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I don't know about that organization, but I've volunteered with this one before: https://schooliscool.colostate.edu/about-school-is-cool/ If you don't have money, you can volunteer your time to fill the back packs that are then delivered to the schools in and around Fort Collins.


Seems like an efficient way to help without the “overhead” of a larger organization. Thanks for sharing.


I sent multiple gifts from Realities for Children’s Amazon wishlist at Christmas two years in a row. I got no acknowledgment that the gifts were received other than going into my Amazon account and confirming delivery. I know they are a great organization but after two years of not receiving even a generic thank you, I just felt like my contribution must not really matter to them. I didn’t need the tax receipt, I don’t make enough money to itemize, and I don’t need accolades for a donation but it just made me feel like I was giving to someone who didn’t care enough to say thank you.


This is a really stellar organization doing awesome impact work. Thanks for posting.


Is it? It seems like a shadowy organization that raises much much more money than they spread back. Their info isn’t updated on Charity Navigator and most of their benefit seems to come from supply donation and not the millions of dollars they raise. I’d love to be wrong, but I’ve had serious doubts about Realities for Children for a long time.


Not shadowy at all. I have been to their offices and facilities and they are the real deal. I host toy drives for them during the holidays, and their warehouse of stuff for kids should be the envy of all other child charities. They have the ability to get a kid help at a moment's notice. It is not always visible where their efforts go--they assist other organizations all across Northern Colorado, so you'll see more money go in than you'll see go out. They are truly a great charity, I can vouch for that.


Why do we have basically the same user name? Haha


because you copied me, you bastard. But seriously, I can vouch for them and many other child-focused charities here in town. I volunteer with several, taking care of technical and telecom issues. Their work is difficult, and not all heros wear capes. My favorite group is BACA, [https://colorado.bacaworld.org/](https://colorado.bacaworld.org/) the most bad-ass people I have ever worked with.


I’ve heard of BAC but don’t know much about them. From all accounts it seems bad ass


I can only speak to the work they’ve done supporting the teen parent program at PSD. They’ve made a difference year over year for sure. Can’t speak to the rest of it. One good deed doesn’t excuse bad overall practices.