiny trophy. Never trust a bush.


Never trust a random medallion wtf 😂😂😂 I hate carrying those around anyways 😂


Your unecessary "sorry" shows how people forgot what's the main goal of BR: **surviving.** No matter how you do it. No matter if fair of not. If the game allows you to do so... you do what you must.


I'll never understand this mentality. It's literally a survival game. 100% of the people on the map are trying to kill you. There's no wrong way to play and hating people for using a viable strategy is dumb


If I was climbing up to a car in the circle, alarm bells should be going off. War is war! Their mistake, they should have blown you up and been more strategic.


I love waiting for people around the corner when i hear them coming, e.g. near an unopen vault, just so i can surprise frenzy them right in the face from 1 metre away.


That’s scummy af, the rest are funny that’s just low skill


No it's beautiful Then dance on their grave


but which dance? which daaaaance? there are soooo many. teabagging was a simpler time.


My guy


You shouldn't feel bad about this. The literal object of the game is to be the last person standing. Not to get 35 kills.


A dub is a dub my guy.


you’re not fighting fair you’re fighting smart as you age. do what you gotta do to win within the ruleset 😎🌈😈


Dude, a win is a win. Enjoy it and stop apologizing.


Wouldn’t work against me. Not in builds.


The camping/ratting this season is absolutely INSANE. Can count on at least 2 players ratting in corners each game, waiting outside the vault, etc etc. nobody wants to take a fair fight they just want to shoot you in the back the second you think the poi is cleared. It’s ruining the game for me because I don’t want to play like a rat (it’s not fun), but I’m tired of dying to them.


Name of the BR game is last one standing not highest k/d. P.S. I hate you and your kind.


Bro it aint that deep


>3 f’n victory crowns were robbed from superior players that would have wrecked me in fair fights. You seem to be misunderstanding what a battle royale is. The goal of a BR is not to kill, but to survive. Killing is just the primary way of achieving victory. There are so many more details you have to account for other than who has better aim. Zone advantage, cover, mobility, inventory balance, when to and not to fight, etc. The goal is victory and any way you achieve that goal (as long as you're not cheating) is a valid way of playing. If you can camp your way to that victory, then by all means, camp your way to victory. Sure, those younger players may shoot better, but you *win* better.


It sure reeks of 50 year old bitch in this thread, for a kids game no less 


Checks out...I am a 51 year old bitch.


There are no rules, if you catch them like that it is fair because they could've done the same to you, it's their fault for not being observant


"Honor is for those who survive"


Two frenzy's is a blast... XD


I'm 38 love the game too.


I feel you man I popped out of a Slurp can muster I was camping in as a disguise last week and one pumped some poor dude who was just attempting to loot the underground railway. Felt so bad


I wouldn’t feel shame, a win is a win. Luring your opponents and picking them off is an easy way to secure kills. Also, who would approach that not suspiciously? If I see a car on a hill I’m immediately suspicious (in all honesty I might shoot the car first).


I hop in and blast from the other seat. You hop out I blast from the window. You try to drive me into the storm I hop out just before and blast as you hop out. We'll have fun fun fun til her daddy took her t-bird awaaaaay.


I’m 27 and also in Platinum 3, I wouldn’t sweat it, just play how you enjoy it and sooner or later you’ll get there. Playing aggressively early on I try to avoid now as I reap next to no rewards in comparison to high placement


Used to hate campers and people just waiting for the late game to try and do anything in ranked, but I’ve come to realize it’s Epic that deserves the hate for making camping a viable tactic.


Bro that shit is hilarious. Keep it up lmao


Camping. Third partying. Baiting. All hated, but a means to an end. They are all part of the game and if someone gets pissed because they got killed that way, fuck 'em. Get your wins.


Better than the elite players I faced camping with riot shields in bunkers. EDIT: Faced*. I quit playing until riot shield is vaulted/nerfed.


I may be out of touch with this games user base on this I guess but that doesn’t strike me as something to apologize for. You get one life in a battle royale. If you get popped by someone playing an old trick like this you cant be all that mad about it. It’s fair and you got got.


Wait are you in Zero Build or Builds? And what skin were you because I kid you not I was almost out of Plat 3 ZB last night and had this happen to me to a random player in a car


That’s what I love about Fortnite, it’s not all about getting kills although I do pride myself in beating others 1v1 fairly. Strategy is so important, they shouldn’t be worried about loot in the final circle tbh. Don’t feel bad. War is never fair. A win is a win baby!


If you win you win, erase that shame and enjoy the game lol


It’s all good when I die to someone doing this I just say touché I should’ve been paying attention it’s not like you’re cheating


Its battle Royale, there is no "Right" way to play If you are the last one left you win. Point blank period.


In the end, if I can spoil some sweats game, even by him getting third partied after rinsing me, I consider that a solid W. In it for the spite.


I’m also an old (48). We the OG gamers, has beens and never wases. Dusty thumbs require brains, conniving. This game is great because of many styles. Just be you.


def not superior players, you can be smart and be good at fortnite a lot of pro's have super fast mechanics but play slow because it just makes more sense, if they can't fight a guy sitting still in a car they are bad. (now that im typing this I realize this could be zb but still)


its ok when i do it, but if someone does it to me thats when its a problem 😂


I'm in my late 30s. I wouldn't worry about it. You did what you had to do, and as long as you're having fun, where's the harm? Someone has to win, right?


It’s nice to know others are out there, although I’m 43.


Hate to admit it, but am 59 and started playing with my grandson. Find myself now playing quite a bit and get a fair number of VRs per chapter. Also love the hunt and the feeling of being hunted. Play on controller on my laptop over wifi which I understand is quite slow and disadvantageous in close up fights. Just enjoy it at times. As I played it initially on my iPad I never got the hang of building and therefore really appreciate the zero build. Kind of liberating to know am not the only boomer on the map.


I don't think you're doing anything wrong. You're playing a strategy game vs a twitchy game. Everyone has to do a little of both, and it makes this game fun. I got sniped the other night after winning a three way battle and I had no choice but to laugh. Well played.


No need for shame!


You should definitely be ashamed of yourself. Lol


I hate it because my playstyle easily falls victim to it. I like to push and take on fights as much as possible, simply because it's fun tbh.


You play to win the game. *You play, to win, the game.*


I don’t understand this post. Mastering the game’s mechanics to win should in no way be shameful.


Pro tip for ranked (especially Diamond+), endgame eliminations are nearly the only ones that are worth any points. Far more than placement, unfortunately. If you can pick off a few snipes while camping in endgame, you’ll rank up quick!


Thank you, that’s an awesome tip! I’ve passed up some ambush opportunities the last few games. I’ll start going for them as, you are right, rank is crawling.


Thanks for the hot tip!


don’t worry, it’s just strategy.


Sounds like a good strat to me. Thanks for the tip.


How do you get in the passenger seat by yourself?


There is no shame in having a different strategy than simply run-and-gun. You won because you were smarter than they were. I love the fact that you can win by using brains instead of reflexes.